Kai 2008
Kai 2008
Kai 2008
DOI 10.1007/s00200-008-0086-9
Received: 12 June 2008 / Revised: 13 November 2008 / Published online: 29 November 2008
© Springer-Verlag 2008
1 Introduction
Cyclic codes over finite fields have been studied in the late 1950s. A lot of research
has been given to cyclic codes in that cyclic codes are an important class of codes
from either a theoretical or a practical viewpoint. Most of the research focused on the
situation when the length and the characteristic of the field are coprime. Cyclic codes
of length n over a field of characteristic p where p divides n are called repeated-
root cyclic codes and have been studied by Castagoli et al. [4] and Van Lint [12].
Even though it was shown that repeated-root cyclic codes are asymptotically bad,
The research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No.
60673074 and HFUT Research Grant 081003F.
510 X. Kai, S. Zhu
they still remain interesting objects [6,11]. Recently, there has been much interest in
self-dual codes over finite fields and rings. However, not much work has been done
for cyclic self-dual codes. Binary cyclic self-dual codes were discussed by Sloane and
Thompson [10], who proved that binary cyclic self-dual codes are Type I. Later, Ned-
eloaia gave the weight distributions of all binary cyclic self-dual codes of length up to
110 [8]. It is well known that there are no cyclic self-dual codes over Fq when q is odd.
The purpose of this paper is to investigate self-dual repeated-root cyclic codes over
the finite field F2r . We first give a decomposition of a repeated-root cyclic code over
F pr using the Discrete Fourier Transform. Then the decomposition is used to explore
cyclic self-dual codes over F2r . We give a necessary and sufficient condition for the
existence of nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes over F2r . This enables us to construct
all cyclic self-dual codes over F2r . We prove that all cyclic self-dual codes over F2r
are Type I, which extends the result of [10, Corollary 2]. Finally we classify cyclic
self-dual codes of some lengths over F4 , F8 , and F16 .
Let C be a linear code of length N over F pr , then the code C is a cyclic code if C is
invariant under the permutation of F Npr :
(c0 , c1 , . . . , c N −1 ) → (c N −1 , c0 , . . . , c N −2 ).
A cyclic code of length N over F pr can be identified as ideals in the quotient ring
F pr [x]/x N −1. Given N -tuples u = (u 0 , u 1 , . . . , u N −1 ) , v = (v0 , v1 , . . . , v N −1 ) ∈
F Npr , their Euclidean inner product or dot product is defined as usual u · v = u 0 v0 +
u 1 v1 + · · · + u N −1 v N −1 . Two N -tuples u, v are called orthogonal if u · v = 0. For a
linear code C of length N over F pr , its dual code C ⊥ is the set of N -tuples over F pr
that are orthogonal to all codewords of C:
C ⊥ = {u |u · v = 0 for all v ∈ C } .
s s
ϕ a0,0 + a0,1 u + · · · + a0, ps −1 u p −1 , . . . , an−1,0 + an−1,1 u + · · · + an−1, ps −1 u p −1
= a0,0 , a1,0 , . . . , an−1,0 , a0,1 , a1,1 , . . . , an−1,1 , . . . , a0, ps −1 , a1, ps −1 , . . . , an−1, ps −1 .
On cyclic self-dual codes 511
We have that
⎛ ⎛ s −1
⎞ s −1 s −1
p p p
ϕ ⎝u ⎝ an−1, j u j ⎠ , a0, j u j , . . . , an−2, j u j ⎠
j=0 j=0 j=0
= an−1, ps −1 , a0,0 , a1,0 , . . . , an−2, ps −1 .
The following lemma shows that a vector of F Npr can be recovered from its Discrete
Fourier Transform.
Lemma 2.2 (Inversion Formula) Let a ∈ F Npr with A(z) its Mattson–Solomon poly-
nomial as defined above. Then
a=ϕ 1, u −n , u −2n , . . . , u −(n−1)n ∗ A(1), A(ξn ), . . . , A(ξnn−1 )
n−1 p s −1
n−1 s −1
n i+ j n t
= ai, j u ξnh(i−t) = (nu ) at, j u j
i=0 j=0 h=0 j=0
512 X. Kai, S. Zhu
n−1 h(i−t)
The last equation comes from the fact that h=0 ξn = 0 unless i ≡ t (mod n).
The result follows.
Let A = {(A0 , A1 , . . . , An−1 ) ∈ Rs ( pr , u)n : Ah ∈ Rs ( p m i r , u), A pr h = Ah },
where subscripts are calculated modulo n. We make A a ring via componentwise
addition and multiplication. It is easy to verify that A ∼
= ⊕i∈I Rs ( p m i r , u).
