JSL 76
JSL 76
JSL 76
$2. T h e probabilities pn. Let 9’ be a finite set of predicate symbols, let dn(9’)
be as before, and let a,(* be the cardinality of dn(9). For example, if 9’= {P},
where P is a binary predicate symbol, then a , ( q = 2“’.
Let 1,2,3,- . . be distinct constant symbols, and let 9” = 9’u {1,2,3,. . 0 ) .
For each s( in dn(9), let 9L‘ be the inessential expansion of 9L to 9” in which the
interpretation of i is i, if i I n, and n otherwise.
Let p< be the probability measure on dn(9) which weights each structure
equally. Thus, if Y = {P},with P a binary predicate symbol, then
p$((U U’ t P12))
E dn(9): = 1/2 if n 2 2,
pT({U E dn(a
:%’ t= P21 A P23 A P31)) = 1/8 if n 2 3.
If u is a first-order 9”-sentence, then abbreviate pz({U E dn(9‘) : U’ t= u)), the
fraction of members U of dn(9) for which 3’ is a model of u, by pn(a). This is
unambiguous, since if both 9’and .T contain the predicate symbols that appear in
U, then it is not hard to see that
: U’ I=u}) = g ( { U E dn(Y)
p;r”({U E dn(9‘) : 2f’ t= u)).
Note that I.,,(.) is defined for first-order 9’-sentences u, whereas pS(s9) is defined
only for (certain) sets d of 9’-structures.
Let X = {x,, . . -,x,} be a finite set of m distinct individual variables. Then a
complete open description M ( x , , . . -,xm)is a conjunction A{+: E A ) , where for
each k-ary P in 9’ and each k-tuple (z,, . . ., zk) of members of X,the set A contains
exactly one of Pz,. . -z, or -Pz1- . ‘z,. Note that the equality symbol = does not
appear in M . We abbreviate <xl,. . -,x,> by x (we also abbreviate the formula
Vx,. . .Vx& by Vx4.) The complete open description N ( x , y ) is said to extend the
complete open description M ( x ) if y is a new variable distinct from all the xi, and
if every conjunct of M ( x ) is a conjunct of N ( x , y).
Let T be the set of all 9’-sentences
measure on sentences, in the sense of Gaifman, and coincides with the probability
measure in Rabin and Scott’s example. For details, see [6].
The next theorem is the key tool in this section.
THEOREM 2. If u E T, then pn(u)+, 1.
PROOF.Assume for convenience that 9’= {P},where P is a binary predicate
symbol. The modification of the proof in the general case is clear. Let u be the
sentence (l), and let +(x) be
~ , ( - U ) = ~ L ~ ( ~ I~# j~ . . . ~ X ~ ( A X , Z ~ , A M (+~- N
)A( XV
, YY
z i ) +w)))
since k(+~,--.,m)-+vy((~v
= nm fi
pn+(i) by independence
= nm(l - (1/22m+1))”-m by an obvious computation
- ,,mkn-m
, where k = (1 - (1/22m+1))< 1
+O as n - t co, by l’Hospital‘s rule.
Since p,,(u) + pn(-u) = 1, we have pn(u) +, 1. 0
COROLLARY 3. rfu is afirst-order 9-sentence, then T k u iZp,,(u) +, 1.
PROOF. =.: Assume that T k u. By the compactness theorem, there is a finite
subset ( u l , - . ., ur} E T such that k((ul A - - - A ur) -t u); and hence k(-u-+
v . v -ur)). Therefore, pn(-u) 5 pn(-ui v - - - V -or) Ip n ( N U 1 ) +
+ p,( - * *
So given 0, with
itself. By Stirling’s formula, n! is asymptotic to (27~z)~‘”(n/e)”.
0 5 0 < 1, there is N such that, for each n > N, the number of different non-
isomorphic models of u of cardinality n is at least e(22k~n‘)/((2rrn)1’z(n/e~). The
denominator is dwarfed by 2“‘, if i 2 2, because ncn llz) = 2c10g2n)cn
+ 1/2). And, some
such term 2”‘ appears in the numerator. In the next section, we will show that in
fact, either u or - u is “nearly always” true when we consider isomorphism types.
$3. The probabilities v,. As before, let 9?,,(9‘)_C d,(q contain exactly one
representative of each ismorphism type of n-element 9-structures. Let b,(- be
the cardinality of 29,,(9‘).
Let <be the probability measure on B,,(Y)which weights each structure equally.
If u is a first-order 9’-sentence, then abbreviate <({a E ~%’,,(9‘) :91 I=Q}) by vF(u).
Here it is not necessarily true that if both 9’and 3- contain the predicate symbols
of u, then .$(’‘a) = <(U); it is easy to find counterexamples even for n = 2. How-
ever, we will often write v, for q.
We will show in this section that v,(u) converges as n -+ 03, and that limn v,(u) =
limn p,(u). The proof is divided into two cases: first, if 9’ is monadic (that is, if Y
contains only unary predicate symbols); and second, if Y is not monadic. Carnap
[l, p. 5671 showed that if 9’ is monadic, then limn vn(u) exists, and is 0 or 1. For the
monadic case, we will make use of the following simple lemma, which is proved
in Feller [4].
