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Green House Gas Emission Inventory and

Energy Use of TPS3R Flamboyan Using Waste

Reduction Model (WARM) V.15
Asrining Ghina Maulidia1, Filson M. Sidjabat2, Temmy Wikaningrum3
1,2,3EnvironmentalEngineering, University, Faculty of Engineering
President University, Jababeka Education Park Jalan Ki Hajar Dewantara, Kota Jababeka, RT.2/RW.4
Mekarmukti, Cikarang Utara, Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17550

Manuscript History Abstract. Emissions are the result of human activities that
increase the concentration of greenhouse gas gases such as
CCl2F2, CO2, N2O, and CH₄, Increasing the attention of the
gases above will increase the greenhouse effect which
ultimately increases the earth's temperature. The existence
of a waste management site can produce greenhouse gas
emissions from vehicle transportation, composting
processes, TPA to recycling. One of the roles of Flamboyan's
Available online
TPS3R is to reduce the amount of plastic waste by recycling
and composting and the residue will go to Cipeucang TPA for
landfilling. This is an effort to reduce the amount of organic
and non-organic waste, but the recycling, and composting.
Landfilling processes can produce CO2 in the waste
WARM; processing and distribution process, so it is necessary to
CO2; calculate the amount of CO2 from the baseline management
Energy Use; of municipal solid waste that will be compared with
Municipal Solid alternative municipal solid waste scenarios to see the
Waste; conclusion of the analysis using the Waste Reduction Model
Organic Waste (WARM) application. The objective of this journal is to
calculate the greenhouse gas emission and energy use of
TPS3R Flamboyan. The secondary data was obtained from
TPS3R Flamboyan’s management. The writer use description
analysis. The inventory calculation result of GHG emission
current condition and alternative condition are -5,24 and -
6,5. Total energy use in the current condition is -58,79 and
the alternative condition with HDPE recycling is -92,68. The
inventory calculation result of GHG emission current
condition and alternative condition are -5,24 and -6,5. Total
energy Use in the current condition is -58,79 and the
alternative condition with HDPE recycling is -92,68.

http://dx.doi.org/10.33021/jenv.v8i2.3988 | 131
Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

1 Introduction
Emissions are the result of human activities that increase the concentration of
greenhouse gas gases such as Carbon dioxide, methane, chlorofluorocarbon, and
nitrous oxide. Increasing the concentration of the gases above will increase the
greenhouse effect which ultimately increases the temperature of the earth's
surface. Data from the DKI Jakarta Environment Agency states that the sources of
pollution in the capital city are divided into four, namely land transportation (75%),
power and heating plants (9%), industrial combustion (8%), and domestic
combustion (8%). The impact of the amount of CO2 in the air is too much, fewer
plants, and more CO2 gas. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) noted
that Indonesia's forests in 2021 will cover an area of 95.6 million hectares, this
amount is equivalent to 50-51 percent of the total land area in Indonesia. This
amount was recorded to be reduced from 2019 with a total forest of 125 hectares.
The CO2 will rise in the atmosphere and block the emission of heat from the earth
so that the heat is reflected in the earth. As a result, the earth becomes very hot,
again there is a greenhouse gas effect. The types of gases categorized as greenhouse
gases include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxides (N2O), sulfur
hexafluoride (SF6), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). Of the
several types of greenhouse gases, CO2 is a major contributor to global warming [1]
Global CO2 concentrations have increased significantly from year to year. The
rate of increase in CO2 concentrations in 1960 was around 0.7 ppm/year and rose to
2.38 ppm/year in 2014 [2]. Indonesia's role in the rate of increase in global CO2
emissions also increased from 0.6% in 1990 to 1.2% in 2005 and rose again to 1.4%
in 2015 [3].
Some of the effects of CO2 as greenhouse gas emissions 1. Disrupt the balance
of plant metabolism, which will accelerate the aging of cells in plants so that farmers
can experience losses because the plants they plant die quickly. This shows the
negative impact of increasing CO2 on plants. [4] 2. Heat stress from global warming

