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Spanish Journal of Psychology (2013), 16, e29, 1–13.

© Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid


Teacher Psychological Needs, Locus of Control and


Fernando Doménech Betoret

Universitat Jaume I (Spain)

Abstract. This study examines the relationships among psychological needs, locus of control and engagement in a sample
of 282 Spanish secondary school teachers. Nine teacher needs were identified based on the study of Bess (1977) and on
the Self-Determination Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000, 2002). Self-report questionnaires were used to measure the con-
struct selected for this study and their interrelationships were examined by conducting hierarchical regression analyses.
An analysis of teacher responses using hierarchical regression reveals that psychological needs have significant positive
effects on the three engagement dimensions (vigor, dedication and absorption). Furthermore, the results show the
moderator role played by locus of control in the relationship between teacher psychological needs and the so-called core
of engagement (vigor and dedication). Finally, practical implications are discussed.

Received 29 November 2011; Revised 27 March 2012; Accepted 24 May 2012

Keywords: teacher needs, locus of control, engagement, secondary school teachers.

Burnout and engagement have been considered the Bess (1977) identifies seven needs related to teacher
major indicators of workers’ well-being. Most of the motivation whose dissatisfaction could diminish or
studies carried out in the past on workers’ well-being negatively affect their motivation: utility, security,
have centered on the negative pole (burnout). Yet as a belongingness, self-development, achievement, com-
result of a resurge in positive psychology, the studies petency and self-realization. Herzberg’s theory (1966)
conducted in the last decade have increasingly addressed presents two categories of the motives that influence
the positive pole; that is, work engagement (Seligman & people’s attitudes to their work. One category is com-
Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). However, research works posed of the so-called “hygiene factors” or dissatisfiers:
focusing on investigating the relationship between company policy, supervision, interpersonal relationship,
teacher needs and work engagement are scarce (most work conditions and salary. Absence of these factors
are based on the Self-Determination Theory of Deci & can lead to dissatisfaction at work, but their presence
Ryan, 1985, 2000, 2002), but are very important for neither motivates nor produces satisfaction. The other
understanding the role played by psychological category is made up of the factors known as “motiva-
needs on teacher engagement and given the practical tors”, or satisfiers, which determine workers’ motivation
implications that may be derived to improve teacher and satisfaction. “Satisfiers” reflect the relationship
well-being. between the person and the task that he/she is doing,
whereas “hygiene factors”, or dissatisfiers, reflect the
Psychological needs relationship between the person and the context.
Both classic theories share common features with
The theories of Maslow (1954) and Herzberg (1966) are
another more recent motivational theory known as the
considered classic for explaining people’s motivation.
Self-Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan, 1985,
Maslow’s theory (1954) proposes five categories of
2000, 2002). According to Deci and Ryan (1985, 2000,
needs which are organized hierarchically to distin-
2002), the SDT is an organism-based theory of optimal
guish between lower-order needs and higher-order
human motivation which, over the last three decades,
needs. These needs, arranged from lower to higher, are
has been extensively supported by a number of studies
as follows: physiological, safety, love and belonging,
(Reis, Sheldon, Gable, Roscoe, & Ryan, 2000; Sheldon,
esteem and self-actualization. According to Maslow,
Elliot, Kim, & Kasser, 2001; Sheldon, Ryan, & Reis, 1996).
people’s behavior aims to satisfy these basic, universal
According to the SDT, three basic psychological needs
needs. Based on Maslow’s needs theory (1954, 1972),
(autonomy, competence, and relatedness) undermine
or support peoples’ intrinsic motivation to engage in
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to
a given behavior. Autonomy occurs when people
Fernando Doménech Betoret. Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva,
Educativa, Social i Metodología. Universitat Jaume I. Campus Riu Sec.
feel they are the cause of their behavior (Deci & Ryan,
12071 Castellón (Spain) Phone: +34-964729550. Fax: +34-964729262. 1985). “Autonomy is not independence or total freedom,
E-mail: rather an internal acceptance of, and engagement with,
2  F. D. Betoret

