ABX00080 Datasheet
ABX00080 Datasheet
ABX00080 Datasheet
The Arduino UNO R4 Minima (from here on referred to as UNO R4 Minima) is the first UNO board to feature a 32-bit
microcontroller. It features a RA4M1 series microcontroller from Renesas (R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0), which embeds a
48 MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4 microprocessor. The UNO R4's memory is larger than its predecessors, with 256 kB
flash, 32 kB SRAM and 8 kB data memory (EEPROM).
The UNO R4 Minima board's operating voltage is 5 V, making it hardware compatible with UNO form factor
accessories with the same operating voltage. Shields designed for previous UNO revisions are therefore safe to use
with this board but are not guaranteed to be software compatible due to the change of microcontroller.
Target areas:
Maker, beginner, education
1 The Board 5
5 Microcontroller (R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0) 9
6 USB Connector 10
7 Digital Analog Converter (DAC) 10
8 Power Options 10
8.1 Power Tree 10
8.2 Pin Voltage 11
8.3 Pin Current 11
9 Pinout 12
9.1 Analog 13
9.2 Digital 13
9.3 ICSP 14
9.4 SWD/JTAG 14
10 Mounting Holes And Board Outline 15
11 Board Operation 15
18 Change Log 19
19 开发板
19.1 应用示例
19.2 相关产品
20 推荐操作条件
21 方框图
22 微控制器电路板拓扑结构
22.1 前视图
22.2 开发板背面视图
23 微控制器(R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0)
24 USB连接器
25 数字模拟转换器(DAC)
26 电源选项
26.1 电源树
26.2 引脚电压
26.3 引脚电流
27 引脚布局
27.1 模拟
27.2 数字信号
27.3 ICSP 30
27.4 SWD/JTAG 30
28 安装孔和开发板外形图
29 开发板操作
29.1 入门 - IDE
29.4 在线资源
29.5 板恢复
30 符合性声明CE DoC(欧盟)
32 冲突矿产声明
33 FCC 警告
34 公司信息
35 参考文档
36 变更日志
1 The Board
The UNO R4 Minima is the first UNO series 32-bit development board, being previously based on 8-bit AVR
microcontrollers. There are thousands of guides, tutorials and books written about the UNO board, where UNO R4
Minima continues its legacy.
The board features the standard 14 digital I/O ports, 6 analog channels, dedicated pins for I2C, SPI and UART
connections. Compared to its predecessors the board has a much larger memory: 8 times more flash memory (256
kB) and 16 times more SRAM (32 kB).
Entry level projects: If this is your first project within coding and electronics, the UNO R4 Minima is a good fit. It is
easy to get started with and has a lot of online documentation (both official + 3rd party).
Easy power management: the UNO R4 Minima has a barrel jack connector and supports input voltages from 6-24
V. This connector is widely popular and removes the need for additional circuitry required to step down the voltage.
Cross compatibility: the UNO form factor automatically makes it compatible with hundreds of existing third-party
shields and other accessories.
Functional Overview
3 Block Diagram
4 Board Topology
5 Microcontroller (R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0)
The UNO R4 Minima is based on the 32-bit RA4M1 series microcontroller, R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0, from Renesas,
which uses a 48 MHz Arm® Cortex®-M4 microprocessor with a floating point unit (FPU).
On the UNO R4 Minima, the operating voltage is fixed at 5 V to be fully retro compatible with shields, accessories &
circuits originally designed for older UNO revisions.
For more technical details on this microcontroller, visit Renesas - RA4M1 series.
6 USB Connector
The UNO R4 Minima has one USB-C® port, used to power and program your board as well as send & receive serial
Note: You should not power the board with more than 5 V via the USB-C® port.
8 Power Options
Power can either be supplied via the VIN pin, the barrel jack, or via USB-C® connector. If power is supplied via VIN,
the ISL854102FRZ buck converter steps the voltage down to 5 V.
The VUSB, barrel jack connector and VIN pins are connected to the ISL854102FRZ buck converter, with Schottky
diodes in place for reverse polarity & overvoltage protection respectively.
Power via USB supplies about ~4.7 V (due to Schottky drop) to the RA4M1 microcontroller.
The UNO R4 Minima operates on 5 V, as does all pins on this board except for the 3.3V pin. This pin draws power
from the VCC_USB pin on the R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0, and is not connected to the buck converter.
The GPIOs on the R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0 microcontroller can handle up to 8 mA. Never connect devices that draw
higher current directly to a GPIO.
