Homoeopathic Heritage 4

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Bringing Classical and Contemporary Homoeopathy Together

ISSN: 9070-6038 Vol. 49, No. 9, December 2023

Role Of Homoeopathy In Surgical Cases

• A Case Report on Dermatitis Treated with Individualised Homoeopathic
• Effectiveness of Individualised Homoeopathic Remedy in Surgical Cases: An
Evidence Based Case
2 | The Homoeopathic Heritage September 2023
Vol. 49, No. 9, Deceber 2023,
Pages: 120

Dr Chaturbhuja Nayak Richard Moskowitz

Dr Eswara Das Roberto Petrucci
Dr Farokh J. Master
Francis Treuherz Dr Sanjay Sehgal
Dr Kamal Sethi Dr Subhas Singh
Dr Rashi Prakash Dr Meeta Gupta Dr Subrata Kumar Banerjea
IN HOUSE EDITOR Dr Monika Kathuria Dr Tarkeshwar Jain
Dr Mansi Aggarwal Dr Queenita Fernandes Todd Rowe
LANGUAGE EDITOR Dr Raj Kumar Manchanda Torako Yui
Dayna Lynn Davis Dr Robert Mathie Dr Uttareshwar R. Pachegaonkar

ASSOCIATE EDITORS Dr Sandeep Sathye Dr Yogesh Sehgal


Dr Anit Acharya Dr Ajit Kulkarni
Dr H. L. Chitkara
Dr Anum Zaheer Dr Bipin Jain
Dr Praful Vijayakar
Dr Geeta Rani Arora Chaim Rosenthal
Dr Robin Murphy
Dr Hitarth Mehta Frederik Schroyens
Dr S. P. Koppikar
Dr Kavitha Kukunoor Grant Bentley
Dr Krutik Shah Jan Scholten Manish Jain
Dr Manpreet Kaur Jeremy Sherr manish@bjain.com

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Dr Ashish Indani Dr Rajat Chattopadhyay www.homeopathicheritage.com
Dr Clare Relton
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December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 3


Some Common Errors by Homoeopathic Homoeopathic Remedy in Surgical

EDITORIAL Physician Cases: An Evidence Based Case
Dr Rashi Prakash 5 Dr. Satyam Kumar, Dr. Akanksha Kumari, Prof. Dr. Mishangi G. Jadeja, Dr.Sonal Panchmatiya
(Dr.) Subhas Singh 43 99
Cellulitis & Its HomoeopathicApproach:
Homoeopathy a Dynamic science of CASE REPORT A Case Report
treating Surgical Conditions
Cystic Adnexal SOL Treated without Dr. Nitesh Kumar 107
Dr Kavitha Kukunoor CCH, RS Hom (NA), C.HP, Surgery- A Homoeopathic Case Report
BHMS 7 Scope of Homeopathy in Treatment of
Dr Madhusree Dutta, Dr Ashish Biswas, Blunt Force Injury
Dr. Sabyasachi Mukherjee 47
IN ITALICS Dr. Roni Dudhwala, Farhana Nasrin
A. Haque 111
Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases
Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases -A Case Report
A Case of Alopecia Areata Treated by
Dr. Jaykumar Chandarana, Dr.Sunit Devani 64 Dr. Riya Sah, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh , Dr. S.K. Constitutional Homoeopathic Remedy:
Srivastava 52 A Case Report
Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases- “A Dr. Javed Aquatar Bappa, Dr. Rayba Khatoon,
SUBJECTIVE Non-Surgical Approach to Cholelithiasis: Dr. Sanjay Sarkar, Dr. Sumanta Kamila 116
Evidence-Based Case Report”
A Study to Enlighten the Significance of
Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases Dr. R. Kanimozhi 57 SPECIAL SECTION
Dr. Rakhi 10 Homoeopathic Drug Proving on Sick:
Renal Calculi, Hepatomegaly and
Splenomegaly Treated with Homoeopathy First Step Towards A Model
Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases
Dr. Jagdish Prasad 70 Dr Manpreet Kaur, Dr S M Singh, Dr Pankaj
Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das, Prof. (Dr.) Harikrishna
Aggarwal, Dr Vandana Gambhir, Dr Chaturbhuja
Kanodia 15
Management of Pilonidal Sinus with Nayak 39
Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases Homoeopathy: A Case Report

Dr. P Padhy , Dr. Navisha Khatoon , Dr Nitin Kumar, Dr. Ajay Vishwakarma, Dr Pallavi RESEARCH
Dr R Mondal 18 Bhaskar 77
“An Observational Prospective Study
An Overview of the Homoeopathic Homoeopathic Management of Bilateral on Effectiveness of Homoeopathic
Perspective of Surgery Ovarian Cysts – A Case Report Management in Food Allergy – A
Symptomatological Approach”
Dr. Kapil Das, Dr. Nabanita Debnath 21 Dr. Ankita Mittal 82
Dr Anjali S, Anagha S.M 32
Outlook of Surgery in Homoeopathy A Case Report on Dermatitis Treated with
Individualised Homoeopathic Medicine
Dr. Sujeet Lal, Dr. Ranjita Gupta 24
Dr. Rohit Kumar Priya 87
Fibroadenosis of Breast and its
Homoeopathic Management Evidence Based Case Report of Combined
Cholelithiasis & Bi-lateral Nephrolithiasis
Dr. Madhu Kumari, Dr. Vikash Kumar 27
Dr. Rup Nandi 94

Effectiveness of Individualised

4 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


Dear Readers,

The emergence of homeopathy as primary healthcare system in India and throughout the world, is
backed by not just the vast potential it holds in everyday and chronic ailments, but also because it is
a reliable and gentle therapy that can be used either curatively, concurrently or as an add on or sup-
portive to the ongoing therapy such as allopathy, physiotherapy or even surgery, as required in a given
case. However, every patient swinging between health and death and undergoing surgery puts up a
question – is homeopathy a mere brain game or worth relying upon? Many other questions pertaining
to the validity of homoeopathy in surgical cases remain unanswered.

While we may not be able to provide an accurate modus operandi of Homeopathy in every case be-
longing strictly to the conventional domain, an evidence that Homeopathy has gained a widespread
acceptance as complementary (add-on) therapy by the conventional school is its continually rising
global popularity.

The emergence of homeopathy as one of the pri- mously agree to the fact that aphorism 186 of
mary healthcare systems in India and throughout Organon of Medicine also mentions. It reads-
the world, is backed by not just the vast poten-
tial it holds in everyday and chronic ailments, but But when in such injuries the whole living organ-
also because it is a reliable and gentle therapy that ism requires, as it always does, active dynamic aid
can be used either curatively, concurrently or as to put it in a position to accomplish the work of
an add on or supportive to the ongoing therapy healing, e.g. when the violent fever resulting from
such as allopathy, physiotherapy or even surgery, extensive contusions, lacerated muscles, tendons
as required in a given case. and blood-vessels requires to be removed by
medicine given internally, or when the external
The customizability of this therapy as per require- pain of scalded or burnt parts needs to be ho-
ment has gradually led to the replacement of the moeopathically subdued, then the services of the
term alternate medicine used for homeopathy in dynamic physician and his helpful homoeopathy
the initial days of its popularity by the term com- come into requisition.
plementary medicine of late, denoting that home-
opathy either completes or enhances the ongoing This means that homeopathy may be used for
therapy. pre-operative or post operative management of a
wide variety of cases that require surgery for their
Here we focus on the applicability of Homeopa- primary treatment. To understand this, the peri-
thy as a curative, or supportive or add on therapy operative period comprises of three distinct phas-
particularly in cases which fall in the domain of es- the preoperative and post operative phase.
surgery. In the conventional system of medicine
the use of surgery for the treatment of diseases A research paper published in 2019 delineates
is not something new. Surgery was incorporated these two phases as follows-
into the medical curriculum in the eighteenth cen-
Preoperative phase- Its objectives are to control
tury and the twenty first century witnessed the
the blood tests required (blood count, hepato-
emergence of several sophisticated imaging and
gram, ionogram, renal function, coagulogram,
investigative techniques which brought surgery
others), presurgical cardiology studies (electro-
into the mainstream medicine and its use became
cardiography, others), imaging studies (radi-
far easier, far more common and accessible to ev-
ography, ultrasound, tomography, resonances,
others), material applied prosthetic (prosthetic
When it comes to the role of Homeopathy in sur- meshes for hernioplasties, mechanical sutures,
gical cases, the stalwarts of homeopathy unani- other devices), among others (spirometry, endos-
copy, etc.).
December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 5
Post operative phase- The objective is to detect, and Asia is particularly impressive. Within In-
early, and appropriately manage any sign or dia too it has found place in the most prestigious
symptom of an immediate postoperative compli- healthcare institutions, government dispensaries
cation. and private hospitals as an annex to conventional
medicine, aiming to manage the complicated and
Despite paucity of explanations, Homeopathy, if unyielding surgical cases in the most gentle and
applied strictly on the basis of its cardinal prin- harmless manner involving no invasive proce-
ciple of similia similibus curentur, and on totality dures.
of symptoms, offers miraculous results when it
comes to the preoperative and post operative care A Quick word on issue Content
of patients in a number of cases.
This issue of The Homoeopathic Heritage delin-
However, every patient swinging between health eates the role of Homeopathy in surgical cases. An
and death and undergoing surgery puts up a intriguing issue for all, this month we provide our
question – is homeopathy a mere brain game or readers with a variety of cases, illustrating how
worth relying upon? Many other questions per- homeopathy has been successful in the manage-
taining to the validity of homoeopathy in surgical ment of surgical cases and subjective articles on
cases remain unanswered. the utility of homeopathy in such cases by young
professionals of homeopathy. The editor’s desk
While we may not be able to provide an accurate has been penned by Dr Kavitha Kukunoor, Presi-
modus operandi of Homeopathy in every case dent & CEO - Kavitha Holistic Approach, LLC,
belonging strictly to the conventional domain, an Founder & Director - KHA Homeopathy Study
evidence that Homeopathy has gained a wide- Group Pro Bono, the special section features the
spread acceptance as complementary therapy by last part of the research on drug proving and a
the conventional school is its continually rising column called In Italics brings to light the com-
global popularity. mon errors made by homeopaths, written by Dr
Subhas Singh, Director, NIH, Kolkata and a case
As per global statistics, Homeopathy is the most
report by Dr. Jaykumar Chandarana, Principal,
popular form of complementary therapy in
Baroda Homoeopathic Medical College and Hos-
France. Its use rose from 16% of the population in
pital, Vadodara Gujarat.
1982 to 29% in 1987 and 36% in 1992. In Mexico,
homeopathy has been integrated into the national Dr Rashi Prakash
health care system. And its popularity in Europe rashi@bjainbooks.com

Note: The Homoeopathic Heritage is a peer-reviewed journal since January 2013. All articles arepeer-
reviewed by the in-house editorial team. Articles selected from each issue are sent for peer-review
by an external board of reviewers and marked with a ‘peer-reviewed’ stamp.For inclusion of articles
in the peer-review section, kindly send your articles 3-4 months in advance of the said month at

Call for papers for the upcoming issues:

Unbolt Yourself
Issue Topic Date
January 2024 Homoeopathy as Preventive Therapy in Non-Communicable Diseases November 15, 2023
February 2024 Diabetes Mellitus, Its Complications & Homoeopathy December 15, 2023
March 2024 The Calcareas & Their Scope in Homeopathy January 15, 2024

6 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Editor's Desk

Homoeopathy a Dynamic science of

treating Surgical Conditions
Dr Kavitha Kukunoor CCH, RS Hom (NA), C.HP, BHMS

Disease is an expression of the distressed inter- cines. When treated following all the Laws and
nal malady. When tampered, the disease disap- Doctrines of Homoeopathy great results can be
pears only to reappear in the deeper and more vi- achieved towards cure in all diseases. To mention
tal organs. The external man is the material man a few such diseases: gallstones, kidney stones,
and the internal man is the dynamic or spiritual lumps, piles, fissures, various ear ailments like
man recognised as the life force or the vital force. otitis media, various abdominal conditions like
Dr. Kent describes this dynamis as ‘simple sub- appendicitis, intestinal obstruction, gastrointesti-
stance’. Just like the link between the moon and nal bleeding, hernias(non strangulated), gastro-
the tides can only be described by manifestations, esophageal reflux disease (GERD), various ma-
this dynamic action is only conceivable through ternal and congenital anomalies detected during
its effect, its presence is life and absence is death. pregnancy, ovarian cysts, ovarian tumors, uter-
Its harmony is health and disharmony is disease. ine fibroids, pancreatitis, prostate, hydrocele, in-
fected wounds, abscesses, septic arthritis, osteo-
myelitis, neuroendocrine tumours, warts, moles
and even various tumours and cancers can be
According to aphorism 19 of the Organon of
helped with Homoeopathy. Various books and
medicine, “diseases are nothing more than alteration
research papers can be referred to confirm the
in the state of health of the healthy individual which
evidences regarding these diseases being treat-
expresses themselves by morbid signs”. To explain in
able Homoeopathically.
a few words, Homoeopathy works on the Law of
‘Similia Similibus Curenter’. Hahnemann tells us
that, “Drugs manifest no other curative power,
except their tendency to produce morbid symp- But to mention here, a physician must never for-
toms in healthy persons and to remove them from get the limitations of his system, where the role of
the sick ‘’. Homoeopaths focus on the totality of surgery and emergency medicine cannot be over-
symptoms,i.e.,the entire individual as a whole, to looked, as mentioned in the Organon of Medicine
study all the symptoms in order to select the rem- footnote to aphorism 67,
edy and treat the patient. As mentioned in Orga-
non of Medicine aphorism 7, “the totality of these “Only in the most urgent cases, where danger to life
symptoms, of this outwardly reflected picture of the and imminent death allow no time for the action of a
internal essence of the disease that is, of the affection of homoeopathic remedy-not hours, sometimes not even
the vital force, must be the principal, or the sole means, quarter-hours, and scarcely minutes-in sudden acci-
whereby the disease can make known what remedy it dents occurring to previously healthy individuals-for
requires-the only thing that can determine the choice of example, in asphyxia and suspended animation from
the most appropriate remedy”. lightning, from suffocation, freezing, drowning, &c.
is it admissible and judicious, at all events as a pre-
liminary measure, to stimulate the irritability and
sensibility (the physical life) with a palliative, as for
It has been rightly said, ‘Homoeopaths are dynam- instance, with gentle electrical shocks, with clusters of
ic surgeons’, as they treat many diseases having strong coffee, with a stimulating odour, gradual appli-
no treatment except surgery in modern medi- cation of heat, &c. When this stimulation is effected,
cine, through the power of their dynamic medi-

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 7

Editor's desk

the play of the vital organs again goes on in its former hemorrhoids being treated surgically often reap-
healthy manner, for there is here no disease” pear because the internal cause has not been treat-
ed. Similarly antacids only give a temporary relief
to indigestion and heartburn but once the dura-
tion of its action ends the complaint reappears. To
As a Homoeopath, in spite of knowing all the overcome all these shortcomings Homoeopathy
greatness of one’s system, one has to diagnose helps to treat the patient as a whole, individu-
and analyse the case properly to elicit from it any ally and dynamically, treating all internal causes
kind of emergency and if required to refer the pa- which helps treat the disease whatever it may be.
tient to an emergency doctor or Surgeon. Students
of BHMS are taught Surgery as a Subject in third To conclude in the words of Dr J.H. Clarke, Ho-
year, in order to make them enlightened about moeopathy is, “The most complete and scientif-
the conditions and stages of a particular disease ic system of healing the sick the world has ever
which is under their domain and the one which is seen.”
not, which have to be referred, in order to follow,
aphorism 1 of the Organon, ‘ The physicians high
and only mission is to restore the sick to health, to REFERENCES
cure, as it is termed.’ 1. Organon of Medicine, Fifth & Sixth Edition Combined, Samuel
Hahnemann, Translated by R.E.Dudgeon & William Boericke.
2. Essentials of principles and practice of homoeopathy, S.P. Dey
3. A Brief Study Course in Homoeopathy by Dr.Elizabeth Wright
Further explaining such Surgical conditions or to 4. The Science and Art of Homoeopathy by Dr.John Weir, C.V.O.,
say local maladies under the classification of dis- London
5. Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy, James Tyler Kent
eases by Dr. Hahnemann , aphorism 185 and 186
6. Hahnemann’s Organon Commentary by B.K.Sarkar
of Organon of Medicine mentions that such ail-
7. Homoeopathy in Relation to Body and Mind, Dr.R.Dubey,
ments that occur on the external part of the body, October,1995, The Homoeopathic Prestige, Vol. II.
an external lesion should be removed through 8. Spirit of the Organon, A Treatise on Organon of Medicine,
mechanical aids only when it is acting as obstacle Dr.Tapan Chandra Mondal.
to cure, “may be removed by mechanical means, e.g.,
by the reduction of dislocations, by bandages to bring
together the lips of wounds, by the extraction of foreign
bodies that have penetrated into the living parts, by ABOUT AUTHOR
making an opening into a cavity of the body in order to Kavitha Kukunoor, CCH, RS Hom (NA), C.HP,
remove an irritating substance or to procure the evacu- BHMS -Nationally Board Certified Classical Ho-
ation of effusions or collections of fluids, by bringing meopath. President & CEO - Kavitha Holistic
into apposition the broken extremities of a fractured Approach, LLC. Founder & Director - KHA Ho-
bone and retaining them in exact contact by an appro- meopathy Study Group Pro Bono. Certified HP
priate bandage, &c” Supervisor (Homeoprophylaxis) LMHI - Liga
Medicorum Homoeopathica Internationalis.
But when in such cases the individual requires Member of Charity Organization - Kavin Friendly
active dynamic aid to accomplish the work of Foundation. Women of the Year 2023 from NATA
healing, for example, when the external pain of (North American Telugu Association). Legendary
scalded or burnt parts needs to be subdued , then Homeopath Award 2022. Recognition & Honor
the role of a Homoeopathic physician should not from TANA (Telugu Association of North Amer-
be overlooked. Also to keep in mind aphorism 187 ica) at Ladies night out Oct 2022. Recipient of
which mentions that the ailments appearing on Martha Oelman Community Service Award 2021.
the external parts that do not arise from any exter- Best Entrepreneur of the Year 2021. Author of the
nal injury, their actual source lies in some internal books – Beyond the Limits – A Challenge to Prove
malady, in such cases only treating the external oneself and A Dose of Spirituality with Kavitha.
expression of an internal malady is absurd. This is Website: www.kavithakhomeo.com
the cause of recurrence of disease, for example,

8 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


A Study to Enlighten the Significance of

Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases
Dr. Rakhi

Homeopathy, a holistic system of medicine founded by Samuel Hahnemann in the late 18th century, has gained
recognition for its role in enhancing the surgical journey.1 This article explores the historical evolution of surgery
and its relationship with homeopathic medicines, revealing the integration of ancient wisdom and modern sur-
gical science. Homeopathy complements surgery in various ways, such as preoperative preparation, postopera-
tive recovery, and emotional well-being. It addresses patient anxiety, reduces pain, inflammation, and compli-
cations, and promotes overall well-being. While homeopathy plays a valuable role in surgical cases, its primary
function is to provide support and enhancement rather than a substitute for necessary surgical procedures.2
Decisions to avoid surgery or to incorporate homeopathy should be made through an integrated healthcare
approach, with medical professionals guiding the process to ensure the best outcome for patients. The harmo-
nious relationship between homeopathy and surgery exemplifies the importance of treating the whole person,
emphasizing patient-centered care.

Keywords: Homeopathy, Surgery, Surgical cases, Preoperative preparation, Postoperative recovery, Ho-
listic medicine, Homeopathic remedies, Surgical history and Integration of healthcare.

INTRODUCTION cialized techniques of modern medicine, surgery

has come a long way.4 This article explores the his-

H omeopathy is a holistic system of medicine

that has gained popularity for its ability to
treat a wide range of health conditions, both acute
torical evolution of surgery and its relationship
with homeopathic medicines, shedding light on
the integral role homeopathy plays in preopera-
and chronic. While it is often associated with tive and postoperative care.
the treatment of chronic illnesses and emotional
disorders, homeopathy can also play a significant Ancient Beginnings of Surgery
role in surgical cases.1 Homeopathic remedies
Surgery’s origins can be traced back to ancient
also used to complement conventional surgical
civilizations. The Egyptians, for instance, con-
interventions, aiding in preoperative preparation,
ducted rudimentary surgical procedures as far
postoperative recovery, and overall well-being.
back as 3000 BC. These early surgeries primarily
In this article, we will explore the significance involved the treatment of injuries, fractures, and
of homeopathy in surgical cases and how it can rudimentary attempts at wound closure using
contribute to the patient’s overall health and well- crude instruments made from stone and bronze.5
being.3 Knowledge was passed down through oral tra-
HISTORICAL BACKGROUND ditions and early texts, such as the Edwin Smith
Papyrus, which documented surgical techniques.
The history of surgery is a fascinating narrative of
human ingenuity, innovation, and the relentless The Greek Influence
pursuit of healing. From crude procedures per-
formed in ancient civilizations to the highly spe- The ancient Greeks made significant contribu-

10 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


tions to surgical knowledge. Hippocrates, often Remedies like Aconitum napellus and Gelsemium
referred to as the father of modern medicine, in- sempervirens help alleviate preoperative anxiety
troduced the concept of clinical observation and and stress, ensuring a calm and composed patient.
diagnosis. While he is not primarily known as a
Postoperative Recovery
surgeon, his teachings greatly influenced surgical
practices.4 He emphasized the importance of un- Homeopathic remedies, including Arnica mon-
derstanding a patient’s overall health and the use tana, Staphysagria, and Hypericum perforatum,
of natural substances to promote healing, prin- are used to manage postoperative pain, reduce
ciples that align with the holistic approach of ho- swelling, and promote faster healing.
meopathy.2 Galen, a prominent Greek physician
in the Roman era, advanced surgical knowledge. Emotional Well-being
His writings contributed to the understanding of
anatomy, surgical techniques, and the importance Homeopathy addresses the emotional and mental
of hygiene in medicine.4 Galen’s influence on well-being of patients during the surgical journey.
surgery, especially in the context of the humoral Remedies like Ignatia amara and Natrum muriati-
theory, parallels the holistic principles underlying cum can help with postoperative emotional chal-
homeopathy. lenges.

The Middle Ages and Renaissance MEDICINE USED FOR PRE SURGERY, DUR-
During the Middle Ages, surgery became inter-
twined with barber-surgeons who performed Homeopathic remedies can be useful in various
procedures ranging from bloodletting to simple stages of surgery, including pre-surgery, during
wound management. The Renaissance period surgery, and post-surgery. However, it’s impor-
brought significant advancements in surgery, no- tant to note that the choice of remedy should be
tably with the works of Andreas Vesalius, who individualized based on the patient’s specific
challenged ancient anatomical beliefs.5 This peri- symptoms and needs.6 Homeopathy is a highly
od also saw the emergence of antiseptic practices, individualized form of treatment, and a qualified
thanks to contributions by Ambroise Paré and An- homeopathic practitioner should be consulted to
dreas Libavius. assess the patient’s condition and select the most
appropriate remedy. That said, here are some
Homeopathy’s Emergence commonly used remedies that may be considered
in each stage of surgery:
Homeopathy, founded by Samuel Hahnemann
in the late 18th century, revolutionized medical PRE-SURGERY
thinking. Hahnemann’s principle of “like cures
like” and the individualized approach to treat- Aconitum napellus
ment aligned with the holistic aspects of surgical Used for anxiety, restlessness, and fear before sur-
patient care. Homeopathy’s focus on treating the gery.
person as a whole, including the emotional and
mental states, complemented the surgical journey Gelsemium sempervirens
by addressing preoperative anxiety, postopera-
tive pain, and overall well-being1. Indicated for anticipatory anxiety with weakness,
trembling, and a sense of impending doom.
Homeopathy in Modern Surgery 1,3,4
Arnica montana
In modern times, the integration of homeopathic
medicines into surgical care has gained recogni- Helps in reducing preoperative anxiety, supports
tion. Homeopathic remedies are used to address the immune system, and can aid in wound heal-
various aspects of the surgical process: ing.

Preoperative Preparation DURING SURGERY

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 11


Homeopathic remedies are not typically admin- Preoperative Preparation: Homeopathic remedies
istered during surgery itself. Surgical procedures can play a significant role in preparing a patient for
require anesthesia and conventional medical in- surgery. Anxiety and fear are common emotions
terventions. leading up to a surgical procedure. Remedies like
Aconitum napellus and Gelsemium sempervirens
POST-SURGERY are often used to reduce these preoperative anxi-
eties. They help the patient stay calm, which can
Arnica montana
have a positive impact on the surgical outcome.
Often used after surgery to reduce pain, swelling,
Immune Support
and bruising. It can also speed up the healing pro-
cess. Strengthening the immune system is crucial be-
fore surgery to reduce the risk of postoperative
infections. Homeopathic remedies, such as Arnica
Useful for incisional pain and emotional distress montana, can help boost the immune system and
post-surgery. It is particularly indicated for pain support the body’s natural healing mechanisms.
after abdominal or genital surgery.
Postoperative Recovery
Hypericum perforatum
Homeopathic remedies can be employed in the
Helpful for nerve pain or injuries sustained dur- postoperative phase to facilitate recovery and al-
ing surgery. leviate discomfort.

Calendula officinalis Pain Management

Applied topically to promote wound healing and Arnica montana is one of the most commonly
reduce the risk of infection. used remedies to manage postoperative pain, re-
duce swelling, and ease discomfort. Other rem-
Ruta graveolens edies like Staphysagria or Hypericum perforatum
may be indicated depending on the type of sur-
Useful for post-surgery soreness and pain, par- gery and the patient’s symptoms.
ticularly in areas where the bone or periosteum
may be affected. Inflammation and Swelling

Remedies like Apis mellifica and Ledum palustre

are used to reduce postoperative inflammation
CAN HOMEOPATHY TREAT SURGICAL CAS- and swelling, which can enhance patient comfort
ES ? and speed up the healing process.
Homeopathy, a system of medicine founded in Wound Healing
the late 18th century by Samuel Hahnemann, is
renowned for its holistic approach to healing and Topical applications of homeopathic remedy Ca-
its principle of “like cures like.” While homeopa- lendula officinalis can promote wound healing
thy is widely recognized for its effectiveness in and reduce the risk of infection.
treating various chronic and acute conditions,1
there’s a common question that always arises: can Reducing Complications
homeopathy treat surgical cases? Here we’ll ex-
Homeopathic remedies are used to minimize the
plore the role of homeopathy in surgical cases, its
risk of postoperative complications, such as infec-
limitations, and how it can be used in conjunction
tions, bleeding, or delayed wound healing. The
with conventional surgical interventions.
selection of remedies depends on the patient’s
The Role of Homeopathy in Surgical Cases 5,8,9 specific symptoms and risk factors.

12 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023



Supporting Postoperative Recovery
While homeopathy can be a valuable complemen-
tary approach to surgical care, it has its limita- Homeopathic remedies can aid in postoperative
tions. Homeopathic remedies are not a substitute healing, reducing pain, inflammation, and the
for conventional surgical procedures when they risk of complications. Remedies such as Arnica
are necessary. Surgical cases involving severe montana can accelerate recovery and enhance the
trauma, life-threatening conditions, or anatomical patient’s overall well-being.
abnormalities typically require surgical interven-
Managing Acute Conditions
tion, and relying solely on homeopathy in such
cases can be hazardous.2 Homeopathic treatments Homeopathy can effectively manage certain acute
are highly individualized, and the effectiveness of conditions like appendicitis, kidney stones, or
remedies depends on the accurate assessment of gallstones, it can alleviate pain, reduce inflamma-
the patient’s symptoms, constitution, and overall tion, and support the body’s natural healing pro-
health. cesses.
CAN HOMEOPATHIC MEDICINES AVOID Reducing the Use of Painkillers
Homeopathic remedies can help minimize the use
The question of whether homeopathic medicines of conventional painkillers, potentially reducing
can avoid surgery is a topic of great interest and their side effects and dependency.
debate in the world of alternative medicine. Ho-
meopathy is a holistic and individualized ap- The Limitations of Homeopathy in Avoiding
proach to healing that has been used for centuries Surgery
to treat a wide range of health conditions.1 While
it can offer remarkable benefits in various cases, It’s essential to recognize that homeopathy has
the decision to avoid surgery should be made its limitations in the context of avoiding surgery.
carefully and in consultation with qualified medi- There are situations where surgery is the most ap-
cal professionals. propriate and life-saving course of action. Home-
opathy cannot replace surgical procedures when:
The Role of Homeopathy in Avoiding Surgery
Emergency Surgery is Required
Homeopathy’s fundamental principle, “like cures
like,” is based on the concept of treating a disease In emergencies, such as severe accidents, trauma,
with a substance that produces similar symptoms internal bleeding, or acute organ failure, immedi-
in a healthy person.1 Homeopathic remedies are ate surgical intervention is often essential for the
highly individualized, taking into account the pa- patient’s survival10.
tient’s physical, mental, and emotional symptoms.
While homeopathy cannot physically remove tu- Anatomical Abnormalities Exist
mors, repair broken bones, or perform surgery2, it Certain conditions, such as congenital heart de-
can be useful in various ways: fects or structural abnormalities in the body, can
Preventing Surgery only be corrected through surgery.

In some cases, homeopathy may help manage Infections or Septic Conditions Are Present
and improve chronic health conditions, reducing Homeopathy can eliminate infections, but severe
the need for surgical intervention. For example, septic conditions that require surgical drainage
in non-urgent cases of recurrent tonsillitis or si- or debridement, can only be corrected through
nusitis, constitutional homeopathic treatment can surgery.
strengthen the immune system and reduce the
frequency and severity of infections, potentially Cancer or Tumors Are Diagnosed

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 13


While homeopathy can provide supportive care als and homeopathic practitioners. Ultimately,
for cancer patients, it can’t cure the last stage of the articles emphasize the harmonious relation-
cancer or remove tumors. In that cancer cases, sur- ship between ancient wisdom and modern surgi-
gery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy may be cal science, showcasing the importance of treating
crucial for treatment10.
the whole person and providing patient-centered
Integrated Healthcare Approach care.2 The integration of homeopathy and surgery
exemplifies the potential for enhanced healthcare
The best approach to healthcare often involves through a comprehensive, integrated approach,
a combination of different medical modalities,
ensuring the best possible outcomes for patients.
including conventional medicine and other sys-
tems of medicine like homeopathy. It’s vital for
patients to work with a healthcare team consist- REFERENCE
ing of medical doctors, surgeons, and qualified
1. Hahnemann Samuel. Organon of medicine. Translated by
homeopathic practitioners.11 In some cases, ho- William Boericke. B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint
meopathy may successfully manage or improve Edition 2002.
health conditions, potentially avoiding the need 2. Kent James Tyler. Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy.
for surgery. However, the decision to avoid sur- Memorial Edition Reprint. B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New
gery should always be made based on a compre- Delhi, 2004.
hensive evaluation of the individual’s condition, 3. Allen H.C. Allen’s Keynotes, Rearranged and Classified with
taking into account the urgency of the situation leading remedies of the Materia Medica & Bowel Nosodes, 9
edition, B. Jain Publisher Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, Reprint edition
and the potential risks and benefits of various 2004.
treatment options.
4. Bailey & Love’s Short Practice of Surgery by Norman S Williams,
P Ronan O’Connell, Andrew McCaskie, and Sarah R Williams.

CONCLUSION 5. SRB’s Manual of Surgery by Bhat M.S.

6. Allen, J. H., “The chronic Miasms Psora and Pseudo-Psora”,
In conclusion, the articles have delved into the Reprinted edition, New Delhi, B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 1998.
intricate relationship between homeopathy and
7. Boericke W. Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia
surgery, highlighting the significance of homeo- Medica with Repertory: Third, Revised & Augmented Edition
pathic medicines as a valuable complement to based on Ninth Edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers 2010.
surgical care.2 The historical journey of surgery, 8. Synthesis version 9 from Radar 10 Repertory Program. Archibel;
from ancient civilizations to modern medicine, Assesse 2009
has shown remarkable progress, while homeopa- 9. Clarke, John Henry, M.D. Condensed Homoeopathic Materia
thy’s holistic principles have consistently contrib- Medica & Repertory, Revised Edition-2001, B. jain publishers (p)
ltd, 1921/10,Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, New Delhi(India).
uted to patient well-being.12 Homeopathy’s role in
preoperative preparation, postoperative recovery, 10. Manipal Manual of Surgery by Anitha Shenoy and Rajgopal
and emotional support is evident. It addresses
11. Kent, James Tyler, A.M. M.D. Lectures on Homoeopathic Materia
preoperative anxiety, reduces pain, inflammation,
Medica, Rearranged Edition-2009,B. Jain publishers (p) ltd:
and complications, and fosters overall well-being.2 1921/10,Chuna Mandi, Paharganj, New Delhi(India).
These contributions are especially valuable in en- 12. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery: The Biological Basis of Modern
suring patients have a comfortable and holistic ex- Surgical Practice” by Courtney M. Townsend Jr., R. Daniel
perience during their surgical journey. However, Beauchamp, B. Mark Evers, and Kenneth L. Mattox.
it’s essential to recognize the boundaries of ho-
meopathy in surgical cases. Surgical procedures ABOUT THE AUTHOR
remain vital for life-threatening emergencies, ana-
1. Dr. Rakhi, B.H.M.S, MD (MED.)HOM.,
tomical abnormalities, infections, or conditions re-
quiring immediate intervention.10 The decision to PhD(Sch), Assistant Professor, Department of
avoid surgery should always be based on a com- Human Physiology including Biochemistry,
prehensive evaluation of the patient’s condition Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital
and a collaboration between medical profession- Chandigarh, Punjab University.

14 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases

Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das, Prof. (Dr.) Harikrishna Kanodia

This article includes the understanding of the teaching of our Organon of Medicine and Homoeopathic Philoso-
phy about the subject of surgery along with the scopes of homoeopathy in surgical cases are also expressed in
this article.

Keywords: Surgery-true surgical case-so-called surgical case-scope of homoeopathy.

Abbreviation: CH = Centesimal scale by Hahnemann; § = Aphorism of Organon of Medicine

INTRODUCTION 1. True Surgical Diseases.