one’s motivated behavior. Supporting autonomy means Work Engagement Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli & Bakker,
taking the student’s perspective, offering choice, and 2003; Schaufeli et al., 2002) was created to measure the
providing a meaningful rationale when choice is not three components of engagement (vigor, dedication and
possible” (Filak & Sheldon, 2003, p. 235). Competence absorption) according to this perspective.
occurs when one feels effective in one’s behavior.
Competence comes close to self-efficacy and can be Teacher Psychological Needs and Well-being
seen when one undertakes and masters challenging
Teacher psychological needs are considered to play an
tasks. “Relatedness occurs when one feels connected
important role in the study of teacher professional
to, or understood by, others”. This construct is similar
health and well-being. The Job Demands and Resources
to the need for belongingness posited by Baumeister
Model of work engagement (JD-R) (Bakker & Demerouti,
and Leary (1995), but is more general and includes
2007, 2008) highlights/emphasizes the importance of
interpersonal and group connections (Filak & Sheldon,
job resources to predict engagement. According to this
2003). According to the SDT, when these three needs
proposal, job demands versus resources drive two dif-
are satisfied, they encourage psychological well-being
ferent yet related processes: an energetic process in which
and employees’ intrinsic motivation which, in turn,
high job demands may lead to burnout; a motivational
leads to effective performance (Gagné & Deci, 2005).
process in which job resources promote engagement and
Recent studies have shown that school teachers, more
organizational commitment (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004).
than any other professionals, suffer lack of work moti-
According to the JD-R model, the reason for the moti-
vation (Jesus & Lens, 2005), and motivation is crucial for
vational process is the motivational role played by
optimal human functioning in the workplace (Fernet,
job resources, which may be intrinsic or extrinsic. The
Senecal, Guay, Marsh, & Dowson, 2008).
intrinsic role played by job resources can be explained
Given that Bess’ (1977) theory is centered specifically
by the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan,
on teachers needs and the Self-Determination Theory
1985, 2000, 2002) since any social context that satisfies
(Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000, 2002) focuses on employees
psychological human needs (e.g., autonomy, compe-
or workers in general, we thought that the three basic
tence and relatedness) enhances well-being and increases
needs of the SDT could also be considered basic needs
commitment (Hackman & Oldham, 1980; van den
for teachers and could complement the more specific
Broeck, Vansteenkiste, De Witte, & Lens, 2008). In light
proposal made by Bess (1977)
of this, it is plausible to assume that the link between
job resources and engagement may be mediated by
Work engagement
human needs. If so, psychological needs would have a
Promoting employees positive psychological states direct effect on work engagement, whereas job resources
(such as engagement) is very important for organi- would have an indirect effect through psychological
zations. Recent studies have shown the benefits of needs, which means that needs would probably be better
engagement on workers behaviors and attitudes which, predictors of work engagement than job resources.
in turn, will have a positive effect on the organization. Previous research has verified the relationship between
For example, the results have revealed that work employees´ needs and professional well-being. In their
engagement is positively related to in-role and extra-role study, Gold and Roth (2005) examined the relationship
performance (Halbesleben & Wheeler, 2008; Schaufeli, between teacher needs and professional health. They
Taris, & Bakker, 2006) and client satisfaction (Salanova, came to the conclusion that “When an individual per-
Agut, & Peiró, 2005). ceives that their needs are not met over a period of
Previous research (Schaufeli, Salanova, González- time, they become discouraged, angry and depressed”
Romá, & Bakker, 2002) has verified that although work (Gold & Roth, 2005, p. 42). These authors classified
engagement is considered the opposite concept of burn- needs into three broad categories (emotional-physical
out, it has a different structure. From this point of view, needs, psycho-social needs and personal-intellectual
work engagement is defined as “a positive, fulfilling, needs). They highlighted the importance of the so-called
work-related state of mind characterized by vigor, socio-psychological needs, such as interaction and
dedication and absorption” (Schaufeli et al., 2002, p. 74). support from other colleagues, which are considered
Vigor refers to high levels of energy and mental resilience the underlying causes of teacher stress and burnout
at work. Dedication is characterized by being deeply (Gold & Roth, 2005). Other studies have proved that
involved at work, and experiencing a sense of signif- satisfying psychological needs is significantly and pos-
icance, enthusiasm and pride. Absorption is charac- itively related with components of engagement (vigor),
terized by being fully concentrated and happy at work. but is significantly and negatively related with compo-
In the present study, we have followed the conceptu- nents of burnout (emotional exhaustion) (see van den
alization proposed by Schaufeli et al. (2002). The Utrecht Broeck et al., 2008). Therefore, it seems that unmet or
Teacher Psychological Needs and Engagement  3

