Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Pulp & Paper Mills: Comparison Between MFO With Biomass in Lime Kiln

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Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, volume 7

Proceedings of the 4th Forum in Research, Science, and Technology (FIRST-T1-T2-2020)

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Pulp & Paper Mills:

Comparison Between MFO With Biomass in Lime Kiln
Yonki Alexander Volta1 Rusdianasari2,* Syahirman Yusi3
Applied Renewable Energy Engineering Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Jalan Srijaya Negara,
Palembang, 30139 Indonesia.
Renewable Energy Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Jalan Srijaya Negara, Palembang, 30139
Business Administration Department, Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya, Jalan Srijaya Negara, Palembang, 30139
Corresponding author. Email:

Pulp and paper mills keeps trying to take advantage of renewable energy as an energy source. One of utilization is
used bark as renewable energy source to substitute fossil fuel. Bark from wood preparation utilized in bark gasifier to
produced syngas as primary fuel in lime kiln. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of biomass utilization to
environment using life cycle Assessment (LCA) method. The “gate to gate” approach was used to evaluate two
scenarios of different fuel combination: (1) 75% biomass and (2) 100% MFO as primary fuel in the lime kiln for 1000
kg CaO. Evaluation of environment impact related to each scenario using ISO 14040 (2006) that consist of goal and
scope definition, inventory analysis, life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and interpretation. Result shown used
biomass to produce syngas as fuel in lime kiln has impact to global warming 4.25E+01 kqCO2 /ton CaO. Its lower
than if used MFO that impact to global warming 6.91E+01 kqCO 2/ ton CaO. For increased environmental quality,
using 100% biomass as primary fuel in lime kiln is recommended.

Keywords: Biomass, bark gasifier, lime kiln, pulp and paper

1. INTRODUCTION to produce pulp is 12.91 Tj/kt and produces emissions

of around 0.30 kt CO2/kt of product [8].
The pulp and paper industry is an industry that plays
an important role in the Indonesian economy. Paper The ratio of primary energy use in pulp & paper
products and their derivatives are needed in large production in Europe is around 1.6% fuel, 3.4% coal,
quantities and are widely used in community activities. 32.9% BBG and 59.8% biomass. Development in the
The use of paper is widely used as a medium or a place use of renewable energy continues and one that has
to print, write, draw, wrap, and use tissue, usually started to be implemented is the use of gasification by
related to food and hygiene. Industries and offices also utilizing biomass in the form of bark [9].
use a lot of paper products and their derivatives that are PT. OKI Pulp & Paper Mill is the biggest pulp mill
used as print media, wrapping media, writing media, in South Sumatera with 2,800,000 production capacity.
until now they are widely used for water & food cups as This mill used renewable energy as energy resources to
a substitute for plastic packaging [1]. support production. Bark from wood preparation used to
The amount of pulp and paper production certainly produce syngas in Bark Gasifier.Gasification is a
requires enormous energy [2]. The use of fossil energy method of thermochemical conversion of solid fuel into
as the main energy source will certainly have an impact synthetic gas (syngas) in a gasifier container by
on the environment in the form of air, water and land supplying the agent[10], [11]. Gasification such as hot
emissions [3]–[6]. This impact certainly affects the steam, air and others [12], [13]. Syngas is a gas capable
course of the production process so that slowly the use of burning and can be used as a source of renewable
of fossil energy sources is starting to be replaced with energy to replace fossil energy sources. In the pulp &
renewable energy sources [7]. The primary energy used paper mill, syngas can be used as fuel in Lime Kiln as a

Copyright © 2021 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press B.V.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license - 323
Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, volume 7