2. False or Non-Surgical Cases or So-called

S urgery is the branch of medical science

of practice that treats injuries, diseases,
deformities by physical removal, repair, or re-
Surgical Cases.
True Surgical Diseases:
adjustment of organs and tissues, often involving These are the conditions where surgical aids are
cutting into the body. unavoidable. Such as, fractures, dislocations,
Surgery is the mechanical incisions, removal of gaping of wounds, stab wound, gun-shot wound,
pathological structures and drainage depending road accident, extraction of foreign body from
upon the pathological changes. penetrated tissue, evacuation of effusion or col-
lection of fluids from the body, severe degree of
Our Organon of Medicine regarding the surgi- burns, peptic perforations, obstructed hernia, in-
cal cases as local maladies either external (§ 186) tracranial tumor, any tumor or growth producing
or an internal kind (§ 187). These are one-sided pressure symptoms, congenital defects like cleft-
diseases; manifest their symptoms on the external palate, hare-lip, congenital megacolon, atresia of
parts of the body when they are affections of the gut, prolapsed of some organ in greater degree,
internal kind. Though, it seems only to be the af- imperforate anus, imperforation of hymen caus-
fection of the part or organ of the body, actually ing concealed menstruation, adhesion of the
these are the affections of the man as a whole, parts, ankylosis, urethral stricture causing reten-
whereas the visible changes are localized to a par- tion of urine etc. Here, the affected part requires
ticular part of the body. [1] surgical aids.
In aphorism § 13 and § 29, Dr. Hahnemann clearly False or Non-Surgical or So-called Surgical Cas-
mention that the surgical diseases does not come es:
into the scope of homoeopathy as they are not dy-
namic or miasmatic in origin, which have to be In any case where the life is in immediate danger
managed and treated by mechanical or surgical and there is no time for the medicinal actions,
aids only. surgery is the only way of treatment to protect the
Types of Surgical Diseases:
But, when such injuries involve the person as a
Homoeopathically Surgical Diseases are of two whole … requires dynamic remedial aids to put

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 15


it in a position to accomplish the work of healing, mechanical aid whereby the external obstruction
such as violent fever following injury, lacerated to cure is removed mechanically. Whereas, the
muscles, tendon, blood vessels it requires to be re- living organism also requires active dynamic
moved by internal medicine, or where recurrent aid, to put it in a position to restore to health and
attacks of surgical case … then the services of the here homoeopathy is called for on the basis of
dynamic homoeopathic remedies come into req- symptom similarity. When once it is established
uisition. Those organs are in pairs like kidney, or that surgery is necessary, there homoeopathy can
those organs being unknown functions or appar- play a vital role in reducing any complications
ently less significant are removed quickly when that may arise as well as accelerating healing and
affected. This is the dangerous folly of Surgery, recovery.
in modern medicine. That is why; the appendix
Successful surgery does not mean that the per-
and the tonsils (now a day’s gallbladder, uterus,
son is “cured”. Surgery may remove a tumor or
and unnecessary cesarean section etc.) are the
the obstacles, but the wrong which produces it, as
main victims of the knife. [2]
the end product of dynamic disease … still exist
Where changes of the organ or system appear on and those needs continue for homoeopathic treat-
the external parts of a person those do not arise ment. In such so-called surgical disorders, our
from any external injury, or the existing external homoeopathy has an excellent role as the ‘first
cause is too trivial to produce such illness. These line of treatment’.
cases having internal cause, due to dynamic
Surgery is neither allopathy nor for homoeopa-
changes, such as boils, abscess, carbuncle, stye, thy; it all together is a separate branch of medi-
tarsal tumor, cellulitis, warts, piles, fistula, fissure, cal science for healing. The medicine and the sur-
sinus, phimosis (some extend), erysipelas, sinus- gery are often interdependent with each others.
itis, chancre, bubo, condylomata, slight abrasion The study of surgery is necessary for a homoeo-
production of septic condition, cataract, polypus, path, for:
peptic ulcer, epistaxis, ganglion, haematuria, ton-
sillitis, appendicitis etc. Here, homoeopathy has 1. Differentiate a medicinal case from an actual
full scope of treatment by acute or constitutional surgical case accordingly.
remedies. [3]
2. The elementary (Non-complicated) surgical
Surgery and Homoeopathy: cases can be purely manageable with
homoeopathic treatment and major cases are
Homoeopathy considers a dynamic form of dis- to be directed to an expert surgeon.
ease with individual and holistic concepts. Who 3. There are many complications arises due to
is diseased in the individual? That’s not the parts surgical interference those are well managed
of the body. So, if we try to remove the diseased by our homoeopathic treatment.[4]
parts and think that the disease is removed or Homoeopathic Therapeutics in Surgical Cases:
cured, is a wrong idea that is prevailing in the
minds of so called modern medicine. There are two scopes for homoeopathy in sur-
gery, in pre-surgical cases and in post surgical
Homoeopathy is not against the surgery. Sur- cases. We have good scope with homoeopathic
gery is an art and science by itself. Surgery is medicines such as – before and after dental sur-
called forth in the conditions where medicines gery, after immobilization of bone fracture or
have limitation of its role, and where surgery is dislocation of bones, after episiotomy or cesarean
the aid, operation can cure and improve the con- section, or after any surgical incision, injury of
dition of the patient. muscles, tendons, cartilages, organs, nerves, ves-
sels, skin etc. Few surgical homoeopathic medi-
In-spite of these, homoeopathy could be offered cines are mentioned here with their indications.
as a second line of treatment in pre-surgical and
post-surgical conditions. The surgery is necessary Arnica montana: Bruised soreness; close-wounds; in-
only to the extent that the parts injured require jury of soft muscles fibers; muscles fibers not dam-

16 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


age or nor displace with associate of its character- All injury remedies are commonly used in 30CH,
istics. 200CH, 1M CH, 10M CH potencies, as per the in-
terpretation of the demand of the degree of sus-
Hypericum: Pain in sensory nerves, lock-jaw; con-
vulsions++; open-wounds; injury of sensory nerves ceptibility of the patient in individual cases.
or spinal cord, bruise or cut of sensory nerves; as-
sociated with its characteristics.
Rhus tox.: Injuries of muscles or tendons, sprain of For managing the emergency of the life of the
joints; due to pulling or stress of muscles, associated patient, Surgical intervention save the life, no
with its characteristics. doubt prolonging the life-legibility also, but ac-
Ledum: Punch with pointed instrument, even with tually Surgical aid can manage the result of the
pus formation. After taking the injection the part disease not the beginning … the sickness those
become severely painful, tender with pus cured are still there … in-spite after surgery also; where-
by Ledum 200. Injury of nerve by pointed instrument as Homoeopathy treat the sickness and restore
(Hypericum- bruise or cut of sensory nerves); as- the sick to health permanently. In pre-surgical or
sociated with its characteristics. post-surgical cases, we should fulfill the needs of
Calendula: Injuries or by operation when parts the uses of the Auxiliaries measures like dress-
are bruised, cutting, broken with profuse pus++ forma- ing, immobilization etc. and then we the Homoeo-
tion. paths must select the Specific Homoeopathic
Remedy in individual case, by the specific indi-
Ruta: Injury in cartilages, bone having thin skin
covering of the periosteum like wrist, elbow, ankle, cations of similia both with the patient and the
knee etc. Pain feels only by rubbing on the part by the remedy. Whereas in cases of So-called Surgical
tip of the finger; not by the pressure; associate with diseases we must go through the Constitutional
its characteristics. Homoeopathic Treatment following the Homoeo-
pathic Therapeutics Laws and Principles of Cure,
Staphisagria: Pain due to incision by a sharp instru-
ment or pain due to forcefully opening of sphincters and see the success, accordingly.
muscles for stretching with the help of stretcher for
anus, urethra etc.
Symphytum: Fracture of bone, injury of eye-ball as- 1) Mondal Tapan Chandra, Spirit of the Organon; B. Jain Publishers
sociated with its characteristics. Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, Reprint Edition: 2006, 2007, ISBN: 978-81-
319-0283-7 [1, 2, 3]
Calcarea phosphorica: In Sprain first Arnica then 2) Mandal Biman, A Treatise on Organon of Medicine with
Rhus tox; and then as complementary Calc. phos. Homoeopathic Philosophy, Part-III; New Central Book Agency
(P) Ltd., 8/1, Chintamoni Das Lane, Kolkata-700009, First
Few specific application of Homoeopathic rem- Published: September 2019, ISBN: 978-93-5255-1149 [4]

edies in surgical cases: Arnica, Hypericum maybe

remember before and after dental surgery; Sym- ABOUT THE AUTHORS
phytum may we think after immobilization of 1. Prof. (Dr.) Goutam Das M. D. (Homoeopathy),
bone fracture or dislocation of bones; Hypericum
Dept. of Organon of Medicine, Smt. AJSHMC
after episiotomy or cesarean section; or Arnica,
Hypericum, Staphisagria, Rhus tox., Ruta etc. & RI, UG, PG, Mehsana (Gujarat)
maybe uses after any surgical incision; for injury 2. Prof. (Dr.) Harikrishna Kanodia M. D.
of muscles, tendons, cartilages, organs, nerves, (Homoeopathy), PhD. Scholar, Dept. of
vessels, skin etc. Homoeopathic Pharmacy, Smt. AJSHMC &
Common uses of potencies: RI, UG, PG, Mehsana (Gujarat)

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 17


Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical

Dr. P Padhy , Dr. Navisha Khatoon , Dr R Mondal

Homoeopathy, a holistic system of medicine, has gained recognition for its role in different health conditions,
along with surgical cases. This article elaborated the relationship between Homoeopathy and surgical diseases.
It discusses the scope and advantages of Homoeopathy in surgical cases, highlighting its potential to manage
certain conditions and assist in post-operative care. However, it’s essential to accept the limitations and demer-
its as well of homoeopathic system. Understanding the role of Homoeopathy in surgical cases offers a holistic
approach to healthcare, promoting patient-centric care and potentially improving outcomes.

b. Emergency
c. Exploratory surgery

S urgery has long been a heart-stone of modern

medicine, offering definitive solutions for a
wide range of health conditions. But the invasive
Therapeutic surgery
f. Reconstructive surgery
nature of surgical procedures comes with inherent
risks and complications. In recent years, there g. Cosmetic surgery
has been a growing interest in complementary h. Excision
and alternative medicine, and Homoeopathy i. Transplant
has emerged as an essential contender in the
j Laser surgery
management of surgical cases. Homoeopathy,
which was founded by Samuel Hahnemann in the h. Microsurgery etc.
late 18th century, is based on the principle of “like Surgical conditions treated by: ¹
cures like” and treats patients with highly diluted Surgery is used to both as a treatment, and as an
substances that, in larger doses, would produce aspect of treatment, for many conditions, includ-
symptoms similar to the illness being treated. ing:
This article explains the efficacy of Homoeopathy
in surgical cases, examining its principles, scope, Physical trauma, e.g. wounds, Anatomical ab-
merits, limitations, and potential impact on normalities, Disorders of function, Inflammation,
patient outcomes. Ischemia and infarction, Metabolic disorders,
Surgery ¹ Neoplasia, Other abnormalities of tissue growth,
e.g. cysts, hyperplasia or Organ hypertrophy, as
Surgery is an art. It is that branch of medicine
well as some cancers, Brain damage and nerve
which is concerned with the repair, removal or re-
placement of the diseased tissue; in other words,
any cutting, suturing and repairing of human tis- Surgical Diseases in the light of Homoeopathy: ²
sues for his betterment.
From a Homoeopathic perspective, surgical dis-
Types of surgery ¹ eases are often seen as a manifestation of an un-
derlying imbalance in the body’s vital force. Rath-
a. Elective surgery er than merely addressing the physical symptoms,

18 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


Homoeopathy aims to identify and treat the root in medicine since some conditions such as con-
cause of the condition to cure the disease. Some genital deformities, structural problems, severe
surgical conditions that Homoeopathy may cure injuries, or life-threatening pathological condi-
include: tions are simply not treatable without it. Homoeo-
pathic surgery is that form of treatment where the
1. Gallstones and kidney stones: Homoeopathic so-called surgical cases can be averted, managed
medicines may help manage symptoms completely or helped in the pre-operative & post-
associated with gallstones and kidney stones, operative stages with homeopathic medicines
such as pain and digestive disturbances, only. Surgery, at best, is an unpleasant process.
while supporting the body’s natural ability to Not only does the surgical wound cause pain, but
dissolve or eliminate the stones. general anaesthesia causes its own side effects.
2. Pilonidal Sinus: Homoeopathic treatment can Once it is established that surgery is necessary,
aid in reducing inflammation, promoting homeopathic remedies can play a vital role in re-
drainage, and preventing recurrent abscesses ducing any complications that may arise as well
in cases of pilonidal sinus. as accelerating healing and recovery.¹
3. Varicose Veins: Homoeopathic remedies can Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical Diseases: ³
alleviate symptoms like pain, swelling, and
discomfort in varicose veins, and they may Homoeopathy’s role in surgical diseases primari-
also support overall venous health. ly revolves around two aspects: pre-operative and
4. Anal Fistula: Homoeopathy may relieve the post-operative care.
discomfort and pain associated with anal
fistulas and assist in the healing process. 1. Pre-operative Care: Homoeopathy can prepare
patients for surgery by reducing anxiety,
5. Neurofibroma- various types of neurofibroma
improving overall health, and optimizing the
can be treated by homoeopathy without
body’s healing mechanisms. Remedies such
surgical interventions.
as Arnica montana are often used to minimize
Homeopathy offers long lasting to permanent surgical trauma and post-operative pain.
cure, treating the disease from its roots, for most 2. Post-operative Care: After surgery,
of the ailments. Homeopathy is the most rational Homoeopathy can assist in wound healing,
science with respect to its concepts of health, dis- reduce inflammation, and manage pain
ease and cure. Homeopathy does not treat super- without the need for excessive painkillers.
ficially by just driving away the symptoms but Remedies like Calendula officinalis can
heals the patient from within. promote faster recovery and reduce the risk of
Homeopathy often avoids surgery, prevents complications.
complications. Surgery eliminates the ultimate Homeopathic remedies can help: ¹
of the disease and not its cause. But this ultimate
becomes a foreign matter which is an obstacle to Many medicines can be used in emergency condi-
cure & the complete recovery is not possible un- tions and prevent surgical interventions. Such as:
less this obstacle is removed. So surgery does not
deal with something unknown which is residing 1. It reduces fear and anxiety prior to go surgery
in the body and which cannot be located. But in - Aconitum napellus, Gelsemium,
case of injuries caused to the body from without, 2. If surgery posses the potential for a large loss
the surgical treatment is necessary only to the of blood– Arnica montana
extent that the parts injured require mechanical 3. Stop Post-operative Bleeding - Cinchona
aid whereby the external obstruction to cure is officinalis, Ipecacuanha, Secale cornutum
removed mechanically. But in such injuries also
4. In cases of Nausea and Vomiting - Phosphorus,
the living organism requires active dynamic aid
Ipecacuanha, Arsenicum
to put it in a position to restore the organism to
health and homoeopathic treatment is called for. 5. Constipation - Arnica, China, Raphanus
On one hand surgery can play an important role 6. Phase Out Flatulence - Carbo vegetabilis,

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 19


Cinchona officinalis, Colocynthis, Raphanus that Homoeopathy lacks scientific evidence

7. Swelling, stiffness, pain, bruise and soreness - to support its effectiveness in surgical
Ledum palustre, Rhus toxicodendron, Arnica, cases, leading to skepticism among medical
Calendula, Staphysagria professionals.
8. Abortion or Miscarriage - Ignatia 30C, every c. Complementary approach: Homoeopathy
four hours should be seen as a complementary approach
to surgery, not a replacement for it. Surgical
9. Caesarean Section or Episiotomy -
consultation and intervention is essential
Staphysagria 30C or Bellis perennis 30C, every
when necessary.
four hours.
10. Dilation and curettage (D & C) - Belladonna CONCLUSION
30C, every 4 hours The role of Homoeopathy in surgical diseases, of-
11. Hysterectomy - Causticum 30C, every four fering both scope and limitations. Its unique ap-
hours proach and ability to support pre-operative and
12. Orthopedic Surgery - Ruta 30C, Calc. Phos 6X post-operative care make it a valuable addition to
13. Scarring - Thiosinaminum 6X the healthcare system. The integration of Homoe-
opathy into surgical diseases can lead to increases
Scopes of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases: ⁴ patient outcomes, reduced complications, and a
more holistic approach to healthcare.
a. Individualization: it is the most uniqueness
of our Homoeopathy. We treat each patient
as a unique individual, considering their REFERENCES
physical, mental, emotional state and totality 1. Dr P Chakrborty. Role of homoeopathy in the field of surgery.
December 25, 2012. homeo book Everything on Homeopathy.
of symptoms. This personalized approach can
2. Seema Mahesh, Tamara Denisova, Liudmila Gerasimova,
lead to more effective and targeted treatment. Nadezhda Pakhmutova, Mahesh Mallappa, and George
Vithoulkas. Multimorbidity After Surgical Menopause Treated
b. Aspect of Non-Invasiveness: Homoeopathic with Individualized Classical Homeopathy: A Case Report. Clin
remedies are non-invasive, making Med Insights Case Rep. 2020; 13: 1179547620965560. Published
them a valuable complement to surgical online 2020 Oct 19. doi: 10.1177/1179547620965560. PMCID:
PMC7580138PMID: 33149716
interventions. They can enhance healing, 3. Dana Ullman. A Homeopathic Perspective on Pre- and Post-
reduce complications, and improve overall surgical Treatment. Homeopathic Family Medicine. Available
recovery. form: https://homeopathic.com/a-homeopathic-perspective-on-
c. Giving Post-operative Support: Homoeopathy 4. Jonathan E. Prousky. Repositioning Individualized Homeopathy
excels in managing post-operative pain, as a Psychotherapeutic Technique With Resolvable Ethical
Dilemmas. J Evid Based Integr Med. 2018; 23: 2515690X18794379.
swelling, and wound healing. Patients often Published online 2018 Aug 27. doi: 10.1177/2515690X18794379.
experience a faster recovery and reduced PMCID: PMC6111390PMID: 30146897
reliance on conventional pain medications. 5. Homeopathy. Complementary and alternative care. Better Health
Channel Available form:https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/
d. Prevention of Recurrence: In certain surgical health/conditionsandtreatments/homeopathy
conditions, Homoeopathy may address the
underlying causes, potentially preventing the ABOUT THE AUTHORS
recurrence of the condition. 1. Dr. Purnendu Padhy, B. H. M. S., Junior
Limitations of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases: ⁵ Research Fellow (H), Drug Proving Unit,
a. Severity of Conditions: Homoeopathy cannot 2. Dr. Navisha Khatoon, Senior Research Fellow
be suitable for life-threatening surgical (H), Drug Proving Unit, Bhubaneswar
conditions that require immediate surgical 3. Dr R Mondal, Lecturer, Dept. of Materia
intervention. Medica, Birbhum Vivekananda Homoeopathic
b. Lack of Scientific Evidence: Some critics argue College & Hospital, West Bengal

20 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


An Overview of the Homoeopathic

Perspective of Surgery
Dr. Kapil Das, Dr. Nabanita Debnath

Surgery is important to be taught in Homoeopathy because it teaches the management of common Surgical
Procedures. This article reviews the conceptual underpinnings of homoeopathy in respect to surgery. Some
pre and post operative indication for homoeopathic medicines has also been highlighted. Homoeopathy is an
individualized therapeutic system which can provide a complete annihilation of the disease in its whole extent,
in the most harmless way and also can avoid surgical intervention in certain instances, if administered properly.

Keywords: Surgery; Pre-operative Indication; Post-operative Indication; Homoeopathy; Homoeopathic


INTRODUCTION post-operative remedies, it’s important to consider

factors like age, gender, and dosage, despite the

H omeopathy acknowledges the importance

of surgery in addressing specific health
issues. However, Homeopathy suggests that even
principle of specificity.1

Homoeopathic Viewpoint
after undergoing surgery, certain problems may
persist. Therefore, in Homeopathic practice, the Homeopathy is a scientifically grounded, rational,
preference is to explore medicinal treatment as the secure, fast, and remarkably efficient approach to
initial approach. Homeopathy has demonstrated healing. It provides enduring or even permanent
remarkable success in some cases, potentially relief by addressing the root causes of many ill-
eliminating the need for surgery. It has proven nesses. Homeopathy stands out as the most logi-
beneficial not only before surgery but also in cal science in its understanding of health, illness,
post-operative recovery by promoting healing and the process of recovery. It doesn’t merely su-
and aiding in speedy recuperation. There’s a perficially alleviate symptoms; instead, it fosters
wide range of Homeopathic medicines available internal healing within the patient. The remedies
for patients. While it’s generally recommended to are meticulously crafted from natural substances
avoid food and drink before surgery, there haven’t according to specific standards and function by
been reported issues with taking Homeopathic activating the body’s innate healing abilities.2
medicines before the procedure. Homeopathy
places great emphasis on its principles and Since surgery is an integral part of medicine, Dr
laws when prescribing medicines, focusing Hahnemann has not left it untouched. He has very
on the totality of characteristic symptoms. It clearly advocated use of surgery in certain condi-
prioritizes symptoms expressed by an ailment. tions, as manifested from his references in Orga-
In Homeopathy, medication selection, dosage, non of medicine.
and potency are individualized. Some remedies
are specific for certain illnesses and can be highly • § 7 - We fine a clear statement of the duty
effective in various patients. These remedies of physician, also of the necessity of the
target specific body organs and symptoms. For mechanical surgical procedure. In this

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 21


aphorism, Dr Hahnemann has explained putation was managed effectively with individual-
that exciting or maintaining cause (causa ized homoeopathic medicine. 12

occasionalis) has to be removed to cure a case.

When this cause occasionalis is something Homoeopathy can be beneficial in true surgical
mechanical, it has to be removed manually circumstances where the conventional medical
by surgery. Every intelligent physician would system of medicine might offer nothing less than
first remove this where it exists; the indispo- surgery.13

sition thereupon generally ceases spontane-

ously.3,4 Homoeopathy in Pre and Post Surgery
• § 186 – Here, he has discussed the concept of Even at its best, surgery is an unpleasant proce-
Local Diseases. Which is called Local if it be dure. Pain is caused by both the surgical wound
very trivial, and it is of no great moment. and the adverse effects of general anesthesia. Ho-
For the case of severe injuries accruing to the moeopathic treatments can be extremely helpful
body from without where the whole living or-
in minimizing potential risks as well as hastening
ganism sympathizes - The treatment of such
diseases is relegated to surgery along with in- healing and recovery once it becomes apparent
ternal homoeopathic medicine.3,4 that surgery is required.2

Significance of Surgery Some literature studies show beneficial results of

homoeopathy in post-surgical instances, these are,
• Surgery and Homoeopathy: One cannot
replace the other, but one can complement • A randomized clinical trial indicates
the other without any harm according to the that homoeopathic medicine, i.e., Arnica
understanding of Homoeopathic Principles.3 montana could reduce post-operative blood
• It often happens that homoeopathic treatment and seroma collection in women undergoing
will not cure the case until surgery steps in to unilateral total mastectomy.14
remove the impediment, and this, too, in both • A meta-analysis revealed that homoeopathy
acute and chronic diseases.5 can reduce the duration of ileus after
• Surgery comes into play when the abdominal or gynecologic surgery, indicating
Physiological changes cannot be brought back in favor of the use of homoeopathy to treat
to normal position by medication.3 post-operative ileus.15
• Surgery is required when even after a • Individualized classical homeopathy may
Homoeopathic cure, pathological changes have a role in the climacteric syndrome and
remain.3 comorbidities after surgical menopause.16
Homoeopathic surgery is a type of medical care in
• Thus, surgery is immensely needed and
cannot be dispensed with in many cases, such
which the so-called surgical cases can be avoided,
as Fractures.3 entirely treated, or assisted in the preoperative and
Homoeopathic Approach postoperative phases using exclusively homoeo-
pathic medications. 2

In certain cases, Homoeopathic medicine avoids

surgical intervention if handled with proper di- Pre-operative Medicines 2,3

rection. There are many studies available which

• Arnica - Pain: For the preventive treatment of
show beneficial results of homoeopathy in surgical pain to lessen the pain
cases. Various surgical conditions like Appendici-
• Argentum Nitricum - Pain anguish before the
tis, cholelithiasis, large renal calculi etc., were
6,7 8,9 10,11

operation going to the toilet again and again

managed successfully with homoeopathy in some
• Aconite and Gelsemium - Reduce fear and
cases. In one study, a patient with diabetic gan-
anxiety prior to surgery
grene who was advised to undergo surgical am-

22 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


Post-operative Medicine 2,3,17 International Journal of Science and Research, 2021; 10 (8): 262-65.
4. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Fifth & Sixth Edition. India:
B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2016.
• Allium Cepa- Phlebitis after forcep delivery 5. Stow TD. The Philosophic Relation of Homœopathy to Surgery.
The Homoeopathic Physician. 1892 Nov;12(11):488.
• Arnica- Trauma, Haematoma
6. Vaishnavi R, Kumar VS, Chandrahasan CM. FROM SURGICAL
CASE OF ACUTE APPENDICITIS. Indian Journal of Psychology,
• Ledum Pal- Punctured wound relieved due to 2023; 03: 174-79.
heat. 7. Sarkar T, Das A. A case report of appendicitis and management
by alternative treatment of medicine. Int J Health Sci Res.
• Hypericum- Nerve Injury, Spinal Anaesthesia 2022;12(9):190-3.
(Puncture in nerve) 8. Pathak R, Point H, Delhi VK. A cured case of cholelithiasis with
homeopathic medicines. Clin Exp Homoeopath. 2018;5:27-9.
• Raphanous- Post operative gas pain 9. Adi GB, Adi BS. EFFECTIVE OF FEL TAURI IN TREATMENT OF
• Staphysagria- Retention of urine after an of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2020 Jun 30:8-10.
operation. Pain due to sharp cuts. Pain after 10. Gupta AK, Gupta J, Siddiqui VA, Mishra A. A big urinary
lithotomy. calculus expelled with homoeopathic medicine. Indian J Res
Homoeopathy 2008;2(4):50-55.
• Strontia – chronic sequelae of hemorrhages, 11. Chakma A. Renal calculi: An evidence based case study. Int J Med
Allied Heal Sci. 2015 Aug;7(1):5-9.
after operations with much oozing of blood
12. Ankerela P, Belgavimath S, Rotti P. Obviating surgical amputation
and coldness and perspiration. of diabetic gangrene through homoeopathy–A case report. Indian
Journal of Research in Homoeopathy. 2023;17(1):6.
CONCLUSION 13. Parikh N. True Surgical Cases in Homeopathy. Homœopathic
Links. 2015 Mar;28(01):027-32.
A physician must be well-versed in surgery in 14. Sorrentino L, Piraneo S, Riggio E, Basilicò S, Sartani A, Bossi
D, Corsi F. Is there a role for homeopathy in breast cancer
order to make informed decisions about when to surgery? A first randomized clinical trial on treatment with
refer patients to a surgeon and recognize surgical Arnica montana to reduce post-operative seroma and bleeding
in patients undergoing total mastectomy. Journal of intercultural
emergencies. Surgery and homeopathy are distinct ethnopharmacology. 2017 Jan;6(1):1.
15. Barnes J, Resch KL, Ernst E. Homeopathy for postoperative ileus?:
approaches and can complement each other when a meta-analysis. Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology. 1997 Dec
used judiciously. 1;25(4):628-33.
16. Mahesh S, Denisova T, Gerasimova L, Pakhmutova N, Mallappa
M, Vithoulkas G. Multimorbidity after surgical menopause treated
with individualized classical homeopathy: a case report. Clinical
CONFLICT OF INTEREST Medicine Insights: Case Reports. 2020 Oct;13:1179547620965560.
17. Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
None. with Repertory. 9th edition. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd;


1. Indapure CR, Kavishwar VN. Pre And Post Surgical Support of
Homeopathic Medicine in Various Conditions: A Review Pre 1. Dr. Kapil Das, M. D. (Hom.), Senior Research
and Post Surgical Support of Homeopathic Medicine in Various Fellow (Homoeo), Regional Research Institute
Conditions: A Review. European Journal of Biomedical and
Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2020; 7(11): 154-157. of Homoeopathy, Agartala.
2. Chakraborty P. Role of homoeopathy in the field of surgery 2. Dr. Nabanita Debnath, Post Graduate
[Internet]. Homeobook; 2012 [updated 2012 Dec 25; cited 2023
Oct 2]. Available from: https://www.homeobook.com/role-of- Trainee, Department of Practice of Medicine,
National Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata,
3. Bali A. Surgery and Homoeopathy - Significance of Homoeopathy
in Surgery and Learning it as a Homoeopathic Doctor. West Bengal.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 23


Outlook of Surgery in Homoeopathy

Dr. Sujeet Lal, Dr. Ranjita Gupta

The article that follows provides a brief review of surgery in relation to homoeopathy as well as a list of the
many surgical and non-surgical disorders for which homoeopathic therapeutics are given.

Keywords: Surgery, Homoeopathy, Local disease

INTRODUCTION be very trivial, and it is of no great moment. If our

body is subjected to any external injury, then the

S urgery- It is that area of medicine that deals

with cutting, suturing, and mending human
tissues in order to repair, remove, or replace
body reacts as a whole eg. in the form of fever. The
treatment of such diseases is related to surgery when
affected parts require mechanical aid to remove exter-
diseased tissue. nal obstacles to cure. Eg.
Homeopathy is a comprehensive medical ap-
proach that treats the patient as a whole, recog- • Reduction of dislocations (‘by needles’ in 6th
nizing that “no external ailment, not due to some edition)
particular outer injury, can arise and maintain its • By bandages to bring together the lips of
place, or even grow worse, without inner cause wounds (‘by mechanical pressure to still the
and inner involvement of the entire organism flow of blood from open arteries’ in 6th edition)
(which is consequently ill).” It also acknowledges • By extracting foreign bodies that have
that there is no such thing as a local disease. They penetrated into the living parts
could not manifest at all, and the individual is in-
• By making an opening into the cavity of the
ternally sick both before and during it, without
body to remove an irritating substance.
the participation of the rest of the living whole
(that is, of the vital principle permeating all the • By reducing and fixing the fractured bones.
other perceiving and reacting elements of the or-
ganism). With regard to its principles of health,
All the above-explained cases and many more re-
disease, and cure, homeopathy is the science that
quire mechanical aid, but these may also be com-
makes the most sense. Homeopathy treats the suf-
bined with Homoeopathic Medicines due to the
ferer from the inside out rather than just masking
following reasons:
the symptoms.1
• When in such injuries, the whole living
Importance of Surgery in Homoeopathy as
organism required active dynamic aid
stated in ‘Organon of Medicine’ by Dr. Samuel
to put it in a position to accomplish the
work of healing.
Since surgery is an integral part of medicine, Dr
Hahnemann has not left it untouched. He has
very clearly advocated its use in certain condi-
• Violent fever resulting from extensive
tions, as manifested from his references in Orga-
contusions, lacerated muscles, tendons and
non. §186- He has discussed the concept of LO-
blood vessels must be removed by medicine
CAL DISEASES here. Which is called Local if it

24 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


given internally. a homeopathic remedy to act. This would include

• When external pain of scalded or burnt parts life threatening situations such as, severe injuries
needs to be Homoeopathically subdued. and accidents, congenital deformities, suffocation,
asphyxiation, injury from lightning, freezing, and
In the above cases, the services of the dynamic drowning etc.
physician and his helpful homoeopathy come
into requisition. Homoeopathy in pre and post-surgery:3, 4, 5

Surgery, however, can be essential in some situ- • Surgery, at best, is an unpleasant process.
ations as a means for preservation of life and a Not only does the surgical wound cause pain,
patient who refuses an operation, even when the but general anaesthesia causes its own side
pathology requires it, is a danger to himself and effects.λ
his physician. • Once it is established that surgery is necessary,
homeopathic remedies can play a vital role in
For instance, the most urgent cases, where danger
reducing any complications that may arise as
to life and imminent death do not allow time for
well as accelerating healing and recovery.λ

Disorder Primarily recommended remedies

Preparing for surgery In uncomplicated cases: Acon, Arn, Calen, Hyper, Nux-v,
Phos, StaphIn complicated cases, individual homeopathic
treatment is necessary.

Fear, anxiety, nervousness, acute

distress, sleeplessness Acon, Arg-n, Arn, Ars, Coff, Gels, Ign, Phos, Puls, Op, Sil, Spig

Acon, All-c, Arn, Bell-p, Cham, Coff, Hyper, Led, Mag-p,

Pain after operation Staph, Rhus-t

Nausea, vomiting, gastritis Ars, Ip, Nux-v, Phos

Constipation, diarrhea, disten- Alum, Bry, Nux-v, Op / Aloe, Ars, China, Podo / Carb-v, Chi-
sion, flatulence na, Lyc, Op, Raph

Shock, collapse, coma Acet ac, Camph, Carb-v, Stront-c, Sul-ac, Verat alb,

Hemorrhage Arn, Calen, China, Ferr-m, Ferr-p, Ham, Ip, Lach, Mill, Phos,

Anesthesia and side effects of

drugs Acetic acid, Carb-v, Cham, Nux-v, Phos

Wounds, scars, sepsis Arn, Calen, Hep, Hyper, Lach, Led, Pyrog, Staph, Thiosin

Thrombosis Apis, Ars, Both, Lach, Nat-s, Vip

Arn, Calen, China, Fl ac, Graph, Hyper, Hydr, Lach, Led, Sul
Bedsore, decubitus ac, Zinc

Acon, Arn, Ars, Bapt, Bell, Bry, Echi, Ferrum p, Gels, Hep,
Surgical fevers Lach, Merc, Nux-v, Puls, Pyrog, Rhus-t, Sulph, Verat v

Bronchitis, pneumonia Aether, Ant-t, Bell, Bry, Ip, Kali-bi, Phos

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 25


Acon, Arn, Ars, Bell, Berb, Canth, Caust, Hep, Hyper, Mag-p,
Urinary troubles Merc c, Nat-m, Puls, Tritic

Paralytic or postoperative ileus Arn, Carb-v, Op, Nux-v, Plb, Raph

Lack of reaction Carb-v, Psor, Sulph (Carc, Tub)

Ars, Carb-v, China, Muriaticum acidum (constitutional pre-

Weakness and prostration scribing)

CONCLUSION surgery-and-homeopathy-treatment/
2. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 5th ed. New Delhi: B. Jain
The source of complaints on the external parts, Publishers; 2002.  
which have not been caused by any outer injury, 3. Allen HC. Allen′s Keynotes Rearranged & Classified. Reprint.
New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (Pvt.) Ltd.; 2006.
lies in some internal malady and to pass them off 4. Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica &
as merely local ailments and to treat them exclu- Repertory. Reprint. 9th Ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (Pvt.)
Ltd.; 2002.
sively or almost exclusively with local applica-
5. Clarke JH. A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica, Vol.-I, B. Jain
tions or other such means, as if they were wounds, Publishers New Delhi. Reprint Edition 2009.
is as absurd as its results are pernicious. 6. Sarkar BK. Organon of Medicine (fifth & sixth edition) -
Commentary by B.K. Sarkar
Dr. B. K. Sarkar6 in his commentary on Organon, About the Authors
has made this point very clear in simple words,
“what comes from within must be treated from 1. Dr. Sujeet Lal, Assistant Prof. Dept. of
within & what comes from without must be treat- Surgery, Parul Institute of Homoeopathy &
ed from without. Research, Parul University, Vadodara
2. Dr. Ranjita Gupta, Assistant Prof. Dept.
of Community Medicine, Parul Institute of
REFERENCES Homoeopathy & Research, Parul University,
1. Surgery and Homoeopathy [Internet] Available Vadodara

26 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Fibroadenosis of Breast and its

Homoeopathic Management
Dr. Madhu Kumari, Dr. Vikash Kumar

Fibroadenosis, also known as fibrocystic breast disease, is the most typical benign breast condition that results
in persistent breast pain. The only known treatments in conventional medicine are anti-inflammatory drugs,
which only offer momentary relief, or surgical removal, which results in scarring of the breast tissue.