unsatisfied psychological needs provoke negative con- believed that locus of control contributes to well-being
sequences in human beings, which may affect their universally since the findings reached were similar in
health and efficacy at work. Conversely, satisfying these almost all the sampled areas. Moreover, Scott, Cox, and
needs is associated with more effective performance Dinham (1999), found that teachers were more satis-
and well-being (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000). Accordingly, fied if they had greater control over their work. Similarly,
in order to improve teacher well-being, support and Stockard and Lehman (2004) discovered that satisfac-
opportunities to meet teacher needs must be provided tion was significantly influenced by the level of control
through professional health programs (Gold & Roth, that teachers had over the work environment. The
2005). study conducted by Näring, Briet, and Brouwers (2006)
with secondary school teachers from the Netherlands
Locus of Control and Well-being showed that greater job control was positively related
to perceptions of personal accomplishment. In a longi-
The Job Demands and Resources Model of work
tudinal research study with a large sample of Human
engagement (JD-R) (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007, 2008)
Service Employees in Sweden, van Vegchel, De Jonge,
proposes that personal resources, either independently
Soderfeldt, Dormann, and Schaufeli (2004) found that
or combined with job resources, also predict work job control was linked to emotional demands and emo-
engagement. According to the JD-R, personal resources tional exhaustion. Similarly, there has been evidence
not only refer to positive self-evaluations associated that those teachers with high external control are more
with resiliency, but indicate the individual sense of likely to suffer burnout (Farber, 1991; Kyriacou, 1987;
one’s ability to control and impact the environment Rotter, 1966). In short, research supports the notion
successfully (Hobfoll, Jonson, Ennis, & Jackson, 2003). that job control or internal locus of control is associated
Previous studies have shown that personal resources with positive well-being both on and off the job, whereas
consistently influence psychological well-being (Lorente, external locus of control is associated with negative
Salanova, Martínez, & Schaufeli, 2008; Xanthopoulou, health consequences.
Bakker, Demerouti, & Schaufeli, 2007). Accordingly, As the present study deals with teacher needs, we are
and based on the JD-R proposal, locus of control has interested in knowing the level of control that teachers
been selected as a personal resource since this variable perceive they have on all nine needs identified and
is considered a personal resource related with subjects’ how this controllability may affect teacher engagement.
capacity to control their environment. That is, firstly we wish to know, and to what extent, if
The locus of control concept was developed by Rotter teachers believe that the fulfillment of the nine needs
in 1954. Locus of control refers to the extent to which considered primarily results from their own behavior
individuals believe they can control the events affecting and actions or if, conversely, they believe that the
them. Subjects with a high internal locus of control fulfillment of their needs is primarily determined by
believe that events result primarily from their own powerful others, such as fate, chance, etc. Secondly, we
behavior and actions. Conversely, subjects with a high want to examine the moderator role played by locus
external locus of control believe that powerful others, of control in the relationship between psychological
such as fate, chance, etc., primarily determine events. needs and teacher engagement. Previous studies have
Internal control beliefs are an important key of emo- found that satisfaction of psychological needs encour-
tional adjustment and ability to handle stress at work ages employees’ well-being and intrinsic motivation
(Spector, 1982) and also in general life (e.g., Kobasa, (Gagné & Deci, 2005), and also that job control is
Maddi, & Kahn, 1982). related to motivation (Demerouti, Bakker, Janssen, &
Evidence reported from previous studies suggests Schaufeli, 2001). Therefore, it is reasonable to think
that locus of control in the workplace has been linked that teacher motivation and engagement could be
to employee well-being (Ganster & Fusilier, 1999; Spector, influenced by the satisfaction of their professional
1988; Spector, Cooper, Sanchez, O’Driscoll, & Sparks, needs and by some personal variables such as locus of
2002; Spector & O’Connell, 1994). According to Spector need job control. So, we thought it could be interesting
et al. (2002), locus of control was perhaps the most to explore the interaction between psychological needs
studied control-related variable. Locus of control in the in the workplace (work environment) and the locus of
workplace, understood as beliefs that one has control need control perceived by teachers (personal variable).
at work, has been linked to employee well-being Specifically, we want to know to what extent locus of
(e.g., Spector 1988; Spector & O’Gonnell, 1994). Moreover, control moderate the relationship between psycho-
the study conducted by Spector et al. (2002) indicates logical needs and teacher engagement. It could be
on the one hand that “Research support the notion that expected that teachers who thinkhat their professional
internality is associated with positive well-being both needs are generally under control, probably they will
on and off the job” (p. 454). On the other hand, it is feel more motivated and engaged in the workplace
4  F. D. Betoret

