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Chapter 3

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This chapter explores Boolean Algebra and the logic gateS used 3.0 INTRODUCTION
to implement Boolean equations. Boolean Algebra is an area of
mathematiciinvolVing ' opetations' ontwo-state «true-false)
variAbles. "'thls 'type' df 'algebra .'was first formulated by the
Eng~h Mathefnafidah 'G eorgeBoolein 1854. '
Boolean" Algebra is based· on the assUII\ptionthat any
proposition can be proven with correct answers' to a specific
ntlmber Of ·, tnie-false "" qu~t16ns. " Further~ Boolean algebra
" provides a means ;whereby true-faIselogic can be 'handled in the
form ' ofAlgJbralC"eQuationS With the' qUeStioriSas independent
variables and the conciu51on Yexpressed as a ' dependent variable
(recall that in'" the' equationl" y ' :; A+Bthat A and B are
independent vimables and 'Y ' is ' a dependent' variable). This
'chapter ~ irltr&i'uctf YOll' to'the use of Boblean Cilgebra"and the
use of electroruc logic gateS (citcuits) to implement Boolean
.~ ~

equations. '

Upon completion of this chapter you should be able to:

:' ~~i ' ,-.:. .~. ;~' : ,;i . >. ~~; .
~~).~( . .' } '..

, " .: ;:/~ ' .' .

• Explain the basic operations of Boolean Algebra.
.' ,l
. •1
. · !• .·i
f ' ,;,:~ ~ ; •...wr\~~ ~lean~ua.tiol\$~, " 4'

, '. ~ ,' . . .~- ',~ : , • .. . , .. ~ ' ~' . f<-:-; '. ' ~,

, 'use logic cirCuits t() implement Boolean equations.

_ .;( " '.i;~ ..... ( , -. ~ 'f~>.

3.2DISCtJSSIO.N ',.Boolean algebra is the :. lmn~of mathematics which studies

operations ontW~tate variables. For the purposes of this book,
an algebra is a system of mathematics where the operations of
addition and multiplication can be performed with the results of
the operation remaining within the system.
In Boolean algebra, addition and multiplication ' are the
only binary (two-variable) operations which are defined. These
two operations also may be performed on more than two
independent variables. The only other operation in Boolean
algebra is the unary (one-variable) complement function. These
three operations are the only operations allowed in Boolean
. ,alg~bra ...: _, ~!;tery , of . these .operations will be, gitical for
tmderi~airtg~Jnooen'l'ldlgita1 ·elect'rOtUC drawtty~ ,' .

3.2.0 Boolean , Boolean variables are ~o known as logic state vari,ables.

Variables Variables· of this· type ca~ be .in :one ~f tl-v0 J)()!;~ible states~ The
states are known as true and false.rhese true-false variables can
be implemented . with electrollic . devi.ce!; . as was ,illustrated in
Chapter one, . .. ' :'. '.,' ,
. Suchlogic devi~ are often desqibed. ,as having 'a 1 or 0,
HI .or.,LQ, '0Jl ~ Qff, ., ,True or ' .F~input..~r .output. . These
expressions . are :converuent ways , of "not:4'tg . the stat~ of a
.particu1arBoolean varia1?le. .Keep}n .mind ~t the num?ers, 1
ami O/refer,to l()gic states and not binary int~gers.
]1lrou.ghput the .t;est of this text, ,the t.erms HI, 1, .and On
will ,be .used '. to~dicate, ti)at a logical variable .is..True. Lik~\Vise
the tenns LO, O,:and Off, will indicate that the .s tateof a logical
variable is False. All exceptions to this convention will be
Ag~in, note 'that Boolean v~riables are twcrstate
variables. ' Having two states allows th*-' vari~bl~to be easily
represented ' by' electronic 't wcrstate switching circuits. BOolean
variabl~ are-the baslsofall modern digitaldect;r,onic sy~tems.

