Cognitive Framework
Cognitive Framework
Cognitive Framework
To cite this article: Naveen Chandra, Jayanta Kumar Ghosh & Ashu Sharma (2018): A cognitive
framework for road detection from high-resolution satellite images, Geocarto International, DOI:
Article views: 8
1. Introduction
Road detection from the urban area using HRS images in an important field of research in computer
vision (Sirmacek and Unsalan 2011). In past, different types of methods namely; semantic model,
neural network-based method, optimal search-based method, knowledge-based method, road opera-
tor-based model and snake model are being developed for detecting road network from VHR satellite
images (Mirnalinee 2007). In spite of the simple shapes, roads are still difficult to detect when compared
to the buildings from satellite images (Sirmacek and Unsalan 2011). Due to the complex properties of
the roads, automated method for road detection still remains a challenging task (Mirnalinee 2007).
Due to the availability of various commercial HRS imaging sensors (Quick-bird and IKONOS), the
large amount of information is available for several remote sensing applications. It is necessary to
have the correct and updated information of the road network in the geographic information system
(GIS) databases for urban planning, transportation and navigation (Mirnalinee 2007). It has been
observed that extraction of roads from VHR imagery using a manual approach is a laborious and
time-consuming task and automated approaches have the capability to speed-up the process of road
detection, therefore, they are widely used (Mirnalinee 2007). Road network is generally made up of
different colour and there is a variation in the width of the roads. Thus, there is a need for advanced
approaches for detecting roads from HRS images (Sirmacek and Unsalan 2011). Various automated and
semi-automated algorithms have been developed for road network detection (Sirmacek and Unsalan
2011) from HRS images in which an assumption was made that the roads segment were labelled earlier
(Udomhunsakul 2004; Dell’Acqua et al. 2007; Ameri et al. 2008). In Yang and Wang (2007), a method
was developed to detect roads from HRS images in which they initially detected the road primitives
(homogeneous areas and straight lines) which were further integrated together to detect roads. The
limitation of this method was that it was unable to detect road network of the urban area and the
occluded road regions. In Ma et al. (2007) discontinuous road segments were linked together through
perceptual rules to detect roads from panchromatic enhanced thematic mapper (ETM) images. In
Gamba et al. (2007), built-up areas and the road network was detected in synthetic aperture radar
(SAR) images. They introduced a clustering-based method for detecting built-up regions and the
straight-line edges in which longitudinal gaps were assumed as road networks. In Rianto et al. (2000)
a method was proposed for detecting main roads from SPOT satellite images. They used Hough
transformation algorithm for road network detection in which the parallel and straight-line segments
were assumed as roads. However, their method was unable to detect complex and curvilinear roads
of the urban area. Further road-tracking approach which is performed on the basis of profiles taken
perpendicular to road axis can be found in Quam (1978). In Barzohar and Cooper (1996), stochastic
and geometric methods were combined together for road detection. Some research work which uses
mathematical morphology i.e. a method for processing the digital images using geometrical shapes
are images that are based on geometrical shape is given in Mena (2003). In Baumgartner et al. (2002),
a semi-automated method is presented for extraction of the road network and in Zhao et al. (2002), a
similar semi-automated approach is proposed for creating and updating roads in suburban and urban
regions using HRS images. The further nearest neighbour method was implemented in Chandra and
Ghosh (2016) for extracting roads from HRS images.
Few algorithms were developed which were able to detect roads and buildings. In Unsalan and
Boyer (2005) road networks, as well as the buildings, were detected from satellite images using clus-
tering, decomposition of binary images, vegetation indices and graph theory. In Akcay and Aksoy
(2008), unsupervised segmentation was used for detecting roads and built-up regions from HRS
images. A novel method was developed in Montesinos and Alquier (1996) where thin objects were
detected from noisy images. They used active contours for carrying out the perceptual grouping on
the segmented edges. To validate their approach, two types of images were used. Aerial images were
used to detect roads and medical images were used to detect blood vessels. In Sirmacek and Unsalan
(2010), a spatial voting-based model and an edge detection method were proposed for detecting roads
from panchromatic satellite images. A deep review on road network detection from satellite images
can be found in Baumgartner et al. (1997) and Wang et al. (2016). A comparative analysis of methods
for road detection is given in Table 1. Therefore, in this research work, cognition-based multi-stage
method is implemented to extract roads from HRS images using cognitive task analysis (CTA) (Clark
et al. 2008; Chandra and Ghosh 2017a, 2017b). The paper is described as follows: Part II contains the
methodology used for extracting roads; part III contains experimental results and discussion and part
IV presents the conclusion.