than those teachers who believe that nothing can be done by the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci & Ryan,
to fulfill their professional needs. Teachers who believe 1985, 2000, 2002). The initial scale was composed of
that professional needs are beyond their control, prob- 43 items to assess 10 needs. All the teachers’ responses
ably will experience a feeling of impotence that may scored on a four-point Likert scale, with the following
negatively affect their engagement at work. response options: 1 (I quite disagree), 2 (I disagree more
than I agree), 3 (I agree more than I disagree), 4 (I quite
Objectives agree)”. A preliminary and exploratory factor analysis
(EFA) was conducted on the whole scale to check the
Based on the aforementioned considerations, the objec-
structure of the scale by means of the principal compo-
tives of this work are: firstly, to examine the predictive
nents method with varimax rotation. The preliminary
capacity of teacher psychological needs in teacher
EFA suggests that 7 items had either low (below .3) or
engagement. We hypothesize that teacher psycholog-
substantial loadings (over .3) on more than one factor.
ical needs will positively predict teacher engagement;
Therefore, they were removed in order to clarify the
secondly, to examine the moderator role of locus of
construct interpretation. A further EFA was conducted
control on teacher psychological needs in the relation-
on the remaining 36 items of the scale. Nine factors
ship between psychological needs and engagement in
were extracted with eigenvalues exceeding unity. The
the teaching profession. We hypothesize that locus of
factor solution accounted for 68.16% of total variance.
control on needs will play a moderator role between
In general, Cronbach’s coefficient alpha reliabilities
teacher psychological needs and engagement. That is,
were good for all the subscales (except for F9, which
the greater the degree of control that teachers perceive
scored .56), the index of which ranged from .72 (min-
to have on their psychological needs, the more engaged
imum) to .90 (maximum). The extracted factors and
they are at work; and vice versa, the lower the degree of
an example of an item included in each factor are as
control teachers perceive to have on their psychological
follows: (a) Factor 1 (Relatedness-belonging, α = .89):
needs, the less engaged they are.
“In this department, I feel that I belong to one big
family”, (b) Factor 2 (Utility, α = .89): “I think that what
I teach students will be useful for their own personal
Participants and Procedure life”; (c) Factor 3 (Security, α = .90): “Practicing my
profession is not a risk for my personal security”;
A total sample of 282 Spanish secondary school teachers
(d) Factor 4 (Recognition, α = .85): “Students’ parents
participated in this study. In gender terms, the sample
do not appreciate our work”; (e) Factor 5 (Autonomy,
consisted in 276 valid cases (124 males, 44.9% and 152
α = 0.76): “I am free to decide how and what I teach in
females, 55.1%) from 23 schools (19 public and 4 private)
my classes”; (f) Factor 6 (Professional development, α =
in Eastern Spain. Teachers were aged between 20 and
.72): “My profession offers me the possibility of devel-
60 years (M = 38.6, SD = 9.20) and their professional
oping professionally”; g) Factor 7 (Self-realization, α =
experience ranged between 1 and 39 years (M = 15.33,
.74): “I feel fulfilled by practicing my profession”; (h)
SD = 8.86).
Factor 8 (Competency, α = .72): “I believe I am a compe-
Schools were randomly selected from public and
tent enough teacher to be teaching students in the 21st
private schools. After selecting the schools, a presenta-
century”; (i) Factor 9 (Achievement/results, α = .56):
tion letter was sent to the school to inform about the
“I usually meet the objectives set out in my course
research aims and to request its participation. Then an
subject(s) for each academic year”. As seen, the nine
interview was requested with the school headmaster
factors extracted corresponding to nine teacher needs
to offer verbal information about the research, to clarify
(relatedness and belongingness, initially separated were
doubts and to request permission to interview school-
combined in Factor 1: need of relatedness-belongingness
teachers. Those teachers who agreed to participate
(1), need of utility (2), need of security (3), need of
were given a battery of questionnaires inside an enve-
social recognition (4), need of autonomy (5), need of
lope. Instructions were also given as to filling in the
professional development (6), need of self-realization
questionnaires and sending them back. All the ques-
(7), need of competency (8) and need of achievement/
tionnaires handed out were completed anonymously
results (9). Negative items were reversed coded and
and participation in this study was entirely voluntary.
measures were constructed by averaging the items on
The response rate was 58%.
each factor.
Subsequently, a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
Measuring Instruments
was conducted to verify the factorial structure of the
Teacher psychological needs scale (TPNS). This scale measurement model obtained with the EFA. The
was constructed based on the seven teaching needs nine-factor structure of the model was then tested
proposed by Bess (1977) and the three needs proposed for its goodness-of-fit using the maximum likelihood
Teacher Psychological Needs and Engagement  5

