Aws A5.2-1992

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(Identical with AWS Specification A5.2-92)

1. Scope 2.3 The welding rods classified under this specifica-

tion are intended for oxyfuel gas welding, but that is
This specification prescribes requirements for the
not to prohibit their use for any other process for which
classification of carbon and low alloy steel rods for
they are found suitable.
oxyfuel gas welding.

3. Acceptance
Acceptance1 of the welding rods shall be in accord-
2. Classification ance with the provisions of ANSI /AWS A5.01, Filler
Metal Procurement Guidelines.2
2.1 The welding rods covered by this specification
are classified according to the mechanical properties
of the weld metal in the “as-welded” condition, as 4. Certification
shown in Table 1.
By affixing the AWS specification and classification
2.2 Welding rods classified under one classification designations to the packaging or the classification to
shall not be classified under any other classification in the product, the manufacturer certifies that the product
this specification. meets the requirements of this specification.3

5. Units of Measure and Rounding-Off

TABLE 1 5.1 U.S. Customary Units are the standard units of
TENSION TEST REQUIREMENTS measure in this specification. The SI units are given
as equivalent values to the U.S. Customary Units. The
Tensile Strengtha Elongation standard sizes and dimensions in the two systems are
AWS in 1-in. (25 mm) not identical, and for this reason conversion from a
Classification ksi MPa Percent, Min. standard size or dimension in one system will not
R45 Not Specified Not Specified always coincide with a standard size or dimension in
R60 60 410 20
R65 65 450 16 1 See section A3 (in the Appendix) for further information concerning
R100 100 690 14 acceptance, testing of the material shipped, and A5.01, Filler Metal
RXXX-Gb XXXb Not Specified Procurement Guidelines.
2 AWS standards may be obtained from the American Welding
a. Specimens shall be tested in the as-welded condition. Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O. Box 351040, Miami, Flor-
b. Classification designators (XXX) shall be based on minimum tensile ida 33135.
strength of all-weld-metal tension test of the test assembly. These 3 See section A4 (in the Appendix) for further information concerning

designators shall be limited to 45, 60, 65, 70, 80, 90, and 100. certification and the testing called for to meet this requirement.



AWS Chemical Tension

Classification Analysis Test
R45 Required Not required
R60 Required Required
R65 Required Required
R100 Required Required
RXXX-G Not required Required

the other. Suitable conversions, encompassing standard

sizes of both, can be made, however, if appropriate
tolerances are applied in each case.
5.2 For the purpose of determining conformance with
this specification, an observed or calculated value shall
be rounded to the “nearest unit” in the last right-hand
place of figures used in expressing the limiting value
for quantities in accordance with the round-off rules
given in ASTM E29, Standard Practice for Using
Significant Digits in Test Data to Determine Confor-
mance with Specifications.4


6. Summary of Tests
The tests required for each classification are specified FIG. 1 GROOVE WELD TEST ASSEMBLY FOR
in Table 2. The purpose of these tests is to determine MECHANICAL PROPERTIES
the chemical composition of the welding rod and the
mechanical properties of the weld metal. The base
metal for the weld test assembly, the welding and
testing procedures to be employed, and the results
required are given in Section 8, Weld Test Assembly, 8. Weld Test Assembly
Section 9, Chemical Analysis, and Section 10, Ten- 8.1 Except for the R45 classification, one weld test
sion Test. assembly is required. It is the groove weld in Figure
1 for mechanical properties. The assembly shall be
7. Retest tested in the as-welded condition. No test assembly is
required for the R45 classification.
If any test fails to meet the requirement, that test
shall be repeated twice. The results of both retests 8.2 Preparation of the weld test assembly shall be
shall meet the requirement. Specimens or samples for as prescribed in Figure 1. Base metal for the assembly
retest may be taken from the original test assembly or shall be as required in Table 3 and shall meet the
sample, or from a new test assembly or sample. For requirements of the appropriate ASTM specification
chemical analysis, the retest need only be for those shown there or an equivalent specification. Testing of
specific elements that failed to meet the test requirement. the assembly shall be as prescribed in Section 10,
Tension Test.
4 ASTM standards may be obtained from the American Society for
Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylva- 8.2.1 Welding shall be done using a 3 / 32 in. or
nia 19103. 1/ in. (2.4 mm or 3.2 mm) diameter welding rod.



Base Metal
Classification Type ASTM Specification Number*

R60 Carbon steel A36, A285, grade C, or equivalent K02600

R65 Carbon steel A36, A285, grade C, or equivalent K02600

R100 Low alloy steel Any grade of A514, or equivalent —

RXXX-G Material shall have a tensile and chemical

composition similar to that of the rod being classified.
* SAE/ASTM Unified Numbering System for Metal and Alloys.