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

can reduce water resources and pastures for grazing, leading to reduced yields and
affecting livestock. [5]
CO2 is linked to climate change. Climate change is the most serious challenge facing
the world today. A number of evidence show that there has been an increase in
global temperatures, some of which are caused by human actions. Since 1960, the
cause of rising temperatures on earth is the greenhouse effect which according to
some experts is caused by the increasing content of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other
pollutant particles in the earth's atmosphere. Although natural processes are able to
reduce CO2 in the atmosphere, human activities release CO2 into the air much faster
than nature's ability to reduce it. [6] The waste management strategy chosen is
determined based on the character of the waste [7] Some of the waste management
processes are:
A. Composting.
Composting is a method of managing organic waste that aims to: reduce and change
the composition of waste into useful products. Composting is one of the processes
of processing organic waste into compost new materials such as humus. Compost is
generally made from organic waste which comes from leaves and animal dung,
which are intentionally added to balance the nitrogen and carbon elements so as to
speed up the decay process and produce an ideal C/N ratio. Manure from goats,
chickens, cows or factory-made fertilizers such as urea can be added in the
composting process. Compost quality standards are said to be ideal if they meet the
standard criteria as stated in SNI 19-7030-2004. WARM models composting as
resulting in carbon storage nitrogen and phosphorous fertilizer offsets, and minimal
CO2 emissions from transportation and mechanical turning of the compost piles.
Composting also results in CO2 emissions from the decomposition of source
materials, which include leaves, brush, grass, food waste and newspaper. B.
Landfilling. Landfill is a place for storing burned waste / garbage, located in a layer
of soil shallow, can be exploited economically and politically. Like a golf course, land
rain attracts decomposition problems (decomposition of garbage) and the formation

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

of methane layers exposed to coal. Should be closed to avoid and monitoring as a

tool good control so that the unknown things can be answered. The products
obtained from aerobic decomposition are acids and alcohols, consumed by micro-
organisms that produce methane and carbon dioxide. Gas Methane causes gas
conditions to enter the house. Fist (1967) reported concentrations of explosion in
his research another gas produced anaerobically is hydrogen sulfide foul-smelling
and explosive [8] C. Recycling. Recycling is the process of turning used materials into
new materials with the aim of preventing waste that could actually be useful,
reducing the use of new raw materials. Recycling can also be defined as the reuse of
unused materials or goods in other forms.
Several methods to reduce emissions from waste can be carried out, for
example, such as carrying out waste management and utilizing technology properly,
which can reduce the amount of CO2 from greenhouse gases and be able to
generate electricity so that it is beneficial to the community [9] or applying a zero
waste strategy to reduce carbon emissions in a sustainable manner [10].
Additionally, it is possible to implement a number of features of the hierarchical
waste management approach, including energy recovery, composting, and recycling
as well as minimizing trash and reusing products that may still be utilized. to reduce
waste's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions [11]
One of the greenhouse gases (GHG) that can contribute to the greenhouse
effect and ultimately lead to global warming is methane gas (Global Warming). Only
a tiny portion of the approximately 450 TPAs in large cities now using an open
dumping method have been transformed into controlled landfill. The amount of
rubbish that might be produced annually by Indonesia's 45 major cities is 4 million
tons. 11,390 tons of methane gas, or 239,199 tons of carbon dioxide, may be
generated annually. This number represents 64% of the waste emissions from 10
major cities, including Jakarta, Medan, Surabaya, Semarang, Palembang, Bekasi,
Depok, Makassar, Bandung, Depok, and Tangerang. [12]