estimation procedure with EQS (Bentler, 2006). The Data analysis

covariance between the factors and the errors between
To accomplish the objectives set out, descriptive and
the observational variables inside each factor or sub-
internal consistency analyses were done of the scales,
scale were introduced because of their intercorrela-
and the bivariate correlations among the variables
tions. The indices obtained were the following: (n = 273
were considered. Subsequently, a hierarchical multiple
valid cases): χ2 = 862.90 based on 519 df , p = .001;
regression analysis was carried out for all the dimensions
Bentler-Bonett Non Normed Fit Index (BNNFI) = .914;
of engagement (vigor, dedication and absorption),
Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = .929; and Root Mean-
taken as dependent variables. The independent vari-
Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = .049 (90%
ables were introduced into the regression equation in
CI: .043, .055). The indices show a good fit of the model
four successive steps; previously, however, they were
to the empirical data, thus supporting the nine-factor
standardized to minimize multicolinearity following
the recommendations of Aiken and West (1991). In the
first step, demographic variables were introduced
Locus of Need Control Scale
(gender and professional experience) to control their
This scale, composed of 10 items, has been devised for possible influence. In the second step, teacher psycho-
this study to assess the degree of locus of control that logical needs were introduced as independent variables
teachers perceive they have in order to meet the nine to determine their impact on engagement. In the third
identified psychological needs. Teachers were asked the step, locus of control of all the psychological needs was
following question: “To what extend does it depends introduced to determine their impact on engagement.
on you to fulfill the basic teaching needs listed below? In the fourth and final step, the interactions between
Examples of items are: “Need of feeling efficacy at work psychological needs and locus of control were intro-
(need of competency)”, Need of achieving learning duced (teacher psychological needs × locus of control
objectives (need of achievement)”, “Need of a relation- of each psychological need).
ship with co-workers (need of relatedness)”, “Need of
being safe at work (need of safety)”, “Need of being Results
valued by society (need of social recognition)”, etc.
Descriptive Analyses and Correlations among
Items were measured with a 4-point Likert-type scale
whose answers ranged between “It depends totally
on me” (4), “It depends quite a lot on me” (3), “It Table 1 shows the factors, means, standard deviations
somewhat depends on me” (2), “It does not depends and alpha coefficients for the scales used. In general,
on me” (4). The scale was found to have good psy- the scales present good internal consistency indices
chometric properties, with Cronbach’s alpha = .81. which range between .72 and .90, except achievement/
A general measure was obtained for all the scale by results which has a lower value (.56). Table 1 also displays
calculating the average of the scores obtained with the Pearson’s bivariate correlations among the variables,
whole scale. which follow the expected direction. Overall, the data
show that the psychological needs correlate positively
Work Engagement Scale and significantly with locus of control and the three
dimensions of engagement (vigor, dedication and
The three aspects of work engagement (vigor, dedica-
absorption). Moreover, locus of control correlates pos-
tion and absorption) were assessed using a Spanish
itively and significantly with the three dimensions of
translated version of the Utrecht Work Engagement
engagement. For more details, see Table 1.
Scale (UWES) (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2003; Schaufeli et al.,
2002). This scale is made up of 17 items and three
Regression Analysis
components: vigor (6 items), dedication (5 items) and
absorption (6 items). It was found to have good psy- Three sets of hierarchical multiple regression analyses
chometric properties, with Cronbach’s alpha generally were performed to determine the main effects of psy-
higher than .80 (Durán, Extremera, & Rey, 2004; chological needs and the effects of the interaction
Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). Moreover, the CFA showed between psychological needs and locus of control on
that a three-factor scale structure (vigor, dedication, the three dimensions of engagement.
absorption) was superior in terms of fit to a one-factor Table 2 displays the results of the regression analysis
structure (Engagement) (Schaufeli et al., 2002). In in which vigor is considered a dependent variable. These
line with previous research, the scale presented also results reveal the main effects of teacher psychological
shows good internal consistency for the present needs and locus of control. As seen, some psycho-
study (α = .82 for vigor; α = .88 for dedication; α = .74 for logical needs significantly predict vigor (N2: utility,
absorption). t = 2.45, p < .05; N5: autonomy, t = 2.48; p < .05;
6  F. D. Betoret

