Phantom of The Northern Marches (ENG)
Phantom of The Northern Marches (ENG)
Phantom of The Northern Marches (ENG)
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C1986 IDLKIEN ENTERPRISES, a division of ELAN MERCHAN· Produced and distributed by IRON CROWN ENTERPRISES, Inc.,
DISING, Inc., Berkeley, CA. Phantom of the Northern Marches. The P.O. Box 1605, Charlottesville, VA 22905. Stock # 8102.
Hobbit, and The Lord of the Rings, and all characters and places
therein, are trademark properties of IDLKIEN ENTERPRISES. ISBN 0·915795-47·7
2 Guidelines
1.2 ADAPTING THE MODULE TO YOUR GAME Skill Bonuses: NA, SL, RL, CH = Maneuver and Movement in No
Armor, Soft Leather, Rigid Leather, and Chain; I HE DB, I HC DB,
Like the rest of the series, this module is designed for use with the
Mlddle-earth Role Playing game (MERP) or the more advanced 2H DB, Thrown DB, Missile DB, Pole-arms DB = Offensive
Rolemaster (RM) system, but is adaptable to most other major FRP Bonuses for I-H Edged, I-H Concussion, 2-Handed, Thrown,
games. Statistics are expressed on a closed or open-ended scale, using Missile, and Pole-arms; Dir. Spell = Directed SpeUs; Second. Skill
a 1-100 base and percentile dice (Dloo) . No other dice are required. = Secondary Skills.
Secondary Skills: Each secondary skill is abbreviated by giving the
beginning letters of the skill (seeMERPSection 2.33). The bonus for
Bonuses: When converting percentile values to a 1-20 system a that skill is given following the abbreviation.
simple rule is: for every + 5 on a Dloo scale you get a + I on a D20.
Languages: Languages are abbreviated by using their first three let-
Hits: The concussion hit numbers found in this module only ters (see MERP, ST-I, p. 19); exceptions: BS=Black Speech and
represent general pain and system shock. They cover bruises and
Bet = Silvan (Bethteur). The rank for each language is given follow-
small cuts rather than wounds. Critical strike damage is used to ing the abbreviation .
describe serious wounds and fatal blows. The hit figures shown here
are less important than those used in game systems where death oc- Spell Lists: Spell lists are abbreviated by using the first few letters in a result of exceeding one's available hits. Should you use a each word of the spell list name; for example, "Snd/Lt W." refers to
game system that employs no specific critical strike results (e.g., TSR the "Sound/Light Ways" spell list .
Inc.'s Dungeons and Dragons~, simply double the number of hits
your characters take or halve the hit values found in this module.
NAME PC1 Pel I'C3 PeA PO fa Pet I'CII PC1t PC12 fCU JICN ~
Race: Lsr.DUna. Dwarf Nonhman Nonhman Hobbit Hillman Nonhman Umli Lsr.DUne. Hillman Nonhrnan Sily .Elf Lsr.Dune. Nonhman Dunlend . Sinda Easter!. DUnadan ~
Ht.lWt : 6'4"1212 4'9" / 144 6'0"/ 160 5'11"/133 3'7"/ 93 5'10"/163 6'0"/163 4'8"/ 141 6'2"/ 190 5'5"/122 5'10"/ 149 5'11"/102 6'5"/230 5'9"/ 147 5'11"/ 170 6'4"/139 5'5"/ 84 6'4"/186 !ll
Hair: black red II. brown blond fair dk.brown sandy red black dk .brown blond tawny dk.brown blond ginger fair dk .brown white
It. blue
3 ,
!aut .....
dk.brown blue-arey pale blue
dk.brown dk .brown
arey-blue black-gold turquoise
No(3O) •
No(5) "N
YlS Y2S Y2S YlS N Y2S N Y35 apeII25 N YlS N YlS N N N N
o o 0 o o 10 2 3 10(+2) 1(+2) 6 IS( +2) 2(+ I) 3(+2) 10 2( + I) 6(+2) 20
o 0_ _ 0 o o .It o o o 7 6_ 12 5 _2 6 10
STrength : 90 95 100 41 75 46 90 94 98 83 98 51 90 91 80 88 24 90
AGility: 98 88 91 96 90 92 82 96 64 90 76 96 51 100 82 92 83 45
COnstitution: 36 80 81 31 33 50 90 90 90 52 35 76 34 35 75 71 SS 44
IntelliGence: 53 23 81 90 76 90 62 41 89 71 55 53 96 82 76 95 96 95
InTuition : 62 91 54 33 91 47 99 75 95 90 91 101 45 71 40 86 84 72
PResence: 31 63 58 87 86 63 50 54 63 65 85 90 97 90 98 70 68 73
APpearance : 23 78 38 95 43 06 81 39 47 19 37 87 59 57 III 58 48 96
NA Mov M: lS 10 20 lS 3S 20 10 20 5 20 15 35 5 35 20 25 10 10
SL Mov M: II II X x lS o x IS x 10 x x x x x x x x
RL Moy M: -5 X X -10 x 5 x o x x -10 x x 5 x x x x
Cb Moy M: -5 10 20 x x x -10 x IS 2 x x x x x x x x
IHEOB : 48bs 39da 100bs 21ha 3ss 60sc 32da 26da 55da 20da 60bs IOda 46bs 43bs x IOda 5da 30da
IHCOB: x 79wh 25ms x x 4Oc1 x 51ma x x x x x x 20ma x x x
2H OB : 28th 39fl 75th x x x x 39qs 75th x x x 31th x x x x 20qs
Thrown OB: x 34wh 5da 21sp 63da 50el x 41da x 15da x 30da x x 60sp x IOda x
Missile OB: 33hcb x 75cp 46cp 53sb 25s1 17cp x 451b 30s1 25cp 651b JIIcb 48cp 15sb 30lb 25cp 51cb
Polearm OB: 23sp x ~p lisp x 20sp 37hb x 4Om1 15sp 30s1? x 26sp 23sp 65sp x I ~p 20sp
Climb: 26 23 20 21 63 40 13 44 x 16 18 65 x 53 70 31 16 10
Ride: 6 x 35 21 x 10 43 x 60 16 33 70 6 38 10 16 51 35
Swim: 26 x 30 21 x 20 x -4 20 21 13 45 6 3 20 31 16 10
Track: 16 J3 35 21 13 40 23 39 70 x x x 26 x 35 31 46 40
Ambush: x x x 5 5 20 x x x x x x x x x x x x
Stalk/Hide: 10 5 25 22 51 40 12 26 45 10 25 60 31 33 60 25 II x
Pick Lock: x o x 17 41 lS x x x x x x 21 x x x II x
Disarm Trap: x 40 x 7 26 35 x x x x x 45 x x x x X x
Read Rune: x x x x x x x x x 8 20 26 18 x 27 41 55
Use Item : x x x x x x x 20 16 28 65 6 13 x 22 31 40
Dir.Spell: x x x x x 45 x x 5 17 21 50 6 48 60 33 34 65
Perception: 15 35 30 13 49 45 22 31 50 16 48 80 6 23 35 30 41 25
2ndary Skill: Mining45 Rowin,&O F1etch4O Trick40 F(lra,e45 RopesSS Herbal35 P .S.30 GambleS5 Sing45 PipesSS P.S .65 Maps40 StarG35 MeditSS
2ndary Skill: CaryeSO Sinal5 TricksSO
Language: Wes 5 Khu 5 Wes 5 Wes 5 Kud 5 Blarm 5 Wes 5 Umi 5 Wes 5 Blarm 5 Wes 5 Bet 5 Wes 5 Wes 5 Dun 5 Sin 5 Log 5 Adii 5
Language: Adii 3 Wes 5 Dun 2 Dun 3 Wes 5 Wes 4 Dun 2 Wes 5 Adii 3 Wes 4 Dun 3 Sin 5 Adii 5 Dun 4 Wes 5 Wes 5 Wes 4 Sin 5
Langauge: Sin 3 Sin 3 Ork 2 Sin 2 Adii 3 Blarm 2 Lab 2 Sin 3 Blarm 2 Wes 4 Sin 5 Adii 4 Nah 4 Que 5 B.S 3 Wes 5
Langauge: Ork 2 Umi 2 Troll I Roh 3 Que 3 Dun 3 Puk 3 Sin 4 Adii 4 Que 3
Langauge: Dun 2 Adii 2 Que 2 Atl3 Ork I Bet 3 Log 4 Bet 4
Language: Que I Nah 2 Ore 4 Wai 2
Spell List: Ess.Hand Path M. Nat.G. Sp.Def. Surf.W. Bone W . Surf.W . Phys .Enh . Conl.S. Lore Wind Law Light L. Ice Law
Spell List: Unbar. W Det.M . Path M . Calm S. Blood W . Calm S. Ess.Perc. Spirit M. Lofty Br. Eanh L. Spell W.
