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Aquacultural Engineering
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/aque
Keywords: Three of the most commonly used veterinary antibiotics—enrofloxacin (ENR), sulfamethoxazole (SMX), and
Antibiotic removal oxytetracycline (OTC)—were chosen as representative antibiotics for UV/H2O2 treatments. The objective was to
Advance oxidation process determine the optimization of UV/H2O2 to remove antibiotics from aquaculture discharge water using response
H2O2 sequential addition
surface methodology. The degradation of the antibiotics was investigated under varying UV/H2O2 conditions in
Response surface methodology
environments with different levels of pH, water matrices, humic acid, and constituent ions. The degradation
UV-assisted chemical oxidation
results demonstrated that increasing the H2O2 dosage facilitated ENR degradation at a neutral pH while facili
tating degradation of SMX and OTC at a slightly acidic pH. The optimum removal conditions for ENR, which was
used in all influential effect experiments and the contact tank experiments, was obtained at 10 mM H2O2, a
pretreated COD of 87.51 mg L− 1, and an initial pH of 6.15. Among the tested anions, only the presence of Cl-
showed slight positive effects on ENR degradation, due to the generation of secondary active radicals. During the
reaction, the hydroxyl radical ( OH) was present at a higher pH while singlet oxygen (1O2) was slightly present at
a lower pH. The experimental results from H2O2 sequential addition indicated that freshly added H2O2 could
quench the recently generated OH and therefore a high H2O2 concentration with frequent adding was not
necessary. Our contact system reduced the ENR concentration in both the effluent reservoir and in the UV
irradiation zone. The overall results supported the use of the UV/H2O2 system to treat remnant antibiotics in the
discharge water.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: kornkanok25.j@gmail.com (K. Jutarvutikul), cvtcns@ku.ac.th (C. Sakulthaew), chanat.c@ku.ac.th (C. Chokejaroenrat), apiladda.pa@ku.th
(A. Pattanateeradetch), saksit.im@up.ac.th (S. Imman), nopparat.suri26@gmail.com (N. Suriyachai), fscitus@ku.ac.th (T. Satapanajaru), torpong.kr@up.ac.th
(T. Kreetachat).
Received 11 February 2021; Received in revised form 6 June 2021; Accepted 9 June 2021
Available online 13 June 2021
0144-8609/© 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
for secondary contamination. alcohol and p-benzoquinone were obtained from Acros Organics (Wal
The UV/H2O2 oxidation process is an efficient, advanced oxidation tham, MA, USA). Meat extract was purchased from Himedia (Mumbai,
process (AOP) that generates nonselective and highly oxidative hy India). Peptone and hydrochloride acid (HCl, 37 %) were purchased
droxyl radicals. Although a UV/H2O2 system has been proven very from RCI Labscan Ltd. (Bangkok, Thailand). Phosphoric acid (H3PO4, 80
effective in removing antibiotics, there has been only limited informa %) was purchased from QrëC (Auckland, New Zealand). Sodium per
tion available on its use to successfully process antibiotic-contaminated oxodisulfate (Na2S2O8) was purchased from Applichem GmbH (Darm
discharge water from animal farms. The efficiency of the process mostly stadt, Germany).
relies on using an oxidative source such as H2O2 and UV. However, Synthetic wastewater was prepared using chemicals with modifica
increasing the UV irradiation level is not economical and fails to reach tion to Klamerth et al. (2010), as listed in Table S1. This was used as the
acceptable concentrations, and a high dose of H2O2 could result in COD initial stock solution equivalent to a COD level of 52 mg L− 1,
corrosion in equipment (Ngumba et al., 2020; Sun et al., 2019). excluding the initial concentration of tested antibiotics. In the optimal
Interactions between most operating variables need to be investi experiments, COD was diluted to the desired concentration if needed.
gated to evaluate optimization of the UV/H2O2 process, but this requires
a large number of runs, is time-consuming, and is not economically
2.2. Chemical analyses
feasible. Therefore, response surface methodology (RSM) is usually
selected to evaluate optimization of the UV/H2O2 process using different
Temporal changes in the antibiotics were analyzed using high per
interactions of variables. This involves varying independent variables
formance liquid chromatography (HPLC; 600E, Waters, Milford, MA,
depending upon the influential effects while other parameters are kept
USA) equipped with a UV detector (2487, Waters, Milford, MA). A
constant to determine the optimum treatment conditions. In most
mixture of 0.1 % (v/v) acetic acid and acetonitrile (80:20) was used as
related RSM studies for catalytic processes, H2O2 dose, UV dose, contact
the mobile phase for the ENR and OTC analysis and 60:40 for the SMX
time, and pH, are usually selected as the individual effects of the process
analysis. To obtain better peak intensity, the injection volumes were set
variables. However, COD has been an overlooked independent variable
at 20 μL for SMX and OTC and at 10 μL for ENR, with detection wave
as it can be controlled from previous conventional treatment and often
lengths at 265, 354, and 280 nm, respectively. In addition to the changes
COD has become an adverse effect in decreasing contaminant degra
in antibiotics, COD was measured using the closed reflux method
dation performance. Ranges in COD in aquaculture farming systems can
(APHA, 1998).
