Complete HH July 2021
Complete HH July 2021
Complete HH July 2021
• The book contains many examples and overviews of similar remedies, with a clear
differentiation between them
• In today’s digital word, this book will provide you with a list of common situation
where you can recognize a certain remedy by seeing someone’s style of virtual
• the writing style of the author will make you feel that she is talking to you, as if you
are sitting in one of her courses on Bach flower remedies.
• This book that will encourage you to start studying about Bach flower remedies,
and to start applying them for yourself, your family, your clients and patients. It
will prove equally beneficial for both a beginner as well as a senior practitioner.
• This book has been compiled from the transcripts of the recordings of the Esalen Homeopathic Conference held
in California, USA, 1980.
• This book is written in a conversation style and is divided into three parts: Part I- Case Reports Part II- Materia
Medica Part III- Discussions
Part I - This section presents 33 carefully selected clinical conditions (cases) for discussion out of collection
of 60,000 cases. Each chapter has been devoted to particular remedy and theme of the remedy on which
prescription is based.
Part II - Different subject on homeopathy have been covered under this section.
Part III - The last part has a question answer session on miscellaneous topics which answer many queries
which practitioners face in their practice. This part also has glimpse from George Vithoulkas’ life from the
period when he was first introduced to homeopathy
• It is an intended work for physicians to enjoy, appreciate, experience, and admire a great healing art.
• The book offers extensive knowledge about physiological and pathological actions of more
than 200 drugs.
• Detailed description about the drug, its source, preparation of the medicine from the crude drug
substance, its action upon the human body, affinity towards certain organs, toxicological effects
and the characteristic therapeutics.
• Contains a detailed description about Classification of remedies on the basis of their sources, their
action on various tissues and organs of human body.
• A brief description about the pharmacology and highlights its importance is also given.
ISBN 978-81-319-0356-8
ISBN: : 9788131903568 | `| `466
549| 992
| 992pp
Vol. 47, No. 4, July 2021, ` 30
Total No. of pages: 60
Dr Geeta Rani Arora Dr Yashika Arora Malhotra 9 Homoeopathy helps CRF patient suffering
Dr Yashika Arora Malhotra from COVID-19 47 By Dr Lubna Kamal, Dr Mohan Singh,
Language Editor Dr Vandana Mishra
REVIEWERS Homoeopathy in female disorders 10
Dr Clare Relton
Dr Chaturbhuj Nayak
Dr Eswara Das
Francis Treuherz
Dr Meeta Gupta
Dr Queenita Fernandes SUBJECTIVE Chronic anal fissures with sentinel pile
Dr Raj Kumar Manchanda – a case report 57
Dr Robert Mathie
Dr Saurav Arora Lifestyle diseases and homoeopathy 12 By Dr Shweta B. Nanjannavar,
Dr Sandeep Sathye
By Dr Mahakas Mandal, Dr Samit Dey Dr Susmi S. Kunju
Prof Dr Anwar Amir
Dr Monika Kathuria Conium maculatum in female disorders: Dermoid cyst of ovary treated ARTICLE
Dr Yashveer
multitasker friend for women 43 with homoeopathy: a case
Dr Ashish Indani report 61
Dr Kamal Sethi By Dr Jaimin R. Chotaliya
Dr Yogesh Niturkar By Dr Purnima Suri, Dr Kundan Kant Chandra
Homoeopathic solution to the problem of
INTERNATIONAL ADVISORS lactation in mothers during breastfeeding 55
Subrata Kumar Banerjea
Grant Bentley
By Dr Neha Sahu
Tarkeshwar Jain
Ajit Kulkarni
A clinical case series of prospective study to
Robin Murphy
Uttareshwar R. Pachegaonkar CASE STUDY evaluate the utility of homoeopathic medicine
Roberto Petrucci in polycystic ovarian syndrome using the
Chaim Rosenthal Long way from conception to concomitant symptoms during
Todd Rowe menstruation 16
M.K. Sahani completion-a case ARTICLE
• This book is to provide an answer to the vexed question “How shall I get a remedy quickly
in a particular group of population & without much effort?”
• The book is divided into 2 sections in which, the most important symptoms are arranged
under 11 subsections, based on different phases of life, addictions, seasons along with the
Do’s and Don’ts.
• Its easy for comprehension and also quick for reference and prescription.
• The THUMB RULE section gives a different perspective of learning making the reader
ponder and go to the depth of Allen’s Keynotes.
• Emphasis had been on dividing age groups, gender groups& even on pediatric remedies,
a list of drugs has been incorporated for the convenience of students, PG scholars, and the
Note: The Homoeopathic Heritage is now a peer reviewed journal since January 2013. All the articles are peer
reviewed by the in-house editorial team and selected articles from each issue are sent for peer review by an
external board of reviewers and those articles are distinctly marked with a stamp of ‘peer reviewed’. For inclusion
of articles in peer review section, kindly send your articles 3-4 months in advance of the said month. Send your
articles at
Unbolt Yourself
August 2021 Posology and homoeopathy June 15, 2021
September 2021 Homoeopathy in the management of RESPIRATORY disorders July 15, 2021
Repertorial analysis
Prescription a day for four days, followed by much better. She was continued
Aurum metallicum, Natrum placebo for 30 days. She was also same medicine in the same way for
muriaticum, Aurum muriaticum asked to reduce the anti-depressants the next 9 months, which resulted in
natronatum were used without much slowly and gradually. complete reduction of her allopathic
success, because of which she was medicines.
about to give up the treatment after
six months. Therefore, the case was
Follow up
taken again and she was prescribed The result was good, and her feeling
Aurum sulphuricum 30c/ three times of forsaken and indifference was
Abstract: Lifestyle diseases refers to diseases associated with modifiable risks from adjustment management, behavioural changes,
inactivity to non-modifiable factors like age, gender, genetic and environmental influences. Lifestyle diseases are emerging concept
in medicine and about 62% of total population affected by its fatal effect. Children, adult, elderly person all are vulnerable to the risk
factors related to lifestyle leading to non communicable disease burden that has impact on DALYs and physical quality life index.
The incidence of these diseases is rapidly increasing due to rapid unplanned urbanisation, globalisation and unhealthy lifestyle of
the population. Homoeopathy can be a unique mode of treatment in the management of lifestyle diseases as it involves perceiving
of each individual case of disease with a thorough consideration of obvious causes, accessory circumstances, constitution,
temperament, and underlying miasm.
ABBREVIATIONS: Disability adjusted life years(DALYs). Physical quality life index (PQLI). Diabetes mellitus(DM).
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Polycystic ovary syndrome( PCOS), International Classification of
Diseases (ICD), ventricular septal defect (VSD), atrial septal defect(ASD), diabetes mellitus(DM), polycystic ovarian
syndrome(PCOS), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).
As per Z73 of ICD 10, there are taking over the counter medication, inactivity, obesity, too much
disease conditions where persons such as medicines for headache, alcohol, tobacco uses, family
are affected by the difficulty in life gastrointestinal upset, constipation, and genetic predisposition
management such burn out (state of sleeplessness, etc. Their injudicious ii. Obesity - It is a man-made
vital exhaustion), behaviour pattern use increases the burden of diseases disorder of modern era and
changes, lack of relaxation, stress, among the people. It is witnessed responsible for majority of
inadequate social skills, social role that some medicine taken during health hazards. Body mass index
conflict, limitation of activities the pregnancy directly relates to of more than 30 is regarded as
leading to disability, dual sensory the increased risk of childhood obesity. Increased mortality
impairments, etc7. asthma, childhood epilepsy, from obesity is primarily due
childhood obesity, major congenital to cardiovascular diseases,
Eating disorders in children and malformations, musculoskeletal hypertension, gallbladder
teen can develop anorexia, bulimia, system malformation, VSD, ASD, diseases, diabetes mellitus,
binge eating, etc. most of the causes etc. and thus making the foetus or polycystic ovary syndrome,
are witnessed among children of new born child a victim of lifestyle several types of cancer such as
low self esteem and deprivation of disorder8. cancer of oesophagus, colon,
parental care. If these conditions
gallbladder, bile duct, rectum
are not corrected in time it develops B. NON-MODIFIABLE RISK
pancreas, prostate, breast,
anxiety disorders, depression, and FACTORS: Risk factors that cannot
endometrium, cervix, ovaries,
substance abuse in young adult life. be controlled or modified by the
etc. obesity also associated with
application of an intervention can
Study reveals, incidence of PCOS is sleep apnoea, steatohepatitis,
be called non-modifiable risk factors
on a rise among 18 to 25 years girls gastro-esophageal reflux
and include:
due to faulty lifestyle. Sometimes diseases, osteoarthritis, gout,
teenagers and young adults develop • Age low back pain, skin infections,
life management problems without depression, hypogonadism etc.
• Race
any definitive causes resulting in Major risk factors: Obesity can
• Gender result from increased calorie
neuropsychoendocrinal disease such
as migraine, inflammatory bowel • Genetics intake, decreased energy
disease, ankylosing spondylitis, expenditure or a combination
irritable bowel diseases, allergic C. METABOLIC RISK FACTORS: of two. Excess accumulation of
rhinitis, rheumatoid arthritis, SLE, Metabolic risk factors lead to four body fat is also associated with
scleroderma, etc. These disease major changes in the metabolic sys- environmental, genetic, social
condition leads to low productivity, factors and economic condition.
tem that increase the possibility of
financial burden and the patient iii. Increased blood glucose levels
becomes more depressed resulting in lifestyle disorders:
or hyperglycaemia- Diabetes
cluster of psychological, behavioural mellitus comprises of a group
and cognitive phenomena, and i. Increased blood pressure
of metabolic disorders that
sometimes indulges in various (hypertension): chronic
shows the common features of
antisocial activities, addictions or elevation of blood pressure
substance abuse thus adding fuel to above the normal range.
Hypertension is the major Major risk factors: overweight,
the fire.
contributor to cardiovascular obesity, physical inactivity,
Now-a-days the selfie wrist and diseases and complications. saturated fat consumption,
cervical spondylitis, hardness of 13% of total global death is stress, PCOS, alcohol, tobacco
hearing from over using earphone, due to raised blood pressure. uses, family history of DM and
low back pain, high refractive errors Blood pressure of 130/90 mm risk factors for cardiovascular
all are the gifts of lifestyle that one of Hg as per American college diseases comprises the risk
can’t ignore. of cardiology and American factors for DM.
heart association defined as iv. Increased levels of fat in the
Bargain counter medication and hypertension. blood or hyperlipidaemia
iatrogenic disease Major risk factors: diabetes, resulting in coronary
Nowadays, it has become a routine of unhealthy diet, physical heart diseases.
