Walsh Et Al 2017 Hemodynamics of Speech Production

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OPEN Hemodynamics of speech

production: An fNIRS investigation
of children who stutter
Received: 16 February 2017 B. Walsh1, F. Tian2, J. A. Tourville3, M. A. Yücel4, T. Kuczek5 & A. J. Bostian6
Accepted: 15 May 2017
Published: xx xx xxxx Stuttering affects nearly 1% of the population worldwide and often has life-altering negative
consequences, including poorer mental health and emotional well-being, and reduced educational and
employment achievements. Over two decades of neuroimaging research reveals clear anatomical and
physiological differences in the speech neural networks of adults who stutter. However, there have been
few neurophysiological investigations of speech production in children who stutter. Using functional
near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), we examined hemodynamic responses over neural regions integral
to fluent speech production including inferior frontal gyrus, premotor cortex, and superior temporal
gyrus during a picture description task. Thirty-two children (16 stuttering and 16 controls) aged 7–11
years participated in the study. We found distinctly different speech-related hemodynamic responses in
the group of children who stutter compared to the control group. Whereas controls showed significant
activation over left dorsal inferior frontal gyrus and left premotor cortex, children who stutter exhibited
deactivation over these left hemisphere regions. This investigation of neural activation during natural,
connected speech production in children who stutter demonstrates that in childhood stuttering,
atypical functional organization for speech production is present and suggests promise for the use of
fNIRS during natural speech production in future research with typical and atypical child populations.

Although seemingly effortless, fluent speech production is a remarkably complex process, requiring the func-
tional synergy of multiple neural networks to accomplish language formulation, articulatory planning, motor
execution, and auditory and somatosensory integration1–6. Stuttering emerges in the preschool years as the brain
develops the intricate and dynamically interactive networks underlying language formulation and speech produc-
tion7, 8. Those who stutter know what they wish to communicate; however, involuntary disfluencies impede the
forward flow of their speech. Examples of these include sound or syllable repetitions, blocks, and prolongations.
Many factors, including heredity, linguistic abilities, speech motor abilities, and temperament, uniquely contrib-
ute to the onset of stuttering and in the likelihood of recovery or persistence7–10. Although most children who
begin to stutter will recover, the approximately 25% who persist will struggle with a communication disorder that
is resistant to treatment throughout their lives11, 12.
An extensive body of neuroimaging research in adults who stutter has provided greater insight into the neuro-
logical underpinnings of stuttering, confirming functional differences in speech and language network activation
even when they are speaking fluently. Compared to fluent speakers, adults who stutter show heightened activity in
right motor cortex and in cerebellar regions, but reduced activation in left anterior speech regions (e.g., premotor
cortex-PMC, insula, inferior frontal gyrus-IFG, supplementary motor area-SMA)13–21. An additional finding in
adults who stutter is anomalous degree and symmetry of activation in auditory cortices during speech produc-
tion13, 14. Gray and white matter anomalies in perisylvian regions are presumed to induce atypical brain activity
during speech production in adults who stutter22–29.
A growing number of anatomical imaging studies in children report decreases in gray matter volume in IFG
and temporal regions bilaterally in children who stutter compared to controls, and reduced integrity of white

Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. 2Department
of Bioengineering, University of Texas Arlington, Arlington, TX, USA. 3Department of Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences, Boston University, Boston, MA, USA. 4Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Harvard Medical School, MGH/HST Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Charlestown, MA, USA.
Department of Statistics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. 6Department of Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA. Correspondence and requests for materials should be
addressed to B.W. (email: bridget@purdue.edu)