vary from 22 to 111 mg L− 1 or more depending on the animal culture
intensity (Pedersen et al., 2012). A COD higher than 100 mg L− 1 can
even provide a suitable niche for local bacterial communities, thus 2.3. Experimental setup and sampling
resulting in a positive impact on removing a target contaminant (Alju
boury et al., 2017; Wei et al., 2020). Antibiotic degradation experiments were conducted in a custom-
Quinolone, sulfonamide, and tetracycline are the three most- made stainless-steel housing with four UV Lamps (G4T5, Eiko Global,
commonly used antibiotic groups in aquatic veterinary practice in Shawnee, KS, USA; 4 W; 254 nm) and magnetic stirrers (C-MAG HS7,
many countries, especially in Asia, and thus are contaminants wide IKA®-Werke GmbH & Co. KG, Staufen, Germany) which allowed us to
spread throughout the region (Suzuki and Hoa, 2012). A report in 2013 conduct experiments in quadruplicate (see inset in Fig. 1). We used a
showed that among these three well-known antibiotics (ENR; 69 %, 150 mL quartz cell as an experimental unit containing 100 mL of 0.1 mM
SMX; 44 %, OTC; 30 %), ENR was the most used and most frequently antibiotic (ENR, SMX, or OTC). At each preselected sampling time, 700
found antibiotic in Asian aquaculture-receiving watersheds and in nat μL of aliquots were filtered through a 0.45 μm PTFE syringe filter,
ural flowing water (Rico et al., 2013). However, the practical use of RSM quenched with 100 μL of 3000 mg L− 1 sodium thiosulfate, and trans
has been overlooked for determining the optimal condition for treating ferred to an HPLC vial. Then, samples were stored at 4 ◦ C before HPLC
antibiotics. In the current study, ENR, SMX, and OTC were selected as analysis.
representative veterinary antibiotics to be tested with a UV/H2O2 sys The UV catalytic tests were conducted in the above set-up with 0.1
tem. The objective of this study was to use the RSM method to optimize mM ENR in DI water. We used S2O2− 8 or H2O2 at 0.5 mM for the ho
the performance of the UV/H2O2 system for the removal of well-known mogeneous catalytic system, and we used UV/TiO2 or UV/ZnO at 0.1 g
veterinary antibiotics. Accordingly, optimal condition results were uti 100 mL− 1 solution for the heterogeneous catalytic system. Samples were
lized in influential effect testing experiments and in a contact tank sys collected and quenched as discussed earlier. However, here, we moni
tem that was designed to comply with the discharging event and water tored changes in COD using sacrificing samples at each collection.
conditions. In all experiments, we used both the antibiotic removal efficiency
and relative concentration C/Co to evaluate the system performance
2. Materials and methods under different varying conditions. All experiments were conducted in
triplicate unless stated otherwise. After completing each treatment,
2.1. Chemicals temporal changes in the antibiotic or COD were determined and the
antibiotic removal efficiency was calculated [Eq. 1]. The antibiotic
Enrofloxacin (C19H22FN3O3; ENR), sulfamethoxazole (C10H11N3O3S; degradation observed rate constant (kobs) was mostly used throughout
SMX), oxytetracycline (C22H24N2O9; OTC), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) the study to compare the system performance at different condition [Eq.
(30 %), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), and humic acid (a mimic natural 2–3]:
organic matter; NOM), were purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Ger
[Co − Ct ]
many). Acetonitrile (CH3CN) of HPLC grade and acetic acid (CH3COOH) Antibiotic removal efficiency (%) = × 100 (1)
were purchased from Honeywell Burdick & Jackson (Ulsan, Korea). Ct
Sodium chloride (NaCl), magnesium sulfate heptahydrate Ct
(MgSO4.7H2O), calcium chloride (CaCl2), potassium chloride (KCl), Relative concentration; = e− kobs t
dipotassium phosphate (K2HPO4), calcium sulfate dihydrate
(CaSO4.2H2O), and tert-butanol were purchased from Carlo Erba (Milan, Ct
Italy). Barium chloride (BaCl2), sodium thiosulfate (NaS2O3), and urea ln = − kobs t (3)
((NH2)2CO) were purchased from Ajax Finechem (Auckland, New Zea
land). Ethyl alcohol anhydrous (99.9 %) and isopropyl alcohol were where Co and Ct are the initial concentration and the concentration at
purchased from Daejung chemicals (Siheung, South Korea). Furfuryl time t (min), respectively.
