Relation Between Resistance To Antipseudomonal Β-Lactams And And Mexc Genes Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Relation Between Resistance To Antipseudomonal Β-Lactams And And Mexc Genes Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
Relation Between Resistance To Antipseudomonal Β-Lactams And And Mexc Genes Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
2016; 11(1): 47 - 47
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Background: In order to select a better antibiotic choice for treatment of
β-lactams Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections, this study was conducted to determine the
mexC frequency of resistance to some antipseudomonal β-lactams in P. aeruginosa isolates
from patients in Tehran, Iran. In addition, the relation between presence of genes
known to be responsible for resistance to β-lactams (ampC, mexC1,2, and mexC3,4
genes) and resistance phenotype among P. aeroginosa isolates was evaluated.
Methods: P. aeruginosa strains were isolated and identified by routine methods
and PCR for oprL gene. Disk diffusion method was employed to determine the
antimicrobial susceptibility pattern according to CLSI recommendations. PCR was
used to detect the resistance genes.
Results: Among 100 isolates of P. aeruginosa, 82% had ampC, 86% mexC1,2 and
Received 30 Dec 2014;
89% mexC3,4 genes and combinations of these genes were seen in most of isolates
Accepted 05 Jan 2015;
and only 3% of isolates had none of these genes. Resistance to mezlocillin, cefepime,
ceftazidime and piperacillin/ tazobactam was seen in 46%, 41%, 36% and 29% of
isolates, respectively. Significant relation (P value ≤0.05 by Chi-square or Fisher Exact
test) was observed between the presence of ampC gene and resistance to all the studied
β-lactams in this study. No relation was observed for mexC genes, although many of
isolates containing these two genes were phenotypically resistant.
Discussion: This study had shown for the first time, the presence of ampC and
mexC genes in significant percent of clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa in Tehran,
Iran, and relation between presence of ampC gene and resistance to β-lactams.
©Iran J Pathol. All rights reserved.
Corresponding Information: Horieh Saderi, PhD, Address: No. 31, Abdollahzadeh Str, Keshavarz Blvd., School of Medicine, Shahed University, P.O.
Box: 14155-7435, Tehran, Iran. Tel: 00982188964792, Mobile: 0098-9123278569, Fax: 0098-2188966310. E-mail:
Copyright © 2016, IRANIAN JOURNAL OF PATHOLOGY. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-noncommercial 4.0 International License which
permits copy and redistribute the material just in noncommercial usages, provided the original work is properly cited.
This bacterium is associated with different kinds information about distribution of these genes in
of infections such as otitis externa, burn wounds, Iran, this study was performed to determine the
urinary tract infections, ventilator associated frequency of these genes among P. aeruginosa
pneumonia and septicemia (2). It is responsible isolated from patients in Tehran, Iran. This study
for about 10% of nosocomial infections and is has shown for the first time, the presence of
considered as a major cause of mortality and ampC and mexC genes in significant percent of
morbidity in these patients (3). clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa in Tehran, Iran,
P. aeruginosa has different mechanisms of and relation between presence of ampC gene and
resistance against antimicrobial agents; therefore, resistance to β-lactams.
it is an important problem in clinical centers (1). It
uses special outer membrane porins to restrict the Materials and Methods
uptake of antibiotics and the secondary resistance
mechanisms such as energy-dependent multidrug Bacterial isolates
efflux and chromosomally producing β-lactamase
(4). A major component of bacterial resistance to P. aeruginosa isolated from patients in three
many classes of antibiotics is expelling them out hospital laboratories (Pars and Milad hospitals
of bacteria cells that occur due to the activity of and Motahari Burn Center) in Tehran, Iran, in
membrane transporter proteins called drug efflux 2013 were collected and 100 of them selected
pumps (5). Extrusion of antibiotics and restricted randomly and used in this study. Identification
uptake through porins of outer membrane can of isolates as P. aeruginosa was done based on
cause a decrease in intracellular concentration of general phenotypic methods including colony
antibiotics (6). There are many genes that encode pigmentation, Gram staining, oxidase test,
putative efflux pumps. One of the important oxidative/fermentative (OF) test for carbohydrate
families of chromosomally encoded bacterial utilization, growth at 42˚C and growth on
efflux pumps is the resistance nodulation division cetrimide agar (13).
