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Arduino Nixie Clock "Classic Rev4 and Rev5" "All in One": Operating Instructions Firmware V52

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Arduino Nixie Clock

“Classic Rev4 and Rev5”

“All In One”

Operating Instructions
Firmware V52
Supported Models:

“Classic Rev4” “Classic Rev5”


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About this document
This is the user instruction manual for the Nixie Clocks shown on the first page

• Classic Revision 4
• Classic Revision 5
• All-In-One

All of these clocks use the same firmware.

If you want to have the construction manual to guide you through the process of building the clock, please
find the appropriate manual at:


There should have been an exact link to the clock manuals on the packing skip you received in the package.

Contact Information
If you want to get in contact with us, please email to:


We'll usually get back to you right away. We can help you with kits or construction.

We also offer discounts for direct purchases, we save the Ebay fees, and share this with you.


There is also a forum for the clocks, where you can find many answers to questions and contact others who
are also using the clocks at:


Which should redirect you to the much longer:


The firmware is open source and you can install new versions on the clock if you wish, or even change the
firmware to suit you own tastes or needs.

The source code is available on GitHub at the address:


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The Arduino Nixie Clock is a beautiful mix of old and new, resulting in a high accuracy, low power clock which
will be a talking point in your home.

The clock has the following features:

• Latest technology, highly reliable and accurate.
• Tried and tested design, with many hundreds of clocks sold.
• Based on the Arduino micro-controller: Easy to program an well documented.
• Open source! Nothing is hidden in this clock. (You may modify and load the software).
• Low power consumption.
• Long tube life: Anti Cathode Poisoning (ACP) and configurable blanking makes sure that the tubes
will stay healthy for many years with no intervention from you.
• The multiplexed display and automatic dimming used in this design extends the life of the tubes
indefinitely. Some other designs run the tubes too “hard”, and this causes a rapid degradation in the
useful life of the tube.
• All settings are stored in non-volatile memory. Once they are set, they are remembered forever, or
until you change them again.
• RGB back lighting allows you to set the the color of the back lighting to practically any color you
• Ambient light sensing, with automatic tube dimming, which sets the tube and LED brightness
according to the light conditions. This also increases tube life.
• Absolutely silent operation. Some Nixie clocks emit an irritating “buzz” or “hiss” which is especially
annoying if you keep the clock in a bedroom.
• Automatic week day or weekend blanking, extends the life of tubes even further
• Automatic time of day blanking, can blank between a start hour and an end hour, on week days,
weekends or every day
• Configurable suppression of Anti Cathode Poisoning when the clock is fully dimmed. In the middle of
the night, all the digits lighting up at full brightness could be disturbing. You can choose to stop ACP
when the clock is fully dimmed
• The High Voltage Generator auto-calibrates itself to match your tubes and power supply, meaning
that the power consumption is the lowest possible. (Usually 2W when fully bright, 0.4W when
• Highly accurate when using RTC module:
• Battery backed, temperature compensated, high accuracy clock. The accuracy is Accuracy
±2ppm from 0°C to +40°C. (Maximum 1 minute per year).
• The battery life should be 3 years in normal use.
• Retains the date and time even when turned off (not just for a few minutes, but for as long as
the battery lasts)
• Leap Year Compensation Valid Up to the year 2100
• Extremely accurate when using the optional Wifi module:
• The time never drifts, is always right to within 1 second.
• Automatically compensates for Daylight Savings Time changes, leap years and seconds.
• It is possible to use the RTC and the WiFi module together. In this case, the WiFi module will be
used when it is available, otherwise the RTC module will be used. The RTC automatically gets set to
the right time when the WiFi module is available.
• The controller can be programmed without removing it from the board, due to the ICSP port on the
board (“Classic” clock).

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The voltages produced in the High Voltage circuit can reach peaks of 400V! Take precautions not to
electrocute yourself! If you are not sure what this means, please do not use this clock and return it for a full

A shock from the clock high voltage circuit is at least a nasty bite. At worst it can kill you.

We decline any responsibility in the case of injury or death. You must be qualified to use this clock, it is not
intended for anyone unqualified.