Keywords: Fibroadenosis, Homoeopathy, Symptom management, Individualized treatment

Abbreviations: OCP - Oral contraceptive pills.

INTRODUCTION tic alteration.[1][4]

T he most prevalent benign type of breast TYPES

disease, fibrocystic breast disease, can cause Fibrosis - This tissue is fibrous and resembles
breast lumps, nodules, and breast pain. As a scar tissue. To touch, it has a rubbery, stiff, or
symptom, mastalgia is the most prevalent. It is hard feeling.[5] [6]
linked to a 50% increased risk of breast cancer.
Also known as hormonal mastopathy, Cyst- These are sacs that contain fluid. Cysts that
fibrocystic disease, and mammary dysplasia. are too small to feel called microscopic cyst. These
From menarche through menopause, there is may develop into macrocysts, which can range in
an aberration of physiological changes that take size from 2.5 to 5 cm (1 to 2 inches).[1][7][8] [9]
place in the breast. The stroma, ducts, and lobules
of the breast are the primary breast tissues that
are susceptible to fibrocystic alterations caused by 1. Fibrosis: Increased connective tissue growth is
hormonal changes.[3] a result of fibrosis. Less fat and elastic tissue is
It is a condition that depends on estrogen. It most present, and plasma cells, which are chronic
frequently occurs in the breast’s upper and out- inflammatory cells, may be present.
er quadrants. The breast stroma and epithelium
overreact to hormones and growth factors, caus- 2. Cyst formation: Cyst development is caused by
ing this condition. In ovulating, nulliparous, and the compression of the ductules brought on by
OCP-using women, it is uncommon.[2] fibrosis. It is a retention cyst as a result. The
cyst contains a dark mucoid substance and
EPIDEMIOLOGY may leak serous fluid or fluid with a green tint
through the nipple. Consequently, it is known
It primarily affects people in their third to fifth as breast fibrocystic disease. Cysts can be
decades of life and is caused by an excessive single, numerous, and limited to one, several,
response of breast tissue to cyclical hormonal or all of the lobes. They are called microcysts.
fluctuations. Approximately 41-69% of females
experience periodic mastalgia. Breast pain that 3. Adenosis: An essential characteristic of
persists for more than five days in a cycle occurs fibroadenosis is the proliferation of the acini
in 25–30% of individuals. In their reproductive and glands.
years, almost 90% of women have some fibrocys- 4. Epitheliosis: Although fibroadenosis is

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 27


not a precancerous condition, it might be CLINICAL EXAMINATION

classified as such if there is a greater degree
• Thumb and finger can feel a rough, sensitive,
of epitheliosis. The acini are where epithelial
lumpy texture.
hyperplasia is most common.
• Numerous, erratic, firm, palpable nodules,
5. Papillomatosis and apocrine metaplasia of
particularly in the upper outer quadrants.
the epithelium lining cystic cavities are the
additional characteristics. No premalignant • It’s possible to get a serous or green-colored
alterations are thought to exist.[3][7][10] nipple discharge.[3][8][9][13]
Microscopic Changes
Stromal fibrosis
Microcyst formation
Glandular Proliferation (Adenosis) • MAMMOGRAPHY.[10][11]
Hyperplasia (epitheliosis) - in ducts and acini MANAGEMENT
Papillomatosis - within the ducts, often with apo- 1. Ice packs
crine metaplasia.[11] 2. Warm compresses
STAGES: 3. Gentle massage
4. Support to breast
I. Stromal proliferation or, Hyperplasia
5. Iodine supplementation [1] [2] [9]
II. Adenosis ( increased glands)
During case taking a detailed information col-
1. Genetic lected about-
2. Age 1. Onset
3. Hormone Therapy 2. Course
4. Diet 3. Duration
5. Hormonal changes.[6][7][9] 4. Location
6. Consistency
• Breast tissue can become sensitive or swollen 7. Mobility
as a result of breast swelling fibroadenosis.
• Breast Lumps are numerous, tiny, rounded, ASSOCIATED SYMPTOMS
rubbery lumps in the breast tissue.
• Pain- Location, sensation, radiation, severity
• The typical colour of nipple discharge is green.
& triggers.
• Overlying skin: Redness, ulcer, itching.
• Nipples: Discharge/bleeding.
• Other side/site: Armpits, groins and neck.
                Breast, nipple. ALARMING SYMPTOMS
Palpation: • Constitutional Symptoms: Fever, Malaise,
             Breast, nipples and lymph nodes.[3][8][11][13] Night sweat, Chill, Wt. loss.

28 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

• Metastatic Symptoms: Brain, Lung, Liver tub., ust., vip.

HISTORY [Complete] [Chest] TUMORS: Mammae[20]:

• Past Medical History: Any disease, Medication Aids, Arist-cl, Arn, Ars-i, Aster, Bar-c, Bar-i, Bell,
if any, Allergy, etc. Bell-p, Berb-a, Brom, Bry, Bufo, Calc, Calc-f, Calc-
i, Calc-p, Calen, Carb-an, Carb-v, Carc, Cham,
• Obstetrical History: Abortion, Delivery, etc. Chim, Cist, Clem, Con, Cund, Emer, Ferr-i, Fl-ac,
• Family History: Any type of Cancer, Gnaph, Goss, Graph, Hecla, Hep, Hydr, Hyper,
Tuberculosis, etc. Iod, Kali-i, Lac-c, Lach, Lap-a, Lyc, Merc, Merc-
• Social History: Smoking, Alcohol, Drug i-f, Murx, Nit-ac, Phase, Phel, Phos, Phyt, Plb-i,
abuse, domestic life and situations (Stress, Psor, Puls, Ros-b, Sabin, Sang, Scir, Scroph-n,
Anxiety, Trauma, Grief), etc. Sec, Sil, Skook, Sulph, Tep, Terb-ox, Thuj, Thyr,
It covers miasm Psora and Sycosis according to [Complete] [Chest]NODULES: Mammae[20]:
Dr Herbert A. Roberts, Dr Subrata kumar Baner-
Aego-p, Agn, Aids, Ars, Ars-i, Arum-t, Aster,
ee, Proceso Sanchez Ortega, R.P Patel.[14][15][16][17]
Aur, Bar-c, Bell, Bell-p, Berb-a, Brom, Bry, Bufo,
HOMOEOPATHIC APPROACH FOR THE Calc, Calc-f, Calc-i, Calc-p, Calen, Carb-an, Carb-
FIBROADENOSIS PATIENT v, Carc, Cham, Chim, Chin, Clem, Coloc, Con,
Croc, Croto-t, Cund, Cupr, Dulc, Eucal, Ferr-i,
1. Essence through life situation Fl-ac, Foll, Gali, Gnaph, Graph, Hecla, Hippoz,
2. Totality Hydr, Iod, Kali-c, Kali-m, Kreos, Lac-c, Lac-h,
Lach, Lap-a, Lob-e, Lyc, Mag-p, Mang, Merc-i-f,
3. Keynotes
Mobil-ph, Murx, Nit-ac, Orig, Phos, Phyt, Pitu-a,
4. Miasmatic prescribing Plb-i, Psor, Puls, Rhus-t, Ros-b, Ruta, Sabin, San-
5. Constitutional prescribing guin, Scir, Scroph-n, Sep, Sil, Squil, Sulph, Thuj,
6. Modality Thul-m, Thyr, Tub

RUBRICS: [Knerr] [Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation]

MAMMAE: Tumors[21]:
Rubrics from Kent Repertory[18]:
Ars-i, Chim, Con, Kali-i, Lach, Phyt
[Kent] [Chest] TUMOURS: Mammae:
[Knerr] [Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation]
Carb-an, Con, Cund, Kali-i, Lach, Phos, Phyt, Sang, MAMMAE: Enlargement [21]:
Sec, Sil
[Kent] [Chest] HYPERTROPHY OF: Mammae:
Calc, Con, Phyt
1. Conium Maculatum: Mammae is firm, lax,
Rubrics from Murphy Repertory[19]: and uncomfortable to touch. Nipples with
INDURATION, breasts: acon., agar., agn., al- stitches. Wants to firmly press hand against
umn., ambr., anan., apis, arist-cl., arn., Aster., breast. Before and during menses, breasts
Aur., aur-s., bar-c., Bar-I.,Bell.,bell-p., Bry., bufo, swell and hurt.
Calc., Calc-f., calc-i., calc-p., CARB-AN., Carb- 2. Phytolacca Decandra: Mastitis; a tough and
v., Carbn-s., carc., CHAM., chim., Cist. Clem., sensitive mamae. Breast tumors with enlarging
coloc., CON., Crot-h., Crot-t., Cupr., cycl., dulc., axillary glands. Breast cancer. Hard, painful,
fago., Graph., hep., Hydr., Iod., kali-c., Kali-chl., and purple-colored breasts. Breast abscess.
Kreos., Lac-c., Lap-a., Lyc., Merc., nat-m., nit-ac., Pain spreads from the nipple throughout the
Phos., Phyt., plb., Plb-i., puls., Rhus-t., ruta, sang., entire body when a child nurses. Nipples have
scroph-n., Sep., SIL., spong., Sul-i., Sulph., Thuj., tiny sores and cracks. Irritable breasts both

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 29


before and after menstruation. Galactorrhoea. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION

3. Asterias Rubens: Swelling, indurated breasts. Homeopathy targets the underlying source of
Arm and left breast neuralgia. Discomfort in the issue by stimulating the glands to create the
the precordial muscles and under the sternum. necessary quantity of hormones. Homeopathic
Pain radiates from the inner arm to the tip treatments are thought to be secure and efficient
of the little finger and feels like it is being in resolving the patient’s problems on a natural
dragged inward from the left breast. Even level by triggering the immune system. Home-
at the ulcerative stage, a cancerous mamma. opathy can also help the damaged breasts’ blood
Lancinating, sharp pain. Hard and twisted flow and lymphatic drainage while progressively
axillary gland swelling. shrinking lumps, potentially preventing the need
4. Bryonia Alba: During a period, breast pain. for surgery. Additionally, a correctly chosen con-
Breasts are hard, hot, and painful. Abscess of stitutional homeopathic treatment might improve
mammae. the patient’s general health, perhaps reducing tu-
5. Calcarea Carbonica: Swollen, hot breasts. mor size, stopping tumor growth, and avoiding
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of_Gynecology_Jaypee_Brothers.pdf Research On Homeopathic Information And
12. Sing PK. surgery essence. jaypee brothers Symptomatology; 1994.
medical publishers; 2015 21. Knerr CB, Constantine Hering. Repertory of
13.Macleod J.Macleod’s Clinical Examination Hering’s Guiding symptoms of our meteria
( PDFDrive. macleods clinical examination. medica. New Delhi: B. Jain; 2018.
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier - Health Sciences ‌22. Boericke W. New manual of homoeopathic
Division; materia medica & repertory with relationship
14. Patel RP. Chronic Miasms in Homoeopathy of remedies: Including Indian drugs, nosodes
and their cure with classification of their rubrics/ uncommon, rare remedies, mother tinctures
symptoms in Dr. Kent’s Repertory (Repertory relationship, sides of the body, drug affinites &
of Miasms). Kerala, India: Hahnemann list of abbreviation: 3rd edition. B Jain.2021.
Homoeopathic Pharmacy; 1996
15.Kumar BS. Miasmatic prescribing: Its ABOUT THE AUTHORS
philosophy, diagnostic classifications, clinical 1) Dr. Madhu Kumari, PG Scholar, Department
tips,miasmatic repertory, miasmatic weightage of Homoeopathic Materia Medica, R.B.T.S.
oo medicines & case illustrations. New Delhi, Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College &
India: B Jain; 2022 Hospital, Muzaffarpur, Bihar.
16. Guest. Ortega miasms.pdf [Internet]. Pdfcoffee. 2) Dr. Vikash Kumar, PG Scholar, Department
com. 2020 [cited 2023 Jul 9]. Available from: of Practice of Medicine, R.B.T.S. Govt.
https://pdfcoffee.com/ortega-miasmspdf-pdf- Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital,
free.html Muzaffarpur, Bihar.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 31


“An Observational Prospective Study on Effec-

tiveness of Homoeopathic Management in Food
Allergy – A Symptomatological Approach”
Dr Anjali S, Anagha S.M

Background: A food allergy is an unfavorable reaction with an immunological basis that develops after exposure
to a particular food on a regular basis. When the immune system is unable to develop or maintain oral toler-
ance to specific dietary proteins, food allergies develop. Objectives: To study the effectiveness of homoeopathic
management in food allergies. Methods: An Observational Prospective Study which is conducted at Alva’s Ho-
moeopathic medical college and Hospital, Mangalore during the year 2022-2023. 30 patients were selected
based on purposive sampling based on inclusion and exclusion criteria. Erlangen symptom score was taken as
assessment scale in which all symptoms of the patients were collected before and after the treatment. Dr. J.T.
Kent’s repertorization was used to calculate totality. The improvement following therapy was evaluated using
a paired t test based on the assessment scale. Results: All sorts of food allergies can be treated safely, gently,
and effectively with homoeopathy’s symptomatological approach. After treatment, this study’s use of the Er-
langen symptom score revealed a considerable change. After receiving symptomatic homoeopathic treatment,
the patient improved. Conclusion: It is determined that the homoeopathic symptomatological method is highly
efficient in treating food allergies.

Keywords: allergy, Erlangen symptom, food poisoning, homoeopathy, idiosyncrasy.

INTRODUCTION prevalence of adult food allergies. Urbanized ar-

eas tend to have more of it than rural areas do1.

F ood allergies are described by the National

Institute of Food Allergy and Infectious
Disease (NIAID) as “adverse health effect arising
Food intolerance and food allergy are distinct
conditions. Food intolerance is the inability of the
from specific immune response that occurs body to properly digest consumed food or the
reproducibly on exposure to given food”1. Even possibility that a specific food may aggravate the
a small amount of the food that causes the allergy digestive tract. There are only digestive system-
can induce symptoms, and in some people, a food specific symptoms. Food allergies can presently
allergy can result in severe symptoms or even a not be entirely cured, despite promising prevention
potentially fatal reaction known as anaphylaxis.1 and therapy measures being developed. The
best way to avoid major health effects from food
The prevalence of food allergies has increased.
allergies is to identify them early and learn how
Its prevalence has been rising along with income
to manage them, including which foods to avoid.
growth and lifestyle modifications. Despite the
fact that food allergies are more common among People are more likely to develop IgE-mediated
youngsters, they can occur at any time. Accord- allergies, including food allergies, if they have
ing to the WHO, between 220-550 million people certain genetic and physiological characteristics.
worldwide have food allergies. India has a 4.5% True food allergies involving an aberrant immune

32 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


response to one or more particular foods are IgE- enough to be healed. There are people who are
mediated food allergies. These hypersensitive re- oversensitive to high potencies, oversensitive in
flexes are immediate. Food sensitization is more taste, and many other things. They are sensitive
likely to happen in infancy or early childhood, al- to everything, not just a select few or one thing.
though it can and can happen to vulnerable peo- The patient was born into this constitutional state.
ple at any time in their lives, those consumed ear- There are certain people whose sensitivity will
ly in life and those high in protein are more likely only become apparent when you go from the nu-
to cause sensitization.1 IgE Activation on eating tritional plane to the dynamic plane. It does not
foods like eggs, milk, peanuts, fish, soy, shellfish, apply to patients with weak constitutions who
and wheat can help identify food allergies, affects are generally more susceptible and easily moved
about 65% of individuals with clinically proven by minor irritations. An extremely significant
allergies.10, 20.11.12 vulnerability is generated if there is something
missing or if there are imbalances brought on by
Relation of Organon of Medicine in Allergy
morphological abnormality or hormonal disease.
In the aphorism 117 Master Hahnemann states that, Because of their strong susceptibility to one or
“To the latter category belong the so-called idio- more things that are violently aggregated under
syncrasies by which are meant peculiar corporeal the influence of a small amount of perfect homeo-
constitutions which, although otherwise healthy, pathic medicine or a medicine that also produced
possess a disposition to be brought into a more the same oversensitivity to that specific thing dur-
or less morbid state by certain things which seem ing the proving, some chronic idiosyncratic pa-
produce no impression and no change in many tients suffer from their illnesses until they pass
other individual. But this inability to make an im- away. Inborn and learned idiosyncrasies are the
pression on everyone is only apparent. The obvi- two categories into which idiosyncrasy is further
ous derangements of health in the so-called idio- divided. The most challenging kinds, according to
syncrasies cannot be laid to the account of these Kent, are those that are congenital and those that
peculiar constitutions alone, but they must also result from poisoning. Psora, according to him, is
be attributed to these things that produce them, what causes these peculiarities. 14 ,17
since two things are required for the production
According to Stuart Close, an idiosyncrasy is a habit
of these as well as all other morbid alterations in
or characteristic that is unique to an individual’s
the health of man, namely, the inherent power of
organism. A hereditary or acquired quirk of the
the influencing substance, and the capability of
constitution renders the person morbidly suscep-
the vital force that animates the organism to be in-
tible to some agent or influence that would not
fluenced by it. It must have the ability to have the
have such an impact on others. Some individuals
same effects on all human bodies while doing so
exhibit a morbid sensitivity to substances and in-
in a way that only a tiny percentage of people with
fluences that are not considered to be therapeutic.
healthy constitutions tend to allow themselves to
For instance, some people are unable to consume
be brought into such a clearly sick condition by
milk, butter, lipids, peaches, apples, and potatoes.
them. The fact that when used as remedies, these
“The fundamental cause of every idiosyncrasy
agents effectively treat all sick people for morbid
is morphological unbalance; this is an organic
symptoms similar to those they seem to only be
state in which excess and defect in development
capable of producing in so-called idiosyncratic
lead to excess and defect in function, with a cor-
individuals demonstrates that they actually have
responding degree of hyper excitability or non-
this effect on every healthy body.16, 17
excitability,” according to the definition given by
Idiosyncrasies are oversensitivity to one or a small the World Health Organization. Idiosyncrasy is
number of items, according to Kent in his lectures. frequently the solution to a challenging issue for
Chronic idiosyncrasy resulting from chronic mi- a homeopathic physician. They can be considered
asm and acute idiosyncrasy resulting from acute modalities or even generic expressions of the pa-
miasm are both possible. In some ways, this over- tient’s peculiarity, such as aggravations from on-
sensitivity explains why if the susceptibility to the ions.18, 17
remedy is absent, the patient won’t be receptive

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 33


According to JH allen: Idiosyncrasy can be brought size is 30 cases. Purposive sampling was used as
on by specific foods or beverages. For instance, the sample technique and as the sample design,
eating particular sea foods or shellfish might trig- according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
ger urticaria. Other examples include strawber-
ries, asparagus, and oatmeal. Honey frequently Brief of procedure: According to inclusion and
caused urinary and renal problems. He claims exclusion criteria, 30 participants are chosen who
that idiosyncrasy and propensity are inextricably have any known food allergies. Before taking the
linked and difficult to distinguish from one an- oral challenge test, respondents gave their con-
other. 17 sent. The oral challenge test is regarded as the
gold standard for determining food allergies that
According to J.N. Kanjilal defines idiosyncrasy as are both IgE-mediated and non-IgE-mediated.
a peculiar mix of a corporeal constitution that is This benefits in both detecting and keeping track
normally entirely healthy but is astonishingly and of food allergies. A little amount of a suspected
occasionally harmfully highly sensitive to some meal was administered, and the presence of food
particular stimuli. It’s important to distinguish allergy symptoms and indicators were moni-
between the terms “susceptibility” and “idiosyn- tored. The physician recorded all signs and symp-
crasy” from “hypersensitivity”. All living things toms after administering the potential food aller-
have sensitivity as a fundamental and universal gen. Subjects received a larger dose of the same
characteristic. Hypersensitivity is the term used food if there were no noticeable symptoms. The
to describe any overuse of this faculty, regardless observation phase took three to four hours. The
of the source of the stimuli or any distinct and food challenge was terminated as soon as an ad-
definite kind of reaction.17 verse reaction became apparent. The majority of
responses were benign and modest. Homeopathic
Materials and Methods similimum was prescribed based on the whole
30 patients have been collected from Alvas Ho- range of symptoms. Depending on the require-
moeopathic Medical College, Hospital, Mijar’s Pe- ments of each patient, the oral challenge test was
ripheral Centers, Rural Health Camps, and Medi- repeated and examined for evidence of reactivity
cal Camps. in every follow-up. Every two weeks, all of the
patients underwent reviews in which the subjec-
Inclusion Criteria tive and objective changes were recorded in accor-
dance with the assessment criteria. Paired t-test
• Cases of known food allergies
was the statistical method utilized. At the end of
• Any age ranges three months, assessment was based on the inten-
• All sexes sity and severity of symptoms as measured by the
Erlangen symptom score.
Exclusion Criteria
• Patients receiving homoeopathic treatment
for other illnesses The study was conducted on 30 patients with food
allergy enrolled from the OPD, IPD conducted by
• People who currently receive treatment for
Alva’s homoeopathic medical college with prior
food allergies
ethical clearance from the institution, based on
• Patients enduring anaphylaxis the totality of symptoms including physical and
mental generals , a homoeopathic remedy was be-
Selection of tools ing selected . Erlangen symptom score was used
to assess the improvement among patients . After
Case taking, physical examination, and necessary prescription it was noticed that majority of the pa-
investigation are completed; assessment criteria tients have shown good prognosis.
are used to determine the case’s prognosis; study
type is prospective observational study; sample

34 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


Out of 30 cases studied ,13 types of food allergies were observed with highest being shellfish allergy
with 11 cases (36%)

In this study out of 30 cases , 12 cases were improved with 1M potency (64%) and 7 were improved
with 200C potency (36%)

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 35


In this study , out of 30 cases 19 were improved and 11 cases were not improved

In this study , out of 30 cases different manifestation of food allergies were seen with GIT disorder
(39%) being highest

36 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


In this study with 30 cases differences in Erlangen symptom score has been shown after treatment.
Statistical analysis of Erlangen symptom score shows significant changes after the treatment as P value
is less than 0.01.The two – tailed P value equals 0.0002

The calculated T value is 4.3036.

In this study out of 30 cases, different homoeopathic medicines were given with sulphur being highest ,
6 cases (20%)

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 37


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treatment. It takes into account the whole individual,
3. Dr. Ria hemantkadkade, Food Allergy And It’s Adverse Effects-A Homoeopathic
not just the disease. One of the guiding concepts of ho- Perspective, [Internet][cited 2022 Oct 17] available from:https://www.
moeopathy is individualization. In order to perform homeopathy360.com/homoeopathic-medicine-treatment- remediesfor-food-
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5. Mauro Calvani, Annamaria Bianchi, […], and Alessia Testa, Oral food challenge,
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homoeopathic treatment was chosen after thorough on March 2017, [cited 2022 Oct 17] available from:https://www.worldallergy.org/
examination of 30 instances, based on the totality of education-and-programs/education/allergic- disease-resource-center/professionals/
symptoms, including both physical and mental gener-
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als. The Erlangen symptom score was used to assess available from:https://www.britannica.com/science/food-allergy.
patient improvement. Following prescription, it was 8. Nissreen E Elbadawy and Randa S. abdel-latif , Food specific IgE as a biomarker of
observed that the majority of patients had positive oral immunotherapy efficacy in comparison to double blind Food challenge test.
prognoses. Approximately 63% of cases had signifi- 9. Egyptian journal of immunology[ Internet ] June 2017 , [ cited 2022 Nov 6 ]
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CONCLUSION esophagitis. J Asthma Allergy [Internet]. 2020 [cited 2023 Jul 22];13:679–88.
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specific symptoms that set this case apart from others
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in its broad class. We have the option to treat food al- Homoeopathic Philosophy, New Delhi; B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.
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allergies [Internet]. Healthline. 2017 [cited 2023 Jul 23]. Available
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tient’s symptoms and characteristics.
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My sincere and heartfelt thanks to Dr Herald Roshan
Pinto, Principal Alva’s Homoeopathic Medical college
for his constant support. It was part of fulfillment of
the internship of the co- author. There is no conflict of ABOUT THE AUTHORS
1. Dr Anjali S, Department of Obstetrics &
Gynaecology, Alva’s Homoeopathic Medical
REFERENCES College, Mangalore
1. Shinde V, Bawaskar R, Muraleedharan K. Food Allergies and 2. Anagha S.M, Intern Student , Alva’s
Homoeopathy- A Narrative Review. JDDT [Internet]. 15Sep.2021 [cited
Homoeopathic Medical College, Mangalore

38 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Special Section

Homoeopathic Drug Proving on Sick:
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
First Step Towards a Model
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum. Causative factor andDrthe Manpreet Kaur, Dr S M Singh, Dr Pankaj Aggarwal,
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in Dr Vandana Gambhir, Dr Chaturbhuja Nayak
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
is the profound weakness of the kidney and
A complaintswere
total of 139 symptoms which to Pareira
points from
obtained 30 sick individuals during the follow-ups which were cat-
egorized in the ‘Symptoms Compiling Proforma’ [Table 4] as given in TABLE 6.


1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
Book, first edition Categories of symptoms
reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The Number of symptoms
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
page 65, page observed
135, page 88 as disappeared/ameliorated 92
Symptoms observed as appeared/aggravated
2. ICD Code
Symptoms observed as re-appeared (old symptoms) 5
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
Symptoms which2009,
Repertory version appeared inFrederik
Editor Dr. one or Schroyens.
more of these categories 4
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of
Then, verification
Homoeopathic Plant of theseBook
Remedies symptoms done Plants,
One : Flowering from7three
th source books (as mentioned above), was recorded
in 164,
‘Proforma English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
for clinical verification of the symptoms’ [Table 5]. The results obtained from this pro-
forma were classified into the following categories of symptoms as given in TABLE 7.
5. I.C.R OPERATIONAL MANUAL, Editor Dr. Anand R. Kapse,
second 7: NUMBER
edition, OF SYMPTOMS
2003; published IN EACH
by Dr. M.L. Dhawale CATEGORY
trust; page 102 to 105

I. Verified Symptoms
1.1. Sources
Dr Vaishali P. verified
with which Joshi, M.D (Hom.),
Homoeopathic Physician
A. Symptoms verified from one or more of the three source books 97
B. Symptoms verified from all the three source books 55
II. Categories of symptoms
2. Symptoms observed as appeared/aggravated and verified from one or more of
the three source books
A. Symptoms observed as disappeared/ameliorated and verified from one or more
of the three source books
B. Symptoms observed as re-appeared and verified from one or more of the three
source books
C. Symptoms which appeared in one or more of categories-appeared/aggravated,
disappeared/ameliorated, re-appeared and verified from one or more of the 4
three source books
II. Unverified Symptoms (Symptoms verified from none of the source books) 42
III. Symptoms observed in more than two patients 11

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 39

Special Section

DISCUSSION ‘appeared/aggravated category’, 59 symptoms

from the ‘disappeared/ameliorated category’, 3
So far, a bulk of pathogenetic symptoms of Pul-
symptoms from the ‘reappeared category’ and 4
satilla nigricans have been obtained from its drug
symptoms were obtained in one or more of these
proving on the healthy individuals [Materia
three categories [Table 7]. Also, there were 55
Medica Pura 10 - 1154 symptoms, Hering’s Guiding
symptoms which have been verified from all the
Symptoms 12 - 1231 symptoms, Allen’s Encyclopedia
three source books [Table 7], indicating their im-
- 1323 symptoms]. But only a few of the stal-
portance as being the most verified symptoms of
warts including Hering, Lippe and Clarke have
Pulsatilla nigricans obtained in this study.
worked on obtaining its pathogenetic symptoms
from sick individuals. The present study has fo- The number of new clinical symptoms obtained
cused on obtaining its pathogenetic symptoms were 42 [Table 7]. These comprise of the symptoms
from the sick individuals, based on Hahnemann’s from all the three categories (appeared/aggravat-
guidelines, which is itself a great contribution to ed, disappeared/ameliorated, and reappeared).
the profession. These symptoms have been obtained due to the
administration of Pulsatilla nigricans but have not
A total of 139 symptoms have been obtained from
been documented as a part of its pathogenesis in
30 sick individuals, as recorded in the ‘Symptoms
any of the source books. These are considered to be
Compiling Proforma’ [Table 4]. Out of these, 92
a contribution and end point of this study. Having
symptoms are observed to disappear/ameliorate, 47
obtained from sick individuals, these symptoms
symptoms are observed to appear/aggravate and 5
give us a preliminary idea about the miasmatic
symptoms are observed to reappear from the past
value of Pulsatilla nigricans. The maximum num-
history [Table 6] after the administration of Pul-
ber of symptoms in this category were obtained
satilla nigricans. Thus, the symptomatology ob-
under the sections ‘Lower Extremities’, ‘Face’ and
tained belongs to the pathogenesis of Pulsatilla
‘Sensations and complaints in general’, which are
nigricans. There are 4 symptoms which appeared
12, 6, and 5 respectively [Table 5]. In the section
in one or more of these categories [Table 6]. This
‘Face’, most of the symptoms relate to skin lesions
indicates their importance as the symptoms be-
over the face. A majority of the symptoms in the
longing to the pathogenesis of Pulsatilla nigricans.
section of ‘Sensations and complaints in general’
Though Hahnemann (in his Chronic Diseases) and
relate to pain in multiple joints.
Hering (in his Guiding Symptoms) have recorded
symptoms of the medicines from the sick individ- In the ‘Proforma for clinical verification of the
uals, but in those works, no such categorization symptoms’ [Table 5], the maximum number of
of the symptoms obtained is seen. This makes the symptoms were obtained under the section of
present work different from the works done on ‘Lower Extremities’, i.e. 21. The next in order
proving on sick individuals earlier. came the section of ‘Menstruation’ in which 14
symptoms were obtained. Following these were
The verification of symptoms obtained in ‘Symp-
the sections of ‘Mind’, ‘Mouth’ and ‘Upper Ex-
toms Compiling Proforma’ [Table 4] was record-
tremities’, where 8 symptoms were obtained in
ed in the ‘Proforma for clinical verification of
each. Furthermore, it can be seen that most of the
the symptoms’ [Table 5]. The symptoms verified
symptoms have been obtained in a single patient,
from one or more source books have been des-
and a few were observed in more than one patient
ignated as clinically verified symptoms and the rest
[Table 5]. The symptoms observed in more than
have been designated as new clinical symptoms.
two patients were considered significant in the
The number of clinically verified symptoms ob- study, which were 11 in number. The symptom
tained were 97 [Table 7]. These c (mentioned observed in the greatest number of patients was
above). The maximum number of symptoms in ‘General weakness’, i.e. 6 patients. This symptom
this category were obtained under the sections of was observed in all the three categories, i.e. ap-
‘Menstruation’, ‘Lower Extremities’ and ‘Nose’, peared/aggravated, disappeared/ameliorated and
which are 10, 9, and 7 respectively. Furthermore, reappeared symptoms. The next in order were
out of 97 symptoms, 31 symptoms were from the the symptoms, ‘decreased appetite’ (observed in

40 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Special Section

the categories, appeared/aggravated and disap- Future Research Perspectives: (1) To design a
peared/ameliorated) and ‘decreased thirst’ (ob- similar study: (a) taking a larger sample size of all
served in disappeared/ameliorated category), ages, both genders and different constitutions, (b)
each obtained in 5 patients. The more the number incorporating the usage of modern investigatory
of patients in whom a symptom is observed, the techniques; (2) To obtain clinical symptoms by
more it stands clinically verified. the observant physicians at their clinical set-ups;
which would help in collecting a large number
Limitations: The study did not record: (1) se- of pathogenetic symptoms of the homoeopathic
quence of appearance and/or disappearance of medicines from their patients. (3) To include a
the symptoms, (2) time of taking the dose(s) of component in the procedure for homoeopathic
Pulsatilla nigricans and time of disappearance/ap- drug proving on the healthy individuals that,
pearance/reappearance of symptoms after that, those provers who are found unfit for proving
(3) duration of time after which each symptom during the pre-medical examination, can be en-
disappeared after administration of Pulsatilla ni- rolled into a batch for drug proving, as sick hu-
gricans, appeared and persisted after administra- man provers. (4) To do miasmatic analysis of the
tion of Pulsatilla nigricans, and reappeared and symptoms obtained from the sick individuals, by
persisted after administration of Pulsatilla nigri- comparing the symptoms obtained from the sick
cans, (4) constitution and temperament of the pa- with the symptoms of the three chronic miasms
tients, (5) lab investigations related to the symp- (psora, syphilis and sycosis), so that the chronic
toms obtained, (6) nosological nomenclature of miasmatic state of these symptoms would be
the symptoms obtained. Short period of follow- displayed. Thereafter, by taking into account the
up was another constraint of this study. number of symptoms belonging to each miasm,
the miasm to which maximum number of symp-
toms belong can be considered as the dominant
CONCLUSION miasm of the administered medicine. In this way,
The research method put forth in this study the miasmatic background of our medicines can
[Figure 1] is one of the first pieces of research to be found out, clinically.
empirically demonstrate a methodology for con-
ducting clinical drug proving, working on the FUNDING SUPPORT: No such involvement
footprints of Hahnemann himself. This method-
ology has displayed a new method of verification CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: None
of symptoms which consists of verification of the
symptoms obtained from the patients with the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
old proving records of a medicine. This method-
ology has proved to be significant in obtaining We want to convey our special thanks to the com-
more symptoms for the pathogeneses of Pulsatil- petent authorities of the Homoeopathy Universi-
la nigricans. Similarly, if used for more homoeo- ty, Jaipur for allowing us to carry out this research
pathic medicines, such methodology will help project at the OPDs of the collegiate hospital of
to add more to the pathogeneses of the homoeo- Dr. Madan Pratap Khuteta Homoeopathic Medi-
pathic medicines. This would, in turn, help in cal College, Hospital and Research Centre under
expanding the clinical applicability of homoeo- Homoeopathy University, Jaipur, Rajasthan. We
pathic medicines. also want to thank the hospital staff, medical of-
ficers and PG students at those OPDs for their im-
The results from this study have great implica- mense cooperation and support while this work
tions for the field of homoeopathic drug proving was being carried out.
on sick human beings (clinical drug proving). The
inferences drawn in this work are applicable and This work involved so many patients, to whom
extended to the academicians and researches in we are very grateful. In particular, all the persons
the field of homoeopathy who have the interest who were interviewed for this project gave gen-
to do further research in the branch of homoeo- erously of their time, answering virtually every
pathic drug proving on sick human beings. question without demur. This work is about what

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 41

Special Section
we learned from them. 16. Knerr CB. Repertory of Hering’s Guiding Symptoms of our
Materia Medica. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers; 2009
17. Boericke WM. A Compend of the Principles of Homoeopathy San
REFERENCES Francisco: Boericke & Runyon; 1896.
18. Boger CM. Boger Boenninghausen’s Characteristics & Repertory:
1. Roberts HA. The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy. With Corrected & Revised Abbreviations & Word Index. Reprint
New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd; 2002: 138 ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 2008
2. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Dudgeon RE, Boericke W,
trans. 5th and 6th Edition. New Delhi: Indian Books & Periodicals
Publishers; 2004 ABOUT THE AUTHORS
3. Khan SZ. Hahnemann the great experimenter. Asian
Homoeopathic Times. April 1994: 2(4).
1. Dr Manpreet Kaur, BHMS, MD (Hom.), PhD
4. Hughes R. The Knowledge of the Physician, a Course of Lectures.
(Hom.), DNHE, Fellowship in Palliative Care
Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; 2000: 259-285 Associate Professor, Department of Pathology,
5. Hughes R. A Manual of Pharmacodynamics. 6th ed. New Delhi: B. JR Kissan Homoeopathic Medical College and
Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2001: 17-39
6. Hahnemann S. The Chronic Diseases, Their Peculiar Nature and
Hospital, Rohtak, Haryana
Their Homoeopathic Cure. Vol. 1. Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain 2. Dr S M Singh, PhD (Hom.), Director,
Publishers (P) Ltd; 2007: xix-xxiii
Sri Sainath Postgraduate Institute of
7. Das AK. A Treatise on Organon of Medicine. Vol. 1. Reprint ed.
Calcutta: Souvik Homoeo Publications; 2002: 192 Homoeopathy, Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh.
8. Hughes R. The Principles and Practice of Homoeopathy. Reprint 3. Dr Pankaj Aggarwal, PhD (Hom.), Professor,
ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; 2005: 53-68
Department of Organon of Medicine,
9. Hahnemann S. Materia Medica Pura. Vol. 1. Reprint ed. New
Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd; 2007: 2 Naiminath Homoeopathic Medical College,
10. Hahnemann S. Materia Medica Pura. Vol. 2. Reprint ed. New Hospital and Research Centre, Agra, Uttar
Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd; 2007: 345-390 Pradesh.
11. Allen TF. The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica. Vol. 8.
Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P.) Ltd.; 2000: 205-241 4. Dr Vandana Gambhir, PhD (Psychology),
12. Hering C. The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. Vol. 8. Assistant Professor in Psychology, Department
Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 1997: 575-658 of Psychology, Keshav Mahavidyalaya, New
13. Hering C. The Guiding Symptoms of Our Materia Medica. Delhi.
Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 1997
14. Allen TF. The Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica. Reprint ed. 5. Dr Chaturbhuja Nayak, MD (Hom.), Former
New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P.) Ltd.; 2000 President, Homoeopathy University, Jaipur,
15. Dudgeon RE. Lectures on the Theory and Practice of Rajasthan and Director General of Central
Homoeopathy. Reprint ed. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd;
2002: 204 Council for Research in Homoeopathy

42 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Some Common Errors by Homoeopathic

Dr. Satyam Kumar, Dr. Akanksha Kumari, Prof. (Dr.) Subhas Singh

A homoeopathic physician raises questions: Why don›t our results meet our expectations consistently? More-
over Why, after all, does the seemingly suitable remedy not always work? Errors result during homeopathic
practice either by the patient or pharmacist and the most commonly occur by a homeopathic physician. Here
some common errors that are committed by homoeopathic physicians in daily routine are dealt with in detail.
Guidelines given by Master Hahnemann and famous disciples of homeopathy regarding how to cope with the
error are mentioned which will help to take homeopathy ahead and will be beneficial for mankind.