(RND) family. This kind of pumps has three
components: a membrane fusion protein that is PCR for detection of genes
associated with the cytoplasmic membrane, a
periplasmic accessory protein (such as MexA, Genomic DNA was extracted based on the
MexC, MexE and MexX), and an outer membrane Ozer et al. method (12) with some modifications.
protein (OMP) (such as OprM, OprJ and OprN) The isolates were screened for presence of
(7-11). As a result of synergy between outer resistance genes ampC, mexC1,2 and mexC3,4
membrane impermeability and chromosomally genes according to PCR method of Ozer et al.
encoded efflux pumps, P. aeruginosa shows (12). Molecular identification of P. aeruginosa
a remarkable intrinsic resistance to various was performed with PCR using oprL gene
antibiotic families (9). This antibiotic resistance primers (14). Primers used in this study are
is mediated by several resistance genes using shown in Table 1.
multiple mechanisms resulting in making the We performed Duplex PCR assay for the
treatment of many Pseudomonal infections more detection of studied genes in a thermal cycler
complicated. (Techne, UK). This Duplex PCR reaction
The existence of three resistance genes (ampC, were carried out in a final volume of 25µl
mexC1,2 and mexC3,4) are related to resistance containing 12.5µl Master Mix (Amplicon
to antipseudomonal β-lactams in clinical isolates Taq DNA Polymerase 2x Master Mix Red,
of P. aeruginosa (12). Due to the absence of ViraGene Company, Iran), 9.5µl DDW, 1µl of
Table 1
Primers used in this study
Product length
Gene Forward and Reverse Primers Sequences (5ʹ to 3ʹ) Reference
ampC 218 (12)
mexC1,2 344 (12)
mexC3,4 164 (12)
oprL 504 (14)
each primers (0.5 µl Forward primer and 0.5µl frequencies were computed by Statistical
Reverse primer) and 1µl DNA template. Master Package for Social Sciences version 20 (SSPS
Mix1 contained ampC and mexC1,2 primers, Inc, Chicago, IL, USA). The relation between
and Master Mix2 contained mexC3,4 and oprL antibiotic resistance and the presence of the
primers. Program of amplification process was as resistance genes is determined by Chi-square
follows: Initial denaturation at 93˚C for 5 min, or Fisher Exact test and P value ≤0.05 was
30 cycles of initiation at 93˚C, annealing at 55˚C considered statistically significant.
and extension at 72˚C; each 1 min; and final
extension at 72˚C for 5 min. The PCR products Results
and 100bp DNA ladder were visualized under
gel documentation system (UVItec, UK) after From 100 collected P. aeruginosa isolates
electrophoresis on a 1% agarose gel and staining 67, 25 and 8 were isolated from patients in Pars
by Ethidium Bromide. Hospital, Milad Hospital, and Motahari Burn
Center, respectively, which were isolated from
Antimicrobial susceptibility testing sputum (50%), urine (35%), wound (13%), CSF
(1%), and blood (1%). Characteristics of patients
Disk diffusion method was used for detection showed that 51 of them were male and 49 female,
of antimicrobial susceptibility pattern in 62 were outpatient and 38 inpatients, and mean
clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa according to age was 52.57 ± 27.15 (12 cases had below 15,
the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute 20 cases 15-44, 23 cases 45-64 and 45 cases 65-
(CLSI) guidelines (15). The following antibiotic 94 years old.
disks from MAST Group Ltd. (Merseyside, UK), In all isolates identified by phenotypically
were used: Mezlocillin (MEZ; 75µg), cefepime methods as P. aeruginosa, the oprL gene was
(CPM; 30µg), ceftazidime (CAZ; 30µg) and also detected by PCR method. Altogether, ampC,
piperacillin/ tazobactam (PTZ; 100/10µg). mexC1,2 and mexC3,4 genes were detected in
Control strains used for piperacillin/ tazobactam 82%, 86%, and 89% of isolates, respectively, and
was E. coli ATCC35218, and for other antibiotics combination of genes were also seen in many
was P. aeruginosa ATCC27853. of isolates and only three isolates had neither of
these genes (table 2).
