Liealg Partiii Notes
Liealg Partiii Notes
Liealg Partiii Notes
Cambridge University
Mathematical Tripos Part III
Michaelmas 2015
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2 Lie Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Representations of slp2q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Contents by Lecture
Lecture 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Lecture 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Lecture 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Lecture 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Lecture 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Lecture 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Lecture 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Lecture 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Lecture 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Lecture 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Lecture 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Lecture 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Lecture 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Lecture 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Lecture 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Lecture 16 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Lecture 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Lecture 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Lecture 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Lecture 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Lecture 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Lecture 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Lecture 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Lecture 1 8 October 2015
1 Introduction
There are lecture notes online.
We’ll start with a bit of history because I think it’s easier to understand some-
thing when you know where it comes from. Fundamentally, mathematicians
wanted to solve equations, which is a rather broad statement, but it motivates
things like the Fermat’s Last Theorem – solving x3 ` y3 “ z3 . Galois theory
begins with wanting to solve equations. One of Galois’s fundamental ideas was
to not try to write a solution but to study the symmetries of the equations.
Sophus Lie was motivated by this to do the same with differential equations.
Could you say something about the symmetries of the solutions? This technique
is used a lot in physics. This led him to the study of Lie groups, and subsequently,
Lie algebras.
Definition 1.2. Let k be a field. A Lie algebra g is a vector space over k with a
bilinear bracket r´, ´s : g ˆ g Ñ g satisfying
(ii) Jacobi identity rX, rY, Zss ` rY, rZ, Xss ` rZ, rX, Yss “ 0.
Remark 1.4. From now on, our Lie algebras g will always be finite dimensional.
Most of the time, k “ C (but not always!). We’ll sometimes point out how things
go wrong in characteristic p ą 0.
Example 1.5.
(i) If V is any vector space, equip V with the trivial bracket ra, bs “ 0 for all
a, b P V.
Lecture 2 10 October 2015
(iii) Let g “ Mnˆn pkq, the n ˆ n matrices over a field k. This is often written
gln pkq or glpnq when the field is understood. This is an example of an
associative algebra, so define rA, Bs “ AB ´ BA.
There is an important basis for glpnq consisting of Eij for 1 ď i, j ď n, which
is the matrix whose entries are all zero except in the pi, jq-entry which is 1.
First observe
rEij , Ers s “ δjr Eis ´ δis Erj .
This equation gives the structure constants for glpnq.
We can calculate that
’ 0 ti, ju ‰ tr, su
&E i “ r, j ‰ s
rEii ´ Ejj , Ers s “
’ rs
’ j “ r, i ‰ s
2Ers i “ r, j “ s
(iv) If A is any algebra over k, Derk A Ă Endk A is a Lie algebra, the deriva-
tions of A. For α, β P Der A, define rα, βs “ α ˝ β ´ β ˝ α. This will be a
valid Lie algebra so long as rα, βs is still a derivation.
Definition 1.6. A subspace h Ă g is a Lie subalgebra if h is closed under the
Lie bracket of g.
Definition 1.7. Define the derived subalgebra D pgq “ xrX, Ys | X, Y P gy.
Example 1.8. An important subalgebra of glpnq is slpnq, slpnq :“ tX P glpnq |
tr X “ 0u. This is a simple Lie algebra of type An´1 . In fact, you can check that
slpnq is the derived subalgebra of glpnq,
Example 1.9. Lie subalgebras of glpnq which preserve a bilinear form. Let
Q : V ˆ V Ñ k be a bilinear form. Then we say glpVq preserves Q if the follow-
ing is true:
QpXv, wq ` Qpv, Xwq “ 0
for all v, w P V. Recall that if we pick a basis for V, we can represent Q by a
matrix M. Then Qpv, wq “ v T Mw. Then X preserves Q if and only if
v T X T Mw ` v T MXw “ 0,
if and only if
X T M ` MX “ 0.
Recall that a Lie algebra g is a k-vector space with a bilinear operation
r´, ´s : g ˆ g Ñ g satisfying antisymmetry and the Jacobi identity.
We had some examples, such as g “ glpVq “ Endk pVq. If you pick a basis,
this is Mnˆn pVq. Given any associative algebra, we can turn it into a Lie algebra
with bracket rX, Ys “ XY ´ YX.
Lecture 2 10 October 2015
• Eij ´ Ej`n,i`n
• Ei,j`n ` Ej,i`n
• Ei`n,j ` Ej`n,i
Lecture 2 10 October 2015
Exercise 1.17. Check that Zpgq is an ideal using the Jacobi identity.
Proposition 1.18.
(3) If j is an ideal of g then the quotient map g Ñ g{j is a Lie algebra homo-
(4) If g and h are both Lie algebras, then g ‘ h becomes a Lie algebra under
rpX, Aq, pY, Bqs “ prX, Ys, rA, Bsq.
Remark 1.20. The category of Lie algebras, Lie, forms a semi-abelian category.
It’s closed under taking kernels but not under taking cokernels. The representa-
tion theory of Lie algebras does, however, form an abelian category.
Definition 1.21. The following notions are really two ways of thinking about
the same thing.
Example 1.22. This is the most important example of a representation. For any
Lie algebra g, one always has the adjoint representation, ad : g Ñ glpgq defined
by adpXqpYq “ rX, Ys. The fact that ad gives a representation follows from the
Jacobi identity.
Example 1.24.
Lecture 3 13 October 2015
(3) If V is a g-module, then the dual space V ˚ “ Homk pV, kq has the structure
of a g-module via Xφpvq “ ´φpXvq.
Last time we developed a category of Lie algebras, and said what homomor-
phisms of Lie algebras were, as well as defining kernels and cokernels. There
are a few more definitions that we should point out.
Definition 1.25. A Lie algebra is simple if it has no nontrivial ideals.
We also moved on and discussed representations. Recall
Definition 1.26. A representation or g-module of g on V is a Lie algebra homo-
morphism g Ñ glpVq.
To complete the category g-Mod of g-modules, let’s define a map of g-
Definition 1.27. Let V, W be g-modules. Then a linear map φ : V Ñ W is a
g-module map if Xφpvq “ φpXvq for all X P g.
V br “ looooooooomooooooooon
V bV b¨¨¨bV
r times
Lecture 3 13 October 2015
Xpei1 ¨ ¨ ¨ eir q “ Xpei1 qei2 ¨ ¨ ¨ eir ` ei1 Xpei2 q ¨ ¨ ¨ eir ` . . . ` ei1 ei2 ¨ ¨ ¨ eir´1 Xpeir q.
Xpe1 b e1 q “ 0
Xpe1 b e2 q “ e1 b e1
Xpe2 b e1 q “ e1 b e1
Xpe2 b e1 q “ e1 b e2 ` e2 b e1
Exercise 1.35. Work out the preceding example for the symmetric square, and
the tensor cube.
2 Lie Groups
Lots of stuff in this section requires differential geometry and some analysis.
Lecture 4 15 October 2015
for all v, w P Rn .
Recall that a Lie group is a manifold with a group structure such that the
group operations are smooth. For example, SLpnq.
