34 Karnataka BN NCC Ballari: Name of The Camp & Date
34 Karnataka BN NCC Ballari: Name of The Camp & Date
34 Karnataka BN NCC Ballari: Name of The Camp & Date
Name of the Camp & Date: IDSSC-1/CATC CAMP & 22/04/2024 to 01/05/2024
Regimental No, Rank and :
Name of the Cadet :
Mobile No : :
Father’s Name :
Mobile No :
6. Medical Fitness Certificate. Certified that I have examined the cadet whose details have
been given overleaf, in accordance with the standards laid down in NCC Rules and I have found
him / her FIT to undergo the NCC Camp / activity. I also certify that the Cadet has been
inoculated properly and is free from infectious diseases including H1 N1.
7. Certificate from the OC NCC Unit. Certified that I have explained the orders regarding
precautions to be taken against drowning / accidents and explained to the cadets not to go to
locations / areas that have been designated by the Camp Commandant as ‘OUT OF BOUNDS’. The
cadet has signed in my presence.
Signature of Cadet ________________ Sign and stamp of the OC Unit _________________
Date :