Truth tables are useful in describing rt?I~~()nshiPs ' of 3.2.1 Truth Tables
Boolean variables. A truth table lists all dependent ' and .
independent variables and all possible ,combinations of their
states. The states are listed in mneIil()rii~ form~
The independent variables - areUsted "at the top of the
truth table to the left. At the top :right of the truth table is the
dependent variable. Columns ' of the truth table show all
possible states of the associat~d Boolean variable. Figure 3-1
shows Several 'examples . of implementing the truth table for the
logical OR function.
f. A + B FIGURE 3-1. Truth Tables.

A B f A B f A B f '
0 ,
0 0
T ', T
1 0 "
" ,r F T H 1 H
'1 :1 T T T H H H
In Figure 3-1, notice that the state of the ,i ndependent
variables reads right to :left for the corresponding state 6f the
dependent variable. Also note that all truth tables will have
only one dependent variable. .
, The truth table will lUiv~ the number of lines necessary
to represent all possible combinations of the independent logic
For .Boolean algebra, the ' nUmber of lines in a truth table
will be,.equal .to2h .whe~e n is the number ofindepeI)dent
variables. for example, " a tntthtable for... two indePendent
variables require four lines, 22" to ; completely. cdefineall the
possible combinations of the two variables.
With your knowledge of binary states you should be able
to construct:' the independent part of any truth table at this point.
' The following 'sectiQns . of this t~xt Will ' provide the
information necessary to <:oIXlplete the deperident portion of the
truth table. '
3.2.2 The OR The fiJ:st
Boolean 6petatio~ ,to ' be discussed is the logical
Operation OR operatiC?~.1h~ ,'. hR ' operator ' -operates on two or ' lriore
Boolean variCiples. ."The reSUlt 'or dependent vatiabl~, of the OR
operation will be true'
i{ 'e ftherbne m: both efth~inde~ri~ent '
variables is true. The result will be false only if both ot the
inde~dent , y~bI.es ar.e false. The truth table for the OR
operatioJ,1 is' sh'o~ in" Figure'~2:
. . " •• ;"S; ;". ; .i,. ". ,

FIGURE 3-2. Truth Table

for the OR Operation. A ,B f
0 ' ' 0 , " ,':' 0 .
o ' 1 ' , 1. , ,,'
1 .0 , 1
11 " '1

The OR operation is ,called BoOlean addition the

operation. The notation for the OR operation performed , on the
Boolean variables A and B is f = A+B where f is the, dependent
variable or result. This logic operation is not the same as adding
the b~aryintegers A and B.

3.2.3 The AND , The logical ' AND operation operates on two or more
Operation Boolean variables. ' The AND operatioD will ~ have a true
result if both independent variables are true. In all , o~her cases
the ~esult will be false. Figure 3-3 is the truth table for the logical
AND oPeration.
,FIGURE 3·3. Logical f =Ae B " (f =A and B)
AND Truth Table.
A B f
, 0 0 0
0 \1 0
,1 0 0
1 1 1
·v .~ . <

' logic :AND " operation ,is ,called the Boolean

milltiplitation operation; The AND operation performed on the
indepertdent variables A 'and B is, written as f A. B.This is not =
the same asmultiplymgbinary int~gers. ' '

3.2.4 The NOT 1Jl~, NOT o~tion_ is the simplest Boolean,] operation. It
Operation is the only Ull¥Y operation allowed in Bool~analg~bra. This
means , that the operati6n ' is" 'per'formed on only on~ Boolean
independent vanable or on one Boolean logic expr~~sion" 1]1e '-­
NOT function returns the complement of the state of , the
Boolean variable. A truth table for the NOT operation iss~own
in Figure 3-4.

FIGURE 3-4. Truth Table
for the NOT Operation.

The NOT operation will result in the oppo.sit~ logic state

of the Boolean variable on which it operates. ThiS. means that
TRUE Boolean variables will return a value "of FALsE when
operated on by the NOT operator. The NOT operator is written
into Boolean equations by placing a line ·over the complemented
variable. A is read as "NOT A."