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

Plastic is one of the waste that can turn into CO2 if it is combusted. Plastic is a
material made from naphtha which is a petroleum derivative product obtained
through a refining process. Characteristics of plastics that have very strong chemical
bonds so that a lot of the material used by the community comes from plastic.
However, Plastic is a non-biodegradable substance, therefore products created from
it will eventually become garbage that soil bacteria find challenging to break down
and will damage the environment. There are six forms of plastic, including
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), Polystyrene (PS), Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC), Low
Density Polyethylene (LDPE), Polypropylene (PP), High Density Polyethylene (HDPE),
and Others, depending on the type of product. (Hartulistiyoso, et al, 2014). Typically,
the composition of plastic trash is 46% polyethylene (HDPE and LDPE), 16%
polypropylene (PP), 16% polystyrene (PS), 7% polyvinyl chloride (PVC), 5%
polyethylene terephthalate (PET), 5% acrylic acid butadiene styrene (ABS), and other
polymers. Today, polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) account for more than 70% of all plastics manufactured
(PVC). research that were done focused on these four categories of polymers.
Plastics may be divided into two categories, non-renewable and renewable,
based on the basic material. Plastics are split into two categories based on how
quickly they break down in nature: bioplastics, which are easily biodegradable, and
conventional plastics, which are more difficult to biodegrade. Vegetable resources,
which are renewable major crops, are used to make biodegradable polymers.
Therefore, the production of vegetable materials can be sustainable and bioplastics
can be degraded faster because they are environmentally friendly. The starch-based
biodegradable plastic that can apply to an environmentally friendly packaging
material has an excellent opportunity developed in Indonesia. [13]. Bio-PE (Bio-Poly
Ethylene); HDPE (High Density Poly Ethylene): PLA (PolyLactic Acid); PHA (Poly
Hydroxy Alkanoate); PHB (Poly HydroxyButyrate); PP (Poly Propylene); PBT (Poly
Butylene Terephthalate); PBS (Poly Butylene Succinate), LDPE (Low Density Poly

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

Ethylene). However, since the technology is still in its early stages of development,
biodegradable plastic costs more than traditional plastic. [14]
Not only plastic that can turn into CO2 if it combusted, E-Waste also. Electronic
garbage, sometimes known as e-waste, is another kind of solid waste that is possibly
expanding at the greatest rate in many industrialized nations. This category includes
outdated computers, televisions, phones, and other electronic gadgets. There is
growing concern about this kind of waste. Governmental rules may be necessary to
control the recycling and disposal of certain materials found in electronic
equipment, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium.
The properties of solid waste vary greatly between towns and countries. For
instance, American garbage is often lighter than garbage from Europe or Japan. In
the US, less than 10% of MSW is made up of food waste, and the majority of it is
made up of paper and paperboard goods. The remaining materials include a
combination of yard waste, wood, glass, metal, plastic, leather, fabric, and other
random items. This sort of MSW weighs around 120 kg per cubic meter when it is
loose or uncompacted (200 pounds per cubic yard). Geographical location,
economic climate, the season of the year, and several other factors all affect these
numbers. Before designing and constructing any treatment or disposal facility, it is
important to carefully examine the waste characteristics of each community. [15]
TPS3R is a Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Waste Management Site. In this study, the
data come from TPS3R Flamboyan, Reni Jaya, and Banten. The objective of this
journal is to calculate the greenhouse gas emission and energy use of TPS3R
Flamboyan The analysis method for collecting the data used quantitative data with
description analysis. The data used from TPS3R Flamboyan.

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

2 Method

Figure 1. Research Framework (Personal Data, 2022)

Research location :

Figure 2. (A) TPS3R Flamboyan, (B)TPA Cipeucang , (C) Service Area TPS3R flamboyant on
google earth