Definition 2.7. Let G and H be two Lie groups. Then a map f : G Ñ H is a Lie
group homomorphism if f is a group homomorphism and a smooth map of
Lecture 4 15 October 2015
Proposition 2.8. For any Lie group G, the set G˝ is an open normal subgroup
of G. Moreover, if U is any open neighborhood of the identity in G˝ , then
G˝ “ xUy.
One can show that this is a vector space. Scalar multiplication is easy: take the
curve φpλtq “ λv. Addition follows by looking at addition in charts.
Let’s single out a very important tangent space when we replace M with a
Lie group G.
Definition 2.12. If G is a Lie group, then we denote Te pGq by g and call it the
Lie algebra of G.
Lecture 5 17 October 2015
ÿ n
1 “ detpgij ptqq “ p´1qsgnpσq giσpiq ptq
σ PSn i “1
ÿ n
ÿ ź
0“ p´1qsgnpσq g1jσp jq p0q giσpiq p0q
σ PSn j “1 i‰ j
Observe that g is a path through the identity, so gp0q “ In . Thus, gij p0q “ δij .
Therefore, we are left with
n ˇ
ÿ d ˇˇ
0“ g ptq “ tr v
dt ˇt“0 jj
Lecture 5 17 October 2015
The following definition is not rigorous, but it will suffice for what we’re
trying to do. To define it (marginally more) rigorously, we need to talk about
vector bundles on a manifold.
Proof. First we will reduce to the case when g “ e. By defining γg ptq “ gγe ptq,
we have that
γg p0q “ gγe p0q “ ge “ g,
and moreover,
Therefore, if we define γg ptq “ gγe ptq, we have that γ1g ptq “ v X pγg ptqq and
γg p0q “ gγe p0q “ So we have reduced it to the case where g “ e.
Now to establish the existence of γe ptq, we will solve the equation v X pγe ptqq “
γe ptq with initial condition γe p0q “ X in a small neighborhood of zero, and then
push the solutions along to everything.
Lecture 5 17 October 2015
Using the existence part of the Cauchy-Lipschitz theorem for ODE’s, there
is some ε ą 0 such that γε can be defined on an open interval p´ε, εq. We show
that there is no maximum such ε. For each s P p´ε, εq, define a new curve
αs : p´ε ` |s|, ε ´ |s|q Ñ G via αs ptq “ γe ps ` tq.
Then αs p0q “ γe psq and
Lecture 6 20 October 2015
with initial condition θp0q “ aX. We will show that γpatq is a solution to (2), and
therefore γpatq “ θptq by ODE uniqueness.
To that end,
Lecture 6 20 October 2015
expptHq “ ,
0 e ´t
| t P R . If we look at
` t 0˘ (
which is part of the split torus 0 t
„ „
0 1 1 t
X“ expptXq “
0 0 0 1
„ „
0 1 cos t sin t
Z“ expptZq “
´1 0 ´ sin t cos t
The image of t ÞÑ expptZq is isomorphic to S1 and called a non-split torus.
X2 Y2
ˆ ˙ˆ ˙
LHS of Equation 3 “ 1`X` `... 1`Y` `...
2 2
X2 Y2
“ 1`X`Y` ` XY ` `...
2 2
So what do we need for C on the right hand side? Up to quadratic terms, what
we want is equal to ´ ¯
exp X ` Y ` 12 rX, Ys ` . . . .
pg ´ 1q2 pg ´ 1q3
logpgq “ pg ´ 1q ´ ` ´...
2 3
Lecture 6 20 October 2015
Exercise 2.28. Check that log ˝ exp and exp ˝ log are the identity on g and G
where defined.
Moreover, there must be a possibly smaller neighborhood V of U such that
multiplication µ : exp V ˆ exp V Ñ G has image in exp U. It follows that there
is a unique smooth mapping ν : V ˆ V Ñ U such that
Lecture 7 22 October 2015
Proof. Let γptq “ FpexpptXqq. This gives us a line through the identity in G, so
we get a Lie group homomorphism R Ñ H. Take the derivative
by the chain rule. Now from Proposition 2.22, any Lie group homomorphism
φ : R Ñ G is of the form expptYq for Y “ φ1 p0q, so γptq “ exppt dFe pXqq. Plug in
t “ 1 to get the proposition.
f paq “ f pexpplogpaqqq
“ exppd f e plog aqq
“ exppdge plogpaqqq
“ gpexpplogpaqqq “ gpaq.
using Proposition 2.30 to pull the d f inside on the left and the right. Therefore,
we have that
´ ¯
exppd f e X ` d f e Y ` 12 d f e rX, Ys ` . . .qq “ exp d f e X ` d f e Y ` 21 rd f e X, d f e Ys ` . . .
Lecture 7 22 October 2015
Proposition 2.33. We have pad XqpYq “ rX, Ys. In particular, we have the Jacobi
adprX, Ysq “ rad X, ad Ys.
Finally, let’s see that the bracket on gln was correct. Let gptq be a curve in G
with g1 p0q “ X, and note that
ˇ ˇ
d ´1 d ˇˇ ´1 d ˇˇ
0 “ gptqgptq “ X ` ˇ gptq ùñ gptq´1 “ ´X
dt dt t“0 dt ˇt“0
Lecture 7 22 October 2015
pad XqpYq “ pd AdqpXqpYq
d ˇˇ
“ ˇ pAd gptqqY
dt t“0
d ˇˇ
“ ˇ gptqYgptq´1
dt t“0
d ˇˇ
“ XY ` ˇ Ygptq´1
dt t“0
“ XY ´ YX
3 Representations of slp2q
One of the themes of Lie theory is to understand the representation theory of
slp2q, which can then be used to understand the representations of larger Lie
algebras, which are in some sense built from a bunch of copies of slp2q put
together. This is also a good flavor for other things we’ll do later.
From now on, in this section, we’ll work over C. Recall
"„ ˇ *
a b ˇˇ
slp2q “ a, b, c P C
c ´a ˇ
with the Lie bracket rX, Ys “ XY ´ YX. There’s an important basis for slp2q,
given by
„ „ „
1 0 0 1 0 0
H“ X“ Y“ .
0 ´1 0 0 1 0
These basis elements have relations
rH, Xs “ 2X, rH, Ys “ ´2Y, rX, Ys “ H.
Example 3.1. What are some representations of slp2q?
(1) The trivial representation, slp2q Ñ glp1q given by X, Y, H ÞÑ 0.
(2) The natural/defining/standard representation that comes from including
slp2q glp2q, wherein slp2q acts on C2 by the 2 ˆ 2 matrices.