2. Methodology
In this research, CTA is merged with the process of road extraction from HRS images. It is an approach
which is mostly used in cognitive psychology for carrying out difficult tasks. CTA is divided into five
different phases. CTA generally describes the cognitive and psychological processes which an analyst
acquires while performing a complex task. CTA briefly illustrates all the cognitive parameter and the
input that are necessary for obtaining the output of the complex task. CTA is a method that is widely
used in the different decision-making process. Extraction of information using CTA is much easier as
it utilizes the thought process for carrying out a task. This method is mainly oriented towards analysis
and understanding of the task that uses the cognitive processes such as memory, problem-solving and
decision-making. In general, CTA method represents and analyses all the cognitive parameters which
Table 1. A comparative analysis of road detection methods (Boyer 2011; Das et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2016).
are taken as input by various users for carrying out a particular task. A cognitive framework of the
proposed method is given in Figure 1.
Creating Training
Knowledge Representation
Data Set
Kernel Penalty
Detected Road Segments Ground Truth
Type Parameter
Verification and Analysis
of Results
Qualitative & Quantitative
SVM classifies the input data in two classes i.e. roads and others. Support vector machine is a classifi-
cation method which was developed at AT&T BELL Laboratory (Burges 1998). It concentrates on
determining the balanced relation between the amount of accuracy obtained on training data-set and
the capability of the system. It is widely used in different application such as face recognition, object
detection, handwriting and text recognition (Blanz et al. 1996). It is noticed that SVM performs better
than other traditional algorithms such as neural networks (Cortes and Vapnik 1995). SVM basically
divided the classes by a hyperplane surface to determine the boundary between them. If H represent
the line of classification and H1 and H2 denotes the line passing through sample of each classification
which are nearer to H then distance between H1 and H2 is known as separating margin. In feature
space, Rd SVM decision function is given by:
f (x) = sign(𝜔 ⋅ 𝜑(x) + b) (1)
where f (x) represents the discriminate function, b represents the threshold value and ω represents the
weighted vector. The optimal hyperplane is a combination of two parameters: (a) margin maximization;
(b) error minimization is given by:
1 �
Ψ(𝜔, 𝜉) = ‖𝜔‖2 + C 𝜉i (2)
2 i=1
( ( ) )
yi 𝜔 ⋅ 𝜙 xi + b ≥ 1 − 𝜉i (3)
In this study, radial bias function is used which performs better than polynomial and linear kernel
function. In SVM, three parameters are used. Firstly, the gamma in kernel function is set to 0.333.
Gamma represents the overall spread of the data points for defining a decision region. If the value of
gamma will be low, the obtained spread/curve of the decision boundaries will also be low. However, if
the value of gamma will be high, the curve obtained will also be high. The support vector is unable to
determine the shape of the data points if the value of gamma is set very low. Secondly, penalty param-
eter is set to 120. Penalty parameter is used to avoid the misclassification of each training sample. It
controls the training error. If the value of penalty parameter is low, the produced decision surface will
be smooth. Thirdly, the threshold for classification probability is defined as 0.05. It has been found
that various types of parameters such as the availability of different objects like buildings, vegetation
and water bodies in the satellite image should be analysed for determining the proper threshold value
(Singh and Garg 2013).
Later, all these parameters are used for detecting roads from satellite images. SVM is a robust
machine learning algorithm and not widely used in remote sensing domain. The key advantage of
SVM is that it produces better results with less number of training samples with minimum chances of
overfitting compared to other machine learning algorithms. SVM delivers an effective out-of-sample
generalization, with respect to the appropriate selection of the defined parameters (kernel function
and penalty parameter) i.e. by selecting a proper generalization grade; SVMs can prove to be robust,
even if the selected training sample has some bias. This is also the key advantage of SVM over neural
networks, which have multiple solutions associated with local minima and for this reason may not
be robust over various samples.
