Chloroplast Evolution
Chloroplast Evolution
Chloroplast Evolution
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Current Biology, Vol. 12, R62–R64, January 22, 2002, ©2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII S0960-9822(01)00675-3
Figure 1.
Kingdom Plantae Chromalveolates Phylogeny of the five eukaryote king-
Rhodophyta Kingdom Chromista doms, highlighting the primary symbio-
Viridaeplantae Cryptophyta Chromobiotes genetic origin of chloroplasts from
(green plants) Heterokonta Haptophyta cyanobacteria which created the plant
Glaucophyta kingdom, and the three secondary sym-
R biogenetic events which created eukary-
ote–eukaryote chimaeras by laterally
Chloroplast Miozoa Alveolates implanting pre-existing chloroplasts into
Ciliophora other protozoan lineages (dashed lines). A
Excavates single implantation of a red algal chloro-
Euglenozoa Cortical alveoli
Percolozoa plast (R) created the typically brown
G Kingdom Kingdom chromalveolates, in which several lin-
eages, such as the ciliates (Ciliophora),
Archezoa Parabasalia Animalia Fungi
later lost photosynthesis. Cryptomonad
Loukozoa Choanozoa
nucleomorphs are relics of the endosym-
G Cercozoa biotic red alga’s nucleus that have per-
Retaria sisted in these cellular chimaeras for half
Apusozoa a billion years. Two separate implanta-
Opisthokonts tions of green algal cells (G) took place.
Biciliate eukaryotes
Amoebozoa One gave rise to euglenoid chloroplasts
(probably in the common ancestor of
Ancestral heterotrophic uniciliate eukaryote Euglenozoa and Percolozoa or an even
Current biology
earlier excavate). The other was into a
cercozoan flagellate giving the chloro-
plasts and nucleomorphs of chlorarachnean algae. At least two independent tertiary replacements of typical dinoflagellate chloro-
plasts by phylogenetically different ones also occurred [9,13], but are not shown (dinoflagellates belong in Miozoa with Sporozoa, which
are non-photosynthetic but mostly retained plastids for lipid synthesis). The 12 phyla in black belong in the kingdom Protozoa (see
[17], where the rationale behind this phylogeny is detailed). Though Percolozoa are shown as sisters to Euglenozoa, some rRNA trees
[17] suggest that they may be sisters to Archezoa instead; if this were true, Archezoa also must have had photosynthetic ancestors.
algae’ with dinoflagellates, which have a different replacement in chromists and alveolates [4], collec-
brown carotenoid, peridinin. But dinoflagellate plas- tively called chromalveolates [12].
tids are apparently not within the rough ER lumen, and Fast et al. [4] discovered that, in two chromist
they have an envelope of only three smooth mem- groups (cryptomonads and heterokonts) and two alve-
branes. It has therefore long been assumed that their olate groups (dinoflagellates and Sporozoa), the glyc-
plastids had a separate secondary symbiogenetic eraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) gene
origin; many also discounted the arguments for a that originally encoded the chloroplast GAPDH protein
single symbiogenetic origin for all chromistan plastids has been replaced by a duplicate of the radically dif-
[13]. Discovery of the remarkable single-gene circles ferent host gene encoding cytosolic GAPDH. Further-
of dinoflagellate chloroplasts [14] and their phyloge- more, they found that the chromalveolate algal
netic analysis [15] led to a radical reappraisal of replacement genes branch on trees with the ciliate
chromist and dinoflagellate relationships [12]. Not only gene for the cytosolic protein, not with those of non-
chromists and dinoflagellates, but also Sporozoa, alveolates. If these replacements happened indepen-
such as malaria parasites and Toxoplasma, apparently dently, one would have to suppose that the same
had plastids of red algal origin [15]. gene underwent four identical duplications and
A substantial simplification of eukaryote phylogeny retargetings from cytosol to plastid by acquiring
was effected by proposing that all these groups are bipartite targeting signals for import across four (or in
related, and that their red algal chloroplasts had been dinoflagellates three) membranes. Furthermore, the
acquired not independently in five separate sym- retargeted cytosolic enzymes would have had to
bioses, as many then supposed [13], but in a single change their cofactor specificity from NAD to NADPH
secondary symbiogenetic event to form a photosyn- independently.
