The document is a model question paper for an engineering exam on electronic measurements and instrumentation. It contains three parts with multiple choice and descriptive questions testing knowledge on topics like instrumentation concepts, CRTs, oscilloscopes, potentiometers, transducers, and recorders.
The document is a model question paper for an engineering exam on electronic measurements and instrumentation. It contains three parts with multiple choice and descriptive questions testing knowledge on topics like instrumentation concepts, CRTs, oscilloscopes, potentiometers, transducers, and recorders.
The document is a model question paper for an engineering exam on electronic measurements and instrumentation. It contains three parts with multiple choice and descriptive questions testing knowledge on topics like instrumentation concepts, CRTs, oscilloscopes, potentiometers, transducers, and recorders.
The document is a model question paper for an engineering exam on electronic measurements and instrumentation. It contains three parts with multiple choice and descriptive questions testing knowledge on topics like instrumentation concepts, CRTs, oscilloscopes, potentiometers, transducers, and recorders.
Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 75
I. Answer all the following questions in one word or sentence.
(9 x 1 = 9 Marks) Module Outcome Cognitive level The closeness of values indicated by an instrument to actual 1 M 1.01 R value is defined as ……… 2 The PMMC instrument is most suitable for ….. measurement M1.03 U 3 …….. in CRT generates electron beam M2.01 U 4 Kelvins bridge consists of….. bridge M3.01 U 5 A spectrum analyser works in ….. domain M3.04 U 6 Wheastones bridge works on the principle of……deflection M3.01 U 7 Potentiometer is used to measure………. M3.01 U 8 Define sensitivity of a transducer M4.02 U 9 Load cell is a device that converts…… into …………..signals M4.03 U
II. Answer any Eight questions from the following
(8 x 3 = 24 Marks) Module Outcome Cognitive level
1 Outline the term gross systematic error in instruments M1.01 R
Demonstrate how a moving coil system can be converted to a 2 M1.02 U voltmeter 3 List any 6 advantages of PMMC instrument M1.03 U 4 Write a note on graticules in CRT M2.01 U In the figure below what is the value of x when the 5 Wheatstone’s network is balanced M3.01 U 6 Outline the concept of wave analyser M3.04 U 7 List any 3 requirements of AC potentiometer M3.01 U 8 Write a note on thermistor M4.03 U 9 List the factors for selecting a transducer M4.02 U 10 Outline the concept of Loadcell M4.03 U
III. Answer all questions from the following (6 x 7 = 42 Marks)
Module Outcome Cognitive level
1 Illustrate the construction of Galvanometer M1.02 U
2 Explain the block diagram of ramp type digital voltmeter M1.04 U
Summarize the working of attraction type moving iron 3 M1.03 U instrument OR
4 Illustrate the construction of CRT M2.01 U
5 Explain the basic block diagram of CRO M2.02 U
6 Draw the block diagram of Digital storage oscilloscope M2.04 U
7 Explain the equivalent circuit for 10:1 probe M2.03 U
8 Summarize the block diagram of Function generator M3.03 U
9 Explain the working of slide wire potentiometer M3.01 U
10 Draw and explain the circuit of Q meter M3.04 U
11 Explain the block diagram of X-Y recorder M4.04 U