(3) For any Lie algebra g, the adjoint representation ad : g Ñ glpgq. For slp2q,
this is a map slp2q Ñ glp3q. Let’s work out how this representation works
on the basis.
ad X 0 ´2X H
ad H 2X 0 ´2Y
ad Y ´H 2Y 0
Therefore, the matrices of ad X, ad Y, and ad H in this representation are
» fi » fi » fi
0 ´2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
ad X “ –0 0 1fl ad H “ –0 0 0 fl ad Y “ –´1 0 0fl
0 0 0 0 0 ´2 0 2 0
Lecture 8 24 October 2015
(4) The map ρ : slp2q Ñ glpCrx, ysq given by X ÞÑ xB{B y and Y ÞÑ yB{B x , and
H ÞÑ xB{B x ´ yB{B y . Under ρ, the span of monomials of a given degree are
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ´3 0 0 1 0
Exercise 3.2. Check that the representation Example 3.1(4) is indeed a rep-
resentation of slp2q. That is, ρprA, Bsq “ ρpAqρpBq ´ ρpBqρpAq and apply to
f P Crx, ys.
for V, where λ are the eigenvalues for the action of H. If v P Vλ , then Hv “ λv.
We’ll classify all the finite-dimensional complex irreducible representations
of slp2q. Let’s start with an easy proposition.
(1) Xv P Vα`2 ;
(2) Hv P Vα ;
(3) Yv P Vα´2 .
Lecture 8 24 October 2015
V “ V´n ‘ V´n`2 ‘ . . . ‘ Vn .
Proof. First let’s prove (1). Look at the set of tv, Yv, Y 2 v, . . .u. Because V is finite-
dimensional, then we can choose n P N minimal such that v, Yv, . . . , Y n`1 v are
linearly dependant. Then, we can write
Y n`1 v “ ai Y i v.
i “0
Lecture 8 24 October 2015
Proof of Proposition 3.4 continued. Now, given this lemma, we can prove (2). Ob-
serve that by the lemma, for W “ xv, Yv, . . . , Y n vy, we have XW Ă W. Also
by the previous result HW Ă W, and clearly YW Ă W. Therefore, W is an
irreducible subspace of V and because V is irreducible, then W “ V.
Finally, let’s prove (3). Putting m “ n ` 1 into Lemma 3.5, we get that
0 “ pn ` 1qpα ´ nqY n v, so α “ n.
H V´n V´n`2 ... Vn´2 Vn H
(2) Any two irreducible modules of the same highest weight r are isomorphic.
We call such a module Γr .
It follows from the theory of associative algebras that any g-module has
a Jordan-Hölder series. That is, given any finite-dimensional representation
W of slp2q, we can explicitly decompose into composition factors (irreducible
subquotients) by the following algorithm:
Example 3.7.
Lecture 9 27 October 2015
(2) The adjoint representation decomposes with weight spaces t´2, 0, 2u, as
V “ V´2 ‘ V0 ‘ V2 .
This is remarkable! For most finite simple groups, we can’t classify their
representations over C. Not even for finite groups of Lie type. So this is really a
simple representation theory, and remarkably it’s complete.
Example 3.8. Recall that Γ1 is the standard representation xxy ‘ xyy, where y
has eigenvalue ´1 and x has eigenvalue `1.
A basis for the tensor product Γ1 b Γ1 is x b x, x b y, y b x, y b y. The action
of H on this module is Hx “ x and Hy “ ´y. Then,
Hpx b xq “ Hx b x ` x b Hx “ 2x b x
Hpx b yq “ 0
Hpy b xq “ 0
Hpy b yq “ ´2y b y
This decomposes as Γ2 ‘ Γ0 .
Lecture 9 27 October 2015
(1) By induction. For k “ 1, we have D pgq Ď g clearly. Given Dk pgq Ď
Dk´1 pgq, we can take brackets on both sides to see that
for all X P g. To see that this ideal is characteristic, let α P Derpgq. Then
(3) If X ` Dk`1 pgq, Y ` Dk`1 pgq are elements of Dk pgq{Dk`1 pgq , then
Lecture 9 27 October 2015
Proposition 4.3.
Remark 4.6. Everyone seems to use the term “solvable” nowadays, which is an
unfortunate Americanism. If you say “soluble,” you will be understood.
Remark 4.7. For much of this chapter, we will have g Ă glpVq. There is a
theorem due to Ado which guarantees that there is a faithful representation
g Ñ glpVq. As such, we have the notion of an element X P g being V-nilpotent
if it is a nilpotent endomorphism of V. This is distinct from g being nilpotent as
a Lie algebra.
Theorem 4.8 (Engel’s Theorem). Let k be an arbitrary field, and let g Ď glpVq
be a Lie algebra such that every element of g is nilpotent (for every X P g, there
is N such that X N “ 0). Then there is some nonzero v P V such that Xv “ 0 for
all X P g.
M ˆ ˙
i M
pad Xq Y “ p´1q X M´i YX i
Now that we’re given this, the proof of Engel’s theorem is a clever application
of linear algebra by an induction argument. This is not the way it was first
proved, but the proof has been cleaned up over the years to be much more
Lecture 10 29 October 2015
Remark 4.10. This is basically the only theorem we’ll talk about that works
over fields of arbitrary characteristic. The rest of the theorems we’ll talk about
will fail in general, or at least for positive characteristic.
Last time we proved Engel’s theorem. Before we move on, let’s point out a
corollary to this.
Corollary 4.11. Under the same hypotheses of Engel’s theorem, Theorem 4.8,
then there is a basis of V with respect to which all elements of g can be repre-
sented by strictly upper triangular matrices.
Now we’ll do the other major theorem of Lie algebras that allows the theory
of complex semisimple Lie algebras to go so far with so little work.
Lecture 10 29 October 2015
Now assume the result for all h with dim h ă n. We first find a codimension
1 ideal of g. For this, observe that D pgq “ rg, gs is strictly contained in g by
solvability (if not, then it’s never the case that D k pgq is zero). Also observe that
the quotient g{D pgq is abelian. Now by the first isomorphism theorem, each
ideal of g{D pgq corresponds to an ideal of g containing D pgq.
Any subspace of g{D pgq is an ideal since it’s abelian. So let h be the lift of
any codimension 1 subspace of g{D pgq, and this is the required codimension
1 ideal of g. Observe that h is also solvable since D k phq Ď D k pgq. So we can
apply the inductive hypothesis to obtain a nonzero v P V such that for all X P h,
Xv “ λpXqv for some λ P h˚ “ HomC ph, Cq.
Take Y P gzh such that g “ kY ‘ h as a vector space.
Let W “ tw P V | Xw “ λpXqw @X P hu. We know that W is nonempty
because we have found one such vector for which Xv “ λpXqv by applying our
inductive hypothesis.
We want to see that YW Ď W. If we can do this, then considering Y as a
linear transformation on W, Y has an eigenvector in W. Since g “ xYy ‘ h as
vector spaces, gxwy “ xwy. The fact that YW Ď W will follow from Lemma 4.13
(which is more general).
We want to show now that λprX, Ysq “ 0. This is a bit of work. Take w P W and
consider U “ xw, Yw, Y 2 w, . . .y. Clearly, YU Ď U. We claim that XU Ď U for all
X P h, and according to a basis tw, Yw, Y 2 w, . . . , Y i wu for U, X is represented by
an upper triangular matrix with λpXq on the diagonal.
We prove this claim by induction on i. For i “ 0, Xw “ λpXqw P U.