REPEAT: If you are not sure what this means, do not use the clock!

The clock has different modes of operation, which you select using the pushbutton.

First Start and calibration

When you start the clock up th very first time, it will start in “First Start Mode”. This mode is intended to
simplify the set up of the hardware. It cycles through the digits “0” - “9” and drives the High Voltage
Generator with a basic setting which does no dimming.

To EXIT First Start Mode, press the pushbutton when the display shows “88:88:88”, and
the clock will enter calibration mode!

The clock will display “88:88:88” for several seconds. This is for the calibration of the High Voltage
Generator to match the power adapter you have attached. During this time you might hear some faint
crackling noises from the generator. This is normal.
After finishing the calibration, the version number ( “00:47:07” ) will be displayed for about a second. The
clock will then go into normal operating mode.

You will use this function when you are building the High Voltage circuit.

For a video of the startup process, please see:


Once you have exited First Start Mode, it will not enter it again until you do a factory reset (See below).

Clock Mode

After the first start, each time you start up the unit, the clock will go into normal clock mode and will display
the time. In normal clock mode, the time will be displayed.

Every 10 minutes (at “xx:x9:15” , the clock will do “Anti-Cathode Poisoning”, which will cycle all the digits for
about 15 seconds.

This is not an error! It is important to keep the tubes healthy in the long term.

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Time Providers
The clocks can use either a battery backed RTC module or a WiFi module. If you install both, the RTC will be
used only when the WiFi unit is not available!

Real Time Clock

By default, the clock comes with a Real Time Clock (RTC) module which provides a battery backed time
source that remembers the time even when the clock is not powered up.

WiFi Time Providers

More up to date is a WiFi real time provider, which logs into your home WiFi network and periodically
retrieves the time from Internet time sources. These are accurate to 1 second, and auto adjust for Daylight
Savings Time. You configure once, and then the module remembers the configuration forever.

Additionally, the WiFi time module gives you a easy to configure interface, which you can use to set up the
clock using a tablet, phone or computer.

Normally the clock is in “Time Display Mode”, which will show the time. If you press the button for differing
lengths, different things will happen.

“Short Press” (less than 1 second): A temporary display will be shown for 5 seconds. This is useful if you
want to know the date, for example. The options here are given in the section “Temporary Display Mode”

“Medium Press” (more than 1 second): The clock will go into “Setting Mode” to allow you to change
settings. If you have the WiFi module, you can change settings using a browser.

“Long Press” (more than 8 seconds): The clock will go into “Tube healing mode”. Read the section on
“Tube healing Mode” before using this mode. This mode can damage your tubes if you don’t use it

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Temporary Display Mode
Normally, the clock will show the time. To show additional information press the button with a “short” press.
Each press cycles through the following information. After 5 seconds, the display will revert to the normal
time display.

Mode Description Values

Date Date. The current date will be shown in the date format you selected. Example
Temp Temperature / Time Provider Module status. “TT:tt:SS”

SS (the seconds digits) can have 4 values: Example:

“10”: The clock does not have a time provider installed, and is working “22:25:13”
off the internal time source. (Not accurate)
“11”: The clock has an RTC time source installed. Means
“12”: The clock has a WiFi time source installed. “22.25 Degrees
“13”: The clock has a WiFi and an RTC time source installed
WiFi and RTC
In modes “11” and “13” the digits “TT:tt” (hours and minutes) will show installed”
the temperature, to the nearest ¼ degree, where “TT” is whole degrees,
and “tt” is fractional degrees. In modes “10” and “12” the temperature is
shown as “00:00”.