The AND,OR, and NOT operators are all of the basic 3.2.5 Logic
operations in Boolean algebra. All other operations are made Equations
from these three basic operations:
Boolean equations involve combinations of these three
basic functions according to the rules · of Boolean algebra.
Boolean algebra has its own set of rules and laws. Boolean
equations are written in the sam~ fonn as other mathematical
equations and may involve variables and constants (1 or 0).
Many of the rules of algebra thitt you already are familiar
with ·will ,not <:hangein Boolean algebra. Operations in Boolean
equations are perfonned from left to right with logic
multiplication first then logic addition after products are
completed. logiC equations are frequently written in the fonn f=
A 'op B op c... where op signifies a logical operation (AND or
OR). '; ' .'
Some 'books will ·use the symbol · Yinstead of f ' for the
resUlt. This is "not rea.llY new to most . of you as you have seen
th~ exptessiol'\S y ; ahd f(x) USed interChangeably ,in other -algebra
courses. ' cODUnon la.ws of Boolean algebra. ' are listed in
Table 3-1. "
" ..

The Laws , 6f AbsOrption can be derived from the

distribtitive)aws . ~d the laws of tautology. As mentioned
previously, 'the :B601eall operations ' cin be combined' to>Solve
. complex problems. "Logic equations ate a way of describing and
analyzing logical functions. . '
TABLE 3-1. Basic Laws
of Boolean Algebra. Commutative Laws:
Addition A+B = B+A Multiplication A - B = B - A
Associative Laws:
Addition A+(B+C) = (A+B)+C
Multiplication A(-B-C) -= (A - B) C .
Distributive laws:
A,+<B - C) ~ (A+B) - (A+C)
A - (B+C)
( .

Laws of Tautology:
when constants are involved:
. ,

Al=A A-O=O A+1=1 A+O=A

The Laws of Absorption:
A(A+B)= A
A+(A -B)=A
Identity Theorems:
A + A • 'B = A + B = A + B
A • (A + B) = A • B

3.2.6 logic Circuits When George Boole formulated Boolean algebra,

electronic switching .had not been in,v~nted, . For lack of a
suitable method of implementing . logic equations, "Boolean
algebra was unused in technology for nearly 100 years. . The
invention .of reliable electronic swit~es stimulated the use ,of
Boolean algebra for solving logic equations.
Early switches implemented with electron tube
technology eoulp. solve .Booleart . ~uations more quickly than
humans .but large . arrays of" ~uch . switches were .bulky and
consumed ~normous .. amoun~ ,o f el~tr ical .. power. . The
invention of semiconductor switcheS . ,w'as. eventually
responsible for the widespread use of logic circuits eVident
Semiconductor . switches have been widely used because
they provide ' a com.pact, efficient, ' economICal, and reliable
method ofsolvinglQgic equatio:ns. A,"large number of logic
equations have been ,i.Jpplem,entectas "cijgital integrated circuits;
These deVices , use - several;transiStor ' sWitches to so1ve logic
equations. ·The electrical:output of these 'cirq#i:srepresents the
state of the dependent variable in the l~c eqtia'tion. The ,
electrical ., inPUts , to these circuits are the states of the
independent variitbles. ,' , .
Digitalloiicdrcuits are often referred to as logic ga,tes.
The schematic symbOIs"for"the gates used to implementth~basic
Boolean logic equations are shown in Figure 3-5.

FIGURE 3-5. Schematic Symbols

for Boolean Equations.

f.A f.AB f.A.B

Note: The circle is used to indicate the NOT function.

A logic equation can be solved by arranging logic circuits

to perlorm the logical ,operations indicated by the logic equation.
The electrical inputs to the circuit can be varied between the
allowed states while the cir~t , output can be observed. This
technique is used to create "a truth table foI' the entire logic

An example of converting logic equations to logic circuits

is shown in~igure 3-6. "
,' ..
. . ' ". • .J., ."