Now for k ď i,
Lecture 10 29 October 2015
Therefore, for any X P h, tr X|U “ pdim UqλpXq. This holds in particular for
rX, Ys, so
tr prX, Ys|U q “ pdim Uq ¨ λprX, Ysq
but the trace of a commutator is zero. So we get that λprX, Ysq “ 0, as required.
The proof of this theorem is very similar to the proof of Corollary 4.11, so
we won’t repeat it here. It’s in the notes.
Proof. The hard part of this theorem is constructing the polynomials. Everything
else follows from that. Let χ X ptq be the characteristic polynomial of X. We can
factor this as
χ X ptq “ pt ´ λ1 qe1 pt ´ λ2 qe2 ¨ ¨ ¨ pt ´ λr qer ,
where the λi are the distinct eigenvalues of X. Note that pt ´ λi q is coprime to
pt ´ λ j q for all i ‰ j.
Then by the Chinese Remainder Theorem, we can find a polynomial Ps ptq
such that
Ps ptq ” λi pmod pt ´ λi qei q
for all i. Define further Pn ptq “ t ´ Ps ptq. Let Xs “ Ps pXq and Xn “ Pn pXq.
Lecture 11 31 October 2015
Corollary 4.16. For X P glpVq, we have pad Xqn “ ad Xn and pad Xqs “ ad Xs .
ad X “ adpXs ` Xn q “ ad Xs ` ad Xn
We’ve seen that taking traces can be a useful tool. This continues to be the
case, and is formalized in the following definition.
Lecture 11 31 October 2015
BpX, Yq “ tr ad X ad Y
trpDrY, Zsq “ 0
Lecture 12 3 November 2015
for Y, Z P g. But
trpDrY, Zsq “ trprD, YsZq
by Proposition 4.19. By hypothesis, we will be done if we can show that ad D
takes g to itself, in which case we say that D normalizes g.
Since ad D “ ad Xs “ pad Xqs is a polynomial in ad X by Corollary 4.16,
we have that ad D normalizes g. Taking a basis of glpVq relative to which ad D
is diagonal, ad D is also diagonal with eigenvalues the complex conjugates of
the eigenvalues of ad D, and moreover they stabilize the same subspaces. In
particular, they stabilize g.
Remark 4.21 (Very very tangential aside). This proof is kind of cheating. We
proved it for specifically the complex numbers. The statement is true for any
algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, but we can use the Lefschetz
principle that says that any statement in any first order model theory that holds
for any algebraically closed field of characteristic zero is true for all such fields.
So really we should check that we can express this statement in some first order
model theory. But this remark is safe to ignore for our purposes.
Corollary 4.22. A Lie algebra g is solvable if and only if Bpg, D pgqq “ 0.
Proof. Assume first that g is solvable and consider the adjoint representation of
g. By the corollary to Lie’s theorem, Corollary 4.14, there is a basis of g relative
to which each endomorphism ad X is upper triangular. But now adrX, Ys “
rad X, ad Ys and the commutator of any two upper triangular matrices is strictly
upper triangular.
So for X P g, Y P D pgq, the previous paragraph shows that Y is strictly upper
triangular, as the sum of commutators, so ad Y is as well. And by our choice of
basis ad X is upper triangular. The product of an upper-triangular matrix and
strictly upper-triangular matrix is strictly upper triangular, so
BpX, Yq “ trpad X ad Yq “ 0
Conversely, assume Bpg, D pgqq is identically zero. Then BpD pgq, D pgqq “ 0
and so by Cartan’s Criterion (Theorem 4.20), we have that ad D pgq is solvable.
Then, D k pad D pgqq “ 0 for some k. But ad is a Lie algebra homomorphism, so
ad D k`1 pgq “ 0 as well.
Therefore, D k pgq Ď ker ad, and ker ad is abelian. So D k`1 pgq is abelian.
Hence D k`2 pgq “ 0.
“The Killing Form”, which sounds kind of like a television detective drama.
Previously on the Killing Form, we saw Cartan’s Criterion: if g Ď glpVq and BV
is identically zero on g, then g is solvable. We also showed that g is solvable if
and only if Bpg, D pgqq “ 0.
There are a bunch of easy-ish consequences of Cartan’s Criterion.
Definition 4.23. For an alternating or symmetric bilinear form F : V ˆ V Ñ k,
the radical of F is
Lecture 12 3 November 2015
Since Z was arbitrary, this tells us that rX, Ys P rad B, Hence, rad B is an ideal.
But B vanishes identically on rad B, so Cartan’s Criterion (Theorem 4.20) shows
us that rad B is a solvable ideal. But g is semisimple, so rad B “ 0, which implies
B is nondegenerate.
Conversely, assume g is not semisimple. Take b a non-trivial solvable ideal.
Then for some k, we have that D k`1 pbq “ 0 but D k pbq ‰ 0. Now take some
nonzero X P D k pbq. For any Y P g, consider pad X ad Yq2 .
Since D i pbq are characteristic ideals, they are stable under ad Y. Now apply
pad X ad Yq2 to g.
ad Y ad X ad Y ad X
g ÝÝÝÑ D k pbq ÝÝÑ D k pbq ÝÝÝÑ D k`1 pbq “ 0
g ÝÝÑ looooooooooooooomooooooooooooooon
D k pbq is a characteristic ideal in b
D k`1 pI X I K q “ rD k pI X I K q, D k pI X I K qs “ 0.
Hence, I X I K is a solvable ideal of g, which means that I X I K “ 0 since g is
Finally, since B is nondegenerate on g, then for any X P I there is Y P g
such that BpX, Yq ‰ 0. We have that Y ‰ 0, and if Y P I K , then it must be that
BpX, Yq “ 0. So Y P I since g “ I ‘ I K .
Lecture 12 3 November 2015
by the ideal I “ xpX b Y ´ Y b Xq ´ rX, Ys | X, Y P gy. Upgq “ I.
Lecture 13 5 November 2015
g Ñ g b Crt, t´1 s Ñ 0
0 Ñ Cc Ñ p
Exercise 5.2. The word “the” is in quotes above because it’s not obvious the
definition doesn’t depend on the choice of basis. Check that CV doesn’t depend
on the choice of basis for g.
”The Casimir operator” sounds like the name of a spy thriller. Let’s see an
Example 5.3. Let g “ slp2q Ď glp2q. Then as before,
„ „ „
0 1 0 0 1 0
X“ Y“ H“
0 0 1 0 0 ´1
BV pX, Yq “ 1
BV pY, Yq “ BV pX, Xq “ BV pX, Hq “ BV pY, Hq “ 0
BV pH, Hq “ 2
So if tUi u “ tX, Y, Hu is a basis for g and tUi1 u “ tY, X, 12 Hu is in the dual basis
for g under BV , then
CV “ XY ` YX ` H 2
As an element of glp2q, „3
{ 0
CV “ 2 3
0 {2
Lecture 13 5 November 2015
Proposition 5.4. Let CV be the Casimir operator for g with respect to a repre-
sentation g Ñ glpVq. Then
(1) tr CV “ dim g;
`ř 1
˘ řdim g
trpUi Ui1 q “ BV pUi , Ui1 q “
ř ř
(1) tr i Ui Ui “ i i i “1 1 “ dim g.