8.2.2 The welding shall be done in the flat position. 9.3 The results of the analysis shall meet the require-
ments of Table 4 for the classification of the rod
8.2.3 The weld test assembly shall be preheated
under test.
to between 60°F (16°C) and 200°F (93°C) and the
assembly shall be welded, using a maximum of five
layers and having no layer exceeding 1 / 8 in. (3.2 mm) 10. Tension Test
in thickness. The filler metal shall be deposited using
backhand welding with a neutral or slightly reducing 10.1 One all-weld-metal tension test specimen shall
flame. After welding each layer, the plate shall be be removed from the groove weld described in Section
allowed to cool in still air until the interpass temperature 8, Weld Test Assembly, and shown in Figure 1. The
drops below 350°F (180°C) before proceeding with the dimensions of the test specimen shall be as specified
next layer. The joint shall be completely welded without in Figure 2.
treatment of the reverse side (root surface). Maximum
10.2 The specimen shall be tested in the manner
weld reinforcement shall be 1 / 8 in. (3.2 mm).
described in the tension test section of the latest edition
8.2.4 After the last pass has been completed, the of ANSI /AWS B4.0, Standard Methods for Mechanical
assembly shall be allowed to cool in still air to ambient Testing of Welds.
10.3 The results of the tension test shall meet the
requirements specified in Table 1.
9. Chemical Analysis
9.1 A sample of the welding rod or the rod stock
from which it is made shall be prepared for chemical PART C — MANUFACTURE,
analysis. Welding rod, when analyzed for elements that IDENTIFICATION, AND PACKAGING
are present in the coating (copper flashing, for example),
shall be analyzed without removing the coating. When 11. Method of Manufacture
the welding rod is analyzed for elements other than The material classified according to this specification
those in the coating, the coating may be removed, may be manufactured by any method that will produce
provided that this does not affect the results of the welding rods that meet the requirements of this specifi-
analysis. cation.
9.2 The sample shall be analyzed by accepted analyti-
cal methods. The referee method shall be ASTM E350,
12. Standard Sizes and Lengths
Standard Methods for Chemical Analysis of Carbon
Steel, Low Alloy Steel, Silicon Electrical Iron, Ingot Standard sizes for filler metals shall be as shown in
Iron, and Wrought Iron. Table 5.



Amount, Percent by Weightb

Classification Numbera C Mn Si P S Cu Cr Ni Mo Al

R45 K00045 0.08 0.50 0.10 0.035 0.040 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.02
0.90 0.10
R60 K00060 0.15 to to 0.035 0.035 0.30 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.02
1.40 0.35
0.90 0.10
R65 K00065 0.15 to to 0.035 0.035 0.30 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.02
1.60 0.70
0.18 0.70 0.20 0.40 0.40 0.15
R100 K12147 to to to 0.025 0.025 0.15 to to to 0.02
0.23 0.90 0.35 0.60 0.70 0.25
RXXX-Gc - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Not Specified - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
a. SAE/ASTM Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys.
b. Single values are maximums.
c. Designators, “XXX” correspond to minimum strength of weld metal in the nearest ksi. See Note “b” of Table 1.




Diameter Tolerance
Package Form in. mm in. mm

5 6
1⁄ (0.062) 1.6
3⁄ (0.094) 2.4
1⁄ (0.125) 3.2
Straight lengthsb 5⁄
60.002 60.05
32 (0.156) 4.0
3⁄ (0.188) 4.8
1⁄ (0.250) 6.4

a. Other sizes and lengths may be supplied as agreed upon between the supplier and purchaser.
b. The standard length of the welding rod shall be 36 in., +0, −1⁄2 in. (900 mm, +15 mm, −0 mm).

13. Finish and Uniformity (3) Size and net weight

(4) Lot, control, or heat number
13.1 All welding rods shall have a smooth finish
which is free from harmful segregation, oxides, piping, 16.2 The following precautionary information (as a
seams, slivers, depressions, scratches, scale, lime, or minimum) shall be prominently displayed in legible
foreign matter except as permitted in 13.2 and 13.3. print on all packages of welding rods, including individ-
13.2 A suitable protective coating may be applied ual unit packages enclosed within a larger package.
to any welding rod in this specification.

