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Cover Letter Version 3

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Dear x,

I am writing to express my interest x position at y, The mission of y resonates with my passion for creative industries and communication.

I bring a dynamic and creative approach to communication, supported by more than 8 years of experience in suitable roles. Here's why I believe I'm a strong fit for this position:

My educational journey began with a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from RHU (Rafik Hariri University ), where I honed my design skills and developed a

profound understanding for Branding, Communication. During my tenure as a Senior Graphic Designer as part of the Communication and PR office, I maintained the

organization's reputation and brand image. I worked closely with faculty including management, and administrative staff in faculties and departments throughout the

university to plan, design, and coordinate production of both print and digital communications . I was mainly utilizing creative problem-solving skills to craft engaging

messages that resonate with the target audience resulting professional designs suitable for a wide array of educational and promotional materials across diverse content

topics. During that time, i was assigned as the Staff advisor for Hultprize Lebanon ... In 2019, RHU students won the $ 250K prize in the national competition, which

was the biggest price the university students have ever won. Out of the many topics i was responsible for, three out of the biggest challenges were creating a visual design

guideline reflecting the university excellence, creating all material to promote Campus Sustainability Initiative, and bringing the HULTPrize competition to campus .

My academic pursuits continued with advanced studies in Integrated Design in Germany, under a principal topic where progressive research and creative methods are

applied to complex design projects in order to develop strategic and relevant digital solutions . Before completing my Masters, I got accepted for Erasmus studies at one of

Slovenia' s most prestigious universities University of Ljubljana, which greatly expanded my cultural exposure and enriched my design knowledge. Towards the end of my studies, i started an

internship as part of the Innovation and Technology team in Eaton GmbH Bonn. The internship advanced to a Master-thesis contract with the Innovation and Technology

department in Bonn. Duing the tenure, I proactively addressed the challenge of low employee participation in an Innovation program trying to engage their employees by

motivating and inspiring them to come up with innovative ways to unleash innovation from within as driving Innovation is in-line with the company's strategic goals, by

conducting extensive research and making improvements leading to enhanced engagement and alignment with a customer-centric approach . After that, successfully

transitioned to working with the Business Development at Eaton GmbH as a UX/UI designer . My attached reference letter highlights the breadth of responsibilities

related to UX-UI. This challenging yet exciting experience further enhanced my problem-solving, analytical and critical skill abilities and strengthened my dedication to

achieving results within tight deadlines.

I am excited about the opportunity to join X’s team as i see the position very relevant to my past experiences and would contribute to its growth and development in

Europe. Over the years, I have accumulated experiences that have shaped me into an imaginative person, excellent communicator, with great organizational skills ...who

likes to make a difference in my work. X' s mission and vision, which is centered around transforming Europe' s Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI )

through innovation and collaboration, is truly compelling. My extensive experience working with non-profit organizations such as Rafik Hariri University and the

Hultprize Foundation has inspired me to pursue deeper knowledge in my domain, enabling me to make a greater contribution to society .

Pursuing my M
asters in Integrated Design, followed by my experience at Eaton, has ignited my desire to explore more ways in which Design, as an influential

co m m u n icatio n s to o l, can co n trib u te to so lv in g g lo b al an d in tern atio n al ch allen g es. A d d itio n ally , m y ex p erien ce o f stu d y in g in d ifferen t co u n tries an d w o rk in g w ith

d iv erse stak eh o ld ers in v ario u s lan g u ag es (A rab ic, E n g lish , G erm an ) assu res m e th at I can co m m u n icate an d co llab o rate effectiv ely w ith in th e team .
I am eager to enrich X's cultural initiatives with my international and Middle East experiences and contribute to driving Europe's green, digital, and social transformation. Therefore, I

believe that my experiences make me a suitable fit for this role, and I am enthusiastic about bringing my creativity and problem-solving abilities to your dynamic team .

I look forward to a positive feedback and an opprotunity.

Warm Regards from Bonn,

Miriam Chehade

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