Lemma 5.5 (Schur’s Lemma). Let g be a Lie algebra over an algebraically closed
field. Let V be an irreducible finite-dimensional representation of g. Then
dim Homg pV, Vq “ 1
Proof. Let θ be a non-zero map in Homg pV, Vq. Because we work over an
algebraically closed field, θ has a non-trivial eigenvector with eigenvalue λ say.
Then θ ´ λI is clearly a g-module map, with a nonzero kernel. But kerpθ ´ λIq
is a g-submodule of V, and V is irreducible, so kerpθ ´ λIq “ V. Hence, θ “
The next theorem says that representations of semisimple Lie algebras are
completely reducible into a direct sum of irreducible representations, much like
representations of finite groups.
Lecture 13 5 November 2015
Proof. This is yet another incredibly clever piece of linear algebra. There are
several cases, which we prove in order of increasing generality.
Proof of Case 1. First observe that V{W is a 1-dimensional g-module which (by
Corollary 4.27) is trivial for g. That is, gV Ď W. This implies that CV V Ď W.
Because rX, CV s “ 0 by Proposition 5.4, we have that XpCV pvqq “ CV pXpvqq for
all v P V. Therefore, CV is a g-module map. So CV |W “ λIW by Lemma 5.5
(using W irreducible). Now 1{λ CV is a projection homomorphism from V to W.
Dividing by λ is okay, since tr CV “ dim g ñ λ ‰ 0. Thus, V – W ‘ kerp1{λ CV q.
Hence, V is reducible.
VL – W 1L à WL .
But Z is codimension 1 in W 1 , so by induction again there is U Ă W 1 a g-
submodule such that W 1 – U ‘ Z. So V – W ‘ U by the following chain of
W{ 1
VL Z ‘ W {Z W 1L pZ ‘ UqL
W– W{
– Z – Z–U
Proof of Case 3. Consider HomC pV, Wq. We know that this is a g-module via
pXαqpvq “ ´αpXvq ` Xpαpvqq. Similarly, there is an action of g on HomC pW, Wq.
Consider a restriction map R : HomC pV, Wq Ñ HomC pW, Wq. This is a
g-module homomorphism, because for w P W,
Lecture 14 7 November 2015
Lecture 14 7 November 2015
Proof. The idea here is to write g as the intersection of some subalgebras for
which the result is obvious. Let W be a simple submodule of V, and define sW
to be the component of the stabilizer of W in glpVq that is traceless, that is,
Lecture 15 10 November 2015
Proof. The idea is that we want to compare ρpad Xq with ad ρpXq in some sense
(because these are not quite well-defined).
By Corollary 4.29, ρpgq is semisimple. Therefore, by Corollary 5.11, ρpXqs , ρpXqn P
ρpgq. So it remains to check that ρpXs q is semisimple and ρpXn q is nilpotent,
and then we may apply Proposition 4.15(5) to claim that ρpXs q “ ρpXqs and
ρpXn q “ ρpXqn .
Let Zi be a basis of eigenvectors of ad Xs in g. That is,
adpXs qZi “ λi Zi
Remark 5.12. There is another way to do this that uses the Killing form instead
of complete reducibility, but it’s a bit of a case of using a sledgehammer to crack
a nut. An alternative approach to Theorem 5.10 not using Weyl’s theorem is to
prove that when g is semisimple, every derivation D of g is inner, that is, of the
form D “ ad X for some X P g. Equivalently, ad g “ Derpgq.
Given that result, to prove Theorem 5.10 write ad X “ xs ` xn in glpgq for
some X P g. As xs and xn are also derivations of g, then xs “ ad Xs and
xn “ ad Xn for some Xs , Xn P g. From the injectivity of ad, we get X “ Xs ` Xn
and rXs , Xn s “ 0. It’s an easy exercise to see that Xs and Xn are semisimple and
nilpotent, respectively. This gives us the Jordan decomposition of X.
Remark 5.13 (Important Examinable Material). Last time we were talking about
Jordan Decomposition, which is a recent Channel 4 documentary following
the trials and tribulations of supermodel Jordan Price, wherein she is struck
Lecture 15 10 November 2015
Proof. Notice that for any S P h, S is central in cg pHq if and only if cg pHq Ď cg pSq.
We shall show that if S is not central, then a linear combination of S and H has
a smaller centralizer in g, thus finding a contradiction.
First, we will construct a suitable basis for g. Start with a basis tc1 , . . . , cn u
of cg pHq X cg pSq. We know ad S acts diagonalizably on cg pHq because S P h
is ad-diagonalizable. Therefore S commutes with every element of h, so we
can extend this to a basis for cg pHq consisting of eigenvectors for ad S, say by
tx1 , . . . , x p u.
Similarly, we can extend tci u to a basis of cg pSq of eigenvectors for ad H by
adjoining ty1 , . . . , yq u. Then
tc1 , . . . , cn , x1 , . . . , x p , y1 , . . . , yq u
Lecture 15 10 November 2015
Note that rS, x j s ‰ 0 because x j P cg pHqzcg pSq, and also rH, y j s ‰ 0. Let
rH, wi s “ θi wi and rs, wi s “ σi wi with θi , σi ‰ 0. Thus if we choose λ ‰ 0 such
that λ ‰ ´σ`{θ` for any `, w j doesn’t commute with S ` λH for any j. Moreover,
xi and yi don’t commute with S ` λH by construction, so the only things that
commute with S ` λH are linear combinations of the ci – things that commute
with both H and S. Therefore, cg pS ` λHq “ cg pSq X cg pHq.
Since S is not central in cg pHq, cg pHq Ę cg pSq, so this is a subspace of smaller
dimension. This is a contradiction, because dim cg pHq was assumed to be the
smallest possible.
Lemma 5.17. Suppose H is any element of g. Then rgλ pHq, gµ pHqs Ď gλ`µ pHq.
Additionally, if g is a semisimple Lie algebra, then the restriction of the Killing
form to g0 pHq is nonzero, where H satisfies the hypotheses of the Lemma 5.16.
k ˆ ˙”
ÿ k ı
padpHq ´ pλ ` µqIq prX, Ysq “ padpHq ´ λIq j X, padpHq ´ µIqk´ j Y .
j “0
This just comes down to repeated application of the Jacobi identity. If k “ 1, this
is actually just the Jacobi identity.
Hence if X P gλ pHq and Y P gµ pHq, then we can take k sufficiently large (e.g.
k “ 2 dim g) such that either padpHq ´ λIq j X or padpHq ´ µIqk´ j Y vanishes, so
rX, Ys is in the generalized eigenspace of λ ` µ.
For the second statement, if Y P gλ pHq with λ ‰ 0, then ad Y maps each
eigenspace to a different one. Furthermore, so does ad Y ˝ ad X for X P g0 pHq.