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 1


matter tracts interconnecting auditory and motor speech areas30–34. However, there have been few functional
neuroimaging investigations undertaken in children who stutter; thus, there are significant gaps in our under-
standing of speech neurophysiology closer to the onset of the disorder. The paucity of research in this population
critically limits our ability to interpret findings from studies of adults who stutter and in turn, to inform devel-
opmental theories of stuttering. For example, it is unclear whether atypical lateralization of brain activity during
speech production in adults who stutter represents a causal mechanism, or rather, a compensatory response, a
supposition supported by studies of adults who stutter14, 17, 18, 20, 35. One magnetoencephalography (MEG) study
found left lateralized activation of IFG preceding single-word production in both children who stutter and con-
trols, suggesting that atypical speech lateralization in adults who stutter may not extrapolate to young children
who stutter36. Clearly, more research into the neural correlates of speech planning and production in children
who stutter is needed.
The neural regions implicated in stuttering are key components of a speech production network responsible
for sequencing phonological codes to articulating sounds to communicate our message (for review37). Neural
models of speech production posit that learned articulatory programs for commonly produced speech sounds
are stored in left IFG and premotor cortex. Projections from these neurons to primary orofacial motor cortex
encode the motor commands to articulate specific speech sounds. Bi-directional projections from the same neu-
rons to superior temporal gyrus (STG) and lateral parietal cortex encode the expected sensory consequences of
the articulatory movements. Any discrepancy between the expected and actual feedback is relayed back to motor
cortex where it is used to correct and update the articulatory programs. This integration of sensory and motor
information is key to the development and maintenance of fluent speech1, 38–41.
We have investigated the development of the neural control of speech production through our cross-sectional
studies of lip and jaw speech kinematics in adults and children aged 4–16 years. We found that children’s articula-
tory patterns are highly variable and do not reach adult-like levels of proficient control and coordination until late
adolescence42, 43. Moreover, we found that a significant number of young children who stutter are already showing
a lag in their speech motor performance characterized by greater articulatory varibility44. These findings, at the
behavioral level, provide another impetus to examine neurobiological mechanisms of speech motor development
in typical children and in children with neurodevelopmental disorders such as stuttering.
Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive, optical neuroimaging method that meas-
ures the relative concentration changes in oxygenated (Oxy-Hb) and deoxygenated (Deoxy-Hb) hemoglobin,
two absorbing chromophores in cerebral capillary blood45. Like PET and fMRI, it offers an indirect index of
neural activity. Stimulus-induced neuronal signaling increases metabolic demands resulting in measurable focal
increases in regional cerebral blood flow(rCBF)46. The increased rCBF exceeds the oxygen metabolic rate of a
region resulting in a peak in Oxy-Hb and a decrease or dip in Deoxy-Hb47. The Oxy- and Deoxy-Hb response
from fNIRS measurements is spatially and temporally correlated to the blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD)
response from fMRI48, 49. fNIRS is a safe and more child-friendly neuroimaging approach50, 51 that allows silent,
continuous recording of cortical hemodynamic responses during speech production52–54. fNIRS has been used
to examine the regional activation, timing, and lateralization of brain activity for diverse perceptual, language,
and cognitive functions (for review55). As such, fNIRS offers an unprecedented, practical means to examine the
neurophysiology of speech production in typical and atypical child populations56.
As reviewed, there is strong evidence in both adults and children who stutter of atypical neuroanatomical
development; however, we know comparatively little about the neurophysiology of sensory and motor regions
underlying efficient timing and control of speech movements in children who stutter. At its core, stuttering mani-
fests as a breakdown in speech production and is most likely to occur during connected, extemporaneous speech.
Thus, it is critical to assess neural activation during more ecologically valid speaking conditions that place the
greatest demands on the speech production networks of children who stutter.
The goal of this study is to examine hemodynamic responses from children who do and do not stutter over
neural regions integral to fluent speech production and implicated in the pathophysiology of stuttering. These
regions include the left and right IFG, the left and right precentral gyrus (premotor cortex-PMC), and the left
and right STG. We hypothesize that connected speech, which maximally engages speech and language networks,
will elicit a left-lateralized hemodynamic response over IFG for speech planning and production in the cohort
of controls. There is evidence to support this from fMRI studies of picture description and narrative production
in adult speakers57, 58 and from a recent fNIRS verbal fluency investigation with children and adults59. Based
on earlier findings in stuttering adults (reviewed above), hemodynamic responses from children who stutter
may show atypical symmetry and amplitude during speech production. We expect reduced responses, especially
over left hemisphere IFG/PMC areas, and augmented responses over the right hemisphere homologous areas to
compensate for left hemisphere neurophysiological deficits. Another possibility is that atypical neural activation
patterns in adults who stutter result from years of compensating for their speech disorder, and thus, may not be
present in children who stutter.

Behavioral Data. One-way ANOVAs confirmed that there were no differences between the two participant
groups in age F(1, 31) = 0.11, p = 0.74 and socioeconomic status (SES) F(1, 31) = 1.4, p = 0.24. Unusable trials
(e.g., no responses, false starts, or data corrupted by motion) made up 4% and 3% of the total number of trials
in the group of children who do and do not stutter, respectively. The between-group difference in the number
of unusable trials was not significant (F(1, 31) = 0.09, p = 0.77. The two groups had a similar number of trials
containing normal or typical speech disfluencies STUTT (M = 2.06; SD = 2.49) and CONT (M = 3.00; SD = 2.13)
F(1, 31) = 1.31, p = 0.26. As expected, the children who stutter produced a greater number of stuttered trials com-
pared to controls (STUTT M = 7.44; SD = 5.22; vs CONT M = 0.88; SD = 1.20). As a result, the group of children
who stutter had significantly fewer fluent trials (M = 22.18; SD = 5.82) than the controls (M = 28.12; SD = 1.67)

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 2


Oxy-Hb Deoxy-Hb
Main effect F-value p-value df F-value p-value df
Null Trials
Group 0.26 0.61 1 0.02 0.88 1
Hemisphere 0.37 0.55 1 1.7 0.20 1
Channel 0.98 0.41 3.06 0.37 0.74 2.54
Grp x Hem 0.34 0.86 1 0.01 0.99 1
Grp x Chan 0.51 0.68 3.06 0.36 0.75 2.54
Hem X Chan 0.68 0.58 3.19 1.20 0.31 2.79
Grp X Hem X Chan 2.06 0.12 3.19 1.47 0.23 2.79
Talk Trials
Group 2.46 0.13 1 1.10 0.30 1
Hemisphere 0.06 0.81 1 0.06 0.82 1
Channel 0.57 0.69 3.97 0.51 0.72 3.80
Grp x Hem 1.98 0.17 1 1.28 0.27 1
Grp x Chan 2.87 0.03* 3.97 3.48 0.01* 3.80
Hem X Chan 0.29 0.88 3.84 0.82 0.50 3.61
Grp X Hem X Chan 4.64 <0.01* 3.84 2.70 0.04* 3.60

Table 1. Statistical summary of group, hemisphere, and channel effects on hemodynamic responses for null and
talk trials from ANOVA. *p ≤ 0.05; df: degrees of freedom. Huynh-Feldt corrected df and p-values are reported
when Mauchly’s Test of Sphericity was statistically significant.