Spell List: Dir.Ch. S/L Ways Ess.Ways. Illusion Illusion Lofty Br.
Spell List: Surf.W. Anim.M. Cont.S. Lofty Br. Liaht L.
Spell List : Purif. Ess.Perc.
Spell List: Dir.Ch. Liy.Chanae
3.0 THE PHANTOM OF THE Hannei set about learning the meaning of the Ogam stones, slow-
ly deciphering them from her hours shared with the Mhaigh. At the
WOODS same time, she grew in survival experience and even tamed a pair
of wild cat kittens who became her pets. Her hatred of the Northman
The land known as the Northern Marches lies in northernmost town she grew up in, and Wit bert its priest, festered and she ever
Arnor (now simply Eriador), roughly incorporating the upper sought some way of wreaking a terrible revenge upon them . Not
reaches of Arthedain and Rhudaur. Taken together, this wild, wind- knowing the full extent of the protection extended by the magic of
swept region of cool plains and down-hills covers almost a third of Gerse, a greater ghost who yet guarded the town, she believed that
the territory once claimed by the North-kingdom. Arthedain's North she could actually accomplish this futile gesture.
March covers all the land north of Lake Evendim (S. "Nenuial") and At the time the characters join the story, Hannei has secretly moved
the central North Downs (S. "Tyrn Formen"), while the North March to the northerly Drebiwyd and has built a tree-house of simple con-
of Rhudaur encompasses the area south of Angmar and above of the struction in the shadow of Pen-Drebi. She now plans to use a set
River Hoarwell (S. "Mitheithel"). of Ogam stones to obtain her revenge, as she can use them to cast
The town of Nothva Rhaglaw sits on the southern edge of a spell over the earth. These she has been decorating with pigments
Rhudaur's North March. This rather large and charming village and etchings in imitation of the Ogam stones. When her prepara-
serves as the focal point of activity in the eastern half of the Northern tions are complete, she will sacrifice two creatures over the rocks and
Marches. Set in the valley of the River Rhaglaw, it is the starting point recite the Ogam incantation. She thinks this ritual will cause the rocks
for the adventure called The Phantom of the Woods, and is a prin- to tear themselves out of the ground and go pounding off to destroy
cipal setting in both of the subsequent scenarios. the village and homesteads. (However, the magical protection
The players are now invited to meet the doughty townsfolk of emanating from Gersebroc means that she will be unable to do signifi-
Nothva Rhaglaw and help them thwart an evil plan to bring doom cant harm, even if the characters do not stop her.)
upon the region. Using magic, Hannei has remained mostly undiscovered in her ex-
ploits so far. No one saw who charmed the shepherds she abducted
3.1 THE TALE OF THE PHANTOM as they tended their sheep, and as there were no signs of a struggle
OF THE WOODS the townsfolk have been scratching their heads a lot. A hunter named
This tale begins, oddly enough, in the mind of a young woman Beroth was found killed, slain by Hannei after discovering the marked
named Hannei. She was the daughter of a poor farmer of Nothva rocks on Pen-Drebi, but she let him get a long way from the rocks
Rhaglaw who worked the land to the east of the town. Her folk were and her tree-house home before dealing with him. Another trapper
good, honest people, but homely and not ones for seeking outside named Aski saw Hannei's sorcerous light one night and, believing
their immediate needs. Even as a child, Hannei was too bright and it to be that of a ghost, fled back to Nothva Rhaglaw to spill his
her mind too quick to be constrained by such a simple life. When tale in the Limpid Pool, the town's only inn.
it reached out, questing for answers, she felt the power of Darkness. This tale wi\l be repeated to any travellers stopping in Nothva
Thus, Hannei went to Witbert, an Animist and Cleric whom she knew Rhaglaw, possibly in many different versions. Locals may attribute
was trained in the ways of magic. the loss of the herders (Ceola and Buacail) and Beroth's death to
A Northman himself, Witbert was devoted to the memory of an- the "thing" with the light in the Drebiwyd. Some say it is a sending
cient heroes and kings from whom the Northmen were descended, from Angmar, a demon of evil powers come to slay them all in their
and from his dedication he drew power. He instructed Hannei in all beds, or catch them unawares at night. Others think it is an evil wight,
manner of rituals for worshipping, in the histories of the Northmen an undead creature risen from a troubled grave, perhaps wakened
and in the restrained use of power granted a select few by serving by the Witch-king or some other necromancer. Still others hold that
the ancestors. As an assistant, Hannei was keen and dutiful, but the perhaps there is nothing in it at all, and that accidents claimed the
slowness of her teacher irked her, and she wanted more powerful hunter's life. Perhaps the light in the wood was just a natural
knowledge, sooner. Hannei took to wandering off alone for long woodland spirit - after all, they say, wouldn't the Sleeping King in
periods, neglecting Witbert who had come to rely on her to a large the Tateshalla protect them from any evil or agent of Angmar?
extent, and then returning to urge him to reveal more teachings. Whatever the truth of the matter, few locals are keen to
Witbert grew suspicious of her journeys and doubted her devotion investigate....
to Gerse and the other heroes he revered.
On her travels, Hannei often went north, sensing the evil power
and domination of the Witch-king of Angmar. It was, however, on
a trip southeast into Rhudaur that she encountered Faelum, a Mhaigh
(Du. "Sorcerer") of the Dunmen. He taught her darker arts and for
her friendship and allegiance to him she was eventually rewarded with
a talisman, its provenance unknown.
Witbert discovered this talisman months later and sensed its evil
power. He challenged Hannei to renounce the Dark Lord, and when
she haughtily refused, he banished her from Gersebroc and Nothva
Rhaglaw. Declared an outlaw and with few, if any, friends remain-
ing, she departed immediately. But when she returned to Rhudaur, 3.2 THE NPCs
she discovered that Faelum had died. Hannei was left with no one Rhudaur's people are a mixed lot collectively called Eriadorans.
w turn to. She lived a solitary life in the wild, hunting and trappil)g, Most can be characterized as "Rural Men" of Dunlending, North-
sleeping in Faelum's secluded cave, until one day she discovered his man, and Dunadan ancestry. Those of the Northern Marches, how-
secret horde of Ogam stones. These stone's were inscribed with ever, are often of purer stock, with the Eriadoran Northmen pre-
writings in runes known only to the Dunmen and contained instruc- dominate. The following folk provide an interesting selection.
tions for various evil magic rituals.