LEMMA7. The number of s-tuples (xl, . . ., x,) of integers x, such that xl + - -
+ x, = c and 0 I x, I c for each i is the binomial coeficient Cc+s-l.s-l.
P R O O F . [4, p. 361.
Our main tool in the interesting case, in which 9’is not monadic, is the follow-
ing result. Recall that a , ( q is the cardinality of dn(9‘) , in graph-theoretic
terms, a,,(* is the number of “labeled” 9’-structures with universe of cardinality
n; and b,(9‘) is the cardinality of an(*,i.e., b , ( q is the number of “unlabeled”
9’-structures with universe of cardinality n.
THEOREM 8 [3]. Assume that 9’ is not monadic. Then b , ( q is asymptotic to
an(9‘)/n!,that is,
(2) bn(9‘)n!/an(Y)--f I as n -+ 03.
F. Harary [5] stated (2) without proof for the case when 9’ contains only one
symbol, a binary predicate symbol. W. Oberschelp [7] proved (2) for the case when
Y is a set of r-ary predicate symbols for fixed r 1 2. Theorem 8 is a best-possible
result, since it is not hard to check that (2) fails if 9’ is monadic. Theorem 8 was
recently proven, independently, by A. Ehrenfeucht (unpublished) and the author [3].
THEOREM 9. Ifu is afirst-order sentence with no function or constant symbols,
then v,(u) converges as n +- 00, and lim, v,(u) = limn pn(u).
PROOF. Case 1. 9’ is monadic.
Assume that Y = {Pl, . -,P,,,), where each P,is unary. It is well known that Q is
equivalent to a first-order sentence Vt AfTff,where each q jis one of two types of
(A) “There are exactly k points x such that AF=l+t(x),7’ where each +:(x) is
either Ptx or -Ptx.
vn (A ~ < j -+n
) (" 1 if
T ~ is
, of type (A) for somej,
if T ~ is, of type (B) for eachj.
vn /) TI,) +n (9if vn ~ i j +n
) 0 for each i,
1 otherwise.
Therefore, vn(V,A,T,,)converges to 0 or 1, and it converges to 1 iff there is
some i such that, for each j , the sentence T{, is of type (B). But in this case,
T C V, A,Trj,where T is the set of sentences of $2. Then pn(VlAjrlj)-+n 1.
So, we have seen that if 9 is monadic and u is a first-order 9-sentence, then
either v,(u) -+, 0 or v,,(u) +, 1, and that v,(u) -+, 1 implies that pn(u)-tn1. If
v,(u) 3, 0, then v,,(-u) --+, 1, .so p,(-u) +, 1, and so p,,(u) -+, 0.
Case 2. 9 is not monadic.
Assume that p,(u) -+, 1 ; we will show that v,(u) -+, 1. Let x be the number of
members of dn(9') which are models of (I,and let y be the number of members
of gn(9') which are models of u. Then y 2 x/(n!),as in the argument at the end of
the previous section. But y = vn(u)bn(9'), and x = pn(u)an(.Y). Hence v,(u)b,,(9') 2
pn(u)an(fl/n 1 7 and SO
(3) Vn(0) 2 pn(ol/(hdSP)n !/an(?))-
But the numerator of the right-hand side of (3) converges to 1 by assumption, and
the denominator converges to 1 by Theorem 8. Hence vn(u) +, 1, as desired. So if
pn(u) 3,1, then vn(u) +, 1. If p,(u) -+, 0, then pn(- u) -+ 1,,so by the above
vn(-u) 4, 1, and hence v,(u) 3, 0. 0
§4. Additional remarks and counterexamples.
1. If u is a second-order 9'-sentence, then p$'(u) and <(u) need not converge.
Let 9' = 0 , let P be a binary predicate symbol, and let u be
3p(vXg!y(X # y A PXy A pyx)),
where 3 ! y is read "there is exactly one y." Then
= vn(u) =
1, n even.
2. What happens if we allow 9 to contain function and constant symbols? We
to be the set of all 9'-structures with universe (1, - ., n}.
can still define dn(9') -
Then a constant symbol c can denote any one of n possible values, a 1-place func-
tion symbol F can denote any of n" possible values, and so on. And, we can still
define pn to be the probability measure on dn(9') which weights each structure
equally. But if u is a first-order 9'-sentence, then p,,(u) need no longer converge to 0
or 1. For, if U is a unary predicate symbol, and if c is a constant symbol, then
p,(CIc) = +, and so p,(Uc) +, +. A more interesting example is given by the
sentence u = Vx(F(x) # x). Then
p,(u) = (n - l)"/nn= (I - l/n)" 3, I/e.
It is an open question as to whether, in this extended case, pn(u) and vn(u)
necessarily converge, and what the possible limits are.
3. We will now consider the rate of convergence of p,(u) and of v,(u). If
(x,: n E Z +> is a sequence, and if x, +, x, then we say that the convergence is
geometrically fast if there is some 8, with 0 I 8 < 1, and some constant N, such
that Ix - xni < 8" for each n > N.