Theorem 2.5 There are ( p s + 1) distinct cyclic codes of length p s over Fq , and they
are precisely the ideals (u −1)i of the ring Rs (q, u), for i ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p s }. Self-dual
cyclic codes of length p s over Fq exist if and only if p = 2. When p = 2, there is only
one self-dual cyclic code (u − 1)2 over Fq of length 2s .
Remark 2.6 We know that the number of distinct cyclic codes over F pr of length
N = p s n is at most ( p s + 1)|I | . On the other hand, from Theorems 2.3 and 2.5, we
deduce that the number of distinct cyclic codes over F pr of length N = p s n is pre-
cisely ( p s + 1)|I | . Therefore, for distinct sequences (ki )i∈I with 0 ≤ ki ≤ p s , cyclic
codes over F pr of length N = p s n are different each other with generator polynomials
i∈I [ f i (x)] .
Lemma 2.7 Let f i (x) be the minimal polynomial of ξni in F pr [x]. Let m i be the size
of the pr −cyclotomic coset modulo n containing i, and n a positive integer such that
nn ≡ 1 (mod p s ). Then
On cyclic self-dual codes 513
(i) f i (u n ξn ) is a unit in Rs ( pr m i , u) if j ∈ cl pr (i, n);
(ii) f i (u n ξni ) ∈ u − 1 but f i (u n ξni ) ∈
/ (u − 1)2 .
j j j
f i (u n ξn ) = u n ξn − ξnl = (u n − 1)ξn + (ξn − ξnl ) .
l∈cl pr (i,n) l∈cl pr (i,n)
If j ∈ cl pr (i, n), then ξn − ξnl is a unit. Note that
(u n − 1)ξn = (u − 1)(u n −1 + u n −2 + · · · + 1)ξn ,
j j
j j
and so (u n − 1)ξn is noninvertible. Hence, f i (u n ξn ) is a unit.
(ii) As x n −1 = j∈I f j (x), we have j∈I f j (u n ξni ) = (u n ξni )n −1 = u−1. From
(i) we know that f j (u n ξni ) is a unit in Rs ( pr m i , u) for j = i. Hence f i (u n ξni ) =
q(u)(u − 1), where q(u) is a unit in Rs ( pr m i , u). This gives f i (u n ξni ) ∈ u − 1.
Suppose that f i (u n ξni ) ∈ (u − 1)2 , then there exists g(u) ∈ Fq r [u] such that
f i (u n ξni ) = g(u)(u − 1)2 . Hence q(u)(u − 1) = g(u)(u − 1)2 . This implies
u − 1 ∈ (u − 1)2 , which means u − 1 ⊆ (u − 1)2 . This is a contradiction.
Therefore, f i (u n ξni ) ∈
/ (u − 1)2 .
but ∈/ (u − 1)ki −1 , for some h(x) ∈ F pr [x]. Thus, for each i ∈ I , C corresponds to
the ideal (u − 1)ki of Rs ( pr m i , u) under the map γ .
Now, we consider indecomposable cyclic codes over F pr [x]. In [13], such codes
were described by the group algebra approach. An indecomposable cyclic code C
over F pr of length N = p s n has generator polynomial f i (x)l j∈I, j=i f j (x) p , for
some i ∈ I and 0 ≤ l ≤ p s . According to Theorem 2.8, C is isomorphic to the
ideal (u − 1)l of Rs ( pr m i , u). We take an element Ai ∈ Rs ( p m i r , u). Consider the
514 X. Kai, S. Zhu
Let ρ denote the inverse map of γ , and a(x) = ρ(A), then a(x) is an element in
F pr [x]/x N − 1 such that
j Ai , if j = i
a(u n ξn ) = .
0, otherwise.
n−1 i −1
m i −1
f l −it· plr fl
Ah ξn−ht = Ai ξn−th = Ai (ξn−it ) f
A(ξnt ) = A i ξn =
h=0 h∈cl pr (i,n) l=0 l=0
i −1
(Ai ξn−it ) f = T rm i (Ai ξn−it ).
Thus we have proved the following theorem, which gives the trace description for an
indecomposable cyclic code C over F pr of length N = p s n.
Theorem 2.9 Let m be the order of pr modulo n, and m i the size of the pr -cyclotomic
coset modulo n containing i. Let ξn be a primitive nth root of unity in F pr m . If C is an
indecomposable cyclic code over F pr of length N = p s n, then C is equivalent to the
set {(v (a0 ) , v (a1 ) , . . . , v (a ps −1 ) ) : a j ∈ F pr m i }, where
v (a j ) = T rm i (a j ), T rm i (a j ξni ), . . . , T rm i (a j ξn(n−1)i ) .
