INSPHERO - ETEEAP Final Compre Guidelines 051622
INSPHERO - ETEEAP Final Compre Guidelines 051622
INSPHERO - ETEEAP Final Compre Guidelines 051622
The examination will take place during the examination period at the
designated date and time set by the ETEEAP office. Zoom and Moodle will
open at 8:00 AM and will close at 12:00NN (Philippine Standard Time).
The proctored examination shall be conducted through MOODLE and
Image and voice will be recorded throughout the duration of the
examination. Therefore, the Candidates’ Microphone and Camera must be
turned ON at all times.
Candidates must show their valid Identification card (government-issued
identification) for authentication of their identity by the proctor.
The video will only be viewed by authorized university personnel (no
external entities have access to or authorization to review the recording)
Candidates are responsible for ensuring appropriate, properly functioning
technology (webcam, a microphone, an ability to download Zoom and a
reliable internet connection)
Must prepare TWO GADGETS (if possible) One for Zoom and One for
OPTION 2: Two smartphones, the primary phone for test-taking and the
other one for open camera position to show the student holding the
primary phone
Should the candidate have any technical and other problems at any time
during the examination, the candidate should notify the Proctor
The examinee has four hours to answer the questions. At the end of the
examination period, answering must cease.
There will be 250 multiple-choice questions for each examination
day. (2 days for Accelerated batch) The examinee must answer ALL.
For BSBA major in Operations Management
PART 1: Human Resource Management (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 2: Cost Accounting and Cost Management (15 items -15 minutes)
PART 3: Kaizen (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 4: Marketing in Practice (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 5: Productivity and Quality Tools* (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 6: Intermediate Accounting (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 7: Statistical Process Control I* (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 8: Logistics Management* (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 9: Statistical Process Control II* (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 10: Six Sigma* (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 11: Financial Management (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 12: Law on Obligations and Contracts (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 13: Facilities Planning and Design* (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 14: Labor Laws (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 15: Business Research (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 16: Production Planning and Plant Productivity Optimization (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 17: Management Accounting - (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 18: Strategic Management - (15 items – 15 minutes)
DAY 1 – May 16, 2022
DAY 2 – Non- OM
PART 1: Human Resource Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 2: Cost Accounting and Cost Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 3: Kaizen (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 4: Marketing in Practice (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 5: Intermediate Accounting (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 6: Financial Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 7: Law on Obligations and Contracts (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 8: Labor Laws (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 9: Business Research (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 10: Production Planning and Plant Productivity Optimization (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 11: Management Accounting - (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 12: Strategic Management - (20 items – 20 minutes)
Each examination day lasts a total of FOUR hours and 10 minutes. Allocate your
time accordingly.
ONE ATTEMPT ONLY. Candidates will be notified if advised to retake the
examination. The candidate is allowed two retakes without charge. The
third retake shall be charged with a RETAKE FEE. Failure after the third
retake will result in a semester of extension with special remediation.
Paper and Pens/Pencil (2)
2 Gadgets (Laptop, PC, iPAD and/or mirror) and charger