LOGIC CIRCUIT: The variables A and B' must be ANDed then

the result OReei with the variable C.

FIGURE 3-6. Designing Circuit

From Logic Equations.

C ----I

The electrical output of IQgic circuits will be one of tw,
voltages. When the more "P9sitive of these voltages isus~ to
represent a logic 1 ,HI Qr 'I"RlJE , state, ·the 'device is 't.ermedto il$e

positive logic;:. Pevi~usin~tthe opposite convention are$Clid to,

use negative logic. Negative logic 'arcuitS are sometimes ~lled '
"LO true~ " YOlJ ·will be(;:<:>~e familiar With constructing circuits
from logic eql1ations.., ~ . pr<?cess is crucial to understandil)g
digital systems. "!

3.2.7 NOR and NOR and NAND gates are two of . the ·· siinpler
NAND Gates combinational logic' circuits that arerommonly available. 'These
combinational logic cirCUits are .used to combine l()gic functions
for decision making. The logic equation for a NAND gate is f=
A.B. The logic equation for a NOR gate is f = A+B. The
schematic symbols for the NAND and NOR gates are shown in
Figure 3-7.

----~~ ~~AND
IGURE 3-7. Schematic Symbols
for NAND and NOR Gates.


The NAND ~d NOR gates are the same as the ANoand

OR gates previQusly studied except that an inverter is built into
the output of each circuit. . 'Any digital circuit no matter how
complex can be constructed entirely from only NAND or NOR .·
gates. This can be readily demonstrated by implementing all the
logic fun~ons usiI)g only these gates. This fact is largely
responsible for the popularity ofthese gates.

3.3 SUMMARY In this chapter the concepts for the use and understanding . of
Boolean algebra .were introduced. The three basic operations
used in Boolean algebra were defined and explained. The use of
logic equations and some basic rules of Boolean algebra were
Implementing logical equations With . electronic digital
circuits was explained and the .schematic symbols for some
common logic circuits were identified. The NOR and NAND
combinational logic circuits were introduced and the flexibility
of these circuits .explained. The concepts learned in this chapter
will be used throughout the remainder of this book and yeur
association With digital electronics.
1. Who first formulated Boolean algebra '? 3.4 REVIEW,

2. What is the practical use·of Boolean algebra ?'

3. What are the three basic operations allowed in Boolean


2. ________________________________________

3. ________________________________________

4. . Ho"\<V many vanables d~·theAND funqionoperate.on?

. 5. How many variables does the NOT function operate on?

6. What is a truth table?

7. Draw the,truth table for the NAND function.

8. Draw the schematic symbols for the three basic logic

9. ' Dral'\' the ~thematic 'oLa~C\lit 'that ','\Vill .,perform th
operations in the following fogical equation: r~ 'C+DF~- . .' ..
10. Draw and complete a truth table for the equation from
question nine.

11. Name the combinaHoMltogic circuits •

12. What are combinational logic circuits used for?

13. Why have digital integrated circuits become so popular?


The NOT Circuit After completion of this experiment you will understand the
(Inverter) operation of iogic inverters <NOT gates). You will be able to use
Objectives the74LS04 Ie and explain its operation.

Materials LD-2 Logic Designer

74LS04 Hex Inverter

Jumper Wires

TTL Data Book

Procedure This section will begin 'y our experiments with logic gates.
You will learn some general characteristics of logic circuits then
study the 74L$04 TTL hex inverter.
All logic circuits will have connections- for
power and '-....
ground. Logic circuits are usually seen as Dual Inline Package
integrated CircuitS known as DIP ICs. The term dual inline
package describes the pin arrangement for the integrated circuit
inputs and outputs.
All DIP ICs have one end or corner marked in a special
way. This marking is used to show integrated circuit pin
orientation. With the marked end of the IC facing away from
you the pins are numbered counterclockwise from the upper left
comer. Figure 3-8 shows how ICs are marked and how the pins
are numbered.