Phantom/The NPC's 5
CMII:1beItatilticaJivendelcribeClChNPC; a more deIailcd description of some ofthe more important NPC'scan be obtained from the main text. Someofthec:odesare
""-apllulory: LYI(Ievel), ..... 1III (ShIeld), and Me. M (Movement and Maneuver bonus). The more complellltatiltica are dacribed below. A puentbCtic:al reference
IBdicaIeI tbat the NPC posacues an equivalent devk:e or speD.
AT (Armor Type): The two letter code gives the creature's MERP armor type (No = No Armor, SL = Soft Leather, RL = Rigid Leather, Ch = Chain, PI = Plate); the -
number is the equivalent Rokrruuter armor t~ .
. . (DefeMhe _ _): Note defensive bonuses include stats and shield. Shield references include quality bonus(e.,. "YS" means "yes, • +' sbield").
Gr (Grayes): "A" and "L" are used to indicate arm and leg greaves respectively.
1- -
OWl (0IIIIIIhe ~): Weapon abbreviations follow ODs: fa-falchion, sa-short sword, bs-bro.dlword, 1C-lCimitar, th-two band IWord, rna-mace,
"'-band ... wII-war~, ba-bMtIe axe, WID- war mattock. cI-club, qs-quartcr staff, da-daaer,lP-spear, ml-mounted lance,ja-javeliD, pa-pole
8m, 1l-1liDa. c:p-c:ompoIite bow, sb-Ibort or horse bow,lb-Jona boW.1cb- liaht c:rou bow, bcb-heavy c:rouhow, bo-boIa, wp-wbip, ta-throwiDa liar,
hb-1IaIIIInI, ro-Rock (Laqe Crush). AnlmaI and unarmed attacks are abbreviated IIIina code: from The Master Beut Chart. Combatanta untrained in. type of
. . . . . . , (e.... Orca UDtraiDed in missile combat) luffer a penalty of -25 when attal:kina. Melee and missile offensive bonuses include the bonus for the combatant's bat
wwpoa In tbat c:ateaorY.
6 Phantom/The NPC's
Thenesleag (Eriadoran: "Thegn's Pride") was born on the day
Walvoric became Thegn at the invitation of the Mot, 21 years ago.
He hopes one day to become Thegn too, but although he has his
father's fair tongue and the kind of spirit others respect, he can rarely
put substance behind his wDrds. It is unlikely that one such as
Thenesleag could effectively govern without someone very close and
wise to advise him. Whilst Walvoric has a variety of friends and his
wife Althora, Thenesleag IS currently still obsessed with his own
fighting prowess and has warrior comrades but few other close friends
and no other interests - a number of amorous conquests aside.
Thenesleag also tends to get rather fixed ideas which he retains,
and can easily be led once he starts seeking something. To divert him
from a chosen course is much more difficult. He will not recognise
any lack of intellect in himself, and becomes enraged if it is sug-
gested that he is wrong, or if someone picks an agrument with him.
They are likely to end up arguing with his sword. He too wields a
broc or a broadsword and shield, and if Walvoric dies will inherit
the Carelsbroc.
Notable Skills: Stalk/ Hide 35, Perception 25, Leadership & In-
fluence 10. Languages: Westron 5, Adiinaic 4, Atliduk 2.
at keeping the towers, living and sleeping in them for two weeks a year. Four The houses vary considerably in size. The smallest are perhaps 20' x 40'
to six men man each tower at any time. The northern gatehouse also has ac- and serve as home for a family of 6-8. Larger houses are up to 70' square
cess onto the wall walks so that guards can man defensive positions on the and can accommodate an entire "extended family" of 6-8 couples, all their
battlements. The gatehouse beside the ford a lso stores two rowing boats. children and assorted old folk . Sons tend to stay living at home with their
father's family even after marriage, and follow the same (or a similar) oc-
2. Town Walls_ The town walls are 15' high and have crenellations. The wall s cupation . The lower floor workshops are therefore often lively places with
are about 5' thick and built of mortared stone blocks. About every 100' or 6 or more men and women working at potters' wheels, forges, tanning racks
so there is a supporting stone buttress. Projecting wooden wall walks run or whatever.
along the tops of the walls. Those of the north wall are accessed from the Some houses have small kitchen gardens surrounded by low stone walls.
Gatehouses. Those of the south wall are reached by a stair in the Levy Train- Here herbs are cultivated and special plants grown. Houses may also have
ing House. other special features, such as dovecotes (or other bird-harbors), hives or vines.
3. Watchtower. The watchtower was built in the first alarm at the corruption 7. Cottages. Less wealthy (and poor) folk live in these much simpler dwel-
of Rhudaur and the growth of Angmar. It is now disused. The tower is of lings beside the river. Wholly timber {although some have stone foundations},
st urdy stone construction, having four stories and a lookout post at the top the cottages are made from a frame to which boards are nailed, then plaster
45' above the ground. The tower itself sits on a small rise beside the river. daub put over the boards seals them. The whole is topped with a thick thatch.
Each of the bare circular floors is now empty apart from dirt and litter that Each has only one floor, divided into a number of rooms used communally:
has blown in and a few birds' nests. A spiral stair runs up the center. e.g., a sleeping room, a kitchen, a living room and a store. These cottages
are 30~50' long, about 15~20' wide, and often overcrowded . Families living
4. The Mothalla. The Mothalla is a huge building 140' long and 70' wide. in them are typically herders, farm workers, servants, poor hunters and trap-
Il is built something like a mediaeval church with three long chambers side pers and other unskilled or non-land-owning occupations. The herders' cot-
by side. The central section (30' wide) rises to about 25' in height, the side tages are generally the largest and best kept of the lot.
chambers to 20'. It is built with stone pillars supporting a timber frame roof. Two of the herding families have painted their doors white, a local sign
The outer walls are whole tree trunks cut to size and set vertically, plastered of mourning which signifies the loss or death of a loved one. These are the
on the inside. There are no interior walls, the building being essentially one homes of Ceola and Buacail, the missing shepherds.
large room divided into three by two rows of pillars. The Mothalla was built
on traditional Northman lines by the Dunedain and is thus extremely sturdy. 8. Thegn's House. This town house is even more lavishly decorated than many
A stone foundation makes the floors firm and level despite being built on of the others, and is the residence of Thegn Walvoric and his wife Althora.
a slope. He has a large family: two grandmothers, three brothers with their sisters-in-
There are no windows, but 3 doors open onto the town side (west end). law, his youngest sister, his ten nephews and nieces and his own five children,
These are all about 7' off the ground and have to be accessed by flanking the oldest of whom is Thenesleag, now 21. Althora runs a dairy in the lower
stone steps. The end of the hall thus forms a natural balcony from which floor with help from her sisters-in-law, making cheese, butter, cream and sweet
the Thegn can address the townsfolk assembled on the Green. There is also fermented cheesecakes, a local delicacy. Walvoric's brothers are carpenters
a double-door at the east end of the hall, but this is rarely used - the main and their workshop is adjacent to the dairy. His sister Volniiw tends the herb
occasion being the annual horse race which starts inside the hall in May. garden.
Inside, the Mothalla is hung with tapestries and drapes to keep out the
co ld. There are small firepits for warmth in the smaller, side chambers and 9. The Limpid Pool. Nothva Rhaglaw's only inn offers good local beer, sup-
two large ones for cooking in the central section. Overhead, holes in the roof plies of rare trade goods such as pipeweed and wine and splendidly comfor-
open amid the smoky rafters. The side chambers are roofed with wooden table accommodation at very reasonable prices. The front of the ground floor
shingles, the center is thatched, the thatching replaced every three years to is a snug barroom, the rear a kitchen and brewery. The Pool's specialty is
keep it in the t:Jest possible condition. Around the side chambers are many a distilled liquor known as corso/an, which is delicately flavoured with heathers
simp le wooden benches and a few tables. In the center there is also a special and sweet berries. It is very potent, but only rarely gives a hangover. The inn
dark oak table and 12 stools for the Witanmot,or town officials. The Thegn is run by Gadhordag and his wife Helda. Her brother was Beroth, the hunter
has a large chair carved and decorated with inlaid wood. killed by Hannei, and she will be keen to persuade characters to take a hand
in the matter.