substitute for Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) and Marine Production data that has been processed for one year of
Fuel Oil (MFO) [4], [5], [14]. The use of LNG to production has used as primary data and supporting data
replace MFO in the pulp & paper production process are used from some of the closest and most relevant
has the potential to reduce about 20% of greenhouse references.
gases [15]. Syngas produced from the gasifier unit
cannot replace fossil energy as a whole in the lime kiln
unit. MFO is still needed at start-up and as a backup
when the gasifier unit has problems [16].
By utilizing biomass as an energy source, of course
it will reduce the impact on the environment, but this
needs to be re-examined using the Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA) [17]. LCA is a compilation and
Figure 1 Research Method
evaluation of inputs, outputs and potential
environmental impacts of all stages of the product life This research was conducted in one of the pulp &
cycle, starting from the raw materials obtained until the paper manufacture that have used syngas produced from
product is used or disposed of [18]. LCA is not only the bark gasifier as an energy source in lime kiln. This
used to increase efficiency and reduce environmental gasifier uses bark, fines and pins which are a by-product
impacts but can also be used to analyze the use of of the chipping process in the Wood Preparation unit.
biomass as an energy source to replace fossil energy The scope is limited by the gate to gate system of the
[19], [20] utilization syngas from gasifier unit to produce CaO in
The potential environmental impacts that can be lime kiln.
caused at each phase of energy supply in the pulp &
paper industry can be analyzed using LCA by 3. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
calculating the environmental load based on an
inventory analysis of the use of the resources used [21]– 3.1. Life Cycle Inventory
[23]. This allows LCA to be used to analyze the
effectiveness of Bark Gasifier utilization in pulp Inventory is carried out based on material input and
production. One of the results of the LCA study of pulp output in the system. Input data consists of raw material
& paper products in Portugal shows that reducing the requirements, energy / electricity, and water. The output
environmental impact can be done by replacing fossil is syngas production and ash that out from cyclone unit.
energy sources with renewable energy source [24]. Table 1 shows an inventory of 1 MJ syngas production.
Based on this research, it is concluded that the results Table 1. Life cycle inventory for 1 MJ syngas
obtained from the LCA can be used as a source of
information to minimize pollution and energy efficiency Value Unit
in order to support the sustainability of the company and Input
fulfill the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions set by
the government. Bark,fines and pin 1.81E-04 ton
Water 7.19E-05 m3
2. RESEARCH METHODS Lime Stone 7.79E-06 ton
Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method implemented Electric Power 7.17E-08 MW
based on principles and framework in ISO 14010:2006 LP Steam 1.99E-04 ton
that consist of goal and scope definition, inventory
analysis, life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and Diesel Oil 2.68E-04 L
interpretation. The goal of this assessment is to compare Output
the environment impacts of lime kiln using syngas from Ash 5.42E-06 ton
bark gasifier with lime kiln using MFO as fuel. In this
paper, study is done in two alternatives, the first which
is interested in the production of CaO from lime kiln No mention emission released to environment due to
with syngas of bark gasifier, and the second alternative all gasifier product direct flow lime kiln to burn lime
is interested to the production of CaO from conventional stone. In lime kiln syngas mixed with methanol, H2 and
lime kiln. The functional unit is 1 ton of CaO production MFO. Methanol is recycled product from VE unit. This
in lime kiln unit process. unit evaporated black liquor from pulp making unit and
recovered weak black liquor to be heavy black liquor
Assessment used SIMAPRO v.9 software with
(HBL), its will be used in fuel in recovery boiler unit.
ecoinvent 3.5 database. This database is used as an
approach reference for the data to be assumed.

Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, volume 7

H2 produced in Alkaline Chlorine Plan unit which is 3.2. Life Cycle Inventory
the main product is O2 to support process in pulp
making unit. MFO and diesel oil used for start-up and Data for scenario 1 and 2 processed in SIMAPRO
backup due to if bark gasifier not stable and low v.9 and for database used similar with characteristic in
performance. ecoinvent database. Analysis impact in this research
used Impact 2002+ method [25]. Result of this LCIA
Syngas burned in lime kiln to produce CaO. Lime can be seen in Table 3.
kiln designed can used 3 kinds of fuel such as MFO,
LNG and syngas. Each fuel can be used 100% or mixed This method included characterization and damage
depend on demand. In this study used 2 scenarios to do impact assessment in one calculating. In Table 3 shown
the life cycle assessment. First scenario used actual characterization impact assessment, damage impact
operational that used syngas as primary fuel. This assessment and single score impact assessment.
scenario used operational data a in a year. Second Characterization impact assessment is an assessment of
scenario used MFO as primary fuel without syngas and the amount of substances that contribute to the impact
still support by methanol and H2. In this scenario category in CaO production based on its
substitute syngas with MFO based on calorific value. characterization factors as shown in Table 3. Damage
The output data CaO products and emissions released to impact assessment analysis is used to evaluate the
the environment in process. Table 2 shows an inventory impact of the resulting damage based on the impact of
of 1000 kg of CaO. its characterization. Table 4 shown the categories of
damage caused by CaO production activities in various
Table 2. Life cycle inventory for 1 ton CaO production scenarios.
Styles Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Unit
Syngas (Biomass) 4.12 - MJ
MFO 34.77 134.98 L
Lime Mud 1.58 1.58 ton
Lime Stone 0.13 0.13 ton
Methanol 0.05 0.05 ton Figure 2. Characterization of comparison used biomass
H2 1.46 1.46 ton and MFO for 1000 kg CaO production
Electric Power 0.75 0.75 kw
MP Steam 0.01 0.01 ton
Particulate 0.03 0.03 kg
NOx 0.27 0.27 kg
TRS 0.0037 0.0037 kg
SO2 0.01 0.01 kg