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

A. TPS3R Flamboyan located on Jl. Flamboyan No.31, Pamulang Bar., Kec. Pamulang,
Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15416. TPS3R Flamboyan is the waste collection
place where the researcher take data from. -6.357703524147587,
B. TPA Cipeucang is the landfill area where the residue trash from TPS3R will be deliver.
TPA Cipeucang addressed Jl. Kapling Nambo No.51, Serpong, Kec. Serpong, Kota
Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15310. -6.324769153029707, 106.65912109613757
C. Service area TPS3R Flamboyan are 287 houses Reni Jaya on RT 001-006, 35 houses
Gardena RT 003 RW 006 and 15 public shophouses on RT 003 RW 006, Time periode
is June 2020.
Data Collection
The independent variable in tons a. Corrugated Container b. Newspaper c. Office Paper d.
Textbooks e.Food waste f. PET g. PP h. PVC i. Mixed plastics j. Aluminum Cans k. Mixed metal
l. Mixed recyclables m.HDPE
The dependent variable : a. CO2 carbon dioxide in metric ton of CO2 equivalent in baseline
and Scenario waste management b. Energy use in million BTU for baseline and Scenario
waste management
Software use in this study is WARM (Waste Reduction Model) Software. The Application that
writer use is Waste Reduction Model (WARM) Version 15. It is available in Excel Formation.
It was created by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help Solid Waste Planner
and Organization estimate Green House Gas (GHG) emission Reductions From Several
Different Waste Management Practice. For given time period under each scenario by
material type and by management practice, the mode allows to customize the result based
on project specific landfill gas recovery practice, anaerobic digestion practice and
transportation distance. The objective of the research is to calculate Green House Gas in
metric tons CO2 Equivalent (MTCO2E) and to see energy analysis to estimate GHG emission
reduction from several different waste management practice. The way how to interpret the
result is If a GHG emission value is negative, it means that those emissions have been avoided
during the management of that specific material type and/or scenarios. Likewise, if an energy
consumption is negative, it means that the modelled scenario avoids the consumption of that
amount of energy. If the total change between the alternative and baseline scenario is
negative, then the alternative scenario will result in fewer GHG emissions, energy

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

consumption, or economic impacts than the baseline, and vice versa. Only those materials
for which data has been entered on the “Scenarios” step will be presented in the results.
Table 1. Baseline Data in WARM (Personal Data, 2022)

Number Type of waste Weight Description

1 Corrugated Container 0,15 Recycled
2 Newspaper 0,014 Recycled
3 Office Paper 0,25 Recycled
4 Text Books 0,04 Recycled
5 Food Waste 1,565 Composted
6 PET 1,0 Recycled
7 PP 0,114 Recycled
8 PVC 0,607 Landfilled
9 Mixed Plastic 0,04 Recycled
10 Aluminum Cans 0,050 Recycled
11 Mixed Metal 0,030 Recycled
12 Mixed Recyclables 0,693 Recycled
13 HDPE 0,1 Landfilled

Table 2. Scenario data in WARM (Personal Data, 2022)

Number Type of waste Weight Description

1 Corrugated Container 0,15 Recycled

2 Newspaper 0,014 Recycled
3 Office Paper 0,25 Recycled
4 Text Books 0,04 Recycled
5 Food Waste 1,565 Composted
6 PET 1,0 Recycled
7 PP 0,114 Recycled
8 PVC 0 Reduction in the first place
9 Mixed Plastic 0,04 Recycled
10 Aluminum Cans 0,050 Recycled
11 Mixed Metal 0,030 Recycled
12 Mixed Recyclable 0,693 Recycled
13 HDPE 0,1 Landfilled to recycled

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

Data Processing and Output in WARM

WARM compares the emissions and offsets resulting from a material in a baseline
and an alternative management pathway in order to provide decision-makers with
comparative emission results. For example, WARM could be used to calculate the
GHG implications of landfilling 10 tons of office paper versus recycling the same
amount of office paper. The general formula for net GHG emissions for each scenario
modeled in WARM is as follows:

Net GHG emissions = Gross manufacturing GHG emissions - (Increase in carbon

stocks + Avoided utility GHG emissions)

This equation should only be considered in the context of comparing two alternative
materials management scenarios in order to identify the lowest net GHG emissions

.3 Results and Discussion

Waste Generation from TPS3R

Flamboyan Year 2020 in Kg

degradable 2020 non degradable 2020 residue 2020

Figure 3. Waste Generation from TPS3R Flamboyan Year 2020 in Kg

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

Figure 4. Waste Processing flow in TPS3R Flamboyan

The flow of the TPS3R Flamboyan waste processing process, namely waste is divided
into 2 parts, namely degradable waste (food waste) and non degradable waste.
Degradable waste (Food waste) will be sorted which can be used as compost and
which are not so that it becomes a residue that will be taken to the TPA Cipeucang
final waste disposal site. For non-degradable waste, it will be separated into junk
which will be sold to third parties, and the rest such as coffee wrappers and pampers
including residue to be taken to third parties’ TPA Cipeucang final disposal site. The
amount of waste that enters in 2020 is 217.816 kg and the residue that went to TPA
Cipeucang is 75.234.

