City College 2023

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Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session

Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Junior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and
any Four (4) in section B
1. ______ is defined as the cultivation of the land for growing crops and rearing of
animals for the use of man (a) Agriculture (b) Agriculturalist (c) Agriculturalism
(d) animal planning
2. The following are vital/importance of Agriculture except (a) provision of food (b)
provision of employment (c) promotion of conflict (d) provision of foreign
3. Industry and raw materials used is part of the importance of agriculture.
4. ______ is the type of agriculture whereby the farmer produces food just for
enough for his family consumption. (a) Subsistence (b) commercial (c) effort (d)
a and b
5. The farm land are usually very small is an example of characteristics of
subsistence agriculture. Yes/No
6. ______ is a type of agriculture whereby the farmers or companies produce
agricultural materials for money (a) commercial agriculture (b) multiple
agriculture (c) production agriculture (d) quantity agriculture
7. ______ is the branch of agriculture which deals with the training of farmers (a)
workshop (b) agricultural education (c) veterinary medicine (d) science
8. ______ is the culture of Vine (a) viticulture (b) floriculture (c) pomology (d)
9. ______ deals with the production of fruits (a) floriculture (b) pomology (c)
viticulture (d) olericulture
10. ______ is the production of ornamental plants (a) floriculture (b) vegetable
process (c) scientist (d) extension personnel
11. _____ is an area of agriculture which is concern with how to help farmers to
help themselves (a) Agricultural extension (b) Agriculturalist scientist (c)
Agricultural personnel (d) none of the above
12. Cattle is use for Beef and production of milk. True/False
13. Pig is use for skin, bones. True/False
14. Sheep is not gotten from wool and mutlon. True/False
15. A typical crop plant such as Mango or sweet pepper is made up of two main
part which are root and shoot. True/False
16. In some plants the stems have branches. True/False
17. Monocot crop plants are those with one seed ______ (a) leaf (b) taproot (c) plant
(d) roots
18. Seed leaf can also be refer as cotyledon. True/False
19. ______ are plants with two seed leaves or cotyledons (a) dicot crop plant (b)
monocot plant (c) taproot (d) none of the above
20. Flower produce fruits and seeds. True/False

1. Define Agricultural science base on your understanding
2. List and explain importance of agriculture you know
3. List and explain the types of agriculture
4. List 3 characteristics of agriculture
5. List four (4) areas of specialization in agriculture
6. Explain the following
a. Olericulture
b. Floriculture
d. Pomology

````````ALL THE BEST````````

Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Junior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and
any four (4) in section B
1. The following are uses of hoe except ______ (a) weeding (b) making ridges (c)
uprooting of stumps (d) is use for eating
2. The following are simple fishing tools except ______ (a) fishing hook (b) basket (c)
fish traps or cage (d) spoon

3. Rocks are the primary material from which soil is formed. Yes/No

4. ______ is the upper of the earth’s surface which is essential for the growth of
plants (a) Soil (b) Mood (c) Earth (d) Heaven

5. Soil does not provides plants with mineral nutrients. Yes/No

6. Soil is not actually form from rock. Yes/No

7. The following are types of weathering except ______ (a) chemical weathering (b)
biological weathering (c) physical weathering (d) water weathering

8. The following are composition of properties of soil except ______ (a) water (b) air
(c) organic matter (d) nutrient

9. Air is not important in the soil. Yes/No

10. ______ can be encouraged by ensuring that the amount of water in the soil is
controlled (a) soil aeration (b) soil population (c) soil look (d) all of the above

11. Living organism is a composition and properties of the soil. Yes/No

12. ______ involves the actions of temperature (a) physical weathering (b) reaction
weathering (c) employment weathering (d) all of the above

13. Water is the major component of the soil and it is very important in plant
growth. Yes/No

14. ______ is the exchange of carbon (iv) oxide and oxygen gases between the soil
and the atmosphere (a) soil aeration (b) pollution (c) nutrient (d) production

15. ______ is formed when igneous or sedimentary rock or both are subjected to
heat action and pressure (a) mentamorphical rock (b) metamorphic rock (c)
igneous solid rock (d) heat rock

16. Sand stone is an example of sedimentary rock. Yes/No

17. Granite is example of igneous rock. Yes/No

18. Gnesis is an example of metamorphic rock. True/False.

19. Rocks can be used to control gully erosion. True/False

20. Hand trowel is part of agricultural implement. True/False


1. List out at least six (6) agricultural implement you know

2. List out Five (5) uses of hoe

3. What do you understand by the word ROCK

4. List out the Three (3) types of rock you are taught in your class and explain one

5. List out Six (6) uses of rock

6a. Define soil

6b. Mention three (3) importance of soil

````````ALL THE BEST````````

Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Senior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and
any four (4) in section B
1. The digestive system of farm animal include all of the ______ and ______ (a)
organs and tissue (b) tissues and urea (c) organs and bones (d) all of the above
2. ______ refers to the form and structure of the body (a) Anapology (b) Anatromy
(c) Anatomy (d) shape
3. ______ refers to the functions of the forms and parts of the body (a) physiology
(b) physics (c) phycology (d) ecosystem of plants and animals
4. ______ are animals which possess only one stomach and they do not ruminate
(a) organism animals (b) monogastric or non-ruminant (c) pathogens (d)
5. Non-ruminant animals are also called ______ (a) monostanic animals (b)
monogastric (c) A & B (d) digestive tract
6. Polygastric can also be called ______ (a) ruminant animals (b) compartment (c)
7. These are farm animals which possess four stomach compartment (a)
polymagnetic animals (b) polygastric animals or ruminant animals (c) free range
animals (d) all of the above
8. Four stomach compartment can also be called ______ (a) complex stomach (b)
single stomach (c) uncountable stomach (d) big stomach
9. Omasun and abomasum are part of the stomach compartment. True/False
10. Ruminant animals can ruminate or chew the cud. True/False.
11. The following are importance of circulatory system except ______ (a) it help in
turgidity (b) it assist in heat (c) distribution in the body (d) it help to operate
12. It circulate nutrients to the body tissues. That statement is an example of
importance of circulatory system. True/False
13. Respiration can be represented by which equation
(a) C6H12O6+6O2 6O2+6H2O+Energy
(b) C4Z12O14+703 30C2+7H2O+Power
(c) HZO5+SUO4 ZHO2 +H2O
(d) CaO12+H2O
14. ______ system include all the organs and tissues associated with the exchange
of gases between an animal and its environment leading to the release of energy
(a) respiratory system (b) digestive system (c) circulatory system (d) tissues
15. ______ includes all the organs and tissues which are concerned with the
movement of materials from one part of the body to another where they are
either used or removed (a) circulatory system (b) reproduction system (c)
respiratory system (d) all of the above
16. The following are importance of respiratory system except (a) it removes
carbondioxide from the body (b) it promotes gaseous exchange (c) it supply
oxygen to the body cell (d) it over flow the body system
17. ______ is a system which make organs and tissues that enable animals to
respond to change in their environment (a) nervous system (b) nutrient system
(c) production system (d) organ system
18. Sensory neurone is a type of neurons. Yes/No
19. The brain is enclosed in a bony case called the (a) cranium (b) calcum (c) spinal
cord (d) gaseous
20. ______ is the type of espiration which takes place in the absence of oxygen (a)
Anaerobic respiration (b) Oxygen respiration (c) Aerobic respiration (d) all of the
1. List 3 importance of respiratory system
2. List out the 2 types of respiration and their represented equation
3. Explain the following in short note
(i) Brain
(ii) Spinal cord
5. List and explain the types of Neurones
6. Write short note on CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM

````````ALL THE BEST````````


Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Agricultural Science Class: Senior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B
1. The primary causes of diseases are classified into ______ (a) two (b) four (c) six
(d) three
2. ______ may be physical, chemical environmental (a) physiological factor (b)
static factor (c) energy factor (d) social factor

3. Pathogens are disease including living organs or agents which pass through
regular cycle of ______ and ______ (a) development and reproduction (b)
respiration and movement (c) nutrient and physiological (d) sociology and

4. The following are examples of physiological factors except ______ (a) nutrient
deficiency (b) heat (c) inorganic salt (d) irrigation water

5. The following are example of diseases on crops except ______ (a) death of plants
(b) reduced seed viability (c) a and b (d) respiration and cultivation

6. Disease of crop plant can be controlled by the following method except ______
(a) chemical control (b) biological control (c) cultural control (d) universal control

7. ______ involve the use of natural enemies of the disease to reduce or ttally
eliminate the disease (a) chemical control (b) biological control (c) idea control
(d) term control
8. The following are ways by which diseases spread on a crop farm except (a) by
rain splash (b) through irrigation water (c) through insect vectors (d) through

9. A matured eggor ovum is released from the follicle in the ovary into oviduct.
This process is called ______ (a) ovulation (b) ovulazy (c) ovuu-reaction (d) none
of the above

10. ______ ensures the storage and maturation of sperm cells in the testes (a)
epididymis (b) organs (c) power (d) oxygen

11. ______ is the ability in animals to give ______ to ______ (a) sleep and birth (b)
birth and young (c) a and b (d) viviparous

12. The male reproductive system include the testes which produce the ______ (a)
seminiferous (b) spermatozoa (b) fertilizer (d) enveloping

13. The female reproductive system include the ovaries which produces the ovum
or ova (egg) enclosed by the graffian follicles and some hormones. True/False

14. ______ are diseases inducing living organisms (a) pathogens (b) plants (c)
internodes (d) fungicides

15. The following are types of crop pest except ______ (a) insects (b) birds (c)
monkeys (d) fowl

16. ______ is any plant that grows in a place where it is not expected to grow or
plant which grows out of place (a) weed (b) plant (c) maize leaves (d) tomatoes

17. ______ refers to the art and science of feeding farm animals (a) animal
reproduction (b) animal movement (c) animal nutrition (d) all of the above

18. Mineral/Vitamins supplement is part of the classification of livestock feed.


19. ______ refers to the preservation of green and succulent forage crops under
anaerobic conditions (a) silage (b) wage (c) kilage (d) hage
20. The following are methods of preparing feed ingredients except ______ (a) dry
process (b) cotton seed meal (c) fish meal (d) composition method
1. List the general control of crop plant diseases
2. Mention FIVE ways by which diseases spread on a crop farm
3. Mention SIX effects if disease on crops
4. List out the FOUR examples of pathogens
5a. Define plant disease
5b. Mention the TWO causes of diseases
6. Explain the THREE general control of crop plant disease
````````ALL THE BEST````````


Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Social Studies Class: Junior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B

1. The Yorubas are known of eating amala while Akwa Ibom indigens
are known for eating ______ (a) Epaukukwe (b) Garri with Oha soup
(c) Isanr soup (d) Egusi soup
2. What differentiates the extended family from nuclear family is the
______ in the home (a) number of children (b) number of wives (c)
presence of other relations (d) type of authority exercised by the
3. Culture is not static means that culture is ______ (a) dynamic (b)
shared (c) similar (d) universal
4. The founder of Christianity religion is (a) Abraham (b) Jesus Christ
(c) John the Baptist (d) Prophet Elijah
5. Which of the following is not the teaching of Christianity? (a) Faith
in the word of God (b) giving alms to the poor (c) praying five times
daily (d) pilgrimage to the holy land
6. Religious organizations lay more emphasis on (a) appointing public
officers (b) moral development (c) economic development (d) killing
7. A cultural group can be identified in Nigeria by one of these; (a)
language (b) sex (c) complexion (d) type of nose
8. The Hausa call their traditional ruler ______ (a) Oba (b) Emir (c)
Igwe (d) Obi
9. Islam was founded by ______ (a) Jesus Christ (b) Prophet
Muhammed (c) John the Baptist (d) None of the above
10. Christians worship God through ______ (a) Mary Magdalene (b)
Jesus Christ (c) Prophet Muhammed (d) None of the above
11. The holy book of Christians is ______ (a) Quran (b) Bible (c) Liturgy
(d) none of the above
12. The holy book of Muslims is ______ (a) Bible (b) Quran (c) Dictionary
(d) none of the above
13. The African traditional religionist believe in the ______ (a) ten
commandment of God (b) laws and customs of the land (c) five
pillars if Islam (d) all of the above
14. Most Nigerian cultural groups are similar in the following areas
except in ______ (a) farming (b) marriage (c) celebration of festivals
(d) language
15. The following are agents of socialization except one (a) school (b)
peer group (c) family (d) none of the above

1a. What is Culture?
1b. With examples, mention the two aspects or components of culture

2a. State the characteristics of culture

2b. Describe Religion

3a. List five names we can call God in different communities in Nigeria
3b. Name five things that religion teaches us
4a Identified three major similarities in the types of religion
4b. What is adornment?



Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Social Studies Class: Junior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B

1. Which of these is not aspect of readiness in marriage? (a) Physical fitness

(b) medical tests (c) financial tests (d) going to prayer houses

2. ______ is not a purpose for marriage (a) misunderstanding (b) procreation

(c) sexual satisfaction (d) mutual love

3. The legal union of a man and a woman to become husband and wife is
called (a) engagement (b) association (c) companionship (d) marriage

4. The two types of marriage in Nigeria are ______ and ______ (a)
monogamous and polygamous (b) polyandry and polygamous (c) nuclear
and extended (d) none of the above
5. Which of the marriage is common among Muslims families in Nigeria? (a)
Monogamous (b) polygamous (c) polyandrous (d) none of the above

6. The type of marriage that involves one man and a one woman as
husband and wife is the ______ family (a) monogamous (b) polygamous (c)
polyandrous (d) unigamous

7. The type of marriage that involves a man and a two or more spouses is
known as ______ (a) polygamous (b) monogamous (c) polygamous (d)

8. The following are forms of marriage except (a) court or ordinance (b)
customary or traditional (c) Christian marriage (d) society marriage

9. These forms of marriage support monogamy except (a) Christian

marriage (b) court or ordinance (c) Muslim or Islamic marriage (d) none of
the above

10. Islamic or Muslim marriage supports polygamy, it allows a man to marry

up to ______ wives (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5

11. Who officiates at an Islamic marriage? (a) Pastor (b) Reverend (c) Church
leader (d) Imam

12. Behavioural outcome that is accepted and motivating is ______ (a)

positive group behavior (b) negative group behavior (c) gang group
behavior (d) cult group behavior

13. Which of these is a benefit from positive group behaviours? (a)

Companionship (b) carrying dangerous weapons (c) chanting war songs
(d) destroying bill-boards

14. The legal union of a man and a woman as husband and wife is called
______ (a) association (b) courtship (c) marriage (d) friendship
15. Polyandry is ______ (a) having more than one husband at a time (b)
having more than one wife at a time (c) having one wife at a time (d)
living happily with two wives
1a. What is marriage?
1b. State two major types of marriage

2a. List FOUR forms of marriage

2b. Statte FIVE purposes of marriage

3. Explain the steps or stages in marriage

4a. State FOUR conditions necessary for marriage totake place

4b. What is group behaviour?

Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Civic Education Class: Senior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B

1. In democracy, lack of press freedom leads to the denial of freedom of (a)

association (b) expression (c) gathering (d) movement

2. Franchise means the right to (a) contest for political post (b) join
association (c) vote and be voted for (d) vote and win election

3. One of the civic responsibilities of a citizen is to obey (a) constituted

authority (b) Bye-laws (c) edicts (d) law books

4. Law making is the primary function of (a) the federal government (b)
legislature (c) the judges (d) the executives
5. A political system in which citizen rule through their representative
chosen in periodic election is called (a) representative democracy (b)
representative political (c) capitalist (d) democracy

6. The most popular definition of democracy was given by (a) Martin Luther
King (b) Abraham Lincoln (c) Kwame Nkrumah (d) Nelson Mandela

7. Democracy originated from (a) USA (b) Britain (c) Germany (d) Greece

8. Human rights are basic natural rights which people enjoy primarily
because they are (a) members of a political party (b) international citizens
(c) members of a communities (d) Human beings

9. Citizens can be deprived of their rights during (a) public holidays (b)
political campaign (c) emergency rule (d) democratic regime

10. Human right abuse can be prevented through the following except (a)
constitutional mean (b) protest (c) court of law (d) mass

11. Democracy can promote national development if there is (a) good

governance (b) promotion of culture (c) immunity for leaders (d)
registration of parties

12. All of the following can limit the right of a citizen except (a) war (b) state
of emergency (c) universality (d) military rule

13. The 2019 chibok girls were (a) abducted while praying in the mosque (b)
kidnapped while praying in the mosque (c) kidnapped while praying to
write WAEC (d) Abducted while wandering along the street

14. Loving our country more than other nations is (a) patriotism (b) nepotism
(c) nationalism (d) favoritism

15. Which of these does not relate to civic education (a) Government (b)
Citizenship education (c) voters education (d) Demographic
16. A Nigerian citizen enjoys (a) all the rights and privileges in Nigeria (b)
partial rights and privileges in Nigeria (c) only right in Nigeria (d) only
privileges in Nigeria

17. Civic education is studied to achieve one of the these (a) increase in
social vices (b) discourage voting in Nigeria (c) promote national unity (d)
encourage disobedient to government

18. Citizenship education is derived from civic (a) economy (b) business (c)
education (d) religion

19. HIV/AIDS can be spread through the following ways except _____ (a)
blood transfusion (b) breast feeding (c) unsterilized sharp objects (d)
sleeping with an infected person

20. The right to vote and be voted for is _____ (a) franchise (b) francis (c)
franshine (d) frankly


1. Define the term Liberty

2. Carefully define Democracy
3. List and explain THREE function of the Legislature
4. Extremely explain Citizenship
5. What is Separation of Powers
6. Define the term Cultism

Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Civic Education Class: Senior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B

1. _____ is not a way of preserving our customs in Nigeria (a) greetings (b)
dressing (c) food (d) investment
2. Nigeria is located at the _____ Africa sub-region (a) south (b) east (c)
north (d) west
3. National _____ is the awareness that one is a citizen of a particular
nation (a) identity (b) unity (c) consciousness (d) integrity
4. All are the ways of national consciousness, integrity and unity except
_____ (a) intolerance (b) harmony (c) patriotism (d) inter marriage
5. An economic system in production of goods distribution and ownership
of labour lie in the hand of private individuals is referred to as _____ (a)
socialism (b) gerontocracy (c) plutocracy (d) capitalism
6. The non-engagement of factors of production to earn their reward is
called _____ (a) unemployment (b) manufacturing (c) employment (d)
7. Political parties compete for powers through the following ways except
_____ (a) campaign (b) manifesto (c) lorries (d) slogan
8. The feeling of not interested in political politics of a nation is called _____
(a) political association (b) political socialization (c) political neutrality (d)
political apathy
9. The Nigeria federation started under the council of _____ (a) Sir Herbert
Macaulay (b) Sir Bernard Boudillon (c) Sir Hugh Clifford (d) Sir Lord
10. The father if Nigeria nationalism is traced to _____ (a) Sir Lord Luggared
(b) Sir John MaCpherson (c) Chieg Olusegun Onasanjo (d) Chieh
Anthony Enahoro
11. A chemical that changes a person’s mood or behavior is _____
12. Forms of drugs abuse include _____, _____, _____ and _____
13. Nitrous is also called _____
14. The recent Corona virus originated in _____ two countries
15. Son stand for _____
16. NAFDAC was established by military
17. The agency responsible for the enforcement and arrest of drug traffickers
is ______
18. The first female directors of NAFDAC was _____
19. The running mate to Alhaji Atiku Abubakar in the 2019 general election
in Nigeria was _____
20. Nigeria is a multi-party state, simply because she ________
1a. Define the term Drug
1b. In what FOUR ways can drugs be taken