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
the Chao Phraya River in Chai Nat province, Thailand (15.184147 N, (equivalent to 325 mL), the second pump was operated at similar
100.119988E). Water quality characteristics were based on the records influent and effluent flow rates to maintain a constant volume in the
of the Pollution Control Department during Aug 2019–Aug 2020 at a quartz cell.
nearby sampling station (Table S1). The degradation experiments were Three individual experiments were conducted with different
conducted using the optimized conditions for ENR obtained from the amounts of added H2O2 dose to sum to a total H2O2 concentration of 10
RSM analysis. mM, 40 mM, 60 mM, or 120 mM. The temporal changes of ENR were
monitored from two locations: in the UV reactor and in the effluent
2.7. Sequential addition experiment reservoir.
To determine whether the sequential addition of an H2O2 dose 3. Results and discussion
altered the kinetic degradation of the antibiotic, an aqueous solution of
100 mL of 0.1 mM ENR was treated using the UV/H2O2 system. The 3.1. Antibiotic degradation experiment
experiments were conducted with different amounts of final H2O2 con
centration: 5, 7.5, 10, 40, or 120 mM. Dosages of H2O2 were divided into The relative COD concentrations of the tested ENR with various types
either one-half, one-quarter, or one-sixth proportions and added into the of UV catalytic processes were compared at the same H2O2 concentra
ENR solution while exposed to UV irradiation for the entire time. tion and are presented in Fig. 2. The degradation rate changed with a
Samples were collected every 7.5 min for the total 90 min and analyzed change from the heterogeneous to the homogenous UV system. The
for ENR residue. homogeneous process had better treatment efficiency than the hetero
geneous process. Furthermore, at the same pH, the COD removal was
faster in S2O2−
8 followed by H2O2 for the homogeneous process and even
2.8. Contact tank experiment
faster in ZnO followed by TiO2 for the heterogeneous process. This was
due to the radical oxidation that was only prominent near the catalytic
The tank experiments were conducted in the UV reactor as shown
surface compared to the evenly-distributed radicals in the solution in the
earlier (Fig. 1). Two 1 L reservoirs (influent and effluent) and non-
homogeneous process. While the advantage of using a catalyst is its ease
adsorbing tubing (Masterflex Viton® tubing; Coleparmer, IL, USA)
of separation from water, a very small particle size (<10-9 m) and the
were placed outside the reaction tank. The first peristaltic pump (Mas
generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) under light irradiation can
terflex, Cole-Parmer, IL, USA) was designed to introduce ENR-
impact the aquatic environments (Wiesner et al., 2006). Therefore, un
contaminated water from the first reservoir. The pH of the 0.1 mM
less a regeneration system is provided to separate the used catalysts from
ENR solution was adjusted to 6.8 ± 0.1 which was obtained from the
the treated discharge water, using a synthetic catalyst may not be
optimization experiments; then, the solution was introduced into the
entirely suitable for continuously flowing discharge water from aqua
tank using a flow rate of 5 mL min− 1. We also conducted a similar
culture farms. Although S2O2−8 was proven to be better at removing ENR,
experiment with SWW or the real discharge water (DW) from the
the increases in salt content (SO2−
4 ) following treatment may still be of
aquaculture farm to ensure applicability. The UV lamp was turned on
concern, especially for successive farms nearby. After delineating other
simultaneously with the quartz cell receiving the first drop of the solu
oxidant drawbacks, UV/H2O2 can overcome most, if not all, oxidant
tion. The first sampling occurred at 20 min, equivalent to 100 mL of ENR
usage concerns because its absence of secondary contaminant genera
solution prior to receiving the first dose of H2O2. Although the selected
tion and its better treatment performance for antibiotic-contaminated
H2O2 addition timings obtained from the sequential addition experi
water (Cuerda-Correa et al., 2020).
ments were the ones that had proven better performance, we also con
To evaluate the temporal changes of the antibiotic during degrada
ducted several H2O2-adding conditions to compare their overall
tion using the UV/H2O2 system, experimental units were designed to
removing efficiency and to ensure that our H2O2 condition worked on
determine the most effective variation compared to the control (no
both DI water and any organic constituent containing water. At 65 min
Fig. 2. COD relevant concentration (COD/CODo) following ENR degradation in UV-assisted chemical oxidation system (H2O2, S2O2−
8 , TiO2, ZnO).
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
variation). We selected H2O2 concentration (1.25–10 mM), pH solution H2O2 concentration above 7.5 mM due to the reaction of excess H2O2
(3–11) as independent variables for the variation test. Because COD was with OH that generated peroxyl radicals (HO2) which could automati
• •
likely controllable to maintain the treatment system functionality, we, cally react with any produced OH [Eq. 5–7] (Liu et al., 2015). During
selected COD concentration as the last independent variable. Therefore, this propagation process, dimerization can also occur, thus minimizing
the total COD concentration was slightly different between the groups of OH molecules [Eq. 8]:
mg− COD L− 1, 116–77 mg− COD L− 1, and 88–49 mg− COD L− 1 for ENR, H2O2 + OH → HO2+ H2O
SMX, and OTC, respectively. The observed removal percentages of each • •
H2O2 + HO2 → OH + H2O + O2 (6)
antibiotic for different variables at 90 min are reorganized and shown in
Figure S1. Initially the H2O2 concentration was an influent factor, (7)
• •
OH + HO2 → H2O + O2
especially with OTC, while neutral pH and COD had only a slight effect
• •
OH + OH → H2O2
on OTC removal.
