ProcesScan 2 Solution Brochure - GB

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ProcesScan™ 2

Real-time process control

for improved milk standardization
Getting the composition of fat, protein, total sol- FOSS has pioneered the development of dairy
ids, solids non fat and lactose as close to targets process solutions with +65 years of experience
as possible has always been essential to make and has strong partnerships with industry lead-
the most of raw materials and secure quality and ing end-to-end dairy process providers ensuring
profit. In this context, milk standardization is the seamless installation and integration of your
backbone of process control for any dairy. process solution. In terms of ongoing support,
FOSS has a global network of certified support
While standardizing closer to targets to ensure a engineers ready to keep your analytical solution
profitable business is as critical as ever, the dairy running at peak performance for maximum pro-
industry is rapidly moving towards industry 4.0 ductivity, payback and profit.
with a focus on turning analytical data into ac-
tionable insights that give you automated control Detect. React. Detect. React.
and full overview of your production. Automated That’s automated process control
and connected processes provide dairies with the Automated process control is the key to prof-
data to make better decisions to optimize the itability. Reliable, real-time data about product
process, meet targets, improve yield and ensure composition every 10 seconds, combined with
final product composition. At the same time, au- subsequent control, can reduce variation be-
tomation enables a more sustainable production tween batches considerably and help you bring
by making the most of valuable raw materials. your production even closer to target values.

Profit improvement − Product specification

Move your targets closer to specification − Production variation and mean today
− New production variation and mean

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8


0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0
3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7

% Protein
% Fat
% Fat %

Reduce the protein and fat variation in your standardized products and optimize the average
value for increased yield and profit. On-line results integrated in intelligent PID loops will re-
duce your variation significantly and enable you to move your targets closer to specifications.

• For instance, for a milk powder or cheese producer, keeping the variation of fat and protein
content in milk as low as 0.01-0.02 %, makes it possible to reduce the give-away of expen-
sive fat and protein by a factor of 10, depending on the starting point.

What can you measure

with ProcesScan™ 2
• Protein and fat/protein control in cheese milk
• Fat and solids control in milk for powder
• Fat and solids control in condensed milk
• Fat and SNF control in consumer milk
• Fat and protein control in whey
• Protein and solids control in WPC/MPC
• High fat milk control in special dairy products

Introducing ProcesScan™ 2:


ProcesScan™ 2 is a fully automated, on-line again and again to improve margins, streamline
FTIR, process control solution for standardization production and run a more profitable business.
of milk and liquid dairy products with superior
accuracy and speed. Installed in the production On top of this, ProcesScan 2 is supported by
process, where the milk is standardized in the state-of-the-art digital capabilities giving you
liquid phase, ProcesScan 2 offers a best-in-class unrivalled, automated process control. Instru-
solution for continuous and simultaneous analysis ment standardization combined with ready to use
of milk composition parameters such as protein, global calibrations means that ProcesScan 2 is up
fat, total solids, solids non fat, and lactose. and running within a few days with only minor
adjustments needed to get started, and going
Turn analytical data into actionable insights forward, calibration maintenance is minimal.
Bringing FTIR technology directly into the pro-
duction line ensures reliable data, giving dairy Streamline your production and get:
processors an accurate picture of what is going • Consistent quality with best-in-class milk stand-
on inside the process. Fast, accurate and contin- ardization for cheese, powder and consumer
uous measurements allow process adjustments milk production.
to be made in real-time, thereby securing optimal • Unrivalled, automated process control with
process control. proven FTIR technology from MilkoScan™ FT3.
• Hit your targets every time with analysis results
With ProcesScan 2 you can improve your product every 10 seconds (WPC/MPC 20 seconds).
consistency and yield, reduce production varia- • Measurement performance at a superior level
tion, make the most of your raw materials, and compared to other process solutions.
reduce the risk of error. Simply hit your targets

Achieve better batch peformance with real-time • Save time and labor spent on post-standardi-
data linked to advanced control loops. zation
• Eliminate inaccuracy from unrepresentative
This leads to better use of expensive raw materi- batch sampling
als as well as signficantly improved efficiency and • Reduce requirements for holding tank capacity
return of investment. • Improve production output and product con-

Automatic process control with ProcesScan™ 2:

% % %


Production closer to target. Reduce start-up variation. React in real-time on results out of spec.