Assume that 9 ' contains only predicate symbols. We will show that pW(u)
converges geometrically fast for each first-order 9'-sentence u. We will also show
that if 9'is not monadic, then vf(u) converges geometrically fast for each first-
order 9'-sentence u. In part 4 of this section, we will give a counterexample to show
that this fails if 9'is monadic.
THEOREM 10. If 9 'contains no function or constant symbols, arid i f u is afirst-
order 9'-sentence, then p$'(u) converges geometrically fast. I f 9 is not monadic, then
v$'(u) converges geometrically f i t .
PROOF. The proof of Theorem 1 shows that if u E T, then there is some k , with
0 5 k < 1, and there is some positive integer m, such that p,(-u) < nmkn-",for
sufficiently large n. Find E > 0 small enough that if 8 = (1 + e)k, then P < 1.
By l'Hospital's rule, n-"k"(l + E)" --f co as n -+ co. Hence, (1 + e)" > nmk-"' for
sufficiently large n. Then nmkn-" < (1 +
e)"k" = 8". So if u E T, then pn(-u) +, 0
geometrically fast.
Now assume that 7 is a first-order 9'-sentence such that T P T. By the compact-
ness theorem, there is a finite subset {ul,. . -,u,} 5 T such that P((ul A . . . A ur) -+
T), and hence k( 7 -+ (- 01 V . . v- - - -
or)). SO pn( 7) 2 pn( 0,) + -
. . . + pn( u,).
It is easy to see that since y,(-u,) +,O geometrically fast for each i, so does
pn(-ul) + + - . p,(- ur), and hence so does p,(- 7).
Now let u be any first-order 9'-sentence. Either T P u or T C NU. If T t= -u then,
by what we just showed, p,(u) converges to 0 geometrically fast. If T k U, then
11 - p,,(u)1 = pn(-u)), which converges geometrically fast.
We will now show that <(u) converges geometrically fast if 9 'is not monadic.
It is sufficient to assume that pn(u)+-,I ;if not, then we consider u. It is shown
in (31 that a,(9')/(bn(9')n!) converges to 1 geometrically fast. Since p,,(u) converges
to 1 geometrically fast, it follows fairly easily from (3) that vn(u) converges to 1
geometrically fast. 0
4. Assume that 9 = {V}, where U is a unary predicate symbol. Then b,(Y) =
n + 1, since 91 in d,(Y)is characterized up to isomorphism by the cardinality of
the interpretation of U in 9(.
Let u be VxUx. Then v,,(u) = l / ( n 1). So v,(u)+,O, but not geometrically
fast. This contrasts interestingly with the case 9’ = {P},P a binary predicate
symbol, in which ~ ( V X P X X-+,) 0 geometrically fast.
In general, if 9is monadic and u is a fkst-order 9-sentence, then we can show,
as in the proof of Case 1 of Theorem 9, that there are polynomials p and q such
that vf(u) = p(n)/q(n).
5. If u and 7 are sentences, and if pn(7) > 0 for each n, then does the conditional
probability pn(u 1 7 ) = pn(u A 7)/pn(7) converge? Let u1 be Vx3!y(x # y A
Pxy A Pyx), as in part 1 of this section, and let u2 be 3w(Vx # w)(3!y # w )
( x # y A Pxy A Pyx). Then the spectrum of u1 (u,) is the set of even (odd) positive
integers. Let cr = uI, and let T = u1 v u2. Then
if u A V x U x has a model of cardinality n but u A Vx Ux has no
model of cardinality n, or if u A Vx Ux has a model of cardinality n
but u f\ VxUx has no model of cardinality n;
A(.) = 1 otherwise.
So pn(u1 T ~ is) eventually 0, 3, or 1.
as before. Let p and a be given, with 0 < p < 1 and 0 Ia < 1. We will define a
new probability measure p 5 a on Sa,(9) in which all structures need not be given
the same weight, which has the property that p F a ( u ) converges for each first-order
9'-sentence u and p;EP."(VxVyPxy)converges to a nonzero value.
Let f be a function from the reals to the reals defined by f ( x ) = (1 - a)pX a +
for each x . Given 91 = ({I, . . ., n}; Q ) in s9,(9'), where Q is the interpretation of
P in 91, assume that Q U ( - QU) holds for r (s) different pairs ( i , j ) with 1 i i I11,
1 Ij In ; thus r + s = n2. Then let the weight of 91 be f(n2), if s = 0, and
(1 -f(l))pr(l - p)S-l, if s > 0. So, if p = and a = 0, then pFa= p$'. The
measure pF" is such that if u is a conjunction of r distinct sentences Pij and s
distinct sentences -Pij, with no argument (i, j > appearing twice, then we can show
if s = 0,
(I -f(l))pr(l - py-' if s > 0.
We state without proof that it is possible to show that p.f."(u) converges for each
first-order 9'-sentence U, and that it converges to one of the four values a, 1 - a,
0, o r 1. And, &""(VxVyPxy) 9, a. We also remark that Y can be generalized to
be any finite set of predicate symbols.