In case you need to power external devices that require more power, e.g. servo motors, use an external power
Mechanical Information
9 Pinout
9.1 Analog
Pin Function Type Description
1 BOOT MD Mode selection
2 IOREF IOREF Reference for digital logic V - connected to 5 V
3 Reset Reset Reset
4 +3V3 Power +3V3 Power Rail
5 +5V Power +5V Power Rail
6 GND Power Ground
7 GND Power Ground
8 VIN Power Voltage Input
9 A0 Analog Analog input 0 / DAC
10 A1 Analog Analog input 1 / OPAMP+
11 A2 Analog Analog input 2 / OPAMP-
12 A3 Analog Analog input 3 / OPAMPOut
13 A4 Analog Analog input 4 / I²C Serial Datal (SDA)
14 A5 Analog Analog input 5 / I²C Serial Clock (SCL)
9.2 Digital
Pin Function Type Description
1 SCL Digital I²C Serial Clock (SCL)
2 SDA Digital I²C Serial Datal (SDA)
3 AREF Digital Analog Reference Voltage
4 GND Power Ground
5 D13/SCK Digital GPIO 13 / SPI Clock
6 D12/CIPO Digital GPIO 12 / SPI Controller In Peripheral Out
7 D11/COPI Digital GPIO 11 (PWM) / SPI Controller Out Peripheral In
8 D10/CS Digital GPIO 10 (PWM) / SPI Chip Select
9 D9 Digital GPIO 9 (PWM~)
10 D8 Digital GPIO 8
11 D7 Digital GPIO 7
12 D6 Digital GPIO 6 (PWM~)
13 D5/CANRX0 Digital GPIO 5 (PWM~) / CAN Transmitter (TX)
14 D4/CANTX0 Digital GPIO 4 / CAN Receiver (RX)
15 D3 Digital GPIO 3 (PWM~) / Interrupt Pin
16 D2 Digital GPIO 2 / Interrupt Pin
17 D1/TX0 Digital GPIO 1 / Serial 0 Transmitter (TX)
18 D0/TX0 Digital GPIO 0 / Serial 0 Receiver (RX)
9.3 ICSP
Pin Function Type Description
1 CIPO Internal Controller In Peripheral Out
2 +5V Internal Power Supply of 5 V
3 SCK Internal Serial Clock
4 COPI Internal Controller Out Peripheral In
5 RESET Internal Reset
6 GND Internal Ground
Pin Function Type Description
1 +5V Internal Power Supply of 5 V
2 SWDIO Internal Data I/O pin
3 GND Internal Ground
4 SWCLK Internal Clock Pin
5 GND Internal Ground
6 NC Internal Not connected
7 RX Internal Serial Receiver
8 TX Internal Serial Transmitter
9 GND Internal Ground
10 NC Internal Not connected
11 Board Operation
If you want to program your UNO R4 Minima while offline you need to install the Arduino® Desktop IDE [1]. To
connect the UNO R4 Minima to your computer, you will need a Type-C® USB cable, which can also provide power to
the board, as indicated by the LED (DL1).
All Arduino boards, including this one, work out-of-the-box on the Arduino Web Editor [2], by just installing a simple
The Arduino Web Editor is hosted online, therefore it will always be up-to-date with the latest features and support
for all boards. Follow [3] to start coding on the browser and upload sketches onto your board.
All Arduino IoT enabled products are supported on Arduino Cloud which allows you to log, graph and analyze
sensor data, trigger events, and automate your home or business.
Now that you have gone through the basics of what you can do with the board you can explore the endless
possibilities it provides by checking exciting projects on Arduino Project Hub [4], the Arduino Library Reference [5],
and the online store [6]; where you will be able to complement your board with sensors, actuators and more.
All Arduino boards have a built-in bootloader which allows flashing the board via USB. In case a sketch locks up the
processor and the board is not reachable anymore via USB, it is possible to enter bootloader mode by double-
tapping the reset button right after the power-up.
Arduino Boards are fully compliant with the related requirements of European Union Regulation (EC) 1907 /2006
concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). We declare none of the
SVHCs ([<https://echa.europa.eu/web/guest/candidate-list-table](<https://echa.europa.eu/web/guest/candidate-list-
table)), the Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for authorization currently released by ECHA, is
present in all products (and also package) in quantities totaling in a concentration equal or above 0.1%. To the best
of our knowledge, we also declare that our products do not contain any of the substances listed on the
"Authorization List" (Annex XIV of the REACH regulations) and Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) in any
significant amounts as specified by the Annex XVII of Candidate list published by ECHA (European Chemical Agency)
1907 /2006/EC.
15 FCC Caution
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
1. This Transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
2. This equipment complies with RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
3. This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator &
your body.
English: User manuals for licence-exempt radio apparatus shall contain the following or equivalent notice in a
conspicuous location in the user manual or alternatively on the device or both. This device complies with Industry
Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the
French: Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible
d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
IC SAR Warning:
English This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator
and your body.