S. Levy Training House. This building is of all stone construction with a slate
roof. It has but one story and consists of a large room with a number of 10. Farm. There are many farms outside the town in the vales to the north
storerooms off it. The Training House is used for the training of local men and west. Their construction is very similar to the townhouses, but they are
and women to serve in the levy. The Thegn is nominally in charge of all military unlikely to be decorated and their occupants may be fewer in number. Some
matters but, depending on his age and enthusiasm, may appoint a captain are built on a rectangular pattern with an open courtyard in the middle. On-
to look after training, leading raids and so on. In the stores, arms and armor Iya few farms grow crops because of the difficult cold climate, most herding
are kept, including a good supply of arrows and spears. At the rear of the sheep, goats or cattle, along with the usual chickens, ducks, and pigs. Some
House is a covered stone stairway which leads up the side of the wall to the breed horses, like their Northman cousins in Rhovanion.
walk atop it. There are also bare cooking facilities in the House, and some
food in the form of preserved rations. 11. Hunters' Lodge. This building is also similar to the town houses. Young
men and women who wish to learn hunting skills, or who are practitioners
6. Town Houses. Most of the townsfolk live in these stone-and-timber built before they start raising families, are welcome to stay at the Hunters' Lodge
houses of 2 or 3 stories. The bottom half is stone and contains a large door- and ply their trade. Most hunters are single and young, although there are
way ~nd possibly a number of small window openings. The use it is put to a few old bachelors and a few couples. Around 15-25 hunters live here, and
depends on the occupation of the families the house belongs to. For a farmer form the core of the Levy, Nothva Rhaglaw's fighting force in times of trou-
or herder it serves as a barn and shophouse (byre), with haylofts, bins of ble. Most will be out during the day, either in small groups or singly, but
grain and root vegetables, stalls for animals, coops for fowl and so on. For all get together at night for a good meal, some drink and usually some form
an artisan it would be a series of workshops with large working areas parti- of rough Northman entertainment, such as brawling, singing, dancing, or
tioned off with thin wooden walls. Large stone pillars and massive wooden knife-throwing. Those staying at home during the day are fully occupied help-
beams support the floor or floors above, which are of timber. Upper floors ing with household chores, maintaining their weapons, traps and hunting gear,
are divided into many rooms for the household members, together with kit- and preparing their catches for the tanner, furrier or butcher. The hunters
chen, toilet facilities and a communal day room. Windows are larger and elect a Master {or Mistress} of the Lodge each year. Currently the Master
more airy, and can be closed with decorated wooden shutters. The outside is Geof Bairhid {Bearskin}, a hugh Northman who wears the pelt of one of
of the upper story will be plastered and whitewashed. The plaster may well the great black bears native to the area. Aski is also a member of the Hunters'
be decorated, the beams carved and the walls painted. Lodge.
PhantomlNothva Rhaglaw 9
...~~ ...... . ,
," ,
, .... ,/~
200 feet
o I~
10 Phantom/Hannei's Retreat
5' -
- - -- - --
Phantom/Hanners Retreat 11
1. Hannei's Tree House. The young witch has built herself a rather shaky Most of the land around Nothva Rhaglaw was once heavily wood-
hut in the branches of a spreading whitebeam. The foliage of the tree will ed. The forests were removed by the first wave of Mannish settlers
conceal the structure in spring through to autumn (a medium, + 0, Percep- back in the First Age, starting in the vales where they desired well-
tion roll to spot), but in winter it will be rather more obvious. It is a single
watered pastureland for their beasts, and then on the hills as pressure
room about 12' by 15', built from planks, boards and wooden shingles. In
grew for more land . In those ancient times the climate was far superior
it are old chests containing clothes, a mattress and blankets, some kitchen -
ware and a large bucket for fetching water. A ladder hangs down from the
and all manner of crops could be grown in this area. Although the
hut while Hannei is out, but it is trapped two ways. region is now much less heavily populated than it was a few thou-
sand years ago, the trees have, for the most part, not returned. It
is now colder and windier, for the Witch-king dwells in Angmar and
- Trap NI: One of the rungs is made of a hollow bark tube contain-
ing many exceedingly sharp (and rusty) blades. Anyone grasping it
strange sorceries affect even the weather.
takes one to four + 20 Slash attacks, ignoring any critical results The woods of Witbeamwyd and Drebiwyd are remnants of the
not connected with hands; for each wound, there is a 15 Olo chance original forests, left on the steepest and rockiest slopes, areas not
of blood poisoning (victim loses I-50 off temporary Constitution suited to any form of agriculture or pastoral activity. The woods have
stat). They must also make a very hard (-20) MM (Moving Maneuver) not remained unchanged, of course. Local people have utilized them
roll or fall 15' to the ground. Anyone falling takes a + 15MCr at- for hunting, cutting timber, collecting scrub and so on. Nevertheless,
tack and if no critical results, a roll on the MM Failure Thble (MERP, they still have a feeling of ancient splendour.
Thble Ff-4). The trees of the woods are mostly upland hardwoods - a few oaks,
- Trap N2: This trap is some Lawrim poi son smeared on the left - plus whitebeam and rowan in profusion. There are also water
hand rope. Failure to make a successful RR (attack level 3, see layout chestnuts, ash and birch. They do not grow densely, making the woods
description N2) results in stinging pain and also the very hard MM light and airy in summer and spring, and giving rise to a lush (for
described above (to avoid falling). the region) undergrowth of bracken, brambles, nettles and hardier
seasonal flowers such as bluebells and trefoil. Many herbs and fungi
The base of the tree has been cunningly hollowed out by Hannei to make also grow in the woods, making them popular with local healers and
a concealed hole behind the bark. Finding this hiding place without some goodwives.
sort of clue, information, or spell requires a successful sheer folly (-50) Percep· The open countryside around the town is short-grassed pastureland
tion roiL The hole contains several copper nuggets (7 worth 1-lOgp each),
dotted with farms. The cool climate inhibits the growth of shrubs
35sp, ISgp and the Ogam stones (35 weighing .5-1.5 Ibs. each).
other than in the most sheltered areas but there are occasional stands
NOTE ON OGAM STONES: An Ogam stone allows one to cast a of trees such as ash, conifers and birch . On more exposed sites
spell without consuming PP. Instead, the stone is consumed. The heather, gorse, juniper, broom, stonecrop and petty whin grow, pro-
wielder can use a number of stones per day equal to his inherent PP. viding flowers, roots and berries to complement the diet of sinblas
enjoyed by herd animals such as the Caru, Feithan, Saiga and Tiara.
Occupants of the tree house include Hannei during some of the day, the There are many streams and pools in the environs of Nothva
two captive herders and possibly, Hannei's two pet wildcats. Rhaglaw, most of which will freeze over or dry up in winter. These
give rise to numerous marshy and boggy areas, especially where they
2. Outcroppings. These are large boulders and outcrops of the granite-type over-lie impervious rocks, such as the granites which form outcrop-
rock that underlies the region. They are lichen covered on their north-facing
pings. Many Hillmen and local inhabitants avoid these areas as they
sides but otherwise unremarkable. The boulders vary from 2' to 12' across
believe them inhabited by unwholesome and malicious spirits. The
and the same in height. Vegetation around them is sparse: wiry grass, heather
and bilberries. There is a 1000o chance that any lichen contacted will be La wrim truth of these stories is dubious, and probably founded in the eerie
which is poisonous. calls of whimbrels, night-jars and curlews.