The temperature shown is the current temperature inside the clock

casein degrees Celsius. If this goes above 40, you should consider
ventilating the case, because the temperature compensation is not able
to work at such high voltages, and the clock life may be reduced.
LDR Ambient Light Reading. This shows the current ambient light Example
reading from the LDR (light dependent resistor). It is a normalized value, “01:00:--”
and goes between 100 (dark) to 999 (bright). This controls the dimming
of the tubes. 100: darkest
999: brightest
Version Display the version number. The format will be :”VV vv 07”, where major Example
version is “VV”, minor version is “vv” and the “21” is the id for the version “03:51:--”
IP Address If you have the WiFi module connected, this will show the first two digits Example:
part 1 of the 4 digit IP address. Usually this address starts with “192.168”. “19:21:68”

Note: The IP address is skipped if you do not have the WiFi module = “192.168”
IP Address If you have the WiFi module connected, this will show the last two digits Example:
part 2 of the 4 digit IP address. Put this together with the value shown in IP “00:11:06”
Address part 1 to give the full address.
= “001.106”
You can enter the whole value into your browser to connect to the
module. You must remove any leading “0” from the value. If you receive
“”, you must enter this as “” into your
browser address bar.

Mux Speed This shows the number of impressions per second, which is the refresh Example:
rate of the display. It varies a little based on the exact workload, but is “01:02:--”
usually about 100 impressions per second.

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Setting Mode
To enter setting mode, press the button for more than 1 second (“medium press”). The “RGB back light”
LEDs will start to flash white. The number of consecutive flashes indicates the mode you are in.

Each medium press of more than 1 second will move the setting mode onto the next. When you finish the
setting modes, the clock returns to normal time display mode.

To exit the setting mode before going through all the options, press the button for more than 2 seconds
(“long press”). The “RGB back light” LEDs will return back to their normal operation. Another way of exiting is
to cycle through all of the setting options, after which you will return to time mode.

To change a setting, press the button for less than one second, and then release it (“short press”).

Mode Description Values

Time mode. This is the normal mode and displays the time. It is
the normal start up mode of the clock. If you do nothing. The clock is
in this mode.

In this mode a short press cycles through the values given in “Time
Display Mode”, but always returns to the standard time display after
5 seconds.
Time and Date Settings
Note that the Time and Date settings will not be shown if the WiFi module is active!
Set Hours. Each short press will advance the hour. The hours roll
over back to zero after reaching 12 or 24 (depending on the 12/24
hours mode).
Set minutes. Each short press will advance the minute. The
minutes roll over back to 0 ffter reaching 59 minutes. Each time you
set the minute, the seconds is reset to 0.
Reset seconds. Each short press will reset the seconds to 0,
without changing the hours or minutes.
Set Day. Each short press will advance the day. The day roll over
back to one after reaching the maximum number of days in the
Set Month. Each short press will advance the month. The month
roll over back to zero after reaching 12.
Set Year. Each short press will advance the year. The year roll over
back to 2015 after reaching 2099.

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Mode Description Values

Basic Settings
“--:--:00” 12 or 24 hour time. The hours are displayed in 12 or 24 hour “1” = 12 hour
flashing mode. “0” = 24 hour
default: 0
“--:--:01” Blank leading “0”. Blank out the leading “0” from single digit “1” = blank
flashing hours. “0” = don't blank
default: 0
“--:--:02” Scroll back. Use the scroll back (rapid count down) effect when “1” = enable
flashing changing from “9” to “0”. “0” = disable
default: 1
“--:--:03” Fade. Use cross digit fading. “1” = enable
flashing “0” = disable
default: 1
“--:--:04” Date format. Set the format that the date is displayed in. “0” = YY.MM.DD
flashing “1” = MM.DD.YY
“2” = DD.MM.YY
default: 2
“--:--:05” Display blanking. To preserve the tubes, you can set the display “0” = Don't blank
flashing to be blanked. “1” = Weekends
“2” = Week days
Options: “3” = Always
• “0” = “never”: Don’t use blanking. “4” = Hours
• “1” = “Weekends”: Blank at weekends. “5” = H or weekends
• “2” = “Week days”: Blank on week days. “6” = H or week days
• “3” = “Always”: Always use blanking. “7” = H on weekends
• “4” = “Hours”: Blanks between the start and end hour every
day. “8” = H on week days
• “5” = “Hours or weekends”: This blanks all day during the default: 0
weekends and between the start and end hour every other
• “6” = “Hours or week days”: This blanks all day during the
week days and between the start and end hour every other
• “7” = “Hours on weekends”: This blanks between the start
and end hour on weekends.
• “8” = “Hours on week days”: This blanks between the start
and end hour on week days.
“--:--:06” Blanking Hour Start. Hour blanking will start at this hour, on the Default: 00
flashing days set by the Display Blanking Mode. If the display blanking mode
does not use hours, this setting is not shown.
“--:--:07” Blanking Hour End. Hour blanking will end at this hour, on the Default: 07
flashing days set by the Display Blanking Mode. If the display blanking mode
does not use hours, this setting is not shown.
“--:--:08” Anti Cathode Poisoning night suppression. The ACP which “1” = don't do ACP
flashing runs during the night lights the digits up at full brightness, and some when dimmed
people might find this disturbing. Using this setting, you can stop “0” = do ACP always
ACP happening when the display is fully dimmed (e.g. at night). default: 0