French: Lors de l’ installation et de l’ exploitation de ce dispositif, la distance entre le radiateur et le corps est d ’au
moins 20 cm.
Important: The operating temperature of the EUT can’t exceed 85 ℃ and shouldn’t be lower than -40 ℃.
Hereby, Arduino S.r.l. declares that this product is in compliance with essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 201453/EU. This product is allowed to be used in all EU member states.
16 Company Information
Company name Arduino SRL
Company Address Via Andrea Appiani, 25 - 20900 MONZA (Italy)
17 Reference Documentation
Ref Link
Arduino IDE (Desktop) https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software
Arduino IDE (Cloud) https://create.arduino.cc/editor
Cloud IDE Getting https://docs.arduino.cc/cloud/web-editor/tutorials/getting-started/getting-started-web-
Started editor
Arduino Project Hub https://create.arduino.cc/projecthub?by=part&part_id=11332&sort=trending
Library Reference https://github.com/arduino-libraries/
Online Store https://store.arduino.cc/
18 Change Log
Date Revision Changes
25/07/2023 2 Update Pin Table
06/19/2023 1 First Release
中文 (ZH)
(以下简称UNO R4 Minima)是第一款采用32位微控制器的UNO板。它采用了瑞萨电子
Arduino UNO R4 Minima
(Renesas)(R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0)的RA4M1系列微控制器,内嵌了48 MHz的Arm® Cortex®-M4微处理器。UNO
R4的内存比上一代更大,有256 kB的闪存,32 kB的SRAM和8 kB的数据存储器(EEPROM)。
USB 2.0全速模块(USBFS)
推荐输入电压(VIN)为6-24 V
5 V 工作电压
通过USB-C®以5 V供电
1x UART(引脚D0,D1)
1x SPI(引脚D10-D13,ICSP头)
1x I2C(引脚A4,A5,SDA,SCL)
1x CAN(引脚D4,D5,需要外部收发器)
19 开发板
19.1 应用示例
UNO R4 Minima是第一款UNO系列32位开发板,之前基于8位AVR微控制器。关于UNO板,有数千篇指南、教程和书籍,
UNO R4 Minima继承了它的传统。
存:闪存增加了8倍(256 kB),SRAM增加了16倍(32 kB)。
入门级项目: 如果这是你在编码和电子领域的第一个项目,UNO R4 Minima是一个很好的选择。它易于入门,并且有很多
在线文档 (包括官方文档和第三方文档)。
简单的电源管理: UNO R4 Minima有一个桶形插座连接器,支持6-24 V的输入电压。这种连接器非常流行,可以去除降低
跨平台兼容性: UNO的外形尺寸自动使其与数百种现有的第三方扩展板和其他配件兼容。
19.2 相关产品
20 推荐操作条件
符号 描述 最低 典型 最低 单位
VIN 输入电压来自VIN接线柱/DC插孔 6 7.0 24 V
VUSB 从USB连接器输入电压 4.8 5.0 5.5 V
TOP 操作温度 -40 25 85 °C
21 方框图
22 微控制器电路板拓扑结构
22.1 前视图
22.2 开发板背面视图
23 微控制器(R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0)
UNO R4 Minima基于来自瑞萨的32位RA4M1系列微控制器R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0,该微控制器采用48 MHz Arm®
Cortex®-M4微处理器和浮点单元 (FPU)。
在UNO R4 Minima上,工作电压固定为5V,以便与旧版UNO设计的扩展板、配件和电路完全兼容。
24 USB 连接器
UNO R4 Minima
25 数字模拟转换器(DAC)
UNO R4 Minima 具有连接到A0模拟引脚的DAC,分辨率高达12位。DAC用于将数字信号转换为模拟信号。
26 电源选项
通过USB供电,RA4M1微控制器的电压约为~4.7 V(由于肖特基压降)。
26.1 电源树
26.2 引脚电压
UNO R4 Minima在5V上运行,除了3.3V引脚以外,该板上的所有引脚都是5V。该引脚从R7FA4M1AB3CFM#AA0的
VCC_USB 引脚获取电源,并未连接到降压转换器。
26.3 引脚电流
微控制器上的GPIO可以处理高达8 mA的电流。请勿直接连接需要更高电流的设备到GPIO。
27 引脚布局
27.1 模拟
引脚 功能 类型 描述
1 BOOT MD 模式选择