F(1, 31) = 19.53, p < 0.01. Finally, the two groups of children produced a comparable number of spoken syllables
to describe each picture STUTT (M = 9.4; SD = 2.0) and CONT (M = 10.0; SD = 2.9), F(1, 31) = 0.41, p = 0.53.
Examples of typical responses include, “A girl is watering the flower pots”. “There’s a tiger at the zoo with big teeth”.
The correlation between age and number of syllables produced was significant (r = 0.61, p =  < 0.01). On average,
the older participants produced longer responses to each picture.

Hemodynamic responses. Table 1 provides the statistical summary from ANOVA. Separate ANOVAs on
the amplitude of Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb responses elicited during the null trials yielded no main effect of group,
hemisphere or channel, or significant interactions between these factors. ANOVAs on the amplitude of Oxy-Hb
responses for the talk (minus null) trials indicated no main effect of group, hemisphere, or channel; however, the
channel X group and the hemisphere X channel X group interactions were significant. Similarly for Deoxy-Hb,
there were no main effects; however, there was a significant channel X group interaction. To disentangle the
interactions between group and within participant factors, separate independent sample t-tests were calculated
to identify amplitude differences in Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb responses from the group of children who stutter
and controls for each channel. These results, along with means and standard errors for each channel are listed in
Table 2.
Finally, the correlations between age or number of syllables and Oxy-Hb amplitudes for channels collapsed
across hemisphere and region of interest in either group were not significant. The correlation between stuttering
severity and average Oxy-Hb amplitudes in the group of children who stutter was also not significant (r = −0.30–
0.38; all p > 0.05).

Speech-Evoked Hemodynamic Responses over IFG. To observe the overall responses from the control
group, the temporal profiles of Oxy-Hb (red) and Deoxy-Hb (blue) hemodynamic responses were grand-averaged
across the 16 children in this group and presented on the left side of Fig. 1. Overall, controls’ hemodynamic
responses over IFG showed a canonical increase in Oxy-Hb, accompanied by a dip in Deoxy-Hb, characteristic of
neural activation60. Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb concentration amplitudes reached a peak approximately 5–6 seconds
after stimuli onset. Higher amplitudes of Oxy-Hb responses, averaged within the 3–8 s post-stimulus window
of analysis, were elicited from left dorsal IFG channels compared to left ventral IFG channels. We noted similar,
albeit reduced, hemodynamic responses over right IFG (Fig. 1). The within group paired t-test confirmed higher
Oxy-Hb amplitudes over left compared to right IFG (Table 3).
The grand-averaged waveforms on the right side of Fig. 1 reveal notably different hemodynamic responses in
left IFG channels for the group of 16 children who stutter. In channels over left dorsal IFG, there was little change
in Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb responses early in the 3–8 s analysis window, a time when the control group showed
clear increases in Oxy-Hb/dips in Deoxy-Hb in these same channels. This was followed by a distinct negative
dip in Oxy-Hb accompanied by a peak in Deoxy-Hb around 8–9 s. We did not detect this atypical hemodynamic
profile in right IFG channels. A pairwise t-test confirmed significantly reduced amplitudes of Oxy-Hb responses
in left compared to right IFG for the group of children who stutter (Table 3).