13.3 The welding rods may be coated with the WARNING:

minimum amount of oil necessary to prevent rusting,
but not sufficient to adversely affect weld properties, PROTECT yourself and others. Read and un-
except that oil is not permitted when copper or other
derstand this information.
suitable coatings are used to prevent rusting.
FUMES AND GASES can be dangerous to your
14. Filler Metal Identification
Identification of individual welding rods is not a flame or hot metal) can injure eyes.
requirement of this specification but may be done as O Before use, read and understand the manufacturer’s
agreed upon between the purchaser and supplier. instructions, Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs),
and your employer’s safety practices.
O Keep your head out of the fumes.
15. Packaging O Use enough ventilation or exhaust at the flame, or
Welding rods shall be suitably packaged to ensure both, to keep fumes and gases from your breathing
against damage during shipment and storage under zone and the general area.
normal conditions. O Wear correct eye, ear, and body protection.
O See American National Standard Z49.1, Safety in
Welding and Cutting, published by the American
16. Marking of Packages Welding Society, 550 N.W. LeJeune Road, P.O.
Box 351040, Miami, Florida 33135; OSHA Safety
16.1 The following product information (as a mini- and Health Standards, 29 CFR l910, available from
mum) shall be legibly marked so as to be visible from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington,
the outside of each unit package: DC 20402.
(1) AWS Specification and classification designations
(year of issue may be excluded)
(2) Supplier’s name and trade designation DO NOT REMOVE THIS INFORMATION


Guide to AWS Specification for Carbon and Low Alloy
Steel Rods for Oxyfuel Gas Welding

(This Appendix is not a part of ANSI /AWS A5.2-92, Specification for Carbon and Low Alloy Steel Rods for Oxyfuel Gas Weld-
ing, but is included for information purposes only.)

A1. Introduction purpose is to allow a useful filler metal—one that

otherwise would have to await a revision of the specifi-
This guide was designed to correlate the rod classifi-
cation—to be classified immediately under the existing
cations with the intended applications so the specifica-
specification. This means, then, that two filler metals,
tion can be used effectively. Such correlations are
each bearing the same “G” classification, may be quite
intended as examples rather than complete listings of
different in some certain respect (chemical composition,
the materials for which each filler metal is suitable.
again, for example).

A2. Classification System A2.2.2 The point of difference (although not neces-
sarily the amount of the difference) referred to above
A2.1 The system for identifying the rod classifications will be readily apparent from the use of the words
in this specification follows the standard pattern used “not required” and “not specified” in the specification.
in other AWS filler metal specifications. The letter “R” The use of these words is as follows:
at the beginning of each classification designation stands “Not Specified” is used in those areas of the specifica-
for rod. The digits (45, 60, 65, and l00) designate a tion that refer to the results of some particular test. It
minimum tensile strength of the weld metal, in the indicates that the requirements for that test are not
nearest thousands of pounds per square inch, deposited specified for that particular classification.
in accordance with the test assembly preparation section “Not Required” is used in those areas of the specifica-
of this specification. tion that refer to the test that must be conducted in
A2.2 “G” Classification order to classify a filler metal (or a welding material).
It indicates that the test is not required because the
A2.2.1 This specification includes filler metals requirements (results) for the test have not been specified
classified as RXXX-G. The “G” indicates that the filler for that particular classification.
metal is of a “general” classification. It is general Restating the case, when a requirement is not speci-
because not all of the particular requirements specified fied, it is not necessary to conduct the corresponding
for each of the other classifications are specified for test in order to classify a filler metal to that classification.
this classification. The intent in establishing this classi- When a purchaser wants the information provided by
fication is to provide a means by which filler metals that test in order to consider a particular product of
that differ in one respect or another (chemical composi- that classification for a certain application, the purchaser
tion, for example) from all other classifications (meaning will have to arrange for that information with the
that the composition of the filler metal, in the case of supplier of that product. The purchaser will also have
the example, does not meet the composition specified to establish with that supplier just what the testing
for any of the classifications in the specification) can procedure and the acceptance requirements are to be
still be classified according to the specification. The for that test. The purchaser may want to incorporate


