Implementation of Full Adder Circuit

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• 1) IC 7486
• 2) IC 7432
• 3) IC 7402
• 4) 9v Battery
• 5) LED

An integrated circuit (IC), sometimes called a

chip, microchip or microelectronic circuit, is a
semiconductor wafer on which
thousands or millions of tiny resistors, capacitors, diodes
and transistors are
fabricated. An IC can function as an amplifier, oscillator,
timer, counter, logic gate,
computer memory, microcontroller or microprocessor

”breadboard” is commonly used to refer to these. Because

the solderless
breadboard does not require soldering, it is reusable. This
makes it easy to
use for creating temporary prototypes and experimenting
with circuit design.
For this reason, solderless breadboards are also popular
with students and in
technological education. A variety of electronic systems
may be prototyped
by using breadboards, from small analog and digital
circuits to complete
central processing units (CPUs) .
Construction and Working:
two half adder circuits added together with a OR gate. The first half
adder circuit is
on the left side, we give two single bit binary inputs A and B. It will
produce two
outputs, SUM and Carry out. First half adder circuit’s SUM output is
provided to the second half adder circuit’s input. We provided the carry
in bit
across the other input of second half order circuit. Again it will provide
SUM out
and Carry out bit. This SUM output is the final output of the Full adder
circuit. On
the other hand the Carry out of First half adder circuit and the Carry out
of second
adder circuit is further provided into OR logic gate. After logic OR of
two Carry
output, we get the final carry out of full adder circuit
Truth Table for Full Adder Circuit:
1. Full adders are useful in Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) systems.
2. The binary addition property of half adders is applicable in the working of
3. Full adders are helpful in various forms of digital circuits and digital
4. The adders are also helpful in carryout multiplication.
5. Full adders are applicable in the generation of memory addresses and the
creation of program counterpoints.
6. The Full adders are essential in the creation of complex circuits capable of
adding numerous bits simultaneously.
7. Full adders are critical components in the creation of the graphical
processing unit (GPU).
• The adder forms the basis for all of the arithmetic functions in the ALU.
Subtraction, multiplication, and division all are implemented using algorithms
which are based on the adder. The adder is therefore a stand in for all of the
other types of functions performed by the ALU.
• Despite the appearance that addition is more complex, it can be implemented as
a Boolean function consisting only of AND, OR, and XOR gates. These simple
Boolean functions are implemented in circuits called half adders and full
adders. It is when these functions are chained together so that the carry from
each previous function is used in the next function that the adder can add larger

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