Coronary heart diseases or to minimise the impact of lifestyle HYPERTENSION: Amyl nitrosum,
ischaemic heart diseases is diseases (inappropriately named Aurum metallicum, Crataegus
the impairment of the heart chronic diseases) on individuals and oxyacantha, Glonoinum, Lachesis
function due to inadequate flow society. Weight reduction, regular mutus, Natrum muriaticum, Nux
to the heart as compared to its exercise and yoga, behavioural vomica, Veratrum album, etc.
need, caused by the obstructive changes, stress reduction, smoking
changes in coronary circulation. cessation, cholesterol lowering, CORONARY INSUFFICIENCY:
It expresses itself as angina nutritious balanced diet, stopping Aurum metallicum, Digitalis purpurea,
with exertion or emotional the injudicious use of drugs and Crataegus oxyacantha, Viscum album,
upset, exertional dyspnoea. It other substances are the commonly etc.
may complicate as myocardial recommended lifestyle modification
infarction, irregularities of along with required treatment. CANCER: Arsenicum album, Asterias
heart, cardiac failure, sudden rubens, Bromium, Bufo rana, Cadmium
death. The treatment of lifestyle disorder sulphuricum, Carbo animalis, Conium
Major risk factors: cigarette starts with a meticulous case taking maculatum, Cundurango, Hydrastis
smoking, hypertension, or perceiving the case of disease. canadensis, Lapis alba, Lycopodium
hypercholesterolaemia, A proper investigation of the risk clavatum, etc.
diabetes mellitus, obesity and factors, obvious causes, accessory
family history of coronary circumstances, constitution, OBESITY: Calcarea carbonicum,
artery diseases before age of 55. temperament, and underlying miasm Capsicum annuum, Ferrum metallicum,
is essential for the management of Graphites, Phytolacca decandra, Kali
Homoeopathic management of these cases. Medicines should be
lifestyle disorders: carbonicum, Aurum metallicum, etc.
prescribed only after the removal
In this era, “a healthy person is one of the causa occasionalis (where it
who has not yet been thoroughly CHOLESTEROL INCREASED:
exists) and as per the totality of each
examined”. All persons around us Calcarea carbonicum, Cholesterinum,
individual case of disease. All these
are affected by some or other sort Cortison, Sulphur, Insulin, Lycopodium
conditions if managed properly not
of silent killer but not everyone is clavatum, etc.
only stop the progress of disease but
not suffering from the same fate. also cure it10.
If we consider the basic nature of ACID REFLUX, OESOPHAGUS:
psora, the patients are very anxious Arum triphyllum, Carbo vegetabilis,
Medicines like Aurum metallicum,
about their little ailments and takes China officinalis, Lac caninum,
Calcarea phosphoricum, Staphysagria,
medicines for everything. From the Natrum muriaticum, Sepia, Fluoricum Lycopodium clavatum, etc.
early 30s the man, his lifestyle and acidum, Nitricum acidum, Thuja
the internal miasm of the person occidentalis, Medorrhinum, etc. all In Synthesis Repertory, some mental
paves the way to the giant non having their own developmental rubrics may be helpful in regarding
communicable diseases. The psoric phase and related to the different causes to development of lifestyle
will be the victim of artificial chronic phases of life and their sufferings. and adjustment disorders14:
disease. The syco-syphilitic persons
will indulge the debauchery, From J.T. Kent’s Repertory of Mind- AILMENTS FROM: abused;
night watching, faulty sexual Homoeopathic Materia Medica, we after being: children / physically
behaviour, etc. and that will lead to can consider some rubrics from / sexually. Affection; lack of.
the complications of the diseases. “Generalities” chapter as: cancerous Alcohol. Anxiety. Business failure.
Susceptibility of an individual, affection, narcotics, obesity, onanism Contradiction. Debauchery.
mental, physical, social environment from, tobacco, tumors, wine, etc11. Embarrassment- poor job
(accessory circumstances), In O.E. Boericke’s Repertory in performance of. Father absence.
constitution, temperament, diathesis “Generalities” chapter: abuse of Financial loss. Homesickness.
and the predominant miasm play different substances and their effects Honour; wounded. Job having lost
a major role in the production of as: abuse of alcohol, coffee, drugs in his. Mental shock from. Money;
disease. Thus, a comprehensive general, narcotics, tobacco, etc12. from losing. Rejected; from being.
approach is essential that involves Responsibility- unusual. Sexual
all sectors including health, finance, Some useful rubrics from Robin abused. Sexual excess. Sexual
education, planning and others, Murphy’s Repertory13: humiliation. Unhappiness.
Abstract: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common heterogeneous endocrine disorder characterized by irregular menses,
hyperandrogenism, and polycystic ovaries. Lifestyle modification is a first-line intervention. Existing information indicates a positive
role of homoeopathy but more rigorous studies are desirable. This prospective study shows that importance of homoeopathic
medicine in PCOS using the concomitant symptoms during menses. Boenninghausen was the first to realise the importance of
the concomitants in prescribing and constructed his repertory. Concomitant symptoms are based on the inherent constitutional
differences and tend to remain constant with a patient, irrespective of the nature of the disease. A sample of ten cases of PCOS
has been treated with concomitant symptoms covering constitutional homoeopathic medicine for a year with regular follow up.
Cases are collected from the OPD of Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic Medical College, Kulasekharam. This study is further focused
on psychological burden of individuals and how they evolved as psychosomatisation and personality adaptation in the development
of PCOS. The data is collected by the art of case taking.
Keywords: PCOS, concomitant, constitution, psychosomatisation, personality adaptation, and case taking.
Abbreviations: PCOS: polycystic ovarian syndrome; CVD: cardiovascular disease; C-S: co-ordinate systems;
OPD – outpatient department
collected from the OPD from our improvement is assessed through 11-40 years were selected. The
Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic the concepts of palliation, cure, sup- high prevalence of PCOS is
Medical College. Female of 11-40 commonly seen in young females
pression and the prognosis of the
years of age are included in this study. who follow modern lifestyle. In
case has been obtained.
The remedies have been prescribed PCOS, stress plays the major role
on the basis of symptom similarity and effects of stress producing the
and on the basis of concomitant and RESULTS psychosomatisation, considering
constitutional totality. Collection • In this study age group between this the topic was selected and
of standardised case record data 11 to 40 years of female are also to find out the importance of
of 10 cured cases in which acute, considered among that, study concomitant during menstruation.
chronic, and intercurrent remedies showed 11 to 30 years of age
has been used for the treatment of Usually age of 15 to 32 years female
women had PCOS. Most of
PCOS. The case has been studied started to play various phases in
them are students, working
on the basis of case concept form. their life like responsible daughter,
women and house wives.
The problem of the patient has been friend, and wife. The peak age
Among this, study showed
defined by interview technique and of reproductive life too begins
the clinical features such
the data’s have been recorded in here. When they have emotional
as amenorrhoea, hirsutism,
clinical record. The collected data’s and behaviour disturbance, their
acanthosis nigricans, back pain,
have been organised, processed and hormones show mild to maximum
leucorrhoea, menorrhagia,
connected each other through: variation, as it is one of the triggering
itching and burning in genital,
or main causes of PCOS.
• Symptomatic classification and lump in breast, irregular
evaluation menses. All of them had mental In the western life style, students
• Clinico-pathological emotional state as well as undergoing many phases as
disposition. Most of the females mentioned in age, mechanical
• Psychological
had particular, mental, as well aided games, school, college, and
• Hahnemannian miasmatic as both mental and physical
pathology – current disappointment are some of the
as concomitants respectively. reason for increasing the stress.
interpretation Most of the cases developed Some of house wives had PCOS,
After that the data’s have been anal- psychosomatisation gradually because they were not engaged
ysed and synthesised through acute from childhood. Study on any other works other than
totalities, chronic totalities and in- reveals that, more intraperson household work. Housewives are
tercurrent totalities. Totalities have conflict and interpersonal mostly alone in home at
been obtained through reportorial conflicts contributes to the they think about the previous bitter
development of PCOS. events. But according to modern
and non – repertorial techniques.
Constitutional remedies such lifestyle it has been changed.
All these obtained concepts are pre-
sented totally as problem structur- LACHESIS MUTUS, In this study, Rotterdam criteria:
alisation; here several concepts will KALIUM CARBONICUM, include oligo-ovulation and/or
come into play. The structuralised PLATINUM METALLICUM, anovulation, Excess androgen
concepts help to resolve the prob- TUBERCULINUM, SEPIA and activity, polycystic ovaries (by
lem of a patient through remedial SILICEA TERRA was useful gynaecologic ultrasound)(7)which noted
as well as non – remedial such as to treat PCOS constitutionally the disorder as having 1
. This study suggests
and most of the case had given that most of the patient presented
general- individual, general- envi-
counselling to maintain proper with irregular menses with minimal
ronmental, mechanical measures
healing. functional level symptomatology
and ancillary measures. These total and pathology.
definition of the case helps to treat Discussion
the patient through specific ho- In homoeopathic disease evolution
In this study, all the ten cases are that Dr M.L. Dhawale has
moeopathic planning and program-
selected randomly from the OPD discussed, psora, the sympathetic,
ming. Concept of posology, remedy of Sarada Krishna Homoeopathic became overactive due that ovarian
response, and subsequent actions Medical College, Kulasekharam. imbalance leads to functional
are taken into consideration. The The females of age group between menstrual disorder. Acrid non-
infective leucorrhoea with emotional Any phenomenon in nature evolves dragging the organism downward to
background is a psoric expression. in a field and expresses itself in self-destruction. The transcendence
When reduce sympathetic activity various co-ordinate systems (C-S). It of the soul is thus prevented by the
and over stimulation with resultant is possible for an external observer substance, and the conflict produced
slowing down of activity, processes, to single out any one of the many leads to anguish which is expressed
faculties and functions, accelerated C-S as the main one and analyse it peripherally as mental symptoms(11).
by increasing activity of the para from the sequential point of view
sympathetic. The system goes into (causation). The other C-S evolve For the peaceful life, person knows
a state of exhaustion. The psoric concomitantly with the main C-S but to follow the balance inter and intra
patient slips into sycosis(8). we are unable to detect a sequential personal relation, when in the inner
relationship between these. These core arises the conflict, the person
From this study, emotional therefore fall outside our concept has to suffer from the personality
symptom become more prominent, of causality. All the same, these can adaptation. It was expressed as
emotion plays major role for the be utilised by the external observer
development of psychosomatisation physical or body level in physical it
of the phenomenon as essential expressed as craving and aversion,
from suppressed and repressed identifying (as well as differential)
emotion. Mental symptoms are sexual sphere and in body level
characteristics of the phenomenon it was expressed as symptoms.
classified into mental emotion, in question. Concomitant co-
intelligent and behaviour emotion, PCOS is one of the psychosomatic
ordinate series thus give us another disorders with relation to inter and
and intelligent. equally important dimension of the intra personal relation.