The results showed a positive correlation between H2O2 and the These chain reactions caused the inverse relation between the
antibiotic removal efficiency, as it tentatively increased with the OH degradation rates of the target compounds and the H2O2 concentration.
concentration. Hydrolysis and thermal degradation of these antibiotics Therefore, increasing the H2O2 concentration in the UV/H2O2 system
was observed in separate experiments under the absence of light irra would be unnecessary for ENR or OTC contaminated water, unless such
diation. By using UV alone, ENR and SMX were degraded by up to 40 % effluent contained high amounts of other oxidizable carbon compounds.
and 70 %, respectively, while OTC was only degraded by 20 %, indi The initial pH had a mixed influence on the antibiotic degradation as
cating that OTC was less sensitive to UV-photolysis (Fig. 3A–3C). Our pH played an important role in the remnant charges on the antibiotic
results also indicated that SMX molecules may have already been more molecules. Under varying pH treatments, The ENR and OTC degradation
sensitive to UV alone as it was degraded by 70 % at 90 min following rates were highest in the neutral solution, while that of SMX was better
ENR and OTC. This SMX degradation process easily occurred because of in acidic solutions (Fig. 3D–3F). SMX is mostly negatively charged for
the presence of aniline (a strong electron donating group) and the pH > 7 (pKa1SMX = 1.6, pKa2SMX = 5.7), resulting in better removal
cleavage of isoxazole ring, which is a main degradation pathway of SMX performance at a higher pH as the OH preferentially attacks molecules
(Niu et al., 2013). On the other hand, OTC was more persistent when in the deprotonated state (Fig. S2; Ngouyap Mouamfon et al., 2011). The
subjected to the UV irradiation than either SMX or ENR, indicating that ENR degradation rate would have shown similar result following
either a higher UV dose, a longer contact time, or UV-assisted oxidation UV/H2O2 reaction as both of its pKa values were relatively neutral
may be required to obtain better removal of this pharmaceutical. (pKa1ENR = 6.2, pKa2ENR = 7.75) (Sayen et al., 2018), but as it is a zwitter
However, there was no significant degradation with increases in the ion, at a neutral pH it is better at absorbing UV photons in this pH range
Fig. 3. Antibiotic removal (enrofloxacin, ENR; sulfamethoxazole, SMX; oxytetracycline, OTC) for varying conditions of (A–C) H2O2 concentration (0–10 mM), (D–F)
pH (3–11), and (G–I) COD concentration (69–116 mgL− 1) during UV/H2O2 oxidation. Bars indicate ± sample standard deviations (n = 3).
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
(Fig. S3; Shokrolahi et al., 2019). On the other hand, the OTC degra cause the inhibition effect to degrade organic compounds, with COD
dation results indicated only slight differences in the degradation rate competing for the UV irradiation and scavenging any available active
with varying pH compared to the neutral state (pKa1OTC = 3.6, pKa2OTC = radicals. This lends credence to a more efficient treatment in which most
7.5, pKa2OTC = 7.9), as shown in Fig. S4 (Liu et al., 2015). This was due of the COD should be removed prior to entering our proposed system
to the sensitive reaction between OTC and OH. Ferradini et al. (1978) (Fig. 4).
10 − 1 − 1 10 − 1 − 1
were expressed in the following polynomial second order model for ENR
reaction (2.0 × 10 M s versus 7.9 × 10 M s (Buxton et al., [Eq. 9]:
1988; Santoke et al., 2009). Another possible reason supporting the OTC
degradation was that at high pH, the OTC molar extinction coefficient YENR = − 144.1 + 7.67X1 + 26.32X2 + 2.743X3 − 0.500X1 X2 + 0.0296X1 X3
was at 254 nm and direct UV photolysis might have occurred prior to the + 0.0090X2 X3 − 0.252X12 − 1.789X22 − 0.01768X32
oxidation of OH on the ENR molecules.
When the COD concentration was high, available UV photons were
easily absorbed on the organic molecules, reducing the antibiotic The SMX and OTC models are shown in the Supporting Information
removal efficiency. Fig. 3G–3I shows that the control condition provided [Fig. S5, S6]. These experimental expressions indicated mixed results.
the best removal efficiency. The presence of natural constituents can Increasing most variables resulted in increasing antibiotic removal. Only
the pH for SMX degradation and the COD concentration for OTC
Fig. 4. Response surface plot, described by calculated model fitted from experimental results of ENR removal during UV/H2O2 oxidation (A–C) and comparison of
predicted and experimental values of each experiment (D).