2a. Differentiate between drug trafficking and drug abuse

2b. List FOUR behaviours exhibited by drug addicts
3a. State and explain TWO government agencies that are working to prevent
drug abuse
3b. From 1960 till date, trace the Heads of states and Presidents of Nigeria

4a. Define employment

4b. List all the factors of production and their respective rewards
5a. In term of their definitions, state the major different between capitalism
and mixed economy
5b. State the countries that have the following as their capitals



Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Civic Education Class: Junior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B

1. The process whereby an individual desires to acquire the status of a

country is _____ (a) citizen (b) acculturation (c) citizenship (d) adaptability
2. One of these is not an attitude of honesty (a) integrity (b) irresponsibility
(c) fairness (d) boldness
3. _____ is the working together of a group of people to achieve a common
goal (a) honesty (b) corporation (c) integrity (d) co-operation
4. All are types of citizenship except _____ (a) birth (b) nationalization (c)
dual (d) honorary
5. All of these are types of human rights in Nigeria except _____ (a) civic (b)
economic (c) political (d) spiritual
6. One of the following is not included in the goe-political zones in Nigeria
(a) North West (b) South East (c) West North (d) South South
7. The eagle in the Nigeria coat of arms represent the _____ of Nigeria (a) eye
(b) mouth (c) power (d) strength
8. _____ is the ability to do certain things by oneself without necessary
depending on other people (a) discipline (b) value (c) self-reliance (d) none
of the above
9. The colour of the Nigeria National Flag is _____ (a) Green, White, Blue (b)
Green, White, Green (c) Green, Green, White (d) Red, Green, White
10. _____ are the basics and undeniable right which an individual enjoys in
society (a) man right (b) farmer right (c) human right (d) business right
11. _____ is the body of rules and regulation under which a country is being
governed (a) democracy (b) constitution (c) contentment (d) none of the
12. A _____ person is highly respected in the society (a) dishonest (b) value (c)
honest (d) none of the above
13. _____ means telling the truth all the time (a) value (b) honesty (c)
dishonesty (d) contentment
14. _____ is the ability for a citizen to know what is going on in their country
(a) National Peace (b) National Consciousness (c) National Symbol (d)
National Identity
15. Which one is not a types of value (a) sincerity (b) confidence (c) greed (d)
16. The yellow in traffic light indicate _____ (a) all vehicles to slow down (b)
all vehicles should stop (c) all vehicle should good (d) all vehicles should
get ready
17. Which of the following is not a fundamental human right (a) right to
education (b) right to freedom of religion (c) right to life (d) right to
freedom of violence
18. A honest person will always tell the truth. True/False
19. The Nigerian National Symbol does not include (a) National Currency (b)
National Paper (c) National Pledge (d) The Constitution
20. Those privileges which a citizen have as permitted by the law are called
1. List EIGHT examples of human right
2. List THREE ways one can become a citizen of another country
3. Define the term Value
4. Define Contentment
5. List FIVE citizen duties



Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Civic Education Class: Junior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B

1. _____is the body of rules, principles, traditions laws under which a

country is being governed (a) democracy (b) constitution (c) contentment
(d) none of the above
2. An honest person does not do any of the following except (a) tell lies (b)
cheat (c) always steal (d) none of the above
3. _____ means telling the truth all the times (a) value (b) honesty (c)
dishonesty (d) contentment
4. A _____ person is highly respected in the society (a) dishonest (b) value (c)
honest (d) none of the above
5. A dishonest person will always tell the truth. True/False
6. _____ is defined as the standards, rules and criteria that influences and
determine how individuals behave in a society (a) value (b) honesty (c)
civic education (d) none of the above
7. The colour of the Nigeria National Flag is ______ (a) Black, White, Black
(b) White, Red, White (c) Green, White, Green (d) Green, White, Yellow
8. Which of the following is a type of value (a) honesty (b) sincerity (c)
confidence (d) all of the above
9. The consequences of not obeying traffic rules often resulted to (a) road
work (b) pot holes (c) safe driving (d) road accidents
10. The red traffic light indicate (a) All vehicles should go (b) all vehicles to
slow down (c) all vehicles should get ready to go (d) all vehicles should
11. Which one is not a type of value (a) sincerity (b) confidence (c) greed (d)
12 Dishonesty often resulted to ______ (a) corruption (b) peace (c) love (d)
13. ______ are basic and undeniable right which a individual enjoys in
society (a) man right (b) human right (c) farmer right (d) business right
14. Which of the following is not a fundamental human right (a) right to life
(b) right to education (c) right to freedom of religion (d) right to freedom of
15. _____ is he acts of denial of one’s fundamental human right (a) human
right (b) human right abuse (c) honesty (d) democracy
16. _____ is the ability for a citizen to know what’s going on in their country
(a) National peace (b) National Consciousness (c) National Symbol (d)
National Identity
17. The following are effects of human right except (a) under development (b)
bad image (c) lack of patriotism (d) development
18. _____ is the ability to do certain things by oneself without necessarily
relying on other people (a) value (b) self-reliance (c) discipline (d) none of
the above
19. _____ is the working with other people to achieve a common purpose (a)
self-reliance (b) corporation (c) honesty (d) all of the above
20. _____ is not the consequences of dishonesty (a) dishonest person enjoys
when caught (b) a dishonest person is always punished (c) a dishonest
person is not respected in the society (d) all of the above
1. Define Human right
2. What is Citizenship
3. List FIVE types of value
4. Define co-operation
5. List and explain THREE types of co-operation
6. What is Civic Education



Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Marketing Class: Senior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in
section B

1. The term use to collectively identify all the elements that have some impact on the
actual performance of a market is ____ (a) marketing environment (b) marketing
feasibility (c) social environment (d) social marketing
2. _____ environment refers to the forces that are close to the company and affect its
ability to serve its consumers (a) Micro (b) Macro (c) Nano (d) Major
3. The following are factors that influence a micro environment except (a) political (b)
supplies (c) customers (d) public
4. The following are classes of consumers except (a) technological consumer (b)
ultimate consumer (c) industrial consumer (d) international consumer
5. An intermediary who purchase goods with the view to resell them at a profit is a
_____ (a) reseller (b) purchaser (c) profit maker (d) sharp seller
6. Consumers who purchases goods and services for producing other goods and
services are called _____ (a) industrial consumer (b) ultimate consumer (c) define
consumer (d) government consumer
7. The consumers that may be individual and wholesalers are classified as _____ (a)
ultimate consumer (b) intermediary consumer (c) potential consumer (d) arbitrary
8. Those who sell goods and services of the same and similar description in the same
market are _____ (a) competitors (b) neighbors (c) firm brothers (d) share holders
9. Factors such as salary level, credit trends and pricing patterns that can affect
consumer spending habits and purchasing power are _____ environment (a)
economic (b) socio-cultural (c) political (d) technological
10. Forces that affect the basic value, behavior and preferences of the society which
also affect a consumer marketing decision are _____ environment (a) socio-cultural
(b) unstable (c) public (d) anti-social
11. The process of forming crowds, groups, association and organization for the pursuit
of collective goals is termed _____ (a) mobilization of work force (b) cooperation of
force (c) distribution network (d) none of the above
12. The action that ultimately sell every product and service as well as every
organizational agenda is _____ (a) marketing activity (b) marketing curriculum (c)
marketing strategies (d) marketing mix
13. A place where two or more people meet to exchange goods and services is called a
_____ (a) market (b) store (c) warehouse (d) industry
14. A market that involves an individual who buys products and services for personal
use is called a _____ (a) consumer market (b) political market (c) international
market (d) personal market
15. Characteristics of consumer market based on gender, age, income occupation etc is
called _____ (a) demographic characteristics (b) psychological characteristics (c)
behavioural characteristics (d) none of the above
16. Consumer market characteristics by market size, region, population density and
climate are referred to as _____ (a) geographical characteristics (b) demographical
characteristics (c) social characteristics (d) environmental
17. The following are types of organizational market except (a) consumer (b) producer
(c) reseller (d) government market
18. The study of individuals, groups or organization and the processes they use to
select, use and dispose products is called (a) consumer behavior (b) customer value
(c) customer relationship (d) customer interest
19. Factors influencing consumer’s behavior include the following except (a) climatic
factor (b) cultural factor (c) social factor (d) personal factor
20. The following are classified under personal factor influencing consumer’s behavior
except (a) roles and status (b) occupation (c) economic situation (d) personality

1a. Define Consumer behavior
1b. State FOUR factors influencing consumer behavior
2a. Define Consumer market
2b. State FOUR characteristics of consumer market
3a. Define Market activities
3b. State FOUR actions taking to maximize the potential of distribution channel and
marketing program
4a. Define Marketing environment
4b. State FOUR factors influencing micro-environment
5. List and explain the factors that influence a macro environment

Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Marketing Class: Senior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in section B

