FFX Fuel Treatment Evaluation
FFX Fuel Treatment Evaluation
FFX Fuel Treatment Evaluation
Fuel Efficiency and Emissions Reductions
Kinsley Ready mix
The Carbon Mass Balance Procedure
Final Report
July 2009
Prepared by:
Kim LeBaron
CMB Engineer
Preface Page 3
Introduction Page 4
Conclusion Page 12
Appendix I Exhaust Particulate and Fuel Graphs
Fuel consumption measurements by reliable and accredited methods have been
under constant review for many years. The weight of engineering evidence and
scientific theory favors the carbon balance method by which carbon measured in
the engine exhaust gas is related to the carbon content of the fuel consumed.
This method has certainly proven to be the most suitable for field-testing where
minimizing equipment down time is a factor.
The FFX Fuel Treatment manufactured and marketed by MyDailyChoice, Inc.,
has proven, in laboratory and field-testing, to reduce fuel consumption in the
range 3% to 10% under comparable load conditions. It also has proven to
significantly reduce carbon emissions.
Further, and as important, the FFX Fuel Treatment was dosed at twice the rate
as normal (.5 ounces/20 gallons) to help improve and accelerate the rate of
catalytic oxidation, due to the shortened working season.
A baseline test (untreated) was conducted on May 19, 2009 using the Carbon
Mass Balance Test Procedure. After which, the pre-selected test equipment
were treated by adding the FFX Fuel Treatment to the on-site diesel fuel storage
tank located at the corporate offices in Kinsley, Kansas. On July 21, 2009, the
test was then repeated (FFX treated) following the same parameters. The
results are contained within this report.
The data showed that the average improvement in fuel consumption, for both
pieces of equipment tested, was 7.7% during steady state testing, using the
Carbon Mass Balance test procedure.
Baseline (untreated) fuel efficiency tests were conducted on both pieces of
equipment on May 19, 2009, employing the Carbon Mass Balance (CMB) test
procedure. FFX supplied sufficient product to correctly treat the on-site fuel storage
tank located at the corporate office. Both owner and operator were then instructed
as to the required dosing regimen for fuelling the bulk storage tank with the FFX
Fuel Treatment. The test equipment was then operated on FFX catalyst treated
fuel for as many hours as could be accumulated considering the saturated weather
conditions of the region (at least 300 - 400 hrs of engine operation are
recommended). At the end of the engine-conditioning period (July 21, 2009), the
engine tests were repeated, reproducing all engine parameters. The final results,
along with the data sheets, are contained within this report.
Carbon Mass Balance (CMB) is a procedure whereby the mass of carbon in the
exhaust is calculated as a measure of the fuel being burned. The elements
measured in this test include the exhaust gas composition, its temperature, and the
gas flow rate calculated from the differential pressure and exhaust stack cross
sectional area. The CMB is central to the both US-EPA (FTP and HFET) and
Australian engineering standard tests (AS2077-1982), although in field-testing we
are unable to employ a chassis dynamometer. However, in the case of a stationary
equipment test, the engine can be loaded sufficiently to demonstrate fuel
consumption trends and potential.
The Carbon Mass Balance formula and equations employed in calculating the
carbon flow are a supplied, in part, by doctors’ of Combustion Engineering at the
university and scientific research facility level.
The Carbon Mass Balance test procedure follows a prescribed regimen, wherein
every possible detail of engine operation is monitored to insure the accuracy of the
test procedure. Cursory to performing the test, it is imperative to understand the
quality of fuel utilized in the evaluation. As important, the quality of fuel must be
consistent throughout the entirety of the process.
Fuel density and temperature tests are performed for both the baseline and treated
segments of the evaluation to determine the energy content of the fuel. A .800 to
.910 Precision Hydrometer, columnar flask and Raytek Minitemp are utilized to
determine the fuel density for each prescribed segment of the evaluation.
Next, and essential to the Carbon Balance procedure, is test equipment that is
mechanically sound and free from defect. Careful consideration and equipment
screening is utilized to verify the mechanical stability of each piece of test
equipment. Preliminary data is scrutinized to disqualify all equipment that may
be mechanically suspect. Once the equipment selected process is complete, the
Carbon Balance test takes only 10 to 20 minutes, per unit, to perform.
When the selection process is complete, engine RPM is increased and locked in
position. This allows the engine fluids, block temperature, and exhaust stream
gasses to stabilize. Data cannot be collected when there is irregular fluctuation
in engine RPM and exhaust constituent levels. Therefore, all engine operating
conditions must be stable and consistent.
Next, engine RPM and fluid temperatures are monitored throughout the Carbon
Balance evaluation. As important, exhaust manifold temperatures are monitored
to ensure that engine combustion is consistent in all cylinders. It is imperative
that the engine achieve normal operating conditions before any testing begins.