Dr M.L. Dhawale explained about expression of time(10).
classification of mental symptoms, The concomitant bear no other This was explained by Dr Dhawale,
emotion plays a significant part in relationship to the chief complaint in evolution and expression of
the livers of most of the individuals, than this time association. The study mental symptoms, He says that
hence the mental state open with suggests that concomitant symptom a patient needs to examine the
this section. The primary emotions present in three forms mental, patient’s interpersonal relationships
of anger-sadness, love-hate and fear- physical and particular. from childhood onwards with
anxiety are given prominence. The reference to his wishes, ambitions
secondary emotion like suspicious, Psychosomatisation happens and vocations. He can then know
jealousy, etc. gets attached to those where the person emotion becomes the affections, hatreds, resentments,
dominant emotions where they imbalance and their inner core fails vexation, humiliation, indignation,
arise as an offshoot. Intellectual to express. Thus, the body express it fear, conscience, disillusion, etc.
state comprises of the complex of in the form of psychosomatisation. which the patient experienced.
primary faculties (consciousness, From this reveals PCOS is the His emotional nature must be
thinking, memory), the derivations psychosomatic disorder rather than
understood from the stand of point
(perception and decision making) mentioning it as disease.
of externalism, not only for the
and the resultants of the emotional
This was explained by Dr Dhawale, diagnosis of the simillimum, but
and the intellectual functioning
in “Evolution and Expression of also for the re-education which
(judgement, confidence, person,
mental symptoms” he mentioned is to similimum. This remedial
etc.), action (speech and behaviour)
that, the mental symptoms which action helps to restore the internal
and functioning (autonomic
forms the most important core of governance and balance of the
functions, sleep and systems
homoeopathic prescribing always system and aids it in realising the
functioning). There is also a final
are an expression of the continued “higher purpose of existence”
conclusion as to the nature of the
total result in terms of the balance conflict: the conflict that is between (Hahnemann) under the superior
achieved(9). higher and lower animal instincts; guidance of the physician who
between the higher values and the regards his life as a mission to
Dr M. L. Dhawale has also blind consummation of our desires; restore the sick to health(11).
mentioned about time -dimension between the spirit that guides the
concept and expression among that substance towards higher values, In modern life style, stress plays
included time-change, periodicity, images and ideas and infantile a major role, for that counselling
evolution, causation, concomitance, egoism and egotism that erode as was needed and it plays important
velocity, direction, and eternity. well as corrode all values, finally management along with medicine.
Words to Mental Rubrics
Practical and Easy Way to Select 409 Mental Rubrics
• The book clearly explains how to convert the patient’s symptoms into rubrics
given in the repertory.
• 409 mental rubrics from Kent’s Repertory and Synthesis Repertory are
wonderfully explained starting from “Abandoned” to “Zealous”, including
the meaning of the rubric, clinical situation, patient’s and attendant’s
narration, the observation of physician, followed by important remedies
given in the rubric.
• The language of the book is kept very simple and comprehensible language
keeping in view the need of the student making it a handy reference.
Introduction: Primary dysmenorrhoea is a type of cyclical chronic pelvic pain among adolescent and young women which is
be due to excessive prostaglandin, leukotriene, and vasopressin production, as well as myometrial ischaemia or due to uterine
Material and methods: a prospective, observational, open-labelled study having 30 diagnosed cases of primary dysmenorrhoea,
selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, case taking was done on the basis of the principles of homoeopathy,
prescription was based on totality of symptoms, repertorial totality and analysis and finally referring to materia medica. Follow up
was evaluated by changes in clinical presentation, changes in score of WaLIDD monthly and lastly statistical analysis of data was
done using MS-excel.
Results: This study result shows significant reduction in the disease intensity scores after the homoeopathic treatment.
Conclusion: This study result suggests a positive role of homoeopathic treatment as an alternative medicine in cases of primary
Abbreviations: working ability, location, intensity, days of pain, dysmenorrhoea score (WaLIDD), prostaglandin
factor (PGF), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), outpatient department (OPD), in-patient depart-
ment (IPD).
Introduction true incidence and prevalence are with or few hours before the onset
not clearly established in India.1,3 of menses. The severity of pain
the conditions.11 Homoeopathy every case having primary two-tail value is 2.93 which is
is seen to be an effective and safe dysmenorrhoea. greater than the table at 5% (p<0.05).
alternative to synthetic hormones a. Relevant clinical examina- This study provides evidence to say
without placing the patient at tions and lab oratory that, this is significant reduction in
risk.12 Disease severity and quality investigations, if required. the disease intensity scores after the
of life demonstrated marked and Homoeopathic treatment.
sustained improvements following b. Evaluation of symptoms
as per homoeopathic
homoeopathic treatment period.13
principles and framing the
The best part of the homoeopathic
medicine is that it not only relieves totality. In this study, 35 cases of Primary
pain, but also cures the tendency to c. Analysis, evaluation and Dysmenorrhoea of age group 11 to
have menstrual cramps. This means repertorisation of the 25 years were enrolled from general
that after some time of treatment, totality of symptoms taking screening of patients out of which
the problem is completely cured and help of Computer-aided 5 cases were dropped out rest 30
one is able to get rid of the problem (digital) RADAR repertory. cases completed the study with
permanently.14 The treatment should regular follow ups( n= 30). Before
d. Final selection of medicine
be continued until the patient enrolling in the study population,
by miasmatic inference and
menstruates normally or nearly so. every patient was evaluated and
consulting homoeopathic
Prescriptions made during the inter- diagnosed on the basis of clinical
materia medica.
menstrual period are seen to be most history, clinical examination
e. On the basis of and WaLIDD scoring which is
efficacious, as latent expression is
susceptibility, potency, dedicatedly used for diagnosis of
shown more clearly and the acute
dose and repetition was primary dysmenorrhoea. Proper
expression has quieted down, so it is
decided following strict case taking is been done with
better to base prescription upon this
homoeopathic principles. proper evaluation and analysis of
f. General management case making totality of symptoms
includes proper diet and to prescribe. The patients are been
Methodology regimen, hygiene and rest. prescribed indicated medicine
Sources of data – OPD and IPD of and doses as per the totality of
g. Timely review of
Govt. Homoeopathic Medical Col- homoeopathic prescription symptoms and requirement in every
lege & Hospital, Bhopal, on the basis of patient’s individual case. The analysis of the
response. sample size of the 30 cases depicted
• Number of cases – 30 cases highest preponderance of the
excluding dropouts • Statistical methods primary dysmenorrhoea disorder
• Definitions used for study Assessments of cases were done in age group 14 to 16 years. The
purpose - with the help of WaLIDD Score and age incidence depicts the disease
changes in values at the baseline start and reporting in clinic or to
Selection of medicine – was
visit and last follow up visit. Final physician by the patients. Among
based on individualisation
calculation was done to find out the the sample size population it is been
after proper analysis,
p-value with the help of paired t- test noted that the majority of cases are
evaluation and miasmatic
for two variables in Microsoft Office which are affected had the onset
analysis of the case as per
Excel 2007. of menstrual period or menarche
homoeopathic principles.
before or at the age of 13 years
Follow up- cases were Observation and result: In total comprising the data as suggesting
followed up properly on no. of cases (n=30) the critical ratio, the relation of early menarche.
one month interval and paired-t follows a distribution on The study expresses that the role
results was assessed on the with n-1 degree of freedom. The of family history is more or less
basis of clinical symptoms 0.1% level is 3.659, 1% level is 2.756 related to the disorder. The miasm
and changes in WaLIDD and 5% level is 2.045 for 29 degree is an important aspect to be taken
scores of freedom. WaLIDD score table into account while prescribing in
• Methods of tests/procedures- which is the summation of the entire homoeopathic system of medicine.
Detailed and thorough variables, on analysing the “t” value The effect of miasm cannot be
case taking of each and through microsoft excel, P(T<=t) overlooked while treating any case.
In study’s sample size, population majority of cases, but continuous Dysmenorrhoea Among Nursing Students.
Journal of Health and Allied Sciences NU. 2019
depicted that the disorder covered improvement cannot be assured, Apr;9(02):64-75.
more of pseudo-psora miasm and and to see the curability of the 7. Wallace S, Keightley A, Gie C. Dysmenorrhoea.
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. 2010 Jul
sycotic miasm. Homoeopathy is a disease it demands more time. 1;12(3):149-54.
science of individualisation in which 8. Edmonds DK, Lees C, Bourne TH, editors.
each and every case is different and Dewhurst’s textbook of obstetrics &
it should be dealt differently on basis Conclusion gynaecology. Blackwell Pub.; 2007 Sep 20.
9. Marjoribanks J, Proctor M, Farquhar C,
of symptom similarity and totality The statistical demonstration of the Sangkomkamhang US, Derks RS. Nonsteroidal
of symptoms. The medicine should anti‐inflammatory drugs for primary
study implicates the effectiveness dysmenorrhoea. Cochrane Database of
be based on strict homoeopathic of homoeopathic treatment in cases Systematic Reviews. 2003(4)
principle then only it would bring out of primary dysmenorrhoea as it 10. Wong CL, Farquhar C, Roberts H, Proctor M.
Oral contraceptive pill as treatment for primary
the true miraculous results. In this reduces the severity of complaints dysmenorrhoea. Cochrane Database Syst Rev
study all patients were prescribed with other associated complaints as 2009;
Dr Mayuresh S Mahajan
• The author has compiled his experience and knowledge with reference to the pain of
the patients in context with their psyche or the emotional understanding.