FIGURE 3-8. Ie Orientation ­

and Pin Numbering.

1 14

2 13

3 12

4 11

5 10

6 9

7 8

The ICs used in thisexperirnent are TIL ICs. This means

the voltage of the two logic states are 0 and 5 volts. A large
number of compatible integrated circuits have been
manufactured as the 7400 series of TIL ICs. Correct connection
of power and ground pins is crucial to circuit operation. Many
14 pin DIP ICs use pin 7 for ground and pin 14 for Vcc. Some 14
pin DIPs use pin 11 for ground and pin 4 for Vcc. Most 16 pin
DIP ICs use pin 8 for ground and pin 16 for Vcc. If you connect
the power and ground connections incorrectly the IC will be
destroyed. For this reason, a basing diagram of all ICs used in
experiments is provided. The basing diagram explains all
connections to an IC and uses schematic symbols to indicate
logic functions performed by the circuit. A basing diagram for
the 74LS04 hex inverter is shown in Figure 3-9.
iURE 3·9. Basing Diagram Vee ,,6A ' sy 5A5Y 4A ' ~y
for 74LS04 IC.

1A 1Y 2A 2Y 3A3Y' GND
74LS04 Positive Logic:
Hex Inverters y.A '

If you have trouble during the ,t;!xperiment, remove

power from the IC and check circuit wiring. Consult with your a
instructor if after repeated attempts to correct tht:! problem fail. _

1. Place 1 74LS04 IC onto the LD-2 breadboard.

2. Use the basing diagram of the 74LS04 to locate the power

and ground pins.

3. i Conn~ ,pin 7 t9 ground aild pin 14 to. +5 Power vrx::.

and ground cOnnections "are ' provided on the right most
, two-row breadbOard section of the LD~2. "

4. Conn~pinltQ ' P~l.PBl is orttheleft mpst twQ:-row

' breadboard. There are two PB1' ronnections. 'You should
usetheleft'one, . · " '; , ' ,'

5. Conn~pin lto Ll on the 'right most two-row

brt:!adboard. This will allow , monitoring . t he inverter
': !. ".
~. ~ ·i·:
input. .

6. Connect pin 2 to U(next to L1). This allows monitoring '­

the inverter output.
7. Check circuit wmng. When you are certain that the
circuit is correctly wired, connect power to the LD-2" and
position the On/Off switch (the right corner of the LD-2
near the power plug) to on. Two lights should be on. 01
indicates power is on. L1 indicates the state of the
inverter input. If both lights are off, disconnect power
and check the circuit wiring particularly \power and
ground. If 01 is on and L1 is off tum the power off uSing
the On/Off switch. Check cirCUit wiring " p~ying careful
attention to pins 1 and 2. If no problem is noted proceed
to step 2. If you had problems"retry step one.

8. Record the states of "L1 and 1.2 (NOTE: an on light

indicates a logic one). 0

9. Push PB1, the upper pushbutton at the lower left side of

the LD-2. Record the states of L1 and 1.2.
" r:j 0
10. Turn off power. Leave the 74LS04 IC connected till after
you have finished the following questions.

1. ConStruct a truth table for the 74LS04 hex "inverter. Questions


2. Why is the 7404 called a hex inverter ? (hint: look at the

basing diagram)

3. Are the lights Ll and 1.2 ever on simultaneously?

In this laboratory you will learn the use of the 74LS08 quad"two­ LAB EXERCISE 3.2
input AND gate. You will observe and .record the AND gate's The AND Gate
logic characteristics. Objectives
Materials LD-2 Logic Designer

74LS08 Quad Twoo-mput AND Gate

Jumper Viires '

Procedure 1. Insert the 74i.S08 IC into the breadboard.

.. ; :
2. Wire pin 7 to ground and pin 14 toVcc. .'