Once engine fluid levels have reached normal operating conditions the Carbon
Balance study may begin. The above photograph shows that the engine RPM is
locked in place at 1400 r.p.m., which in this case is the approved operating rpm
with the mixer drum at full speed. It should be noted that any deviation in r.p.m.,
temperature, either fluid or exhaust, would cause this unit to be eliminated from
the evaluation due to mechanical inconsistencies.
Once all of the mechanical criteria are met, data acquisition can commence; it is
necessary to monitor the temperature and pressure of the exhaust stream.
Carbon Balance data cannot be collected until the engine exhaust temperature
has peaked. Exhaust temperature is monitored carefully for this reason.
Once the exhaust temperature has stabilized, the test unit has reached its peak
operating temperature. Exhaust temperature is critical to the completion of a
successful evaluation, since temperature changes identify changes in load and
rpm. As previously discussed, rpm and load must remain constant throughout
the entirety of the Carbon Balance study.
When all temperatures are stabilized, and the desired operating parameters are
achieved; it is time to insert the emissions sampling probe into the exhaust tip of
each piece of equipment utilized in the study group. The probe has a non-
dispersive head, which allows for random exhaust sampling throughout the cross
section of the exhaust.
The above photograph shows one method in which exhaust pressure can be
monitored during the Carbon Balance test procedure. In this case, exhaust
pressure is ascertained through the use of a Magnahelic gauge. This type of
stringent regime further documents the inherent accuracy of the Carbon Balance
At the conclusion of the Carbon Balance test, a soot particulate test is performed
to determine the engine exhaust particulate level. This valuable procedure helps
to determine the soot particulate content in the exhaust stream. Soot particulates
are the most obvious and compelling sign of pollution. Any attempt to reduce
soot particulates places all industry in a favorable position with environmental
policy and the general public.
Identified above is one type of analyzer used to perform the Carbon Balance test.
The analyzer is calibrated with known reference gases before the baseline and
treated test segments begin. The data collected from this analyzer is then
computed and compared to the exhaust matrix carbon content of the baseline
and treated segment of the evaluation. Also, the data recognizes the carbon
contained within the raw diesel fuel. A fuel consumption performance factor is
then calculated from the data. The baseline performance factor is compared with
the catalyst treated performance factor. The difference between the two
performance factors identifies the change in fuel consumption during the Carbon
Balance test procedure
Precision state of the art instrumentation was used to measure the concentrations
of carbon containing gases in the exhaust stream, and other factors related to fuel
consumption and engine performance. The instruments and their purpose are
listed below:
Measurement of exhaust gas constituents HC, CO, CO2 and O2, by Horiba
Mexa Series, four gas infrared analyser.
Note: The Horiba MEXA emissions analyser is calibrated with the same reference
gas for both the baseline and treated segments of the evaluation. In this case, a
Scott specialty mother gas no. CYL#ALM018709 was utilized for calibration
The Horiba infrared gas analyser was serviced and calibrated prior to
each series of engine efficiency tests.
Fuel Efficiency
A summary of the CMB fuel efficiency results achieved, in this test program, are
provided in the following tables and appendices. See Table I, and Individual
Carbon Mass Balance results, in Appendix II.
Table I: provides the average test results for both pieces of equipment before and
after FFX Fuel Treatment treatment (see Graph II, Appendix I).
Test Segment Miles Fuel Change
The computer printouts of the calculated CMB test results are located in Appendix
II. The raw engine data sheets used to calculate the CMB are contained in
Appendix III. The raw data sheets, and carbon balance sheets show and account
for the environmental and ambient conditions during the evaluation.
These carefully controlled engineering standard test procedures conducted on both
pieces of test equipment; provide clear evidence of reduced fuel consumption in
the range of 7.7%. In general, improvements utilizing the Carbon Mass Balance
test, under static test conditions, generate results 2% - 3% less than those results
generated with an applied load.
Appendix I
Kinsley Ready Mix
Volume Change
Treated Level
Baseline Level
Kinsley Ready Mix
0.6 Volume Change
Treated Level
Baseline Level
Appendix II
Appendix III
Appendix IV
Monthly and Annual
Fuel Savings
With the FFX Fuel Treatment
Estimated: CMB
Carbon Balance Savings
Monthly Fuel Consumption: 2,500 gals. .
Monthly Fuel Costs ($2.00/gal.): $5,000.00
Improvement in Fuel Efficiency: _____ .077%
Monthly Gross Fuel Savings: $385.00
Using the fuel savings data produced from the Carbon Balance test procedure,
understanding the minimal hours accrued with the use of the FFX Fuel
Treatment, the results show that Kinsley Ready Mix will reduce annual fuel
consumption costs by a minimum of $4,620.00. Other cost reducing factors that
will enhance the use of the FFX Fuel Treatment include reduced repairs due to
carbon related failures; extended oil change intervals as experienced by other
FFX Fuel Treatment customers; reduced fuel system repairs with the additional
fuel system lubricant contained in the catalyst; and, increased engine life. These
factors and many more are the reason that so many companies are opting to
implement FFX Fuel Treatment as part of their preventive maintenance program.