(True positive)
Precision = ( ) (7)
True positive + False positive
(True positive)
Recall = ( ) (8)
True positive + False Negative
(2 * Precision * Recall)
f-score = (9)
(Precision + Recall)
Figure 2. Detected roads from developed suburban region: (a) test images (b) results of PCI Geomatics: http://www.pcigeomatics.
com (c) results of Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) (d) results of proposed method and (e) corresponding ground truth images.
Figure 3. Detected roads from developed urban region: (a) test images (b) results of PCI Geomatics:
(c) results of Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) (d) results of proposed method and (e) corresponding ground truth images.
Various smaller road segments are originating from the main road segment. Road segments present
in the second input image are extracted and some of the false pixels of houses are detected as road
network because of the high density of the residential buildings. Further, it is seen that third input
image includes the interconnected road network of different width. Third input image also includes the
highly dense residential buildings of different shape and size. The road segments of the entire image
are extracted with some other objects. Few pixels of the road segment at the right bottom of the input
image are not detected as shown in the output image. Fourth input image consists of road networks as
Figure 4. Detected roads from emerging suburban region: (a) test images (b) results of PCI Geomatics:
(c) results of Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) (d) results of proposed method and (e) corresponding ground truth images.
well as the other object such houses of different shape and size. Based on the visual representation, it
can be interpreted that the road network is made up of concrete material. Thus, it is easy to extract the
complete road network without including a large number of false pixels of non-roads. The qualitative
results of developed suburban region are shown in Figure 2.
On visual examination of the results of the developed urban region, it is seen that first input image
includes the interconnected road network of different width. It also includes the highly dense residential
buildings of different shape and size. The road segments of the entire image are extracted with some
other objects. Few pixels of the road segment at the right bottom of the input image are not detected
as shown in the output image. Second input image includes the residential buildings, vegetation and
connected road network. The width of the entire road network is same. All the pixels of the road
network are extracted and some false pixels of non-roads are included in the output image. In third
input image, the width of the road network is similar and they are clearly separated. It also includes
the few residential houses, which are of the same size and shape. It is observed that the each segment
in the input image is clearly extracted. Third input image includes the two major road segments, which
cross each other. The several smaller road segments originate from one of the major road segment. The
width of the one major road segment is large compared to the other. The output of the fourth image
represents that almost all the pixels of the road network is detected and only a few false pixels of the
other object is extracted. Each of the road segments is extracted by the proposed methodology. The
qualitative results of developed urban region are shown in Figure 3.
Further, the first input image of emerging suburban region consists of only few road segments. The
smaller road segments originate from the major road segment, which is in the middle of the image.
The smaller road segment is almost similar in size however the major road segment is wider is size.
The image performs well for the proposed methodology because the entire road network is extracted
properly and only a few false pixels of non-roads are included in the output image. The second image
includes a major road segment, which lies in the middle of the test image. Four smaller road segments
originate from the major road segment. The output image represents the detected road network in
which each segment is extracted properly and some false pixels of non-roads are detected. Third input
image contains an interconnected network of few road segments. It also includes few buildings, which
are located on the either side of the road network. It is seen that two road segment which intersects
each other is detected clearly by the proposed methodology, however, the other remaining segments
are not extracted completely. In fourth input image, each of the road segments is connected to the
other but only one road segment at the bottom is not connected to either of the road segment. Various
types of houses are located on the either sides of the road network. The proposed methodology is
able to extract the entire road network as seen in the output image. It is noted that the smaller road
segment present in the input image are also extracted clearly which improves the performance of the
proposed methodology. The qualitative results of emerging suburban region are shown in Figure 4.
A first input image of emerging urban region includes a complex pattern of the road network. The
road segments are of different shapes i.e. linear, circular and rectangular, however, the entire road
network is connected to each other. It is a difficult task to extract the roads of different shapes even
though the proposed methodology is able to extract the maximum number of road segments. In second
input image, the different shapes of roads are observed. There exists circular, linear and curved shape
of road segment which is difficult to extract. The proposed methodology is able to extract a maximum
number of pixels of different road segments.