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 3


Oxy-Hb Deoxy-Hb
Channels STUTT CONT t-value p-value df STUTT CONT t-value p-value df
1 IFG 0.08 (0.06) 0.01 (0.08) 0.65 0.52 30 −0.01(0.03) −0.03(0.03) 0.48 0.64 30
2 IFG 0.02 (0.06) 0.12 (0.09) −0.89 0.38 30 −0.04(0.02) −0.04(0.04) 0.04 0.97 30
3 IFG 0.02 (0.04) 0.18 (0.09) −1.63 0.11 16.93 0.01(0.02) −0.06(0.04) 1.64 0.12 20.22
4 IFG −0.11 (0.03) 0.17 (0.05) −4.84 <0.01* 21.62 Stutt < Cont 0.04(0.01) −0.06(0.03) 3.03 <0.01* 20.07 Stutt > Cont
5 IFG −0.13 (0.06) 0.19 (0.05) −4.21 <0.01* 30 Stutt < Cont 0.03(0.02) −0.11(0.03) 3.75 <0.01* 30 Stutt > Cont
6 STG 0.11 (0.09) −0.07 (0.08) 1.53 0.14 30 −0.07(0.04) 0.05(0.04) −1.95 0.06 30
7 STG 0.10 (0.08) −0.01 (0.07) 1.10 0.28 30 −0.05(0.05) 0.03(0.04) −1.16 0.26 30
8 PMC −0.08 (0.05) 0.18 (0.06) −3.35 <0.01* 30 Stutt < Cont 0.01(0.03) −0.11(0.03) 3.08 <0.01* 23 Stutt > Cont
9 PMC −0.06 (0.06) 0.14 (0.04) −3.85 <0.01* 30 Stutt < Cont 0.01(0.04) −0.09(0.02) 2.20 0.04 23
Right Channels
1 IFG 0.05 (0.07) −0.03 (0.08) 0.79 0.44 30 −0.01(0.02) 0.02(0.03) −0.71 0.49 30
2 IFG 0.06 (0.04) 0.11 (0.08) −0.55 0.59 22.61 −0.04(0.03) −0.04(0.04) 0.04 0.97 30
3 IFG 0.07 (0.04) 0.10 (0.08) −0.35 0.73 30 −0.03(0.02) −0.05(0.03) 0.65 0.52 30
4 IFG 0.04 (0.05) 0.06 (0.07) −0.26 0.80 30 0.003(0.02) −0.04(0.03) 1.07 0.29 30
5 IFG 0.01 (0.05) 0.05 (0.06) −0.63 0.53 30 −0.04(0.03) −0.04(0.03) −0.10 0.99 30
6 STG 0.04 (0.07) 0.11 (0.05) −0.79 0.43 30 −0.06(0.05) −0.02(0.03) −0.65 0.52 30
7 STG 0.04 (0.05) −0.01 (0.04) −1.91 0.07 30 −0.01(0.04) −0.04(0.03) 0.54 0.59 30
8 PMC −0.003 (0.08) 0.11 (0.06) −1.19 0.11 30 0.02(0.04) −0.05(0.03) 1.31 0.20 30
9 PMC −0.03 (0.04) 0.08 (0.04) −2.01 0.05 30 0.01(0.03) −0.05(0.04) 1.22 0.23 30

Table 2. Relative Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb concentrations M (SE) μM and independent-samples t-tests for
between-group comparisons of each channel: children who stutter vs. controls. *p ≤ 0.05, FDR-corrected. If
Levene’s Test for Equality of Variances was statistically significant for a comparison, t-statistics and degrees of
freedom were adjusted using the Welch-Satterthwaite method. df = degrees of freedom; IFG = inferior frontal
gyrus, STG = superior temporal gyrus, PMC = premotor cortex.

Speech-Evoked Hemodynamic Responses over STG and PMC. Figure 2 shows the grand-averaged
Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb hemodynamic responses for left and right STG and PMC with controls on the left side of
this figure. In the group of controls, we saw an early dip in Oxy-Hb over left STG followed by a later positive peak
approximately 8–10 s after stimuli onset. The average Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb responses over left STG were varia-
ble, denoted by the error curves in this figure. There was a peak in Oxy-Hb over right STG approximately 6 s after
stimulus onset. The amplitude of Oxy-Hb responses were higher in right STG compared to left STG, although
this difference was not statistically significant (Table 3). Finally, Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb responses over left and
right PMC channels peaked approximately 5–6 s post-stimulus onset with a second peak occurring around 10 s in
left PMC channels. The amplitudes of Oxy-Hb responses in left and right PMC were also not statistically different
(Table 3).
The grand-averaged Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb hemodynamic responses from STG and PMC channels for the
group of 16 children who stutter are shown on the right hand side of Fig. 2. There was modest activation of left
and right STG channels, and the amplitudes of Oxy-Hb responses in left and right STG were not statistically
different (Table 3). The hemodynamic responses over PMC shared similar characteristics with left IFG channels
characterized by little change in Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb early in the window of analysis followed by negative
peaks in Oxy-Hb/positive peaks in Deoxy-Hb approximately 8–9 s post-stimulus onset. The left vs right PMC
comparison was also not significant for the group of children who stutter (Table 3).

Comparison between Controls and Children Who Stutter. Independent sample t-tests confirmed the
children who stutter had significantly reduced Oxy-Hb responses in left dorsal IFG (channels 4 and 5) and left
PMC (channels 8 and 9) compared to the controls (Table 2; Figs 1 and 2). The group of children who stutter also
had significantly larger Deoxy-Hb responses in left IFG (channels 4 and 5) and left PMC (channel 8). Figure 3
shows topographic images of speech-evoked average Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb responses in the 3–8 s window
within the boundaries of the probe. The differences in hemoglobin responses between children who stutter and
controls were significant over the left hemisphere (Fig. 3, third row images). No between-group comparison
reached statistical significance for any right hemisphere channel. In order to appreciate the range of values from
individuals in each group, average Oxy-Hb response amplitudes for the talk trials are provided in Appendix A for
the channels showing a significant between-group difference.

To our knowledge, this is the first investigation of brain activation during connected speech production in chil-
dren who do and do not stutter. IFG, PMC, and STG are key components of an intricate speech network that
develops atypically in adults and children who stutter; thus providing a clear rationale for targeting these neural
regions. We employed a slow event-related picture-description task that allowed us to record cortical activation
during overt speech production. Comparing the speech-evoked hemodynamic responses from each group, we

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 4


Figure 1. Grand averaged Oxy-Hb (red) and Deoxy-Hb (blue) hemodynamic responses with standard error
curves for IFG channels. Channels for the controls (n = 16) are shown on the left hand side of this figure and
channels for the children who stutter (n = 16) are plotted on the right. Within each participant group, left
hemisphere channels are plotted side-by-side with homologous right channels for comparison. Channels
showing a significant group difference are bold-framed. Time = 0 indicates trial onset. Gray shading indicates
the 3–8 s. window of analysis.

