INSPHERO - ETEEAP Final Compre Guidelines 051622

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 The examination will take place during the examination period at the
designated date and time set by the ETEEAP office. Zoom and Moodle will
open at 8:00 AM and will close at 12:00NN (Philippine Standard Time).
 The proctored examination shall be conducted through MOODLE and
 Image and voice will be recorded throughout the duration of the
examination. Therefore, the Candidates’ Microphone and Camera must be
turned ON at all times.
 Candidates must show their valid Identification card (government-issued
identification) for authentication of their identity by the proctor.
 The video will only be viewed by authorized university personnel (no
external entities have access to or authorization to review the recording)
 Candidates are responsible for ensuring appropriate, properly functioning
technology (webcam, a microphone, an ability to download Zoom and a
reliable internet connection)
 Must prepare TWO GADGETS (if possible) One for Zoom and One for

Device requirement options detail:

OPTION 1: A desktop/laptop with camera for the exam-taking with open

camera for frontal view and a secondary device (smartphone) for the
hands/keyboard view

OPTION 2: Two smartphones, the primary phone for test-taking and the
other one for open camera position to show the student holding the
primary phone

OPTION 3: A desktop/laptop with camera for the exam-taking with open

camera for frontal view and a mirror to show the face, hands/keyboard

 A relatively quiet place within which to take the exam is required.

 By taking the examination, the candidate waives his/her rights under the
Data Privacy Law and provides consent to the reasonable and lawful use of
any recorded data pertaining to his/her personal information.

 Should the candidate have any technical and other problems at any time
during the examination, the candidate should notify the Proctor
 The examinee has four hours to answer the questions. At the end of the
examination period, answering must cease.

 There will be 250 multiple-choice questions for each examination
day. (2 days for Accelerated batch) The examinee must answer ALL.
For BSBA major in Operations Management
PART 1: Human Resource Management (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 2: Cost Accounting and Cost Management (15 items -15 minutes)
PART 3: Kaizen (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 4: Marketing in Practice (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 5: Productivity and Quality Tools* (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 6: Intermediate Accounting (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 7: Statistical Process Control I* (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 8: Logistics Management* (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 9: Statistical Process Control II* (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 10: Six Sigma* (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 11: Financial Management (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 12: Law on Obligations and Contracts (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 13: Facilities Planning and Design* (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 14: Labor Laws (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 15: Business Research (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 16: Production Planning and Plant Productivity Optimization (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 17: Management Accounting - (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 18: Strategic Management - (15 items – 15 minutes)

For BSBA major in General Business Management and other majors

PART 1: Human Resource Management (20 items – 20 minutes)

PART 2: Cost Accounting and Cost Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 3: Kaizen (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 4: Marketing in Practice (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 5: Intermediate Accounting (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 6: Financial Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 7: Law on Obligations and Contracts (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 8: Labor Laws (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 9: Business Research (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 10: Production Planning and Plant Productivity Optimization (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 11: Management Accounting - (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 12: Strategic Management - (20 items – 20 minutes)

DAY 1 – May 16, 2022

PART 1: Principles of Business Organizations and Management (20 items – 20 minutes)

PART 2: Mathematics of Investment and Business Math (10 items -10 minutes)
PART 3: Economics: Principles, Perspectives, and Practices (20 items- 20 minutes)
PART 4: Quantitative Techniques in Business (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 5: Accounting for Non-Accountants (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 6: Partnership and Corporation Accounting (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 7: Business Statistics (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 8: Operations Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 9: Partnership and Corporation Law (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 10: Basic Income Taxation and Other Business Taxes (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 11: Human Behavior in Organization (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 12: Total Quality Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 13: Commercial Foreign Language (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 14: Project Management (10 items – 10 minutes)

DAY 2 – Operations Management

PART 1: Human Resource Management (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 2: Cost Accounting and Cost Management (15 items -15 minutes)
PART 3: Kaizen (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 4: Marketing in Practice (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 5: Productivity and Quality Tools* (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 6: Intermediate Accounting (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 7: Statistical Process Control I* (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 8: Logistics Management* (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 9: Statistical Process Control II* (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 10: Six Sigma* (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 11: Financial Management (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 12: Law on Obligations and Contracts (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 13: Facilities Planning and Design* (15 items – 15 minutes
PART 14: Labor Laws (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 15: Business Research (10 items – 10 minutes)
PART 16: Production Planning and Plant Productivity Optimization (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 17: Management Accounting - (15 items – 15 minutes)
PART 18: Strategic Management - (15 items – 15 minutes)

DAY 2 – Non- OM
PART 1: Human Resource Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 2: Cost Accounting and Cost Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 3: Kaizen (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 4: Marketing in Practice (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 5: Intermediate Accounting (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 6: Financial Management (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 7: Law on Obligations and Contracts (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 8: Labor Laws (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 9: Business Research (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 10: Production Planning and Plant Productivity Optimization (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 11: Management Accounting - (20 items – 20 minutes)
PART 12: Strategic Management - (20 items – 20 minutes)

 Each examination day lasts a total of FOUR hours and 10 minutes. Allocate your
time accordingly.
 ONE ATTEMPT ONLY. Candidates will be notified if advised to retake the
examination. The candidate is allowed two retakes without charge. The
third retake shall be charged with a RETAKE FEE. Failure after the third
retake will result in a semester of extension with special remediation.

 Yourself
 Paper and Pens/Pencil (2)
 Calculator
 Refreshments
 2 Gadgets (Laptop, PC, iPAD and/or mirror) and charger

Before and during the EXAM, please prepare the following:

 Read and understand the test guidelines.
 Know the test format.
 Check your laptop, Ipad, cellular phones and ensure that the
secondary gadget or mirror has a perspective view of your face,
hands and screen.
 Choose a quite test-taking spot with minimal interruption/s.
 When you encounter technical glitches, inform the Proctor
 IMPORTANT: Do not forget to click SUBMIT.

Below are strictly PROHIBITED and the candidate

risks Exclusion from the Rolls or Expulsion without
benefit of any Refund of fees:
 Leaving the post while taking the exam.
 Opening google, and other computer applications.
 Taking screen shots of the questions.
 Giving hints on test items and coverage at the Group Chat
 Storage of the exam copy or its transmission to another person.
 Singing and other blaring activities.
 Talking to someone.
 Earplugs or headphones

I, ___________________________, the examinee has read these examination guidelines

and instructions carefully and provide my consent thereto.
Please SIGN below if you agree to these set of guidelines and instructions.


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