3. Wire S1 on the left twoo-row breadboard, to pin 1 on the

741.508 and L1 on the right twoo-row ~readPoard. This
allow~ ,setting , the state of pin 1 with switch S1 and
observing it's state on 1..1:

4. WireS2 to pin 2 on the 74LS08 and to U. This allows

setting and observing the state of pin 2.
" . ' ¥

5. Wire pin 3 on the 74I..S08 to 13. This allows 'obserVation

of the AND gate output.

, 6. Place S1andS2 ,in their off state (toward the words

"LOGIC SWITCHES" printed on the L~2 drruit board).

7. Connect and tum on power. 01 should be lit. 'If 01 ,is not

lit or other lights are on, then tum off power and recheck
circuit interconnection.

8. Move Sl to ON. L1 should light. If L1 does not light

check wiring to pins 1 and 2.

9. Turn S1 to OFF and S2 to ON. ' U showdlight.

, ',
10. ' N()w ,use,SJ , ~d S2 to determine the truth table for the
74LS08.Recortl your~Wts.; ()})serye . theciJprit?utput
: . ' ..
11. Remove power from the LD-2 ,and remove ''the circuit
used for this experiment.
,. , ,t. t


In this laboratory you will learn about the 74IS32 two-input OR TheOA Gate
gate. Objectives

.', Materlals""
74IS32 Quad Two-input OR Gate

Jumper Wires

TTL Data Book

1. Insert the 74LS32 IC into the breadboard. Procedure

2. Wire pin 7 to ground and pin 14 to Vcc.

3. Wire 51 on the left two-row breadboard to pin 1 on the

74LS32 and L1 on the right two-row breadboard. This
allows setting :the state of pin 1 with switch 51 and
observing it's state on L1.

4. Wire 52 to pin 2 on the 74LS32 and to U. This allows

setting and observing the state of pin 2.

5. Wire pin 3 on:the 74LS32 tots. . ·This allows observation

of the OR gate output.

6. 'Place 51 andS2 iri:;their off state {toward the ' words

"LOGIC 5WITCHES" printed on theLD-2 circuit board).

7. ,Connect and tum on power. D1 should be lit. If 01 is not

lit or other lights are on, then tum,off power and recheck
circuit interconnection.

8. ,Place 51 in the ON position. Ll and 1..3 should light.

9. Place 51 to OFF andS2to ON. Uand L3 should light.

10. · Place>52, lo ::OFF. ' -- Use 'the' sw;tches ,and.lights to
determine the truth table for the 74LS32. Record your

11. Remove power from the LD-2 and remove the circUits
used for this laboratory.


The NAND Gate In this laboratory you willleam the operation of the 74LSOO two­
Objectives input NAND gate.

Materials LD-2 Logie Designer

74LSOO Quad Two-input NAND Gate

Jumper Wires

TIL Data Book

Procedure 1. Insert the 74LSOO IC into the breadboard.

2. Wire pin 7 to ground and pin 14 to Vee.

3. Wire Sl on the left two-row breadboard to pin 1 on the

74LSOO and L1 on the right two-row breadboard. This
•. allows setting the state of·· pin 1 with switch Sl and
observing it's state on L1.

4. -Wire 52 to pin 20n the74L500 and to 12. This allows

setting and observing the state of pin 2..

5. Wire pin 30n the 74LSOOtoL3. This allows observation ·

of the NAND gate output.

6. Plaee Sl and S2 in their off state (toward the words

"LOGICSWITCHES" printed on the LD-2 cirOOt board).

7. Connect and tum on power. D1 and L3 should be lit.

B. Move 51 to the ON position. Ll should light.

9. MoveSl to OFF and 52 to ON. L2 should light.

10. Move 51 to OFF. Use 51, 52 and L3 to determine the

truth table of the 74LSOO Ie. Record your· observations
here. '

11. Remove power ' ,cpld then disassemble the laboratory



I~ 'this ' e~fiment' Y6U:'-' \Vlll i~~ .the ' uSe~f llie74tso2 ' fwo- ' ' ~heNeRGate ,: "
input NOR gate. :ObJective~: '

LD-2 Logie Designer . ,Materials

74LS02 Quad Two-input NOR Gate

Jumper Wires

TTL Data Book

1. Insert the 74LS02 Ie into the breadboard. Procedure

2. Wire pin 7 to ground and pin 14 to Vee.

3. Wire Ll on the right two row breadboard to pin 1 on the

74LS02. This allows observing the state ,o f pin I (NOR
gate output> with Ll.