Table 3. Characterization of comparison used biomass and MFO for 1000 kg CaO production

Impact category Unit Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Carcinogens kg C2H3Cl eq 7.22E-01 1.27E+00
Non-carcinogens kg C2H3Cl eq 8.79E-01 1.55E+00
Respiratory inorganics kg PM2.5 eq 1.07E-01 1.54E-01
Ionizing radiation Bq C-14 eq 2.78E+03 4.95E+03
Ozone layer depletion kg CFC-11 eq 7.64E-05 1.36E-04
Respiratory organics kg C2H4 eq 7.58E-02 1.34E-01
Aquatic ecotoxicity kg TEG water 1.59E+04 2.77E+04
Terrestrial ecotoxicity kg TEG soil 3.46E+03 5.96E+03
Terrestrial acid/nutri kg SO2 eq 2.79E+00 3.70E+00
Land occupation m2org.arable 5.72E-01 9.14E-01
Aquatic acidification kg SO2 eq 6.35E-01 9.48E-01
Aquatic eutrophication kg PO4 P-lim 3.08E-02 5.46E-02
Global warming kg CO2 eq 4.25E+01 6.91E+01
Non-renewable energy MJ primary 6.32E+03 1.12E+04
Mineral extraction MJ surplus 4.83E-01 8.30E-01 325
Atlantis Highlights in Engineering, volume 7

Table 4. Life cycle inventory for 1 ton CaO production

Damage Category Unit Scenario 1 Scenario 2

Human Health DALY 8.02E-05 1.17E-04
Ecosystem Quality PDF*m2*yr 3.17E+01 5.34E+01
Climate Change kg CO2 eq 4.25E+01 6.91E+01
Resources MJ primary 6.32E+03 1.12E+04 Figure 3. Single score of comparison used biomass and
MFO for 1000 kg CaO production

Based on Table 4, there are several units to Figure 3 shown score of scenario 1 is1.01x10-1 Pt
determine the magnitude caused by impact damage, and scenario 2 is 5.95x 10-02. High contribution to
namely DALY, PDF * m2 * yr, primary MJ and kg environment from scenario when used 100% MFO. For
CO2eq. DALY is a measure that a person receives from increased environmental quality, using 100% biomass as
the total burden of disease, expressed as the number of primary fuel in lime kiln is recommended. MFO better
years lost due to disability health problems, or use only if emergency case to back up production,
premature death. One DALY is the same as one year of beside that using biomass will get financial benefit.
healthy life lost. There are 6 categories of impact
characterization based on the damage factors that are 4. CONCLUSION
grouped into the human health category, namely
This research shows that used biomass as primary
carcinogenic, non-carcinogenic, respiratory inorganic,
fuel is has low impact to environmental. Used biomass
ionizing radiation, ozone layer depletion, and
to produce syngas as fuel in lime kiln has impact to
respiratory organic.
global warming 4.25E+01 kqCO2 /ton CaO. Its lower
PDF * m2 * yr is the part of a species / ecosystem than if used MFO that impact to global warming
that has the potential to be lost per m2 per year, is a unit 6.91E+01 kqCO2/ CaO.
used to measure the impact on an ecosystem. One PDF
* m2 * yr is the same as the destruction of 1 m2 of AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS
species or ecosystems on the earth's surface in 1 year.
The impact characterization categories grouped under All of the authors are involved in the process of
the ecosystem quality category are: aquatic ecotoxicity, collecting data. The first author contribution is
terrestrial ecotoxicity, terrestrial acid / nutrient, and land responsible for data processing. The second author and
occupation. corresponding author is responsible for manuscript
writing. The third author is responsible for analysis data
Kg CO2eq is used as a unit of the category of and for funding arrangement.
characterization of the impact of global warming, and
the resulting effect is global climate change. Used ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
biomass as primary fuel is better than used MFO.
Characterization from biomass got low impact to The author thanks to PT. OKI Pulp & Paper and
environmental in Global Warming, the result is Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya for the facilities in this
4.25E+01 kqCO2 eq per Ton CaO and MFO is study.
6.91E+01 kgCO2 eq per Ton CaO
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Komparasi antara Bahan Bakar Batubara dengan


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