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
degradation represented antagonistic effects, implying that increasing for H2O2 concentration:pH:COD: =10 mM:6.15:87.51 mg L− 1 (Table 2;
these two variables had a negative impact on these two antibiotics. The ENR and Table S4; SMX and OTC). These optimized conditions were
effects of the H2O2 concentration were notable in the weak acidic so further selected to assess the feasibility of applying this system in
lution for OTC and SMX compared to a basic solution and was most different environmental conditions because ENR is extensively used in
suitable with neutral pH for ENR. At 10 mM H2O2 concentration, the veterinary applications (Wei et al., 2012) and its degradation pathway is
antibiotic degradation was best, as discussed earlier. The high removal toward the formation of ciprofloxacin, another well-known licensed
percentage at greater than 95 % (at 90 min) was observed in all ex human antibiotic.
periments with high H2O2 concentrations (10 mM) and neutral pH (7).
Similar levels of removal efficiency were observed in acidic solution and 3.3. Radical scavenger experiments at varying pH
in any composition of COD, such as Experiments B, F, and H (Table 1).
However, the alkaline solution had less removal efficiency, such as in Because larger coefficients indicate a greater response [Eq. 9], the
Experiment D; in this run, the high pH may have facilitated OH scav ENR degradation experimental expression indicated that pH had a large
enging with a higher H2O2 concentration. When the condition was set at effect on the response (Y). Other researchers had shown that the
the highest and lowest codified values (H2O2 1.25, 10 mg L− 1), the effect degradation of contaminant under an UV/H2O2 system was possibly
of the H2O2 concentration was notable in the acidic condition (Experi from: (1) direct photolysis, (2) OH oxidation, or (3) singlet oxygen
ments A and B) compared to the basic condition (Experiments C and D). oxidation ( O2) (Li et al., 2011), but limited information has been
So, by increasing the H2O2 concentration at the lower pH, a larger dif available for the active radical species at different pH levels. Therefore,
ference in removal efficiency was observed compared to at a higher pH we varied the pH in for further testing the principal radical species using
(59 % versus 24 %), as shown in Table 1. ENR optimized condition.
The more frequent use of ENR compared to the other tested antibi From here on, the ENR normalized concentration (C/Co) was sepa
otics is further discussed using the statistical analyses in the Supporting rately plotted against reaction time to calculate the observed pseudo-
Information (Table S3). The significance of the model parameters was first-order kinetic degradation rate (kobs) which was plotted against in
classified using the probability value (P-value) and the index for influ dependent variables for comparison (Fig. 5). We used three different
ence factor (F-value). At a P-value less than 0.05 at the 95 % confidence chemicals in this experiment. Tert-butanol (TBA) served as OH scav
8 − 1 − 1
interval, these models were considered significant while at a P-value enger (k = 6.0 × 10 M s ), but it was inert to other types of active
greater than 0.1, these models were considered not significant. The re species (Li et al., 2011), while furfuryl alcohol (FA) served as a singlet
sults showed that H2O2 and pH were both significant for ENR treatment, oxygen (1O2) scavenger (k = 1.2 × 108 M− 1 s− 1) (Appiani et al., 2017).
while the interactions of other parameters were not significant for both Unlike these alcohols, p-benzoquinone (PBQ) was supposed to serve as a
the SMX and OTC treatments (P > 0.1; Table S3). scavenger for the super oxide radical (O2− ). However, we found that
Based on the Pareto analysis of the standardized effects to classify the spiking PBQ into the ENR solution resulted in darkening of the ENR
level of significance of each variable, it was confirmed that the H2O2 solution which interfered with the ENR analysis. Although O2− can be
concentration and the relations between variables were the most sig generated from the reaction of OH and excess H2O2 (k = 2.7 × 107 M− 1
nificant factors for ENR and SMX, while pH was the most significant s− 1), this phenomenon was unlikely in our study because of the prefer
factor for OTC (Fig. S7-S9). However, the relationships between the able reaction of ENR and OH (k = 7.9 × 1010 M− 1 s− 1) (López-Peñalver
variables were significant for ENR and not significant for SMX. The re et al., 2010; Santoke et al., 2009). Hence, O2− measurement is not
sidual COD concentration was significant for ENR but not significant for needed in this study.
SMX and OTC. Although the COD concentration was not very high, it Further results also confirmed that the ENR degradation rates were
could represent the COD concentration in natural flowing water which impeded in the presence of any alcohols, indicating that OH is the main
has been reported as low as 5 mg L− 1 and can be regulated to be up to 60 reactive species in the solution for all ranges of pH (Fig. 5). Under the
mg L− 1 in China (Frimmel and Abbt-Braun, 2011; Zhou et al., 2018). neutral pH condition, it was clear that ENR degradation was from both
The ENR ANOVA analysis is shown in Table S3 using a confidence OH and 1O2, resulting in the highest ENR degradation rate. Other
interval (CI) of 95 %. The suitability of the polynomial equations was research showed that pH is a major parameter responsible for the exis
evaluated using the determination coefficient (R2) which was 0.92, tence of the predominant radical species (Guan et al., 2011). The overall
indicating that the ENR removal was well-defined and a good fit of the results suggested that antibiotic degradation using this system can be
model. This high R2 value provided proof that the response surface retarded under extreme pH conditions and it must be neutralized to be
model for predicted values of ENR removal efficiency was coherent. more suitable in this oxidative reaction.