4. Wire 52 to pin 2 on the 74LS02 and to L2. This allows

setting and observing the state otpin2.

5. Wire pin 3 on the 74LSOO to ,L3 and 53. This allows

setting and observing the state of pin 3.
6. Place 53 and 52 in their, off state (toward :the words
"LOGIC5WITCHE5" printed on the LD-2circuit board).

7. ' Connect and tum on power. ' Dl andLl shoUld be lit.

8. Place 52 to ON. ~ should light (L1 will go OFF). "

9. Turn 52 OFF andS3 ON. L3 shoUld light. "

10. Turn 53 OFF. Use 52, 53 and L1 to determine the truth..

table of the 741502 Ie. Record your observations.
, ,
:!' - .­ .. ..
11. Remove power and disassemble the laboratory circuit.

Using NAND and
NOR Gates In this experiment you will confirm that NOR and NAND gates
Objectives can be used to perform any logic function. ' '-­

Materials LD-2 Logic Designer

741502 Quad Two-input NOR Ie

74LSOO Quad Two-input NAND Ie

Jumper Wires

TIL Data Book '

Procedure 1. Install the 74L502 Ie on the breadboard.

2. Wire ground to pin 7 and Vec to pin 14.

3. Wire 52 to pin 2 and 53 to pin 3.

4. Wire 52 to 12 and 53-to 13.

5. Wire pin 1 to pins 5 and 6. Shorting pins five and six

causes gate 2 of the quad IC to act as an inverter. "(You
may want to convince yourself of this,)

6. Wire pin 6 toL6. This is the inverter input.

7. Wire pin 4 to L4. This is the inverter and overall circuit


8. Tum 52 and 53 to OFF.

9. The schetnatic for the circUit you have just constructed is

shown in Figure 3-10.

52 - - - \ FIGURE 3-10. Circuit
.3 Schematic .

6 l4

10. Turn on power. Dl and L6 should light.

11. L2 and L3 monitor the state of 52 and 53. L6 monitors

the NOR gate output. L4 monitors the circuit output.
Use 52, 53 and L4 to create a truth table for this circuit.
Record this truth table. What logic operation is this ?

12. Turn off power. . You W;ill now wire inverters onto the
inputs....of the existing cir9lit.
' ,' ; " . "' " .

13. Removetbewire at 52 and COIUledit to pin 10.

14. Remove the wire at 53 and connect it to pin 13.

15. Connect 53 to pins 11 and 12.

16. Connect 52 to pins 8 and 9. The schematic for this circuit

is shown in Figure 3-11.
FIGURE 3·11. Circuit


17. Tum 51 and 52 OFF. Tum on power. Use 52, 53 and U

to make a truth table. for the circuit. Record your
observations. What logic function is~rfonned by this

18. Use 52, 53 and L6 to make a truth table for the circuit
consisting of gates 4, 3 and 1. Record your .observations
here. Which logic function is implemented by this

19. Flip switches 52 and 53 ON and OFF together while

watching L6 and U (output). Record your observations
in the fonn of a truth table.

Questions 1. Which )ogie functi,o n is perfonned by the circuit observed

in step 19? _ _ _"--~,...-_ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ __

2. All of the basic Boolean functions have been

demo~trated using the 74LS02 quad . two-input NOR
gate. Design a circuit to · implement .the basic Boolean
functions. Use the 74LSOO quad tw~input NAND as
your Ie. Describe which gate combinations perform
which Boolean functions. Breadboatd your circuit and
check it's operation.


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