Other birds found in the area include grouse, pheasant, harriers,
- Poison, Lawrim: In its natural state Lawrim exudes a level 2 poison owls, falcons and herons as well as the less welcome gorcrows and
causing stinging rashes for 1-5 days; these make the victim -25 to crebain. A peculiar creature worth noting is the desman. It is very
activity. When prepared by pressing and boiling (as found on the rare and restricted to this area. The desman measures 18" to 24" (in-
ladder in NI), it is a level 3 poison causing pain (1-2 hits/ rnd) for cluding its tail and prehensile snout) and resembles a large vole or
1-10 rounds and -20 to activity, then variable paralysis for 1-10 hours mole. Its teeth carry a vicious venom inducing spasmodic relaxing
with a -I to -100 penalty to activity (roll once each hour).
and tightening of the muscles in the walls of blood vessels. The
3. The Tor. On the summit of Pen-Drebi is the Tor, a tall rock outcropping
desman lives in streams and marshes and is a blackish-brown in col-
about 12' wide and 26' taiL It is surrounded by great boulders and other rocks. or. Its poison is particularly fatal to the huge Caru (Du. "Elk"), whose
Although of dark, granitic stone, the lower portion of the Tor has now been rotten flesh the desmans love.
painted a whitish color and runic inscriptions have been added, together with
strange designs. These are marked in red clay, black charcoal and ochre paint, - Poison, Desman Venom: Each hour (for 2-20 hours), a RR must
applied with brushes and sticks. All this work is Hannei's doing, the runes be made against this level 2 poison or the blood supply to some part
and designs being copied from the Dunnish Ogam stones she has. The runes of the victim's body will be cut off. Depending on the severity of
are unlike those of any other language and run vertically upwards in columns. the RR failure this might be a finger, a patch of skin, a muscle, arm,
If anyone uses spells to determine the meaning of the runes, the following leg or even the brain. This can lead to discomfort (- to activity), loss
can be read: of use, gangrene or even death.
NamelType Lvi Encoun Size Speed Hits AT DB Melee OBs Notes
~: BlICk Bell' ,
1 1-2
A critical will inject level 3 poison, causes pain or delllh_
Normally won't IIltack unless provoked (Hi: btlI'J-molIIt)-
IrowD Bell' 3 I-S L MF/MF 170 SL/8 :In 70LOr160LCV:lnMBi May cbarle (60LBa), mean if provoked. (Hi: btlf'J-dip)-
Wild Boar 3 2-20 M F/MF 110 SLl4 30 SOMHo/4OMBal30STS Mean-tem~ed, vicious if cornered.
WildCat 2 1-2 S VF/ VF 45 No/ 3 SO 45MCI/ 4OSBi Hannei's pets.
Deer 2 2-20 L F/ F 75 SLl3 40 25HMo125MTS120MBa Wild herd animals, only males have horns .
Desman 3 1-2 S SLiF 30 No / 3 30 35SBi(poison) See 3.33 for details.
Elk 4 4-40 L F/ MF 200 SLl3 20 65LHo/ 55LBa/ 60MTs Wild herd animals, found in woods and highland regions .
~ 4 1-2 L F/MF 240 SL/4 IS SSLBalSOLTS Wild herd animals, found in woods.
RebItIeer 2 2-2nO M F/F 130 SL/3 20 40LTS/30MBa Wild herd animals (Hi:Losrrllldir).
). OnyWolf
Fel Wolf
Will not attack groups unless provoked.
Opeclile in cooperative ,roups.
Codes: The statistics given describe a typical creature of that type. Most of the codes are self-explanatory: Lvi (Level), #/ Encount (number encountered), Size (Tiny, Small,
Medium, Large, or Huge), Hits, and DB (Defensive Bonus). The more complex statistics are described below:
~. ...... A c:reIIlUre'l speed is alven i111Cm11 of "Movement Speedl Attack Quickness"): C = Creeping. VS = Very Slow, S = Slow, M = Medium, MF = Moderately
~ . - . P - F-. VF - Very Fut. BF - Blindingly Fut.AT (Anaor Type): The two letter code gives the creature', MERP armor type (No = No Armor, SL - Soft
....... RL - Illald LeIIlher, Cb - Chain, PI = Plate); the number is the equivalent to the R~ numeric armor type.
Attack: Each attack code starts with the attacker's Offensive Bonus. The frrst letter indicates the size of the attack = T = Tiny, S = Small, M = Medium , L = Large,
and H = Huge. The last two letters indicate the type of attack = Ti = Tiny, Pi = Pincher/ Beak, Ba = Bash, Bi = Bite, CI = Claw, Cr = Crush, Or = grapple,
Ho = Horn, TS = Trample/Stomp, St = Stinger, and We = Weapon. These codes may differ slightly from the MERP and Rokmaster codes.
~. ...... Gal -BIIcb creature usually initiates combat using its .. Primary" attack. Depending upon the situation or success of the Primary attack, it may later use it' "Secon-
dary" or ''TtnIary'' IIltacks (all ill tbe same round if previous attacks are very successful)_
Any of these beasts might attack a party or lone character, depen- If the characters are actively searching for Hannei (i.e., if they have
ding on their temperament and the characters' actions. Domestic discovered or encountered her or her dwelling), they may encounter
herds of goats, sheep, cattle or horses are of course most unlikely her tracks. A successful hard (-10) Tracking roll (may be less difficult
to attack, and sport a 75070 chance of having a shepherd within 100 if they have had more than a glance of her) will lead them to:
yards or so. Wild herds of Losrandir. Elk, Moose or Deer may be
nervous and can be panicked into stampeding. However, if the 01-15 Hannei
characters take sensible precautions, they are unlikely to be worried 16-40 The tree house below Pen-Drebi
by any of these creatures. All animal attack statistics are summarized 41-60 The summit of Pen-Drebi
in the chart in this section. 61-00 Water! rocks: make another Tracking roll or lose the
D) CONTROLLED BEASTS trail then roll again here to determine where it leads
These are creatures under the control of Hannei's Animal Mastery
spell. She needs to be within 100', and will probably be up a tree. If the characters are not searching for Hannei, the tracks might
Roll again on the Encounter Table to see what sort of beast it is. be of anything or anyone. You may alternatively want to use this en-
If the roll is outside the range of beasts, or the indicated beast would counter result as a clue to the identity of the "Phantom", such as
be too powerful for her to control. none of these is available and a piece of torn clothing dropped by one of the missing herders, an
Hannei has to make do with some lesser creature - perhaps a tree old sprung trap of Hannei's (markedly unlike tho~e of the hunters
bat. eagle, wild dog. craban or a poisonous reptile or insect. and trappers). an idle rune carved in the bark of a tree, or a place
where a fire has been laid to make charcoal and paint.