According to the removal efficiencies, the ENR degradation relied on
a high H2O2 dosage and a neutral pH condition. By aligning maximum 3.4. Effects of anions
antibiotic degradation, the ENR optimized experimental condition was
The optimal condition for ENR treatment obtained from the 3D
Table 2 surface response was used to further investigate the influence of ions as
Summary of optimal conditions for enrofloxacin (ENR) another important environmental constituent. The selected anions were
degradation by UV/H2O2 oxidation system obtained Cl− , NO−3 , CO2− 2−
3 , and SO4 as they are ubiquitous in natural receiving
from response surface methodology and summary of water at concentrations as low as 1 mg L− 1 for NO− or up to 1000 mg L− 1
coefficient of determination (R2) of model. for Cl− , and SO2− 4 in some areas (Mallick, 2017; Varden and
Parameter Value Bou-Abdallah, 2017). Among other anions, positive effects were found
H2O2 (mM) 10
from the presence of Cl− which was the most sensitive anion that can
easily convert to Cl and simultaneous reaction with HOCl − , even in
• •
pH 6.15
COD (mg L− 1) 87.51 very low amounts, resulting in an increase in the ENR degradation rate
Fit 106.23 (Jayson et al., 1973).
SE Fit 2.35
In this optimized condition, the pH was set at 6.15 so that both HCO−3
95 % CI 101.45,111.01
and H2CO3 were predominant, with OH being slightly stronger than in
95 % PI 92.30,120.16
S 6.4459 alkaline conditions (Fig. 5) which was consistent with other research
R2 0.9252 that reported the highest OH concentration was under acidic conditions
R2 (adj) 0.9059 (pH2) (Liao et al., 2001). The reaction between HCO−3 and OH was not
R2 (pred) 0.8710
very important as its degradation rate was lower than that of CO2− 3 by
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
Fig. 5. Observed kinetic rate constant (kobs) for various pH levels of ENR degradation under different radical scavengers (tert-butanol, TBA; furfuryl alcohol, FA)
using calculated optimal condition of UV/H2O2 oxidation system. Inset graph shows temporal changes of ENR of corresponding kobs. Bars indicate ± sample standard
deviations (n = 3).
50-folds (kCO32− = 8.5 × 106 M− 1 s− 1). On the other hand, the presence concentration made up for the SWW, similar to the constituent ions,
of CO2− 3 decreased the degrading performance by up to 42 %. This dissolved organic matter (DOM), and suspended solids in the RW and
decrease resulted from the working pH rather than the reaction between DW. Aside from the UV irradiation impediment, secondary radicals may
OH and CO2−3 (kCO32- = 3.9 × 10 M
8 − 1 − 1
s ) which was relatively low be generated. Most of the natural water constituents were incapable of
compared to the other constituent ions (Acero and Gunten, 2000). Un absorbing the short wavelength range (200–290 nm) which would
like with SO2− 2−
4 alone, UV irradiation on SO4 is known to produce the compete with target contaminants, especially with OH with humic acid,
sulfate radical which may cause radical scavenging with available OH the major component in DOMs. As presented in Fig. 7, HA at 20 mg L− 1
(Wang and Wang, 2018). In addition, SO4 is also very reactive to the could subdue the ENR removal efficiency. This can be explained from
hydroxyl radical (kSO42− = 10.0 × 109 M− 1 s− 1) (Buxton et al., 1988). the humic substance property itself that showed similar turbidity,
Notably, SO4− is a very strong OH quencher that can also be formed indicating that the humic acid can effectively absorb UV radiation rather
• •
from the reaction of OH and SO2− 4 . Yet this latter phenomenon with than initiate the active radical species. Furthermore, humic acid can also
SO4− is unlikely and requires a much longer reaction time because of its act as a radical scavenger as it mostly contains electron-rich moiety
relatively low reaction rate (kSO4− = 0.0015 × 109 M− 1 s− 1) (Moussavi compounds on the surface. However, it is noteworthy that at a low
On the contrary, our results showed a decrease in the ENR degradation surface which contains various types of organic constituents that can
efficiency at an NO−3 concentration of 0.024–0.5 mM (Fig. 6). The facilitate other reactive species against available oxidative radicals.
presence of excess NO−3 concentration following UV irradiation can form Because varying HA may produce different results, this information
both reactive nitrogen species (NO3) as well as another strong reactive suggested that our treatment would probably more effective if the fil
radical, the oxygen radical (O ) (Li et al., 2011). Although the NO−3 trating system or some kind of maturation ponds were applied to allow
concentration is not naturally high, the ENR oxidation from UV/H2O2 separation of humic colloids from the water.