• The book is meant to help with recognizing pain in its diversity and the process of
reaching the similimum based on the symptom of pain.
• In this book, the author has tried to decipher and direct prescribing remedies based
on differentiation of pain among the different remedies stated in Materia Medica.
• The author has explained the various types of pain, be it physical or mental along
with its causative factors which gives a better insight to the physician about the
patient and further helps with the prescription.
Abstract: The study was conducted at Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital for Children, Acharya Donde Marg, Parel East, Parel, Mumbai.
Prior ethical clearance was taken from the Ethics Committee of the hospital to undertake the trial. The protocol adhered to Good
Clinical Practices of India.
Cases were enrolled from 2018 to 2019 and were observed every month for a period of 1 year.
Study design: prospective randomised placebo control single blind clinical trial – parallel design.
Patients who visit the neurology OPD at Bai Jerbai Wadia Hospital who have been diagnosed as purely autistic (without any co
morbidity) by the Neurological team were enrolled for the study. The cases were then screened using the inclusion exclusion
criteria. The psychologist diagnosed all the patients based on childhood autism rating scale 2(CARS).
92 patients were taken for this study of which after a few dropouts we had 84 children who were studied in detail. In this study,
patients were randomly selected based on the randomisation table to receive placebo or homoeopathic medicines.
Half of the study group received homoeopathic medicines along with occupational therapy and the other half received placebo
along with O.T.
Occupational therapy was on for a minimum period of 6 months before the start of the study to understand any effects it had had
on the child.
If any allopathic medication were on during the period of study, we waited for 3 months before we enroll the patient for the study
and introduce homoeopathic medicines to allow the allopathic medicines to elicit their effect.
All the allopathic medicines will be unaltered through the course of the therapy.
cups of equal quantity of water. Fi- Control group histograms, normal Q – Q plots
nally the patient is asked to take the and box plot showed that the ATEC
medicine from this 5th cup as 1 tsp as Selection of medicine: scores were distributed with the
many times a day as advised. In this group as mentioned above, skewness of 0.227 (SE = 0.263) and a
patients were prescribed identical kurtosis of -1.363 (SE = 0.520).
placebo which was dispensed by us.
Analysis of the cases: This inference that the data is non
Cases were analysed based on the Follow up: parametric. Hence the non – para-
Follow up was done every month. metric statistics was used to analyse
A.T.E.C. score at 0 weeks, 12 weeks,
the data:
36 weeks & 52 weeks
The changes were observed in the 1. Within the study group
A total of 92 autistic patients were
following areas: and placebo group: ATEC
screened and 84 were enrolled
score were having repeated
after fulfilling the inclusion criteria.
• Social relationship will be measurements hence Friedman
These patients were randomised to
measured using ATEC (Score II) test was used as inferential
either receive homoeopathy (n=42)
statistics. The post Hoc analysis
• Sensory and motor skills will be or placebo (n=42).
was done using the Wilcoxon
measured using ATEC (Score The data of the 84 autistic children signed rank test.
III, IV) were analyzed using the SPSS 2. Between the study group and
• Communication skills will be version 24.0 placebo group: ATEC score was
measured using ATEC (Score I) analysed using the Krushkal
A Shapiro – Wilk’s test (p ≤ 0.05)
• Progress in schooling and a visual inspection of their Wall’s test.
Standard Percentiles
deviation 25th 50th (Median) 75th
ATEC 0 83.17 33.988 54.00 81.50 113.50
ATEC 3 81.07 33.348 53.00 80.50 110.50
ATEC 6 78.79 32.738 51.50 79.00 107.75
ATEC 9 74.83 32.458 48.75 75.00 103.00
ATEC 12 71.52 31.915 44.50 71.50 99.25
80.00 78.79
76.00 74.83
74.00 71.52
0 Months 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months
Figure 1: Graph - line diagram representing the ATEC score improvement after the homoeopathic treatment
Table 2: Tabular representation of the inferential statistics and clinical effect statistics
in the study group of ATEC score:
N 42
Chi-Square 121.749a
Df 4
Statistical Result
Asymptomatic Sig. 0.000
Statistical interpretation: Median (IQR) at the beginning of the Cohen’s delta elicits the small effect
There was a statistically significant treatment was 81.50, at the end of 3 which is consistent and reliable effect
difference in the autism evaluation months 80.50, at the end of 6 months after the homoeopathic treatment
checklist after the homoeopathic 79.00, at the end of 9 months 75.00 along with the occupational therapy.
and occupational therapies, χ2 (4) = and at the end of one year 71.50. The number needed to treat is 4.854;
121.75, p = 0.000. Post Hoc analysis There was statistically significant which means 100 autistic patients
with Wilcoxon signed – rank test reduction observed between and take the homoeopathic treatment
was conducted with a Bonferroni within the groups. along with the occupational therapy
correction applied, resulting in a for one year, 21% will have the
significance level set at p < 0.017. Clinical effect interpretation: The favorable outcome on ATEC scale.
70.00 69.36
68.00 67.31
0 Months 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months
Figure 2: Graph - line diagram representing the ATEC score improvement after the
placebo and occupational therapy:
Table 3: Tabular representation of the inferential statistics and clinical effect statistics
in the placebo group of ATEC score:
N 42
Chi-Square 38.034a
Df 4
Statistical Result
Asymptomatic Sig. 0.000
Statistical Interpretations: Cohen’s delta elicits the no effect. take the homoeopathic treatment
after the occupational therapy. The along with the occupational therapy
There was a statistically significant
number needed to treat is 15.16; for one year, 7% will have the favor-
difference in the autism evaluation
which means 100 Autistic patients able outcome on ATEC scale.
checklist after the placebo and
occupational therapies, χ2 (4) = DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE STUDY AND PLACEBO GROUP:
121.75, p = 0.000. Post Hoc analysis
with Wilcoxon signed – rank test Study Group Placebo Group
was conducted with a Bonferroni
85.00 83.17
correction applied, resulting in a 83.00 81.07
significance level set at p < 0.017. 81.00 78.79
Median (IQR) at the beginning of the 79.00
77.00 74.83
treatment was 70.95, at the end of 3 75.00
months 70.14, at the end of 6 months 73.00 70.95 71.52
70.14 69.36
69.36, at the end of 9 months 68.12 71.00
69.00 67.31
and at the end of one year 67.31. 67.00
There was statistically significant 65.00
reduction observed overall. 0 Months 3 Months 6 Months 9 Months 12 Months
However, there is no statistically TIME DURATION
Abstract: A female came with the complaint of pain in right lower limb during her periods. Pain is severe in nature due to which
there is no sleep. Heavy bleeding associated with severe pain in abdomen, backache, and she was diagnosed with endometriosis.
Patient was eager to conceive. After analysing the totality of symptoms and by considering the mental symptoms, Sepia officinalis
200C was prescribed, which proved to be effective in treating the endometriosis and most fortunately she conceived.
Keywords: endometriosis, right lower limb pain, totality of symptoms, Sepia officinalis.
Abbreviations: AUS- abdominal ultrasound, MRI- magnetic resonance of imaging, CA 125 cancer antigen, Rt-right,
LL-lower limb, HPT – home pregnancy test, LMP – last menstrual period.
P resence of functioning
endometrium in sites other
than uterine mucosa is called
Adolescents with the disease
are more likely to experience a
variety of symptoms which can be
particularly in developing countries.
Many reasons contribute to this
undeniable difficulty in diagnosis.
endometriosis. Ectopic endometrial safely improved or alleviated by Of these; difficult visiting of
tissues are found at sites other than appropriate menstrual management gynaecologists by young girls, the
uterus and are called endometriosis or suppression.4However; infeasibility of local examinations,
externa. Endometriosis is an sometimes cycle pains respond trans-vaginal ultrasound and
aggressive, progressive and invasive poorly to anti prostaglandins and diagnostic surgical procedures.
disease. Prevalence is about 10-15%. contraceptive pills and this may This study aimed to investigate
Sites of endometriosis: abdominal, be attributed to internal scarring, the prevalence of adolescence
extra abdominal, remote. adhesions, pelvic cysts, chocolate endometriosis among school girls
ovarian cysts, bowel obstruction and with severe dysmenorrhea.6
Risk factors peritonitis.5
1. Low parity Clinical features
The diagnosis of adolescents’
2. Delayed child bearing endometriosis is sometimes 1. dysmenorrhoea
3. Family history of endometriosis enigmatic; however, history and 2. abnormal uterine bleeding
4. Genital tract obstruction clinical examination usually lead the 3. Infertility
physician to suspect it.6 The use of
5. Environmental toxins 4. Dyspareunia
AUS and MRI remain an important
6. Peritoneal fluid abnormalities.1 addition to the non-invasive 5. Chronic pelvic pain
Many theories have been proposed diagnosis and should be performed 6. Abdominal pain
to explain the occurrence of before treatment, especially surgical
endometriosis but genetic one.7 On the other hand some Case study
predisposition is now evolving and biological markers may be used for
A 25 years old, hindu lady reported
focus has been given on alterations prediction and treatment follow
on 12.10.20 with a complaint of
or genetic mutations that may up in endometriosis, commonly
pain in right lower limb during
start in-utero or in adolescents and CA125.8 It goes without saying that
menses since menarche was eager
young adults.2 Immune system is laparoscopy with biopsy of the
to conceive. History of married life
postulated by many to have a role suspicious lesions remains the gold
with a duration of 3 years.
in determining who can develop standard for diagnosis as well as
endometriosis, as well as the extent management intervention in severe History of presenting complaints
and clinical manifestation of the cases. 9 and treatment history
Patient has a history of pain in right Menstrual history is a teacher by profession, where
lower limb during menses since 28 days cycle with 3-4days duration, she is unable to remember and
menarche. She took analgesics for normal flow. Married life of 3 years concentrate due to the fear that she
her temporary relief, while the duration. will never have child for the reason
symptoms started reappearing. of her endometriosis. She used to
Physical generals: There was pain
In view of eager to conceive, the spend 10000 rupees for a weekdays
in right lower limb during menses,
patient approached a gynaecologist medicine which was increasing her
severe in nature associated with
which accidentally revealed anxiety, stress regarding the financial
pain in right thigh extending from
Endometriosis. crisis. She became very irritable
hip to thigh only during menses.
since she had been diagnosed with
Past history: Known case of Aggravation by slight exertion.
endometriosis. She weeps without
hypothyroidism since 2 years on Ameliorated by pressure and
any cause. She dislikes consolation.
treatment drawing of limbs. Decreased sleep,
Quarrelling tendency, feels better by
pain during intercourse. Dryness of
crying. Palpitation for thunderstorm,
Family history All members in the vagina. Decreased sexual desire, hot
sudden noises.
family are healthy and alive with no flushes, desire for eating all the time.
significant medical history. She had craving for spicy food.