thetic common ancestor of all chromophytes [12]. It Such multiple convergence of duplication, acquisi-
was already known that dinoflagellates and Sporozoa tion of targeting sequences, and enzymatic remould-
are mutually related by descent from an obscure ing is simply incredible, especially when we bear in
group of flagellates, the protalveolates, grouped with mind that the ancestral chimaeric cells also had host
them in the phylum Miozoa [12]. Miozoa are related to and symbiont genes for distinct mitochondrial GAPDH
the apparently non-photosynthetic ciliate protozoa, enzymes and symbiont cytosolic genes, any of which
the two groups being collectively called alveolates in principle could have undergone duplication and
because of related ultrastructural features of their cell retargeting, and that gene replacement is unlikely
cortex. If alveolates and chromists really do have a even to have been physiologically necessary — it was
photosynthetic common ancestor, ciliates and pro- probably just an evolutionary accident. It is far simpler
talveolates must also be derived from it and have lost to invoke a single gene replacement in the photosyn-
photosynthesis. That this is almost certainly so is now thetic common ancestor of all chromalveolates [4,12]
dramatically shown by a remarkable case of gene and accept that all heterotrophic chromalveolates
evolved by losing photosynthesis. This was probably 4. Fast, N.M., Kissinger, J.C., Roos, D.S., Keeling, P.J. (2001).
easier in chromalveolates because, unlike plants, Nuclear encoded, plastid-targeted genes suggest a single
many retain a capacity for phagotrophy, often being common origin for apicomplexan and dinoflagellates plas-
tids. Mol. Biol. Evol. 18, 418–426.
mixotrophs able both to photosynthesise and phago-
5. Andersson, J.A., Roger, A.J. (2002). A cyanobacterial gene
cytose. Thus, in the protist world they fill a niche like in non-photosynthetic protists — an early chloroplast
corals among animals, which themselves rely on acquisition in eukaryotes. Curr. Biol., this issue.
temporarily cultured intracellular photosynthetic 6. Douglas, S., Zauner, S., Fraunholz, M., Beaton, M.J.,
dinoflagellates. Penny, S., Deng, L.-T., Wu, X., Reith, M., Cavalier-Smith,
So we must now accept that chromalveolates form T., Maier, U.-G. (2001). The highly reduced genome of an
enslaved algal nucleus. Nature 410, 1081–1086.
a major monophyletic branch of the eukaryotic tree.
7. Cavalier-Smith, T. (1993). The origin, losses and gains of
Andersson and Roger [5] have independently shown chloroplasts. In Origin of Plastids: Symbiogenesis,
that the heterotrophic oomycete heterokonts, once mis- Prochlorophytes and the Origins of Chloroplasts, R.A.
classified as fungi, did evolve from algal ancestors: they Lewin, ed. (New York : Chapman & Hall) pp. 291–348.
have a 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (gnd) gene 8. Cavalier-Smith, T., Chao, E.E., Allsopp, M.T.E.P (1995).
closely related to that of diatoms and brown algae, Ribosomal RNA evidence for chloroplast loss within Het-
erokonta: pedinellid relationships and a revised classifica-
which must have come from the chromalveolate red tion of ochristan algae. Archiv. Protistenk. 145, 209–220.
algal symbiont. As glaucophytes, the most divergent 9. Saldarriaga, J., Taylor, F.J.R., Keeling, P.J., Cavalier-Smith,
plant group, have cortical alveoli like those of alveo- T. (2001). Dinoflagellate nuclear SSU rRNA phylogeny sug-
lates, plants and chromalveolates may actually be sister gests multiple plastid losses and replacements. J. Mol.
groups [12]. Though collectively called photokaryotes Evol. 53, 204–213.