So this endomorphism ad Y ˝ ad X is traceless. Therefore, BpX, Yq “ 0 for such
X, Y. Therefore, g0 pHq is perpendicular to all the other weight spaces for H.
But the Killing form is non-degenerate on g, so we should be able to find
some Z such that BpX, Zq ‰ 0. But this Z must be in g0 pHq, because all other
weight spaces are perpendicular to g0 pHq. Hence, B is non-degenerate on
g0 pHq.
Proof. Choose H P h such that the dimension of cg pHq is minimal over all
elements H P h. Then cg phq “ cg pHq by Lemma 5.16, so it suffices to show that
cg pHq “ h.
Since h is abelian, we have that h Ď cg pHq.
Conversely, if X P cg pHq has Jordan decomposition X “ Xs ` Xn , then X
commutes with H implies that Xs commutes with H by Proposition 4.15.
We know that Xs is semisimple, and commutes with H, so commutes with
all elements of the Cartan subalgebra h because cg phq “ cg pHq by Lemma 5.16.
But h is the maximal abelian subalgebra consisting of semisimple elements. Xs
is semisimple and commutes with everything in h, so must be in h.
Therefore Xs P h. So we are done if Xn “ 0.
Lecture 16 12 November 2015
For any Y P cg phq, we see by the above that Ys is central in cg phq, so ad Ys acts
by zero on cg phq. Therefore, ad Y “ ad Yn is nilpotent for arbitrary Y P cg phq, so
every element of ad cg phq is nilpotent. Then by the corollary to Engel’s Theorem
(Corollary 4.11), there is a basis of cg phq such that each ad Y is strictly upper
triangular for Y P cg phq. Hence,
BpX, Yq “ trpad X ad Yq “ 0
for all Y P cg phq. But the Killing form is nondegenerate on restriction to cg pHq “
g0 pHq by Lemma 5.17, so it must be that ad X “ 0. However, ad X “ ad Xn and
ad is injective because g is semisimple, so Xn “ 0.
Therefore, for any X P cg pHq, X “ Xs and Xs P h, so cg pHq Ď h.
Lecture 16 12 November 2015
Any other Cartan subalgebra is given by conjugating these matrices. Let’s define
some elements Li of h˚ by
´” a1 ı¯
Li a2 “ ai .
´ 0 ¯ of simultaneous
´0¯ eigenspaces
for h is just the standard basis e1 “ 0 , e2 “ 1 , e3 “ 0 . We have that
0 0 1
” a1 ı ´” a1 ı¯
a2 ei “ a i ei “ L i a2 ei ,
a3 a3
where gα is a weight space for the adjoint action of h on g with weight α. These
nonzero weights are called roots.
Lecture 17 17 November 2015
(2) This is a special case of Lemma 5.17, but it’s important enough that we
should do it again. This is what Fulton and Harris call the fundamental
calculation. Let X P gα , Y P gβ .
(4) If the roots don’t span h˚ , then in particular there is some functional δH
that does not lie in the span of the roots. For this H P h, αpHq “ 0 for
all roots α P h˚ . Since g can be decomposed in terms of gα , we see that
rH, Xs “ 0 for all X P g, that is, H P Zpgq. But g is semisimple, so Zpgq “ 0
and H “ 0 as required.
(5) We calculate
so rX, Ys ‰ 0.
Proposition 5.27.
(2) αpTα q ‰ 0.
Lecture 17 17 November 2015
Proof. (1) For existence, recall that B|h is nondegenerate, and hence induces
an isomorphism h Ñ h˚ via H ÞÑ BpH, ´q. Define Tα to be the preimage
of α under this map. Now compute
rTα , Xs “ αpTα qX “ 0,
rTα , Ys “ ´αpTα qY “ 0.
If X P gα , Y P g´α with BpX, Yq “ 1, then rX, Ys “ Tα by part (1).
So we have a subalgebra, s “ xX, Y, Tα y with D psq “ xTα y. The adjoint rep-
resentation ad s of this subalgebra is a solvable subalgebra of ad g Ď glpgq.
By Lie’s Theorem, ad s consists of upper triangular matrices, so ad D psq
consists of strictly upper triangular matrices. Therefore, ad Tα P ad D psq
is nilpotent. But ad Tα is also semisimple, because Tα P h. Therefore, ad Tα
is both semisimple and nilpotent and must be zero. Hence, Tα “ 0.
Hα “ Tα .
BpTα , Tα q
Now check the sl2 relations. We have that
Lecture 17 17 November 2015
rHα , Xα s “ rTα , Xα s “ 2Xα
αpTα q
rHα , Yα s “ ´2Yα .
So this is isomorphic to sl2 .
(1) gα Vβ Ď Vα`β
(2) Vα b Wβ Ď pV b Wqα`β
Lemma 5.29.
is an sα submodule.
(3) The eigenvalues of Hα on V|sα are integers, but each Vβ is a set of eigenvec-
tors on which Hα acts by the scalar βpHα q. Hence, βpHα q is an integer.
Proposition 5.30. The root spaces of gα are 1-dimensional. The only roots
proportional to α are ˘α. In particular, twice a root is not a root.
Proof. For the first part, let α be a root. Let’s assume that dim gα ą 1. Then let
Y be a nonzero element of g´α . Then we can arrange that there is Xα such that
BpXα , Yq “ 0. We choose Xα by producing two independent elements of gα and
scaling appropriately and adding them together.
Now let Yα be such that sα “ xXα , Yα , Hα y – sl2 . We have
Lecture 18 19 November 2015
(1) sα “ s´α .
(2) Hα “ ´H´α .
sα “ g´α ‘ rg´α , gα s ‘ gα .
Example 5.32.
Lecture 18 19 November 2015
(2) Let V – slp3q via the adjoint representation. Weights of V are Li ´ L j for
i ‰ j.
L2 ´ L3
L2 ´ L1 L1 ´ L3
L3 ´ L1 L1 ´ L2
L3 ´ L2
(3) The dual representation of the standard representation has weights ´Li ,
and therefore the diagram
Ωα “ tβ P h˚ | βpHα q “ 0u.
Hα w “ ´βpHα qw.
Lecture 18 19 November 2015
´2βpHα q
ùñ m “ ùñ m “ ´βpHα q.
αpHα q
This implies that βpHα q “ ´m. Therefore, the element v of the β-weight-space
v P Vβ corresponds to w P Vβ`mα “ Vβ´βp Hα qα as required. In fact, we obtain an
isomorphism Vβ – Vβ´βp Hα qα .
2βpHα q 2βpTα q
βpHα q “ “
αpHα q αpTα q
is often denoted by
xβ, α_ y :“ βpHα q,
and α_ is the coroot to α (in the case of Lie algebras, α_ “ Tα as we defined it).
The important thing to remember is that xβ, α_ y is the number of α’s you
need to take off β to reflect β in the hyperplane perpendicular to α.
Definition 5.35. Given a semisimple Lie algebra g, we define the Weyl group
W as the group generated by the hyperplane reflections Wα ,
In fact, W is a finite group. Note that W preserves wtpVq for any representa-
tion V of g.
