Amc12 2000

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Problem 1

The prime factorisation is 23∗29∗3. The largest factorisation occurs when the largest number is
closest to the actual number, the factorisation for which is 667∗3∗1 when the numbers are
distinct. Therefore 671. (E)

Problem 2

2000 ( 20002000 )=20002001 . ( A)

Problem 3

So she ate
in the first day, so then she has
remaining, then she eats
1 4x 4x
5 5
= , so
25 ( )
16 x
16 x 32∗25
remaining which equals: =32 → x = =50. (B)
25 16

4x ∗4
If she eats 20 % , then 80 % remains. After the first day she has after day 2: 5 16 x .
5 =
5 25
Then following the same step as above

Problem 4

The Fibonacci sequence is 1 ,1 , 2 ,3 ,5 , 8 , 13 ,21 , 34 , 55 , 89,144,233 ,377 ,600 . Mod 10 is

1 ,1 , 2 ,3 ,5 , 8 , 3 ,1 , 4 ,5 , 9 , 4 ,3 , 7 , 0. We can see here that all the digits have already occurred
except 6 . (C)


We could have mod 10 it from the start as we only need the units digit:
1 ,1 , 2 ,3 ,5 , 8 , 3 ,1 , 4 ,5 , 9 , 4 ,3 , 7 , 0 …
Problem 5

If x <2, then x−2<0 , so |x−2|=−( x−2 ) =2−x= p → x=2− p. So x− p=2− p− p=2−2 p.

Problem 6

Let the two primes be x , y , and z be the solution. So

xy− ( x + y ) =z → xy−x− y=z → x ( y−1 ) − y=z → x ( y−1 )− y +1=z+1 → x ( y−1 )−( y−1 ) =z+1 → ( x−1 ) ( y−
. Note that all the primes between 4−18 must be odd, so when subtracted one they must be even
and therefore z +1 must be even, this means z is odd and this takes away ( A ) , ( B ) ,(D) . Looking at
(C) : ( x−1 ) ( y−1 ) =120. Listing out the factor pairs and noting that the numbers must be between
3 , 17 and must both be even: (10 , 12) is the only option, so we have x=11 and y=13 which is
definitely possible. Doing the same with (E), we get ( x−1 ) ( y−1 ) =232=23∗29. The lowest factors
we can get is 8 , 29 which is too large. Therefore (C)

Do the same steps but instead of testing primes we can notice that the two largest primes are 13 , 17
which give ( 12 ) ( 16 )−1=191. So it will never reach (E). Therefore (C)

Problem 7

Let log b 729=x . Writing in exponent form, we get b x =729, where b , x are positive integers. Prime
factorising 729=36. Now 6 has 4 factors namely: 1 , 2, 3 , 6. So we can rewrite as (3¿¿ 1)6=36 ¿,
3 3 2 2 1 1
(3¿¿ 2) =9 ¿, (3¿¿ 3) =27 ¿, (3¿¿ 6) =729 ¿. (E)

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