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Mode Description Values

Special Effects Settings

“--:--:09” Use LDR. If you disable the LDR, the tubes will always work at “1” = enable
flashing maximum brightness. “0” = disable
default: 1
“--:--:10” Blank Mode. You can set the tubes, the LEDs or both the tubes “0” = tubes
flashing and the LEDs to be blanked when in blanking mode. “1” = LEDs
“2” = tubes and LEDs
default: 2
“--:--:11” Fade Speed Slower. Each short press will make the fade speed Default: 50
flashing between digits slower. Max: 200
Min: 20
“--:--:12” Fade Speed Faster. Each short press will make the fade speed Default: 50
flashing between digits faster. Max: 200
Min: 20
“--:--:13” Scroll-back Speed Slower. Each short press will make the Default: 4
flashing “scroll-back” speed slower. Max: 40
Min: 1
“--:--:14” Scroll-back Speed Faster. Each short press will make the Default: 4
flashing “scroll-back” speed faster. Max: 40
Min: 1
“--:--:15” Slots Mode. You can have the date shown automatically once per “1” = enable
flashing minute for about 5 seconds. “0” = disable
default: 1
Back Light Settings
“--:--:16” Back Light Mode. This sets the mode of the back light. “0” = Fixed
flashing “1” = Pulse
“Fixed” mode will show the back light color according to the Red, “2” = Cycle
Green and Blue channel intensities. “3” = Fixed/Dim
“4” = Pulse/Dim
“Pulse” will make the intensity of the back light “pulse”, brightening “5” = Cycle/Dim
for a second and then darkening for a second, but always respecting default: 0
the relative intensities set by the Red, Green and Blue channel

“Cycle” fades the back lighting randomly, and does not use the Red,
Green and Blue channel intensities. These settings will be skipped if
cycle mode is selected.

Options “0”, “1” and “2”, do not dim with the bulbs. Options “3”, “4”
and “5” do.
“--:--:17” Red Channel Intensity. Sets the maximum intensity of the red Default: 15
flashing channel back light. This will be dimmed according to the display Max: 15
dimming. If you are in cycle mode, this setting will be skipped. Min: 0

“--:--:18” Green Channel Intensity. Sets the maximum intensity of the Default: 15
flashing green channel back light. This will be dimmed according to the Max: 15
display dimming. If you are in cycle mode, this setting will be Min: 0
“--:--:19” Blue Channel Intensity. Sets the maximum intensity of the blue Default: 15
flashing channel back light. This will be dimmed according to the display Max: 15
dimming. If you are in cycle mode, this setting will be skipped. Min: 0

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Mode Description Values
“--:--:20” Cycle Speed. If you are in cycle mode, this controls the speed at Default: 10
flashing which the colors cycle. The higher the number, the slower the colors Max: 64
will change. If you are not in cycle mode, this setting will be skipped. Min: 4

Mode Description Values

HV Generation Settings (See “HV Settings” note)

“--:--:21” HV Target Voltage Higher. Each press sets the HV target Default: 180
flashing voltage higher by 5V. Max: 200
Min: 150
“--:--:22” HV Target Voltage Lower. Each press sets the HV target Default: 180
flashing voltage lower by 5V. Max: 200
Min: 150