In order to generalize the idea of a highest weight vector as we had for slp2q,
it will be convenient to pick a complete ordering on ΛW . In ΛW b R, we choose
a linear map ` : ΛW b R Ñ R satisfying α ą β if and only if `pαq ą `pβq. To
choose such than an `, choose the gradient of ` irrational with respect to the
weight lattice.
L1 ´ L3 ą L1 ´ L2 ą L2 ´ L3 ą 0.
Lecture 19 21 November 2015
Proof. We clearly get all root spaces gα in this way, since gα Ď sα , so it’s just a
matter of checking that we get the whole of the Cartan. By Proposition 5.26, the
dual h˚ is spanned by the roots. Now the Killing form gives an isomorphism
between h Ñ h˚ under which Tα ÞÑ α. But Tα P sα for each α, as Tα is a multiple
of Hα .
Remark 5.39. The Weight Lattice is a game show derived from a Japanese con-
cept wherein participants are suspended from a large metal lattice over the
course of a week, while their families and friends must throw a sufficient quan-
tity food to them so that they gain enough weight to touch the ground. The
winners get a trip to the Bahamas, while the rest are humiliated for their fast
(1) V has a highest weight, λ say, such that Vλ ‰ 0 and Vβ “ 0 for any β ą λ
using the functional `;
(3) Given any nonzero v P Vλ , where λ is a highest weight, then the subspace
W generated by all vectors Yα1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Yαk v with αi P R` and Yαi P g´αi for all
k ě 0 is an irreducible g-submodule.
(1) Just take λ maximal under the ordering subject to Vλ ‰ 0. Such a weight
space exists because we assumed that V is finite dimensional.
(2) Since gβ Vα Ď Vα`β and `pα ` βq “ `pαq ` `pβq ą `pαq since β P R` , but α
was a highest weight, so Vα`β “ 0.
Lecture 19 21 November 2015
Note that
Yαi´1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Yα1 V P Vpi´1q ,
X β Yαi´1 ¨ ¨ ¨ Yα1 v P Vpi´1q
by induction, and therefore
This deals with the second term on the right hand side of (6). To deal with
the first term on the right hand side of (6), notice that, as before,
Lecture 19 21 November 2015
α “ tβ P E | βpHα q ą 0u,
α “ tβ P E | βpHα q ă 0u.
Eα “ Ωα \ E`
α \ Eα
Wp˘,˘,...,˘q “ E˘
α1 X Eα2 X . . . X Eα n .
˘ ˘
In particular
R ą0 Λ W
“ Wp`,`,...,`q
is called the fundamental Weyl chamber and
“ ΛW X W p`,`,...,`q
is the set of dominant weights, where the bar denotes topological closure (these
things lie in some Rn ).
Proposition 5.43. If λ is a highest weight for some finite-dimensional represen-
tation, then λ P ΛW
Proof. Suppose β P E´ `
α for some α P R , then Wα pβq is also a weight, and we
`pWα pβqq “ `pβ ´ βpHα qαq “ `pβq ´ βpHα q`pαq
Note that βpHα q ă 0 and `pαq ą 0, so we conclude that
Example 5.44. Let’s work this out in detail for slp3q. The roots are α “ L1 ´ L2 ,
β “ L2 ´ L3 , α ` β “ L1 ´ L3 , ´α, ´β, ´α ´ β. We depicted these as
Ω α` β Ωα
Lecture 20 24 November 2015
In this picture, E`
α is the half-plane bounded by Ωα containing α, and Eα is
the half-plane bounded by Ωα that contains ´α. Similarly for Eβ and Eα`β . The
˘ ˘
λpHα q P Zě0
λpHβ q P Zě0
λpHα`β q P Zě0
The point is that once we know λ on Hα and Hβ , then we know it on Hα`β . If
λpHα q “ a and λpHβ q “ b, then λ “ aL1 ´ bL3 . To check this, L1 pHα q “ 1 and
´L3 pHα q “ 0, L1 pHβ q “ 0, ´L3 pHβ q “ 1.
So any irreducible module is isomorphic to Γ a,b for some a, b, where Γ a,b has
highest weight aL1 ´ bL3 . Moreover, all such must exist.
And Γ1,0 – V is the standard rep with highest weight L1 , and Γ0,1 is it’s dual
Moreover, Γ a,b must be containd in the tensor product pΓ1,0 qba b pΓ0,1 qbb .
Remark 5.45. Last time we were talking about Weyl Chambers, which is a 1990’s
adult entertainment film by BDSM specialists ”Blood and Chains.” For reasons
of decency I can’t go into the details.
Lecture 20 24 November 2015
Ω α` β Ωα
The weights are stable under the reflection in the hyperplanes Ωαi , so we
reflect in these hyperplanes to find other roots.
Ω α` β Ωα
Once we’ve done so, we know that a weight µ and it’s reflection over any
hyperplane Ωαi forms a representation of a copy of slp2q, so we should fill
Lecture 20 24 November 2015
in all the steps in-between these weights as the weight spaces of that slp2q
Ω α` β Ωα
Lecture 20 24 November 2015
Ω α` β Ωα
We draw concentric circles for each multiplicity past the first. So the repre-
sentation Γ3,1 has the weight diagram as below.
Lecture 20 24 November 2015
Ω α` β Ωα
Then Sym2 pVq has weights the sums of distinct pairs in Γ1,0 , and we see that
this is Γ2,0 when we compare the weight diagrams for Sym2 pVq and Γ2,0 . Hence,
Sym2 pVq – Γ2,0 is irreducible – as in the weight diagram below.
Lecture 20 24 November 2015
Lecture 20 24 November 2015
Taking Γ3,0 from Sym2 pVq b V ˚ we are left with a weight diagram for Γ1,1 ‘
Γ0,0 . Therefore, Sym2 pVq b V ˚ – Γ3,0 ‘ Γ1,1 ‘ Γ0,0 .
Remark 5.49. Clearly you can see this is a wonderful source of exam questions
(hint hint). In fact, this has many applications in physics, where decomposing
the tensor product of two representations into irreducible direct summands
corresponds to what comes out of the collision of two particles, so it’s not
surprising that there are many algorithms and formulas for this kind of thing.
Definition 5.50. Let α be a positive root which is not expressible as the sum of
two positive roots. Then we say α is a simple root.
Fact 5.52.
(1) Under Z, the simple roots generate all roots, i.e. if S is the set of simple
roots, ZS X R “ R.
(4) The Weyl group is generated by reflections Wα for all simple roots α.
(5) The Weyl group acts simply transitively on the set of decompositions of R
into positive and negative parts. (The action has only one orbit, and if the
action of any element σ has a fixed point, then σ is the identity of W).
(6) The elements Hα such that α is a simple root generate the lattice
ZtHα | α P Ru Ď h.
Lecture 22 28 November 2015
(7) Define the fundamental dominant weights ωα for each simple root α by
the property that ωα pHβ q “ δαβ for α, β simple roots. They generate the
weight lattice ΛW .
(8) The set Zě0 tωα u is precisely the set of dominant weights.
