A Detailed Lesson Plan in PD

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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In Personal Development (Core)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students are now able to…
a. Understand the real essence of a family.
b. Identify the types and functions of a family
c. Understand the real essence of a family.

II. Subject Matter:

My Inner Circle – Nurturing Family Ties
a. Reference: Moving up: A Guide to Personal and Career Development (pages 140-150)
b. Materials: visual aids, chalk/white board, reference book

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a. Initial activity:
Good morning class! Good morning Ms. Castillo!

Ok, you may now take your seats.

-Checking of attendance
-checking the overall condition of the

b. Review:
Okay class, from what have we discussed Ma’am, an emotion is a natural instinctive state of
on our last lesson, what again is an mind derived from one’s circumstances, mood, or
emotion? relationship with others.

Very good!
Ma’am it is the awareness of one’s emotion and
What about emotional intelligence? ability to understand the emotions of others.

It involves managing emotions and applying them

to enhance good thinking processes like reasoning,
solving problems and even handling stress.

Very good!
c. Motivation:
How would you describe your family ( One by one, the students will describe their
relationship in your own words? family)
d. Discussion:
Relationship with family is important. Your Ma’am, Family is the foremost unit that give you
family is your primary source of security the first experience of the world.
and support. But before we go further,
what is a FAMILY? Ma’am, it is the basic unit of the society.

Very good!

We are all born dependent on the love and

care of the people around us. Our
socialization begins at home.
There is a general notion that adolescence
is a stormy period of life brought about by
many changes and adjustments going on in
your life that sometimes result in conflict.
Family is not exempted from these
adjustment, which are often disquieting
parent-child relationships in contrast to the
time when the child used to depend a lot
on his/her parents.

Activity 1
The teacher will divide the class into 5
groups. She will assign each group 1
function of a family. The group will present
the given function in a TABLEAU form.
After presenting, they will explain the
function (of a family) they have presented.

From what you have presented, what again Ma’am, Procreation, Economic Provision, Love,
are the function of a family? Socialization and Sense of Security.

Can you identify each function again? Ma’am, Procreation- the family is an institution
recognized to perform the duty to procreate, i.e.,
to have children. Along with it is the duty of the
parents to provide other life-giving and loving ways
of raising them.

Economic Provision- caring for the children

includes taking care of their needs over and above
the basics: food, shelter, and clothing. It may sound
like the old cliché, but education remains one of
the perfect legacies of parents to their children.

Love- love holds the greatest importance in the

family. It is what is most needed. It is what can
drive members of the family to do anything for the
welfare of another.

Socialization-the family provides immediate

opportunities for the children to grow through the
interactions an individual experiences with the
members of the family, with other people that the
family associates with, and through engagement
with various activities.

Sense of security-family offers stable

companionship – a feeling that you are not alone in
this world.
Very good!

The last decade has seen a lot of changes

that transformed many institutions
including the family. Consider these
different family structures:

Activity 2
The teacher will divide the class into 7
groups. Each groups will be assigned 1
structure of a family. The group will
present the given structure (of a family) in a
simple drawing, and later explains it to the

From what you have presented, what again Ma’am, the different structures of the family are
are the structure of a family? the Nuclear family, Extended Family, Family with
working parents, Single-parent family, Blended
Family, Childless family, and Other family
Very good!

Can you define again each structures of the Ma’am, Nuclear family- this is the traditional type
family? of family. Two parent and their children are living
together as one.

Extended family-aside from the two parents and

their children, the family is joined in by their
relatives who live with them, like grandparents,
cousins or aunties/uncles.

Family with Working Parents- from what used to be

‘only the father working for the family’, and
mother tending the home and children, both
parents now work to support the family.

Single-Parent family- this type of family refers to

the setup in which either the mother or the father
alone takes the responsibility of caring the child or
the children. In cases of separation/divorce of
parents, children are usually left in either of the

Blended family- This setup consists of a couple

wherein one or both of them have children in
previous marriage or relationship.

Childless family-_there are family situations when

couples do not have children either by choice or
due to certain circumstances.

Other family setups/frameworks- there are couples

who live together as common-law or domestic
partners. These are couples who are not legally
married but are living together and sharing
household responsibilities.
There are now same-sex partners who raise a child
(either adopted or biological child of one of them).
Very good!

Whatever the setup or structure, as long as

they provide everything for the family, it is

Child-rearing reflects the kind of parenting

style exercised by parents. There are 4
different parenting styles: the
Authoritarian, Permissive, Authoritative
and the Neglectful.

Describe the Authoritarian style of Ma’am, this is characterized by rigid and/or

parenting. demanding parenting style. Parents are very strict.
They expect their children to follow them without
questions. They do not tolerate misbehavior and
do not hesitate to apply punishment to control
Very good!

What about the Permissive parenting style? Ma’am, it is the opposite of Authoritarian. The
parents of this nature are very giving to the point
of spoiling their children. They tend to be warm
and loving. They have few expectations and
minimal limitations. They allow their children to be
part in making decisions in the family.
Very good!

How about the Authoritative style of Ma’am this kind of parenting is considered
parenting? balanced. Parents are authority figures who set
clear expectations from their children. They set
reasonable limitations, yet they also give them
room for independence, provides them emotional
support, and respect their point of view. They
likewise empower their child to exercise decision-
Very good!

The last one- Neglectful style of parenting. Ma’am, neglectful parents are not involved in child-
rearing. They may provide for the child’s needs, but
are emotionally detached, unsupportive of their
children, inconsistent or unpredictable.
Very good!

So, what style of parenting you will choose?

Ma’am, Family is the foremost unit that give you
e. Generalization the first experience of the world.
This is where you find peace, love and security.
What again is a Family?

Ma’am, Procreation, Economic Provision, Love,

Very good! Socialization and Sense of Security.

What are the functions of a family?

Ma’am, the different structures of the family are
Very good! the Nuclear family, Extended Family, Family with
working parents, Single-parent family, Blended
What about the structures of a family? Family, Childless family, and Other family

Ma’am. Authoritarian, Permissive, Authoritative

Very good! and the Neglectful.

And the kinds of Parenting styles?

Very good!

f. Values Infusion Ma’am, give it TLC, which stand for TIME, LOVE,
How to nurture your family relationships. and COMMITMENT.

Can you specify your answer? Time. Make time for your family. Spend quality
time with them and fill it with good moments. Do it
often. Family memories are made with time spent
doing activities together. Time with your family
also enhances communication as it gives
opportunity for family members to talk to one

Love. The family should be built on love. As

everybody loves and needs to be loved, the family
should be the first to show it.

Commitment. As it takes effort to do all those

things, commit yourself to doing what is good,
healthy and nurturing for your family. By being
committed, you put the well-being and happiness
of your family first.
Family isn’t also about being complete, as
long as there is love, compassion and
respect-it is FAMILY.

IV. Assessment:

A. Answer the following questions.

1. What is your personal definition of FAMILY?

2. What is the significance of family in your development?
3. Looking at the big picture, what do you think is a pressing need in our country that youth like you must
attend to?

B. Generate a visual presentation of your family using FAMILY TREE.

V. Assignment:

Define the following:

1. Social groups
2. Peer relations
3. Social roles
4. Leaders and followers

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