English Syllabusof XI

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Guru Gobind Singh Public School, Nanowal

Segregate Syllabus for Session 2024-25

Class: XI
Subject: ENGLISH CORE (301) Subject Teacher: Nitika
Working Chapter/ Topics to be Practical/Projects Related to the Weekly Test Syllabus
S No Month Syllabus
Days covered Chapter
Pre -Mid/ Unit 1 WEEKLY TEST
Reading Reading
Comprehension: Comprehension:
Unseen passages Unseen passages
for comprehension for
Book- Hornbill
Book- Hornbill
 The Portrait of a Lady  The Portrait of a Lady
(Prose)  The Portrait of a Lady
Creative Writing Skills:  A Photograph (Poem)
 A Photograph (Poem)
 Posters
 Speech Book- Snapshots (Prose)
 Debate ALS task 1 Book- Snapshots (Prose)
1. April The Summer of the
Beautiful White Horse The Summer of the
Integrated Grammar
(Prose) Beautiful White Horse
(Gap filling, Sentence (Prose)
reordering/ transformation of Creative Writing Skills:
sentences)  Posters Creative Writing Skills:
 Speech  Posters
 Tenses  Debate  Speech
 Debate
Integrated Grammar
(Gap filling, Sentence Integrated Grammar
reordering/ transformation (Gap filling, Sentence
of sentences) reordering/ transformation
 Tenses of sentences)
 Tenses

Book- Hornbill
2. May  A Photograph (Poem) ALS task 2
 The Laburnum Top (Poem)
 The Voice of the Rain

Book- Snapshots (Prose)

 The Summer of the Beautiful
White Horse (Prose)
Creative Writing Skills:
 Posters
 Speech
 Debate

Book- Snapshots (Prose)

 The Address (Prose)

Reading Skills  Note-making and

3. June  Note-making and Summarizing

Creative Writing Tasks

Classified Advertisements
Reading Skills
 Note-making and
4. July
Creative Writing Tasks
Classified Advertisements
Half Yearly Exam
Book- Hornbill
 “We’re Not Afraid to Die... Reading
if we can be together Comprehension:
 Discovering Tut: the Saga  Unseen
5. August ALS task 3 passages for
Integrated Grammar
(Gap filling, Sentence comprehensio
reordering/ transformation of n
sentences)  Note-making
 Clauses
6. September ALS task 4 Book- Hornbill WEEKLY TEST
Book- Hornbill Reading Skills
 Father to son (Poem)  The Portrait of a Lady  Reading
 Childhood (Poem) Comprehension:
 “We’re Not Afraid to Unseen passages
Book- Hornbill Die... if we can be for
 The Adventure together (Prose) comprehension
 Discovering Tut(Prose)  Note-making and
 A Photograph (Poem)
Creative Writing Skills:
 The Laburnum Top
 Posters
 Speech
 The Voice of the Rain
(Poem)  Debate
 Classified
Book- Snapshots (Prose)
 The Summer of the Book- Hornbill
Beautiful White Horse  “We’re Not Afraid to
(Prose) Die... if we can be
 The Address (Prose)
 Discovering Tut: the
Creative Writing Skills: Saga
 Posters
Book- Snapshots (Prose)
 Speech Book- Snapshots (Prose)
 Mother’s Day (Play)
7. October ALS ASSESSMENT (MID TERM)  Debate  The Address (Prose)
EXAMS. Advertisements
Integrated Grammar
Integrated Grammar (Gap filling, Sentence
(Gap filling, Sentence reordering/ transformation
reordering/ transformation of sentences)
of sentences)  Tenses
 Tenses  Clauses
 Clauses

8. November ALS TASK-5 Post Mid/ Unit 2 WEEKLY TEST

Book- Snapshots (Prose) Reading Skills Reading Skills
 Birth (Prose)  Reading
 The Tale of Melon  Reading Comprehension:
City Comprehension: Unseen passages
Unseen passages for
Book- Hornbill for comprehension
 Silk Road comprehension  Note-making and
 Note-making and Summarizing
Practice: Summarizing Creative Writing Skills:
Integrated Grammar and
Creative Writing Skills:  Posters
Creative Writing and Reading
 Posters  Speech
 Speech  Debate
 Debate  Classified
 Classified Advertisements
Book- Snapshots (Prose)
Integrated Grammar  Birth (Prose)
(Gap filling, Sentence
reordering/ transformation
of sentences) Integrated Grammar
 Tenses (Gap filling, Sentence
reordering/ transformation
of sentences)
 Clauses  Tenses
 Clauses
Book- Hornbill
Creative Writing Skills:
 The Adventure (Prose)
 Posters
 Silk Road (Prose)  Speech
 A Photograph (Poem)  Debate
 The Laburnum Top  Classified
(Poem) Advertisements
 The Voice of the Rain Integrated Grammar
(Poem) (Gap filling, Sentence
 Father to Son (Poem) reordering/ transformation
of sentences)
 Childhood (Poem)  Tenses
 Clauses

Book- Hornbill
 The Adventure (Prose)
 Silk Road (Prose)
 A Photograph (Poem)
 The Laburnum Top
 The Voice of the Rain
 Father to Son (Poem)
 Childhood (Poem)

9. December
Revision for Final exams Revision for post-mid exams WEEKLY TEST
Reading Skills

 Reading
Unseen passages
 Note-making and
Creative Writing Skills:
 Posters
 Speech
 Debate
 Classified

Book- Snapshots (Prose)

 The Tale of Melon

Book- Hornbill
 Silk Road

Integrated Grammar
(Gap filling, Sentence
reordering/ transformation
of sentences)
 Tenses
 Clauses

10. January & Revision for Final exams Revision for Final exams
February Annual Exam Syllabus
Entire syllabus

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