“--:--:23” PWM On Time Longer. This setting controls how long the PWM Default: 150
flashing On pulse is. Normally you should not have to change this, but you Max: 50
can try changing this is the HV generation is noisy or you have Min: 500
unusual tubes.
“--:--:24” PWM On Time Shorter. This setting controls how long the PWM Default: 150
flashing On pulse is. Normally you should not have to change this, but you Max: 50
can try changing this is the HV generation is noisy or you have Min: 500
unusual tubes.
“--:--:25” Increase Minimum dim. This setting allows you to increase the Default: 100
flashing minimum brightness you want to have when the clock is fully Max: 500
dimmed. Min: 100

“--:--:26” Decrease Minimum dim. This setting allows you to decrease the Default: 100
flashing minimum brightness you want to have when the clock is fully Max: 500
dimmed. Min: 100

“--:--:27” Increase Anti-ghosting. This setting reduces “ghosting” (the Default: 0

flashing number on the right shows faintly on the digit on the left). This is due Max: 50
to transients when switching. Min: 0

“--:--:28” Decrease Anti-ghosting. This setting reduces “ghosting” (the Default: 0

flashing number on the right shows faintly on the digit on the left). This is due Max: 50
to transients when switching. Min: 0

Information Settings
“--:--:29” Current case temperature. Show the current temperature
flashing inside the case (used as part of the temperature compensation for
the clock crystal). Note: This will show 0 if the RTC is not installed.
“--:--:30” Clock version. Show the clock software version.
Digit Test. Will roll through all digits on all locations to check that
the display is healthy.

Note “HV Settings”: Before leaving the clock for long periods with a new “HV Generation” setting, check
that neither the MOSFET nor the voltage regulator is running too hot. If either of these components gets too
hot, either adjust the high voltage settings or add a heat sink.

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Display Blanking Mode
During display blanking mode the tubes will be off depending on the display blanking settings, but the LEDs
will continue to work as usual, telling you that the clock is still running.

You can configure the display to blank at weekends, during week days, always or never (the default). Also
you are able to define hours during which to blank. For example I have a setting saying that the clock is
blanked on weekdays between 7am and 4 pm, while I am out at work. At weekends, the display runs all the

You are also able to override the blanking. Press the button while the clock is blanked, and the display will
come on again. Pressing the button will display the time for about a minute (60 seconds, but the display is
only blanked on the minute change).

If you press the button multiple times within 5 seconds, the blanking will stay off for longer periods:

• 1 Press: 10 seconds
• 2 Presses: 1 hour
• 3 Presses: 4 hours

Tube Healing Mode

After a long period of time, tube filaments which are not often used (e.g. the “9” on the tens of hours or
minutes) can get dim, despite the ACP that is regularly done.

If you make a “long” press of the button (more than 8 seconds), the clock will enter filament healing mode. All
the power will be placed through a single filament of a single digit to clean it. A short press will change the
selected filament.

Another super-long press or cycling through all the filaments will return the clock to normal.

Caution! Don't leave a single filament in this state for an extended period of time. It is a harsh process, and
may damage the tube if you leave it in this mode for too long. Normally a few seconds minutes will restore
the cathode digit.

Normally you will not need to use this mode! It is only there for tubes that are already in trouble. Don’t
make a habit of using this mode!

Factory Reset
To reset the clock back to initial settings, hold down the button while powering on. The LEDs will rapidly flash
some colours to signal that the reset has been done.

Everything will be reset back to the factory default state, and the clock will go back to “First Start Mode”.

External power supply

The perfect voltage for the external power supply is 7.5V or 9V DC. You can use 12V DC.

If you use more than 12V be aware that you might have to provide a heat sink for the power components and
adjust the HV voltage generation. It is not advised to use more than 12V.

The absolute maximum permissible is 16V DC. Higher voltages than this will surely damage the clock.

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V0047: 22Jun2017: Split user manual and construction manual

V0048: 16Jul2017: Update for V48
V0051: 24May2018: Update for V51
V0052: 15Jun2018: Update for V52, new Nixie font

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