The third image includes dense residential region along with various other objects. It consists of an
interconnected pattern of the road network which a number of intersection points. The width of all
of the road segments is similar except the two major road segments, which intersect each other at the
middle of the test image. Maximum numbers of true pixels of the road are extracted along with some
false pixels by the proposed methodology. Finally, the fourth image consists of different types of objects
such as building, roads, trees. The shape and size of objects differ from each other. The two major road
segments intersect each other. The output image includes each of the extracted road segment and only
a few patches of other objects. The qualitative results of emerging urban region are shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5. Detected roads from emerging urban region: (a) test images (b) results of PCI Geomatics:
(c) results of Aksoy et al. (2012) (d) results of proposed method and (e) corresponding ground truth images.
(2007) is 60.42% and, respectively, while the f-score produced by the implemented knowledge elic-
itation method is 71.65%. For the second image f-score produced in PCI Geomatics: http://www. is 49.0%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is 53.56%, respectively, however, the f-score
produced by SVM is 59.25%. For the third input image, the f-score produced in PCI Geomatics: http:// is 62.32%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is 64.12%, respectively, whereas the
f-score produced by implemented knowledge elicitation method is 71.59%. For the fourth image, the
f-score produced in PCI Geomatics: is 59.76%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej
F-Score 50
1 2 3 4
Test Images
Results of [37] Results of [38] Results of proposed methodology
Figure 6. Comparative results of the f-score of the images of the developed suburban region.
1 2 3 4
Test Images
Results of [37] Results of [38] Results of proposed methodology
Figure 7. Comparative results of the f-score of the images of the developed urban region.
(2007) is 53.21%, respectively. The f-score produced by the proposed method is 80.21%. The visual
representations of the output of different existing methods are shown in Figure 2, however, the overall
f-score of all the methods are shown in Figure 6.
Second, the output images of the developed urban area are also compared with the existing meth-
ods. For the first input image, the f-score produced in PCI Geomatics:
is 51.68%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is 45.2%, however, f-score produced by classification-based
knowledge elicitation method is computed as 67.01%. The f-score produced by the second input
image in PCI Geomatics: is 27.72%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is
26.39% and 40.67% by the proposed method. Further, the f-score produced by the third image in PCI
Geomatics: is 33.27%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is 32.55%. The
f-score computed by SVM is 35.17%. Lastly, f-score of the fourth input image of the developed urban
region is produced as 47.95% in PCI Geomatics:, 61.0% in Mokhtarzade
and Zoej (2007) and 61.24% by the proposed methodology. The output images of the developed urban
region of existing methods are given in Figure 3 and the comparative results of f-score are shown in
Figure 7.
Third, the output images of emerging suburban area are also compared with the results of methods
proposed in PCI Geomatics: and Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007). The
f-score produced in PCI Geomatics: is 20.99%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej
(2007) is 38.94% for the first input image while the f-score produced by the proposed method is 83.59%.
F-Score 50
1 2 3 4
Test Images
Results of [37] Results of [38] Results of proposed methodology
Figure 8. Comparative results of the f-score of the images of emerging suburban region.
1 2 3 4
Test Images
Results of [37] Results of [38] Results of proposed methodology
Figure 9. Comparative results of the f-score of the images of emerging urban region.
For the second input image, the f-score produced in PCI Geomatics:
and Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is 50.33% and 35.01%, respectively, however, the f-score produced
by SVM is 62.10%. The third image produced the f-score of 40.17% in PCI Geomatics: http://www., 15.34% in Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007), whereas the f-score produced by proposed
methodology is computed as 72.21%. Finally, f-score of the fourth input image in PCI Geomatics: is 34.18%, in Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is 14.63% while the f-score
of the proposed method is 69.15%. Figure 4 provides the output of proposed method along with the
results of the existing methods, whereas in Figure 8 the comparative results of the f-score are given.