that information (via ANSI /AWS A5.01, Filler Metal (3) Rate of evolution of fumes, gases, or dust, ac-
Procurement Guidelines) in the purchase order. cording to the materials and processes used
(4) The proximity of welders or welding operators
to the fumes as they issue from the welding zone, and
A3. Acceptance to the gases and dust in the space in which they are
Acceptance of all welding materials classified under working
this specification is in accordance with ANSI /AWS (5) The ventilation provided to the space in which
A5.01, as the specification states. Any testing a pur- the welding is done
chaser requires of the supplier for material shipped in A5.2 American National Standard Z49.1, Safety in
accordance with this specification needs to be clearly Welding and Cutting (published by the American Weld-
stated in the purchase order according to the provisions ing Society), discusses the ventilation that is required
of ANSI /AWS A5.01. In the absence of any such during welding and should be referred to for details.
statement in the purchase order, the supplier may ship Attention is drawn particularly to the section of that
the material of that classification as specified in Schedule document titled, Ventilation.
F, Table 1, of ANSI /AWS A5.01. Testing in accordance
with any other Schedule in that Table shall be specifi-
cally required by the purchase order. In such cases, A6. Welding Considerations
acceptance of the material shipped will be in accordance A6.1 The test assembly required in this specification
with those requirements. is welded according to established techniques of the
oxyfuel gas process.
A4. Certification A6.2 The oxyfuel gas to the torch should be adjusted
to give a neutral or slightly reducing flame. This assures
The act of placing the AWS specification and classi- the absence of the oxidizing flame which could adversely
fication designations on the packaging enclosing the influence weld quality. The extent of the excess fuel
product or the classification on the product itself, consti- gas is measured by the length of the streamer (the so-
tutes the supplier’s (manufacturer’s) certification that called “feather”) of unburned fuel gas visible at the
the product meets all of the requirements of the specifi- extremity of the inner cone. This streamer should
cation. The only testing requirement implicit in this measure about 1 / 8 to 1 / 4 the length of the inner cone
certification is that the manufacturer has actually con- of the flame. Excessively long streamers should be
ducted the tests required by the specification on material avoided, since they may add carbon to the weld metal.
that is representative of that being shipped, and that the
material has met the requirements of the specification. A6.3 In forehand welding, the torch flame points
Representative material, in this case, is any production ahead in the direction of welding, and the welding rod
run of that classification using the same formulation. precedes the torch flame. To distribute the heat and
Certification is not to be construed to mean that tests molten weld metal, it is necessary to use opposing
of any kind were necessarily conducted on samples of oscillating motions for the flame and welding rod. This
the specific material shipped. Tests on such material may cause excessive melting of the base metal and
may or may not have been made. The basis for the mixing of base metal and weld metal. Weld metal
certification required by the specification is the classifi- properties may be altered.
cation test of “representative material” cited above, and A6.4 In backhand welding, the torch flame points
the “Manufacturer’s Quality Assurance Program” in back at the molten metal, and the welding rod is
ANSI /AWS A5.01. interposed between the flame and molten metal. There
is significantly less manipulation of the flame, the
welding rod, and the molten metal. Therefore, a back-
A5. Ventilation During Welding
hand weld is more likely to approach the chemical
A5.1 Five major factors govern the quantity of composition of undiluted weld metal.
fumes in the atmosphere to which welders and welding
operators are exposed during welding:
A7. Description and Intended Use of Carbon
(1) Dimensions of the space in which welding is
and Low Alloy Steel Rods
done (with special regard to the height of the ceiling)
(2) Number of welders and welding operators work- A7.1 Oxyfuel gas welding rods have no coverings
ing in that space to influence usability of the rod. Thus, the ability to


weld in the vertical or overhead position is essentially rods for applications involving properties not considered
a matter of welder skill and can be affected to some in this specification. In such cases, additional tests to
degree by the chemical composition of the rod. determine specific properties such as corrosion resist-
ance, mechanical properties at high and low tempera-
A7.2 Class R45 welding rods are a low carbon steel
tures, wear resistance, and suitability for welding combi-
composition used for the welding of steel, where the
nations of dissimilar metals may need to be conducted.
minimum tensile strength requirement does not exceed
45 ksi (310 MPa).
A9. Discontinued Classifications
A7.3 Class R60 welding rods are used for the oxyfuel
gas welding of carbon steels, where the minimum A number of rod classifications have been discon-
tensile strength requirement does not exceed 60 ksi tinued during the numerous revisions of this specifica-
(415 MPa). Class R60 rods are carbon steel composition. tion. These discontinued classifications are listed in
Table A1 along with the year they were last published
A7.4 Class R65 welding rods are used for the oxyfuel in this specification.
gas welding of carbon and low alloy steels, where the
minimum tensile strength requirement does not exceed
65 ksi (450 MPa). Class R65 welding rods may have
either a low alloy or a carbon steel composition. TABLE A1
A7.5 Class R100 welding rods are used for the DISCONTINUED CLASSIFICATIONS
oxyfuel gas welding of low alloy steel, where the
AWS Classifications Last Published Date
minimum tensile strength requirement does not exceed
100 ksi (690 MPa) in the as-welded condition. Users GA 50 1946
are cautioned that response of the weld metal and base GA 60 1946
GA 65 1946
metal to postweld heat treatment may be different. GB 45 1946
GB 60 1946
GB 65 1946
A8. Special Tests RG 45 1969
RG 60 1969
It is recognized that supplementary tests may be
RG 65 1969
necessary to determine the suitability of these welding


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