(9) Every representation has a dominant highest weight, and there exists one
and only one representation with this highest weight up to isomorphism.
(10) The set of weights of a representation is stable under the Weyl group,
and moreover we can use slp2q-theory to establish the set of weights (but
maybe not the multiplicities) in a given representation.
The fact that the multiplicities are not obvious is the motivation for the next
1 ÿ
ρ“ α.
2 `
αP R
Remark 5.55. Today we’ll be talking about Root Systems, which is an upcoming
indie film about the fallout from the Fukashima Nuclear Reactor. Some ginger
from near the plant mutates and starts to grow out of control. And since
it’s a major component of Japanese cuisine, it wants to take revenge on the
people who’ve been eating it for so long. At first it just pops out of the ground
Lecture 22 28 November 2015
and squirts hot ginger at people’s faces, but it has more diabolical intentions.
Eventually, it finds an underground internet cable and starts sending messages
to the world’s leaders. To show that it means business, it deletes all cat videos
from the internet. To try and stop the mutant ginger, some samurai warriors,
the X-men, Batman and Captain America are sent to destroy it. But they’re
ultimately unsuccessful, and the ginger takes over the world.
Exercise 6.2. Show that the root system of a Lie algebra forms an abstract root
Wα pβq “ β ´ βpHα qα “ β ´ n βα α.
What are the possibilities for n βα ? Turns out there are very few possibilities.
We have that
n βα “ 2 cos θ ,
where θ is the angle between α and β. Hence, nαβ n βα “ 4 cos2 θ P Z. Since
| cos2 θ| ď 1, we see that
n βα nαβ P t0, 1, 2, 3, 4u.
So nαβ is an integer between ´4 and 4, since n βα is also an integer. If β ‰ ˘α
then n βα lies between ´3 and 3.
Furthermore, n βα has the same sign as nαβ , and if |nαβ |, |n βα | ą 1, then
|nαβ | “ |n βα | “ 2, and so cos2 θ “ 1 ùñ α “ ˘β.
Lecture 22 28 November 2015
We may assume that nαβ “ ˘1. So what are the options for n βα ?
n βα 3 2 1 0 ´1 ´2 ´3
nαβ 1 1 1 0 ´1 ´1 ´1
? ? ? ?
cospθq 3{ 2{ 1{ 0 ´1{2 ´ 2{2 ´ 3{2
2 2 2 (7)
} β} ? ? ? ?
3 2 1 ˚ 1 2 3
Some consequences of this table are the following facts. This and the next
proposition should settle any outstanding proofs owed for Fact 5.52.
Fact 6.4.
(2) If α and β are roots, α ‰ ˘β, then pβ, αq ą 0 implies that α ´ β is a root. If
pβ, αq ă 0, then α ` β is a root. If pβ, αq “ 0 then β ` α and α ´ β are either
both roots or both non-roots.
(4) If α, β are distinct simple roots, then α ´ β and β ´ α are not roots.
(5) If α, β are distinct simple roots, then then angle between them is obtuse,
pα, βq ă 0.
Proof. (1) Let α, β be roots, with α ‰ ˘β. Then consider an α-string through β
given by tβ ´ pα, β ´ pp ` 1qα, . . . , β ` qαu. We have
The left hand side is β ´ pα, and the right hand side is β ´ n βα α ´ qα, so
β ´ pα “ β ´ n βα α ´ qα.
Lecture 22 28 November 2015
(2) To see this, we inspect Table 7. Either nαβ or n βα is ˘1, without loss, say
n βα “ ˘1. Then Wβ pαq “ β ´ n βα α. Then by the previous fact, Fact 6.4(1),
we also get that all weights in the interior of an α-string through β are
ÿ n
0 ď pv, vq “ ´ ni n j pαi , α j q
i “1 j “ k `1
So it must be v “ 0. But
˜ ¸
0 “ `p0q “ `pvq “ ` ni αi ě0
i “1
(7) Assume not. Then there is β P R` with `pβq minimal such that β R ZS. But
since β is not simple, β “ β 1 ` β 2 for some β 1 , β 2 P R` , and `pβ 1 q, `pβ 2 q ă
`pβq. But by minimality of β, β 1 and β 2 are expressible as sums of simple
roots so also is β.
Now recall that the Weyl group W “ xWα | α P Ry injects into S|R| so in
particular, W is finite.
Lemma 6.5. Let W0 “ xWα | α P Sy, where S is the set of simple roots of a root
system R. Then every positive root is sent by elements of W0 to a simple root,
and furthermore W “ W0 .
Lecture 23 1 December 2015
• If α, β are simple roots then pα, βq ď 0. In fact, the angle between them is
π{ , 2π{ , 3π{ or 5π{ .
2 3 4 6
• The set of simple roots is linearly independent and every positive root is a
nonnegative integral combination of simple roots.
• W “ W0 “ xWα | α P Sy.
θ “ π{2
θ “ 2π{3
θ “ 3π{4
θ “ 5π{6
Lecture 23 1 December 2015
slp2q ˆ slp2q
Lecture 23 1 December 2015
Type Diagram
An (n ě 1)
Bn pn ě 2q
Cn pn ě 3q
Dn pn ě 4q
The families A` , B` , C` , D` are the Lie algebras of classical type. The others,
E6 , E7 , E8 , F4 and G2 are exceptional type.
Lecture 23 1 December 2015
Now we classify the admissible diagrams, that is, the possible Coxeter
diagrams coming form valid Dynkin diagrams. This is done in the following
(3) No node has more than three edges coming into it.
Proof. Label the central node e1 , and suppose e2 , . . . , en are connected to it.
By (2), there are no loops, so none of e2 , . . . , en are connected to any other.
Hence tei | i “ 1, . . . , nu is orthonormal. By Gram-Schmidt, extend to an
orthonormal basis by adding some en`1 with
1 “ pe1 , e1 q “ pe1 , ei q2 .
i “2
i “2
and the result follows from the admissible values for pei , e j q.
(4) (Shrinking Lemma) In any admissible diagram, we can shrink any string
of the form ˝ ´ ˝ ´ ¨ ¨ ¨ ´ ˝ down to one node to get another admissible
Lecture 23 1 December 2015
And for each other ek in the diagram but not in the string that we are
shrinking, pe, ek q satisfies the desired conditions, since pe, ek q is either
pe1 , ek q in the case that ek is a neighbor of e1 or per , ek q in the case that ek is
a neighbor of er .
(5) Immediately, from (3) and (4), we now see that G2 is the only connected
Dynkin diagram with a triple bond. Moreover, we cannot have
We can also exclude
by (3).
(6) So there are a few other things that we have to rule out to complete the
classification, namely
Proof. To rule out (8), let v “ e1 ` 2e2 and w “ 3e3 ` 2e4 ` e5 . Then we
calculate that
pv, wq2 “ }v}2 }w}2 .
So if θ is the angle between v and w, then pcos θq2 “ 0, so v and w are
linearly dependent. This is a contradiction because the ei are supposed to
be linearly independent.
Lecture 23 1 December 2015