Conductors and Insulators
Conductors and Insulators
Conductors and Insulators
A. Content Standard: Demonstrate understanding of materials that are good
conductors and insulators of heat and electricity.
B. Performance Standard:
a. Identify materials that are good conductors of heat and electricity.
b. Differentiate conductors from insulators.
C. Learning Competencies:
The learners should be able to identify materials which are good
conductors of heat and electricity S5FE-IIIc-3
D. Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
a. Identify the good heat and electricity conductors.
b. Demonstrate understanding of the effects of heat and electricity on people
and objects.
c. Show cooperation in the assigned task.
d. Perform actively in the class activity.
Title: Conductors of Heat and Electricity
Reference: Science Beyond Borders 5 Textbook, pp. 134-139, video presentation
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, laptop, video presentation, visual aid
2. Presentation
- The teacher will present the materials to be
used in the activity.
Before we proceed to our new lesson, we are
going to have an activity for you to understand
clearly what is conductor and what is an
insulator is. So here are the materials needed.
-Small flashlight bulb
-One 1.5V AA battery
-Aluminium foil
-Self-adhesive tape
-Hot water and mug
-plastic toy
-Metal spoon
-Paper clip
3. Pre-activity
Before we start to our activity, I want you to be
reminded on our rules when performing our
1. Work with your group only and don’t roam
2. Respect group mates and their idea and
3. Used soft voices when talking.
4. Participate actively.
5. Clean your area and keep things properly.
4. Activity Proper
Under strict supervision of the teacher, learners
will perform the activity following the (student will perform the experiment by their
procedures written in the book. respective groups)
Direction: write True if the statement is correct
and False if not.
1. Aluminium is good conductor of heat and
2. All materials can be good conductors of heat
and electricity.
1. true
3. Metal pots allow the heat flow thoroughly.
2. false
4. Iron based metals are insulators of heat and
3. true
4. false
5. Electricity plays an important role in our
daily activities. 5. true
In your ½ crosswise, look around your
house and list down materials that are
good conductors and insulators of heat
and electricity.
Conductors Insulators
Prepared by:
Khrisna Rose Agtas Feniza
Student Intern