From [9, Theorem 5.25] we know that the set
Cm i = T rm i (a j ), T rm i (a j ξni ), . . . , T rm i (a j ξn(n−1)i ) : a j ∈ F pr m i
is the [n, m i ] minimal cyclic code of length n over F pr m i with nonzeros {ξn | j ∈
cl pr (i, n)}. Hence we see that the Hamming distance of the indecomposable cyclic
On cyclic self-dual codes 515
code defined as in Theorem 2.9 is equal to d((u − 1)l ) · d(cm i ), where (u − 1)l is
an ideal of Rs ( pr m i , u). The Hamming weight of (u − 1)l has been determined by
Dinh in [6].
Proof Let ai denote the constant of f i (x) for each i ∈ I , then ai s are leading coeffi-
cients of f i∗ (x) s. Since i∈I f i (x) = x n − 1, we have i∈I ai = −1. So
ai−1 f i∗ (x) = ai−1 · f i∗ (x) = −x n f i (x −1 )
i∈I i∈I i∈I i∈I
= −x n (x −n − 1) = x n − 1.
i∈I i∈I
= [ f i (x)] ki
= C,
i ∈I
i.e., C is self-dual.
516 X. Kai, S. Zhu
Corollary 3.2 There exists a cyclic self-dual code over F2r with generator polynomial
(x n − 1)2 for length N = 2s n (n odd).
Proof Take ki = ki = 2s−1 for each i ∈ I , then C = i∈I [ f i (x)]2 = (x n −
s−1 s−1
1)2 = (x 2 n + 1). From Theorem 3.1 we know that C is self-dual.
Theorem 3.3 Self-dual cyclic codes over F pr of length N = p s n exist if and if only
p = 2.
s−1 s−1
In F2r [x]/(x N − 1), (x n − 1)2 = x 2 n + 1. It is easy to see that the minimum
s−1 s−1
Hamming distance of C = (x n − 1)2 is 2. The code (x n − 1)2 is called the
trivial self-dual code over F2r .
Theorem 3.4 Nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes over F2r of length N = 2s n (n odd)
exist if and only if there exists a monic irreducible factor f (x) ∈ F2r [x] of x n − 1
such that f (x) and f ∗ (x) are not associate.
Proof Assume that there exists a monic irreducible factor f (x) ∈ F2r [x] of x n − 1
such that f (x) and f ∗ (x) are not associate. Then the constant of f (x) is nonzero, it
follows that deg( f (x)) = deg( f ∗ (x)), and f ∗ (x) is a factor of x n − 1. Therefore,
f (x) f ∗ (x) is also a factor of x n − 1. Write x n − 1 = f (x) f ∗ (x)g(x). Since
f ∗ (x) f (x)g ∗ (x) = − f (x) f ∗ (x)g(x). Note that g ∗ (x) and f (x) f ∗ (x) are coprime,
it follows that g ∗ (x)| g(x). Similarly, g(x)| g ∗ (x). Therefore, g(x) = −g ∗ (x). Con-
sider C = f (x)h f ∗ (x)2 −h g(x)2 , for some 0 ≤ h ≤ 2s and h = 2s−1 . Now by
s s−1
Theorem 3.1
C ⊥ = f ∗ (x)2 −h f (x)h g ∗ (x)2 = f (x)h f ∗ (x)2 −h g(x)2
s s−1 s s−1
= C.
Conversely, assume that there is a nontrivial cyclic self-dual code C, then C has
the form C = i∈I [ f i (x)]ki , where f i (x) s are monic irreducible divisors of x n − 1
in F2r [x] and 0 ≤ ki ≤ 2s . Suppose, to the contrary, that every irreducible fac-
tor f i (x) of x n − 1 in F2r [x] is an associate of f i∗ (x), then f i (x) = f i (x) for
all i. It follows that i and i are in the same cyclotomic coset. As C is self-dual,
Theorem 3.1 implies that for all i, ki + ki = 2s . Hence, ki = ki = 2s−1 . This
gives C = i∈I [ f i (x)]ki = (x n − 1)2 , which is the trivial self-dual code, a
On cyclic self-dual codes 517
For any 0 ≤ q ≤ n − 1, since n is odd, 2r has an inverse modulo n. Thus there exist
positive integers m such that 2r m q ≡ q (mod n). Let m q be the smallest such inte-
ger, then the set cl2r (q, n) = {q, 2r q, 22r q, . . . , 2(m q −1)r q} is the cyclotomic coset
modulo n containing q, where each 2ri q is reduced modulo n. Easily verify that for
q = n − q, cl2r (q, n) = cl2r (n − q, n) if and only if 2ri ≡ −1 (mod n) for some
integer i. Combining the above discussion with Theorem 3.4, we have the following
Theorem 3.5 Nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes over F2r of length N = 2s n (n odd)
exist if and only if 2ri ≡ −1 (mod n) for all positive integers i.