Provisional diagnosis:
Obstetrical and gynaecological Mental generals: Patient is sad, endometriosis with primary
history: Gravida - 1. difficulty in concentration. She infertility1
(1st visit ) Pain in right lower limb during menses since menarche. 1. Sepia officinalis 200 potency of wa-
She took analgesics for her temporary relief, while the ter dose for 3 consecutive days
12/10/20 symptoms started reappearing. In view of eager to con-
ceive, the patient approached a gynaecologist which ac- 2. Placebo once a day before going
cidentally revealed endometriosis in ultrasonography to bed for 15 days duration
of abdomen and pelvis. Hence, she was under the treat-
ment for endometriosis, but there was no improvement
with allopathic treatment, hence approached with the
complaints of eager to conceive. Detailed history was
17/12/20 Had not yet attained menses, advised HPT ,which re- Placebo 4 pills 1 month
vealed HPT=+ve, ultrasonography (abdomen and pel-
vis) showed single intrauterine gestational sac at 5
weeks and 3 days.
Figure 2 Figure 3
Figure 4 Figure 5
• This work is almost the first of its kind to assist the profession in
learning from the experiences of stalwarts. It is a comprehensive
book for students and professionals of Homeopathy.
• It is the consolidation of unfailing experiences of our physician’s
world. It consists of therapeutic experiences of pioneers of
homeopathy medicine.
• Materia Medica has been arranged in a way to make it more
convenient & useful.
• In therapeutics, the experiences of those who have achieved
higher results are highlighted.
: 9788131900390 | ` 208 || 324
` 245
pp | 324 pp
Abstract: Endometrial polyps or uterine polyps are abnormal growths of endometrial glands which typically protrudes into the
uterine cavity. Endometrial polyps are relatively common and usually benign in nature, may affect women of reproductive age
groups as well as post-menopausal women. In modern medicine, surgical intervention is the only treatment but as per my little
experience, most of the female gynaecological diseases can be cured effectively by a well selected homoeopathic simillimum. The
constitutional approach always yields wonderful results.
Keywords: Endometrial uterine polyp, homoeopathy, intermenstrual bleeding, Natrum muriaticum, Sepia officinalis.
Abbreviations: Ultrasonography (USG), hormonal replacement therapy (HRT), last menstrual period (LMP),
aggravation (>), amelioration (>)
female came to me on 14th September became silent and irritable; anger desire for salty things. She is a hot
2020 with the complaint of irregular was quite visible but suppressed, patient.
vaginal bleeding with weakness and otherwise she was a sincere happy
trembling of legs. She was working girl but emotional too. Mental generals
as a beautician but stopped due to
Menstrual history: She was irritable in nature, jealous,
lockdown imposed during Covid-19.
contradiction aggravated her.
She was fair in complexion, with
LMP: 29th August 2020 She became angry on slightest
blue circles around the eyes.
triggers but didn’t express herself.
Duration 2-3 days Suppressed anger, used to weep
Presenting complaints
only when alone, fastidious.
Character of the bleeding: Dark red
The chief complaints of the patient
in colour with few clots On examination
was intermenstrual vaginal spotting
since 5-6 days. Along with that, she
Past history: she had acne in the The patient was found to be
also complains of much weakness
past for which she had undergone hypotensive, measured blood
with trembling of legs.
homoeopathic treatment (6-7 pressure was 100/60mm Hg. The
History of presenting complaints months back) appearance of tongue was found to
be clean and moist.
The patient was apparently well Family history: Nothing specific
5-6 days back then she started was found Investigations: Ultrasound revealed
complaining of intermenstrual that the endometrial lining was
spotting when she urinates. She Physicals generals mildly thickened and heterogenous
looked very depressed and sad. On in ecopattern. The endometrial
further enquiry, it was found that The patient’s appetite was quite thickness is 13mm.
some family disputes were going on decreased, doesn’t want to eat
for the last 15- 20 days since then she anything. She is thirstless. She had Endometrial polyp sized 11* 7.8mm.
Contradiction aggravates++
Miasmatic analysis(5)
S. Predominant
Presenting symptoms Psora Syphilis Sycosis Tubercular
No. miasm
1 Irritability √ √ Tuberculo-psoric
2 Jealous √ √
3 Desire salty √
4 Weakness √
5 Hypotension √
6 Eyes – around blue rings √ √
7 Menses- too frequent √
8 Polyps- bleeding, uterine √
Following symptoms were con- 3. Mind – weeping, tearful mood: salt or salty food desires
sidered for repertorisation using alone, being agg 7. Clinical - hypotension
Hompath(6): 4. Mind – contradiction: ailments
8. Extremities – trembling; legs
from; agg
1. Mind – irritability 5. Stomach - thirstlessness 9. Female genitalia – haemorrhage;
2. Mind – jealousy 6. Generalities - food & drinks: uterine, metrorrhagia
Repertorial result
Selection of remedy with justifica- Thus, according to the totality to exercise regularly for atleast 30
tion of the symptoms and miasmatic minutes. She was suggested few
predominance, SINGLE DOSE disease specific yoga exercises to
The repertorial result of the case of Natrum muriaticum 200CH be followed regularly like butterfly
showed that the highest ranked was prescribed according to the pose, cobra pose (bhujangasana),
remedy which covers most of the susceptibility of the patient. standing forward bend, hare pose,
symptoms of the patient was Natrum etc.
muriaticum. After considering Prescription
materia medica, Natrum muriaticum Diet should include variety of
was found to be a useful remedy for Natrum muriaticum 200CH, single healthy foods like whole grains,
menstrual irregularities, depression. dose green leafy vegetables, low fat dairy
The general constitution and products, seasonal fruits. Drink
Followed by Placebo 30, thrice a day
mental picture of the patient was atleast 3-4 litres of water in a day.
for one month.
also similar to Natrum muriaticum Restrict excessive salt or sweets
as described in materia medica(7). Management intake. A diet rich in transfat should
This remedy was also covering the be avoided.
predominant miasm, i.e. tuberculo- Along with the homoeopathic
psoric miasm.(5) medicines, the patient was advised
Follow up
Flow: Profuse, dark red in colour Next step should be “Wait &
with clots watch”
10th Dec 2020 No intermenstrual bleeding occur Natrum muri- Patient was better.
aticum 1M/ single
Painful eruption over tip of left dose But ultrasound revealed increase
index finger and cracked chapped of the size of polyp, i.e. 13.3 *
hands better. Followed by 9.4mm.
Placebo 30
Pustular eruptions over genitalia But good point was the endometri-
was still there. al thickness was normal this time
and heterogenous ecopattern turns
7th Jan 2021 No intermenstrual bleeding occur Sepia officinalis Due to the marked and peculiar
1M symptom of the patient, i.e. “indif-
Backache still same ference with loved ones”, Sepia
officinalis was chosen as it is the
Acidity - same with pain in epigas- remedy which complements and
trium follows Natrum muriaticum well.(7)
Hyperpigmentation over cheeks
Menstrual history
Flow: normal
Acidity better
Menstrual history
Duration: 6 days
Flow: normal
Leucorrhoea better
5th Mar 2021 Patient much better Placebo 30 Patient much improved
Duration 7 days
Flow normal
Acidity better
Miasmatic Prescribing
Dr Aditya Pareek
• The author has shared his practical experience on miasms and how to
clinically apply the different miasms in practise.
• The book is divided into 3 sections. The first section aims to put across the
fundamentals of theory, its utility and brief history. It also deals with the
applied aspects, i.e. anti-miasmatic prescribing.
• In the 2nd considering the importance of clear clinical differentiation,
comparative tabulations have been provided. Remedy discussion has
been made for most of the symptoms mentioned.
• The 3rd aims to show the applicability and practical utility of miasms
through various case discussions.
Rumex crispus 3X 1.0%
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Dosage: Adults &>12years old - 2 teaspoons, 3 times a day
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Background: Women are symbolised for gentleness and sensitivity, hence diseases related to women must treat with gentle
methods. Homoeopathy is known for its gentle treatment and providing relief in many female disorders. Homoeopathic medicines
prove their efficacy in management of female disorders, and among these medicines, Conium maculatum occupies its unique
place in management of various female disorders from dysmenorrhoea to carcinoma related to female genital organ. So, it is
imperative to understand the role of this multitasker in depth.
Materials and methods: A literature search was conducted using various data sources like pubMed, web of science, google
search engine, Encyclopedia Homoeopathica and other printed sources like different materia medica to explore its action regarding
female disorders.
Result and Conclusion: This study not only explores the role of conium in female disorders but also explores its action at cellular
Abbreviations: DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid, ROS-reactive oxygen species, MMP- mitochondrial membrane
potential, CD-Spectroscopy- circular dichroism spectroscopy
Introduction explore the role of Conium macu- study related to Conium maculatum
latum in various female disorders or its action before 2011 were ex-
contains a poisonous piperidine Conium maculatum as medicine: gullet and larynx) and as inhalation
alkaloid, coniine and related As a medicine, it is a sedative to relieve coughing in bronchitis,
alkaloids, N- methyl-coniine, and antispasmodic. It is directly whooping cough and asthma. In
conhydrine, pseudoconhydrine antagonist to strychnine and china, it may be used medicinally
and gamma-coniceine. Conium therefore used as antidote in to relieve pain and reputedly as a
maculatum is teratogenic where strychnine poisoning and also in cancer cure. (1)
its active principles, coniine and tetanus and hydrophobia. It may
gamma coniceine are considered prescribe in undue nervous motor Some articles (short summary) re-
the teratogenic agents for cattle, pigs excitability (dentition, early stage lated recent research studies about
and sheep. of paralysis agitans, spasms of conium are worthy to understand.