1. The activities involving storage of goods on a large scale in a systematic and
orderly manner is called _____ (a) warehousing (b) keeping (c) storing (d)
2. The logistic function of an organization ability to provide high levels of
customer service is describe as _____ (a) warehousing (b) customer
relationship (c) organization satisfaction (d) optimistic service
3. By bridging the time gap between production and consumption of goods,
warehousing creates _____ (a) time utility (b) time wasting (c) time gap (d)
time limit
4. The function of ware house to store large stock of goods is called _____ (a)
storage of goods (b) keeping of goods (c) production of goods (d) financing
5. A document issue by ware houses is called (a) ware house peeper’s warrant
(b) warehouse-investment warrant (c) warehouse finance warrant (d) none of
the above
6. The function of warehouse becoming responsible for any loss, theft or
damage of products/goods is called (a) risk bearing (b) precaution bearing (c)
branding (d) grading
7. The collection of goods from place of production an also sending the goods
to the place of delivery on request is (a) transportation (b) processing (c)
relocation of goods (d) none of the above
8. A warehouse in which the government regulate its function and operation is
the (a) public warehouse (b) bonded warehouse (c) co-operative warehouse
(d) private warehouse
9. Warehouses in which owners are licensed to accept imported goods for
storage before payment of custom duties are ____ warehouses (a) bonded
warehouses (b) co-operative warehouses (c) government warehouses (d)
optative warehouses
10. The following are function of warehouse except (a) marketing (b) financing (c)
processing (d) grading and branding
11. The activities of a warehouse include the following except (a) buying (b)
smoothing (c) contingencies (d) order product
12. Anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a need or want is called
_____ (a) product (b) item (c) materials (d) service
13. The goods and services purchased and used by final consumers are _____
product (a) primary (b) secondary (c) tertiary (d) none of the above
14. The following are forms of convenience product except (a) shopping product
(b) staple product (c) impulse product (d) emergency product
15 Products purchased without planning or search effort are _____ product (a)
impulse (b) staple (c) specially (d) shopping
16. The product in which consumers take time to compare the price, quality,
durability, taste before making a decision to buy is the _____ product (a)
shopping (b) specially (c) unsought (d) convenience
17. Product that are purchased and used for production of other products are
_____ products (a) industrial (b) primary (c) common (d) intervention
18. A product that involve manufacturing machine upon whch production of
product is hinged is _____ products (a) foundation (b) entering (c) facilitating (d)
19. Forms of entering products include the following except (a) installation (b) raw
material (c) fabricating material (d) none of the above
20. _____ defined marketing channel as the set of all the firms and individual that
co-operate to produce, distribute and consume the particular goods or services
of a particular producer (a) Kotler (1980) (b) Longman (1990) (c) Anyakoha
(1988) (d) Kebiru (2010)
1. Discuss FIVE forms of primary and secondary market
2. Define the following product
(i) Staple product (ii) Impulse product (iii) Emergency product (iv) Shopping product (v)
Specially product
3. Discuss FIVE advantages of warehousing
4. List and explain FIVE activities of warehousing
5. State FIVE characteristics of ideal warehousing
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Basic Technology Class: Junior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in
section B


1. A language used by technical men and women to communicate is called

____ (a) technical drawing (b) technical speaking (c) phone talk (d)
technical communication
2. ____ is used to draw lines that are at 90 0 to the left edge of the drawing
board (a) Tee square (b) Lee square (c) French square (d) Set square
3. ____ is used for measuring angles (a) protector (b)ruler (c) stencils (d)
4. ____ is used for transferring dimension from the ruler to the drawing
paper (a) divider (b) masking tape (c) celluloids (d) pencil
5. ____ is used to draw irregular curves of object (a) French curve (b) frent
bent (c) drawing paper (d) none of the above
6. ____ are lines drawn round the four edges of the drawing paper (a) border
lines (b) taper lines (c) setting lines (d) action lines
7. The title block is drawn at the ____ side of the drawing paper within the
border line (a) bottom right hand (b) bottom left hand (c) top right corner
(d) top left corner
8. ____ are used to draw inclined lines to the vertical or horizontal
directional lines (a) set square (b) try square (c) run square (d) none of
the above
9. The instrument that is used to measure diameter of abject is called (a)
caliper (b) meter rule (c) brace (d) gimlet
10. ____ is an instrument used for checking the squareness of edges (a) try
square (b) sliding bevel (c) mitre square (d) trammel
11. Hammers and screw drivers can be classified as a ____ tools (a) driving
tools (b) measuring tools (c) boring tools (d) cutting tools
12. Tools used for making holes on wood are called ____ tools (a) boring tools
(b) holding tools (c) cutting tools (d) driving tools
13. The following are different types of saws except (a) clamp saw (b) rip saw
(c) doretail saw (d) tenon saw
14. Tools that are used for planning wood to a smooth and fine finish are
____ (a) planes (b) saw (c) chisel (d) spoke
15. A chipping tool made from high carbon steel is the ____ (a) chisel (b)
gimlet (c) brace (d) bradawls
16. The following are holding devices except (a) compass (b) the bench vice (c)
clamps (d) the bench hook
17. The following are types of screw drivers except (a) onset screw driver (b)
offset screw driver (c) flat screw driver (d) ratchet screw driver
18. The following are types if chisel except (a) spoke shave (b) flat chisel (c)
the round nose chisel (d) cross-cut chisel
19. The chisel used for making oil grooves in shaft or in a hole is the ____
chisel (a) round nose (b) diamond nose (c) cross cut (d) flat
20. Which of these is not a measuring tool? (a) bradawl (b) divider (c) meter
rule (d) calipers
1. List TEN drawing instruments and materials
2. List FIVE types of saw that you know
3. List FIVE types of planes that you know
4. State FIVE ways to care for wood work hand tools
5a. Define Chisel
5b. List FOUR types of chisel
6. List FIVE setting and marking out tools that you know


Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Basic Technology Class: Junior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in
section B

1. _____ is a narrow path between two points on a surface (a) A line (b) A
segment (c) A chord (d) A dash
2. The type of line used for all visible outlines is the _____ (a) continuous
thick line (b) short dashes (c) thick long chain (d) wavy line
3. ____ are lines used for long break (a) Ruled line and short zigzag (b)
Arrow head line (c) continuous thin line (d) The thick long chain
4. To bisect a line means to ____ a line (a) divide (b) construct (c) join (d)
5. Lines used for irregular boundary are the ____ (a) thick continuous wavy
line (b) continuous thin line (c) short zigzag (d) short dashes
6. ____ is formed when two straight lines meet at a point (a) Angle (b)
Bisection (c) Construction (d) none of the above
7. Angles that add up to 900 are ____ angles (a) complementary (b)
supplementary (c) excess (d) none of the above
8. The following are standard angles except (a) 200 (b) 300 (c) 450 (d) 600
9. An angle that is more than 90 0 but less than 1800 is ____ angle (a) obtuse
(b) acute (c) reflex (d) vertex
10. A plane figure bounded by a curved line called circumference is ____ (a)
circle (b) triangle (c) rectangle (d) rhombus
11. The part of a circle bounded by two radi and an arc is the ____ (a) sector
(b) chord (c) segment (d) radius
12. The one-fourth of a circle is called is called a ____ (a) quadrant (b)
diameter (c) tangent (d) chord
13. A straight line drawn through the center of a circle meeting the
circumference at both ends is ____ (a) diameter (b) radius (c) segment (d)
14. An angle less than 900 is called ____ (a) an acute angle (b) obtuse angle (c)
isosceles angle (d) right angle
15. A plane figure bounded by three straight lines is a ____ (a) triangle (b)
pentagon (c) octagon (d) square
16. A triangle whose two sided are equal in length is a ____ triangle (a)
isosceles (b) equilateral (c) scalene (d) none of the above
17. The following are parts of a triangle except (a) tangent (b) vertex (c) base
(d) vertical height
18. The total sum of angles in a triangle is ____ (a) 180 0 (b) 3600 (c) 900 (d)
19. An angle greater than 1800 but less than 3600 is ____ angle (a) reflex (b)
obtuse (c) acute (d) octal
20. The sum of angles in a circle is ____ (a) 3600 (b) 2700 (c) 1800 (d) 900
1a. Define a line
1b. List EIGHT types of lines that you know
2. Fill in the angles as appropriates
(i) The angle is a semicircle is _____
(ii) The angle is a right angle is ____
(iii) An acute angle is less than ____
(iv) Supplementary angles add up to ____
(v) A reflex angle is greater than ____ but less than ____
3. With a neat and well labelled diagram, draw a circle and labelled its parts
4a. Inscribe a square in a circle of a diameter 6cm
4b. Construct angle 600 using a pair of compass
5a(i). Define an angle
5a(ii) State THREE classes of an angle
5b(i) Define a triangle
5b(ii) Mention THREE types of triangles by the length of their sides


Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Christian Religion Knowledge
Class: Junior Secondary School 2 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in
section B
1. A ____ is a person who comes to put things in order before coming of the
main person who is serving (a) forth-runner (b) front-runner (c) for-
2. ____ Baptized Jesus (a) Peter (b) Timothy (c) John
3. John the Baptist is a son of (a) Zebedee and Elizabeth (b) Zachariah an
Elizabeth (c) Zachues and Elizabeth
4. Jesus did not start his ministry until he was about ____ years of age (a)
thirteen (b) thirty (c) forty
5. John was baptizing people in the river ____ (a) Jordan (b) Cannan (c)
6. The Holy Spirit descended from heaven in form of a ____ (a) rocket (b)
rain (c) dove
7. Jesus was lead into the wilderness by ____ immediately after his baptism
to pray and fast (a) Peter (b) Holy Spirit (c) Simon
8. Jesus fasted for ____ days (a0 fourteen (b) forty (c) four
9. ____ tempted Jesus (a) The king of Jonan (b) Saul (c) Devil
10. Jesus resisted all these temptation by the help of the ____ (a) disciples (
b) Peter (c) Holy Spirit
1. Explain the baptism of Jesus Christ by John the Baptist
2. List FIVE temptation in Nigeria and ways of overcoming them
3. Mention TWO temptation of Jesus Christ
4. Name the first four disciples of Jesus Christ
5. Give TWO reasons why Jesus Christ called his disciples
6. Mention FOUR demands of discipleship


Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Christian Religion Knowledge
Class: Junior Secondary School 1 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in section B
1. In the parable of the prodigal son, the younger brother was very ____ (a)
smart (b) contented (c) greedy
2. The prodigal son was employed to take care of ____ (a) mansion (b) pigs
(c) chickens
3. The prodigal son decided to go to his father ta ask for ____ (a) more money (b)
food (c) forgiveness
4. Jacob took refuge with his ____ (a) father (b) uncle (c) mother
5. Jacob cheated Esan of his ____ (a) money (b) food (c) birthright
6. Esan was moved by the pleas of his ____ and accepted the gifts (a) mother (b)
sister (c) brother
7. The family is made up of people who are related by ____and live together (a)
smile (b) water (c) blood
8. The nuclear family is also called the ____ family (a) extended family (b) natural
family (c) second family
9. The Christian father is the head as the Christ is the head of the ____ (a) Church
(b) chuch (c) Churh
10. A good ____ is better than precious ointment (a) house (b) clothes (c) name
1a. What do you understand by the term Reconciliation?
1b. Give THREE reasons for reconciliation
2. Give a brief story of the prodigal son
3. Give a brief story of Esan and Jacob
4a. What is family?
4b. Who are our uncles and aunts?
5a. Write out the groups that come together to form the school family
5b. What is the nuclear family?
6a. Explain what you understand by the extended family
6b. What would you do to know whether your friend is a good or bad person


Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Christian Religion Knowledge
Class: Junior Secondary School 3 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in
section B

1. ____ is the conscious act violating an existing standard (a) law (b) disobedient (c)
2. ____ and ____ were the first human beings to disobey God (a) Cane and Abel (b)
Adam and Eve (c) Faith and Paul
3. The devil came in the form of a ____ and tempted them to eat the fruit (a) rat (b)
lizard (c) serpent
4. Adam and Eve became ashamed of themselves and ____ from God (a) hid (b)
praise (c) clean
5. A resultant effect from an action done wrongly is called ____ (a) concequence (b)
karma (c) consequence
6. As a result of the disobedience of Adam, Eve and serpent, they were all ____ by
God (a) love (b) punished (c) flogged
7. ____ is the means or process by which we bring back or restore good
relationship that has been broken between two individuals or groups of people
(a) reconciliation (b) recoped (c) commitment
8. After repenting we come to the second stage of reconciliation which is ____ (a)
thanksgiving (b) forgiveness (c) hugging
9. The first state of reconciliation is ____ (a) forgiveness (b) crying (c) repentance
10. To Eve, God said, you shall have painful ____ (a) headache (b) childbirth (c)
1. Give the biblical account of the first disobedient
2. Mention the consequences of Adam and Eve sin
3. Explain the TWO stages of reconciliation
4. Explain FOUR ways of reconciling with offenders
5. Explain the conditions necessary for reconciliation
6a. What is Disobedience?
6b. What is Reconciliation?
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Culture and Creative Art
Class: Junior Secondary School 1 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in section B

1. ____ of music is the basic elements of constituents which make up music (a)
theory of music (b) fundamentals of music (c) series of music
2. ____ is the relative highness and lowness of the sound we have (a) harmony (b)
pitch (c) melody
3. ____ is the simultaneous combination of two or more sounds in a progression (a)
harmony (b) rhythm (c) melody
4. ____ refers to the interweaving of the melodic and harmonic component of music (a)
timbre (b) pitch (c) texture
5. ____ is the movement which may be slow moderate, very slow or fast (a) rhythm (b)
texture (c) harmony
6. ____ is a type of literature that is written or composed for the purpose of
performance on stage in the presence of an audience (a) play (b) drama (c) theatre
7. ____ is a building where performances of dance and musical shows take place (a)
theatre (b) drama (c) stadium
8. ____ is a male or female that play the various role which play wright has written
into the play as characters (a) the dancers (b) electricians (c) actor
9. ____ is in charge of lightening in the production (a) costume designer (b) music
director (c) lighting designer
10. ____ conceptualizes and compose dance and movement in a performance (a)
choreographer (b) dancers (c) actor
1. What is Music Theory?
1b. List and explain THREE fundamentals of music
2a. Mention and explain the kinds of texture
2b. Explain notes on the keyboard
3a. What is the meaning of Octave?
3b. A keyboard instrument is made of ____ and ____ keys
4. List TEN people (Artists) involve in drama/theatre
5. Mention and explain SIX functions of drama
6a. State any FOUR uses of Music
6b. Mention THREE impacts music has had on the society
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Culture and Creative Art
Class: Junior Secondary School 2 Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in section B

1. ____ is the art of creating and organization of any of the essential visual arts or
auditory elements in a theatre production (a) set design (b) scene design (c) theatre
2. ____ are technical dresses, ornaments and accessories such as dresses or attires (a)
make-up (b) costumes (c) gown
3. ____ is a cosmetics applied to the face to entrance or alter appearance (a) make-up
(b) costume (c) dressing
4. ____ deals with the auditory sense and as such it is oral (a) flood (b) sound (c)
5. ____ refers t the physical outline of materials and elements on stage (a) line (b) mass
(c) colour
6. Texture refers to how the surface ____ of materials register to an audience (a)
interest (b) appearance (c) show
7. ____ is based on the interrelated ideas of balance and proportion (a) mass and
composition (b) movement (c) sound reinforcement
8. ____ is a type of dance that is created solely as dance and basically as an
exploration into the potentials of dance as an act (a) pure dance (b) dance drama (c)
comic dance
9. ____ describes a dance sequence created and performed for the purpose of amazing
an audience (a) dramatic dance (b) comic dance (c) pure dance
10. ____ means preparation for a performance through a regular process where all
elements of theatre related to the production are tired and tested for suitability (a)
dance (b) rehearsal (c) drama
1. What is theatre design
1b. Mention the area of therea design in the theatre
2a. Explain the term scene design
2b. Mention FIVE objectives of scene design
3. List FIVE importance of consume
4. Mention and explain the elements of theatre design
5a. Mention FOUR pre-rehearsal stage
5b. What is rehearsal/
6. Mention and explain SIX types of dance
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Home Economics Class: Junior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in section B

1. The struggle between two or more people who disagree is called (a) conflicts (b)
crisis (c) problem (d) challenge
2. Not all conflicts are ____ (a) poor (b) rich (c) bad (d) hard

3. Unresolved conflicts can lead to ____ (a) hostility (b) peace (c) harmony (d)

4. A situation that marks a turning point when things cease to go on as usual in a

family is called (a) crisis (b) conflicts (c) debate (d) right

5. Conflicts in families can arise from any of the following (a) dancing, singing and
laughing (b) talking, jumping and dancing (c) situation, personality, power and
struggle (d) personality, love and care

6. Which of the following is a deficiency diseases (a) malaria (b) fever (c) headache (d)

7. ____ is important for body tissues and fluids (a) fats (b) sugar (c) water (d) bread

8. Surplus carbohydrate in the body is stored as (a) starch (b) acid (c) water (d)

9. ____ are for protecting the body from diseases (a) starch (b) carbohydrate (c)
vitamins (d) oils

10. Which of the following is a body builder? (a) Yam (b) fat (c) beans (d) oil

1. Explain the meaning of food hygiene

2. What is the meaning of food Safety?

3. Describe the three causes of conflicts

4. Outline FIVE negative results of conflicts

5. State any THREE general ways of coping with a family crises

6. What is drug abuse?


Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Home Economics Class: Junior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in section B

1. The important thing which the family requires for survival is known as ____ (a)
resources (b) needs (c) goals (d) articles

2. Secondary needs are family (a) wants (b) goals (c) standards (d) show

3. Which of the following is not human resources? (a) Money (b) skills (c)
knowledge (d) energy

4. Surplus carbohydrate in the body is stored as body (a) fat (b) protein (c) starch
(d) glucose
5. Human resources exits in ____ (a) books (b) families (c) schools (d) people

6. Which of the following is not body builder (a) soya beans (b) meat (c) milk (d)

7. One of the following helps digestion and bowel movement (a) starch (b) protein
(c) vitamins (d) minerals

8. One of the following is not part of uses of food to the body (a) healthy growth (b)
strong bones (c) smart brain (d) climbing trees

9. ____ are used for family needs (a) standards (b) books (c) resources (d) cars

10. ____ is not part of the food additives (a) beautifying (b) colouring (c) preserving
(d) glazing
1. State THREE ways in which healthy feeding habits can help the body