The f-score computed for first input image of emerging urban region in PCI Geomatics: http://www. is 67.83%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is 65.82% while the f-score obtained by
SVM is 73.44%. For second input image, the f-score produced in PCI Geomatics: http://www.pcige- is 74.91%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is 57.77%, however, the f-score produced by
the proposed method is 76.19%. Third input image produced the f-score produced in PCI Geomatics: is 20.6%, Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007) is 59.93% while, the f-score
produced by SVM is 65.05%. Lastly, the f-score of the fourth image is computed as 73.72% which is
greater than the results of the previous methods PCI Geomatics: and
Mokhtarzade and Zoej (2007). The results of the detected road network of emerging urban region are
given in Figure 5 and the comparative results of the f-score are shown in Figure 9. The quantitative
results of the proposed methodology are given in Table 2.
Table 2. Quantitative results of the detected roads: DS (developed suburban), DU (developed urban), ES (emerging suburban), EU
(emerging urban), P (precision), R (recall) and F (f-score).
Test image P (%) R (%) F (%) P (%) R (%) F (%) P (%) R (%) F (%) P (%) R (%) F (%)
1 62.82 83.37 71.65 66.02 68.03 67.01 80.49 86.93 83.59 70.80 76.29 73.44
2 55.28 63.83 59.25 41.04 40.31 40.67 82.69 49.72 62.10 72.60 80.15 76.19
3 69.56 73.73 71.59 29.53 43.49 35.17 72.94 71.49 72.21 67.41 62.85 65.05
4 74.98 86.22 80.21 77.65 61.24 68.47 68.85 69.46 69.15 72.93 74.52 73.72
Figure 10. Comparative results (a) results of the test image of developed suburban region (b) results of the PSVM proposed in
Mirnalinee et al. (2011).
Further, the results of the proposed method are also compared qualitatively and quantitatively
with the results produced in Mirnalinee et al. (2011). Firstly, on visual examination of the result of the
developed suburban region (shown in Figure 10), it is interpreted that output image obtained using
SVM includes all the segments of the roads (along with some false pixels) which are also included in
the results of the probabilistic support vector machines (PSVM). Both the algorithms are able to detect
the major segments of the road network. The method proposed in Mirnalinee et al. (2011) achieved
the higher accuracy particularly for the images of developed region where the roads are very wide.
Secondly, on the basis of quantitative comparison, it is observed that the accuracy obtained for the
three images of developed suburban and one image of developed urban and emerging urban region is
higher than the results of the proposed method. This is due to the fact that in Mirnalinee et al. (2011),
author initially used the PSVM and dominant singular measure (DSM) which were later integrated
within neural network which produced the better results, whereas in our study only SVM is used for
detecting road network. However, it is found that this integration couldn’t produce the satisfactory
output due to the variation in the shape and the material of the road.
The qualitative and quantitative results of the proposed method have been given in detail for each
test image of different region in order to represent the performance of the proposed cognitive method
with the previous research. On the basis quantitative analysis, it is observed that the results of the
proposed method for each test image were better than the previous results which proved the viability
of the method.
On the basis of comparative analysis, it is found that the accuracy of the proposed method is higher
than the existing methods for each image of all regions which prove the novelty of the proposed
method. Therefore, on the basis of quantitative and qualitative findings, it is stated that this cognitive
method for extraction of road network from HRS images delivers the encouraging results.
4. Conclusion
In this research, a cognitive and automated method for road network extraction has been implemented
by integrating it with a cognitive task analysis. CTA is a major contribution in psychology and is a
current topic of research which can be used in different domains. The briefly described and illustrated
results of the CTA are directly related to the overall performance of the person performing the task.
CTA is capable of delivering the relevant information which is obtained from the cognitive process
which is acquired by human beings. The results of the experiment on satellite images demonstrate that
this is an effective cognitive method for road network extraction from the suburban area. There are
some limitations such as boundaries of the road network are not clearly separated. Thus, for a future
scope, this method needs to be improved further so that a clear separation between the boundaries of
the road segment can be obtained. Lastly, on the basis of results, it can be concluded that this cognitive
method is able to extract the junctions and all the segments of the road network.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the authors.
Naveen Chandra
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