Data analysis Antibiotic susceptibility of studied isolates
had shown in Fig. 1. Resistance to mezlocillin,
All collected data were analyzed and cefepime, ceftazidime and piperacillin/
Table 2
Frequency of studied genes in Iranian P. aeruginosa isolates
tazobactam was seen in 46%, 41%, 36% and 29% other studies in Iran, which were 57.5% to 89.5%
of studied P. aeruginosa isolates, respectively. (17, 23-26). In our study, resistance to cefepime
Relation between resistance to theses was 41% that was almost similar to a report with
antipseudomonal β-lactams and the presence the result of 39%, but much less than other study
of ampC, mexC1,2 and mexC3,4 genes among which was 91.7% (17, 25). Furthermore we
studied P. aeruginosa isolates were also studied found that resistance to piperacillin/ tazobactam
by statistical methods. Significant relation (P was 29% which showed similarity to study of
value ≤ 0.001) was shown between the resistance Shahcheraghi et al. (28%), and a little higher
to each studied antibiotic and presence of ampC than the result of Salimi et al. (19.1%), however,
gene. This relation was not found for mexC genes, it was reported 87.2% resistance that was
although a high number of resistant isolates had much higher than our study (17, 24, 26). The
these genes. rates of resistance to ceftazidime, piperacillin/
tazobactam and mezlocillin in this study were
Discussion 36%, 29%, and 46%, respectively, similar to a
report (12) from Turkey, our neighbor country,
Because of the importance of P. aeruginosa in which were reported respectively 30%, 24%, and
human infections, many studies are undertaken 50%, but the resistance to cefepime in this study
in the world about resistance to different was higher than mentioned report (41% versus
antibiotics in clinical isolates of this bacterium. 18%). searching in studies of other countries, the
Many reports were published in Iran about rates of resistance to mezlocillin were reported
frequency of resistance to different antibiotics 48% that shows higher rate in comparison with
in P. aeruginosa isolated from patients (16- our findings (19, 20). Geographic differences in
23); although there is no report of resistance antimicrobial resistance were also shown in other
to mezlocillin. In this study we focused on studies, and some of the variables explaining
determination of the frequency of resistance to these differences in population demographics,
four extended expectrum penicillins which are access to medical care and illicit drug use (27,
used in treatment of P. aeruginosa infections. 28).
Among clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa P. aeruginosa use several genes to mediate
collected in three Tehran hospitals, resistance resistance to β-lactam antibiotics including
to ceftazidime was 36%, which was higher than ampC, mexC1,2 and mexC3,4 genes (12, 29). The
Shahcheraghi et al. report (25%) and lower than ampC gene encodes an inducible chromosomal
β-lactamase. The mexC genes are related to that most of these isolates had ampC and mexC
MexCD-OprJ efflux system and are belonging to genes and there was significant relation between
the RND family (30, 31). In the genetic map of resistant to used antipseudomonal β-lactams and
this bacterium, ampC is located beside the genes presence of ampC gene.
of the MexCD-OprJ efflux system (30). Besides,
it is shown that this efflux system is an inducible Acknowledgement
pump, which expression could be induced
after more using of some inducer antibiotics, Many thanks to Elham Faghihzadeh, Seyede
pressure of antibiotics and following mutation in Marzieh Mosavi, Rahim Nosrati and especially
mexR gene that control the expression of genes to microbiology laboratory staff of Pars ,Milad,
belonging to MexCD-OprJ efflux system (32, and Motahari hospitals for collaboration in this
33). Only a few reports were published about study .This survey was an MSc student thesis
presence of ampC gene in clinical isolates of P. and financially supported by Research Council
aeruginosa in Iran, such as study of Aghazadeh of Shahed University.
et al. (34), and presence of mexC genes have
not be done before this study. The studied genes Conflict of interest
(ampC, mexC1,2 and mexC3,4) were detected in
most of P. aeruginosa isolated from patients in The authors declare that there is no conflict of
Tehran, Iran. Unfortunately, we could not found interests.
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How to cite this article:
operons from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1: MexCD-
Rezaei F, Saderi H, Boroumandi S, Faghihzadeh S. Rela-
OprJ is an inducible pump. FEMS Microbiol Lett 2001;
202; 139-43. tion between Resistance to Antipseudomonal β-Lactams
33. Narita ShI, Eda Sh, Yoshihara E, Nakae T. Linkage and ampC and mexC Genes of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
of the efflux-pump expression level with substrate extrusion Iran J Pathol. 2016; 11(1): 47 - 53.
rate in the MexAB-OprM efflux pump of Pseudomonas