2. State FIVE table manners that should be observed when eating

3. State FOUR misuses of food addictive

4. State THREE ways drug can be abused
5. Differentiate between needs and wants
6. Discuss any THREE effects of unhealthy feeding practices
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Physics Class: Senior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B
1. The energy that is transferred from a hot object to a cooler one as a
result of their temperature differences I ____ energy (a) heat (b) radiation
(c) temperature (d) sun
2. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of a unit mass of a
substance by 10c is ____ (a) specific heat capacity (b) thermal capacity (c)
heat capacity (d) latent capacity
3. The specific heat capacity of water is ____ (a) 4200jkg -1k-1 (b) 2100 jkg-1k-1
(c) 900 jkg-1k-1 (d) 130 jkg-1k-1
4. A copper rod with heat capacity 585 jk -1 is heated until its temperature
changes from 350c to 800c. Calculate the quantity of heat (a) 26325j (b)
1735j (c) 10750j (d) 2856j
5. What is the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 300g of
aluminum cube from 300C to 700C.
(specific heat capacity of Al=900 jkg-1k-1)
6. ____ is the process where a liquid turns to spontaneously into vapour
below its boiling point (a) evaporation (b) sublimation (c) condensation (d)
7. The process which solid go from solid to vapour or gaseous state without
passing through the liquid state is called ____ (a) sublimation (b) dewing
(c) cooling (d) condensation
8. ____ of a liquid is that temperature at which its S.V.P is equal to the
atmospheric pressure (a) boiling point (b) relative humidity (c) most (d)
9. The temperature at which the water vapour present in the air is just
sufficient to saturate it is ____ (a) dew point (b) moist point (c) fog point
(d) cloud point
10. The instrument used for measuring relative humidity is the ____ (a)
hygrometer (b) barometer (c) hydrometer (d) thermometer
11. An element heated rated 40w is used to supply heat to a metal block for
10 minutes. Calculate the quantity of heat (a) 24000j (b) 7500j (c) 10000j
(d) 8200j
12. Heat supplied or removed from a body which cause a change of state
without a change of temperature is ____ heat (a) latent (b) thermal (c)
specific (d) none of the above
13. A thick mist when formed high up in the atmosphere is known as ____ (a)
cloud (b) rain (c) fog (d) snow
14. How much heat is required to change 3kg of ice at 0 0 to water at the
same temperature? Specific latent heat of fusion of ice = 336000jkg -1 (a)
10.08x105j (b) 9.50x106j (c) 8.75x103j (d) 2.40x102j
15. Calculate the temperature change when 1000j of heat is supplied to 100g
of water (S.T.P=4200jkg-1k-1 (a) 2.380C (b) 2.50C (c) 3.410C (d) 5.40C
16. Water expand on ____ (a) freezing (b) boiling (c) melting (d) condemning
17. The heat required to convert a unit mass of a substance from liquid to
vapour is ____ (a) specific latent heat of vaporization (b) specific latent
heat fusion (c) latent heat (d) heat capacity
18. Heat loss when ice at 00C changes to water at 00C is ____ (a) zero (b) one
(c) ten (d) hundred
19. A severe mist situation is called a ____ (a) fog (b) ice (c) snow (d) rain
20. The various factors affect the rate of evaporation except (a) relative
humidity (b) temperature (c) pressure (d) nature of liquid
1a. Define evaporation
1b. In a tabular form, state FOUR differences between evaporation and
2a. Define specific latent heat of vaporization
2b. Estimate the quantity of heat needed to melt 150g of ice at -10 0C to
water at 150C.
(Specific heat capacity of water= 4200 jkg-1k-1)
(Specific heat capacity of ice =2100 jkg-1k-1)
(Specific latent heat of fusion of ice =3.36x105jkg-1)
3a. Define specific latent heat of fusion
3b. What quantity of heat is required to change 2kg of ice at 0 0C to water at
100C. (S.L.H of ice =3.36x105jkg-1 and specific heat capacity of water
=4200 jkg-1k-1)
4a. Define specific heat capacity
4b. An electric heated rated 40w, flitted into a metal block of mass 1.5kg and
specific heat capacity of 460 jkg-1k-1. Calculate the temperature rise in
the block of the current flows for 10 minutes
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Government Class: Senior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in
section B

1. A political organized body of people inhibiting a defined geographical entity
with an organized legitimate government is called _____ (a) nation (b) society
(c) locality (d) state
2. _____ is not a form of power (a) political (b) social (c) economic (d) physical

3. Constitution which is very difficult to amend is referred to as (a) unwritten

(b) written (c) rigid (d) none of the above

4. _____ is responsible for policy formulation (a) executive (b) legislative (c)

5. A constitution which is easy to amend is (a) written (b) flexible (c) rigid (d)

6. The ruling party in Nigeria is _____ (a) PDP (b) APC (c) LP (d) ANN

7. _____ is a function of election (a) change of government (b) to increase the

population (c) to make the president comfortable (d) change of constitution
8. _____ is a factor that can caused disfranchised in Nigeria (a) colour of skin
(b) sex (c) age (d) height
9. _____ is a body in charge of election in Nigeria (a) INEC (b) EFCC (c) SIEC (d)
10. The right of the citizen to vote and be voted for in an election (a) indirect
election (b) nomination (c) general election (d) franchise
11. A free and fair election requires all the following except _____ (a) political
parties (b) a long campaign period (c) registration of all the qualified voters
(d) good behavior of voters
12. A unitary system of government can be describe as _____ (a) highly religious
(b) small homogenies (c) country with a lot of mineral resources (d) highly
populated country
13. A judiciary s an arm of government which _____ (a) makes law of the country
(b) settles disputes in accordance with the law of the country
14. The essence of a legitimate government in a state is referred to as (a)
monarchy (b) hierarchy (c) fascism (d) anarchy
15. _____ organ is responsible for policy formulation (a) executives (b) legislative
(c) judiciary (d) none of the above
16. All of the following are features of a representative government except _____
(a) secession (b) equality of right (c) legitimate (d) periodic election
17. The best way to keep military out of politics in developing countries is to
_____ (a) pay soldiers’ better salaries (b) imprison coup plotting (c) outlaw
camp plotters (d) ensure good governance
18. When government power is concentrated in one single central authority, it is
called _____ (a) centralization (b) concentration (c) devolution (d)
19. Fundamental human right are entrenched in the constitution of a state in
order to _____ (a) encourage unlimited freedom (b) enable the court to
punish offender (c) restrict the liberty of citizens (d) guarantee the liberty of
the citizens
20. The right of the citizens is not protected where there is _____ (a) good
governance (b) a dictator ruler (c) supremacy of law (d) independent
1a. Carefully define Franchise
1b. List and explain types of franchise that you know
2a. Define local government administration
2b. Mention SIX functions f the local government
3a. Extremely define Constitution
3b. List and explain FOUR types of constitution
4. List and explain FIVE effects of cultism in our society
5a. Define pressure groups
5b. State FOUR differences between civil service and public corporation
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Physics Class: Senior Secondary School
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B

1. ____ is an object or body launched into the air and allowed to move on its
own or more freely under gravity (a) projectile (b) progression (c) throw (d)

2. The time required for a projectile to return to the same level from which
it was projected is ____ (a) time of flight (b) time to reach maximum
height (c) time to run (d) none of the above

3. The horizontal distance from the point of projection to the point where
the projectile hits the projection plane again is called ___ (a) range (b)
distance (c) height (d) mission

4. A stone is projected at an angle 60 0 and an initial velocity of 20m/s.

Determine the time of flight (a) 1.73s (b) 34.6s (c) 6.92s (d) 17.3s

5. The range is maximum when θ equal to ____ (a) 450 (b) 600 (c) 900 (d) 750

6. A ball is projected horizontally from the top of a hill with a velocity of

30m/s. If it reaches the ground 5 seconds later, the height of the hill is
(a) 125m (b) 200m (c) 250m (d) 100m
7. The ability of a substance to regain its original shape and size after being
distorted by an external force is ____ (a) elasticity (b) force constant (c)
stiffness (d) limit

8. ____ is the point at which the elastic material loses its elasticity
permanently and become plastic (a) yield point (b) elastic limit (c)
proportionality limit (d) none of the above

9. The limit of force beyond which the stretched wire does not return to its
original length when the stretching force is removed is ____ (a) elastic
limit (b) break limit (c) yield limit (d) shiff limit

10. The force required to give a unit extension is called (a) elastic constant (b)
Hook’s law (c) Young modules (d) none of the above

11. A force 0.8N stretches on elastic spring by 0.02m. Find the elastic
constant of the spring (a) 40N/m (b) 60N/m (c) 100N/m (d) 25N/m

12. Calculate the tensile strain on an elastic material of length 6.0m which
undergo an extension of 30m (a) 0.5 (b) 2.0 (c) 1.5 (d) 2.5

13. A spiral spring is compressed by 0.02m. Calculate thee energy stored in

the spring if the force constant is 400Nm -1 (a) 0.08j (b) 0.5j (c) 1.5j (d)

14. A spring is stretched 40mm by a force of 15N. What is the work done by
the force? (a) 0.3j (b) 0.4j (c) 0.5j (d) 0.6j

15. According to hook’s law, the extension of a material is ____ proportional

to the applied force (a) directly (b) inversely (c) constantly (d) varied

16. The force acting along the surface of a liquid causing the liquid surface to
behave like a stretched elastic skin is ____ (a) surface tension (b)
capillarity (c) water proof (d) none of the above
17. ____ is the tendency of a liquid to rise or fall in a narrow tube (a)
Capillarity (b) Surface tension (c) Viscosity (d) Cohesion

18. The force of attraction between molecules of the same kind is ____ (a)
cohesion (b) Adhesion (c) Terminal velocity (d) friction

19. Molecules of water andglass is an example of which capillary action (a)

adhesion (b) cohesion (c) capillary tube (d) none of the above

20. The internal friction between layers of a liquid or gas in motion is termed
____ (a) Viscosity (b) acceleration (c) water rise (d) cohesion


1. State TWO similarities and FOUR differences between viscosity and


2. Explian the following terms

(i) Surface tension

(ii) Capillarity

(iii) Viscosity

(iv) Adhesion

(v) Cohesion

3a. Define young’s modules

3b. A stone of mass 20g is released from a catapult whose rubber has been
stretched through 4cm. If the force constant of the rubber is 200Nm -1.
Calculate the velocity with which the stone leaves the catapult

4a. Define the following

(i) Stress
(ii) Yield point
4b. With the aid of diagram, describe briefly the behavior of a wire that is
gradually to its breaking

5a. Define Projectile

5b. A stone propelled from catapult with a speed of 50m/s attains height of
100m. Calculate