Keywords: Error, Homoeopathy, Hahnemann, Physician

INTRODUCTION doses that I (driven by experience) have decreased

after numerous trials and that are recommended

A homeopathic physician chooses a single

remedy in the smallest dose possible in a
potentized form in accordance with the law of
with every antipsoric remedy. Second, choosing
the wrong remedy, and third, hastiness to give
each dose without giving it sufficient time to
similars1. A physician who chooses a remedy based work properly2,4.
solely on the hazy suggestions of the repertories
and quickly eliminates one patient after another H.A. Robert: We are familiar with many of
is referred to as a «bungler,» as he or she does not the basic homeopathic rules and apply them.
deserve the dignified title of «true homeopath» Unfortunately, we lack such accurate measuring
and must frequently switch remedies until the tools to determine what is obstructing our
patient loses patience2. treatments. As a result, we don›t always get the
The current generation is characterized by same effects from our remedies as we might if
both a strong excitement for homeopathy we used the large arsenal of remedies and the
and, regrettably, a strong departure from the collection of information and experience amassed
fundamentals of homeopathy. And this is not by successful homeopathic students since the
what we would call development. Physicians time of Hahnemann5.
frequently prescribe quickly and devote less
time to a case than is necessary, disregarding P. Ramanlal Patel: Failures, in my opinion, are
the principles of homeopathy, as they are under the cornerstones of success. Failures result from a
pressure to deliver results, delight patients, and lack of understanding of all facets of homeopathy.
perform. We should know that failures will It takes years of not only diligent but also wise
educate us more than successes, yet we are not work to study homeopathy in depth. Failures
learning from our failures. Don›t be so arrogant will occur as a result of one›s lack of knowledge,
as to refuse to acknowledge our errors3. indifference, desire for ease, and stubbornness
in trying to comprehend the science, art, and
Views Of Stalwarts philosophy of homoeopathy3.

Hahnemann: In fact, a physician cannot make a Some Common Errors by Homoeopathic

more serious error than first, to view as small the Physicians

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 43


The greatest source of error of all in Homoeopathy their soup before even tasting it and certain
is the “Defective physician”. It is due to patients who, due to their love of sweets, can
never leave their pockets without a piece of
• Errors in Case taking sugar, chocolate, or something else delicious.
• Errors in the analysis of the case This is a desire and a craving.
• Errors in the choice of remedy Errors in the analysis of the case
• Errors in prescription Pathognomic and non-pathognomic symptoms
• Errors in the selection of potency should be separated during analysis. By way
• Errors regarding doses of illustration, consider a patient who has
tuberculosis and is coughing, malnourished,
• Errors regarding changing medicine
sweating, etc. So, list everything that has to do
• Errors in follow-up with diseases on the left side. Note any symptoms
• Errors regarding diet on the right side that are unrelated to a specific
Errors in case taking disease, such as a patient with tuberculosis
preferring vinegar or a patient who is intolerant
• When the patient is explaining his issues, do to fats. Why has this tuberculosis patient, who
not interrupt him until he starts a completely generally likes fat a lot, turned against them? In a
unrelated or unwanted conversation. In homeopathic prescription, this non-pathognomic
§ 87 Questions that are «leading» are not symptom will be useful. Younger generations
permitted6. nowadays are more drawn to prescribing based
• In accordance with Pierre Schmidt›s on symptoms of disease than they should be,
recommendations, an interrogation should go which is a serious error7.
as follows7:
• Avoid asking, do you have grief? Errors in the choice of a remedy
• Ask about the most difficult time you have The incorrect remedy selection for the treatment of
had in your life. chronic illnesses (the non-homeopathic selection
• Don’t ask, do you have consolation of the medicine) causes the homeopathic beginner
amelioration? to commit error primarily through impreciseness,
• Ask: What impact does consolation have on a lack of sincerity, and a love of simplicity2.
Approach for a choice of remedy2
• Some patients look for consolation, while
others despise it. According to Pierre Schmidt, • Start by investigating the patient›s overall
consolation is not a symptom that should be
health, the underlying cause, to the extent that
included in the repertory. And the reason Kent
it can be remembered, and the cause of the
placed it there was because he was forced to
diseases› persistence in his way of life, his state
comply with what everyone else was saying.
of mind, soul, and body, together with all of
• In other situations, such as when a patient has his symptoms (as per Organon instructions).
sciatica or a severe headache and consolation
• The physician should carefully find a remedy
improves, you can think the amelioration
covering, as closely as feasible, all instances,
caused by consolation to be very strange. This
or the most striking and distinctive ones, with
is quite fascinating. Pulsatilla might enter at
their peculiar symptoms.
that point because it is both unexpected and
out of the ordinary. • He shouldn›t rely solely on any of the
• Avoid asking, do you like Namak or sweets? repertories because these books can never
completely eliminate the requirement for
• Saying «Yes, I like salt or sweets» is insufficient him to conduct his research at the primary
when a patient expresses a desire. This is not sources; they can only provide a few general
a symptom because some individuals salt
suggestions of a similar remedy.

44 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


when a moderate homeopathic aggravation

again takes place.
Errors in prescription
• Although the good results won›t fail to
Prescriptions should not be made unless you manifest, they might not be at their peak
are confident in the chosen treatment, especially before the twenty-fourth or thirty-first day in
in the case of chronic diseases. The second-best cases with really tedious diseases.
remedy, according to Kent, should be prescribed • By the fortieth or fiftieth day, the dose will
if you are unsure about the suggested treatment. likely have lost all of its beneficial effects;
You are committing an error if you are giving a administering any further doses before that
profound constitutional remedy to a patient who point would be unwise and could hinder the
is too ill to tolerate it and needs only a merely healing process.
palliative remedy8. • As a result, a physician must allow all
antipsoric remedies to work for 30, 40, or even
Errors in the selection of potency
50 days in chronic diseases if they continue to
improve the diseased state visibly to an acute
• If the doctor gave high potency to a patient
observer, even though they do so gradually
who is terminally ill or who has obvious
for as long as the recommended doses are
pathological changes, which cause the vital
taken, and these effects must not be disturbed
force to become aggravated beyond its
or countered by any new remedy.
capacity, (If he has done this and the patient›s
condition is getting worse, he must administer Errors in follow up8
an antidote)8.
Errors regarding doses • Physicians error while looking for the action
of Herring’s Laws of Cure.
• Nothing is lost if the dose is given even • He makes a mistake in not giving the «second-
smaller than Hahnemann had prescribed2. best remedy», i.e., Sac. Lac. Thereby, he
• Precaution - occasionally loses the patient›s trust as a
• Small doses can be taken if the patient avoids result, especially if they are used to taking
anything in their diet and mode of life that plenty of medicines.
would interfere with or counteract the effects • The physician must be aware of the substances
of the medication. that prevent our various medicines from
• If the antipsoric was homoeopathically chosen working, such as coffee with Nux vom. or
correctly and in accordance with the carefully acids with Acon.
investigated symptoms and if the patient does Errors regarding diet2,6,8
not disturb its effects by his or her violation
of the rules, a small dose of medicine will still • When you have a patient in an acute and
produce all the positive effects that can even very serious stage and his life is in danger,
remotely be expected from a medicine2. if he craves something, give it to him (except
in cases of mental alienation). But in chronic
• Errors regarding hastily changing medicine2 cases, keep it away.
• When treating chronic diseases, the error • In acute cases, patients desire food and drink
that a homeopathic physician cannot avoid is that provide palliative relief. These foods and
giving some other medicine in the mistaken beverages must be strictly non-medicinal
belief that such a small dose could not possibly in nature, and they can be given to patients
operate and be of use for more than eight or in moderation. For example, patients may
ten days. desire cold water, open windows, to drink
• If once a medicine, selected in a correct hot soup, go for a walk outside, or require a
homeopathic manner, is acting well and hot water bath. Such things are not applicable
usefully, which is seen by the eighth or tenth in the chronic case, as these are long-term
day, then an hour or even half a day may come requirements.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 45


CONCLUSION 2. Hahnemann S. The chronic diseases their peculiar nature and their
homoeopathic cure. 39th impression. Noida: B. Jain Publishers (P)
OF SERVICE TO YOU. We never stop learning 3. Patel RP. Some of the causes of failures in homeopathic practice.
3rd ed. Kottayam, Kerala, India: Hahnemann Homoeopathic
in our profession; we need our patients and we Pharmacy; 1982.
learn from them. The Physician must study the 4. Boenninghausen CV. The Lesser Writings. Reprint. New Delhi,
Homoeopathic principles, Materia Medica, and New Delhi: B Jain Publishers; 2002.
Repertory until he learns what it is in sickness that 5. Roberts H.A. The principles and art of cure by homeopathy. 21st
impression. Noida: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2018.
guides him to the curative remedy.
6. Singh M, Singh S. Organon of Medicine with Word Meanings.
A physician should be a keen observer in an Third Ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd; 2022.
unprejudiced manner by considering every 7. Schmidt P. The art of case taking. B. Jain Publishers; 2003.
patient new to him. Every patient is unique, and so 8. Wright-Hubbard E. A brief study course in homeopathy. New
Delhi: B. Jain Publishers; 2001.
does the management the patient demands, only
the physician who knows where to see and how
to see can identify his errors or errors in others.
A physician who is calm, firm, and has a clear CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
conscience always be able to correct his mistakes
to make a complete homeopathic prescription 1. Dr. Satyam Kumar, PGTNational Institute of
in terms of medicine, dose and potency, diet, Homoeopathy, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
regimen, physical and mental hygiene, etc,
Address: National Institute of Homoeopathy,
whichever possibly can make an obstruction in
GE Block, Sector-3, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700106
curing the patient.
Committing errors is natural, but as a
homeopathic physician, you should go through 2. Dr. Akanksha Kumari, PGT, National
the Hahnemannian guidelines very well, which Institute of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, West
will make you a great physician. Bengal, India.
3. Prof. (Dr.) Subhas Singh, Director & H.O.D
Department of Organon of Medicine and
REFERENCES Homoeopathic Philosophy National Institute
1. Kent JT. New remedies, clinical cases, lesser writings, aphorisms, of Homoeopathy, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.
and precepts. B. Jain Publishers; 2003.

46 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Pathophysiology 2,3

Cystic Adnexal SOL Treated without Surgery-
superficially, of PCOS has been linked
the presentation to al-
of patient
is found Luteinizing
in many remedies,
patient differentiates
A Homoeopathic Case Report
and predisposition
the basic
the remedy to
of the
we can
reach the similimum.One theory maintains CausativeDr that underlying
factor and theDutta, Dr Ashish Biswas, Dr. Sabyasachi Mukherjee
IR exacerbates
reaction patternhyperandrogenism
belong to the coreby and suppress-
help in
ing synthesis of Sex
individualisation. Hormone
Finer aspectsBinding Globulin
of patient’s core
feelings and helpincreasing
in remedy adrenal and ovarian syn-
thesis of androgens, thereby increasing androgen
levels. marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
isRemoval of cystic adnexal
the profound weakness spaceofoccupying
the kidney lesionand(SOL) is done by surgical interventions in modern conventional
genitourinary of treatment even
complaints which in cases where
points to IRthe underlying
Pareira lying pathology is benign. The surgical interventions
IR with hyperinsulinaemia to overcome the
often lead to undesirable post operative complications which can be completely avoided by preferring to ho-
body secretes more insulin thus causing hyperin-
moeopathic medicines. In this context, the article below is evidence based demonstration of a successful case
sulinemic state, leading to Type-2 Diabetes Melli-
of left sided cystic adnexal SOL which is possibly of left ovarian origin of a 37 year old women which was annihi-
tus (T2DM). Increase circulating level of testoster-
lated within 7 months by administration of potentised homoeopathic remedy- Pulsatilla nigricans, selected on
one are noted with PCOS in women because high
the basis of totality of symptoms through proper miasmatic and repertorial analysis and authenticated with the
level of insulin
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi,decreases
Personal Evolutioncirculating
Model The SHBG this
Book, first edition findings
reprint 2019;before
New and
Delhi, after treatment.
published by The
leads to free testosterone and these are worsening
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
signspageof 65,hyperandrogenism.
page 135, page 88
Keywords: Cystic adnexal SOL, case report, homoeopathic treatment, Pulsatilla nigricans.
2. ICD Codeis anovulation. Ovarian morphology shows
thickened cortex forming thick ovarian capsule, presents to the out-patient department of Mahesh
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
multiple follicular cysts lined with hyperplastic Bhattacharya Homoeopathic Medical College and

Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
thecane of the
interna cellsmost common
but without corpusgynaecological
luteum. Hospital with left iliac fossa tenderness and heavy
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, areWONDROUS
adnexal mass ORDERwhich are growth
Systematic Table Of menstrual bleeding for 4 or 5 years. Patient was
next features
Homoeopathic :
2 Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th
to the uterus, most commonly arising from the under allopathic medication in the initial years
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
164, pagefallopian
166 tubes, or surrounding connective of illness but the results were ineffective. So, she
tissue and are mostly benign as suggested obesity, acne,by large has discontinued the medications since last 1 year
hirsutism, acanthosis
5. I.C.R
population OPERATIONAL
based study nigricans,
(1)(3) male
. There canpattern
Dr. Anand R.
be variousKapse, and is under homoeopathic medications since last
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
underlying – frontal
trust; page 102 and
to 105 temporal balding,
causes, like leiomyomas, deeping 7 months. On examination, no palpable mass over
of voice, decreased breast
ovarian fibromas and other lesions including size, increased muscle abdomen on superficial palpation but on deep
mass, infertility
diverticular / 1 trimester
which can abortion,
be detectedlibido, from palpation there was slight tenderness. Whenever
the THE
history,leadingphysicalAUTHORto clitomegally.
examination, ultrasound, there is pain, the patient complains of chilliness
Investigations and: selected laboratory tests including
2 which increases with the intensity of pain. The
1. Dr (2)Vaishali P. Joshi, M.D (Hom.), pain doesn’t remain at one particular place and
CA-125 . In order to rule out torsion, the initial
1. Homoeopathic Physician
Ultrasound: keeps on shifting.
choice of investigation for diagnosis of adnexal
• Presence
masses of 12 orwith
is ultrasound more cyst offlow
doppler 2-9 andmmthe in Past history:-
approach region of the conventional modern
• Ovarian is volume
explorative equal to laparotomy
or more than even12cm for Chicken-pox during childhood, treated at home
the benign cases. These benign adnexal masses and recovered without any further complications.
• Bright echogenic stroma
can be effectively managed by individualised
2. Bio chemicalmedicines test and help the patient Measles during childhood, treated at home and
to get rid of the unwanted post operative recovered without any further complications.
•Fasting insulin level normal <30 mU/I
complications. This case report demonstrates Family history:-
how a case of
• Fasting cystic
blood adnexal
sugar normal SOL, whose standard
management is surgery, was treated successfully Maternal history suggests hypertension.
• Dehydroepiandosterone sulphate(DHEAS)
<350mg/dl medicines.
Paternal history suggests type 2 diabetes mellitus
Case history
• LH raised and hypertension.
37Follicle stimulating
years old hormone(FSH)
female, house-maker normal
by occupation Personal history:-

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 47

Case Report

Nothing significant was noted. emotional in nature. She is not happy with her
married life owing to her in-laws but is too timid
Physical General:-
to raise her voice against them. During the pro-
Appetite- Moderate, can tolerate hunger. cess of case taking, she cried while describing her
mental symptoms and was greatly relieved by
Desire- Sweets
consolation from us. Patient also said that she ex-
Aversion- Nothing significant. periences mood swings, there is sudden change
of mood.
Intolerance- Nothing significant.
Physical examination :-
Thirst- Moderate to less. Patient has very less de-
The patient was found to be mildly anaemic ( as
sire to drink water.
evident from lower palpebral conjunctiva).
Tongue- Dry tongue Totality of symptoms :-
Urine- No abnormal detected. 1. More the pain, more the chill.
Stool- Regular and clear. No abnormality detect- 2. Tongue is dry but still the patient has no desire
to drink water.
Sleep and dreams- disturbed in the first of the
3. Thermally the patient is very chilly.
night but sound sleep in the morning during wak-
ing hours. 4. The sleep is disturbed in the first of the night
but sound sleep in the night.
Thermal reaction- chilly patient thermally.
5. Mild, gentle, timid and emotional in nature.
Mental General:-
The patient is extremely mild, gentle and very 6. Changeability and shifting character of pain.
Investigations :-
USG report suggests bulky uterus with endometrial polyps and prominent nabothian follicles in cervix
with chronic cervicitis. Left ovary showed a follicular.

Before treatment

48 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Before treatment

Repertorial analysis:-
Repertorial analysis was done using homoeopathic software zomoeoElite and the result obtained is
given below.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 49

Case Report

Follow-up :-

Date Prescription Inference

Pulsatilla 0/1 / 16 st
23/05/2022 1 visit of the patient.
D * AD

Pain of the patient didn’t show much improvement but overall the
Pulsatilla 0/2 / 16 patient was better than before. No new complaints post medica-
D * AD tion. Appetite , thirst same as before. Sleep still disturbed. Heavy
menstrual bleeding was same as before.

Pain of the patient didn’t show much improvement but overall the
patient was better than before. No new complaints post medica-
Pulsatilla 0/3 / 16 tion. Appetite , thirst improved post medication.
Sleep slightly improved. Heavy menstrual bleeding was same as

Pain of the patient slightly improvement and overall the patient

Pulsatilla 0/4 / 16 was much better than before. No new complaints post medication.
D *AD Appetite , thirst improved a lot. Sleep much better post medication.
Heavy menstrual bleeding was same as before

Pain of the patient much improvement and overall the patient was
Pulsatilla 0/5 / 16 much better than before. No new complaints post medication. Ap-
D *AD petite , thirst improved a lot. Sleep much more improved post med-
ication. Heavy menstrual bleeding started improving .

Pulsatilla 0/6 / 16 Now the patient only complains of slight pain and no other signifi-
D *AD cant problems. Heavy menstrual bleeding was significantly less.

Heavy menstrual bleeding was even much more better now. The
Pulsatilla 0/7 / 16
21/11/2022 pain was slightly more reduced. The complaints were not much
significant now.

Pain was occasional this time when she visited the OPD and men-
Pulsatilla 0/8 / 16
26/12/2022 strual bleeding was not heavy any more. No new complaints post
medication and the patient is over all much better now

Placebo for 30
09/01/2023 No significant complaints.

50 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

CONCLUSION Journal of Korean Medical Science. 2005 Jun; 20(3): 468–472

2. Drake J. Diagnosis and Management of the Mass. American
Unfortunately there are certain conditions where Family Physician. 1998 May 2015; 57 (10): 2471 -2476. Available
surgery is the only option is conventional modern from https://www.aafp.org (last cited on 02.04.23)
medicine and cystic adnexal SOL is one among 3. Faustino R. Perez-Lopez, Peter Chedraui. Juan Troyano-Luque.
Peri- and postmenopausal incidental adnexal masses and the
them. There are several postoperative compli- risk of sporadic ovarian malignancy: new insights and clinical
cations associated with these surgeries which management. Gynaecological Endocrinology. September 2010;
26(9): 631–643.
torments the patients badly and renders them
helpless. This was entirely a surgical case but ex-
tremely well treated with homoeopathic medi-
cine and hence, we could save the patient from ABOUT THE AUTHORS:-
several post-operative complications. Homoeo-
pathic medicines, when employed abiding by 1. Dr Madhusree Dutta, Post Graduate Trainee
the laws and principles of homoeopathy, show 2nd yr, Mahesh Bhattacharya Homoeopathic
miraculous results and it is high time that people Medical College and Hospital.
should be aware of it and prefer the most harm- 2. Dr Ashish Biswas, BHMS , MD, Assistant
less alternative option. Professor, Dept of Practice of Medicine, BMC
REFERENCE 3. Dr. Sabyasachi Mukherjee, BHMS, HMO ,
Govt of West Bengal.
1. Jeong-Won Leeetal. Selected Adnexal Cystic Masses in
postmenopausal women can be safely managed by laparoscopy.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 51

Case Report

Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases

-A Case Report
Dr. Riya Sah, Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh , Dr. S.K. Srivastava

Homoeopathy is that form of treatment where the so- called surgical cases can be averted; it is highly scientific,
logical,, safe, quick, and extremely effective method of healing; it treats the disease from its roots, for most
of the ailments. In this review I analysed that those diseases who are being advised by other disciples to have
surgery is the only option in case of epidermoid cyst ; it was treated by homoeopathy single, simple medicine
without any harm on the basis of individualisation. But some limitations were also mentioned by Hahnemann
in the aphorism 186.

Case summary: This case was treated with individualised homoeopathic medicine at the OPD of RBTS GOV-
presented with complaints of cyst on upper back side with black head on central opening for 1 and half month
Homoeopathic medicine Lycopodium was given to the patient on the basis of individualistic approach. The size
of the cyst decreased. This case report suggests that a correctly choosen homoeopathic medicine can be ben-
eficial in the treatment of surgical disease

Keywords: Homoeopathy, surgical disease, epidermoid cyst, keratin, individualisation.

Abbreviations: OPD: out patient department

INTRODUCTION • Small to medium sized

• Skin colored, freely mobile over underlying
E pidermoid cyst, also known as a sebaceous
cyst, is a benign encapsulated, subepidermal
nodule filled with keratin material. Although
structures but tethered to skin characteristically
at a central punctum through which yellow
offensive cheesy material can be expressed.
most commonly located on the face, upper back
and retroauricular region. It may progress slowly • Redness , swelling and tenderness in the area,
and remain present for years. The term sebaceous if inflamed or infected
cyst is commonly used; however the term is a Distribution
misnomer in that it does not involve the sebaceous Face, upper back, retroauricular region
gland. it develops within the infundibulum.
Other common synonyms include infundibular Etiology
cyst, and epidermal inclusion cyst. Although
Build up of trapped keratin usually causes epider-
these cysts are recognized as benign lesions, rare
moid cysts. Keratin is a protein that occurs natu-
malignancy can arise.
rally in skin cells. Cyst develops when the protein
Epidemiology is trapped below the skin because of disruption to
the skin. These cysts may develop due to trauma
They are predominantly found in male versus fe-
to the skin.
male ratio 2:1
Clinical Features
Stratified squamous epithelium lines the cyst.

52 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Histological examination reveals an epithelial- zaffarpur, Bihar on 29/08/2023 with a complaint of

lined cyst filled with laminated keratin. a cyst on upper back side with black head central
opening; painless.
How To Assess The Epidermoid Cyst
Past History –Gallstone at the age of 19 years
The pattern recognition indicators are superficial
skin mass with a punctum. The accuracy rate of Family history- Mother- N/S Father –
these pattern recognition indicators for epidermal hypertension
cysts is 99%. In the presence of these pattern rec-
ognition indicators, there is no need for further Personal history - Took allopathic medicine for
diagnostic tests. the treatment of gall stone

Differential Diagnosis PHYSICAL GENERAL

Dermoid cyst:- ectodermal cysts contain squa- • Outlook -lean and thin
mous epithelium and dermal contents. • Tongue – white coated
Trichilemmal cysts:- often on the scalp, family his- • Thirst – 3-4 Liter
tory, multiple, trichilemmal keratinisation • Appetite – Good
• Perspiration – Profuse from whole body
Pilomatricoma:- common in children, mostly
head and neck region, hard painless • Thermal - hot
• Desire – sweets
Lipoma:- common, often soft, mostly composed
of mature adipocytes with a fibrous capsule. • Aversion - Not specific
• Stool- firstly hard then loose stool
• Urine -Normal
Ulceration, calcification, carcinomatous changes, • Sleep - Sound
rupture and sinus formation. • Dream – Not specific  
CASE REPORT Mental general

Case history She wants company and easily gets angry if any-
one contradicts her from conversation from pa-
A 28 years old, Hindu female reported in the sur- tient and from attendant of patient, I observed
gery out patient department of RBTS Government that she always had a feeling of worry about
Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Mu- something.

Provisional diagnosis
Epidermoid cyst

Figure 2 AFTER on page........48

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 53

Case Report

Totality of symptoms • White coated tongue

• Desire for sweets
• Anger from contradiction
• Cyst
• Always feeling worry for something
• Hard stool followed by fluid stool
• Desire for company

Analysis And Evaluation of Symptoms with Miasmatic Analysis


Anger from contradiction

1 Mental general ++ Psora

2 Feeling worry for something Mental general +++ Psora

3 Desire for company Mental general +++ Psora

Physical gen-
4 White coated tongue +++ Psora
Hard stool followed by fluid Physical gen-
5 ++ psora
stool eral
Particular gen-
6 Cyst ++ sycotic

7 Desire for sweets Physical general ++ psora

Symptoms Converted into Rubrics

Symptoms Rubrics

Anger from contradiction Mind –anger-contradiction from

Feeling worry for something Mind -anxiety

Desire for company Mind—company- desire for

White coated tongue Mouth-discoloration-tongue-white

Desire for sweets General-food and drinks- sweets desire

cyst General- tumors- cystic

Hard stool followed by loose stool Stool- Hard- followed by- fluid stool

54 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Repertorization sheet

                      Figure: 3 Repertorisation from synthesis repertory

Repertorial analysis:- Therapeutic intervention:-

Lycopodium: - 18/7 After detailed case taking on a standard case tak-

ing performa, the totality of symptoms was built
Calcarea carb:- 16/6 for patient based on mental generals, physical
generals, constitution, miasmatic background,
Phosphorus:- 14/5
past history etc. as per the homoeopathic prin-
Sulphur :- 13/6 ciples.

Arsenic :- 13/6 After repertorisation, the top medicines were Ly-

copodium, calcarea carb, phosphorus, sulphur,
Repertorial selection:- arsenic. After carefully analysing the mental and
As Lycopodium covers maximum numbers of physical generals of patient, considering the rep-
symptoms and gets the highest marks. After con- ertorial result and reffering back to homoeopathic
sulting with materia-medica, Lycopodium was MM, a similimum was prescribed. Individualised
choosen for prescription. homoeopathic treatment was started with two
doses of Lycopodium 200 by following the law
of minimum dose.
Prescription –
Lycopodium 200/ 2 dose /4 gloubles were given on the first visit in an empty stomach early in the morn-
ing on date -27/07/2022


Cyst on upper Lycopodium 200/2 dose / sugar On basic of individualisation
back side of milk/OD of patient
Improvement To wait and allow medicine to
8/09/2023 Rubrum 30/ 1 drachm/BD
progress act

21/09/2023 size decreased Rubrum 200/1 drachm/BD Marked improvement

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 55

Case Report

CONCLUSION edition).
Here from this case I concluded that many of the • By extracting foreign bodies that have
surgical cases we can be treat without any harm penetrated into the living parts.
by homoeopathy treatment . It is that form of • By making an opening into the cavity of the
treatment which not only reduces the complica- body to remove an irritating substance.
tions of disease and also so many cases in which • By reducing and fixing the fractured bones.
other disciples advised to surgery And said that
surgery is the only option those cases cured by ho- REFERENCES
moeopathy. In case of also the epidermoid cyst in 1. Khanna, Neena. Illustrated Synopsis of Dermatology & Sexually
allopath and other way treatment instead of Ho- Transmitted Diseases-E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2013.
moeopathy surgery is the only option. But here in 2. Kent, James Tyler, Lectures on homoeopathic philosophy. B. Jain
publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
this case on the basis of individualisation of the
3. Roberts, Herbert A. The Principles and Art of Cure by
patient by proper case taking; single simple ho- Homoeopathy: A Modern Textbook. B. Jain Publishers, New
moeopathy medicine cured the case without any Delhi, 1997.
complication in easily comprehensible principles. 4. Boericke, William. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia
Medica & Repertory: Comprising of the Characteristic and
Guiding Symptoms of All Remedies (clinical and Pahtogenetic
Limitations of homoeopathy:- [sic]) Including Indian Drugs. B. Jain publishers, New Delhi,
Since surgery is an integral part of medicine, Dr 5. Radar opus software (synthesis 9.0)
Hahnemann has not left it untouched. He has 6. Kent, James Tyler. Repertory of the homoeopathic materia
very clearly advocated its use in certain condi- medica. B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, 1992.
tions, as manifested from his references in Orga- 7. Dudgeon, Robert Ellis. Lectures on the theory and practice of
homoeopathy. B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.
non. §186- He has discussed the concept of LO-
CAL DISEASES here. Which is called Local if it be ABOUT THE AUTHORS
very trivial, and it is of no great moment. If our
body is subjected to any external injury, then the 1. Dr. Riya Sah, (PG Scholar), Department Of
body reacts as a whole eg. in the form of fever. Organon Of Medicine and Homeopathic
The treatment of such diseases is related to sur- Philosophy, R.B.T.S. Govt Homoeopathic
gery when affected parts require mechanical aid Medical College And Hospital Muzaffarpur,
to remove external obstacles to cure. Eg. Bihar
2. Dr.Sanjay Kumar Singh, MD(Hom), R.B.T.S.
• Reduction of dislocations (‘by needles’ in 6th Govt Homoeopathic Medical College And
edition). Hospital Muzaffarpur, Bihar
• By bandages to bring together the lips of 3. Dr.S.K. Srivastava, MD (Hom), R.B.T.S. Govt
wounds (‘by mechanical pressure to still Homoeopathic Medical College And Hospital
the flow of blood from open arteries’ in 6th Muzaffarpur, Bihar

56 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Pathophysiology 2,3

Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical Cases- “A
superficially, of PCOS has been linked
the presentation to al-
of patient
is foundLuteinizing
patient differentiates
Non-Surgical Approach to Cholelithiasis:
in many remedies,
and predisposition
the basic
the remedy to
of the
we can
reach the similimum. Evidence-Based Case Report”
One theory maintains
Causative that underlying
factor and the
IR exacerbates
reaction patternhyperandrogenism
belong to the coreby andsuppress-
help in
ing synthesis of Sex
individualisation. Hormone
Finer aspectsBinding Globulin
of patient’s core Dr. R. Kanimozhi
feelings and
in remedy adrenal and ovarian syn-
thesis of androgens, thereby increasing androgen
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
the profound weakness of the kidney and
IR complaints which
with hyperinsulinaemia points to IR
to overcome Pareira
Cholelithiasis or Gallstone is defined as the formation of stones in the gallbladder or bile ducts. Gallstone is
body secretes more insulin thus causing hyperin-
more common in Fat, Fertile (multiparous), Forty & Female.Women are affected more often than men in the
sulinemic state, leading to Type-2 Diabetes Melli-
ratio of 4:1. Gallstones are composed mainly of cholesterol, bilirubin, and calcium salts. They can vary in size
tus (T2DM). Increase circulating level of testoster-
from a few millimeters to a few centimeters. Cholecystectomy is considered as the gold standard treatment for
one are noted with PCOS in women because high
cholelithiasis. Homoeopathy has a great scope in treating the gallstone without any surgery. Here is a case of 59
level of insulin
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi,decreases circulating
Personal Evolution Model TheSHBG this
yrs oldfirst
Book, male diagnosed
edition reprint as cholelithiasis,
2019; New Delhi, treatedbywith
published The Homoeopathic medicine Kali carbonicum 1M & it was fol-
leads to free testosterone and these are worsening
Generalup regularly
Manager at every
Crossbill 15 to 20
Publishing Co.,days for61,about
pages 3 months & showed the result of no calculi in the gallbladder,
page 63,
which ispage
the 135, page 88
evidence from the USG of the abdomen.  
There is anovulation. Ovarian morphology shows
2. ICD Code
Keywords: cortex forming thick
Cholelithiasis, ovarian capsule,
Kali Carbonicum 1M, Without cholecystectomy.
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
multiple follicular cysts lined with hyperplastic
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
theca interna cells but without corpus luteum.
Metabolic factor, 2. Reflux factor, 3. Stasis factor &
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of
Clinical features
Homoeopathic :
2 Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th
Plant 4. Infective factor.

edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
he gallbladder
164, page 166 is an elongated pear-shaped
sac of about 30–50 ml capacity. obesity, acne,and
It stores There are 2 types of Gallstones:
5. I.C.R acanthosis
the bilenigricans,
and discharges
Editor Dr. it into the
Anand R. Kapse,
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
duodenum – frontal
by its and temporal
muscular balding,
contraction. deeping
It lies in 1. Pure stones - which constitute approximately
trust; page 102 to 105
for gallbladderbreast size, increased
on the inferiormuscle
surface 10% of all gallstones.
of theinfertility
right lobe/ of 1 the
trimester abortion,
liver along libido,edge
the right 2. Mixed & combined stones - Which accounts
of the quadrate THE
leading AUTHOR
lobeto clitomegally.
& it is divided into the for about 90% of gallstones.
Investigations 3 parts:
: fundus, body, and neck[1]. Pure stones are Cholesterol stones, Pigment
MajorDr functions
Vaishali P. Joshi, areM.D
of gallbladder (Hom.),
the storage & stones, Calcium carbonate stones.
1. Homoeopathic
concentration Physician
of bile, maintenance of Pressure
in• biliary
PresenceSystem,of 12 or alteration
more cyst of pH
of 2-9of mmBile in& Mixed stones & Combined stones: Mixed gallstones
Secretion of Mucin[2].
subscapular region If there is any disruption referred to those having varying proportions of all
in•the normal physiological 3 stones forming constituents of the bile e.g. Bile
Ovarian volume equal tofunctions
or more thanof the liver
12cm pigment, cholesterol & calcium. Combined stones
& gallbladder it leads to conditions like Jaundice,
• Bright echogenic stroma
Hepatitis, Cirrhosis of liver & Gallstone. are those in which either the central core or exter-
2. Bio chemical testFamily history of gallstones, nal layers are pure & the remainder of the stone is
People who have a mixture of constituents.[4]
obese people, people with
•Fasting insulin level normal <30 mU/I
a high blood choles-
terol level, women who take drugs containing Signs and symptoms are:
• Fasting
estrogen blood
e.g.: sugar normal
contraceptive pills90mg/dl
and people with
diseases such as chronic intestinal
• Dehydroepiandosterone inflammation
sulphate(DHEAS) 1) Pain in the upper mid abdomen or upper right
(Crohn’s disease
normal <350mg/dl and ulcerative colitis) are more abdomen, usually every few days, weeks, or
prone to develop gallstones.[3] months,
• LH raised
• Follicle isstimulating
Gallstones formed mainly hormone(FSH)
by the 4 factors normal
: 1. 2) Pain usually begin within 20-30 mins after a
fatty meal,

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 57

Case Report

3) Pain is severe, constant and lasts for one to five only a temporary relief . Later pain started with
hours, severe intensity with vomiting.
4) Associated pain in the right shoulder or back,
History of Presenting complaint:
5) Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea,
6) Loss of appetite, Severe pain in the right side of the upper abdo-
7) Jaundice with itching, men extending to the back. Pain started suddenly
with vomiting of the food contents, later he vom-
8) Night sweats, ited continuously of only the water content for
9) Dark urine, about 5-6 times, so he felt very weak and tired.
10) Rapid heartbeat, He started to develop hiccough after vomiting,
11) Yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, which doesn’t stopped after drinking water & the
hiccough continued to next day until he visited
12) Light-coloured stools.[5]
the OPD of WHMC & H. Before the origin of the
Complications includes Inflammation of gallblad- abdominal pain, he had noted the bitter taste in
der, Jaundice, acute Gallstone Ileus, Blockage of mouth & if on eating any food its taste is also bit-
Pancreatic Duct, Gallbladder Carcinoma and the ter. Distension of abdomen after eating. No fever,
diagnosis is done by Ultrasound Scan, MRI Scan, no pain in the left side of abdomen, no radiation
Cholangiography, CT Scan. of pain to any other parts.

