Conductors and Insulators

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 5

A. Content Standard: Demonstrate understanding of materials that are good
conductors and insulators of heat and electricity.
B. Performance Standard:
a. Identify materials that are good conductors of heat and electricity.
b. Differentiate conductors from insulators.
C. Learning Competencies:
The learners should be able to identify materials which are good
conductors of heat and electricity S5FE-IIIc-3
D. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Identify the good heat and electricity conductors.
b. Demonstrate understanding of the effects of heat and electricity on people
and objects.
c. Show cooperation in the assigned task.
d. Perform actively in the class activity.
Title: Conductors of Heat and Electricity
Reference: Science Beyond Borders 5 Textbook, pp. 134-139, video presentation
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, video presentation, visual aid

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

III. Learning Experiences
A. Routinary Activities
a. Prayer
b. Classroom Management
c. Checking of Attendance
1. Review
Last time, we discussed about pleasant and - Yes ma’am.
unpleasant sound. Am I correct?
Who can share to the class his/her idea about (learners raise their hands)
pleasant sound?
- Yes (name of learner) - Answer may vary
Pleasant sounds- are sounds that is pleasing to
ears and makes us happy. It is also a soft sounds
that makes us calm.
How about unpleasant sound? (learners raise their hand)
- Yes(name of learner) - Answers may vary
While unpleasant sounds- are loud sounds and
produces noise. They makes us irritable and can
damage our ears.

Good. Since you already know what are Pleasant

and unpleasant sound, I have here a video to be
play in the television. I want you to identify if the
sound belongs to pleasant or unpleasant sound.

If you want to answer, please raise your right. Are

we clear?
(Teacher will show examples of pleasant and
unpleasant sound using a video presentation).
(Learners answer may vary)
Very good children. Let’s give yourselves a hooray
clap. (Learners will do the hooray clap)

Since you already know what is pleasant and

unpleasant sound is, we are now ready to welcome
our new topic this morning.
1. Motivation
I have here different pictures of an object where
you can usually see inside your house. I’m going (learners will participate)
to flash a picture then you will tell the name of an
object and paste it on the cartolina where it
1. Metal slide, plastic slide, water, oil, wooden Objects that becomes Objects that becomes
spoon, metal spoon, palayok, cauldron. hot faster hot slowly
Metal slide Plastic slide
Water oil
Metal spoon Wooden spoon
Cauldron palayok

2. Presentation
- The teacher will present the materials to be
used in the activity.
Before we proceed to our new lesson, we are
going to have an activity for you to understand
clearly what is conductor and what is an
insulator is. So here are the materials needed.

-Small flashlight bulb
-One 1.5V AA battery
-Aluminium foil
-Self-adhesive tape
-Hot water and mug
-plastic toy
-Metal spoon
-Paper clip
3. Pre-activity
Before we start to our activity, I want you to be
reminded on our rules when performing our
1. Work with your group only and don’t roam
2. Respect group mates and their idea and
3. Used soft voices when talking.
4. Participate actively.
5. Clean your area and keep things properly.

I want you also each group to pick their group

Are we are clear?
Now, I want each group leader to come here in Yes ma’am.
front and get their materials. (group leader will come in front)

4. Activity Proper
Under strict supervision of the teacher, learners
will perform the activity following the (student will perform the experiment by their
procedures written in the book. respective groups)

Afterwards, the learners will answer the table

and guide questions written in the manila (learners will answer the questions with their
paper. group)
1. Group Reporting
-Are you all done?
- Since all of you are finished. I want everyone - Yes ma’am.
to share their answers and observations here at
front. Let’s start from group1 followed by group (Each group will present their work in front)
3 and last group 4.
- Well done children. Let’s give ourselves three
claps. (learners will clap their hands three times)
2. Discussion
-Everyone please clear your table. Now, we are
going to discussed about your activity and
relate it to our new topic this morning.

“Conductors of Heat and Electricity”

- Conductors- are materials that allow
electricity and heat to flow freely through
them, allowing electricity and heat to be (Learners will listen to the discussion)
transferred from the source through them.
- Metals are good conductors of heat
and electricity. Copper and aluminium are
metals. Stainless steel is an iron-based
metal with chromium.
Examples of good conductors of heat
and electricity:
Iron, gold, silver, brass, steel, copper, nickel
and water.
Insulators- these are non-conductors or do
not allow heat and electricity to pass through
them easily.
Example of insulators of heat and
Plastic, silk, leather, glass, oil and rubber.
1. Generalization
Now we all know the difference between
conductors and insulators.
Conductors are the materials that
allows heat and electricity to pass
through them easily.

- Who can give me some example of good

conductor of heat and electricity?
Yes (name of a learner) (learners will raise their hand)

However, insulators are materials that - Answers may vary.

do not allow heat and electricity to pass
through them.
- Who can share to the class some example
of an insulator?
Yes (name of a learner) (learners will raise their hand)

- Answers may vary.

2. Application
I have here a concept web. I want
everybody to complete the concept by
filling in the circles with examples of
conductors and insulators that you see
inside the classroom.
(Teacher will pick learners to answer).

(learners will raise their hand and answer)


(Teacher will pick learners to answer).

(learners will raise their hand and answer)


Direction: write True if the statement is correct
and False if not.
1. Aluminium is good conductor of heat and
2. All materials can be good conductors of heat
and electricity.
1. true
3. Metal pots allow the heat flow thoroughly.
2. false
4. Iron based metals are insulators of heat and
3. true
4. false
5. Electricity plays an important role in our
daily activities. 5. true

In your ½ crosswise, look around your
house and list down materials that are
good conductors and insulators of heat
and electricity.
Conductors Insulators

Prepared by:
Khrisna Rose Agtas Feniza
Student Intern

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