[12], it is usually thought that their common ancestor 10. Preisfeld, A., Busse, I., Klingberg, M., Talke, S., Ruppel,
H.G. (2001). Phylogenetic position and inter-relationships
was non-photosynthetic. However, Andersson and
of the osmotrophic euglenids based on SSU rDNA data,
Roger [5] also found gnd genes clearly related to those with emphasis on the Rhabdomonadales (Euglenozoa). Int.
of plants and chromists in the purely heterotrophic J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol. 51, 751–758.
amoeboflagellate Heterolobosea (phylum Percolozoa); 11. Ishida, K., Cavalier-Smith, T., Green, B.R. (2000).
the simplest interpretation is that Percolozoa evolved Endomembrane structure and the chloroplast protein tar-
by plastid loss from photosynthetic ancestors. geting pathway in Heterosigma akashiwo (Raphido-
phyceae, Chromista). J. Phycol. 36, 1135–1144.
Either the primary origin of chloroplasts or a lateral
12. Cavalier-Smith, T. (1999). Principles of protein and lipid tar-
transfer by secondary symbiogenesis occurred earlier geting in secondary symbiogenesis: euglenoid, dinoflagel-
than usually thought. I favour the latter, as Percolozoa late, and sporozoan plastid origins and the eukaryote
are probably sisters to Euglenozoa [12,16,17], which family tree. J. Eukaryot. Microbiol. 46, 347–366.
acquired plastids from a green alga. If this took place 13. Delwiche, C.F. (1999). Tracing the thread of plastid diver-
in the common ancestor of Euglenozoa and Percolo- sity through the tapestry of life. Am. Nat. 154, S164–S177.
zoa, we need not postulate primary plastid loss (never 14. Zhang, Z., Green, B.R., Cavalier-Smith, T. (1999). Single
gene circles in dinoflagellate chloroplast genomes. Nature
clearly demonstrated) in any eukaryotic lineage, merely 400, 155–159.
additional losses of secondary plastids (already known) 15. Zhang, Z., Green, B.R., Cavalier-Smith, T. (2000). Phy-
in the ancestral percolozoan and within Euglenozoa. logeny of ultra-rapidly evolving dinoflagellate chloroplast
However, the suggestion [12] that euglenoid plastids genes: a possible common origin for sporozoan and
were acquired even earlier, in the same event as chlo- dinoflagellate plastids. J. Mol. Evol. 51, 26–40.
rarachnean chloroplasts and nucleomorphs [18,19], is 16. Baldauf, S.L., Roger, A.J., Wenk-Siefert, I., Doolittle, W.F.
(2000). Kingdom-level phylogeny of eukaryotes based on
contradicted by cytoskeletal phylogeny [17]. Chlo- combined data. Science 290, 972–977.
rarachnean chloroplast genome sequences should 17. Cavalier-Smith, T. (2002). The phagotrophic origin of
eventually confirm their independence. eukaryotes and phylogenetic classification of Protozoa.
Andersson and Roger [5] also noted highly divergent Int. J. Syst. Evol. Microbiol., in press.
gnd genes in trypanosomes (Euglenozoa). It is unclear 18. Gilson, P., McFadden, G.I. (1997) Good things in small
whether these came from the green algal symbiont or packages: the tiny genomes of chlorarachniophyte
endosymbionts. BioEssays 19, 167–173.
the host; the secondarily amitochondrial Archezoa
19. Ishida, K., Green, B.R., Cavalier-Smith, T. (1999). Diversifi-
also have comparably divergent gnd genes [5], con-
cation of a chimaeric algal group, the chlorarachniophytes:
ceivably related as Euglenozoa and Archezoa are both phylogeny of nuclear and nucleomorph small subunit rRNA
excavate protozoa [17]. Finding other analogous genes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 16, 321–331.
genetic relics of distant evolutionary events should
provide an even clearer picture of the broad lines of
early eukaryotic diversification.
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