Waste Generation on june 2020 in kg

residu degradable
34% 34%

non degradable 32%

degradable non degradable residu

Figure 5. Waste Generation on June 2020 in Kg

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

non degradable in kg on june 2020

39% 3%
3% 4%

Office Paper Text Books Newspaper

Cardboard box Aluminum Cans PP
Iron Cabin Shard

Figure 6. nondegradable waste on June 2020 in Kg

Alternative Data Scenario (Source Reduction)

In this analysis, source reduction is measured by the amount of material that would
otherwise be produced but is not generated due to a program promoting waste
minimization or source reduction. Source Reduction refers to any change in the
design, manufacture, purchase or use of materials or products (including packaging)
that reduces the amount of material entering the waste collection and disposal
system. Source reduction conserves resources and reduces GHG emissions. The
avoided GHG emissions are based on raw material acquisition and manufacturing
processes for the industry average current mix of virgin and recycled inputs for
materials in the marketplace. There are no emissions from end-of-life management
because it is assumed that a certain amount of material or product was never
produced in the first place.
Source reduction can result from any activity that reduces the amount of a
material or agricultural input needed and therefore used to make products or food.
In addition to the activities above, there are limited circumstances where the
emission factors can be used to estimate GHG benefits of substituting one material
or product for another material or product. In this study, waste that can be recycled
will be recycled, such as 0,1 tonne of recycled HDPE from sources usually landfilled,
and Waste reduced from the beginning cut without using PVC by 0.61 tons.

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

WARM Analysis Result for GHG

Table 3. GHG emission from baseline waste management (WARM Application, 2022)

GHG emissions from baseline waste management is -5,24 MTCO2E. GHG emissions
in the current and alternative scenario in TPS3R Flamboyan waste management
system was calculated by using WARM model. Alternative scenario with respect to
the composition and capabilities of TPS3R Flamboyan solid waste systems have been
set up. Note : A negative value indicates an emission reduction, a positive value
indicates an emission increase.

Table 4. GHG Emission from Alternative Waste Management Scenario(WARM Application, 2022)

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

The alternative waste management scenario has a -6,50 MTCO2E GHG emission. It
is greater than the baseline waste management GHG emission, which is -5,24
MTCO2E. It indicates that compared to baseline management, the alternative
scenario would produce larger emission reductions. Table 2 shows that the TPS3R
Flamboyan's present waste management system has an emission of greenhouse
gases rate of -5,24 MTCO2E. The effect of source reduction increased recycling, and
composting on emissions of greenhouse gases was examined in the alternative
scenario. The model's output shows that this state's greenhouse gas emissions were
-6,50 (MTCO2E). Source reduction and recycling can significantly lower greenhouse
gas emissions, according to model results.

WARM analysis result for Energy Use

Table 5. Energy Use From Baseline Waste Management (WARM Application, 2022)

Table 6. Energy Use From Alternative Management Scenario (WARM Application, 2022)

The model calculated Energy Use from Baseline and Alternative Waste Management
system. Based on Table 3 energy Use from Baseline was “58,79 -“million BTU and
from the alternative scenario was “-92,68-“ million BTU(table 4). Results show
energy usage reduces when using an alternative scenario. Energy use for

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Vol. 08, No. 02, pp. 131-146, October, 2023

transportation based on distance, HDPE Baseline from TPS3R to TPA Cipeucang is 12

km, HDPE Alternative from TPS3R to 3rd Party Reni jaya is 150 m.

4 Conclusions

The conclusion is the inventory calculation result of GHG emission current condition
and alternative condition are -5,24 and -6,5 and Total energy use in the current
condition is -58,79 and the alternative condition with HDPE recycling is -92,68.5
Considering the significance of GHG emissions and Reni Jaya's population
expansion, which increased garbage creation, selecting the best waste management
alternatives may significantly contribute to lowering GHG emissions. Choosing the
right waste management system might also help the government economically. To
be both ecologically and economically viable, the most practical solution for waste
treatment should be chosen based on the nature of the trash and the facilities
already in place in Pamulang.

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