Standardized milk
protein source
High or low
whole milk
Skim milk

Cream or

ProcesScan™ 2

Parameters: Installation point: A dedicated process solution:

• Fat • Continuous real-time sampling • 3-A approved process
• Protein close to the mixer connection
• Lactose • Close to the blending unit to • EHEDG compliant
• Total solids (TS) validate and adjust final fat, • Fully CIP compatible
• Solids non fat (SNF) protein, and total solids • IP56 classified
• Flow blending or off the sep-
arator standardization

A lot of dairies today are running mass balance carrying samples back and forth for testing and
standardization, where all raw materials are meas- waiting for results. This reduces your ability to
ured in batches on a MilkoScan™ or similar and act quickly on process changes, leading to an
mixed to meet target values based on these results. increased risk of incorrect results due to human
error. Together, these factors lead to a higher var-
Even with a highly accurate bench top analyz- iation than what is possible with a process solu-
er, measurements are less frequent and do not tion providing real-time results and an automated
provide continuous analysis data. This means that process regulation system.
fluctuations in composition are adjusted periodi-
cally rather than in real-time and the risk of giving Increasing the number of samples allows you to
away expensive raw materials can be a challenge. reduce the measurement uncertainty, reduce the
variation in your process and produce closer to
At the same time, testing with bench methods, product specifications. At the same time, you can
either at-line or in a laboratory setting, involves free up time for busy staff to do other tasks.

Unrivalled sensitivity and accuracy based on FTIR • Make better use of raw materials and improve
technology makes ProcesScan™ 2 ideal for milk margins.
standardization in processes with variations in raw • Ensure stable final product quality by contin-
material batches and frequent recipe changes. uously measuring levels of fat, protein, total
solids, solids non fat and lactose.
But what makes it so accurate? Constant and • Detect changes in your production process in
representative sampling combined with high fre- real-time.
quency on-line analysis ensures accurate and rep- • Measure manual samples directly to avoid
resentative results and allows you to bring your sampling errors during validation of instrument
milk standardization closer to specified targets. performance or when optimizing calibrations.



ProcesScan™ 2 uses the same best-in-class Fourier Transform In-
frared (FTIR) technology for milk standardization as the renowned
MilkoScan™ FT3 that has become a gold standard in the dairy
industry. Armed with reliable real-time data you can improve the
efficiency of your standardization for an immediate payback in
terms of improved consistency and yield.

ProcesScan™ 2 is a purpose built on-line FTIR unit Made for the dairy production
for reliable analysis operations, providing deter-
mination of fat, protein, lactose, solids and other
components with a precision second to none. The ProcesScan 2 hardware is built for solid
Sampling and tests are performed automatically performance with CIP ensuring top performance
every 10 seconds with no risk of operator error. with minimal maintenance. Adding to this, the
specially designed diamond cuvette is backed by
• The FTIR interferometer scans the full mid-infra- a 10 year guarentee, contributing to consistently
red spectrum so that analyzing new products high performance at a low cost.
and parameters is only a matter of calibration
development. Based on the spectra, a qualifi- • Purpose built sensor to meet sanitary standards
cation model can be made to monitor that the and withstand a rough production environ-
product in the pipe meets specifications. ment.
• Housed in a protective case, the interferome- • Stainless-steel cabinet sealed according to IP56.
ter is insensitive to temperature and humidity • Designed to tolerate vibrations and large varia-
making it ideal for use directly in the harsh tions in humidity and temperature.
conditions found in the production plant and • Possible to CIP clean the unit together with CIP
the cleaning procedures employed. cleaning of the process.
• The sensor is designed so that free air in the • Hygiene design standards, 3-A approved and
process line does not affect performance. No EHEDG compliant.
other process sensor concept measures the • Low weight and small footprint to fit in various
main parameters as accurately as ProcesScan 2. production set-ups.
• ProcesScan 2 complies with international
standards such as AAC (Association of Ana-
lytical Chemists) and IDF (International Dairy