Treatment is only the removal of gallbladder called Past history:

cholecystectomy. Nowadays Laparoscopic chole-
cystectomy is done, it is a cost effective procedure. History of known case of type II Diabetes mellitus
But, most of the people don’t like to undergo cho- since 10 yrs & he had history of fall down from
lecystectomy, instead of that they opt for the alter- tree at the age of 6yrs his left leg femur bone was
native treatment like Homoeopathy. fracture recovered by native treatment. No known
past history of Hypertension, jaundice, asthma,
Homoeopathy is a system of medicine based on the accidents, dog bite, chicken pox etc.
Law,“Similia Similibus Curentur” were homoeo-
pathic medicines are selected based on the symp- Family history:
tom similarity of the patient. It helps in reducing      No history of similar complaints among the
the size of the stones, relieving pain as well as family members. His father and mother died due
chronic inflammation of gallbladder & prevents to aging.
the recurrence of the gallstone. There are several
medicines in the homoeopathic Materia medica Treatment history: He has been undergoing allo-
which can be considered for gallstone disease; pathic treatment for diabetes mellitus for the past
some prominent medicines are Berberis vulgaris, 10yrs, his Blood Glucose level is under control.
Calcarea carbonica, Carduus marianus, China, Cham-
omilla, Chionanthus, Lycopodium, Veratrum album, General symptoms:
Physical generals:
The main objective of this case report is to show
the effectiveness of homoeopathic medicine in the His appetite was decreased & he said if I eat little
treatment of the Surgical cases. amount of food my stomach is full, Thirst was
good drinks 2 liters /day, he has desire to eat
CASE REPORT chicken, doesn’t like to eat Chapatti, there is no
specific dreams, sleep was good & refreshing. He
Presenting Complaint: A 59 years old male pa- had difficulty in passing stool since 1 month, he
tient, presented with a complaint of severe pain used to pass stool daily but with much difficulty,
in the right side of the upper abdomen for 2 days. so he had a sensation of stool not passing clearly.
Due to severe & unbearable pain he took treat- Urine regular with no difficulties, sweat only on
ment in the nearby allopathic clinic but it gave scalp while eating. Thermal chilly.

58 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Mental generals: abnormalities, Auscultation, Percussion revealed

no abnormalities & on Palpation tenderness is
He doesn’t like to be alone, he want someone to present on right side of upper abdomen.
be with him always & also he has fear about his
health that something will happen to him. He LABORATORY INVESTIGATIONS & FIND-
used to become easily irritated & get angry for INGS:
simple things. He is very kind and cares for oth-
ers. Patient was advised to take USG of the abdomen: Be-
fore treatment.
Systemic examination:
USG of the abdomen taken on: 21.5.2023: It showed
GIT examination: On examination of upper GIT the result of Multiple intraluminal calculi in the
mouth, tongue, lips, palate, corners of mouth, gallbladder noted measuring up to 14 mm; nor-
teeth, gums etc appeared normal. On examination mal wall thickness; no pericholecystic fluid.
of Lower GIT, inspection of abdomen revealed no

Diagnosis: Desire for company++.

Based on the symptoms and USG report it was Anger easily.

diagnosed it as Cholelithiasis.
Appetite - decreased, eating little stomach feels
Evaluation of symptoms: filled+.

Anxiety about his health+. Desire - chicken.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 59

Case Report

Aversion- Chapati. Desire for company.

Stool- Irregular, stool not passed completely . ++
Stool- Irregular, stool not passed completely.
Perspiration- on scalp while eating . +
Perspiration- on scalp while eating.
Bitter taste in mouth++. Bitter taste in mouth.
Pain in right upper abdomen extends to back . +
Pain in right upper abdomen extends to back.
Pain in abdomen with vomiting . +
Pain in abdomen with vomiting.
Distension of abdomen after eating+. Distension of abdomen after eating .
Vomiting followed by hiccough . ++
Vomiting followed by hiccough.
Weakness after vomiting. Weakness after vomiting.
Totality of symptoms:
Anxiety about his health.



1. Anxiety about his health. MIND-ANXIETY-Health;about-own health;her/his
2. Desire for company MIND-COMPANY- desire for
3. Perspiration on scalp while eating PERSPIRATION-EATING-while
4. Bitter taste in mouth. MOUTH-TASTE- bitter
5. Stool - irregular, incomplete RECTUM- CONSTIPATION- insufficient
6. Pain in abdomen with vomiting ABDOMEN-PAIN- vomiting-with
7. Pain in right upper abdomen extends to back
8. Distension of abdomen after eating. ABDOMEN-DISTENSION-eating-after
ABDOMEN-PAIN- liver-colic; gallstone- accompa-
9. Vomiting followed by hiccough
nied by - hiccough
10.Weakness after vomiting. GENERALS-WEAKNESS
Repertorization in the RADAR 10 software, using synthesis repertory.

60 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

On Repertorization Kali carbonicum covered most of the symptoms and it was referred in homoeopathic
Materia medica[8] & prescribed based on symptoms similarity of the patient.

Prescription: on 21.5.2023.  

1. Kali carbonicum -1M /2dose/before food/ (weekly once 1 dose) for 2 weeks.
2. SG- (5-5-5)/After food/ For 2 weeks.

Follow ups:

Date Symptoms changes Prescription

Slight decrease of pain in right side of abdomen

But abdomen pain extend to back is not reduced.

1. Kali carbonicum -1M/2
Bitter taste is slightly reduced. dose for 2 weeks/
9.6.2023 Vomiting 2 days before only 2 times. before food.

Stool: Irregular, Insufficient. 2.SG - (5-5-5)/after food

for 2 weeks.
Distension of abdomen is reduced.

Hiccough is reduced.
No distension of abdomen, no vomiting, Bitter taste in mouth 1. SG -(5-5-5)/ before
is still present, pain extends to back is reduced, Appetite slightly food for 2 weeks.
26.6.2023 improved, stool-passing regularly but must stain to pass.
2. Fel tauri -6X-(2-2-2)/
No Hiccough. After food.
1. Kali carbonicum-1M/
Patient came after 1 month, no distension, no vomiting, no bit- 1dose for 2 weeks/
ter taste in mouth, he said my appetite has improved. But still before food.
my stool is not passing clearly, Occasionally pain is present in
right side of abdomen. 2. SG- (5-5-5-)/2 weeks/
after food.
Most of his symptoms are reduced. nowadays no trouble in
25.8.2023 1.SG- (4-0-4)/ for 1 week.
passing stool.
1. Kali Carbonicum-
Patient came with USG of abdomen:
1M/1 dose (sos).
Gall stone size is decreased, Multiple calculi.
2. SG- (3-0-3)/for 3
Bladder wall thickness is present. But he doesn’t have any weeks.
troubling symptoms, everything improved well, no urinary
3. Fel tauri - 6X-(2-2-2)/
trouble. Occasionally stool irregularity is present.
for 2 weeks.
No any other complaint, Everything improved well so sug-
15.9.2023 1.SG- (3-0-0)/ for 1 week.
gested for USG of abdomen.

Patient came with USG of abdomen. No calculi in the gall-

25.9.2023 -
bladder, No bladder thickness.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 61

Case Report


USG of abdomen: Taken after 3 months on 30/8/2023(After treatment)

After treatment: 25.9.2023

62 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

DISCUSSION sons from the surgical procedures and its compli-

In the case of cholelithiasis, patients has fear cations. It serves as the restoration of the organs
about surgical procedures. Hence, he opted for an without excision from one’s own body.Thus,
alternative system of medicine, though advised Homoeopathic medicines helps to maintain the
for cholecystectomy by the allopathic physician. health in harmony’s way.
So, the patient came to know about the Homoeo-
pathic treatment, & he took the homoeopathic REFERENCE
medicine and the cholelithiasis was cured within
1.Singh Vishram. Revised & updated text book of Anatomy Abdomen
3 months. Homoeopathic medicines are selected and Lower limb. 2nd ed. Elsevier; 2014.Vol.II: p.119.
on the basis of causation, pathological symptoms, 2.Sembulingam K. Essentials of Medical Physiology. 6th ed. Jaypee
prominent modality, totality of the symptoms, Brothers medical Publishers (P) Ltd.p.256.
etc[7]. In this case, there were significant mental, 3.Adi Basavaraj .S, E. Sivarami Reddy.Effective of Hydrastis in
Treatment of Cholelithiasis – An Observation Study: International
physical, particular and pathological symptoms. Journal of Advance Research and Development; vol 2 (10) p.65-69.
After Repertorization, Kali carbonicum, Lycopo- 4. Das. S. A CONCISE TEXTBOOK OF SURGERY. 2nd ed. P.897-899.
dium, Arsenicum album, Nux-Vomica, Bryonia cov- 5. Sandeep Puri et al.: GallStones (Cholelithiasis) Removal Without
ered most of the symptoms. Kali Carbonicum cov- Surgery Through Homoeopathy.
ered high marks, selected based on thermal is chilly, 6. Sahoo AR, Patnaik M, Khamari N, Sahoo S. Chronic Cholelithiasis
treated with Homoeopathic medicine in 50th millesimal potency:
bitter taste in mouth, desire for company, distension A case report. Indian J Res Homoeopathy 2020;14:57-63.
of abdomen, etc. It covered most of the symptoms. 7. Mathur KN, Wadia SR. Principles of Prescribing. New Delhi: B.
Fel tauri 6X was prescribed as the therapeutic inter- Jain Publishers Pvt. Ltd.; 1998.
vention to reduce the size of stone. Disappearance of 8.William Boericke M.D. Pocket manual of Homoeopathic materia medica
& repertory comprising the characteristic and guiding symptoms
gall stones on USG is definitely a documentary of the remedies (clinical and pathogenetic) including Indian
evidence of cure. Hence, this is the case of mul- drugs. Published by B. Jain publishers(p) Ltd.
tiple calculi of 14 mm cured with homoeopathic
medicines without cholecystectomy.
CONCLUSION 1. Dr. R. Kanimozhi, PG scholar, Department
Hence, in this case Homoeopathy acted as a Non- of Practice of Medicine, White Memorial
surgical method for cholelithiasis. Homoeopathic Homoeo Medical College & Hospital,Attoor,
medicines have a great role in securing the per- Tamil Nadu.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 63

In Italics
Role of Homoeopathy in Surgical
Dr. Jaykumar Chandarana, Dr.Sunit Devani

Dr. Jaykumar Chandarana, Dr.Sunit Devani


Principal and Medical Superintendent, Prof. and Professor at Baroda Homeopathic medical college
HOD P.G. dept of Hom. Materia Medica., Baroda and hospital Vadodara GUJARAT 391101
Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital,
Vadodara Gujarat 391101

In today’s modern world the word surgery brings to the mind a surgeon in a modern OT full of anesthesia trolley
and surgical instruments. The ancient surgical science which was known as Shalya Tantra has made tremendous
progress. Now with the advent of robots and AI, it is the time for the next gen surgery procedures. Today surgery
is a life saving mechanism and a complex tool. Surgeries are done even on vital organs like the brain, heart, liver
and lungs but then are all cases surgical cases? What then, is the role of modern Homoeopathic medicine in
today’s world? Also, when and what should a Homoeopathic physician do in case of such surgical cases? When
not to operate and when to advise for surgery is the basic question which remains in the mind of any physician.
In fact when treated judiciously and in reversible borderline cases Homoeopathy has a very good scope. Surgery
therapeutics is an essential part of our arsenal.

Keywords: Surgical condition, Urethral Stricture, Dysuria, Traumatic Bladder Catheterization, Homeo-
pathic treatment, Individualization.

64 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

INTRODUCTION its function. Yet many of the tangible effects may

V ery few people realize that the advent of

surgery dates back to the Vedic times. The
RIGVEDA has mentioned the name of ASHWINI
Urethral stricture is one condition where surgery
is done either major or minor depending upon
KUMARA who performed legendary surgical feats the case. However when augmented by Homoeo-
including the transplantation of Lord Ganesha’s pathic medication, excellent results are obtained.
head. Even today, the Vedas are considered as Hence in the later part of this article a original
SOURCE BOOKS of surgery in India, where the case is put forth.
teachings of the great Indian surgeon SUSHRUTA
who is supposed to be a descendent of the Is every urethral stricture a surgical case or an
mythological God DHANVANTRI are given. emergency? Definitely no but it does requires
Sushruta is supposed to be the Father of Surgery. immediate medical attention. This is because the
A compendium which was very systematic was flow of urine from the bladder is restricted and
made by CHARAK in CHARAK SAMHITA. can lead to a different spectrum of symptoms or
According to Dr. J.T. Kent, “He who has a lacerat- medical problems in the urinary tract the most
ed wound or a broken bone or deformities needs common of which is inflammation or infection.
a surgeon. If his tooth must come out he must Here again there are cases which are painful and
have a surgeon dentist. What would be thought also a few which could be painless, but there
of a man who on being sent for a surgeon to set could be some, where the patient could be in seri-
an injured man’s bones should go for a carpenter ous discomfort. In most of the cases diagnosis is
to mend the roof of the man’s house? If the man’s mostly done considering the signs and symptoms
house alone needs mending then he needs a car- itself but uroflowmetry and cystourethrography
penter and not a surgeon. The physician must dis- are definitely confirmatory.
criminate between the man and the repair of his
Since the patient could already have taken allo-
house. …”.
pathic treatment or could also have undergone
It’s obvious from these statements that YES there some surgical procedures like repeated dilations
is definitely a role of surgery for e.g. injuries from or other surgical corrective procedures the role of
knives, hooks etc. affect the house the man lives in Homoeopathic medicines becomes all the more
and must be attended to by the surgeon, but NOT important. Homoeopathic literature is rich with
ALL cases are surgical in nature. Hence the physi- many a names of medicines for the treatment of
cian must discriminate between the man and the urethral strictures. Top few homeopathic medi-
repair of the house. Again, as Dr. J.T. Kent says cines for urethral stricture management are Clem-
“If the physician acts also as a surgeon, he must atis, Chimaphila, Cantharis, Thiosinaminum,
know when he has to perform his functions as a Conium, Arnica, Cannabis Sativa,Merc Sol, Mag-
surgeon, and when he must keep back as a sur- nesia Mur and Sulph Iodatum and Thuja.
geon…When signs and symptoms are present,
the physician is needed, because these come from 1. Clematis – top medicine with feeble urine
the interior to the exterior. But if his condition is stream, straining to urinate, interrupted urine
brought on only from external causes, the physi- flow clematis is the best prescription to manage
cian must delay action and let the surgeon do his urethral stricture. This natural medicine can
work”. relieve many symptoms associated with
urethral constriction. In cases needing it, there
Also a homoeopathic physician must know the is feeble stream of urine with slow passage
things that derange health and remove them. of urine. To pass urine, straining is required
Herbert A Roberts – Principles and art of cure by to initiate urine flow. An extreme constricted
Homoeopathy – specifies that directly Homoe- sensation is felt in the urethra while passing
opathy has nothing in common with the physical urine. The bladder does not empty in one go
cause or product of disease but secondarily it is and the flow of urine starts then stops and
related. Here is the place where surgery may have starts again several times (interrupted urine

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 65

stream). At times, urine is passed drop by Stricture where the main trouble is the
drop. The patient always feels as if some urine intermittent stream of urine. It takes a lot of
is still left behind in the bladder. Dribbling time to complete the act of urination. The
of urine occurs after passing urine. Clematis urine starts to flow and then stops and this
helps in establishing the proper flow of urine process of starting and stopping is repeated
in a stream. Frequency to pass urine also several times to completely drain the urine
increases. Burning in urethra while passing out. Burning pain after passing urine may be
urine also occurs. It is also helpful for all those felt.
patients of Urethral Stricture who have a 6. Arnica – for urethral stricture where there
history of gonorrhoea for a long duration. is a history of injury or trauma, Arnica is a
2. Chimaphila – for thin / split urine stream highly recommended natural medicine for its
and straining to pass urine. Chimaphila is of universal curing action in trauma and injury
great help when the urine stream is thin like cases. Arnica can be given in cases of Urethral
a thread or split urine stream. Additionally, Stricture where history of an injury is found.
a lot of straining is required to pass urine. In Injuries basically caused by blunt objects, a
spite of the efforts, the urine passed is very less blow or a fall are covered by this medicine. The
in quantity. A characteristic feature is patients patient needing Arnica usually complains of
needing it are able to empty the bladder frequent urge to urinate and sore and bruised
when standing with feet set wide apart and pain in urethra while urinating or otherwise.
body stooped forward. When such peculiar 7. Cannabis Sativa – for a split stream of urine.
symptoms come to light, the selection of the This medicine is useful when urination occurs
correct medicine becomes easy. Besides the in a split stream. Straining to pass urine is
above, it can be used when there is frequent also required. Dribbling of urine occurs after
urge to urinate, like every one to two hours. urine flow ceases. Burning in urethra when
Cutting and burning pain when passing urine urinating appears.
may be felt.
8. Merc Sol – for increased frequency of urine and
3. Cantharis – for pain or burning while urinating. an urgent need to urinate. Merc Sol proves
Cantharis is a very well-known and widely effective in managing increased frequency of
used medicine for various kinds of urinary urine and urgency to pass urine. A person has
troubles. It is beneficial in Urethral Stricture to rush/ hurry to pass urine as the urge cannot
cases when the foremost complaint is pain be controlled. While urinating, the stream of
or burning while passing urine. The burning urine is very weak. Urination is attended with
or pain may even start before urination, and burning pain.
continue even after passing urine. Urine may
9. Magnesia Mur – for stricture after dilatation
be passed drop by drop. The urge to pass
(procedure to stretch urethral sides).This
urine is almost constantly present.
medicine works well for stricture after
4. Thiosinaminum – to dissolve scars in urethral dilatation. It is indicated when urine passes
stricture. Thiosinaminum is known for its with much straining and pressure. Urine may
ability to dissolve scars formed anywhere in pass in drops. There is a sensation as if some
the body. Thiosinaminum can work wonders urine always remains back.
in Urethral Stricture cases where the scar tissue
10. Sulph Iodatum – for stricture following
is formed in urethra due to any cause. The scar
gonorrhea. Sulph Iodatum is very beneficial
resolving power of this natural remedy cannot
when urethral stricture follows gonorrhea.
be matched by any other medicine. Pain while
The symptoms guiding its use are urine
passing urine and increased urination at night
passing drop by drop, frequent urge to pass
are the main symptoms found in persons
urine and painful urination
needing this medicine.
11. Thuja – Used for the stricture where urethra is
5. Conium – for intermittent urine stream.
swollen and inflamed, Urinary stream split and
This medicine can help patients of Urethral
small, Sensation of trickling after urination.

66 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Severe cutting pain felt by the patient after ture which was 2 cm in length at B-M junction
urination. Frequent urination accompanied under SA. The operative procedure performed
by pain. History of suppressed gonorrhea is was TURP with cystolithotomy on 25th Feb 21 at
usually seen. Pain and burning felt at the neck Gandhinagar. He was once again operated with a
of bladder. There can be involuntary urination catheter in situ on 18th May 23 at Gandhinagar. It
also. was repeated again on 23rd June 23. FOLLEYS 22
FE 3 way puc and catheter was kept. He had fre-
12. Nitric acid - is specific for sycho syphilitic quency and hesitancy of micturition. There was
miasm having urethral stricture. It exerts difficulty in passing urine. Drop by drop urina-
a profound effect on the muco cutaneous tion with severe pain and discomfort. For the last
junctions. The Urine is Scanty, dark, offensive. 2 months he had a very thin stream of urine. He
Smells like horse’s urine. Cold on passing. was advised catheterization lifelong.
Burning and stinging. Urine bloody and
albuminous. Alternation of cloudy, phosphatic Additionally, investigation reports like Uroflow-
urine with profuse urinary secretion in old metry, USG of abdomen were done. USG findings
prostatic cases. were suggestive of bladder calculi. Enlarged pros-
tate with significant post void residual urine and
A CASE OF URETHRAL STRICTURE TREAT- changes of cystitis are seen.
Now the patient was very much disturbed after
Name- abc multiple rendezvous with doctors and surgeons
Age 69y, Sex- male and had approached us on 29th May 23 for Ho-
moeopathic treatment.
Opd no 1264/….
Hypertension at 60 yrs of age, Leucoderma since
The patient came with complaints of difficulty in 62 yrs age, Inguinal hernia since 65 yrs age, BPH
passing urine on and off that too since the age of at 67 yrs age and operated for it 2 yrs ago. Ure-
20 years. He has been operated for urethral stric- thral stricture at the age of 67 yrs and has been
operated thrice since.

Details of Treatment


Painful micturation. dribbling uri-

29th May nation. Urine passes drop by drop.
Thuja 10 M 3 doses at 5 hours interval
2023 K/C/O urethral stricture with
minor surgical interventions.

12th June Patient is much better. Cpls of

Nitric acid 30 tds 15 days
2023 very strong smelling urine.

Catheterization done today.

Bloody urine passed today morn-
26th June Sac Lac 30 tds for 15 days and Sabal Ser 30 tds
ing. Heaviness of eyes, weakness
2023 for 1 day.
and clots of blood passed twice
today in urine while passing stool.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 67

is better. No hematuria. Pain is
lesser. But straining during uri- Cantharis 30 1 dose day 1. Cantharis 200 1
8th July
nation has increased. Burning + . dose day 2 and Cantharis 1M 1 dose on day 3.
Urine report suggestive of Pseudo- Also Sac Lac 30 tds for 15 days.                                                               
monas colony count of 1 Lakh,
Complaints have decreased.
17th July
Straining during urination is lesser Sac Lac 30 tds for 15 days.
and catheter is removed.
Straining is further reduced. There
Cantharis 30 1 dose day 1. Cantharis 200 1
1st August is symptomatic improvement in
dose day 2 and Cantharis 1M 1 dose on day 3.
2023 urinary complaints. Burning still
Also Sac Lac 30 tds for 15 days.                                                               
present .
Much better in urinary complaints.
9th August Nit ac 30 day 1. Nit ac 200 day 2 and Nit ac 1 M
Now the only complaint is of
2023 on day 3. followed by SL 30 tds for 1 week.
strong smelling urine.
Better in all the complaints. Urine
was investigated and shows NO
18th August Nit ac 30 day 1. Nit ac 200 day 2 and Nit ac 1 M
ABNORMALITY. Only the com-
2023 on day 3. followed by SL 30 tds for 1 week.
plaint of strong smelling urine is
still present.
25th August
25 %better in all the complaints. SL 30 tds for 1 week.
Further improvement. He says
that he is better by about 30% Nit ac 30 1 dose day 1. Nit ac 200 1 dose day 2
31st August
now. The catheter is removed and and Nit ac 1 M 1 dose on day 3. followed by SL
inspite of the removal he has no 30 tds for 2 week.
Further improvement. He says
that he is better by about 50%
16th Sept now. he has no pain or burning.
Nit ac 30 1 dose. Sl 30 tds 1 week
2023 Nearly no complaints for the 1st
time. But yes complaint of little
burning and foul odor.
No blockage of urine. Is mentally
23rd Sept
satisfied and better now. Yester- Nit ac 200 1 dose and sl 30 tds for 1 week.
day he had burning micturation.
30th Sept Status quo at 50%. No further im- Thuja 1 M 1 dose. Given as an anti miasmatic
2023 provement seen. remedy. Sl 30 tds for 15 days.
As checked by Dr. Waghela who
is a urosurgeon proper patency is
maintained. For the 1st time after only sl 30 tds for 15 days. Adv the patient to stop
13th Oct
a very long time the patient is meds for a month now. May come sos if neces-
75% better. No blockage, burning sary.
urination is better by 75% and dys-
uria is better 90%.

68 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

List of Symptoms 5. MIND – punctual time for ++
6. URETHRA – stricture of urethra
1. MIND – Determination 7. URINE – dribbling of urination++
2. MIND – artistic 8. DESIRE – butter for
3. MIND – sympathetic 9. MIND – sensitive
4. MIND – angry when sometimes doesn’t agree 10. MIND – injustice cannot support

Qualified Mental
Totality Repertorial Totality
Courageous, Anger When Some- Mind Determination. Mind Anger
Causation Will Emo-
one Does Not Agree Sympathetic Contradiction From, Mind Sympa-
Artistic        thetic, Mind Ability For
Will Punctuality Time For Mind - Anxiety Time Set For.
Generalities- Food And Drinks -
Physical Generals Desire Butter
Butter Desire

Mind Sensitive.
Common Mentals Sensitive Mind - Injustice Can Not Support
Can Not Tolerate Wrong Things
Stricture Of Urethra Urethra - Stricture
Physical Particulars
Urine Passes Drop By Drop Bladder - Urination Dribbling

1. The medicines chiefly used here are Nit Acid
and Thuja. If we see the relationship of
remedies as given by R. Gibson Miller, both
are inter connected and follow each other well.
2. Looking at this interpretation a relationship
between Nit Ac. and Thuja could be
established for future studies.
3. A homoeopathic physician has to be dedicated,
disciplined and free from prejudices for the
patient as well as for medicine. Perseverance,
patience and following homeopathic
principles is very much beneficial.
4. Homoeopathic medicines can really go hand in
hand in surgical cases and are very efficacious
when judicially employed.

1. Herbert A. Roberts, M.D., The Principles and Art of Cure by
Homoeopathy- Reprint Edition: November 2012, Indian Books &
Periodicals Publishers, New Delhi, India.
2. James Tyler Kent, M.D., Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy
– Sixth Edition : 2005, B.Jain Publishers (P) Ltd., New Delhi, India.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 69

Case Report

Renal Calculi, Hepatomegaly and Sple-

nomegaly Treated with Homoeopathy
Dr. Jagdish Prasad

Background: Nephrolithiasis, or renal stones, usually occurs in the upper urinary tract. Renal calculi are a com-
mon complication of the urological system. It is the crystal-forming process in the urinary tract. Renal calculus
is a solid or crystal aggregation formed in the kidneys from minerals in the urine.

Case Summary: A 34-year-old male patient presented with a complaint of pain in the left lumbar region and
radiated to the right lumber for 2 months. Ultrasound of the whole abdomen showed about 6.0 mm calculus
at the lower pole of the left kidney and 17 X 7.5 mm obstructive calculus at the left proximal ureter causing
moderate hydroureteronephrosis. His mild hepatomegaly and splenomegaly were present. According to symp-
toms similarity, the homoeopathic medicine Lycopodium clavatum was prescribed. Subsequently, the stone was
expelled through urine. and the USG report was normal.

Keywords: Renal calculi, Nephrolithiasis, Hepatomegaly, Splenomegaly, Lycopodium clavatum.

INTRODUCTION chills if an infection is present. [1,3,4]

In the case of hepatomegaly, A smooth, tender
N ephrolithiasis, or renal stones, usually occurs
in the upper urinary tract. It is very common
worldwide, with a lifetime risk of about 10 to 25%.
liver is seen in hepatitis and in extrahepatic ob-
struction, but a knobbly, irregular liver suggests
metastases or cirrhosis. Causes of hepatomegaly.
Most stones are composed of calcium oxalate
Hepatomegaly may occur as the result of a gen-
and phosphate; these are more common in men.
eral enlargement of the liver or because of a pri-
Mixed infective stones, which account for about
mary or secondary liver tumour. Hepatomegaly
15% of all calculi, are twice as common in women
may resolve in patients with alcoholic cirrhosis
as in men. The overall male-to-female ratio of
when they stop drinking. When an enlarged liv-
stone disease is 2:1. Kidney stones are one of the
er results from liver disease, it might be accom-
most common urological problems. Most people
panied by abdominal pain, fatigue, nausea and
with urinary tract calculi are asymptomatic. Pain
vomiting, yellowing of the skin and the whites
is the most common symptom and may be sharp
of the eyes and different types of symptoms are
or dull, constant, intermittent or colicky. Ureteric
present there. [1,2,3]
colic occurs when a stone enters the ureter and
either obstructs it or causes spasm during its In the case of splenomegaly, the spleen enlarges
passage down the ureter. Classically, pain radiates from under the left costal margin inferiorly and
from the flank to the iliac fossa, testis or labia. medially. An enlarged spleen is only palpable if
Pallor, sweating and vomiting often occur and it is 1.5-2 times the size of a normal spleen. Ul-
the patient is restless. Haematuria often occurs. trasound or CT scanning may be used to confirm
Different types of signs present in the case of renal splenomegaly and may also provide other useful
calculi are Pink, red or brown urine, Cloudy or information, such as the presence of abdominal
foul-smelling urine, A persistent need to urinate, lymphadenopathy. [2,4]
urinating more often than usual or urinating in
small amounts, Nausea and vomiting, Fever and Case Report:

70 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Presenting Complaints: Mental General:

A 34 yr.’s old male patient visited the O.P.D. of The patient was very afraid that something un-
RBTS Govt. homoeopathic Medical College and pleasant may happen, Fear of being alone, rest-
Hospital Muzaffarpur, Bihar on date: 05/12/2022, less, can’t staying in one place. He was very anx-
with a complaint of pain in the left lumber region ious about his health and fastidious in nature;
for 2 months. His left lumbar pain aggravated be- always tried to clean the surroundings and room.
fore urination and amelioration after urination. He feels very sad in the morning after waking.
He also complained of scanty urination along confused, when he was alone and having a fear of
with red-brick-like sediments in the urine associ- death sometimes.
ated with bloody urine sometimes. He also suf-
Physical General:
fered from pain right hypochondriac region for 2
months which radiated to the left abdominal re- On enquiry, the physical general, his appetite was
gion. Sometimes he was also suffering from pain very poor with indigestion. He found the test of
in the left upper abdomen that spread to the left all the food sour and with sour eructation after
shoulder along with a complaint of a feeling of eating. He had a desire for sweet things, cold
fullness of the stomach without eating or after drinks and cold water. He took 2-3 litres of wa-
eating a small amount. His nausea tendency only ter every day in summer and less than 2 litres in
in the morning after he awakens, Flatulence after winter. Sleep was generally normal but disturbed
eating. during back and abdominal pain. Perspiration on
the whole over the body, even in cold weather.
History Of Presenting Complaint:
Sometimes intolerance of tight clothing around
In March 2018, he had been diagnosed with the abdomen.
urolithiasis; according to him, the calculus was
General Physical Examination:
expelled after allopathic treatment. In the last 2
months, the symptoms of renal calculi had reap- Pulse Rate - 76/min.
peared, including pain in the right hypochon-
driac region and pain in the left upper abdomen. Respiratory Rate - 16/min.,
Allopathic treatments have provided temporary TEMP: 98.6°F,
relief. The patient was advised to undergo a sur-
gical procedure. However, he had an intense fear Height: -165 cm
of surgery and, therefore, opted for homoeopath-
Weight: - 60 Kg
ic treatment.
B.P.: -124/80 mm Hg.
Past history:
No sign of pallor, cyanosis, icterus, clubbing,
He was suffering from asthma psoriasis in both
legs in the last 5 years. He took conventional med-
icine. Ten years ago, he suffered from malarial fe- Diagnostic assessment: Ultrasound of the whole
ver and pain in the frontal head and was treated abdomen dated 12 November 2022 showed about
with conventional medicine. 6.0 mm calculus at the lower pole of the left kid-
ney and 17 X 7.5 mm obstructive calculus at the
Family history:
left proximal ureter causing moderate hydro-
His grandfather and father suffer from diabetes ureteronephrosis. His mild hepatomegaly with
mellitus-2 and his mother suffers from migraine grade-first fatty liver was present. And his mild
with hypertension. Both are treated with conven- splenomegaly without any focal lesion was also
tional medicine. His wife also suffers from hyper- present.
tension and is treated with Homoeopathy. He had
Diagnosis: Renal calculi, Hepatomegaly and
one child without any problem.
Splenomegaly [1,2,3,4]
Patient Details:
Justification of diagnosis: Symptomatic

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 71

Case Report

Analysis & Evaluation of Symptoms: -


1. Fear of being alone Mental general ++ Psora
2. sad in the morning on waking Mental general ++ Psora
3. eructation after eating Particular +++ Psora-sycotic
4. fullness of the stomach after eating Particular ++ Psora
5. pain right hypochondriac region Particular + Psora-sycotic
6. pain in the left upper abdomen Particular ++ Psora-sycotic

7. Kidney stone Particular +++ Sycotic

8. red-brick-like sediments in the urine Particular ++ Syco-syphilitic
pain in the left lumber region >
9. Particular +++ Psora
after urination
10. Desire for sweet things Physical general ++ Psora

11. calculus proximal ureter Physical general +++ Sycotic

Reportorial sheet [10]: -

The Repertorisation was done using Radar opus torial analysis, Lycopodium clavatum covers most
(Synthesis Repertory).[10] Lycopodium clavatum of the symptom and highest score. After consult-
covers maximum rubrics at a particular level with ing Materia Medica [7,8] Lycopodium clavatum was
highest highest-scoring medicine. found to be most appropriate for this case cover-
Prescription: -Rx ing general including physical and mental picture
as well as thermal reaction.
Lycopodium clavatum 200/1 Dose /OD (morning
with empty stomach) Selection of potency with justification: It best on
the susceptibility of the patient.[7]
Selection of remedy with justification: In repor-

72 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Follow-up Sheet: -

Date of Prescribed medicine /

Change in symptom
visit potency/dose

Mentally slightly better, Fullness of stomach >, No

change in eructation, Abdominal pain slightly >, Pain in
22/12/2022 Placebo 1 dram /BD
the left lumbar region>>, Red sediments in urine approx.
20% diminished,

Lycopodium clavatum
Mentally approx. 50% better, Fullness of stomach >>,
200/1 Dose /OD (morn-
06/01/2023 eructation slightly >, Abdominal pain slightly >, Pain in
ing with empty stom-
the left lumbar region>, Red sediments in urine >>

Mentally approx. 50% better, Fullness of stomach 60% di-

minished, eructation >>, Abdominal pain slightly >, Ure-
24/01/2023 ter calculus removed from urethra on date 22/01/2023, Placebo 1 dram /BD
Pain in the left lumber region>>, red sediments in urine
subside. Advised USG whole abdomen.