Next, we consider the enumeration of cyclic self-dual codes over F2r of length
N = 2s n (n odd).
Now we use the terminology introduced in [10]. A cyclotomic coset is called sym-
metric if n − q ∈ cl2r (q, n) and asymmetric otherwise. The asymmetric cosets come
in pairs cl2r (q, n), cl2r (q , n) where q denotes the representative of the cyclotomic
coset containing n − q. Let δ(n) denote the number of such pairs. If cl2r (q, n) is
symmetric, then f q∗ (x) = ε1 f q (x) for some ε1 ∈ F2r , while if cl2r (q, n), cl2r (q , n)
are an asymmetric pair, then f q∗ (x) = ε2 f n−q (x) for some ε2 ∈ F2r . Let C be a cyclic
self-dual codes over F2r of length N = 2s n (n odd). In the decomposition of C, the
ideal corresponding to each symmetric coset must be (u − 1)2 , while the ideals
corresponding to each asymmetric pair cl2r (q, n), cl2r (q , n) can be taken (u − 1)l
and (u − 1)2 −l respectively, where l is any number in the range 0 ≤ l ≤ 2s . Thus
Theorem 3.6 Let δ(n) be the number of pairs of asymmetric 2r -cyclotomic cosets
modulo n. Then the number of distinct cyclic self-dual codes over F2r of length N =
2s n (n odd) is (2s + 1)δ(n) .
Recall that the trace T rr (α) over F2 of an element α ∈ F2r is defined as T rr (α) =
r −1 2i
i=0 α . A basis B = {α1 , α2 , . . . , αr } of F2r over F2 is a self-dual basis if
1, if i = j,
T rr (αi α j ) = .
0, if i = j.
Theorem 3.7 Cyclic self-dual codes over F2r of length N = 2s n (n odd) are Type I.
Proof Let C be a cyclic self-dual code over F2r of length N = 2s n (n odd), and its
decomposition ⊕i∈I Ci , where Ci is the ideal of Rs (2r m i , u). By Theorem 3.1 it must
be C0 = (u − 1)2 . Let B = {α1 , α2 , . . . , αr } be a self-dual basis of F2r over
518 X. Kai, S. Zhu
s−1 s−1
F2 , then αl (u − 1)2 = αl u 2 + αl ∈ C0 for any 1 ≤ l ≤ r . Consider the vector
v = (αl u 2 + αl , 0, . . . , 0) ∈ ⊕i∈I Ci . From Theorem 2.9 it follows that ρ(v) must
be permutable to the N −tuple
n n
(αl , . . . , αl , 0, . . . , 0, αl , . . . , αl , 0, . . . , 0),
whose Lee weight is 2n. Hence, C contains a codeword of Lee weight 2n. Since 2n
is not a multiple of 4, we have that C is type I.
From Theorem 3.7 we see that no binary cyclic self-dual code of even length is
Type II. This gives another proof for [10, Corollary 2].
In [4], a parity check matrix of a repeated-root cyclic code was constructed via the
so-called Hasse derivative. Now, we also provide a construction method for the parity
check matrix of a cyclic self-dual code over F2r of length N = 2s n (n odd), which
is also suitable to a repeated-root cyclic code in general. Let g(x) be a codeword in
some cyclic self-dual code C over F2r of length N = 2s n (n odd), then g(x) can
2s −1 j 2s 2s
be written in the form g(x) = i=0 x g j (x ), where g j (x ) ∈ F2r [x]. So we
u ξn g j (ξni2 ). By Theorems 2.3 and 2.8, C ∼
2 −1 n j i j
s s
have g(u n ξni ) = i=0 = ⊕i∈I Ci and
g(u ξn ) ∈ Ci , where Ci is an ideal of Rs ( p , u). From this, we can obtain some
n i r m i
quantity relationship satisfied by g j (x) s and determine the parity check matrix of C.