(i) The angle of projection

(ii) Time of flight
(iii) The range attained
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Computer Class: Senior Secondary School
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B (iv)


1. All of the following are input devices except ____ (a) notebook (b) mouse (c)
scanner (d) digital camera

2. ____ is a pointing device used to move the cursor in any direction (a)
keyboard (b) light pen (c) mouse (d) joystick

3. ____ is not part of the keys on the keyboard (a) function keys (b) control keys
(c) alphabetic keys (d) keyboards letters

4. ____ is a machine that can read electronic cards (a) keyboards (b) mouse (c)
card reader (d) ATM machine

5. Alphabetic keys are labelled ____ (a) Z to A (b) A and B (c) A to Z (d) A and Z

6. Light pen is used to draw and pointing device shape on a display screen (a)
true (b) dare (c) false (d) none of the above

7. Digital camera is also known as (a) digtacam (b) digicam (c) digicam (d)
8. One of the following is not a function of keyboard (a) it is used to enter data
into computer system (b) it is used to give command to the operating system
(c) it is used to play computer games (d) it is used for dancing

9. The two basic types of computer mouse are (a) optical and computer mouse
(b) mechanical and computer mouse (c) mechanical and optical mouse (d)
mechanic and mechanical mouse

10. One of the following is not function of the mouse (a) pointing (b) clicking
(c) dragging (d) jumping


1. Define a keyboard

1b. list some of the keys om the keyboard

2. List FOUR functions of a keyboard

3. List and explain FIVE keys on a keyboard

4. What is a computer mouse

4b. List FIVE functions of the mouse

5. Differentiate between a colour monitors and monochrome monitor

6. What is a cad reader

6b. Give two examples of a card reader

Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Computer Class: Senior Secondary School
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four (4) in section B

1. ICT is a pre-modern concept (a) true (b) false (c) a and b (d) none of the
2. A telecommunication device that is used to send and receive audio signals
across distance is known as ____ (a) telephone (b) internet (c) television (d)
3. A graphic package will do the following except (a) drawing (b) painting (c)
arithmetic calculation (d) printing
4. All are links and relationship between computer and ICT except (a) people that
understand the technology and operations of computer are better ICT users (b)
most discoveries in ICT and IT were as a result of access to a computer (c) ICT
gadgets are programmable just as computer (d) computer through internet and
ICT have not created knowledge
5. IT stands for ___ (a) information technology (b) internet technology (c)
information techniques (d) information timing
6. These are examples of ICT gadgets except the ____ (a) telephone (b) satellite (c)
CPU (d) Telex
7. ICT is used for the following except ____ (a) information management (b) timing
and control (c) communication (d) deleting
8. Which of the following graphics packages can be used to draw? (a) Harvard
graphics (b) MS-paint (c) Corel draw (d) none of the above
9. A graphics program can be used to create a company logo (a) true (b) false (c)
both a and b
10. MS-paint program was invented by a Nigerian. True/False
1. List any FIVE graphics software packages that you know
2. Define ICT and communication
3. Discuss FIVE uses of ICT
4. List FIVE ICT gargets
5. Describe FIVE advantages of ICT
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Physical Health Education Class: Junior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B

1. The game of volley ball was formed by ___ (a) Willam Crooker (b) Morgan
James (c) Willaim Morgan (d) James Chaduik
2. Volleyball was formed in the year ____ (a) 1985 (b) 1958 (c) 1998 (d) 1895
3. Volleyball was formerly named ____ (a) minonette (b) minionette (c)
milonet (d) minions
4. Morgan published the first volleyball rules in the year (a) 1997 (b) 1897
(c) 1798 (d) 1789
5. The following sports allow body contact except (a) soccer (b) table tennis
(c) wrestling (d) judo
6. Volleyball is a game ____ by two ___ on a ____ court divided by a ____ (a)
played, teams, plain, net (b) teams, played, net, plain (c) plain, net, team,
played (d) played, plain, net, teams
7. The volleyball playing surface should be (a) flat, horizontal and uniform
(b) rough, vertical and uniform (c) rough, horizontal and uniform (d) flat,
vertical and uniform
8. The following are player’s equipment in volleyball except (a) jersey (b)
book (c) socks (d) sport shoe
9. A volley ball playing team is made up of __players (a) 12 (b) 16 (c) 20 (d)
10. Each team in a volleyball is entitled to ____ touches (a) 5 (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 3
1a. Define
(i) Sports
(ii) Games
1b. List FIVE equipment in the game of volleyball
1c. List THREE skills in volley ball
2a. List TWO functions of each of the following
(i) The first referee
(ii) The second referee
(iii) The scorer
2b. (i) What are contact sports
(iii) List TWO examples of contact sports
(iv) Give Two differences between contact and non-contact sports
3a. List FIVE benefits of contact sports
3b. List THREE benefits of non-contact sports
3c(i). State THREE techniques in COMBATIVE contact sports
3C(ii). State THREE techniques used in NON-COMBATIVE contact sports
4a.(i) List FOUR skills in field events
(i) State FOUR skills in throw events
(ii) State Two skills in track events
4b.(i). State FOUR skills in swimming
(ii) List TWO safety measures in contact sports
(iii) Enumerate Two safety measures in non-contact sports
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Physical Health Education Class: Junior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B
1. The game of table tennis was made popular by which country (a) China
(b) The UK (c) The USA (d) Nigeria
2. “The grip” is a skill in table tennis and it has two types namely (a) the
four hand grip and the back hand grip (b) the forehand grip and the back
hand grip (c) the four hand grip and the back hand grip (d) the forehand
grip and the side hand grip
3. The game of table tennis can be played as (a) single or double (b) singular
or double (c) singular and plural (d) singles or plural
4. A/An is a ____ situation in which someone is ____ or something is ____
without anyone intending it to be so (a) accident, damaged, injured (b)
accident, injured, damaged (c) damage, accident, injured (d) injury,
damaged, accident
5. There are ____ types of injury (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
6. In your note, you were given __types of sport injuries (a) 8 (b) 2 (c) 5 (d)
7. A ____ is an injury to a joint in which one or more ligaments that support
the joints are over stretched (a) strain (b) bruise (c) cut (d) sprain
8. A ____ is a break in the bone (a) fracture (b) out (c) dislocation (d) wounds
9. A ____ is the displacement of one or more bones at a joint (a)
displacement (b) dislocation (c) fracture (d) cut
10. The following are examples of fracture except (a)green stick (b) compound
(c) simple (d) blue stick
1a. List FOUR basic skills in table tennis
1b. List FOUR equipment in table tennis
1c. List TWO types of defensive strokes
2a. Explain the service as used in table tennis
2b. What is an injury
2ci. List the types of injury
2cii. State TWO safety measurement at home
3a. List TWO safety measures for each of the following
(i) Playground
(ii) The motorist
(iii) The motorcyclist
3b. Define bruise
3c. Give TWO treatments for wounds
4a. List the types of wounds
4b. Give TWO first aid treatment for each of the following
(i) Fracture
(ii) Dislocation
4c. List FOUR signs of fracture
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Basic Science Class: Junior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B
1. The human skeleton is divided into (a) 4 (b) 12 (c) 2 (d) 3
2. There are ____ types of skeleton (a) 3 (b) 2 (c) 4 (d) 6
3. ____ gives shapes and support to the body (a) muscles (b) bones (c)
skeletons (d) tendors
4. A joint is a place where ____ or ____ _____ meet (a) three, two bones (b)
two, more bones (c) bones, muscles, joint (d) muscles, cartilage, joint
5. There is/are types of movable joints (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 8 (d) 4
6. In aerobic respiration, ____ is the main product formed (a) glucose (b)
water (c) carbon(iv)oxide (d) ATP
7. In anaerobic respiration, ____ is/are the by-product(s) formed (a) C 2H5OH
(b) C2H5OH and CO2 (c) energy, ATP (d) CO2
8. There are ____ types of breathing (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
9. There is/are ____ types of muscles (a) 2, voluntary and involuntary (b) 3,
voluntary, involuntary and associate (c) 1, voluntary (d) 4, voluntary,
involuntary, complimentary and associates
10. Bones are attached to muscles by means of whitish cords called ____ (a)
muscle attachment (b) muscular pigment (c) ligament (d) tendons
1a. Define
(i) Growth
(ii) Development
1b. Give FOUR differences between growth and development
1c. Give two characteristics of each of the following
(i) Infancy stage
(ii) Adulthood stage
2a. Define a Skeleton
2b. List the types of skeleton
2c. List the FOUR main structures present in a movable joint
2d. List the types of movable joints
3a. Define
(i) Voluntary muscles
(ii) Involuntary muscles
3b. List SIX functions of the skeletal system
3c. List the constituents of the pelvic girdle
3d. Define respiration
4a. There are basically two types of respiration. Name them
4b. Give the reaction that occurs in both types of respiration mentioned
4c. List FOUR parts of the human body that feature in the respiration
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Basic Science Class: Junior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A and any four
(4) in section B

1. ____ is anything that has mass and occupies space

2. There are basically ____ states of matter (a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 5
3. Matter classified into (a) living and solid (b) solid and liquid (c) gas and
non-living (d) living and non-living
4. Cells are ____ in nature (a) shapeless (b) shaped (c) small (d) microscopic
5. One similarity between animal and plant cells include. Both have (a) cell
membrane (b) lysosome (c) large vacuole (d) chloroplast
6. In your note, you were given ____ characteristics of living things (a) 12 (b)
8 (c) 10 (d) 20
7. There are basically ____ types of respiration (a) 2 (b) 5 (c) 4 (d) 10
8. ____ is the formula for glucose (a) CO2 (b) O2 (c) C6H12O6 (d) H2O
9. Living things are basically classified into ____ (a) 1 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2
10. The scientific name for human is (a) homo (b) sapiens (b) chordate (c)
1a. Give TWO characteristics of each of the following
(i) Solid state
(ii) Liquid state
(iii) Gaseous state
1b. Give THREE differences between each of the following (in a tabular form)
(i) Living and non-living thing
(ii) Plant cell and animal cell
1c. Give ONE similarity between plant cell and animal cell