Hunters' Traps come in three varieties: G) NATURAL DANGER
A natural danger might be of any sort: a dangerous plant such
01-20 PIT TRAP. When a character stumbles on the loose as Lawrim; an unsteady rock ready to send an adventurer tumbling;
cover of a pit trap they must make a hard (-10) MM a roaring waterfall; a boggy area; a thunderstorm or lightning bolt;
roll or fall 12' taking one 'W' Crush critical roll . and so on. Typically this encounter calls for an unusual MM roll
21-65 SMALL SNARE TRAP. This trap will catch a to be made by one or more party members, the severity and conse-
character's foot, attacking as a + 25TGr and tripping quences depending on their location.
them up. H) NOfHING
66-00 LARGE SNARE TRAP. This will entangle a No special encounter happens in the three hour period, unless Han-
character's whole leg and either trip him or hang him nei has been encountered, when there is a 50% chance of her pro-
upside down as a tree. bent over and strapped down. ducing one of her "Phantom" manifestations or attacks. You may
This is a + 40MGr attack. wish to sustain the atmosphere of suspense by using this encounter
as some other event. such as a simple change in the weather, an eerie
Traps may be spotted with an extremely hard (-30) Perception roll noise, a glimpsed sighting of "something" (actually harmless), an
if the characters are not actively searching, or a medium (-0) roll if uncommon bird or animal, or anything to provide distraction.
they are taking care. A detected trap can usually just be walked
14 Phantom/Encounters
These traps are extremely hard (-30) to detect, but if under pressure,
Hannei herself must roll to see if she can set them correctly (SM
+ 40). The traps take 5, 2 and 15 minutes respectively to set up.
Magical spells applicable to this category include Animal Sleep
(lPP), useful if the characters are mounted or are using beasts to
track her, such as hawks or dogs; or Animal Mastery (5PP) to turn
friendly beasts against their master. She may also make use of her
Light (3PP) or Projected Light (IPP) spells in varying colors. Each
of these spells lasts 50 minutes and could be used to produce some
HaNNEi tlJE WitclJ very eerie effects, particularly in the wood at night.
Riddle/The Tale IS
Notable Skills: Public-speaking 60, Lays 35, Stalk/ Hide 27, Lead-
ship & Influence 25. Languages: Adiinaic 5, West ron 5, Sindarin 5,
Quenya 3, Dunael 3, Eothrik 3, Kuduk 3. DUN17euet t17e WaRRiOR
Riddle/The NPC's 17
Sibroc is a minor Dunnish agent and spy for the Witch-king o f
Angmar and is often enlisted to aid the King of Angmar, who now
serves that evil master. Sibroc's main activities include information
gathering, assassination and sabotage. Skilled in the silent killing arts,
his specialty is the poisoned Neldil (S: "Three-spike"), a small flat
star-shaped weapon that is thrown from the hand . Just 2.5" across,
it flies like a dagger and injects its coating of poison on any critical
result. He always carries at least 10 of these weapons secreted about
his body and clothes.
As an assassin, Sibroc is very effective. He can get out of almost
any situation through judicious use of his maneuver skills, and can
get at the best-guarded target using climbing, stalking, hiding and
spells. As well as a moderately extensive knowledge of poisons, Sibroc
also knows how to fight man-to-man (and never fights "fair"!). He
prefers to use a weapon akin to the Dunnish weeb - a flanged face
which can also be thrown (Base Range 10', weight 4 Ibs). Sibroc's
poison lore encompasses:
Name Lvi Hits AT DB Sh Gr Melee Missile Mov M Noles
S. Cave. Situated 10' off the ground, the narrow entrance 10 this cave is hid-
den from immediate view by a prominent rock. The entrance is just 6' high
and 3' wide at the base, tapering upwards. Inside is a space about 12' deep,
once used by a Northman hermit. The roof is still black with greasy smoke
deposits and the floor is littered with potsherds and animal bones. At the
far end of the cave is the skeleton of the hermit, reposed as if he died in his
sleep. There are a few rags and bits of dried skin attached to the bones, but
these will disintegrate if the body is disturbed. Beside the body is an ivory
box (worth Sgp) containing a large quartz crystal (a six-sided prism) and a
quantity of dried herb wrapped in parchment. The parchment gives instruc-
4.3 LAYOUT OF RIDORTHU'S LAIR IN THE tions to burn the herb, breathe in the smoke and look into the crystal for
WITBEAMWYD a vision of the future. GM: You may wish to use this to give the pes a clue
An outline description of the Witbeamwyd is contained in Sec- as to how to deal with either the Giant in this scenario or the Dragon in the
third adventure.
tion 3.33; its extent is mapped on the area 'map. The Wyd now bears
some scars as a result of its occupant: trampled saplings, branches 6. Cavern. This cave can be entered at ground level. Its opening is broad and
knocked and torn from trees and so on. There are several trails low, aboul S' wide and 5' high. A passage leads down to a boulder-strewn
emanating from the hill known as Pen-Hag out of the Wyd and into cavern, but diminishes in height to just 3' at one point. In the lair will be
the vales to the south and east. a family of 2 adult and 2 cub black bears - and woe betide anyone who
disturbs them! At certain times of the year they will be very aggressive, but
at other times (such as winter) they will be slothful if awake at all.
Riddle/Pen-Hag 19
. .. ' ..
o 00
o • b
o .'
12' 18'
Riddle/The Task 21
7. Ridorthu's Cave. Partially concealed by an outcrop of granite rock is the 4.4 THE TASK
cave the Stone Giant has chosen to occupy. The entrance is 8' wide and 10' This adventure is another kind of hide-and-seek - a dangerous
high and bends to the left of the outcropping. Very perceptive characters may
game. The characters have a better idea of what they are looking
notice that the rocks look somehow fashioned into the tunnel shape, though
not with any tools that they are familiar with. This is the work of Ridorthu,
for, perhaps: a very tall, two-legged creature, possibly invisible, and
who possesses the innate ability of all Stone Giants to manipulate the stuff capable of making very large dents in the ground. They might assume
of the earth. it is an enormous Troll or something equally nasty, and you should
Inside, the tunnel opens to 16' high and 12' wide and passes 30' down to not help them at all in trying to guess what they are searching. If
an irregular cave some 60' by 80'. Here Ridorthu is likely to pass the day, anyone mentions Giants to the townsfolk, they will say that Giants
and if awake might be heard humming from the outside: a dreadful throb- are just in children's stories. lovin and Alnoth might be of more use,
bing and painful rhythmic sound. This may well alarm and confuse the providing lore about Giants, but only if asked.
characters even more! He does not often sleep, but is more likely to the warmer The adventure works best if the characters can be surprised when
it gets. they eventually come across Ridorthu. Tracking down this creature
In the cave are few furnishings - a tall stone slab for a table and a lower
might be a deal easier than the search for Hannei in the first adven-
one for a bed, the latter piled with washed sheep skins and a few furs. Near-
by is small pile of boulders suitable for throwing when the mood takes him.
ture, but dealing with the Giant is sure to cause more problems.
There is also a loose stone slab concealing a hole in the floor. This slab is
very difficult to pick up, requiring a successful absurd (-70) SM roll level: 4.41 STARTING THE PLAYERS
up to 6 characters may combine their Strength bonuses in the attempt to raise The adventure is best started with the characters who have par-
it, but if they fail, all risk hernias or strained muscles. In the hole is a large ticipated in the first adventure (Section 3.0). However, this is not essen-
leather sack containing many nuggets of copper and gold, total value 780gp.
tial by any means, and if this is the first time that the characters have
- Marble Slab: There is also a bluish, circular marble slab some
visited the area the adventure might start when they hear talk of the
36" in diameter and I" thick, weighing 100 Ibs. This highly magical "Troll" or "beast" that stalks the countryside nearby.
item will reveal an inscription in an Elvish-style design around the An alternative start is a direct appeal from Bessandis or Witbert
rim when examined under any magical light source (such as a Light to help the town and local inhabitants, either by getting more infor-
spell, or the radiance of a magic sword or staff, etc.). There are three mation on the creature or finding a way to dispose of it. Word of
runic words written in the Angerthas script: the creature and the reward offered by Bessandis rapidly spreads to
surrounding areas and characters may be attracted by the possibility
I. "DIR-NEN" of fame and fortune, as well as doing good deeds. Any pes chosen
2. "BEN-G U 1..:' from the list of lesser Dunadan or Northman origin may choose to
3. "OND-ANNON" be locals with a commensurate knowledge of this area (see 3.41).
