MeiosisPuzzle Final

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Score ____/____ Name: _____________________

Date: __________
Meiosis Puzzle Activity Period: ______
Directions: Cut and paste the puzzle pieces below according to their stage.

Prophase I Metaphase I

Anaphase I Telophase I

© 2015 Jenny & David Singo

Prophase II Metaphase II

Anaphase II Telophase II

© 2015 Jenny & David Singo

Cut out all of the puzzle pieces. Place them on the other page according to their stage.

A1 B1 C1
The centromeres of
chromosomes are line up at
oriented toward the mid-cell
opposite cell poles

D1 E1 F1
Cell membrane Crossing over
completes its (recombination)
constriction occurs

G1 H1 I1
The centrioles The paired
chromatids move
and asters
along the spindle
are at the to their respective
poles centrioles

J1 K1 L1
The chromosomes The cell The DNA begins
split and move to membrane to condense
opposite sides of begins to and form short
the cell constrict chromosomes

© 2015 Jenny & David Singo

M1 N1 O1
chromosome Two diploid cells
pair has a are produced

P1 Q1 Nuclear R1
Four haploid membranes
enclose the
cells are
produced chromatids

S1 T1 The now- U1
The Tetrads separated
The cell
attach to chromatids
spindle fibers at approach their
begins to pinch
their centromeres respective poles

V1 W1 X1
The kinetochore Tetrads
fibers of the sister
chromatids point
line up at
toward opposite poles mid-cell
© 2015 Jenny & David Singo
Y1 Z1 A2
Homologous The nuclear
chromatids do membrane
not duplicate but disintegrates
merely separate

B2 C2 D2
Synapsis occurs The cell Each cell has half
membrane the number of
and a tetrad
chromosomes of
is formed begins to
the parent cell

E2 F2

© 2015 Jenny & David Singo

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