df = 15 t-value p-value
IFG 2.29 0.04* L>R
STG −2.07 0.06
PMC 1.48 0.16
IFG −2.60 0.02* R>L
STG 1.19 0.26
PMC −1.06 0.30

Table 3. Within group paired-sample t-tests for laterality comparisons of Oxy-Hb response amplitudes
collapsed across channels for each ROI: left vs. right. *p ≤ 0.05. df = degrees of freedom; IFG = inferior frontal
gyrus, STG = superior temporal gyrus, PMC = premotor cortex.

found children who stutter had markedly different hemodynamic responses compared to their fluent peers. While
controls exhibited hemodynamic profiles showing clear increases in Oxy-Hb and decreases in Deoxy-Hb over left
hemisphere dorsal IFG and PMC, responses from the group of children who stutter showed deactivation charac-
terized by decreases in Oxy-Hb (and increases in Deoxy-Hb) over these left hemisphere regions.
The differences in hemodynamic profiles that we detected may indicate deficient planning and production
processes related to stuttering. Insufficient engagement of left hemisphere IFG and PMC is a reasonable expla-
nation for the reduced or missing early peaks in Oxy-Hb in the stuttering group; however, it cannot explain
the abrupt decreases in Oxy-Hb that immediately followed within the window of analysis. The interpretation
of negative hemodynamic responses and whether they signify neuronal deactivation, or alternatively, a shift in
blood flow to supply activation of adjacent neural regions provokes much debate61, 62. Although we may only

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 5


Figure 2. Grand averaged Oxy-Hb (red) and Deoxy-Hb (blue) hemodynamic responses with standard error
curves for STG (top plots) and PMC (bottom plots) channels. Channels for the controls (n = 16) are shown
on the left hand side of this figure and channels for the children who stutter (n = 16) are plotted on the right.
Within each participant group, left hemisphere channels are plotted side-by-side with homologous right
channels for comparison. Channels showing a significant group difference are bold-framed. Time = 0 indicates
trial onset. Gray shading indicates the 3–8 s. window of analysis.

Figure 3. Topographic images of cortical activation within the boundaries of the probe derived from Oxy-Hb
(left pairs) and Deoxy-Hb (right pairs) response amplitudes within the 3–8 s post-stimulus analysis window
of analysis. First rows: left and right hemisphere average hemoglobin responses for the control participants.
Second rows: left and right hemisphere average hemoglobin responses for group of children who stutter. Third
row: t-maps outlining regions of significant difference between the control and stuttering groups (independent
sample t-tests, p < 0.05, FDR-corrected). The brain templates, courtesy of John Richards’s Lab, represent average
whole-head MRI images from 72 10-year-old children.