The first is a command which turns the disc into a + 20 shield
weighing just 5 Ibs; it has a handle inside to grasp it and adds its 4.42 AIDS
bonus not only to DB but also to RRs against fire or lightning. The All the aids described in Section 3.42 are available again in this
second command invokes total protection and insulation from adventure, except that Alfward the Ranger is no longer in Nothva
E~sence-based magic for anyone standing upon the disc - note that Rhaglaw.
this means that they themselves cannot use Essence magic either. Witbert the Priest will offer the same magical protection to those
The third command turns the disc into a "stone door", so that when characters who show devotion to the heroes he worships, or any that
it is placed on a stone surface up to 5' thick, it will open to reveal
offer a suitable donation to the Shrine. Alternatively, he could place
a portal through the stone.
a Bless spell (from the "Protections" spell list) on up to 3 of them
Each of these runes may be spoken once each day, the first use
of each requiring a successful Use Item roll. Each effect lasts 66 using his Ritual skill; a roll must be made for each of the spells, as
rounds and, obviously, they can only be used one at a time. Unfor- before.
tunately, Ridorthu knows none of these uses. The warrior-maiden Dunheuet has heard of the evil "beast" stalk-
ing the defenseless farmers of Nothva Rhaglaw and has taken it into
her head that she must go and fight it to rid the land of this terrible
threat. Her prooo and formidable appearance may put the player-
characters off, but she will join with a party as long as they are
respectful toward her, do not make light of the mission and are obe-
dient when she suggests a course of action. However, she will attack
the Giant rather than try speaking with it, thinking such a course
futile in the extreme and a waste of time.
lovin and Alnoth may be able to assist the characters in two areas.
First, they may offer valuable information on what a Giant is through
their Lays skill, giving information on habitat, language, disposition
and so on. Second, they will have a fund of riddles which the
characters could ask them for so that they are better equipped to
playa riddle-game with Ridorthu. As GM, you could simulate this
by having a book of riddles to give to your players from which they
could select riddles to challenge you with, rather than having to make
up their own.
. ~.,
. 181 HIli AT DB SII Gr Melee
MO\' M N_
Alvn« 21 299 PlI12 45 N Y see below Flame Br. 20(MF) Young wingless Dragon.
Use "Large Creatures" Critical tables Cf-IO and cr·ll with an additional ·10 modification . Melee auacks: Bite(105HBi).2 Claws(1l5LCI);ntiI(lOOLBa). Flame Breath:
9OFireboit or 50Fireball (lx/ 6rnd.,5x/ hour,12x/day).
from this must also make a Hard (-10) MM roll to avoid fallin g over.
Those unaffected by the UB attack have one free round to attack
Aivnec before the Drake himself recovers - or, if they have any sense,
to flee clear away!
Normally in melee, each round Aivnec can use:
Gersebroc 2. Witbert's House. The priest's house is connected to the Shrine by a covered
Gersebroc (Old Nth: "Gerse's sword") is Gerse's magic weapon. wooden passageway. The house itself is small and built like the town houses
of Nothva Rhaglaw (see 3.31 at #6). The priest, currently Witbert (see 3.21),
It is a special sword, over 6' long, of the type traditionally used by
lives here but is often absent. He has a servant housekeeper, an old woman
Eriadorian Northmen over the centuries. The blade is 4' long in the
of 70 or so. There is little of any interest in the house - his bedroom, study,
main section. A further 12" of blade is separated by cross-piece with the kitchen , storerooms, the servant's room, stables in the lower portion and
spikes extending 12" from each side. The section above the cross- so on. Concealed beneath a flagstone on the ground floor is a wooden chest.
piece is unsharpened. The hilt is wooden and IS" long, bound with The chest is locked (hard, -10) and trapped; the trap consists of a sprung blade
the toughest leather. At the end is a 3" diameter ball pommel. This beside the lock (one + 40 dagger attack) which is disarmed by depressing
is a steel sphere encrusted with polished silver and laen facets, a ball two of the rivets on the lid (very hard, -20). Inside are 45gp and 210 sp,
which also serves as a counterweight. Witbert's emergency funds. Concealed in a false base to the chest is a curious
The broc requires a minimum strength of 95 to wield properly, shortsword Witbert has probably forgotten all about. It is magical and of
although a character of strength 90-94. could pick it up and use it Silvan Elf manufacture. The sword has a 12" blade, the last 2 112" of which
are crystal of some sort. The + 15 shortsword delivers a Secondary Critical
as a two-handed spear with half the magical bonuses listed below.
on the Electricity Critical Table if a "e" or better critical is obtained. It also
I t weights 28 Ibs. Gersebroc is a + 20 two-handed sword that is + 30
confers + 15 to RRs vs. electricity/ shock / lightning attacks.
vs Orcs. Trolls and similar evil "intelligent" creatures and treated as
a Holy Weapon for criticals. Against Dragons and Fell-beasts it is 3. House of the Healer. Odelard lives in this large and handsome villa built
+ 40 and treated as a Slaying Weapon for criticals. like the town houses. The ground floor serves as the "hospital", with a
Until Aivnec burns the Shrine where it stands, Gersebroc is "surgery", several beds close to a central hearth, and a small "apothecary"
unusable since it has a frozen Cold-drake's heart impaled on it just area for preparing herbs and cures. It also houses a stable and byre, but the
below the cross-pieces. The heart resembles cold amber and weighs area for animals is well-separated. Odelard keeps a few pigs and chickens,
501bs. a goat and a dairy cow and three horses. The house is only a few years old
and looks very new still. Since Odelard is not short of money, she lives well
and likes to have her house kept tidy and clean.
Odelard is often absent (see 3.23), foraging for herbs, but at least one of
her two assistants will always be here, tending to 0-7 patients. The assistants
both have rooms on the upper floor, alongside Odelard's own room (a large
and spacious room with rich furnishings), a bright day room, a small reference
library and workroom, a kitchen, a bathing room and several storerooms.
An extensi ve herb garden has been planted around the house sheltered by
a stone wall, along with some fruit trees and succulent vegetable plants. Many
valuable healing herbs and preparations can be found in the garden or the
"apothecary" area, but no one knows where Ode lard keeps the remains of
her fortune.
5.33 LAYOUT OF TATESHALLA VALE 2. The Cavern of King Gotshelm. This cavern is large and irregular, stretch-
Thteshalla Vale lies in the Witbeamwyd between Pen-Hag and the Thteshalla. ing about SO' long by 60' wide at its widest points. Of natural origin, it lies
It is an area of open space and shelter, and is usually quiet and peaceful. some 25' below ground. It is only S~IO' high. Steps descend from the Thteshalla
and a concealed narrow passage leads off to the north . The floor is uneven,
1. The Tateshalla. The Thteshalla is a vast Northman hall. Over 90' long and although cleared of loose stones and boulders.