Mentally better, Fullness of stomach 70% diminished, Lycopodium clavatum

eructation subsides, left abdominal pain subside but right 1M/1 Dose /OD (morn-
hypochondriac pain slight >, Pain in the left lumbar re- ing with empty stom-
gion approx. 80% subside, USG report shows left renal ach)
calculi 3.4mm, Hepatomegaly (liver size-149mm), Bowel

The fullness of the stomach 70% diminished, right hypo-

05/03/2023 chondriac pain >>, Pain in the left lumbar region approx Placebo 1 dram /BD

The fullness of the stomach 70% diminished, right hypo-

03/04/2023 chondriac pain >>>, Pain in the left lumbar region approx Placebo 1 dram /BD
subside, Advised USG whole abdomen.

The fullness of the stomach subsided, right hypochon-

driac pain subsided, approx subsided, USG report
17/04/2023 Placebo 1 dram /BD
finding- renal calculi removed, Liver normal, No any
type of pain,

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 73

Case Report


Investigation During Treatment Investigation After Treatment

74 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

The Expelled Renal Stone


Homoeopathic medicine selected on the basis 1. Father A., Randall D., Waterhouse M., Kumar $ Clark’s clinical
of homoeopathic principles proved to be very medicine,10th edition international edition, Elsevier London New
York, 2021, p.1273.
effective in this case of renal calculus with hep-
2. Boon NA, College NR, Walker BR, Davidson’s principles and
atomegaly and splenomegaly and showed re- practice of medicine, 23. edition, Elsevier London New York,
markable results in the treatment. Lycopodium 2018; p. 431, 432, 862.
clavatum was selected on the basis of physical 3. Longo DL, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Harrison’s principles
of internal medicine, Mc. Graw Hill Medical, 18th edition; USA; p.
generals, mental generals and particulars and 386.
keeping in mind the knowledge of Materia 4. Munjal Y.P., API Textbook of Medicine, Tenth Edition, Jaypee
Medica and homoeopathic philosophy. Treat- Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, p1797.
ment was continued for 4 months. Medicine 5. Banerjea S. K., Miasmatic Prescribing, New Delhi. B. Jain.
Publisher Pvt. Ltd; 2006,
was given in very few doses which appeared
6. Close, Stuart M. The Genius of Homoeopathy. Lectures and
very effective in the treatment of the case. [6] Essay on Homoeopathic Philosophy. New Delhi: Indian Books &
periodicals publishers.; 2011.
The potency selection was done on the basis of 7. Boericke W., New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia medica with
the susceptibility of the patient as stated by Dr. repertory, B. Jain Publishers (P) LTD. New Delhi, p 362-366.
Close. The greater the characteristic symptoms 8. Allen H C. Keynotes and characteristics with comparisons of
of the drug in the case, the greater the suscepti- some of the leading remedies of the Materia medica added with
other leading remedies and nosodes 10th edition. Reprint edition:
bility to the remedy and the higher the potency 2002; Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers; p.180.
required. The susceptibility of the patient was 9. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Fifth edition with an
high so the selection of potency was high. This appendix by R.E. Dudgeon. Translated by William Boericke. And
introduced by James Krauss. New Delhi. B. Jain Publishers (P)
case of renal calculus with hepatomegaly and Ltd.; 2002. p. 106, 140.
splenomegaly re-established the strength of ho- 10. Synthesis repertory (Radar opus software).
moeopathy and proves the homoeopathic prin-
ciples and philosophy as stated by Dr. Hahn- ABOUT THE AUTHOR
emann. It also elicited that homoeopathy can
1. Dr. Jagdish Prasad, PGT, R.B.T.S. Govt.
cure such a type of case in very few doses in a
Homoeopathic Medical college and hospital
very short period of time without any aggrava-
tion and side effects. [6,9,]

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 75

Case Report

Management of Pilonidal Sinus with

Homoeopathy: A Case Report
Dr Nitin Kumar, Dr. Ajay Vishwakarma, Dr Pallavi Bhaskar

This is a case of a 32 years male presented with the complaint of pain in the perianal region for 3 months. He
also complained of swelling and redness in the perianal region with discharge of offensive pus. His pain aggra-
vates on sitting down and better by warm application. On examination it was found that he was suffering from
pilonidal sinus. Systematic case taking followed by repertorisation of totality of symptoms was done by Synthe-
sis repertory using RADAR software in order to select individual remedy for the case where Silicea, Mercurius,
Sepia, Sulphur and Graphites were shortlisted.

Keywords: Pilonidal Sinus, Cyst, Abscess, Silicea, Homoeopathy

INTRODUCTION time of Fere (1878) to Stone (1951) and even un-

til today, a number of authors have established

P ilonidal sinus’ disease, most commonly seen

in reproductive populations like young adults
- mostly in males who are in their twenties - is
four different theories: medullary canal theory,
dermal inclusion theory, beak glands theory and
sex gland theory [3]. These theories, recently hav-
actually a rather controversial disease in that there ing just few supporters, have never been proven
is still no consensus on its treatment, probability and failed to explain pilonidal diseases located in
of its recurrence is high, and its care takes a the regions other than the sacrococcygeal area [4,5].
long time and is costly. It is mostly an acquired, These authors have been known to misdiagnose
chronic and inflammatory condition affecting certain diseases, such as medullary canal fistulas
the sacrococcygeal region in most cases. It is and hydroadenitis, important in the differential
sometimes seen as an infected abscess draining diagnosis of pilonidal disease. In addition, suc-
from an opening or a lesion extending to the cessive clustering of hairs with the same length,
perineum. As well, it may also be observed as a thickness, colour and position could not be ex-
draining fistula opening to skin [1]. In this article, plained by this theory [6, 7]. Cubic epithelial lining
the aim was to explain the etiological factors, of the inner wall of congenital pilonidal disease
pathogenesis and clinical features of the disease undermines this theory [8]. The main characteristic
that may present with various clinical symptoms of pilonidal sinus is squamous epithelium lining
and impairs life quality and satisfaction [2]. its inner wall.
According to the supporters of acquired theory,
Although various theories have been established pilonidal disease occurs as a result of inflam-
since it was first described, no consensus has mation that results from foreign body reaction
been reached. According to the supporters of occurring secondary to the entry of hairs in the
congenital theory, pilonidal sinus disease occurs subdermal area after trauma. Supporters of this
because of residual epithelium in the spinal canal theory also suggest various other theories to ex-
and skin or when hair follicles enter to interspace plain the occurrence of this mechanism. Accord-
formed by incomplete fusion occurring as a result ing to Bascom, hair follicles become infected un-
of a defective union of the skin layer during the der the effect of sex steroids when they are filled
early embryonic period. On this basis, from the with keratin during puberty, this infection form-

76 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

ing an abscess tract. Hairs in this tract pierce the Proteus, beta haemolytic Streptococcus,
skin while they are still attached to it and are Pseudomonas and S. aureus, respectively.
pulled into deeper regions under the vacuuming There are also studies that suggest S. aureus
effect of gluteal muscles to form a sinus [7]. The and Streptococcus were more common [14].
vacuuming effect is mostly observed in the sitting In a study by Sondenaa et al., the growing
position. For this reason, it is suggested that this microorganisms in abscess cultures were
disease is more common in people that sit for long anaerobes (mainly E. Coli) in 77%, aerobes in
periods of time. However, this disease is not very 4% and mixed microorganisms in 17% of the
common in patients confined to bed and elderly patients [15].
people who spend their time mostly sitting dur- 3. Chronic Disease Form: Chronic Pilonidal
ing the day. Karydakis suggests that hairs move Sinus Disease: named after the period of
towards the follicle and enter into deeper regions abscess drainage. Intermittent drainage
like a drill. The first entry occurs through a weak and pain are present. Mild tenderness and
part of the skin and other hairs come through af- induration are present upon palpation. There
ter [9]. This theory is validated by the fact that the may be one or more than one sinus orifices
disease occurs in interdigital areas, the umbilicus, on which hairs may grow. Skin may have
clitoris, and anal canal, and it recurs even after shrinkage and scarring secondary to drainage.
Clinical Findings:
Pilonidal disease has 3 different clinical presenta-
tions: Personal Data
Name: XYZ
1. Asymptomatic form Age: 32 years
2. Acute abscess form Sex: Male
3. Chronic disease form Marital status: Married
• Recurrent complex pilonidal sinus disease;
Presenting Complaints
• Chronic pilonidal sinus disease.
Patient is presented with the complaint of pain in
1. Asymptomatic form: patients have no the perianal region for 3 months. Pain aggravated
complaints and are incidentally diagnosed. by sitting down and amelioration by warm appli-
One or more pits located at the midline, about cation. Other symptoms were redness and swell-
5 cm from anus, are detected. In a study ing at the perianal region along with discharge of
by Eftaiha and Abracian, the ratio of these offensive pus.
patients among all patients with pilonidal
sinus was found to be 11% [10]. Past history
2. Acute abscess form: severe pain, swelling He suffered from Jaundice 6 months back and was
and redness are present in the sacrococcygeal treated with allopathic medicines.
region. Fever and leucocytosis may be present. Family History
It is the most common cause of hospital
Mother is diabetic patient, taking allopathic treat-
admission [11]. Another study showed that 50%
of patients presented with this form [12]. The
indurated area containing abscess gradually Physical generals
grows and accumulated malodorous fluid Appetite: Good
spontaneously drains or is surgically drained.
Thirst: Thirsty
After this stage, conversion to the chronic
form begins. Microbiological examinations Desire: Cold things
of drainage fluids mostly reveal anaerobic Aversion: Meat
proliferation (Escherichia coli) [13]. Other
common microorganisms are known to be Intolerance: Nothing Specific

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 77

Case Report

Bowel: Unsatisfied, regular Rubrics Selected [17]

Bladder: Clear, profuse 1. Mind – consolation – agg.
Sleep: Unrefreshing, disturbed due to pain 2. Mind – fear – pins:of
Perspiration: Profuse, offensive 3. Rectum – moisture
4. Generals – sitting – agg.
RHC: Chilly
5. Generals – abscesses
Mental Generals
6. Generals – abscesses – pus – fetid
Anger – expressive
7. Generals – food and drinks – meat – aversion
Consolation aggravation 8. Generals – heat – lack of vital heat
Fear – of pins 9. Generals – warm – amel.
Desire of company

Provisional Diagnosis Analysis of the case

After analysis and evaluation of the case the char-
Pilonidal sinus [16] acteristics symptoms were used to form the total-
Totality of symptoms ity “pain is aggravated on sitting and ameliorated
by warm application” were important particulars
• Pain in perianal region aggravated on sitting in this case, “chilly patient, aversion to meat and
desire of cold things” were important physical
• Pain ameliorated by warm application
general and “consolation aggravation and fear of
• Discharge of fetid pus pins” were important mental generals in this case.
• Presence of moisture on examination The selection of remedy was based on repertorisa-
• Aversion to meat tion from RADAR 10 [17] software using Synthesis
• Chilly patient Repertory 9.1 by Frederick Schroyens with reper-
• Consolation aggravation torial result showing top five remedies as Silicea
(27/10), Mercurius (20/10), Sepia (23/9), Sul-
• Fear of pins
phur (21/9) and Graphites(19/9).

Fig 1: Repertorial Analysis Sheet [17]

78 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report


Silicea 30/4 doses

(“The dose of medicine (of the first prescription) that acts

without producing new troublesome symptoms in to be
23/07/2021 Patients’ 1st visit continued while gradually ascending, so long as the patient
with general improvement, begins to feel in the mild degree
the return to of one or several old original complaints”.) (Aph
248,280) [18]

05/08/2021 Improvement in pain Placebo 30/4 doses

Increased redness and

14/08/2021 Placebo 30/4 doses
Profuse discharge of
20/08/2021 Placebo 30/4 doses
pus with blood

27/08/2021 Discharge reduced Placebo 30/4 doses

Cavity started to heal

07/09/2021 Placebo 30/4 doses

Silicea 30/4 doses

15/09/2021 No discharge (According to Kent’s 11th observation reappearance of older

symptoms and the improvement is standstill then the repeti-
tion of the remedy should be prescribed) [19]

26/09/2021 Sinus subsided Placebo 30/4 doses

Before treatment

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 79

Case Report

Fig2,3 and 4 before treatment of patient Fig 5: After treatment of patient

Prescription REFERENCES
Silicea [20] 30 / 4 doses 1. Mentes O, Oysul A, Harlak A, Zeybek N, Kozak O, Tufan T.
Ultrasonography accurately evaluates the dimension and shape
Basis for Prescription of the pilonidal sinus. Clinics 2009;64:189-92.
2. Duman K, Ozdemir Y, Yucel E, Akin ML. Comparison of
After analysing the case and reportorial results depression, anxiety and long-term quality of health in patients
along with the knowledge of our Materia Medi- with a history of either primary closure or Limberg fap
reconstruction for pilonidal sinus. Clinics 2014;69:384-7.
ca, SILICEA [20] 30/ 4 doses were prescribed as it
3. Stone HB. Te origin of Pilonidal Sinus. Ann Surg 1931;94:311-5.
gained maximum marks in the reportorial sheet
4. Smíd D, Novák P, Liska V, Treska V. Pilonidal sinussurgical
and patient showed marked improvement after management at our surgical clinic. Rozhl Chir 2011;90:301-5.
the medicine administration. 5. da Silva JH. Pilonidal cyst: cause and treatment. Dis Colon
Rectum 2000;43:1146-56.

CONCLUSION 6. Uysal AC, Alagöz MS, Unlu MS, Sensöz O. Hair dresser’s:
syndrom a case report of an interdigital pilonidal sinus and
Homoeopathic medicine selected on the basis of review of the literature. Dermatol Surg 2003;29:288–90.
homoeopathic principles proved to be very effec- 7. Bascom J, Bascom T. Utility of the clef lif procedure in refractory
tive in this case of pilonidal sinus and shown re- pilonidal disease. Am J Surg 2007;193:606-9.

markable results in the treatment. Silicea [20] was 8. Ackerman LL, Menezes AH. Spinal congenital dermal sinuses: a
30-year experience. Pediatrics 2003; 112:641-7.
selected on the basis of physical generals, men-
9. Karydakis GE. Easy and successful treatment of pilonidal
tal generals and particulars and keeping in mind sinus afer explanation of its causative process. Aust NZJ Surg
the knowledge of Materia Medica and homoeo- 1992:62:567–72.
pathic philosophy. Treatment was continued for 10. Efaiha M, Abracian H. Te dilemma of pilonidal disease: surgical
2 months. Medicine was given in very few doses treatment. Dis Colon Rectum 1977;20:279-86.
which appeared very effective in treatment of the 11. Kanat BH, Bozan MB, Yazar FM, Yur M, Erol F, Özkan Z, et al.
case. Comparison of early surgery (unroofng-curetage) and elective
surgery (Karydakis fap technique) in pilonidal sinus abscess

80 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report
cases. Ulus Travma Acil Cerrahi Derg 2014;20:366-70. 20. Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
12. Varnalidis I, Ioannidis O, Paraskevas G, Papapostolou D, and Repertory. 9th Reprinted ed. New Delhi: B Jain Publishers;
Malakozis SG, Gatzos S, et al. Pilonidal sinus: a comparative 2007.
study of treatment methods. J Med Life 2014;7:27-30.
13. Enshaei A, Motearef S. Comparison of two surgical methods, ABOUT THE AUTHORS
primary closure and rotational fap, in patients with chronic
pilonidal sinus. Glob J Health Sci 2014;6:18-22. 1. Prof. (Dr) Nitin Kumar, MSc (Entomology),
14. Markwell SJ. Physical theraphy management of pelvic/perineal BHMS, HOD (Department of Homoeopathic
and perianal pain syndromes. World J Urol 2001;19:194-9. Materia Medica), Chandola Homoeopathic
15. Sondenaa K, Andersen E, Nesvik I, Soreide JA. Patient Medical College and Hospital, Rudrapur,
characteristics and symptoms in chronic pilonidal sinus disease. Uttarakhand
Int J Colorectal Dis 1995; 10:39–42.
16. World Health Organisation (WHO), icd10data.com, 2022
2. Prof. (Dr) Ajay Vishwakarma, PhD (Hom.),
ICD-10 -CM Diagnosis code [Internet], Geneva, Switzerland, MD (Hom.), Dean (Uttarakhand Ayurved
World Health Organisation 1993; https://www.icd10data.com/ University), Uttarakhand, Professor/HOD,
ICD10CM/Index/S/Sinus#77738 Department of Anatomy, Principal I/C,
17. Schroyens F. Radar Homoeopathic Repertory Software. CDROM. Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College
Available from: http://www.archibel.com/radar10.html.
and Hospital, Rudrapur, Uttarakhand
18. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 6th ed. New Delhi: B Jain
Publishers; 2002. p. 227-8 3. Dr Pallavi Bhaskar, BHMS, MD (Hom.),
19. Kent J T. Lectures on Homoeopathic Philosophy. Assistant Professor (Department of Anatomy),
Archive.org [Internet]. Chicago. Ehrhart & Karl, 1919. Chandola Homoeopathic Medical College
[Accessed on 22 April 2022]. https://archive.org/details/ and Hospital, Rudrapur, Uttarakhand

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 81

Case Report

Homoeopathic Management of Bilateral
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Ovarian Cysts – A Case Report
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum.
Dr. Ankita Mittal Causative factor and the
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
is the profound weakness of the kidney and
ABSTRACT complaints which points to Pareira
Background: Ovarian enlargements are usually due to the accumulation of fluid inside the functional unit of
the Ovary cystic or solid, and may occur at any age. Functional and inflammatory enlargements of the ovary
develop almost exclusively during the childbearing years. They may be asymptomatic or produce local discom-
fort, menstrual disturbances, infertility, or in rare cases cause acute symptoms due to complications bleeding,
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
first editionwith the2019;
reprint blood
New supply
Delhi,to the ovary.
published Case Summary: A married lady aged 28 years presented with
by The
General Manager
complaints of Crossbill Publishing
pre-diagnosed Co., pages
features of a 61, page 63,
bilateral ovarian cyst. The patient presented with pain in the lower
page 65, page 135, page 88
abdomen, especially in the inguinal and iliac region for eight months Ultrasound of the lower abdomen showed
Codearea size 35 x 37mm in the right ovary and 26 x 28 mm was seen in the left ovary. According to the total-
ity of symptoms, the homeopathic medicine Apis mellifica was prescribed. Subsequently, within two months
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
and fifteen days, each ovary was normal after the USG report of the lower abdomen.
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.

4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of

Keywords: Bilateral
Homoeopathic ovarian
Plant Remedies Bookcyst, Flowering Plants, 7thhomeopathic treatment, Apis mellifica
One :Constitutional
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
164, page 166
ovarian cysts are more common in the repro-
5. I.C.R OPERATIONAL MANUAL, Editor Dr. Anand R. Kapse,
ductive years and more common in menarche
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial

trust; page 102 to 105
he enlargement of the ovary is usually females because of the synthesis of endogenous
due to the accumulation of fluid inside the hormones. The most common type of ovarian le-
functional AUTHOR
unit of the Ovary. Functional and sions across all age groups are simple cysts, which
inflammatory enlargements of the ovary develop are less likely to be malignant than mixed cystic
1. Dr exclusively
almost Vaishali during
P. Joshi, M.D (Hom.),
the child-bearing years. and solid or totally solid lesions. Age is the most
Twenty Physician
percent of women will acquire at least one significant independent risk factor for ovarian
pelvic mass in their lives, making ovarian cysts a cysts, even though the majority of them are be-
prevalent condition. More than thirty different nign. Most of these cysts are not harmful. Of all
forms of ovarian masses have been classified into ovarian neoplasms, mature cystic teratomas or
several subcategories; the characteristics of the desmoids account for over 10%. At almost 30%,
lesion, the patient’s age, and the risk factors for ovarian cysts are the most prevalent malignancy
malignancy all influence the course of treatment. in newborns and fetuses. Over 21,000 women in
The majority of ovarian cysts in women who the US receive an ovarian cancer diagnosis each
are fertile do not need to be surgically removed year, which results in 14,600 fatalities. An ovarian
because they are benign and functional. On the cyst of <20 mm in diameter is considered physi-
other hand, problems including pelvic pain, cyst ological and represents a maturing follicle. A cyst
rupture, blood loss, and ovarian torsion brought of >20 mm in diameter is considered abnormal. [2,3]
on by ovarian cysts need to be treated right away.
. An ovarian cyst is more likely to cause pain due
to enlargement of the ovary, bleeding or interfer-
Although ovarian cysts can develop at any age, ence with the blood supply to the ovary, and also

82 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

pain due to twisted or caused twisting of the ova- non-vegetarian. She had one child; her age was 1
ry, bloating or swelling in the abdomen, pain dur- year 3 months.
ing bowel movements, pain in the pelvis shortly
before or after beginning a menstrual period, And PATIENT DETAILS:
sudden and severe pelvic pain, often with nausea Mental aspect:
and vomiting or may be a sign of torsion or twist-
ing of the ovary on its blood supply, or rupture of She had felt jealous after seeing another woman.
a cyst. [1,4] And her weeping tendency sometimes appeared.
She was very afraid to be alone. The patient was
CASE REPORT: restless when leave alone. She was very anxious
Presenting complaint: about her health and fastidious in nature;

A married lady aged 28 years visited the OPD Physical generals:

of R.B.T.S. Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College On enquiry of the patient, his appetite was very
and Hospital Muzaffarpur on 08 February 2023 good. She had a desire for generally cold milk,
with complaints of pre-diagnosed features of a sour food and drinks. And her aversion was
bilateral ovarian cyst. The patient presented with nothing. She was thirstless. And her tongue was
pain in the lower abdomen, especially in the in- sometimes scalded. Her stool was regular. And
guinal and iliac region for eight months which her urine was normal. Her perspiration was also
aggravated during the beginning of menstrua- normal in condition. Sleep was disturbed during
tion and slight pressure and was relieved by lying pain in the lower abdomen.
down and rest. Sometimes inguinal region pain
radiates to both the thigh and lumbar region. Menstrual history:
History of presenting complaint: Her menarche started at the age of 13 years. LMP
appeared on date 18.01.2023: Menses appeared
The symptoms started slowly but steadily. There to last for 1-2 days, clotted, irregular, extremely
was heaviness in the lower abdomen during the painful and. Another associated complaint was
beginning of each menstrual period. The intensity sometimes white discharge from the vagina be-
of lower abdomen pain was day by day increas- fore menstruation.
ing and she had been taking allopathic medicine
for 4 months and no relief. When she came for the General Physical Examination:
homoeopathic treatment, it was unbearable.
Pulse Rate - 78/min.
Past history:
Respiratory Rate - 18/min.,
The patient suffered from malarial fever 6 years TEMP: 98°F,
back. And which was treated by allopathic medi-
cine. Height: -160 cm

Family history: Weight: - 56 Kg

Father alive, suffering from DM-II for 7 years. B.P.: -110/80 mm Hg.
Mother alive, suffering from osteoarthritis. The -No sign of pallor, cyanosis, icterus, clubbing,
elder sister was suffering from a right-sided ovar- lymphadenopathy.
ian cyst, which was treated with homoeopathic
medicine. Physical examination:  

Personal history: During palpation, Tenderness in the lower abdo-

men especially in the iliac region and inguinal re-
The patient was a housewife and was married for gion. And dullness appears in the iliac and ingui-
three years, and had no issues. She lived in a con- nal region during percussion.
gested area. Her diet was regular and she was a

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 83

Case Report

Laboratory investigation: and 26 x 28mm was seen in the left ovary.

Finding Ultrasonography (USG) of the whole ab- Diagnosis: B/L Ovarian cyst
domen on date 06.02.2023, Impression: A cystic Justification of diagnosis: U.S.G. Report and
area size 35 x 37 mm was seen in the right ovary Symptomatic

Analysis & Evaluation of Symptoms: -


1. very afraid to be alone Mental general ++ Psora
2. jealous after seeing another woman Mental general +++ Syco-psoric
3. thirstless Particular ++ Psora
pain in the lower abdomen < begin-
4. Particular +++ Psora-sycotic
ning of menstruation, < pressure
5. Pain in inguinal and iliac region Particular +++ Psora
Menses’ clotted, irregular, extremely
6. Particular ++ Syco-syphilitic
7. Menses appeared to last for 1-2 days Particular ++ Psora

8. Ovarian cyst Particular +++ Sycosis

9. desire for cold milk Physical general ++ Syphilis
10. desire for sour food and drinks Physical general ++ Psora-syphilitic

Reportorial sheet: [8]

The Repertorisation was done using Radar opus Rx

(Synthesis Repertory).[8] Apis mellifica covers
maximum rubrics at a particular level with high- Apis mellifica 200/1 Dose /OD (morning with emp-
est-scoring medicine. ty stomach)
Prescription: - Selection of remedy with justification: In re-

84 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

portorial analysis, Apis mellifica has most of the including physical and mental pictures as well as
symptoms and the highest score. After consulting thermal reaction.
Materia Medica [7,9] Apis mellifica was found to be
Selection of potency with justification: It best on
most appropriate for this case covering general
the susceptibility of the patient.[10]
Follow-up Sheet: -

Date of Prescribed medicine /

Change in symptom
visit potency/ dose
No change in mental symptoms, Pain in lower abdomen slight
>, Pain in inguinal and iliac region 25% >, Menses appear on Placebo 1 dram /BD
date 16 – 02 -2023, clotted >, duration 2-3 days, Pain in lower
abdomen > during menstruation,
Mental symptoms 30% >, Pain in lower abdomen slight >>, Pain Placebo 1 dram /BD
in inguinal and iliac region 45% >, Dressing
Mental symptoms 30% >, Pain in lower abdomen >>, Pain in Apis mellifica 1M/1
inguinal and iliac region 45% >, Menses appear on date 15–03- Dose /OD (morning
21/03/2023 with empty stomach)
2023, clotted >, duration 3-4 days, Pain in lower abdomen > dur-
ing menstruation, Placebo 1 dram /BD
Mental symptoms 60% >, Pain in lower abdomen >>, Pain in
28/03/2023 Placebo 1 dram /BD
inguinal and iliac region 78% >,
Mental 90% better feeling, No any type of jealousy. Pain in the
lower abdomen sometimes persists, and Pain in the inguinal
05/04/2023 Placebo 1 dram /BD
and iliac region subsides, Advised USG report on the lower ab-
Mentally better feeling, Pain in lower abdomen subside, Menses
13/04/2023 regular, no any type of abnormality in menstruation, Finding Placebo 1 dram /BD
USG report on date 10-04-2023 – Ovarian cyst subside.  


December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 85

Case Report

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, p289, 290.

[6,10] 2. Howkins & Bourne S., Textbook of Gynaecology, Twelfth Edition,
B. I. Churchill Livingstone New Delhi p- 310
In this case of bilateral ovarian cysts, homoeo- 3. Kumar V., Abbas A.K., Fausto N., Robbins and Cotran, Pathologic
basis of disease, Seventh edition, Elsevier India Pvt., Ltd., 2004,
pathic therapy, which was chosen based on ho- p.1092-93
moeopathic principles, proved to be incredibly 4. Father A., Randall D., Waterhouse M., Kumar $ Clark’s clinical
effective and produced amazing treatment out- medicine,10th edition international edition, Elsevier London New
York, 2021, p.1064.
comes. Apis mellifica was chosen with consider-
5. Banerjea S. K., Miasmatic Prescribing, New Delhi. B. Jain.
ation for homoeopathic philosophy and Materia Publisher Pvt. Ltd; 2006,
Medica, as well as physical, mental, and particu- 6. Close, Stuart M. The Genius of Homoeopathy. Lectures and
lar generals. We continued the treatment for two Essay on Homoeopathic Philosophy. New Delhi: Indian Books &
periodicals publishers.; 2011.
months and fifteen days. Medication was admin-
7. Boericke W., New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia medica with
istered in extremely small dosages, and it seemed repertory, B. Jain Publishers (P) LTD. New Delhi, p 56-58.
to be rather successful in treating the patient., The 8. Synthesis repertory (Radar opus software).
findings of this study suggest that in patients for 9. Allen H C. Keynotes and characteristics with comparisons of
whom surgery is not an option, carefully choos- some of the leading remedies of the Materia medica added with
other leading remedies and nosodes 10th edition. Reprint edition:
ing a homeopathic remedy that matches the to- 2002; Indian Books & Periodicals Publishers; p.33-34.
tality of symptoms can normal bilateral ovary 10. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Fifth edition with an
without the need for surgery. It is concluded that appendix by R.E. Dudgeon. Translated by William Boericke. And
introduced by James Krauss. New Delhi. B. Jain Publishers (P)
constitutional remedy on the basis of the totality Ltd.; 2002. p. 42,43.
of symptoms is effective in the management of bi-
lateral ovarian cysts. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
1. Dr. Ankita Mittal, PGT, R.B.T.S. Govt.
REFERENCE: Homoeopathic Medical college and hospital
1. Dutta DC, Textbook of Gynecology, Sixth Edition, Jaypee Brothers Muzaffarpur

86 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Pathophysiology 2,3

A Case Report on Dermatitis Treated with
of PCOS has been linked
the presentation to al-
of patient
is foundLuteinizing
in many remedies,
Individualised Homoeopathic Medicine
and predisposition
patient differentiates
the basic
the remedy to
of the
we can
drogenism. One theory maintains
reach the similimum. Causative that underlying
factor and the Dr. Rohit Kumar Priya
IR exacerbates
reaction patternhyperandrogenism
belong to the coreby suppress-
and help in
ing synthesis of Sex
individualisation. Hormone
Finer aspectsBinding Globulin
of patient’s core
(SHBG) and increasing adrenal
feelings help in remedy differentiation. and ovarian syn-
thesis of androgens, thereby increasing androgen
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
the profound weakness of the kidney and
genitourinary complaints which
IR with hyperinsulinaemia points to IR
to overcome Pareira
Eczema, a chronic inflammatory skin
brava.secretes more insulin thus causing hyperin- condition, presents a complex and often challenging medical concern.
While conventional treatments predominantly focus on symptom management through topical steroids and im-
sulinemic state, leading to Type-2 Diabetes Melli-
munosuppressants, an emerging approach is individualized homeopathic medicine, which aims to address the
tus (T2DM). Increase circulating level of testoster-
underlying causes of the disease. In this case report, we present the remarkable journey of a patient suffering
one are noted with PCOS in women because high
from eczema who sought treatment with individualized homeopathic medicine.
level of insulin
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi,decreases circulating
Personal Evolution SHBG
Model The this
leads tofirst
freeedition reprint 2019;
testosterone andNew Delhi,are
these published by The
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
page 135, page 88
Keywords: Eczema, Individualised Homoeopathic medicine, Dermatitis, Steroids, immunosuppressants
There is anovulation. Ovarian morphology shows
2. ICD Code
Abbreviations- RAST- Radioallergosorbent test, Puls.- Pulsatillla Nigricans, Ars. Alb- Arsenicum Al-
thickened cortex forming thick ovarian capsule,
bum, Nat-mur-
3. Synthesis
multiple 1.3 app,Natrum
follicularcreated byMuriaticum
cysts Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
lined with hyperplastic
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
theca interna cells but without corpus luteum.
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of
Clinical features
Homoeopathic :
2 Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
164, page 166
Oligomenorrhoea/amenorrhoea, obesity, acne,
hirsutism, acanthosis
5. I.C.R OPERATIONAL nigricans,
MANUAL, male
Editor pattern
Dr. Anand R. Kapse, of the outermost layer of the skin (hyperkeratosis
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
alopecia – frontal
102 to 105and temporal balding, deeping

trust; page and acanthosis). (1)
he term
of voice, decreased eczema
breastmeans “boilingmuscle
size, increased out,”
reflecting the perception that the skin appears Classification of Eczema (1)
mass, infertility / 1 trimester abortion, libido,
to “boil” orTHE
virilization “ooze”
leading in clitomegally.
to cases of eczema. Eczema is
characterized 2by two main components: a clinical The most practical way to classify eczema, accord-
1. Dr and a: histological
Vaishali P. Joshi, aspect.M.D Clinically,
(Hom.), ing to etiology is:
eczema presents
1. Ultrasound: with symptoms
Physician such as itching,
redness, swelling, small raised bumps, fluid- 1. Endogenous eczema: When constitutional
• Presence of 12 or more cyst of 2-9 mm in factors make a person more likely to develop
filled blisters, flaking skin, and thickening of the
subscapular region eczema.
skin (lichenification). The specific feature that
• Ovarian volume
predominates can vary equal to or more
depending onthan 12cmof
the stage 2. Exogenous eczema: When external triggers
• Bright
the echogenic stroma
condition—acute eczema typically involves lead to the onset of eczema, such as in the case
oozing, while chronic eczema tends to be dry, of irritant dermatitis.
2. Bio chemical test
scaly, and often thickened. Histologically, eczema 3. Combined eczema: In cases where both
Fasting insulin bylevel
<30 mU/Ithe exact constitutional factors and external triggers
histological appearance is influenced by the stage contribute to the emergence of eczema, as seen
Fasting blood
disease, sugarcorresponds
which normal 90mg/dl to the clinical in atopic dermatitis.
• Dehydroepiandosterone
presentation. In the chronic sulphate(DHEAS)
stage, the lesion
exhibits <350mg/dl
increased keratinization and thickening
• LH raised
• Follicle stimulating hormone(FSH) normal

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 87

Case Report

Table 1- Classification of Eczema as per etiology

Endogenous Exogenous Combined

Seborrheic dermatitis Irritant dermatitis Atopic dermatitis
Nummular (discoid) dermatitis Allergic dermatitis Pompholyx
Lichen simplex chronicus Photodermatitis
Pityriasis alba Radiation dermatitis
Stasis dermatitis Infective dermatitis

Clinical features (1) valuable in diagnosing atopic conditions.