2a. Give the characteristics of human beings

2b. Define
(i) Movement
(ii) Respiration
(iii) Death
(iv) Nutrition
2c. State the types of respiration
3a. List the class of plants under plant kingdom
3b. Draw and label amoeba
4a. List the classification of vertebrate
4b. List the divisions under spermatophyte
4c. What are angiosperms
4d. State THREE uses of plants and TWO uses of animals
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Literature-in-English Class: Senior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A
1. “He is like a bull when angry” contain which figure of speech? (a) Pun (b)
onomatopoeia (c) mono (d) simile
2. The main and principal character in a play is ____ (a) protagonist (b) warrior
(c) prose man (d) none
3. The writer of a poem is called ___ (a) poet (b) prosaic (c) dramatist (d)
4. A question which is used for effect and does not require an answer is ____ (a)
Rhetorical (b) climatic (c) Anti-climatic (d) Oral
5. Dramas/plays are written in ____ (a) Scenes/acts (b) chapters (c) diction (d)
all of the above
6. Poem is to stanzas and lines as prose is to (a) chapter (b) lines (c) poem (d)
7. A playwright is to drama while an ____ is to prose (a) Author (b) Poet (c)
Upper (d) Dramatist
8. Themes refers to ____ ideas in a work of art (a) little (b) minor (c) central (d)
None of the above
9. The expression “the plantain planter planted plantain” illustrates ____ (a)
smile (b) metaphor (c) alliteration (d) hyperbole
10. The genres of literature are ____, ____ and ____
Answer all questions in this section
1. Give a detailed description of the poem
2. Discuss the theme “danger of drinking before/while driving” from the poem.
Answer only one question is this section
Questions from “lookn back in anger” by John Osborne
1. Give a detailed description of the book
2. Discuss the character, Jimmy Porter
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Literature-in-English Class: Senior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A
1. A poem of fourteen lines is ____ (a) narrative (b) sonnet (c) ode (d) elegy
2. The central ideas in a work of art is ____ (a) play (b) theme (c) tone (d)
3. The repetition of consonant sounds in the line of a poem is ____ (a)
consonant (b) ode (c) alliteration (d) myth
4. The genres of literature are drama, prose and ____ (a) poems (b) art (c)
poetry (d) poet
5. Pick the odd one from the group (a) simile (b) metaphor (c)
personification (d) poetry
6. The writer of a poem is a ____ (a) author (b) chorus (c) artiste (d) poet
7. Drama is written in ____ and ____ (a) chapters and scenes (b) arts and
seens (c) acts and scenes (d) acts and sins
8. The expression “tomorrow is pregnant” illustrate ____ (a) oxymoron (b)
personification (c) ode (d) euphemism
9. A play that begins on a sad/serious note and ends happily is ____ (a)
comedy (b) tragi-comedy (c) ode (d) satire
10. Drama is the only genre of literature that involves ____ (a) action (b) lines
(c) diction (d) rhythm
Answer any FOUR questions
1. Explain the following
(i) Tragi-comedy
(ii) Comedy
(iii) Tragedy
(iv) Fables
(v) Literature
2. Explain the following figures of speech with one example
(i) Simile
(ii) Metaphor
(iv) Personification
(v) Hyperbole
(vi) Euphemism
3. Give a detailed description of the government driver sequentially
4. In a few sentences, describe the poem “The good morrow”
5. Write on the theme “The emptiness of life without true love”. From the
poem, “The God Marrow.
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Literature-in-English Class: Junior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A
1. A prose work is written in ____ (a) scenes (b) chapters (c) acts (d) drama
2. The genres of literature are drama, prose and ____ (a) port (b) poetry (c) poems
(d) diction
3. One of the following is not an importance of literature (a) entertainment (b)
education (c) information (d) immorality
4. Poetry is an art of written ____ (a) lines (b) stanzas (c) essays (d) poems
5. ____ is an imaginative or creative work created by a poet, dramatist or novelist
(a) prose (b) drama (c) poetry (d) literature
6. Who is the author of the book? (a) Ifeanyi Blessed (b) Patrick Ige (c) Ifeanyi
Patrick (d) Ifeanyi Ngozi
7. What religion did Ada converted to? (a) Christian religion (b) Traditional religion
(c) Islamic religion (d) none of the above
8. Who brought Ada back to Afudo when she tried to escape on her wedding day?
(a) The prince (b) body guard (c) her friend (d) neighbors
9. Ada in the book “Ada’ is an example of a ____ character (a) round character (b)
eponymous character (c) flat character (d) none of the above
10. Who did Ada build a house for secretly in the bush? (a) Orphans (b) brothers (c)
parents (d) villagers
Answer all questions in this section
Poem titled “I Dreamt the Dead Peep”
1. Write out the poem accordingly
2. Explain the meaning of the expression “Those that laughs actually weeps” and
“Those that weeps actually laughs” from the poem.
3. List FIVE themes from the poem
Questions from “Ada” Answer only one
1. List FIVE lesson learnt from the book
2. In 10 sentences, write about the character “prince Ikenna
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: Literature-in-English Class: Junior Secondary School 2 Time: 1
hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in section A
1. The genres of literature are prose, poetry and ____ (a) drama (b) action (c) dran
(d) none of the above
2. The writer of the prose work is called ____ (a) poet (b) dramatist (c) novella (d)
3. ____ is an imaginative of creative work of art produced by an author, poet or
dramatist (a) drama (b) prose (c) literature (d) novels
4. Poems are written in lines and ____ (a) chapters (b) stanzas (c) plays (d) scenes
5. A prose work is written in ____ (a) chapters (b) acts (c) scenes (d) dramas
6. The book condemns and highlights the consequences of ____(a) drug abuse (b)
trafficking (c) cultism (d) stealing
7. The author of the book is ____
8. Why was Kenneth released from policy custody? (a) he repented (b) he forgave
(c) he died (d) he wept
9. Who shot Kenneth at his celebration party? (a) Thompson (b) Kelechi (c) Ade (d)
10. One of the following is a character in the book (a) Ade (b) Uchenna (c) Tafi (d)
Answer TWO questions from this section
Poem title “His Dark World”
1. Give the structure of the poem
2. List the theme in the poem
3. In four sentences, write out the challenges of a blind man from the poem
Answer all questions
Book title: ‘The Greatest Night”
1. List 10 characters in the book and write about any two
2. Discuss what led to Kenneth’s murder on the day of his graduation ceremony


Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: English Language Class: Junior Secondary School 1
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in this section

Choose the correct answer from the alternatives A-D

1. My sister ____ not enjoy farm work (a) do (b) have (c) does (d) was
2. Joseph usually comes to school ____ (a) in car (b) by car (c) with car 9d)
on car
3. Plastic is made ___ oil (a) from (b) out of (c) with (d) by
4. He wanted to teach them French, so he ____ them. (a) caught (b) taught
(c) teaches (d) teach
5. I am ____ to school (a) goes (b) going (c) went (d) go
6. She hit the ball few hours ago. The verb in the sentence is ____ (a) ball (b)
hit (c) she (d) few
7. One of these is not a type of adjectives (a) qualitative (b) classifying (c)
colour (d) strong
Choose the option that matches the sound in the following questions
8. /θ/ (a) cloth (b) brethren (c) them (d) all
9. /Ŏ/ (a) father (b) son (c) sister (d) thin
10. /u/ (a) pull (b) soul (c) myth (d) break
Answer all questions from this section
1a. What are adjectives?
1b. List and explain FOUR types of adjectives
2. Explain the following with examples each
(i) Auxilliary verbs
(ii) Mian verbs
3. Explain the following
(i) Number adjectives
(ii) colour adjectives
(iii) Demonstrative adjectives
(iv) Interrogative adjectives
Test on writing
1. Write a letter to the principal of your school seeking for permission to
be absent from school tomorrow
Second Terminal Examination for 2022/2023 Academic Session
Subject: English Language Class: Junior Secondary School 2
Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions in this section

Choose the correct answer from the alternatives A-D

1. Is that the girl ____ parents visited us last week? (a) whose (b) who (c)
which (d) whom
2. The dog has ____ it’s meal (a) eaten (b) ate (c) eat (d) eating
3. The teacher ____ finished advising the students before he walked in (a)
has (b) had (c) have (d) was
4. Musa asked his friend to ____ him some money (a) hire (b) lent (c) send
(d) lend
From the options, choose the nearest in meaning to the underlined in
question 5-8
5. The purpose of the meeting is to cause trouble (a) result (b) end (c) aim
(d) view
6. The villagers had surplus food after the harvest (a) good (b) excess (c)
some (d) adequate
7. The car departed bus station (a) arrived (b) left (c) came (d) none
8. We saw no trace of the wounded antelope (a) sign (b) weakness (c) sight
(d) all
Pick the correct option
9. /ŋ/ (a) hanger (b) brain (c) thing (d) rest
10. /m/ (a) man (b) pan (c) fan (d) can
Answer TWO questions
1a. What are synonyms?
1b. Give TEN examples of words and their synonyms
2. Explain the following
(i) Tenses
(ii) Present continuous tense
(iii) Past continuous tense
(iv) Future continuous tense
3. What are antonyms?
3b. List FIVE examples of words and their antonyms
Writing: Answer all
1. Write a letter to your uncle telling him about your enrolment fee which
he promised to pay for you.

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