No. Title Citation Authors conclusion
outcome and sesult
1 Anticancer Mondal J., Panigrahi AK, Its effect on cell cycle measured Overall results validate
potential of Khuda-Bukhsh AR. An- through the cytometry where co- anti-cancer potential
conium macu- ticancer potential of co- nium treatment reduced cell vi- of conium and provide
latum extract nium maculatum extract ability a colony formation at 48h support for its use in
against cancer against cancer cells in and inhibited cell Proliferation, traditional systems of
cells in vitro: vitro: Drug DNA interac- arresting cell cycle at sub-G stage. medicine.
Drug DNA in- tion and its ability to in-
There is increased generation of
teraction and duce apoptosis through reactive oxygen species at 24 h,
its ability to in- ROS generation; increase in MMP depolarization,
duce apoptosis morphological changes and DNA
through ROS Pharmacogn.Mag.2014 damage in HeLa cells along with
generation (3) Aug; 10 (suppl 3): S524- externalization of Phosphatidyl
S533. serine at 48 hrs. CD-Spectroscopy
revealed that conium interacted
doi: 10.4103/0973- with DNA molecule.
Conium maculatum as homoeo- Conium maculatum brought mae, Conium maculatum right, Silicea
pathic medicine: about a cure. (7) Ovaritis; ovary terra left nodules.(12) “Acting, as Co-
enlarged, indurated; lancinating nium does, upon the glandular system,
Action and symptoms of conium pain. (8) Pulsatilla nigricans is often we naturally expect it to be a great anti-
were mentioned by many serviceable also in more frequent scrofulous and anti-cancerous remedy.
homoeopaths in different materia We use it for swelling and induration
chronic form of the disease; but it has
medica but some are very useful of glands after contusions and bruises;
rival in conium, which is strongly
data regarding the role of Conium tumour of various kinds, especially scir-
recommended by Dr Drury. (5) rhus, coming on after injury, are also
maculatum in homoeopathy. Dr Burt
Vaginitis: Dr Jahr mentioned about helped by this remedy. These indura-
mentioned about atrophic condition
utility of Conium maculatum in tions are quite common in the mammae,
at glands related to genital organs. in the testicles, and in the uterus”. (13)
Let’s explore the role of Conium chronic vaginitis and also for vagi-
maculatum in female disorders nal fistula. (7) Leucorrhoea after mic- Prolapse of uterus: Dr Guernsey
turition. (8) mentioned in following way, Prin-
except its popular use in vertigo and
neurological disorders. Vulvitis: Dr Jahr recommended this cipally with Conium, fifteen years
medicine if the inflammation had ago, I cured permanently a case of
Menstrual irregularities: been caused by mechanical influ- prolapsus of six years’ standing, in
ences. (7) which all pessaries and abdominal
Amenorrhea: Dr Hughes mentioned supporters, even that of the celebrat-
about role of Conium maculatum Mastitis: suitable for induration af- ed Mrs. Betts but failed to keep the
in amenorrhoea where it is part ter inflammation. Mammae lax and uterus within the vulva. The pro-
of a general depression of sexual shrunken, hard, painful to touch. lapsus was complicated with indu-
activity. (5) Stitches in nipples. Wants to press ration, ulceration and profuse leu-
breast hard with hand. Breasts en- corrhoea. This lady has since borne
Dysmenorrhoea: Guernsey large and become painful before and several children, and has never ex-
mentioned Conium maculatum for during menses. (8) perienced a return of the malady.
dysmenorrhoea. (6) Dr Jahr consider All cases of prolapsus can be cured
Tumour (fibroadenoma, fibroid, by the use of the indicated homoeo-
it as second-class remedy for polyps and other benign tumours) pathic remedy.(14) The prolapsus was
dysmenorrhoea. (7) Dysmenorrhoea,
complicated with induration, ulcer-
with drawing-down thighs. (8) Dr Dunham mentioned that Pliny ation and profuse leucorrhoea- these
and Avicenna recommended poul- indications were mentioned under
Meno-metrorrhagia: Dr Boger tices of Conium maculatum and corn- the heading of cancer.(15) Indura-
mentioned about irregular menses plaster to remove tumours of the tion and enlargement of ovaries and
under conium. (9) Menses delayed breasts and testes, and to repress the womb, prolapsus uteri complicated
and scanty; parts sensitive. Rash secretion of milk.(10) Dr Burnett men- with induration and ulceration of
before menses. Itching around tioned about usefulness of Conium the cervix, with profuse leucorrhoea,
pudenda. (8) maculatum in case of tumour where have been repeatedly cured with Co-
cause is mechanical one( traumatic nium maculatum on the indication of
injury, fall or blow) and he also men- these complaints having been the
Inflammatory condition of female tioned about role of Conium macula- result of suppressed sexual desire.(13)
genital organs: tum in relieving neuralgic pain.(11) Dr
Nash mentioned about some indica-
Ovaritis: In a case of acute ovaritis tion of conium with remedy differ- Pregnancy, labour and parturition:
supervening during chronic entiation which are as follow, Many
inflammation of this organ, and cases of lumps or swellings in the Unready conception. (8) Conium
where the face had already become breasts, Conium maculatum and Sili- maculatum is useful for symptoms
hippocratic and the pulse filliform, cea terra both have hardness of mam- like anorexia, disgust to bread,
craving for coffee and salt things, relation of anti-inflammatory action 1869.Letter XLIII& XLV, Ovaritis, Chlorosis,
Sterility;p. 400,407,427. Available from: https://
pyrosis /acidity are seen during of Conium maculatum in research
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the vomiting. Induration of cervix was observed in case of research diseases of Females and infants at the breast.
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homoeopathic use of cancer by Materia Medica & Repertory. Low Price Edition
2002. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; p.231.
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9. Boger C.M. A Synoptic Key of the Materia
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role of conium in female disorders.
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medicines most in repute: the for- Its well-known use in tumour as Upgraded edition 1st July 2009. India: B. Jain
mer is said to be indicated by the well as lesser-known utility in
14. Guernsey E. Application of Principles of
co-existence of an acrid leucorrhoea, prolapse of genital organ provide Homoeopathy to Obstetrics. Chapter 11,
Displacement of Uterus. Retrieved from
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ovarian activity. (5) action of conium as well as open the 2.2.1-2006/07/24.
door for further clinical verification 15. Sanders O.S. A few Drugs of great value in
Cancer: Some of the apparently of this multitasker drug named
Prolapsus. Homoeopathic Journal of Obstetrics:
Diseases of Women and Children.1884-1885.
scirrhous formations are developed Conium maculatum . Retrieved from Encyclopedia Homoeopathica
in consequence of a blow upon the version number 2.2.1-2006/07/24.
breast; many of these, whether they 16. Lilienthal S. Homoeopathic Therapeutics. First
might have finally resulted in open References edition 1985. India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd.;
1. CABI, 2021. Conium maculatum (Poison
cancer or not, are readily cured and hemlock). In: Invasive Species Compendium. 17. Farrington E.A. Lesser writing (with therapeutic
caused to disappear entirely by the Wallingford: CAB International; [Last Modified hints and clinical cases). Ailments before and
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exhibition of Conium maculatum. (14) Homoeopathica version number 2.2.1-
Grimmer mentioned about conium 2. ScienceDirect. Conium maculatum [internet]. In
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for breast carcinoma. Dr Cowper- Copyright ©2021 Elsevier B.V.; Available Cancer. 1st English edition. Retrieved from
from: Encyclopedia Homoeopathica version number
waite mentioned about indurations, agricultural-and-biological-sciences/conium- 2.2.1-2006/07/24.
scirrhus where sharp, lancinating maculatum 19. Cowperthwaite A.C. Textbook of Materia
pain was present. (19) In all the scir- 3. Mondal J., Panigrahi AK, Khuda-Bukhsh AR. Medica and Therapeutics. Retrieved from
Anticancer potential of conium maculatum Encyclopedia Homoeopathica version number
rhous affections of the breast, womb extract against cancer cells in vitro: Drug DNA 2.2.1-2006/07/24.
or other parts the pains of Conium interaction and its ability to induce apoptosis
through ROS generation. Pharmacogn.Mag.
maculatum are burning, stinging, or
darting, and may make one think
[internet]. 2014 Aug; 10 (suppl 3): S524-S533.
Journal article. PMID-25298670 Available from:
About the authors
of Apis mellifica, other symptoms doi: 10.4103/0973-1296.139792 Dr Jaimin R. Chotaliya M.D.
must then decide between them. (12) 4. Lopes CR, Falkowski GJ, Brustolin CF, Massini (Hom.) Asst. Professor (Department
PF, Ferreira EC, Moreira NM, Aleixo DL,
Kaneshima EN, de Araujo SM. Highly diluted of Repertory) Swami Vivekanand
Discussion medication reduces tissue parasitism and
inflammation in mice infected with Trypansoma Homoeopathic medical college and
Cruzi. Homoeopathy. 2016 may; 105(2): 186-93,
It was small literature review Journal Article.PMID-27211326 Available from: Hospital, Sidsar road, Bhavnagar.
regarding Conium maculatum but https: 364060
many indications and clinical 5. Hughes R. A Manual of Therapeutics: According
to Method of Hahnemann [internet]. First
verification are there in the edition. London: Henry Turner & Co., 77
homoeopathic literature. Here co- Fleet Street, E.C. and 74 New Bond Street, W.; nn
Background: COVID 19 is presently a global threat with over 169,268,157 confirmed cases and over 3,515,697 deaths worldwide
as reported by WHO. Since no country, economy or healthcare delivery system was prepared to face calamity of this magnitude,
there is still acute shortage of hospital beds and emergency services and here is where homoeopathy offers to help.
Material and Methods
Randomised controlled single blind study. Pre-diagnosed case of COVID 19 was taken up. The inclusion criteria for the study were
COVID-19 RT-PCR, Rapid Antigen Test kit, HRCT-Thorax.
The SpO2 level, symptoms and investigations of patient improved after Homoeopathic treatment.
Homoeopathy can be extremely effective in managing COVID 19 epidemic and serves as the first line of treatment.
Palms and soles: dry and warm Symptom Psora Sycosis Syphilis
(no heat, burning or sweating).
1. Anxiety alone
Thermal: chilly
Habits: non-vegetarian. 2. Anxiety others
Addiction: Nil.