was mostly from OH. These results indicated that these subsequent As discussed earlier, the formation of Cl and Cl2− may occur from the
• • •
radicals suppressed OH activity and later reduced removal efficiency, reaction between Cl and available Cl− . A similar reason can also be
• •
thus minimizing the degradation rate (kobs). Unless these constituent applied to the tap water (TW) which were reported by Metropolitan
ions were in extreme conditions, which rare for our studied working Waterwork Authority of Thailand (MWA, 2017) to contain free chlorine
conditions, a high concentration or strong UV source may not be residue in the range 0.2–2 % and some other physico-chemical param
necessary. eters under regulated maximum concentration levels (MCL). For
example, the end-pipe tap water quality reported from the Bureau of
3.5. Effects of different water matrices Food and Water Sanitation contained 42 mg L− 1 sulfate, 36 mg L− 1
chlorine, and less than 1.8 MPN/100 mL of coliform (BFWS, 2018).
Treating the ENR optimized conditions with different water matrices These may also influence the formation of secondary radicals to simul
taneously quench the OH as well as possessing the ability to absorb UV
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
Fig. 6. (A) Observed kinetic rate constant (kobs) of ENR degradation with different constituent ions (Cl− , CO2- 2-
3 , SO4 , and NO3 ) and (B) temporal changes of ENR of
60 mg L− 1, which was lower than in general RW, resulting in retardation 3.6. Sequential addition experiment
of the ENR degradation rates. The water quality analyses of DW and RW
showed that RW was low in BOD concentration, but both were quite The effect of H2O2 addition was systematically investigated to
high in the coliform amount (Table S2). The latter has also been proven further improve the oxidation process to reflect a real-world application.
to have a negative impact on the oxidative reaction (Vargas et al., 2012). The results from our batch experiments where final H2O2 concentrations
The authors provided proof that E. coli can scavenge for active radical of 5 and 7.5 mM were initially added into the ENR solution showed that
species such as OH and O2− by damaging both their DNA and a part of ENR degradation reached a plateau at 60–70 min, resulting in 85 % of
• •
the cell membrane. These results revealed that if this treatment were to ENR residues, and only 30 min for the final H2O2 concentration of 120
be used with target contaminant in real-world applications, more oxi mM (Fig. 8A–B, 8E). When the H2O2 addition was split into 2, 3, and 6
dants or a longer UV contact time would have been necessitated and that times while maintaining the final H2O2 concentration at 5 mM, we found
sequential addition of H2O2 may need to be involved. The difference in that the ENR removal efficiency decreased by 20–60 %, especially at the
the optimum conditions for the three antibiotics as discussed earlier more frequent additions in the beginning phase (<20 min), as shown in
indicated that various independent variables were needed for different Fig. 8A. A similar result was evident at the final concentrations of H2O2
types of target contaminants. The fact that the water constituents were at 7.5 (Fig. 8B). The control (one addition) resulted in lower efficiency
completely different from place to place, a little higher H2O2 concen when the total H2O2 concentration was 10 mM. These results implied
tration from the optimal conditions may be suggested in actual water that the H2O2 concentration of 1.6 mM may yield the same efficiency as
treatment unless the ~10 % differences in system efficiency was the total H2O2 concentration of 5 mM and that a higher concentration
acceptable. may have retarded ENR degradation.
As a practical use of this system in a real-world application, we
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
Fig. 7. Observed kinetic rate constant (kobs) of ENR degradation with different water matrices (DI = deionized water; TW = tap water; SWW = synthetic wastewater;
HA = water containing 20 mg L− 1 humic acid; RW = river water; and DW = aquaculture discharge water). Inset graph shows temporal changes of ENR of corre
sponding kobs. Bars indicate ± sample standard deviations (n = 3).
anticipated that a higher amount of the total H2O2 could be added due to 3.7. Contact tank experiment
the presence of other organic and ion constituents. Therefore, the 40 mM
and 120 mM experiments were tested (Fig. 8D–8E). The results showed Treated wastewater is not entirely clean as it can be contaminated
that adding H2O2 a few times was better than adding only one time and 6 with emerging contaminants or some other persistent organic pollutants
times for the 40 mM experiment. When the 120 mM was tested, the from conventional treatments. By using the optimization results for the
control was much better in overall degradation efficiency and the ENR ENR treatment from our RSM experiments, we tested our contact system
removal reached a plateau as earlier as 30 min. This can be explained with the ENR solution using also the sequential addition from earlier
from the discrepancy of the molar ratios of added H2O2 at each time and experiments. This flow-through experiment was designed to serve as a
the ENR concentration. When this ratio was maintained at 0.5–1.0, the real-world application and we imitated the sequential addition of H2O2
ENR removal was better than the other addition conditions. However, as it achieved the best performance in earlier experiments. The addition
when the ratio was very high (120 mM H2O2:10 mM ENR) the available of H2O2 was at 20 min and every 45 min afterwards until the total
ENR could be instantly treated prior to starting the radical self- concentration of H2O2 reached the designated concentration (10, 40, or
scavenging, resulting in the fastest removal at the control condition 120 mM). Temporal changes in the ENR concentrations showed that
(Fig. 8E). Therefore, we selected a high total dose (>10 mM) for the ENR was reduced in the solution to as low as 5% within 240 min for all
successive contact tank experiments. types of H2O2 addition and water matrices (Fig. 9). Based on the ENR
Although the overall removal of all sequential additions was in the removal percentage, the contact tank experienced 15 % less removal
range 80–99 %, adding more times did not always produce the highest than in the batch experiment (Fig. 3A versus Fig. 9A). This may have
removal efficiency, indicating a loss of OH may have occurred. In been due to the sizing discrepancy and UV alone was possibly not suf
addition, the removal efficiency trends were less steep compared to ficient for a larger-scale application.