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 6


speculate at this point, one explanation is that the deactivation is compensatory and indicates a shift in blood flow
to regions outside of the probe boundaries to compensate for functional deficits in the primary areas. People who
stutter report the ability to anticipate moments of stuttering63 and may use idiosyncratic coping mechanisms to
avoid or mask their disfluencies. What the listener perceives as fluent speech may in fact be “covert stuttering”
or other compensatory strategy requiring significant cognitive effort to circumvent overt breakdowns in speech
production. The neurophysiological correlates of increased cognitive effort during speech production have not
been measured; however, future fNIRS investigations with expanded probe coverage could assess whether greater
blood flow is detected in areas adjacent to IFG/PMC, for example, to prefrontal areas that may mediate the con-
scious avoidance of speech breakdowns.
An alternative explanation for deactivation of left IFG/PMC in the stuttering group is a disruption of
cortical-subcortical interactions resulting in a net inhibition of these regions. Dopamine hyperactivity in the basal
ganglia has been associated with stuttering64, 65. Using the GODIVA/DIVA computational modeling framework
to simulate production of multisyllabic speech production, Civier and colleagues demonstrated stuttering-like
disfluencies (syllable onset delays) when dopamine levels were atypically high in model’s putamen analog66. The
high dopamine levels also resulted in a clear net reduction in the activity in the component of the model that
stores speech motor programs hypothetically located in left ventral premotor and adjacent posterior inferior
frontal cortex. In the present study, the deactivation of left inferior frontal and premotor cortex in children who
stutter occurred during fluent speech production. Thus, it may reflect atypical processes that underlie stuttering,
for example, disrupted cortico-basal ganglia circuits as suggested above, that have been corrected or that fail to
reach a threshold that results in a disfluency.
As reviewed, there is precedence for reduced activation and compromised functional and structural intercon-
nectivity of speech circuitry in children and adults who stutter. Desai and colleagues noted significantly reduced
resting state regional cerebral blood flow to Broca’s area in adults and children who stutter67. Deactivation of fron-
tal and temporal speech regions was reported by an earlier PET study in adults who stutter, although this anomaly
was reversed when fluency was induced through choral reading16. Finally, decreased frontal and temporopari-
etal activation for the planning and production of both speech and nonspeech stimuli in adults who stutter has
been shown with fMRI14. According to a meta-analysis of PET and fMRI studies with adults who stutter, neural
activation for fluent speech in adults who stutter is characterized by underactivity in left motor regions accom-
panied by a right hemisphere shift in activity in the stuttering group68. Although not specifically delineated, right
hemisphere compensation for left hemisphere deficits has been proposed in some capacity to explain findings
of reversed laterality of neural activation in adults who stutter17, 20, 21. We did not detect “overactivation” of right
hemisphere channels in the children who stutter; right hemisphere responses did not significantly differ between
the groups. Rather, our findings suggest that atypical left, rather than right IFG/PMC hemodynamic responses,
motivated the significant differences between the two groups of children (Fig. 3).
Earlier functional imaging studies in adults who stutter relied upon less natural speaking tasks such as choral
speech, word generation, oral reading, speaking in time with a metronome, or producing overlearned content.
We recorded fluent and disfluent speech tokens during a more natural speaking task. The present study focused
exclusively on fluent responses, allowing us to compare hemodynamic responses between groups of children
who do or do not stutter (i.e, stuttering “trait”68). A follow-up study in children who stutter examining hemod-
ynamic responses from both types of trials (i.e., fluent and disfluent) is underway that may help clarify current
findings. For example, if hemodynamic response patterns that we found for fluent speech are wholly different
from hemodynamic responses recorded during stuttered speech, then this may provide support for compensatory
Although not statistically significant, the trajectories of the hemodynamic responses for the two channels over
left and right STG appeared dissimilar in the group of controls (Fig. 2), with the channels over left STG showing
an early decrease in Oxy-Hb followed by a late positive peak in Oxy-Hb. The responses from left STG channels
were highly variable; thus, it is unclear whether we detected a response specific to the left hemisphere, for exam-
ple suppression to one’s own speech69, or if this was a spurious result. To address this, a probe providing denser
coverage of STG is needed, a caveat we consider below.
Finally, we did not find significant correlations between Oxy-Hb response amplitude and stuttering severity
(Stuttering Severity Index 3rd Edition) within the group of children who stutter. We will examine whether the
correlation between severity and Oxy-Hb amplitude for stuttered speech in a follow-up study with children who
stutter. It may be the case, however, that average hemoglobin response amplitude is too coarse a metric to differ-
entiate between a mild or moderate stuttering problem. A focus for future research, in our lab and others, is to
explore the use of pattern recognition or feature selection algorithms to classify participants into their respective
groups by comparing, for example, temporal features from an individual’s data with group averages70. Ichikawa
and colleagues utilized responses from a subset of fNIRS channels to classify children with 84% accuracy into
either attention-deficit/hyperactivity-ADHD or autism spectrum disorder-ASD groups71.
We acknowledge several limitations of the present study. First, we were careful to place the probe consistently
and symmetrically over the same head locations on each of our participants using EEG 10–20 markings. We also
obtained stereotaxic coordinates with a digitizing stylus and registered them to a child MRI template72. However,
there could still be variation in placement due to experimenter error or individual anatomy. Although we believe
that this did not affect the group average results or our main conclusions, replication of these findings is criti-
cal. Secondly, although IFG received denser coverage in terms of the number of channels spanning this region,
two channels over STG may not adequately capture activation of a relatively large neural region associated with
diverse cognitive, language, and auditory processes. Finally, we placed sources and detectors a sufficient dis-
tance apart in our probe arrays to minimize potential contributions from hemodynamic fluctuations in the scalp.
However, we did not include separate indices of systemic physiology. In follow-up investigations, probe arrays
could accommodate short separation channels, which will allow separation of systemic contributions from brain

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 7


Figure 4. Experiment overview. Example of a talk trial (left slides) and a null trial (right slides). For the 30
talk trials, children viewed each picture for 2 s. A green “go” circle appeared in the corner of the picture cueing
the children to begin speaking. After 4 s of speech, a stop sign appeared cueing the children to stop speaking.
Finally, a patterned slide, devoid of overt semantic content, remained on the screen for 10–12 s to allow the
hemodynamic response to recover. For the 15 null trials, the children watched a fixation point for 6 s (the
amount of time they would have seen and described a picture) followed by the a stop sign and patterned
recovery slide. The talk and null trials were randomized for presentation. Zoo illustration used with permission
from Super Duper Publications.

responses73. However, with both of these caveats in mind, securing the optodes in place to elicit reliable signals is
time consuming, and with child populations, compromises must be made to optimize obtaining complete data
sets from most participants.
The results from this study advance the potential of using fNIRS to examine neural activation during natural
speech production and indicate its promise as an innovative research tool to study speech perception and pro-
duction deficits associated with other speech and language disorders. Although the neural substrates of speech
and language processes are well-defined in adults, a recent review of the fMRI literature from the past two dec-
ades reveals few investigations into the functional development of these networks in children74. The 15 studies of
expressive language selected for this review all relied upon single word production (i.e., word generation or verbal
fluency tasks). Moreover, 10 out of the 15 studies elicited covert responses. As this review clearly highlights, there
is a need for more ecologically valid investigations of language development. Although fNIRS has coarser spatial
resolution compared to fMRI, it is well suited to examine the activation of broad neural regions and to investi-
gate the functional lateralization of brain activity55. This study represents a vital step toward taking this research
into younger populations of children who stutter near onset to determine whether the aberrant hemodynamic
responses in school-aged children are indicative of a higher risk for developing a persistent stuttering problem.