3. Hypertension
4. Diabetes
5. Renal failure
Repertorial analysis Justification for first prescription nitricum and Sulphur, further. The
9 symptoms were selected for Phosphorus was selected as patient also lacked the irritability
repertorial analysis and the simillimum as it scores the of Natrum muriaticum and had been
medicines with maximum coverage maximum marks compared to all calm and composed throughout
were Phosphorus 9/22, Arsenicum other medicines. The patient lacked life under almost all circumstances.
album 6/16, Sulphur 7/14, Natrum the fastidiousness of Arsenicum Therefore, there could not have been
muriaticum 6/13, Acidum nitricum album though he was fond of a simillimum better suited to the
5/10. Out of these, Phosphorus was bathing, unlike Sulphur. He had no patient than Phosphorus.[4] (repertory
selected. liking for fats ruling out Acidum chart attached)
06-05-21 The patient reported much BLOOD (06-05-21): Creat-2.0, Phosphorus Q2. Contin-
improvement. SpO2 was Urea-59, Na-139, K-4.0, SUA-5.3 ued 5 drops once every
now stable at 95. Since ap- hour.
petite returned to normal RT-PCR SARS CoV-2RNA (06-
and weakness was also bet- 05-21): Negative
ter, China officinalis 30 was
stopped. It was assumed the The blood reports of the patient
Phosphorus might also bring showed improvement and it was
down the liver enzymes fur- necessary to bring down the cre-
ther. The following prescrip- atinine even further. The patient
tion was continued. had already taken 0/1 potency for
17 days, it was decided to contin-
ue with next potency. Therefore,
Phosphorus 0/2 was given.[5]
16-05-21 All symptoms were nearly Since the patient showed signs of Phosphorus Q2. Contin-
normal. SpO2 now was 96 further improvement, the same ued 5 drops once every
but reached 98 at times. medicine and potency was con- hour.
22-05-21 The patient reported on Since he wanted to continue Phosphorus Q1. Contin-
phone that all his COVID treatment for albuminuria, ued 5 drops once every
symptoms were normal and raised creatinine, Phosphorus hour.
his SpO2 was around 98 – 99 was continued and patient was
throughout the day advised to get his liver enzymes
General management stages of disease where there are page 65-66, 94.
mild symptoms, in the later stages 7. Ubiratan Cardinalli Adler 1, Maristela Schiabel
The patients was advised breathing Adler 2, Livia Mitchiguian Hotta 3, Ana Elisa
where there are breathing troubles Madureira Padula 4, Amarilys de Toledo
exercises and to lie in prone position. Cesar 5, José Nelson Martins Diniz 6, Crislaine
such as this one, in cases which are
He was asked to take light but Aparecida Antonio Mestre 7, Katia Regina
critical and hospitalized and those Spiller 8, Lidiamara Soares 8, Helen de Freitas
nutritious food. All cold food, cold Santos 9, Edson Zangiacomi Martinez 10.
having post-covid illnesses.
drinks, sour, oily and spicy food Homoeopathy for Covid-19 in Primary Care:
A structured summary of a study protocol for
were restricted. Zinc and vitamic C We need more cases being treated a randomized controlled trial. (Internet). Cited
28-05-2021. Available from https://pubmed.ncbi.
tablets were asked to be continued. by homoeopaths to be documented
He was advised intermittent oxygen and published so that homoeopathy 8. D. Kalliantas,1,2 M. Kallianta,3 and Ch. S.
intubation whenever SpO2 level can be established as first line of
Karagiannil. Homoeopathy combat against
coronavirus disease (Covid-19). (Internet). Cited
dropped below 92 or patient had treatment rather than alternate 28-05-2021. Available from https://www.ncbi.
any difficulty. or complementary. The burden
9. Thomas CKwee , Robert M. Kwee. Chest CT
of healthcare on the hospitals in COVID-19: What the Radiologist Needs to
He was asked to continue his Know. (Internet). Cited 23-10-20 https://pubs.
of modern medicine, especially
previous medication he was taking
in these times, can definitely be
for hypertension and diabetes.
reduced by timely intervention of
He was regularly counselled on homoeopathy.
About the authors
phone to maintain positivity as
1. Dr Lubna Kamal, Asstt
many of his friends of his age group References
Professor, Department of
had died. 1. WHO Coronavirus (COVID19) Dashboard
(Live) World Health Organisation (Internet). Materia Medica, State Jawahar
(cited 28 May 2021) Available from: https:// Lal Nehru Homoeopathic
Conclusion Medical College, Kanpur.
2. Covid 19 in Numbers (Live) Business Standard
(Internet). (cited 28 May 2021) Available 2. Dr Mohan Singh, MD, Nano
The global death rate of COVID is from:
coronavirus Homoeopathy Pvt Ltd, New
3.9% but the pandemic has assumed
3. Coronavirus Update (Live): Deaths from Delhi, Lucknow, Haldwani,
Frankenstein proportions as no Covid19 Virus Pandemic – Worldometer
country in the world was prepared (Internet). (cited 28 May 2021) Available from:
to accommodate so many patients at 3. Dr Vandana Mishra, Asstt
4. Homoeopathic Repertorium (Mobile
the same time. Application Software) Version Soft Professor, Department of
Solutions 22-12-2015. Materia Medica, State Jawahar
Just as this case, homoeopathy offers 5. Patil J D, Hahnemann’s final direction on Lal Nehru Homoeopathic
dose and repetition. Homoeobook (Mobile
ray of hope to almost all stages of Application Software) Version 6. Avaanet Media. Medical College, Kanpur.
patients of COVID-19. It has been 12-04-12
• In the hurry and bustle of this age, sometimes the physician is not in a position to devote much
time toreach the similimum. Allopathy-minded patients demand immediate relief of ailments
and in thoseconditions mother tincture will save the day. Many mother tinctures will at once
arrest the progress ofmany diseases and afford instant cure.
• This book has been written with great endeavor and sincerity to acquaint homeopathic
practitioners with infallible drugs which can be used in tincture form.
• It contains materia medica of 265 mother tinctures.
• It also offers the most valuable prescriptions and experiences of the world-renowned
homeopathic physicians who have gained laurels by dint of using these mother tinctures.
• Therapeutics have been given with directions about dosage and repetition.
Abstract: Breastfeeding is the one of the most important step for the developmental of new born.[1] It not only provides initial
immunity to the new born but also prevents mother from serious health issues. Nowadays, many mothers faces problems related
to decrease in milk secretion. Introducing homoeopathy to these mothers can help in many to overcome these problems which
comes during breastfeeding.
Introduction hormones that play the role of milk due to any psychological or hor-
production and the resulting letting monal causes as homoeopathy treats
dry up milk. Sinking at lochia becomes milky white. 3. Uvnas-Moberg K, Widstrom AM, Werner S,
Matthiesen AS, Winberg J. Oxytocin and
epigastrium. Galactorrhoea. Galactorrhoea esp. in women
prolactin levels in breast-feeding women.
Loss of milk while nursing, who do not nurse their children. Correlation with milk yield and duration of
without any known cause. After weaning, breasts swell.[5] breast-feeding. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand.
Palpitation violent when [7] 1990;69(4):301-6. [PubMed][cited on May
lying on left side > turning on 9. Ricinus communis(Castor oil)
right. Dries up the milk when 4. World Health Organization. (2001). The
–it is useful in cases of non- World Health Organization’s infant
nursing.[6][7] appearance of milk or to feeding recommendation. http://www.
5. Lac vaccinum defloratum - Has increase quantity of breast
recommendation/en/index.html [cited on May
never failed to bring back milk. It also increases the flow in
the milk in from twelve to nursing women . Castor oil should
5. Boericke W. Boericke’s New Manual of
twenty four hours. Diminished never be given to prepare a woman Homoeopathic MateriaMedica with Repertory.
secretion of milk.[7] for labor, nor for constipation in Third revised and augmented edition based on
6. Lecithinum - Excellent pregnancy at any time. Brings 9th edition. Noida, India: B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd;
galactogogue, it renders milk milk in breasts of virgins and
more nourishing and increases women who have not suckled 6. Allen, H.C: Keynotes & characteristics with
comparisons of some of the eading remedies of
quantity of milk . It increases for years.[5][7]
the materia medica: Reprint edition; 2003; B. Jain
the number of red corpuscles 10. Secale cornutum – It is publishers (P) Ltd; New Delhi.
and amount of hemoglobin.[7] very beneficial in cases of 7. Clark. J.H A Dictionay of Practical material
7. Phytolacca decandra - Can suppression of milk; and medica vol 3; B. Jain Publishers (P) Ltd; 2009.
Aim: Anal fissure is most painful and dreadful feeling of agony which adversely affects the quality of life of people of any age
group with stressful life style, with relapses in conventional treatment strategies. It was intended to evaluate role of individualised
homoeopathic treatment in anal fissures.
Methods: Present case is a female patient presenting with intense pain and bleeding from the anus from last one month. She
was diagnosed as anal fissure with sentinel pile based on history and physical examinations. Constitutional treatment was given
following proper homoeopathic principles and regular follow ups done in suitable intervals.
Result: A marked improvement was observed during various visits with progressive change in the condition assessed by the
presentation and changes in VAS scale during the course of treatment.
Conclusion: This case report suggested that homoeopathy can provide an effective, safe and non-surgical treatment for Anal
fissures without any relapse improving the quality of life of the patient.
Wide, raised edges, Skin-tags(sentinel sensation in the anus for 2-3 hours Thermal reaction-ambithermal
pile) at the distal end of the fissure. after stools. Pain in anus aggravated
after passing stools and ameliorated Physical findings and general ex-
Hypertrophied anal papillae at
by cold application. Pt gives a past amination:
the fissure’s proximal end.
history of chronic constipation
Digital rectal examination is done in with unsatisfactory stools since her • Anaemia-No pallor
case if the diagnosis is uncertain or second pregnancy and would on • Jaundice-Non-icteric
to exclude a suspected underlying and off complain of anal fissure for • Pulse-76/minute
pathology. Because of the intense which she was under conventional • Blood pressure-120/70mm Hg
pain it causes, digital examination of mode of treatment for the same with
the anal canal is not advised unless: advice for sphincterectomy. She had On examination findings: on in-
the history of complaints started spection, hypertrophied raised edg-
• The fissure cannot be seen since her second pregnancy and es, Skin-tag (sentinel pile) was seen
• The clinical findings are not since then on and off complaints of in anal mucosa with fissures
clear or if the symptoms persist constipation with burning per anus. Digital examination was not done
even after adequate treatment as she had intense pain.