The clinical manifestations of eczema are influ- General Management (1)

enced by the stage of the disease, whether it’s in General Measures
the acute or chronic phase.
1. Remove triggers-
In acute eczema, you typically observe an area of
• Contact allergens/irritants in contact
redness and swelling, which lacks a well-defined
border and is topped with small raised bumps, dermatitis.
blisters, pustules, and exudate that eventually • Aggravating factors in atopic dermatitis
dries and forms crusts. As an eczematous plaque
2. Hydration and use of emollients-
starts to subside, it may become covered in scales.
• Numerous skin conditions that cause eczema,
In contrast, chronic eczema is characterized by li-
such as atopic dermatitis and asteatotic
chenification, which consists of a trio of increased
eczema, are linked to dryness, and dry skin is
pigmentation, thickening of the skin, and more
pronounced skin markings. Lesions are less likely more prone to irritants.
to exude fluids and tend to be more scaly in na- • One fundamental approach to treating eczema
ture. In flexural areas, there may even be the de- involves moisturizing the skin first and then
velopment of fissures.
using emollients to seal in the moisture.
Investigations (1) Therapeutic Management

1. Patch test- Patch tests are very useful in finding In allopathic mode of treatment, for acute eczema
the cause of allergic but not irritant dermatitis, topical treatment is recommended i.e., liquid ap-
i.e., they detect allergens responsible for type plications along with that Systemic treatment is
IV allergy. given. Under systemic treatment, Systemic ste-
roids, immunosuppressives, antibiotics and an-
2. Photopatch test- Photopatch tests are done
tihistamines are provided. Whereas for chronic
to establish the cause of photoallergic contact
eczema, topical and systemic steroids, antibiotics
and topical immunomodulators is recommended.
3. Prick test- Type I hypersensitivity is detected
by prick tests. Relevance of positive prick Many of the patients suffering from eczema, a
tests in determining the cause of eczema more particularly chronic type receive allopath-
(atopic dermatitis) and urticaria, however, is ic treatment at first. These treatment modalities
debatable. eventually lead to suppression of the immune
4. Serological test- Measuring the total serum system especially if the patient has been taking
IgE levels and specific IgE antibodies directed treatment for a long period of time. Furthermore
against particular antigens, assessed through there are side effects of these steroids that include
the radioallergosorbent test (RAST), can be weight gain, increased appetite, stomach pains,

88 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

indigestion or heartburn, sleep problems, chang- measly, and there is much soreness in the
es in mood, bruising easily, thinning of the skin, folds of the skin and a tendency to pustular
stretch marks. Steroids can weaken bones, which eruptions. Dryness and heat of scalp, with
can lead to a condition known as osteoporosis. intense itching, especially at night, and
scratching causes soreness; wetting makes it
Moreover when a skin disease is treated with burn.
these kind of treatment modalities, as per Ho-
5. Natrum muriaticum- Dry scaly or herpetic
moeopathic philosophy, it leads to suppression of
eruption of little water blisters in bends of
skin diseases and it gets transformed into a more
joints, hydroa labialis, fever blisters. Moist
severe disease, affecting more important vital or-
eczema without much itching. The Natrum
gans from a less important vital organ.
muriaticum patient continually suffers
As per Homoeopathic principles, a disease is not from “hang nails.” (Hepar, Rhus, Natrum
the point of concern but the person suffering from muriaticum, Arsenicum, cold sores.) Herpes
the disease is important. It is very important to circinatus. Eczema, with thick scabs oozing
individualise the person after proper case taking pus.
to form the totality of symptoms. After making a 6. Psorinum- Herpetic eruptions with much
totality of symptoms, a medicine which covers all itching, worse when getting warm in bed; the
the symptoms of the patient as per Law of similia skin is dirty, greasy, unwashed in appearance.
is prescribed. Tinea capitis, offensive matter oozes out.
Sebaceous glands secrete in excess. Eczema
HOMOEOPATHIC THERAPEUTICS (2)3 more on the sides of the head and face, cheeks
and ears. Eruption in the bends of joints.
1. Graphites- moist scabby eruptions on the Pustules or boils remaining after itch.
scalp, face, bends of joints, between fingers Case History
and behind the ears. The corners of the mouth
and eyes are cracked, bleeding and oozing a A young female patient aged 14 years came to the
gluey, honey-like, thick, tenacious discharge, Outpatient department of R.B.T.S. G.H.M.C & H.,
a fissured eczema is the type. Great itching Muzaffarpur on 03/01/2023 having complaints
always accompanies the eruption. The skin of eruption over both the dorsal aspect of hands,
may be dry and horny. The hair is dry and right forearm, low back and to right dorsal aspect
falls out. of foot since 2 years. There was voluptuous itch-
2. Arsenic Album- A useful remedy in all cases ing which aggravated in the morning. Along with
of skin troubles when the skin is thickened, that there was sticky discharge which was oozing
such as in chronic eczema, psoriasis and out of the eruption. Her complaints aggravated
chronic urticaria. The sensations are itching, from warmth of bed. Her complaints first started
burning and swelling, it also has papules, in the left hand and then it shifted to the right side
nettle rash and pimples. Burning sensitive of body. She had received allopathic treatment for
ulcers with offensive discharges. It is almost her complaints but there was no any relief. She
a specific for hives from shell fish, which itch was very anxious due to her complaints and there
and burn, and for repercussed hives. Pustules was weeping tendency also. She was much wor-
form into scabs. ried about her appearance. There was no signifi-
3. Bovista- Baker’s and grocer’s itch, and cant history of past illness. Her father had been
eruption on the back of the hands. It is also suffering from Hypertension. There was no any
recommended in pellagra, also phosphorus significant maternal history. Her appetite was
and Argentum nitricum. good and she had craving for sour things. She had
moderate thirst. Tongue was thin and long and
4. Sulphur- The great characteristic of this
catches over lips, regular and satisfactory stool,
remedy is the aggravation from washing;
Urine was normal without any complaints. She
this, with scratching, makes the parts burn
had dreams of the dead. Thermally she was ambi-
intensely. The skin is rough, coarse and
thermic with profuse perspiration.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 89

Case Report

Provisional Diagnosis- Nummular Dermatitis 3. Complaints originated from left side and
extended to right side
Totality of symptoms 4. Weeping tendency
5. Anxiety due to illness
1. Itchy Eruption in upper and lower limbs and
6. Craving- sour food
in low back since 2 years
7. Tongue- long, thin and catches over lips
2. Painful eruptions
8. Dreams of dead

Table 2 - Analysis and Evaluation of Symptoms with Miasmatic Analysis

Sl. Analysis of symp- Evaluation of Miasmatic
No. toms symptoms analysis (3)
Weeping tendency Mental Generals ++ Psoric

2. Anxiety due to illness Mental Generals +++ Psoric

3. Craving- sour food Physical generals ++ Psoro-Syphilitic

Tongue- long, thin and catch-
4. Physical generals ++ Psoric
es over lips
5. Dreams- of dead Physical generals ++ Syphilitic
Complaints originated from
6. left side and extended to right Physical generals +++ ? Psoric
Itchy eruption in upper and
7. Particular symptoms + Psoric
lower limbs and in low back
8. Painful Eruption Particular symptoms + Psoric

Table 3- Conversion of Symptoms into Rubrics

1. Anxiety due to illness MIND- Anxiety- health; about- own health

2. Weeping tendency MIND- Weeping- amel.

3. Tongue- long, thin and catches over lips MOUTH- Protruding- Tongue- difficulty,

4. Dreams of dead DREAMS- death

5. Itchy eruption in upper and lower limbs and back SKIN- Eruptions- Itching

6. Eruptions painful SKIN- Eruptions- painful

7. Complaints originated from left side and extended
GENERALS- Side- Left- then right side
to right side
GENERALS-Food and drinks- sour food,
8. Craving - sour food

90 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Repertorial Analysis Prescription

1. Lachesis 17/8 Lachesis was selected for the case as it is covering

all the symptoms and scoring maximum marks
2. Lycopodium 11/7
i.e., 17. Lachesis 200 / 1 dose was prescribed to the
3. Nat-mur 10/7 patient and to be taken in empty stomach in early
4. Ars. alb 12/6 morning.
5. Puls. 11/6
Before Treatment (03.01.23)

Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 91

Case Report

Figure 5 Figure 6

After Treatment (10.04.23)

Figure 7 Figure 8

Figure 9 Figure 10

92 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Table 4- Follow up sheet

Date Symptoms Medicine

20/01/23 Slight aggravation was seen in the eruptions Placebo

Pain was reduced; drying up of lesion started; dreams of death
06/02/23 Placebo
Lachesis 200/ 1
22/02/23 Complaints aggravated with discharging lesion
10/03/23 Improvement was observed Placebo

25/03/23 Lesions started drying up Placebo

10/04/23 All eruptions disappeared leaving slight discoloration behind Placebo

CONCLUSION which may be associated with various side effects

and limited long-term benefits.
This case report underscores the potential effi-
cacy of individualized homeopathic medicine as It is essential to emphasize the need for rigorous
a promising and holistic treatment option for pa- research, including larger controlled trials and
tients suffering from eczema. Through a meticu- systematic reviews, to further establish the effi-
lous analysis of the patient’s unique symptom- cacy of homeopathic treatments in eczema man-
atology, constitutional characteristics, and overall
health profile, a tailored homeopathic remedy
was prescribed. The marked improvement in the
patient’s eczema symptoms, as evidenced by the REFERENCES
significant reduction in itching, inflammation, 1. Khanna N., Illustrated synopsis of Dermatology and Sexually
and the overall enhancement in the quality of life, Transmitted Diseases (4th Edition). Elsevier, London New York.
serves as a compelling testament to the potential 2. Dewey W.A., Practical Homoeopathic Therapeutics.
3rd Edition. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
of homeopathy in providing relief and cure in
chronic skin conditions. 3. Banerjea S.K. Miasmatic Prescribing. Second Edition. B. Jain
Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
Furthermore, the patient’s positive response to
this individualized approach highlights the im- ABOUT THE AUTHOR
portance of a personalized and patient-centric
1. Dr. Rohit Kumar Priya, B.H.M.S., P.G. Scholar, Dept.
healthcare model. The conventional therapeutic
of Medicine
options for eczema often involve the administra-
tion of topical steroids and immunosuppressants, R.B.T.S Govt. H.M.C & Hospital, Muzaffarpur, Bihar

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 93

Case Report

Evidence Based Case Report of Combined
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Cholelithiasis & Bi-lateral Nephrolithiasis –
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the Nandi
Dr. Rup similimum. Causative factor and the
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
is the profound weakness of the kidney and
ABSTRACT complaints which points to Pareira
Background: GallStone disease (Cholelithiasis) & Renal stone (Nephrolithiasis) are universal disease and major
cause of morbidity & mortality throughout the world, nowadays a frequent problem in developing countries,
representing a major health problem. A patient, Smt. Shanti Gorai, aged 40 years, was suffering from Combined
Cholelithiasis & Bi-lateral Nephrolithiasis with symptoms of pain in Epigastric & lumbar region and vomiting
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
Book,nausea for nearly
first edition 4 months.
reprint 2019; Shepublished
New Delhi, was treated
by Theby different generations of NSAIDs, Antispasmodics & an-
General Manager
tibiotics with Crossbillimprovement
minimal Publishing Co., and
61, page 63, for surgical interventions. With recurrence of the above
page 65, page 135, page 88
symptom complex, she switched over to Homoeopathic treatment seeking better aid. Diagnosis was confirmed
2.by USG
ICD Codeof whole abdomen (Dated – 30/05/22) that showed multiple cholesterol crystals studded in Gallbladder
wall showing comet tail artifact with CBD dilated (11.2 mm.), however lumen echo-free and associated with a
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
tiny calculus noted in interpolar region measuring 2.4 & 5.94 mm both Right & left Kidney respectively. Proper
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
case taking & repertorization were done from Homoeopathic perspective.
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of
Result & Interpretation:
Homoeopathic Plant RemediesThe frequency
Book of Epigastric
One : Flowering Plants, 7th & Lumbar pain associated with nausea, vomiting is now
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
less, 1-2 times
164, page 166 now a month, other general symptoms also improving till date. Clinically & radiologically the pa-
tient showed remarkable improvement and USG of whole abdomen that showed (Dated – 23/10/22) GB is only
5.partially contracted MANUAL,
I.C.R OPERATIONAL but visualized
Editorlumen is clear,
Dr. Anand however
no calculus demonstrated in Gall bladder & Kidney.
R. Kapse,
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
trust; page 102 to 105
Keywords: Cholelithiasis, Nephrolithiasis, Homoeopathy, Knowledge of disease, Constitutional Rem-
1. Dr Vaishali P. Joshi, M.D (Hom.), Present complaints:
Homoeopathic Physician

C holelithiasis is a chronic recurrent disease A 40 years lean-thin old women came to me in my

of the hepato-biliary system. Different types PHC; OPD Reg. No- 854/22, On 25/05/2022, Name-
of Gallstone- Cholesterol, Mixed & Pigment; SHANTI GORAI, Kantarangani, Purulia (W.B),
different type of Renal stone- Calcium oxalate complained of - Pain (Colicky) in the epigastric
(MC), Phosphate, uric acid, Cystine calculus. region for last 5-6 months & Back pain sometimes
In the world urolithiasis is the most common radiating to both groin for last 9-10 months
urological disease in living beings. Kidney stone Modalities - < night, oily food, exertion; hyper-
is the most painful and prevalent urological acidity > eructations, back pain> urination.
disorder of the urinary system. Both intrinsic
& extrinsic factors affect the susceptibility of a Associated problem:
population to develop Stone in Gall bladder &
Kidney. In India Gall bladder & Kidney stone, it H/O- Operation in kidney (unspecific)
is considered to be approximately 4 – 6 & 10 - 12%
in a total population. Nausea & vomiting; Sour eructations; Increase
appetite, Thirst less etc.

94 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Irregular bowel habit , private hospital 24/11/2021 with same complain.

Diagnosis – Bilateral nephrolithiasis with stric-
On/E – ABDOMEN – tender, Murphy’s sign ++; ture urethra- post stricture urethra surgery + Rt.
Tongue – coated, moist. RGP+ Rt. URS + Rt. DJ stent in SITU+ Stone frag-
On the basis of only present complaint, associ-
RGP + Rt. URS + Rt. DJ stent REMOVAL+ Stone
ated problem & modalities first prescription was
fragment removal+ OIU were done on 25/11/2021;
Prescription (25.05.22) discharge date 26/11/2021.

Rx, Series no 4- Same problem like series no. 1&2,

patient again got admission this time on a Govt.,
Cinchona Officinalis 30, 5 ml; TDS X 3 DAYS, 1 SD hospital dated on 05/04/2022. USG REPORT-
Spoonful water 2-3 Drop medicine. Shows Rt. kidney calculi 6.4 mm & Lt. renal tiny
calculi 4.1 mm; diagnosed as – Bi –lateral nephro-
Advice lithiasis.

1. Take plenty of water ; Avoid oily & spicy food Past H/O – Chicken pox at the age of 9-10 yrs of
2. USG Of whole abdomen immediately. age.
3. Routine blood. Family H/O – nothing significant.
4. Follow up & brought out all previous report as
early as possible. Personal H/O – Occupation – house worker, Mar-
ital status – married;
FOLLOW UP -1 (31.05.22)
No of issues – P1+1
On the next visit, she brings all the previous re-
port including USG report which was also advice Relation with family members –not good with
by me on 25/05/22. Pain on abdomen slightly im- husband, husband suffering from Syringomyelia.
prove; nausea & Vomiting slightly better than be-
fore. Physical examination:

Then I had taken proper Homoeopathic Case -tak- Vitals- No pallor, icterus, edema
ing. During case taking I found that there was re-
BP – 110/70 mm Hg
peated history of admission in hospital. For easy
understanding I divide the sequences as a series. Pulse – 72/mint
H/O Development of Present Complaints: RR – 17/min
SERIES NO 1 - The pain in back initially was Chest: Bilaterally clear
on 01/09/2021, Admission on private hospital &
discharge date 07/09/2021. Treatment – Conserva- CVS – S1 S2 Audible
Abdomen- Soft, tenderness on rt. upper quadrant
Series NO 2- Again Patient was Admitted on a
Private Hospital ;dated 28.09.2021, diagnosed as General symptoms:
a - case of bilateral nephrolithiasis with hydro-
Mental general – long continue anger leading to
nephrosis (Rt.) with stricture urethra. Procedure
silent grief
performed : Stricture urethra surgery + Rt. RGP
+ Rt. URS+ Rt. Nephro-pyelolithotomy + Rt. DJ Physical general –
stenting were done 29/ 09/21; discharge date 01
/10/ 2021. T/R -Hot (+)

Series no -3: Patient was admitted again on same Thirst is now improve but still moderate (+)

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 95

Case Report

Appetite - ++++ food.

Desire – Sweets (+++) Pain on back generally > by urination; Renal Cal-
STOOL – irregular, unsatisfactory, often hard culi

Urine – clear, urination > backache. She had increase appetite

Sleep- 1st sleep disturb due to pain & nausea. She had desire for sweets

Modalities - < night & morning, exertion; > eructa- Eructations improve her condition
tions , urination. She had often sour eructation any time
TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS: She had long continued anger which turns into
Colic pain in the epigastric region; < night, oily grief, after that all complain arises

Miasmatic Evaluation 3,4-

Psora Syphilis Sycosis

Pain on back generally > urination < Night Colic pain  

Renal calculi – Psora+ Sycosis, pain on urina-
Increase appetite, Desire for sweets
Eructation >, Sour eructation Infiltration & deposits
long continued anger which turns into
Bilious nausea, vomiting

Constipated, stool- hard

Repertorial Totality

She had colic pain in the epigastric region (Gall ABDOMEN- Pain, aching, dull pain, liver, colic,
stone colic) gall stones
She had increase appetite STOMACH- Appetite, increase

She desire sweets STOMACH – Desires, sweets

Eructations improve her condition STOMACH – Eructations, ameliorate

She had often sour eructation any time STOMACH – Eructations, sour

Pain on back (kidney region) generally improve URINARY ORGANS-Kidney, pain, urination after
by urination amel

URINARY ORGANS- Urine ,sediment, red, renal

Renal stone
MIND – ANGER, IRASCIBILITY, ailments after an-
She had long continued anger which turns into ger with silent grief
grief, after that all complain arises

96 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

REPERTORIZATION (Kent) – (Software - Hompath)

PRESCRIPTION (2ND) scribed in this case.

After Repertorisation , Lycopodium possessed Advise – Intake of plenty of water, lime juice,
highest grade & highest matching of the symp- avoid any kind of spicy & fatty food, avoid heavy
toms. Here, Lycopodium was selected on the work.
basis of Physical & as well as Mental symptoms
of the patient. After consultation with Materia Any acute emergency contact with any State Gen-
Medica & repertorial result Lycopodium was pre- eral/ Sub-divisional Hospital.

25/05/22 China 30 /9 D; TDS X 3days
Pain on abdomen & back pain slightly improve; nausea Lycopodium -200/3 D; Rubrum 0/1- 20 D;
& Vomiting slightly better than before. ODX 20 DAY
Pain on abdomen & back – improve, nausea, vomiting
03/07/22 Rubrum 0/2 – 20D; ODX 20 days
– 2 time only
Pain on abdomen only 2 time, nausea 3 time, no vomit,
21/07/22 Rubrum 0/3 – 20D; ODX 20 days
back pain – nill
Pain on abdomen only 2 time, nausea 1 time, no vomit,
18/08/22 Nat. phos 6X/5 gm; ODX15 days
back pain – nill
Pain on abdomen 4 time, no nausea & vomit – 1 time, Lycopodium 200/2 D; 1 DAY interval; Ru-
back pain – nill brum 0/4– 20 D; ODX20days
Pain on abdomen only 2 time, nausea & vomit, back
31/10/22 pain – nillPain on abdomen only 2 time, nausea & vom- PL 0/5 – ODX 20 days
it, back pain – nill
Pain on abdomen only 1 time, nausea & vomit, back
17/11/22 Rubrum 0/6 – 20 D; ODX20 DAYS
pain – nill
Cough & common cold. Pain on abdomen only 2 time,
24/11/22 Bryonia alba 30/9 d, TDS X3 Days
nausea & vomit, back pain – nill
30/11/22 Pain on abdomen only 2 time, nausea & vomit, back
Rubrum 0/7– 20 D; ODX20 DAYS
pain – nill
Pain on abdomen only 2 time, nausea & vomit, back Lycopodium 200/1 D, OD; Rubrum 0/8–
pain – nill 20 D; ODX20 DAYS
Pain on abdomen – Nill; nausea & vomit, back pain –
04/1/23 Rubrum 0/9 – 20 D; ODX20 DAYS
21/1/23 Improve PL 0/10- 20 D; ODX20 DAY

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 97

Case Report

CONCLUSION plementary / alternative treatment. Knowledge

The case report illuminating the importance of of disease helps the Homoeopaths to know the
Knowledge of Disease, Indication during Ho- sick man in a Homoeopathic way. Nano-particle
moeopathic successful prescription and also the laden Homoeopathic medicine is capable enough
importance of repertorization in individualised to alleviate such complex disease without surgical
Homoeopathic prescription as a promising com- intervention.

Consent of the Patient – Taken from patient with signature for the purpose of sharing pictures.

FIGURE -1 – USG on 30.05.2022, showing MUL- Figure 2 – USG ON 23/10/22 Showing no evi-
TIPLE GB Stone with bi-lateral renal stone. dence of GB stone & Renal stone.

REFERENCES Press; 2010.

Romero V, Akpinar H, Assimos DG. Kidney stones: a global picture 4. Hahnemann S: Organon Of Medicine, translated from the 5th ed.,
of prevalence, incidence, and associated risk factors. Rev Urol. with an appendix by R E Dudgeon, with additions and alterations
2010; 12[2-3]: 86-96 as per 6th ed., translated by William Boericke, and Introduction by
James Krauss; New Delhi : B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2000

1. Bailey Hamilton, Bulstrode J.K.Christopher, John McNeill Love,

O’Connell Ronan; Bailey & Love’s Short Practice Of Surgery. 27th ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Edition, Publisher CRC Press, 2018; PP – 1375-1410& 1198-1205
2. Roberts H A: The Principles and Art of Cure by Homoeopathy, a 1. Dr. Rup Nandi; BHMS (Hons.); MD (Hom.),
Modern Textbook. Reprint Ed. New Delhi: IBPP; 2004. Homoeopathic Medical Officer, PHC, (GOVT.
3. Speight P: A comparison of the Chronic Miasms (Psora, Pseudo- OF W.B)
Psora, Syphilis, Sycosis). Revised ed. England: Health Science

98 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Pathophysiology 2,3

superficially, of PCOS
Effectiveness of Individualised
has been linked
the presentation to al-
of patient
is found Luteinizing
patient differentiates
in many remedies,
and predisposition
Homoeopathic Remedy in Surgical
the basic
the remedy to
of the
we can
drogenism. One theory maintains
reach the similimum. Cases: An Evidence Based Case
Causative that underlying
factor and the
IR exacerbates
reaction patternhyperandrogenism
belong to the coreby suppress-
and help in
ing synthesis of Sex
individualisation. Hormone
Finer aspectsBinding Globulin
of patient’s core Dr. Mishangi G. Jadeja, Dr.Sonal Panchmatiya
feelings and helpincreasing
in remedy adrenal and ovarian syn-
thesis of androgens, thereby increasing androgen
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
is the profound weakness of the kidney and
withis the casecomplaints
of left ovarian
hyperinsulinaemia which points
to where the Pareira
to IR
the was advised to go for surgery after taking hormonal pills
body Because
secretes moreof this, patient
insulin thuscame for homoeopathic
causing hyperin- treatment to avoid surgery. After proper case taking,
sulinemic state,the patient
leading to&Type-2
after making
Melli-of symptom, were in chief complaint has less symptom, an
tus (T2DM). Increase medicine was prescribed.
circulating level ofAfter 3 months of treatment the patient was relieved of symptom &
one report
noted showwith positive
PCOSresult. This type
in women of cases
because highare good example of getting motivated in practicing homoe-
level of &insulin
Dr.Mahesh also andecreases
Gandhi, example how simple
Personal Evolution beautiful
SHBG is homoeopathy.
leads tofirst
freeedition reprint 2019;
testosterone New
and Delhi,are
these published by The
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
page 135, page 88
Keywords: Eczema, Individualised Homoeopathic medicine, Dermatitis, Steroids, immunosuppressants
There is anovulation. Ovarian morphology shows
2. ICD Code
thickened cortexUltrasonography(U.S.G),
forming thick ovarianPoly cystic ovaries (PCO)
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
multiple follicular cysts lined with hyperplastic
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
theca interna cells but without corpus luteum.
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of

ysticfeatures :
enlargement of ovaries is so common due to pressure
Homoeopathic 2 Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th
Plant [1]

edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page

that in
164, page 166 younger age it is rare to see an ovary
without cyst. obesity, acne, These cysts are lined with cuboidal or low columnar
5. I.C.R acanthosis
OPERATIONAL nigricans, male
MANUAL, Editor pattern
Dr. Anand R. Kapse, epithelial cells. Remains of discus proligerus with sur-
2003;are included:
published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial rounding lutein cells are seen.
alopecia – frontal
trust; page 102 to 105and temporal balding, deeping
1. Follicular cysts breast size, increased muscle
voice, decreased
mass, infertility / 1st trimester abortion, libido, Follicular cysts as a rule arise in degenerated follicles;
2. Lutein cysts
virilization THE
leading AUTHOR
to clitomegally. they may retain their oestrogen producing capacity. In
3. Germinal inclusion cysts these cases, menstrual irregularities are encountered.
1. Dr Vaishali
: P. Joshi, M.D (Hom.), Haemorrhage from the cyst wall occurs in certain cas-
4. Endometrial cysts
1. Homoeopathic Physician
Ultrasound: es
5. Poly cystic ovaries (PCO)
• Presence of 12 or more cyst of 2-9 mm in As they have a tendency to resorb, in younger patients
Follicular cysts are
subscapular the commonest functional cysts.
region a repeat examination after an interval of a few months
They usually appear
• Ovarian volume in equal
or more after they
than have
12cm is advisable before any intervention. If the cysts per-
shed their ova. They are usually multiple & small as
sist, or when they appear in women of perimeno-
• Bright echogenic stroma
seen in cases of cystic glandular hyperplasia of the en- pausal or postmenopausal age group, their removal is
2. or in association
Bio chemical test of fibroid, but may grow necessary to exclude malignancy. [2]

to the size of a tennis ball. Their walls are thin. The

cysts insulin level
are unilocular normal
and filled with<30 mU/Istraw co-
a clear In majority of cases, the detection is made accidental-
loured fluid. blood
• Fasting The rest of the
sugar ovary is90mg/dl
normal stretched over its ly on bimanual examination, sonography, laparoscopy
wall. Hyperestrinism is implicated
• Dehydroepiandosterone sulphate(DHEAS) as its cause. How- or laparotomy. The cyst may remain asymptomatic or
an isolated cyst may be formed in unruptured
<350mg/dl may produce vague pain.
Graafian follicle which may be enlarged but usually not
• LH raised
exceeding 5 cm. The cyst is lined by typical granulosa The features of the functional cysts are:
• Follicle stimulating
cells without lutein hormone(FSH)
cells or the normal
cells may be flattened

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 99

Case Report

1. Related to temporary hormonal disorders. • Position- sideways, disturbed by light

2. Rarely becomes complicated.
Thermal state- Hot
3. Sometimes confused with neoplastic cyst
but can be distinguished by the following • Fan -in all season
• Bath- with cold water
• Usually 6-8 cm in diameter
• Usually asymptomatic. • Covering- wants no covering(want thin
• Spontaneous regression usually following covering in winter)
reaction of the functional disturbances to MENSTRUAL HISTORY
which it is related
Menarche-13-14 yrs of age
• Contains clear fluid inside unless haemorrhage
occurs L.M.P-1/2/23
• Lining epithelium corresponds to the
functional epithelium of the unit from which Duration of cycle- 28-30 days, Regular
it Arises[1]
A 23 years female with fair complexion, moder- Quantity- Moderate, change pad 3 times/day due
ately built, 5’3” height, weight 49 KG presented to hygiene
with complaints of lower abdominal pain mainly Clots- Present
on left side for 10-15 days. Twisting type of pain
everyday continuously for 3-4 hours/day. Duration- 4-5 days
Appetite- Good Complain- Cramps in lower abdomen before
• 2-3 times/day
• No change in appetite Leucorrhoea- before menses, yellow colour

Thirst- 1-2Lit/day Milestone- Normal

• Small quantity whenever she remembers Allergy- No

Stool- Regular Addiction- Tea-2 times/day

• 2 times/day
• consistency soft No major illness
Urine- 4-5 times/day FAMILY HISTORY

• normal flow, no odor Father-HTN

Perspiration-stains the clothing yellow Mother- healthy

• onion like smell Grandfather- Died due to liver disease

• mostly in axilla Maternal mother- HTN

Desire - sour & sweet food
Sleep-7-8 hrs/night, 1-2 hrs/day
When investigated regarding her nature, she said
“I am an extrovert in nature, can easily talk with

100 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

strangers,so talkative that my friends call me my heart rate increases. Dreams of traveling. I
chatterbox. After completing B.H.M.S on septem- like to dance whenever I’m free. Whenever I pass
ber 2022 I appplied for AIAPGET Exam but could exams, those are my happy moments. I have fear
not clear & also did not get job. So I was at home of exams, fear of failing. I get jealous when my
only & so due to this my close ones were taunting friends make new friends. At that time I felt ne-
that I am of no use. I’m doing nothing. Because glected. If someone does wrong to me I’ll do the
of this l feel worthless, less confidence. And when same. I also believe more in god, every morning i
my brother teases for the same I get very angry go to temple & also i pray before sleeping. I like to
with him. Whenever I get angry I shout, I feel hot, sit in hawan’s & puja. Before any good occasion I
worship god.

Ultrasonography Of Abdomen & Pelvis( patient already came with report)

Fig. No. 1

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 101

Case Report

Diagnosis 5. Religious
6. Like dancing
Left Ovarian Cyst
7. Dreams of traveling
Analysis of Case & framing the totality 8. Twisting type of pain in abdomen
9. Left ovarian cyst
1. Worthless feeling
10. Leucorrhea before menses with yellow colour
2. Fear of failing in examination
11. Perspiration smells like onion
3. Fear of getting neglected
12. Perspiration stains clothing yellow
4. Loquacity
13. Desire-sweet, sour


Miasmatic analysis[3,4]

The mentals & physical Characteristic symptoms are showing sycosis dominancy so the case points
towards sycosis miasm.

Table No. 1
Worthless feeling +
Fear of failing in exam +
Fear of getting neglected +
Loquacity +
Religious +
Like dancing + +

102 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Dreams of traveling + +
Twisting type of pain in abdomen + + +
Left ovarian cyst +
Leucorrhoea yellow before menses +
Perspiration smells like onion +
Yellow perspiration +
Desire sweet, sour + +
Hemorrhagic tendency +

Potential Differential Field First Prescription(30/1/23)

• Hot patient 1. Lachesis mutus 200C

• Desire sweet & sour food Single dose OD
2. Saccharum Lactis 30C

Date Observation Prescription

Slight improvement in lower abdominal pain Saccharum Lactis 30C BD x 15

Frequency of pain is reduced now. Saccharum Lactis 30 BDC ×15

Twice or thrice in a week days

Pain in lower abdomen is present.

Not that much improvement but mentally the patient Lachesis mutus 200C Single dose
4/3/2023 feel better.
Saccharum Lactis 30C BD x 15
This time leucorrhoea was reduced before menses days

Saccharum Lactis 30C BD ×15

18/3/2023 Lower abdominal pain decreased upto 70%

Saccharum Lactis 30C BD ×15

1/4/2023 No lower abdominal pain since 20 days

She came with the USG report suggestive of No sig-

nificant abnormality.
Saccharum Lactis 30C BD × 15
She was very thankful for that days

No any such lower abdominal pain

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 103

Case Report

Fig. No. 3

104 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Selection of Remedy, Potency & dose 3. Subrata Kumar Banerjea.Miasmatic Prescribing, B. Jain Publishers
(P) Ltd

When comparing the individualistic portrait of 4. Dr. Ramanlal P. Patel.Chronic Miasms in Homoeopathy and their
cure with classification of their rubrics/symptoms in Dr. Kent’s
disease of an individual with medicine of reper- Repertory
torization & materia medica, Lachesis Mutus was 5. Prof. Ashok Kumar Das. A treatise on Organon of Medicine(Part
the best suited remedy. And by considering sus- 3). Reprint 2014.Souvik Homoeo Publications
ceptibility of the patient, seat, nature, intensity 6. Mandal and Mandal. A Textbook of Homoeopathic Pharmacy,
New Central Book Agency Pvt. Ltd.
of disease & mental generals of the patient single 7. William Boericke. Pocket Manual of Homeopathic Materia Medica
dose of 200 potency was selected. and Repertory. The Characteristic and Guiding Symptoms of All
Remedies (Clinical and Pathogenetic) Including Indian Drugs, B.
CONCLUSION Jain Publishers Pvt Ltd

Therapeutic intervention was given instead of About The Authors

surgery. 1. Dr. Mishangi G. Jadeja, M.D Part- 1, Organon
of Medicine, V. H Dave Homoeopathic
REFERENCES Medical College, Anand.
1. D. C Dutt. Textbook of Gynecology, 5th Edition, New Central 2. Dr. Sonal Panchmatiya, Prof. Dr. V.H Dave
Book Agency (P) LTD(Pg-279) Homoeopathic Medical college. Anand.
2. Rashid Latif Khan.Formely known as by Five Teachers
Gynecology 3rd Edition, CBS publishers & Distributors(Pg-219)

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 105

Case Report

Cellulitis & Its Homoeopathic Approach: A
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Case Report
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the similimum.
Dr. Nitesh Kumar Causative factor and the
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
the profound Cellulitis is a common,
weakness of thepotentially
kidney serious
and bacterial infection. Affected skin appears red, inflamed
genitourinary complaints which points to Pareira system. Master Hahnemann classified the surgical dis-
with fever, numbness, tingling and weakened immune
ease in local disease category, which have a very few symptoms and difficult to cure. Objective: Objective of
this study is to know the efficacy of homoeopathic medicine in case of surgical disease. Method: A 37-year-old,
labour presented at OPD of R.B.T. S Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, Muzaffarpur, Bihar, with
complaint of swelling, burning sensation in the left leg from knee to ankle on superficial skin and involve deep
cutaneous tissue and pus formation. Complaint started after getting pricking injury from stone during manual
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
edition reprintarea
2019;before one published
New Delhi, month Result:
by The On the basis of presenting symptoms Arsenic Album 30C
was prescribed,
General which isPublishing
Manager Crossbill effectiveCo.,
in infection
pages 61, of deep
page 63, subcutaneous tissue. Patient is showing steady improve-
page 65, page 135, page 88
ment which is evident from the photographs. Conclusion: In this case, one can see usefulness of individualised
ICD Code medicine in the treatment of surgical disease.