Participants. Thirty-two children participated in the study, 16 children who stutter (13 boys) and 16 SES and
age-matched controls (11 boys). The participants were between the ages of 7 and 11 years (STUTT, M = 9.1 yrs,
SD = 1.5 years); (CONT, M = 9.2 yrs, SD = 1.4 yrs). Per parent report, all children were native speakers of North
American English with no history of cognitive, developmental, neurological, or speech and language disorders
other than stuttering in the group of children who stutter. Children were screened for medications affecting the
central nervous system (e.g., depressants, stimulants, analgesics, etc.). The participants scored within normal
limits on the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Screening Test (CELF-IV75)and passed a bilateral
pure-tone hearing screening at 500, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 6000 Hz at 20 dB. All participants were right-handed,
assessed with the Handedness Questionnaire76. Finally, the two groups had comparable SES determined by the
parents’ level of education77. SES was evaluated on a 7-point scale (1 = less than 7th grade education to 7 = comple-
tion of a graduate or professional degree). Criteria for the diagnosis of stuttering and general characteristics of the
children who stutter are provided in Appendix B and C, respectively.

Task and Procedures. The research protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board at Purdue
University and adhered to Human Subjects research regulations and guidelines. After obtaining written informed
consent from parent(s)/legal guardian and written informed assent from the children, the participants were
seated approximately 50 in. in front of a 24 in. computer monitor. The chair height was adjusted so the monitor
was at the child’s eye-level. As shown in Fig. 4, stimuli for the talk trials were 30 child-friendly black and white

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 8


Figure 5. fNIRS probe arrays. Approximate positions of emitting (red circles) and detecting (blue circles)
optodes are shown on a standard brain atlas (ICBM 152). The probes were placed symmetrically over both
hemispheres, with channels 1–5 spanning inferior frontal gyrus, channels 6–7 over superior temporal gyrus,
and channels 8–9 over precentral gyrus/premotor cortex.

illustrations78. The picture stimuli were presented using E-prime software (2.0, Psychology Software Tools, Inc.,
Sharpsburg,PA) on a PC synchronized with the data acquisition unit to insert precise onset markers into the
continuous fNIRS recording at the beginning of each trial. We employed a slow event-related design in which
each trial began with an activation interval to allow the hemodynamic response to reach its maximum followed
by a rest interval for recovery79. The null trials were included to reduce habituation to the talk trials, and critically,
to establish a baseline condition in which no language formulation and speech production occurred to contrast
with the talk trials in subsequent analyses. This approach, used in earlier language-related studies with children,
allowed us to target speech-related activation evoked by the picture description task (e.g. refs 80–82). Before
data collection began, the participants completed training to ensure they understood and could perform the task
accurately. During the training period, the children were told that they would, “First look at, and then tell us what
is happening in each picture”. After training, the children understood that they were to describe the scenes using
full sentences, and not to simply list the items they saw. The experiment was video and audio recorded and lasted
approximately 18 minutes including a provided break in the middle.

Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Recording. Instrumentation. The participants’ cerebral

hemodynamic changes were recorded during the experiment with a continuous-wave fNIRS system (TechEn, Inc.,
Milford, MA). The system uses near-infrared lasers at 690 and 830 nm as light sources, and avalanche photodi-
odes (APDs) as detectors for measuring intensity changes in the diffused light at a 25-Hz sampling rate. To ensure
reliable placement of the optodes over regions of interest, two customized probes (one for each hemisphere) were
created. First, we designed a template of the left and right hemisphere layout based upon International 10–20
system coordinates (e.g. refs 83, 84). As shown in Fig. 5, each of the left and right probes contained three sources
and five detectors. The distance between each source-detector pair, henceforth referred to as a channel, was 2.8 cm
with targeted brain regions lying approximately at the midpoint of a channel. The left and right probe each con-
tained 9 channels: channels 1–5 recorded over ventral and dorsal IFG including BA 44/45/4785–87, channels 6–7
recorded over STG88, 89, and channels 8–9 over precentral gyrus/PMC90, 91. For consistent probe placement, we
made markings on each participant’s scalp denoting left and right probe boundaries using customized 10–20 EEG
caps (EasyCap, Herrsching, Germany). After the EEG caps were removed, the probes were placed symmetrically
over each hemisphere utilizing these markings83, 92.

Spatial Registration. After the probe was secured on each participant, his/her five fiducial points (i.e., nasion,
inion, left and right preauricular points, and vertex) and the location of each optode were recorded with a digi-
tizing stylus (Polhemus; Colchester, VT). In order to estimate the cortical regions that the fNIRS probe covered,
a spatial registration procedure93 was performed on 15 participants (11 males, 4 females) representing the age
range of the participants94, 95. This procedure converted the real-world stereotaxic coordinates of the optodes from
the digitizing stylus to stereotaxic coordinates in a 10-year-old brain template. The template (downloaded with
permission from: http://jerlab.psych.sc.edu/NeurodevelopmentalMRIDatabase/index.html) was generated as an
average of whole-head images from 72 children (10; 0–10; 4 years) scanned by 1.5 T or 3.0 T MRI72. Age-specific
MRI brain templates created from typically developing participants provided an approximation of head and brain
structures of participants in this study.