50' wide, it has a traditional construction, including dark-grey granite pillars Olpessa (a Numenorean Mage) placed a powerful, permanent illusion on
and golden tree trunks. The cylindrical pillars are 5' wide and 30' tall, set this cavern for King Gotshelm when the latter was dying and wished to
15' apart. Each has carved banding selling out panels 2' high, each panel establish an epic tradition to succeed him. Gotshelm wanted his knights to
bearing a unique decorative motif. Between the pillars are stripped whole follow him here and wait with him for the day when the kingdom would once
trunks of a golden hue set vertically. Each trunk is at least 2' thick and trimmed again be in need of him. The illusion is of a magnificent troop of Northman
so that it has the same thickness top and bOllom. The trunks are unadorned, warriors accoutered in shining mail and burnished helms, adorned with golden
but seem polished or varnished. The roof is made of massive overlapping belts and buckles, carrying banners of samite and silk and weapons of mithril
planks at least 4" thick of the same golden, honeyed wood. It is easy indeed and gem-encrusted silver. When Gotshelm led his charger down these steps,
to believe that the hall is roofed with gold! he rejoiced and died happy, leaving in reality only a poem that took an hour
At the western end two steps lead up to the huge doors. These doors, each to recite. But the poem did so much to preserve and spread the legend of
IS' high and 7' wide, are square and shod with copper sheaths, bright and The King Who Sleeps that the illusion persists. The strength of the old King's
polished as the day they were erected. This is true of the entire hall - it seems poetic talents and the belief of the local people in the legend "powers" the
completely unweathered and untouched by centuries of exposure to Nature illusion and the protections woven on the hall.
and the elements. The doors are exquisitely beaten into panels depicting King The only discordant part of this splendid illusion of sleeping warriors is
Gotshelm, the Numenorean mage Olpessa and many princes, princesses and the real corpse of King Gotshelm and his horse. Their bodies are dessicated
knights of Gotshelm's realm. These panels are bordered by enamelled designs and mummified in this dry, sealed atmosphere. The King wears the follow-
in bright colors. There is neither handle nor lock on the doors, but they are ing items:
so tightly shut that not even the insidious northern winds can get in. - + 20 mithril chainmail.
Getting into the Tateshalla - A golden belt set wth tiger-eyes which negates 40% of torso
The only provided entrance to the Thteshalla is the pair of doors at the criticals.
west end. Anything over 10th level has a (level -10)070 chance of forcing the
doors open, although they will then have to resist against a series of 25th - A closed helm of gold and mithril surmounted by a crest in the
level Signs causing Pain, Paralysis, Insanity, Aging and Death. (Aivnec will form of a stag which negates SO% of head criticals and gives a + 20
pass this little lot, unfortunately for the PCs!) Magic-users could pass into Perception bonus.
the hall using Long Door, Portal or Teleport, although they must resist against - A + 15 broc (broadsword) with a ruby pommel which allows the
a 12th level Cancel spell. The marble disc of Rhydordhii (see 4.31 at #7) would wielder to Regenerate 2 hits per round;
be able to open a door through one of the pillars. The entrance from the - a scabbard of Dragonskin which confers + 10 DB and acts as
Tateshalla to the cavern beneath cannot be opened from the cavern. a permanent Cut Repair I , reducing the effect of bleeding wounds.
Inside the Tateshalla
Inside, the Tateshalla is one huge chamber. A second row of logs form the NOTE: If any of these items are stolen, the GM may decide one or
walls, these split, with the flat sides facing into the room. Between these logs more to be of no benefit to the user until a Remove Curse is suc-
and the trunks outside is a mixture of crushed granite and limestone set into cessful against their 25th level protection. You may wish to let Gerse
a crude form of concrete. The dark pillars are decorated inside (as out), and obtain the King's sword if the characters have Gersebroc. If someone
the logs are hung with rich tapestries and drapes. The vaulted roof is crossed helps Gerse kill the Dragon, he may present them with one or two
by hugh tie-beams each 3' thick and 45' long. of the items (uncursed).
The floor is stepped. An S' wide tier runs around the walls, but in the center,
three 12" steps lead down to a lower level about 60' long and 22' wide. In If Aivnec ever gets into this cavern (which is unlikely since he could not
this sunken area are strewn many cushions and rich furs in good condition, operate the frame), he will automatically be able to see through the illusion.
racks of drinking horns, wooden bowls and platters, a few stools carved from
dark wood and other everyday items. There are no great treasures lying around
3. Passage and Cave. A narrow passage just 5' wide goes north from the Cavern
however, to the disappointment of would-be looters.
of King Gotshelm. It winds and twists slightly, ascending, before ending in
On the right-hand-side of the hall, behind the tapestry of a warrior fighting
a short flight of stairs after 250'. The entrance to the passage from the Cavern
a giant, an S' square wooden frame is mounted on the wall. Inside the frame
(#2) is hidden by Olpessa's illusion. Towards the northern end of the passage
is a continuous sheet of very thin mica (a translucent crystalline stone), etched
is a small side passage ending in a cave about 25' across and just S' high.
and filigreed with mithril wire. The design within the frame is exceedingly
In this c~ve Olpessa dwelt whilst seeing King Gotshelm. She then left through
complicated and can only be understood if a successfuly Knowledge roll is
the secret exit in the Mound (#4) and had it covered up. In the cave are the
made - roll on the first column of the Static Maneuver table, using added
remains of her furniture - a bed, a table, two chairs and some rubbish. You
IG and IT bonuses (if any), and at -20 unless the frame is lit from behind,
may wish to put some scrolls or maps in here which could lead your PCs
when the meaning becomes more apparent ( + 0). Spells such as Delving, Item
to further adventures, either in this area or another - for example, clues to
Analysis, Significance or Intuitions might be used as an alternative.
the location of magical places or items known in the Second Age and since
If the design is understood, it will appear that the frame is a portal or magic
lost. Remember that Olpessa came from Numenor orjginally and travelled
door of some sort. A Use Item roll is needed to operate it. Any non-Mage
much of north-west Middle-earth.
will suffer a -10 penalty; those whose realm is not Essence will suffer an ad-
ditional-1O penalty. If the person attempting to use the frame is not of Dune-
4. The Mound. This mound resembles a typical barrow or burial mound,
dain, Numenorean, Sindarin or Noldorin desce~t there is a further -20 penalty.
but is concealed amongst the trees and not immediately noticable. In the side
Any attempt to Use Item in this case also uses up 2PP (normally recoverable).
of it, now turfed over, is a door with. a stair leading down to the passage
If successful, the act of opening uses up a further SPP. If the opener has
and thence to the Cavern of KIng Gotshelm. The door is neither locked nor
insufficient PP, the excess points are permanently removed from that
trapped, but exceedingly rusty with age.
character's "Hit Total~ ', and the opener collapses unconscious for 1-10 hours.
A successful "opening" will result in the slow swinging down of a lO'xlO'
S. Tateshalla Vale. This combe is a sheltered and idyllic spot. Hills all around
section of floor, including the steps section, just below where the frame hangs.
protect it from all winds and it is usually sunny. The trees also offer shelter
This reveals a wide flight of steps leading down to a cavern.
and color, and include rowan and whitebearn. A small grove of water chestnuts
grows beside the silvery stream below the Tateshalla. Across the Vale west
of the Tateshalla is a splendid view of Pen-Hag (see 4.31).
Gerse's-bane11bteshalhl Vale 29
.......~.,. CaVERN Of M
){iN(J Gotsl)el
- ---
0' IS' 30' 60' ---- 20' 40'
30 Gerse's-baneIThe 'Rlsk
Daytime ~
, ~
Other Folk
Black Bear
-- 05-14
Brown Bear 11-13 10-11 13-17 16-17
Wild Boar
Wild Cat . 14-17
Wild Goat 21 - 24 -
Wild Herd 22-29 - 25 20-21
FeU Wolf 30 15 26 22-23
Grey Wolf 31-33 16-17 27-28
1- - - - 24-29
Hunter's Trap
Tracks - 34-36
IS-21 .-
=- 29
Natural Danger
- 22-29
- 34-49
,- f- 35-49
50-00 -
"" .... -.... - ..... _- ..... - ...... ..... _--,
", ,
" \
\ , \