ABLLS Example Report-1
ABLLS Example Report-1
ABLLS Example Report-1
Assessment Summary
Student: Xxxx
Date of Birth:
Date of Evaluation: xx/xx/xxxx
The Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills was conducted with Xxxx in the
month of February. This assessment uses a rubric to assess Xxxx’s skill levels in the
areas of: Cooperation, Visual Performance, Receptive Language, Motor Imitation, Vocal
Imitation, Requests, Labeling, Intraverbal Skills, Spontaneous Vocalizations, Syntax and
Grammar, Play and Leisure, Social Interactions, Group Instruction, Classroom Routines,
Generalized Responding, Reading, Math, Writing, Spelling, Self-Help, and Fine/Gross
Motor skills.
Receptive Language – Xxxx respond to his name being called within the classroom
most of the time. He will turn his head and look for the person requesting him. Xxxx is
also able to follow two-step directions that require him to go to specified people or areas
of the classroom and perform enjoyable actions. During work times, Xxxx is able to label
100 or more pictures/objects by touching, pointing, and giving requested item to a staff
Areas of Need
• Receptively identifying objects when he is given their feature, function, class, or
several specific characteristics.
• Following multiple-steps directions that involve non-verbal interactions with
people in the classroom.
Motor Imitation – During this assessment Xxxx was able to imitate over 30 gross and
fine motor movements. He continues to practice imitating a series of more than four
consecutive movements.
Vocal imitations – Xxxx is able to imitate sounds and words containing consonant,
short/long vowels, and consonant blends. He is able to repeat a two-three word phrase to
a person after traveling up to 5 ft. across the classroom. Xxxx required additional
prompting to repeat words and phrases in a loud or high pitched voice.
Requests – Xxxx is able to make requests for reinforcers, needed supplies, help and
attention for a staff member. Xxxx requests range for 2-6 word phrases and sentences. He
is able to generalize new request after being taught them less then five times.
Labeling – Xxxx is able to label over 100 items and actions that are found or occur in his
environment. Known items include clothing, foods, furniture, and objects. He often uses
up to two carrier phrases when labeling items (This is a _____. I see a ______). Xxxx is
able to generalize newly learned item after they have been practice five or less times.
Using pronouns, adjective, and adverbs to describe an item or action is and emerging
Areas of Need
• Identifying features and classes associated with an item and labeling items in
conjunction with it location.
• Using pronouns, adjective, and adverbs to describe an item or action
Intraverbal Skills – Xxxx is able to fill-in missing words from known songs and stories.
He is able to make associations between items. For example: Xxxx knows a pillow and a
blanket go with a bed. Xxxx can verbally respond when asked who, what, where
questions about his environment.
Areas of Need
• Answering when, why and how questions.
Spontaneous vocalizations – Xxxx spontaneously makes request for items. He will label
items that interest him within the classroom.
Area of Need
• Sustaining and initiating a conversation about a topic of interest
Syntax and Grammar – Xxxx most often speaks in the present progressive tense
(Example: Joshua is writing in the book). He uses 4-6 word sentences to describe recently
occurring actions or activities. However, when asked a question he will typically answer
in a 2-3 word phrase unless he is prompted to use a sentence.
Areas of Need
• Using plurals when speaking of multiple items
• Using regular past-tense verbs (hiked, ran, swam)
• Labeling and emotional state associated with a response ( I am sad that I can not
go outside)
• Play and Leisure – Xxxx plays with several toys within the classroom. He often
needs to be taught the appropriate way to play pretend with a toy.
Area of Need
• Expand the repertoire of toys and games Xxxx can play
Social Interaction – Xxxx can identify and greet familiar peers. He looks for peers he
has not seen in a while, however once Xxxx locate the person he will hide his face
instead of greeting them or reciprocating a greeting. Xxxx attempts to engage familiar
adults in play by looking at them or saying 2-4 phrase/question (can you chase me? Look
at the bubble? Uhh! Pinnochio is wet!)
Xxxx shares toys and accepts them from other students for up to 1 exchange. He needs
prompts to remain engaged in a play activity while another student is taking a turn.
During most unstructured play times Xxxx will play parallel to another student, but will
not interact with them.
Area of Need
• Responding within social situations
Group Instruction – Most of Xxxx’s instruction is delivered in a small group and 1:1
format. He is able to sustain attention to familiar task small group task for up to 30
minutes when provided with one movement break and 3-4 verbal prompts to focus
attention towards the speaker or task. He is able to sustain attention during 1:1 instruction
within an enclosed area for 30 minutes with one movement break and intermittent use of
Area of Needs
• Attending to verbal direction when presented to a group of 2 or more students.
Reading, Math, Writing, and Spelling – Xxxx’s academic skills were assessed using
the ABLLS-R, however it is noted that his skill level in some areas are greater than what
was assessed. Please see his present levels of performance located within IEP dated
Dressing Grooming and Toileting - Xxxx displays appropriate eating and drinking
skills. He is able to obtain utensils, open containers, and warm food known foods in the
microwave. Xxxx can independently navigate the lunch line. He is able enter his code
into a keypad in order to play for lunch. Xxxx is able use the bathroom and wash his
hands independently during the school day. He will ask to use the bathroom and water
fountain when he needed. Xxxx is able to dress himself in outside gear and is successful
with most fasteners.
Gross and Fine Motor Skills – Xxxx was able to demonstrate a variety of gross
(running, jumping, hopping) and fine motor (writing, coloring, cutting) tasks. He uses an
appropriate pencil grip when writing. Xxxx needs occasional reminders to use a pincer
grasp when picking small items up.