Mental sphere: Pt was working
In early cases, the edges of the fis- as Headmaster at a Primary Govt
sures are impalpable, but in fully School and now retired. she always Prescriptive totality
established cases a characteristic preferred the surroundings to be • Burning pain in the anal region
very neat and tidy at school as well after stools
crater which feels like a vertical but-
as at home. Would burst in anger if
ton– hole can be palpated.[1][6] • Burning pain in the anal region
things are not in place. She wanted
ameliorated by cold application
everyone to follow her orders at
Conservative Management school as well as at home, if disobe- • Constipation with unsatisfactory
dient, she would burst in anger and stools
• Increased dietary fibre intake
shout on students at school and her • Bleeding per anus after stools
• Drink plenty of fluids. children at home. with constipation
• Warm bathing of the
• Constipation during pregnancy
perineum(sitz bath)[1][6]
General features • Fissures during pregnancy
Case history Functional: • Domineering
A 60 yr old female patient attended • Appetite-good • Fastidious
outpatient department of A.M • Thirst-normal • Desire for sweets
• Fastidious
• Domineering
• Burning pain in the anal region after stools
• Constipation with unsatisfactory stools. Bleed-
ing per anus with stools
• Fissures with intense pain
MIASMATIC ANALYSIS OF THE Psora is the predominant miasm Remedy justification and differen-
CASE in this case justifying changes at tial remedial analysis
Miasmatic analysis of the case was the functional area with syphilis
done with the help of Miasmatic being the next miasm with bleeding Hompath Zomoeo 3.0 was used
Repertory by Dr R P Patel. diathesis.[8][9] in repertorising the case.[10]The
remedies Sulphur and Kalium under repertorisation but was not to sedentary lifestyle with only
carbonicum covered the maximum covering the key indicating feature functional changes, no deep-seated
symptoms with mental, physical of the case. pathology was appreciated in
and qualifying particular symptoms the history and on examination,
of the case. Anal fissures that hence 200 moderate potency was
started during pregnancy was the selected at an interval of 15 days.
key indicator of the case. Kalium The patient was prescribed Kalium
The repetition of doses was done
carbonicum was justified with Knerr’s carbonicum 200 3 doses once a day,
considering the acute state of the
repertory under section Pregnancy, with placebo for 2 weeks. She was
advised to stay hydrated and have disease as explained in aphorism
Parturition, lactation-Postpartum
Haemorrhoids, fissures- Kalium a good fibre diet. Since the patient 248. Pain in anus was so severe and
carbonicum (3)[11], which was later had a severe pain in the anus with sensitive that it was hindering the
confirmed with Hering’s Materia bleeding, she was asked to review QOL of the patient. But after the
Medica.[12]Though Sulphur was in back within a week if she had third repetition, the patient was
close scoring with Kalium carbonicum any aggravation. She belonged totally free from pain.[13]
Follow up with applicability of VAS scale
justifies the efficacy of homoeopathy in anus, affects the QOL, hence 11. Calvin B Knerr, Repertory of Hering’s Guiding
Symptoms of our Materia Medica, New Delhi,
by considering man as a whole, with homoeopathy offers the safe, rigour, B.Jain publishers.Pvt.Ltd,1997
a blend of both mental and physical effective and permanent treatment, 12. Constatine Hering, The Guiding Symptoms of
our Materia Medica, Vol VI, New Delhi, B.Jain
generals considered under the for such cases. publishers.Pvt.Ltd,1995
prescriptive totality. Here VAS scale 13. Hahnemann Samuel, Organon of Medicine,
is used to assess the improvement References sixth edition, New Delhi, Indian Books and
Periodicals Publishers,2013
in the patient at every follow-up. 1. Rains A.J Harding, Mann Charles V, Bailey and 14. McCallion K, Gardiner KR, Progress
Love’s Short practice of surgery,20th Edition, in the understanding and treatment of
Photographs for assessment London, English language book society and H.K chronic anal fissure, Postgraduate Medical
of improvement of fissures with Journal 2001;77:753-758.
2. Ruddock E. Harris, The Homoeopathic Vade content/77/914/753
sentinel pile were not taken due to Mecum of Modern Medicine,4thedition, London, 15. Visual Analogue Scale; Physiopedia;
patient modesty and denial. The key Homoeopathic Publishing,1871
h t t p s : / / w w w . p h y s i o - p e d i a . c o m / Vi s u a l _
3. Mapel DW, Schum M, Von Worley A.
feature of the case was complaints of The epidemiology and treatment of anal
anal fissures started since pregnancy fissures in a population-based cohort. BMC 16) KulkarniJayanti A.; Homeopathic approach in
Gastroenterol. 2014;14:129.Published 2014 Jul the treatment of anal fissure; Alternative and
which disturbed QOL of patient 16. doi:10.1186/1471-230X-14-129https://www. Integrative Medicine; ISSN: 2327-5162; 2013
since many years and was always
4. Khan RM, Itrat M, Ansari AH, Ahmer SM,
palliated by conventional therapy. Zulkifle(2015) Prevalence of Fissure-in-Ano anal-fissure-23931.html
As homoeopaths we believe that among the Patients of Anorectal Complaints
Visiting Nium Hospital. J Community Med Health
our tenets are based upon the law of Educ 5:344. doi: 10.4172/2161-0711.1000344 nn
60 | The Homoeopathic Heritage July 2021
Abstract: Dermoid cyst of ovary is a benign mature teratoma and a common primary neoplasm of ovary. Although, it is a slow-
growing tumor and most of the patients are asymptomatic, it needs active attention because torsion, rupture and spillage of
contents or malignant transformation may occur. Surgical modalities are the standard line of treatment in such cases. Homoeopathy
provides a safe, prompt and effective management strictly based on individualization. A case of dermoid cyst of ovary sized
5.4x4.7 cm of a 37 years old female patient has been mentioned below which was treated successfully with homoeopathy. After
thorough case taking and repertorization, an individualised homoeopathic medicine brought a rapid and significant improvement.
Ultrasonography report was taken as standard document to compare the efficacy of treatment.
Abbreviations: bd – twice daily (bis a die), outdoor patient department (OPD), ultrsonography (USG)
Introduction Homoeopathic aspect: There are but she was afraid of surgery. She
plenty of articles mention success- approached Homoeopathic OPD
short duration only for two days Analysis of the case: The case was generals were assembled for evalua-
since 6 months but regular. thoroughly analysed and the charac- tion and finally totality was framed
teristic mental generals and physical for repertorisation.
Table 1: Contains evaluation of symptoms, totality of symptoms, and miasmatic analysis of symptoms
Physical general low back pain < menses during desire sweets - psora
Scanty menses desire sweets low back pain < menses during
pseudo – psora
Short duration of menses morning urgency for closet morning urgency for closet – psora
Desire sweets
Low back pain < menses during
Urgency for closet
Thermal reaction- hot
Repertorial analysis: Case was rep- which she had approached to OPD • It reconfirms the homoeopathic
ertorised by Synthesis Repertory[7] us- first time, i.e, scanty menses, back- principle of cure on the basis of
ing RADAR 10.0 software. [8] Medi- ache and morning urgency, it was individualisation and holistic
cine which came out with highest decided to review the case from approach.
mark was Sulphur followed by Pul- specialist at higher centre for proper
satilla nigricans, Lycopodium clava- guidance in further treatment be- Financial support and sponsor-
tum, Graphites and Lachesis mutus. cause medical literature mentions ship:
After proper consultation from ma- that dermoid cyst of ovary may be
teria medica book[9], and miasmatic asymptomatic. So, patient consulted Nil.
analysis; Sulphur was prescribed. at Dr. RML Hospital where ultra-
(Appendix) sonologist found “no significant Conflict of interest:
abnormality”. Thus, homoeopathic
treatment provided her an economi- None declared.
Timeline and follow-up. (Table-2)
cal and painless cure not only for
Discussion: Patient responded well dermoid cyst but other problems
to the homoeopathic treatment and with a single medicine. This case of
dermoid cyst of ovary is considered
very soon sign of improvement was
marked. Morning urgency for stool to report because a decisive role of 1. Das S. Examination of a lump
improved first followed by some re- homoeopathy is seen here for ef- or a swelling. In: A manual on
lief in backache. Medicine was given fective, painless and rapid manage- clinical surgery. 9th ed. Kolkata:
in high potency as it distinctly cov- ment of case. ISBN; 2011: 21-60
ered many symptoms (both men-
2. Padubidri VG. Daftary SN.
tal and physical) and seemed to be
simillimum. After a considerable Conclusion Editors. Disorders of Ovary
period of wait and watch, potency and Benign Tumors. In: Shaw’s
of medicine was raised because • This case shows that dermoid Textbook Book of Gynaecology.
low back pain during menses was cyst of ovary can be treated 14th ed. Noida: Elsevier A
still persisting. When patient felt successfully by homoeopathic Division of Reed Elsevier India
complete relief in her problems for treatment. Pvt. Ltd; 2008: 329-49
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Growing Ovarian Dermoid Challenges of Surgical Publishers (P) Ltd; 2007
Cysts: A Case Series. Journal of Management. Hindawi Publishing
Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Corporation Obstetrics and 8. RADAR 10.0. Archibel
2017; 33(1): 71–74 Gynecology International. 2016 Homoeopathic Software.
4. Kite L, Uppal T, Cog F. Belgium. 2009
6. Speight PA. Comparison of the
Ultrasound of ovarian dermoids Chronic Miasms. Reprint ed. 9. Boericke W. Pocket Manual of
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dermoid cyst in a 41‐year‐old (P) Ltd; 1996
woman with an elevated serum and Repertory. Reprint ed.
hCG. Australas J Ultrasound 7. Schroyens F. Repertorium New Delhi: B. Jain Publishers
Med. 2011; 14(3): 19–21 Homoeopathicum (P) Ltd; 2007:240-42
Table 2
March 5, 2021 Patient was good in every aspect. Her USG report Placebo for 15 days x bd
done at Dr. RML Hospital shows “no significant
abnormality” (USG 2)
Reports before
Reports after
'All-in-One' Interface
Repertories References
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