adding H2O2 fewer times (Fig. 8C). Possible reasons included the reac A comparison between 10, 40, and 120 mM total H2O2 concentration
tion of generated OH and the freshly added H2O2 [Eq. 5]. Once it was conducted to determine whether the oxidant dose had an effect on
happened, localized radicals such as OH, HO2− , and O2− were available the ENR degradation. Although the high H2O2 concentration was proven
• • •
for H2O2 to undergo radical recombination, resulting in more H2O2 to be unnecessary, other researchers found that up to 29.4 mM of H2O2
molecules in the solution. The kinetic rate of OH production using the concentration, the removal rate started to reduce from the radical
UV/H2O2 process, was slower than the recombination reaction. How scavenging process (Borowska et al., 2015). It was also clear that
ever, this pace could enhance the self-scavenging reaction of available ENR-contaminated water was continuously introduced into the system,
radicals, causing the disappearance of radicals to the organic molecules. resulting in a slower ENR degradation rate. Although the total H2O2
These reactions explained the reduced removal efficiency with the more concentraftion was different by 3-folds, the results showed almost the
frequent addition of H2O2. This was also confirmed by our previous same trend in ENR reduction (Fig. 9). In the beginning phase of the
experiments where the recombination effects were minimized as the larger H2O2 dose experiment (120 mM), ENR removal was slightly better
H2O2 concentration was not as high (<10 mM), as shown in Fig. 8A–8B. until further addition of H2O2 causing ENR removal to remain similar to
Although a higher content of H2O2 can result in radical scavenging and that from the smaller total H2O2 dose experiment (Fig. 9). Here, for
reproduce H2O2 via dimerization of OH (Qiu et al., 2019), a large dif mation of OH radicals was responsible for the reduction of ENR as well
• •
ference in ENR and H2O2 could also result as an adverse effect, as dis as the reduction of radicals due to self-scavenging, indicating that this
cussed earlier. higher dose of H2O2 may not be necessary unless sufficient scavenger
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
the UV reactor at the same time that the H2O2 was sequentially added.
Interestingly, the ENR concentration increasingly vacillated once the
ENR-contaminated DW was introduced and continually decreased. As
we used the discharge water received from the farms, the total sus
pended solids (SS) was quite high (Table S2). These SS may serve as
adsorption sites for ENR, which could, in turn, cause a sudden increase
in the ENR concentration. The ENR concentration eventually diminished
to almost 10 %. This result also confirmed that the initial removal of SS
using maturation ponds would be appropriate if using the UV-assisted
H2O2 system.
Overall, we proved that sequential addition was more effective than
a single addition, providing that the total H2O2 concentration was
ascertained to treat the available organic constituents. An undesirable
removal rate due to insufficient stirring that resulted in an unevenly
distributed OH radicals was an unexpected reverse effect from adding
more than one H2O2 dose into the system (Zhou et al., 2016). However,
we observed that ENR continuously decreased both in the contact tank
and in the effluent reservoir. Given that this reverse phenomenon did
not occur in our system, a sizing difference in a larger-scale application
may reveal such results. The laboratory-scale results may need to be
further optimized for the hydrological and environmental conditions to
sufficiently treat contaminant residuals from discharging wastewater. In
addition, we evaluated our bench-scale, photo-assisted H2O2 operating
cost to be approximately USD 2.91 to treat 1 m3. While this calculation
was based on the price of a kilowatt hour in Thailand and that the real
operation cost may be a little higher, our cost was approximately 2-folds
lower than other advanced oxidation processes (Yonar et al., 2015).
4. Conclusion
K. Jutarvutikul et al. Aquacultural Engineering 94 (2021) 102174
Fig. 9. Temporal changes in ENR concentration (C/Co) observed in contact tank following treatment at different total H2O2 concentrations and with different water
matrices. Arrows indicate H2O2 addition at designated concentration and x-axes represent both flow-through volume (mL) and time (min).
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