3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis

Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
Keywords: Cellulitis, Individualised homoeopathic medicine, Arsenic Album
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of
Abbreviation: O.P.D.
Homoeopathic Plant – Out
Remedies BookPatient Department,
One : Flowering Plants, 7th B.P. -Blood Pressure, CVS – Cardio-vascular System,
RESP.- Respiratory
edition,Hebrew, System,
English, CNS Narayan
2016, Kandern, – Central Nervous
Verlag, page System, GIT – Gastro-intestinal System
164, page 166

5. I.C.R OPERATIONAL MANUAL, Editor Dr. Anand R. Kapse,

second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
trust; page 102 to 105
such as diabetes mellitus, venous insufficiency,
peripheral arterial disease, and lymphedema.1,3

C ellulitis is a bacterial infection of dermis

and deepTHE subcutaneous
AUTHOR tissue. It is an
acute inflammatory condition of the skin that
Streptococci produce hyaluronidase and strep-
tokinase. Net result is that the inflammatory
1. characterized
is Dr Vaishaliby P.localized
Joshi, pain,
(Hom.), exudate spreads in the subcutaneous and fascial
swelling Physician
and heat. Bacteria may gain access to the planes resulting in a gross swelling of the affected
epidermis through crack in the skin, abrasions, part. Wherever there is loose subcutaneous tissue,
cuts, burns, insect bites, surgical incision.1 as in scrotum or loose connective and interstitial
tissue as in face and forearm, it spreads fast.4
Cellulitis is a very common condition that most
frequently affects middle-aged and elderly per- The affected part shows evidence of inflammation
sons. There is no statistically significant difference such as redness and itching followed by diffuse
in cellulitis incidence between men and women. swelling. Skin is stretched and shiny. Pain, fever
The incidence of cellulitis is about 200 cases per & toxaemia.4
100,000 patients-years.2
The lesion is not elevated and often regional
Any factor that can weaken the skin barrier, such lymphadenopathy and severe systemic illness can
as skin injuries, surgical incisions, punctures of also occur. Deep venous thrombosis and throm-
intravenous sites, fissures between toes, insect boembolism may complicate involvement in the
bites, animal bites, and other skin infections, are lower limbs.5 Cellulitis may cause a number of is-
risk factors for cellulitis. Cellulitis is more likely sues if it is not promptly diagnosed and treated.
to occur in patients with concomitant conditions Bacteraemia might result if the bacterial infec-

106 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

tion enters the bloodstream. Blood cultures can manual work on construction area before one
be used to diagnose bacteriaemia in patients who month. He had not taken any treatment before.
have systemic symptoms. Blood culture identifi- Pain in leg increased from prolonged standing.
cation and susceptibilities should be used by the
clinician to customize antibiotics. Endocarditis, Personal History: He had the habit of drinking
an infection of the heart’s inner lining (endocar- alcohol.
dium), can develop if bacteraemia from cellulitis Past History: Nothing Significant
is not detected and treated.6
Family History: His father was a farmer of lower-
The person is treated holistically in homoeopa- middle socio-economic status. Grandmother was
thy. This implies that in addition to treating the hypertensive.
patient’s pathological condition, homoeopathy
treats the patient as a whole person. The homoeo- Physical Generals
pathic remedies are chosen following a thorough
He had desire for sweet things and thirst moder-
individualising examination and case analysis,
ate. He had constipated, stool two or three times/
which takes into account the patient’s medical
daily, Urine normal. His Sleep had disturbed.
history, physical and mental makeup, family his-
tory, current symptoms, underlying pathology, Thermal Reaction - he was a chilly patient.
potential contributing variables, etc.
Mental General: - Patient is angry, Avarice & no
Our master Dr. Hahnemann has mentioned about hope for recovery.
surgical diseases in §186 of Organon of Medicine,
there he has advised the use of active dynamic General Physical Examination: Pulse Rate. - 82/
aid for local malady to accomplish the work of min., Respiratory rate.: 18/min., Temperature: 98.6
healing. Homoeopathy treatment is useful in de- ℉, Height.: 165 cm., Weight.: 62 Kg.; B.P.: 130/80
creasing swelling, burning, pain and fight with mm Hg.
infection and other complications. Homoeopathy Local examination: Redness, heat, swelling of
reduces the need for surgical intervention. skin, pus discharge from injured area, with a
CASE REPORT raised border.

A 37-year-old labour presented in OPD of R.B.T.S. Systemic Examination: C.V.S.: S1, S2 Normal, no
Govt. homoeopathic medical college & hospital, abnormal sound during auscultation, C.N.S.:
Muzaffarpur with complaint of pain, burning, Sensory and motor functions are normal, RESP.:
redness, pus discharge from opening, exfoliation Chest clear; G.I.T.: Abdomen soft, no tenderness.
of skin from surrounding swelling area, which in- Provisional diagnosis: Cellulitis.
volve epidermis and dermis of lower extremities
on left leg below knee to ankle. Complaint started Justification of diagnosis: Symptomatic.
after getting pricking injury from stone during

Analysis & evaluation of symptom with Miasmatic analysis7

S.No. Symptom Analysis Evaluation Miasmatic Analysis

1. Anger Mental general +++ Psora
2. Avarice Mental general ++ Sycosis
3. No hope for recovery Mental general ++ Psoro-syphilitic
4. Sweet desire Physical general ++ Psora
5. Injury of muscles after blows Particular ++ Psora
Cellulitis particular ++ Psoro-syphilitic

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 107

Case Report

Repertorisation: The Repertorisation was done using Hompath software (Complete Repertory)8

Figure 1: Repertorisation from Complete repertory using zomeo software8

Prescription: After Case taking and Repertorisa- Selection of remedy with Justification9: In repor-
tion, first prescription was Arsenic album 30C pre- torial analysis Arsenic Album cover all rubrics &
scribed BDS for three consecutive days on date higher score then after consulting Materia medi-
ca10, Arsenic Album is found to be most appropri-
ate for this case covering general, physical & men-
General management: The patient was advised tal picture.
to avoid alcohol, sweet, sour food during treat- Selection of potency with Justification9: It is
ment for rapid healing. He was also advised to leg based on susceptibility of the patient. lower the
elevation for reducing swelling and pain. susceptibility lower the potency was selected.

Follow up sheet:

Date of Prescribed Medicine/Potency/

Change in Symptoms
visit Dose

• Improvement in swelling, burning, pain.

• Pus discharge decreased from opening.

10/04 /2023 Placebo/BDS/ 7 Days
• Exfoliation of skin from surrounding swelling
area decreased.

• Redness decreased, no pain, no discharge

17/04/ 2023 • Superficial skin was looking normal

• No new symptoms

108 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Before Treatment During Treatment After Treatment

DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION athy in such cases and prevent their complication
Cellulitis is a common, potentially serious bacte-
rial infection. Affected skin appears red, inflamed REFERENCES
with fever, numbness, tingling and weakened 1. Jameson JL, Fauci AS, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Loscalzo
immune system. Complications of cellulitis are J. Harrison’s manual of medicine,20th edition, Mc. Graw Hill
Education 2020.
abscess formation, necrotizing fasciitis, bullae,
2. McNamara DR, Tleyjeh IM, Berbari EF, Lahr BD, Martinez JW,
haemorrhagic lesions, necrosis, phlebitis and am- Mirzoyev SA, Baddour LM. Incidence of lower-extremity cellulitis:
putation. When it is left untreated, the infection a population-based study in Olmsted County, Minnesota. Mayo
Clin Proc. 2007 Jul;82(7):817-21. [PubMed]
can spread to lymph nodes and bloodstream and
3. Kaye KS, Petty LA, Shorr AF, Zilberberg MD. Current
rapidly become life-threatening. Epidemiology, Etiology, and Burden of Acute Skin Infections
in the United States. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Apr 08;68(Suppl
Hahnemann mentioned in §190, local disease oc- 3):S193-S199. [PMC free article] [PubMed]
curring from little or no injury from without, 4. Shenoy KR, Nileshwar A. Manipal manual of surgery.3rd ed.
New Delhi: CBS Publishers and distributer pvt Ltd;2010
must be treated as general malady by internal
5. Walker BR, Colledge NR, Ralston SH, Penman ID, Davidson’s
medicines. In § 191 he mentions, “Internal admin- principles and practice of medicine, 22th edition, Elsevier Science
istration of a remedy causes important changes Limited 2014.
in general health and particularly in the affected 6. Gunderson CG, Martinello RA. A systematic review of
bacteremias in cellulitis and erysipelas. J Infect. 2012 Feb;64(2):148-
external parts”. 55. [PubMed]
7. Banerjea SK; Miasmatic prescribing;2nd extended edition;B. jain
As per mention in § 283 Sixth Edition, “In order publishers(p) Ltd.;2019
to work wholly according to nature, the true heal- 8. Zomeo Hompath Software (Kent Repertory), Mind technology,
ing artist will prescribe the accurately chosen ho- Mumbai
moeopathic medicine most suitable in all respects 9. Sarkar BK. organon of Medicine: Birla publications Pvt.Ltd; 2005-
in so small a dose on account of this alone.11
10. Boericke W, Boericke’s New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia
Medica with Repertory ;3rd Revised & Augmented Edition Based
This case highlights the role of Homoeopathy for on Ninth Edition, B. Jain Publishers;2014.
rapid healing. The patient had not taken any treat- 11. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. Translated by William
ment before. On the basis of presenting symp- Boericke. Reprint. B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; 2002.

toms and Repertorisation. Arsenic Album was pre-

scribed. Another similar remedy was Bryonia & ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Silicea. The selected drug Arsenic Album covers all 1. Dr. Nitesh Kumar, PGT; Dept. of Practice
mental, particular & as well as clinical condition of Medicine, R.B.T.S Govt Homoeopathic
cellulitis. This case show usefulness of Homoeop- Medical College & Hospital, Muzaffarpur

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 109

Case Report

Scope of Homeopathy in Treatment of Blunt
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Force Injury
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
reach the Dudhwala,
Dr. Roni similimum. Farhana
Causative factorA.and
Nasrin the
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
individualisation. Finer aspects of patient’s core
feelings help in remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
the Force Injury, refers
profound to the of
weakness typethe
of mechanical
kidney and injury of the body by forceful impact, falls, or physical attack
genitourinary complaints which points to PareiraInjuries with a blunt instrument such as a hammer, brick,
perpendicular to the skin surface with a dull object.
bat, fist, or pipe typically result in Blunt Force Injury. Excessive bleeding, pain, inflammation into the adjacent
soft tissues usually occurs. Homeopathic medicines are effective in treating Blunt Force Injury cases without any
complications. In this article Homeopathic treatment for Blunt Force Injury is presented with a case.
Keywords: Cellulitis,
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Individualised
Personal Evolution Model homoeopathic
The Foundation medicine, Arsenic Album
Book, first edition reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
Abbreviation: O.P.D. – Out Patient Department, B.P. -Blood Pressure, CVS – Cardio-vascular System,
page 65, page 135, page 88
RESP.- Respiratory System, CNS – Central Nervous System, GIT – Gastro-intestinal System
2. ICD Code

3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.

I NJURY (5, 11): Injury not only include bodily harm but also incorporates mental suffering and harm
4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of
caused to reputation
Homoeopathic or Book
Plant Remedies property.
One : Flowering Plants, 7th
edition,Hebrew, English, 2016, Kandern, Narayan Verlag, page
Injuries are
164, page 166classified on the basis of causative factors
(5, 11)

5. I.C.R 1: Classification
OPERATIONAL of Injuries.
MANUAL, Editor Dr. Anand R. Kapse,
second edition, 2003; published by Dr. M.L. Dhawale Memorial
trust; page 102 to 105 D) Miscella-
A) Mechanical injuries B) Thermal injuries C) Chemical injuries
neous injuries
1.Blunt force
ABOUT THEinjuries
• Abrasions
1. • DrContusions
Vaishali P. Joshi, M.D (Hom.), 1. Electrical
1.Due to cold
Homoeopathic Physician injuries
• Lacerations
• Frost bite 1.Corrosion
• Fracture and dislocations
of teeth/bone. • Trench foot • Corrosive acids/
alkali/metal salts
2. Sharp-edged weapon • Immersion
injuries foot
2. Lightning
• Incised wounds injuries
• Chop wounds
3. Piercing injuries
2.Due to heat 2. Irritation 3.Blast injuries
• Stab wounds
• Burns • Weak acids
4. Firearm injuries 4. Radiation
• Firearm wounds • Scalds • Weak alkali injuries

110 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Blunt Force Injury, refers to the type of mechani- §13- Disease is not separate from the living whole.
cal injury of the body by forceful impact, falls, or In this §, Dr. Hahnemann has explained the
physical attack perpendicular to the skin surface surgical case, which is considered different from
with a dull object. Blunt trauma can be caused medicinal disease. (6)
by a combination of forces, including accelera-
tion and deceleration, shearing (the slipping and Homeopathic medicines are selected according to
stretching of organs and tissue in relation to each the nature or type of injury and also looking after
other), and crushing pressure.(7) the causative factors.

A homeopathic medicine is highly constructive • Aconitum napellus: helpful when a person

and has a great impact in treating minor injuries. feels extremely fearful or agitated after being
These medicines are much effective to relieve injured; to soothe anxiety and panic and
- pain, swelling bleeding, etc and also helps in reduce the chance of shock.(8)
speedy recovery by reducing the healing time and • Apis mellifica: Dissecting wound on hand,
preventing complications. throbbing pain extending up to arm; erysipelas
after wound or operations; punctured wound;
As per the previous studies, it works so wonder-
stings of insects; skin extremely sensitive to
fully in treating minor injuries- ex: Few doses of
touch, with debility and exhaustion.(9)
Arnica montana taken soon after injury can prove
right the proverb ‘a stitch in time saves nine’. • Arnica montana: It is especially suited to cases
Starting from drawing someone’s unconscious- when any injury, however remote, seems
ness, mental shock of injury, to recovery, to heal- to have caused the present trouble. After
ing of injured tissues – Homeopathy works magi- traumatic injuries, strains. Limbs and body
cally on every aspect of healing and bring about ache as if beaten; joints as if sprained. Bed
cure.(3) feels too hard. Marked effect on the blood.
Echymosis and hæmorrhages. Tendency
According to Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, he has to tissue degeneration, septic conditions,
mentioned in §186 about the Local maladies be- abscesses that do not mature. Sore, lame,
cause of external causes. (6) bruised feeling. This remedy relieves pain,
bruising and swelling associated with trauma,
• The local maladies which are more or less surgery or overexertion.(1)
of recent origin and produced solely by an • Bellis perennis: Bellis is known as commonly as
external lesion which must be too trivial to wound worth, therefore like Arnica montana
evoke response from the organism as a whole, it is great traumatic remedy. It is especially
e.g. very slight injury, etc. useful in deep trauma or septic wounds of
• Affections of external parts requiring abdominal and pelvic organs; after major
mechanical skill properly belong to Surgery surgical operation. Injuries to the nerves, with
alone; when external obstacles are to be intense soreness amel. by cold bathing. It
removed that prevents the vital force from removes the exudations of swelling of many
accomplishing the cure. kinds due to injury. Near and remote effects; of
E.g. blows, falls, accidents, railway spine. Sprains
and bruises. Tumours from injury.(10)
• Reduction of dislocations • Calendula officinalis: The special kinds of
• By bandages to bring together the lips of wounds indicating its use are lacerated
wounds wounds and suppurating wounds. It is the
• By extracting foreign bodies that have Homeopathic antiseptic - it restores the vitality
penetrated into the living parts of an injured part, making it impregnable
against the forces of putrefaction. (Ointment-
• By making an opening into the cavity of the
can be applied to disinfected cuts, chapping,
body to remove an irritating substance.
burns and scrapes.(2,8)
• By reducing and fixing the fractured bones.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 111

Case Report

• Hypericum perforatum: The great remedy for skin from bruises inflicted by sharp or blunt
injuries to nerves, especially of fingers, toes objects, especially where the skin is thin, as
and nails. Crushed fingers, especially tips. well as pain and bruising from pointed objects.
Excessive painfulness. Punctured wounds. Punctured wounds feel cold to touch.(9)
Relieves pain after operations. Injured nerves • Symphytum: This remedy is best known for
from bites of animals. Tetanus. Neuritis, its healing effect on broken bones, and is also
tingling, burning and numbness. Constant good for bone-bruises. It is valuable if blunt
drowsiness.(1) injury occurs to the eyeball (from a rock, a
• Ledum palustre: This relieves discolouration of stick, a flying object, etc.).(8)

Table 2: Medicine of Injury (4)


Concealed injury Arnica montana
Lacerated injury Calendula officinalis
Sprained injury Rhus toxicodendron
Bone injury Symphytum officinalis
Nerve injury Hypericum perforatum
Gland injury Conium maculatum
Punctured injury Ledum palustre
Capillary injury Hamamelis virginiana
Incised injury Staphysagria
Rubbing injury Allium cepa
Burn injury Cantharis vesicatoria

A CASE OF CRUSH INJURY TREATED WITH the side of nail bed. Pain and bleeding aggravates
HOMEOPATHY while pressure is applied.


A male patient aged 45 YEARS visited OPD at • K/C/O – HYPERTENSION initiated with
Feeling of anxiety since long time.
ber 2023 with complain of an injury in nail of left
ring finger with a blunt instrument (Hammer) be- Anxiety aggravates by perspiration; ameliorates
fore a week ago. He didn’t take any conventional by rest, sitting cold weather.
treatment, cleaned sometimes with Beta-dine so- • Malaria before 2 to 3 years – was admitted for
lution and applied nail polish on his own. History 3-4 days.
of bleeding and pain during injury.
Presently, came here for persistent pain and bleed-
ing in finger with a formation of hard lump over • Father – Hypertension

112 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

• Mother – Hypertension • No sign of paleness/ cyanosis/ clubbing

• Brother – Healthy • No sign of oedema
• Spouse–Healthy • Tongue: White coated


• Appetite:- Adequate, 3 times/day Injury in Left Ring Finger:–
• Thirst:- Thirst less, 1-2 bottles/day
On Inspection: Hard lump formation on side the
• Urine:- 2-3 times/day, once in night nail; Patient applied nail polish on his own.
• Bowel:- Constipation - once in 2/3 days
• Perspiration:- Generalized all over, more in On Palpation: Tenderness present and Bleeding
back and chest region during work on applying pressure
• Craving:- Pulses, Curd SYSTEMIC EXAMINATION:
• Sleep:- Wakes up in the middle of the night at
2-3 AM – Unreasonable Respiratory System: Air entry bilaterally equal
• Addiction: - Alcohol occasionally once or CVS: S1 S2 heard normally
twice in month.
• Thermal:- Hot patient P/A:- Soft and Non-tender
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: CNS: - Conscious and oriented
• B.P: 136/90 mm of Hg
• Pulse: 78/min
• Temp: Afebrile • Crush Injury in Left Ring Finger by Blunt
• R.R: 18/min instrument (Hammer).



1) Injury from blunt instrument Causative factor

2) Injury in left ring finger Physical Particular

3) Pain in left ring finger Physical Particular

4) Bleeding from left ring finger Physical Particular

5) Bleeding agg. By pressure Physical Particular with modality

Totality of Symptoms • Pain

• Injury from blunt instrument. • Bleeding
• Injury in left ring finger. • Bleeding < pressure

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 113

Case Report

Reportorial Chart: (12) -Spongia tosta [4/2]

-Ledum palustre [3/2]

-Ruta graveolens [3/2]

These were coming in top score. In this case Hyper-

icum perforatum & Arnica montana were prudently
chosen because it covers physical particulars with
highest degree.

Remedy Selection:

• Arnica montana 1M/ TDS/ 7 days

• Hypericum perforatum 30/ TDS/ 7 days
(Reason- Arnica montana – it is given when
there is closed wound, or any type of in-
jury caused by blunt instrument & Hyperi-
cum perforatum – it is well suited to injury
to nerves, especially of finger, toes and
nails, crushed fingers especially tips exces-
sive painfulness )

Surgical Treatment

• The lump was removed by a minimal

incision and dressing done with Echinacea
Augustifolia Q.
(Reason - Echinacea Augustifolia is used locally
for cleansing and antiseptic wash. (1))


• Advised to keep proper hygiene, balance diet,

and avoid physical work.
• Dressing again tomorrow.

• There is marked improvement in in-

jury along with bleeding and pain. Ar-
nica Montana 1M & Hypericum Perforatum
30C showed remarkable improvement. A
Repertorial Analysis: crushed injury in left ring finger complete-
ly recovered within a period of one week
Repertorization was done in Synthesis 1.3 app. of homoeopathic treatment. Photographic
[Figure 1] evidences was collected firstly on before
treatment and after treatment with regu-
- Hypericum perforatum [7/3] lar follow-ups.
- Arnica montana [4/3]

114 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Figure 2: Photographic Evidence

6. Hahnemann S.; Organon of Medicine; 5th& 6th edition (6th

CONCLUSION impression); Fifth edition translated by Dudgeon R.E. and 6th by
Boericke W.; New Delhi; B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.;2011
Hence, after the case study - here we can conclude
7. https://www.osmosis.org/answers/blunt-trauma
that HOMEOPATHIC medicine is more effective
8. https://www.peacehealth.org/medical-topics/id/hn-2237002
when it is used as both external application as
9. Lilienthal S. Homoeopathic Therapeutics The Classical
well as internal medications. Echinacea Q is useful Therapeutic Hints. New Delhi: Kuldeep Jain for B.Jain
for cleansing and antiseptic wash. Arnica montana Publishers(P) Ltd; 23 Impression : 2015
& Hypericum perfolatum are especially suited to 10. Phatak S.R. Materia Medica of Homoeopathic Medicines. Revised
and Enlarged 2nd Ed. New Delhi: B.jain Publishers (P)Ltd.2007
the cases of injury.
11. Rajesh Badrale, Principles of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
1st Edition, JP Medical Ltd, 2011
12. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
REFERENCE Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.
1. Boericke W. New Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with
Repertory. 9th Ed. New Delhi: B.jain Publishers (P)Ltd.2016 ABOUT THE AUTHORS
2. Clarke J.H ; A Dictionary of Practical Materia-Medica; Vol-2, 3rd
ed., B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.; 2011 1. DR. RONI DUDHWALA MD HOM. (Materia
3. Dr. Vikas Sharma MD, Homeopathic Medicines for Treating Medica), Associate Professor of Forensic
Wounds and Injuries [Internet]. Available from - https://www. Medicine and Toxicology, S.S. Agrawal
medicines-for-treating-wounds-and-injuries/ Homeopathic Medical College, Navsari.
4. Dubey S. K, Textbook of Materia Medica including Allen’s 2. FARHANA NASRIN A. HAQUE, INTERN
Keynote – an easy explanation, 3rd Edition, 2020
(B.H.M.S), S.S. Agrawal Homeopathic
5. Gautam Biswas, Review of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology,
3rd edition, illustrated; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt. Medical College, Navsari.
Limited, 2015

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 115

Case Report

A Case of Alopecia Areata Treated by
Though superficially, the presentation of patient
Constitutional Homoeopathic Remedy:
is found in many remedies, the basic core of the
patient differentiates the remedy and we can
A Case Report
reach the similimum. Causative factor and the
reaction pattern belong to the core and help in
Dr. Javed AquatarFiner
individualisation. Bappa, Dr. Rayba
aspects Khatoon,
of patient’s coreDr. Sanjay Sarkar,
feelings help inKamila
Dr. Sumanta remedy differentiation.
The marked feature of Menispermeaceae family
is the profound weakness of the kidney and
ABSTRACT complaints which points to Pareira
Alopecia areata is a form of alopecia that impacts hair follicles, nails, and rarely, the retinal pigment epithelium.
It typically presents with round patches and is a type of non-scarring hair loss. Exclamation –mark hairs are key
characteristics of AA. In the following article, a case of AA is being discussed which was treated with the help of
constitutional medicine. Homoeopathy plays a significant role in such cases by its holistic approach.
1. Dr.Mahesh Gandhi, Personal Evolution Model The Foundation
Book, first edition reprint 2019; New Delhi, published by The
General Manager Crossbill Publishing Co., pages 61, page 63,
page 65, page 135, page 88
Keywords: alopecia areata, homoeopathy, homoeopathic constitutional treatment
2. ICD Code
Abbreviations: Alopecia areata (AA), genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
3. Synthesis 1.3 app, created by Archibel SA, based on Synthesis
Repertory version 2009, Editor Dr. Frederik Schroyens.

4. Michal Yakir,Ph.D, WONDROUS ORDER Systematic Table Of demonstrates a characteristic “bee-swarm pattern”
Homoeopathic Plant Remedies Book One : Flowering Plants, 7th

of dense lymphocytic infiltrates surrounding
lopecia areata
edition,Hebrew, presents
English, withNarayan
2016, Kandern, a non -Verlag,
164, page 166 the bulbar region of anagen hair follicles. Some
hair loss, seems to have a genetic basis.
triggers factors that precipitates AA are emotional
5. GWAS meta
MANUAL, have
Editor localized
Dr. Anand the
R. Kapse, or physical stress, vaccines, viral infections, and
HLAsecondsignal of2003;
edition, AApublished
mostly bytoDr.
Dhawale Memorial
trust; page 102 to 105 drugs. [2
locus harboring the genes that encode the natural
killer cell receptor D (NKG2D) was implicated in Case study
in other autoimmune disease, which
Presenting complaints:
suggest a key role in pathogenesis. [1] Alopecia
1. Dr is aVaishali
disorder ofP. hair follicle-cycling,
Joshi, where
M.D (Hom.), A man of 35 years of age visited with the com-
Homoeopathic cellsPhysician
attack the hair follicle matrix plaint of excessive loss of hair often in patches and
epithelium that is undergoing early cortical thinning of hair for the last 10 years. He was also
differentiation (anagen hair follicles), which having excessive weight loss and muscle wasting.
are then prematurely induced into the catagen
phase. However, since no destruction of hair- History of presenting complaints:
follicle stem cells occurs, the hair follicle retains 10 years ago, patient suffered from prolong illness
its capacity to regenerate and continue cycling. due to malarial fever, after which patient’s appe-
Thereby, follicles re-enter the anagen phase tite diminished. Patient took conventional treat-
normally but do not develop beyond the anagen ment and he was better for few months. Later on,
III/IV phase. Alopecia areata incidence appears to patient’s hair start getting thin and loss occurred.
increase almost linearly with age, but the mean Initially it was gradual followed by excessive hair
age of onset appears to be between 25 and 36 fall in patches.
years.[2] The overall incidence is approximately
20.2 per 100,000 person-years. [3] The lifetime Past History:
risk of presenting AA in the general population
He suffered from malarial fever. He also suffered
is approximately 2%. [1] Histologic examination

116 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

from psoriasis long time back and was treated by Mental General and Physical General:
Mentally patient was dull, sluggish, and had dif-
Family History: ficulty in thinking and comprehending. He was
anxious too and consolation aggravation.
Mother suffered from type 2 diabetes Mellitus
for last 20 years and father suffered from alope- While enquiring his physical general aspects, it
cia areata for last 35 years and also suffered from was found that he is chilly, thirst moderate, had
hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus a long desired for smoked meat, stool was hard. His
time back. sleep was disturbed and there was profuse per-
spiration mostly at night.
Personal History:
He is married. He had no addiction. Relations
with family members were good. By occupation Diagnosis was based on clinical symptoms, physi-
he is a bus conductor. He was lean and sickly fa- cal examination of the areas using a handheld
cial expression. magnifying device where hair has been lost and
also looking at the nails.

Analysis and Evaluation of the symptoms:

( as per Kentian hierarchy)


Anxious Anxious 2. Consolation aggravates

3. Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty in

Consolation aggravates Consolation aggravates
thinking and comprehending

Dullness, sluggishness, dif- Dullness, sluggishness, dif-

ficulty in thinking and com- ficulty in thinking and com- 4. Thermal relation- chilly patient
prehending prehending


Thermal relation- chilly pa- Thermal relation- chilly pa-

6. Perspiration- profuse , more at night
tient tient
Desire- smoked meat Desire- smoked meat 7. Sleep- disturbed
Perspiration- profuse , more Perspiration- profuse , more
8. Muscle wasting and lean thin
at night at night

Sleep- disturbed Sleep- disturbed 9. Excessive hair loss in patches

Muscle wasting and lean
Muscle wasting and lean thin 10. Stool- hard

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 117

Case Report


Excessive hair loss in patch-
Excessive hair loss in patches
Stool- hard Stool- hard

Miasmatic Analysis [4]:

Anxious Psora
Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty in thinking and compre-
chilly patient Psora
Desire- smoked meat Psora and Sycosis
Perspiration- profuse Sycosis
Excessive hair loss in patches Psora,and Sycosis
Stool hard Psora

Thus, PSORA is the predominant miasm of the case, according to the Principles and Art of cure by Ho-
moeopathy by H.A. Roberts.

Repertorial Totality :


Anxious MIND- anxiety

Consolation aggravates MIND- consolation aggravates

Dullness, sluggishness, difficulty in thinking and MIND- dullness, sluggishness, difficulty of think-
comprehending ing and comprehending

Thermal relation- chilly patient GENERALITIES- heat, vital, lack of

Desire- smoked meat STOMACH- desires, meat, smoked

Perspiration- profuse , more at night PERSPIRATION- profuse, night

Sleep- disturbed SLEEP- disturbed

Lean GENERALITIES-lean, people

Excessive hair loss in patches HEAD-hair, falling

Stool hard STOOL- hard

Selection of Repertory [5]: Repertorisation [5]:

In this case, Repertory of the Homoeopathic Materia Repertorisation is done using HOMPATH ZO-
Medica by J.T. Kent was chosen. MEO® software, version 3.0

118 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

Here is the reportorial sheet

Prescription: Selection of Dose and Potency:

After repertorisation, Calcarea Phosphoricum was As per Organon of Medicine, (aphorism 247 5th
at the highest grade with highest matching of the edition) [7], according to the susceptibility of the
symptoms. Hence, after consulting with Boricke’s patient, the potency was selected. The patient was
new manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica with highly susceptible and intensity of the symptoms
Repertory [6] and on the basis of completeness of was also increased. Also, he suffered from that
symptoms of the patient, Calcarea Phosphoricum affection since long, so the case was started with
was selected. high potency.

Date: 24th January, 2022 Repetition of Medicine:

Calcarea Phosphoricum 50M/1 dose, mixing with As per Organon of Medicine [7], every well-chosen
half cup of water for one day early morning in medicine should be repeated at suitable interval
empty stomach was given followed by placebo aphorism 246 5th edition. In this case, improve-
early morning till next visit was prescribed. ment of patient was observed from very begin-
ning so it was not needed to repeat the medicine
or potency.

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 119

Case Report

Follow up:

Date of
Response Prescription
Placebo30/ 4globules
12/02/2022 No such changes observed.
O.D x 28 days
Improvement observed. Growth of hair observed in some Placebo30/ 4globules
areas of scalp. O.D x 28 days
Placebo30/ 4globules
09/05/2022 Improving gradually
O.D x 28 days
Placebo30/ 4globules
06/06/2022 Much improvement, hair growth observed
O.D x 28 days
Hair growth observed in all previous bald areas. Patient’s Placebo30/ 4globules
other general conditions were also improved. O.D x 28 days



120 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023

Case Report

DISCUSSION side-effects. Homoeopath believe in the individu-
Homoeopathy is a system of therapeutics which alistic approach, and in the above case it is seen
aims at a rapid, gentle and permanent restoration that alopecia areata can be managed by homoeo-
of health. In this case, Calcarea Phosphoricum was pathic constitutional remedies.
selected on the basis of totality of symptoms and Acknowledgements: We express our cordial es-
this was successful in the treatment of the con- teem towards our master C.F.S Hahnemann for
dition as well as recovered the accessory com- introducing us with such an amazing discovery of
plaints of the patient. Repertorisation was done this unique system of therapeutics i.e. Homoeop-
using Kent’s repertory. athy and for unveiling the rapid, gentle, and per-
After repertorisation, many remedies were com- manent path of cure for the suffering humanity.
peting with each other namely Sulphur, Silicea Conflicts of interest: None
terra, Nitricum acidum, Phosphorus, Lycopodium
clavatum, etc., but after consultation with William Funding: no such
Boericke’s Materia Medica, Calcarea Phosphoricum
was selected with 50M potency was prescribed. DECLARATION OF PATIENT
Repetition of dosing is based on the response of
vital force to the remedy. As here gradual im- CONSENT
provement was seen so no repetition was done. Appropriate patient assent and guardian consent
Patient did not complain of any side effects or obtained. The patient/guardian understands that
negative consequences. Complete remission in all the patient’s name/initials or any demographic
domains. No recurrence of symptoms was seen information will not be published and due efforts
till now. will be made to conceal his identity.

In case of alopecia areata, homoeopathy proves 1. Pratt CH, King LE, Messenger AG, Christiano AM, Sundberg JP.
Alopecia areata. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2017 Mar 16;3:17011. doi:
to be of vast scope. A homoeopath treats the pa- 10.1038/nrdp.2017.11. PMID: 28300186.
tient according to the symptomatology and the 2. Gilhar A, Etzioni A, Paus R. Alopecia areata. N Engl J Med. 2012
dynamic medicines does not produce any kind of Apr 19;366(16):151-61. doi: 10.1056/NEJMra1011040. PMID:

December 2023 | The Homoeopathic Heritage | 121

Case Report

3. Rajabi F, Drake LA, Senna MM, Rezaei N. Alopecia areata: a review

of disease pathogenesis. Br J Dermatol. 2018 Nov;179(5):1033-
1048. doi: 10.1111/bjd.16910. PMID: 29974928.
1. Dr. Rayba Khatoon, BHMS (WBUHS). PG
4. Roberts HA. Principles & art of cure by homoeopathy: A modern
textbook with word index. 3rd ed. New Delhi, India: B Jain
Scholar (Part-I), Department of Practice of
Publishers; 2022. Medicine of The Calcutta Homoeopathic
5. Kent JT. Repertory of the homeopathic materia medica. New Medical College & Hospital. Kolkata, West
Delhi, India: B Jain; 2015.
6. Boericke W. Pocket Manual of Homoeopathic Materia Medica
and Repertory. 51st Impression. New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers (P) 2. Dr. Sanjay Sarkar, BHMS. PG Scholar (Part-
Ltd; 2011. II), Department of Practice of Medicine of The
7. Hahnemann S. Organon of Medicine. 5th ed. Wenda F, translator. Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College &
B. Jain Publishers; 1996.
Hospital. Kolkata, West Bengal.

122 | The Homoeopathic Heritage December 2023


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