2 IOREF IOREF 数字逻辑 V 的参考 - 连接到 5 V
3 Reset 重置 重置
4 +3V3 电源 +3V3电源线
5 +5V 电源 +5V电源线
6 GND 电源 接地
7 GND 电源 接地
8 VIN 电源 电压输入
9 A0 模拟 模拟输入0 / DAC
10 A1 模拟 模拟输入1 / OPAMP+
11 A2 模拟 模拟输入2 / OPAMP-
12 A3 模拟 模拟输入3 / OPAMPOut
13 A4 模拟 模拟输入4 / I2C串行数据(SDA)
14 A5 模拟 模拟输入5 / I2C串行时钟(SCL)
27.2 数字信号
引脚 功能 类型 描述
1 SCL 数字信号 I2C串行时钟(SCL)
2 SDA 数字信号 I2C串行数据线(SDA)
3 AREF 数字信号 模拟参考电压
4 GND 电源 接地
5 D13/SCK 数字信号 GPIO 13 / SPI时钟
6 D12/CIPO 数字信号 GPIO 12 / SPI控制器在外设输出
7 D11/COPI 数字信号 GPIO 11(PWM)/ SPI控制器输出外设输入
8 D10/CS 数字信号 GPIO 10(PWM)/ SPI芯片选择
9 D9 数字信号 GPIO 9 (PWM~)
10 D8 数字信号 GPIO 8
11 D7 数字信号 GPIO 7
12 D6 数字信号 GPIO 6(PWM~)
13 D5/CANRX0 数字信号 GPIO 5(PWM~)/ CAN 发射器(TX)
14 D4/CANTX0 数字信号 GPIO 4 / CAN接收器(RX)
15 D3 数字信号 GPIO 3(PWM〜)/ 中断引脚
16 D2 数字信号 GPIO 2 / 中断引脚
17 D1/TX0 数字信号 GPIO 1 / 串行 0 发射器 (TX)
18 D0/TX0 数字信号 GPIO 0 / Serial 0 接收器 (RX)
27.3 ICSP
引脚 功能 类型 描述
1 CIPO 内部功能 控制器在外设中
2 +5V 内部功能 5 V的电源
3 SCK 内部功能 串行时钟
4 COPI 内部功能 控制器输出 外设输入
5 RESET 内部功能 重置
6 GND 内部功能 接地
引脚 功能 类型 描述
1 +5V 内部功能 5 V的电源
2 SWDIO 内部功能 数据输入/输出引脚
3 GND 内部功能 接地
4 SWCLK 内部功能 时钟引脚
5 GND 内部功能 接地
6 NC 内部功能 未连接
7 RX 内部功能 串行接收器
8 TX 内部功能 串行发射器
9 GND 内部功能 接地
10 NC 内部功能 未连接
28 安装孔和开发板外形图
29 开发板操作
29.1 入门 - IDE
如果您想在离线状态下编程UNO R4 Minima,您需要安装Arduino® Desktop IDE1。要将UNO R4 Minima连接到您的计
算机,您需要一根Type-C® USB电缆,它也可以为板子提供电源,如LED(DL1)所示。
30 符合性声明CE DoC(欧盟)
物质 最大限制(ppm)
铅 (Pb) 1000
镉 (Cd) 100
水星(Hg) 1000
六价铬(Cr6+) 1000
多溴联苯醚(PBB) 1000
多溴联苯醚(PBDE) 1000
邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己基)酯(DEHP) 1000
苯基丁酸酯(BBP) 1000
邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP) 1000
邻苯二甲酸二异丁酯(DIBP) 1000
32 冲突矿产声明
33 FCC 警告
(1) 此设备可能不会造成有害干扰
(2) 此设备必须接受任何干扰,包括可能导致不良操作的干扰。
FCC RF辐射暴露声明
1. 此发射器不得与任何其他天线或发射器共同放置或操作。
2. 此设备符合为无控制环境设定的射频辐射暴露限制。
3. 这个设备应该安装和操作时,散热器与您的身体之间应保持至少20厘米的距离。
(1) 此设备可能不会引起干扰
(2) 本设备必须接受任何干扰,包括可能导致设备不正常运行的干扰。
French: Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de
licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :
(2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible
d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.
IC SAR 警告:
English This equipment should be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator
and your body.
French: Lors de l’ installation et de l’ exploitation de ce dispositif, la distance entre le radiateur et le corps est d ’au
moins 20 cm.
重要: EUT的工作温度不能超过85°C,也不能低于-40°C。
Arduino S.r.l.特此声明,该产品符合201453/EU指令的基本要求和其他相关规定。该产品允许在所有欧盟成员国使用。
34 公司信息
公司名称 Arduino SRL
公司地址 Via Andrea Appiani, 25 - 20900 MONZA (意大利)
35 参考文档
参考资料 链接
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE (Cloud) https://create.arduino.cc/editor
36 变更日志
日期 修订 改变
25/07/2023 2 更新Pin表
06/19/2023 1 首次发布