Data Processing and Analysis. Behavioral Data. Speech output was recorded with a TASCAM linear
PCM digital recorder and video (with accompanying audio) was captured with a Toshiba HD Camcorder fitted
with a preamplifier. The participants’ utterances were transcribed by one experimenter online during the experi-
ment, and confirmed with video and audio during offline analysis. A syllable count was obtained for each picture.

fNIRS Data. The fNIRS data was preprocessed using Homer2 software96. Only channels showing clear, real-time
cardiac pulses were used in subsequent analyses. Data corrupted by large movement artifact (e.g., yawns, coughs)
appearing as large shifts from baseline were manually removed from the record. Trials in which the participant

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 9


failed to respond, responded before the go sign, continued speaking after the stop sign, or produced less than
three syllables were not included in subsequent analyses. The remaining trials were classified as null, talk (i.e. flu-
ent speech), or stutter (disfluent speech). The aim of the present study is to compare hemodynamic responses elic-
ited from children who do and do not stutter. Therefore, only fluent speech trials were considered in the analyses.
The raw data were band-pass filtered (0.03–0.5 Hz) to remove slow drift and high frequency noise and con-
verted into changes in optical density. Next, the concentration changes in Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb were calculated
based on the Modified Beer-Lambert Law which accounts for scattering properties of tissue with a differen-
tial pathlength factor of 6.097. In order to correct for speech-related motion artifacts due to jaw movement, we
employed a correlation-based signal improvement (CBSI) approach98. CBSI is a channel-by-channel subtraction
procedure applied to Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb data, and is a valid method for reduction of speech-related motion
After motion artifact correction, we derived each participant’s averaged Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb hemody-
namic response from each channel from 0 s (stimulus onset) to 21 s post-stimulus onset across trials of the same
condition (i.e., talk or null). We used the 2 seconds prior to stimulus onset to set the baseline of each hemody-
namic response, which is a standard option in Homer2. In order to specify neural activation exclusively associ-
ated with speech production, we subtracted the averaged hemodynamic response from a child’s null trials from
the averaged talk response to derive a “differential” hemodynamic response for each channel100. Next, the aver-
age concentrations of Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb of these responses were calculated within a 3–8 s post-stimulus
onset window for each channel. This window was specifically targeted to accommodate individual differences in
task-evoked activation peaks while considering the temporal lag of the hemodynamic response101.

Topography. Topographic images were generated using a Matlab-based optical topography toolbox,
EasyTopo94, based on the 10-year-old brain template72 and corresponding stereotaxic coordinates obtained from
the spatial registration procedure. This toolbox implemented 2D angular interpolation to generate topographic
images of brain activation by approximating the cortex as a hemispherical surface. In this study, the channel-wise
amplitudes of Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb responses within the 3–8 s window were used to generate activation maps
for the talk condition for each group, and the channel-wise t-statistic values reflecting the statistical power of
difference between the two groups were used to generate the t-maps for group comparison.

Statistical Analysis. One-way analyses of variance (ANOVAs) were calculated to ensure that the groups
were matched for age and SES and to compare behavioral performance during the experimental task. To assess
the amplitudes of Oxy-Hb and Deoxy-Hb responses during the null trials and the talk trials, we computed sep-
arate repeated-measures ANOVAs with group (controls and children who stutter) as a between-subjects factor,
and hemisphere (left and right), and channel (9) as within-subject factors. In cases where the assumption of sphe-
ricity was violated, Huynh-Feldt corrected degrees of freedom and p-values are reported. If interactions between
group and within-subject factors reached significance, independent sample t-tests (two-tailed) were calculated
employing the false discovery rate (FDR) correction to correct for multiple comparisons (p < 0.05)102. To examine
the laterality of activation, we calculated paired-samples t-tests comparing the amplitudes of Oxy-Hb responses
for left and right regions of interest (collapsed across channels) for each group. Finally, we calculated Pearson
bivariate correlation analyses to examine potential relationships between amplitudes of Oxy-Hb responses from
channels collapsed across hemisphere and region of interest and behavioral variables (i.e., age, number of syllables
produced, and stuttering severity).

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We wish to thank Anne Smith for her advice throughout the project and for reviewing the final draft of the
manuscript. We are grateful to Christy Ludlow for her suggestions and guidance during the initial stages of this
project, as well as for reviewing preliminary findings. Special thanks to Barb Brown and all of the members of the
Purdue Stuttering Project for their help recruiting participants. This research was supported by the National Institute
on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD Grant R03 DC013402) awarded to Bridget Walsh.
Lastly, we are grateful to all of the children and their families whose participation made this research possible.

Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 12


Author Contributions
B.W. conceived and designed the study and carried out the data acquisition, analysis and interpretation, and
drafted the manuscript. T.F. contributed to data analysis and interpretation, created the topographical images,
and edited the manuscript. J.T. edited the manuscript and contributed text to the Introduction and Discussion
sections. M.Y. contributed to data analysis and interpretation and edited the manuscript. T.K. validated the
statistical analysis and edited the manuscript. A.B. assisted with data acquisition, participant recruitment, and
edited the manuscript.

Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at doi:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6
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Scientific Reports | 7: 4034 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-04357-6 13

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