The purpose built

ProcesScan™ 2 sensor is fully
integrable in all CIP routines
due to a diamond cuvette and
a very robust flow system
• Not subject to wear and tear
• Withstands cleaning (CIP liquids)
• No clogging with multi-way
• High performance at a low cost

Get your ProcesScan™ 2 up and running in no
time with ready to use global calibration models
based on extensive FOSS chemometrics knowl-
edge and data collection built-up over many dec-
ades. The robustness of these calibration models
means that very limited calibration work is need-
ed, at installation. At the same time, ProcesScan
2 is factory standardized and has no drift. This
means that your process instrument always deliv-
ers the same high level of measurement stability
and ensures identical performance across multiple

ble calibrations
clean and
for a wide range Easy process
of products and integration with
parameters interface to all major
global product
models (slope/inter- PLCs and Scada
cept adjustments only systems
at installation)

is constant-
Always ly monitored by
standardized - no built-in intelligent
instrument drift and diagnostics
optimized trans- ProcesScan™ 2

No inter-
ruptions with
Easy to per- continuous zero
form local reference - manual
validation and zero setting only
adjustment after CIP

Flexible and easy operations
Simplified and automated procedures add flex- benchtop analyzer such as the MilkoScan™ FT3,
ibility to your daily operations. ProcesScan™ 2 without any manual entry of data.
is designed with ease of use, as well as reduced
maintenance and handling of consumables in Automatic registration of sample data from the
mind. This frees up your staff to concentrate on ProcesScan 2 and benchtop analyzer respectively
other tasks. At the same time, minimal use of eliminates the risk of error and secures optimal
reagents allows for safer and more sustainable performance. The matched results are saved via
operations. cloud and are ready for evaluation and reporting
using digital services. Results and commands for
• Minimal use of reagents and automatic dis- remote control of the sensor are automatically
pensing of liquids used for cleaning the sensor. exchanged via PLC/SCADA highways or DDE link.
• Manual pipette for easy entry of calibration or
pilot/instrument check samples. FOSS instrument management tools provide you
• No maintenance or handling of consumables with an overview of your sample ID and results
by the operator. from both benchtop and the process sensor
on one page. The overview facilitates efficient
Eliminate the risk of error with performance surveillance of calibration performance and any
validation necessary adjustments through pre-planned in-
Performance validation allows you to validate strument and calibration reports.
your ProcesScan 2 predictions using a FOSS

With any process analysis solution, you are Assisted by device management tools you can
effectively putting your production in the hands monitor and manage your ProcesScan 2 units
of technology. ProcesScan™ 2 is supported by from a single desktop, for example, when making
best-in-class digital capabilities that provide an calibration adjustments or proactively planning
overview of your analytical data across individual maintenance cycles for optimal uptime. This can
or whole populations of instruments, helping be done from anywhere in the world from any
to ensure optimal analytical performance and PC.

Plant Manager Corporate

QA Manager

FOSS Specialist

On-line sensor
for real-time
ProcesScan™ 2

Operator Sample Reference instrument

for sample matching and
performance validation

Get high uptime and reduce cost

Protect your investment and secure uptime with • Remote service and diagnostics securing excep-
a total service solution that ensures consistent tional performance and uptime.
performance day in, day out and year after year. • Shorter installation, commissioning and inte-
SmartCare™ service and support plans offer the gration time, supported by effective proce-
option of preventative maintenance for maximum dures.
uptime and minimized repair costs. Safeguard • Customizable service programmes offering a
uptime with SmartCare services and use device range of options to suit your business.
management tools for efficient management of
instruments and easy access to data.

Nils Foss Allé 1
DK-3400 Hilleroed

Tel.: +45 7010 3370

Fax: +45 7010 3371
July 2023. GB

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