We give an example to explain the method.
x 7 − 1 = (x + 1)(x + ω)(x + ω2 ) · · · (x + ω6 )
On cyclic self-dual codes 519
By Theorem 2.8 again, we have c(u) ∈ u − 1, which implies (u − 1)c(u) = 0. This
13 13 13
gives i=0 ci = 0. Similarly, we get i=0 ci ωi = 0 and i=0 ci ω6i = 0. From the
above equations, we obtain the parity check matrix of C is
⎛ ⎞
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
⎜1 ω ω2 ω3 ω4 ω5 ω6 1 ω ω2 ω3 ω4 ω5 ω6 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜1 0 ω4 0 ω 0 ω5 0 ω2 0 ω6 0 ω3 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎜0 ω2 ω6 0 ω3 0 ω4 0 ω 0 ω5 ⎟
⎜ 0 1 0 ⎟.
⎜1 0 ω6 0 ω5 0 ω4 0 ω3 0 ω2 0 ω 0 ⎟
⎜ ⎟
⎝0 ω3 0 ω2 0 ω 0 1 0 ω6 0 ω5 0 ω4 ⎠
1 ω6 ω5 ω4 ω3 ω2 ω 1 ω6 ω5 ω4 ω3 ω2 ω
4.1 Consider nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes over F4 of length ≤ 22. Let ω be the
primitive element in F4 , where ω2 + ω + 1 = 0.
• N = 6 In F4 [x], x 3 − 1 = (x + 1)(x + ω)(x + ω2 ). There are two equivalent
nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [6, 3, 3] with generator polynomials
(2) There are two equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [4, 6, 12]
with generator polynomials
520 X. Kai, S. Zhu
(1) There are two equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [4, 9, 18]
with generator polynomials
(2) There are two equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [3, 9, 18]
with generator polynomials
On cyclic self-dual codes 521
(3) There are four equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [3, 9, 18]
with generator polynomials
• N = 22 In F4 [x],
x 11 − 1 = (x + 1)(x 5 + ωx 4 + x 3 + x 2 + ω2 x + 1)
×(x 5 + ω2 x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + ωx + 1).
There are two equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [6, 11, 22] with
generator polynomials
(x + 1)(x 5 + ωx 4 + x 3 + x 2 + ω2 x + 1)2 ,
(x + 1)(x 5 + ω2 x 4 + x 3 + x 2 + ωx + 1)2 .
4.2 Consider nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes over F8 of length < 30. Let ω be a
primitive element in F8 , where ω3 + ω + 1 = 0.
• N = 14 In F8 [x], x 7 −1 = (x +1)(x +ω)(x +ω2 )(x +ω3 )(x +ω4 )(x +ω5 )(x +ω6 ).
522 X. Kai, S. Zhu
(1) There are six equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [5, 7, 14]
with generator polynomials
(x + 1)(x + ω)2 (x + ω2 )2 (x + ω3 )2 ,
(x + 1)(x + ω)2 (x + ω3 )2 (x + ω5 )2 ,
(x + 1)(x + ω)2 (x + ω4 )2 (x + ω5 )2 ,
(x + 1)(x + ω2 )2 (x + ω3 )2 (x + ω6 )2 ,
(x + 1)(x + ω2 )2 (x + ω4 )2 (x + ω6 )2 ,
(x + 1)(x + ω4 )2 (x + ω5 )2 (x + ω6 )2 .
(2) There are two equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [4, 7, 14]
with generator polynomials
(x + 1)(x + ω)2 (x + ω2 )2 (x + ω4 )2 ,
(x + 1)(x + ω3 )2 (x + ω5 )2 (x + ω6 )2 .
(3) There are six equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [6, 7, 14]
with generator polynomials
On cyclic self-dual codes 523
(4) There are six equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [6, 7, 14]
with generator polynomials
(5) There are six equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [4, 7, 14]
with generator polynomials
4.3 Consider nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes over F16 of length ≤ 10. Let ω be the
primitive element in F16 , where ω4 + ω + 1 = 0.
• N = 6 In F16 [x], x 3 − 1 = (x + 1)(x + ω5 )(x + ω10 ). There are two equivalent
nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [6, 3, 3] with generator polynomials
524 X. Kai, S. Zhu
(1) There are four equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [4, 5, 10]
with generator polynomials
(x + 1)(x + ω3 )2 (x + ω6 )(x + ω9 ),
(x + 1)(x + ω12 )2 (x + ω6 )(x + ω9 ),
(x + 1)(x + ω6 )2 (x + ω3 )(x + ω12 ),
(x + 1)(x + ω9 )2 (x + ω3 )(x + ω12 ).
(2) There are four equivalent nontrivial cyclic self-dual codes [4, 5, 10]
with generator polynomials
(x + 1)(x + ω3 )2 (x + ω6 )2 , (x + 1)(x + ω3 )2 (x + ω9 )2 ,
(x + 1)(x + ω12 )2 (x + ω6 )2 , (x + 1)(x + ω12 )2 (x + ω9 )2 .
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