Table 1. Pearson’s bivariate correlations and descriptive statistics (N = 282)

M(SD) GE EX N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6 N7 N8 N9 LC E1 E2 E3

Gender (GE) – 1
Experience (EX) 15.33 (8.86) −.059 1
Relatedness-Bel. (N1) 3.17 (0.58) .121* −.160** 1
Utility (N2) 4.0 (0.89) .095 −.142* .241** 1
Work Security (N3) 3.16 (0.67) .030 .014 .148* .126* 1
Soc. recognition (N4) 2.13 (0.71) −.146* −.145* .134* .078 .183** 1
Autonomy (N5) 3.35 (0.58) .003 −.153* .259** .099 .250** .082 1
Development (N6) 3.16 (0.61) .060 −.173** .229** .296** .197** .186** .198** 1
Self-realization (N7) 3.63 (0.52) .102 −.078 .241** .240** .226** .179** .210** .526** 1
Competency (N8) 3.45 (0.44) −.117 −.202** .179** .204** .157** .255** .146* .180** .148* 1
Ach./results (N9) 3.23 (0.51) .012 −.199** .219** .219** .228** .159** .251** .267** .253** .295** 1
Locus of Control (LC) 2.89 (0.44) .155** −.159** .296** .184** .311** .141* .237** .343** .250** .291** .302** 1
Vigor (E1) 4.08 (0.90) .065 −.101 .253** .304** .237** .117 .275** .342** .399** .193** .302** .361** 1
Dedication (E2) 4.27 (1.01) .054 −.217** .326** .353** .264** .203** .266** .435** .481** .220** .302** .408** .805** 1
Absortion (E3) 3.79 (0.91) .092 −.087 .191** .233** .161** .018 .138* .265** .294** .121* .212** .292** .739** .745** 1

Note 1. Needs Scale: minimum = 1, maximum = 4.

Note 2. Engagement scale: minimum = 0, maximum = 6.
Note 3. Locus of need control scale: minimum = 1, maximum = 4*p < .05; ** p < .01 Variables considered. N1: Relatedness-Belonging (α = .89), N2: Utility (α = .89), N3: Security (α = .90),
N4: Recognition (α = .85), N5: Autonomy (α = .76), N6: Development (α = .72), N7: Self-realization (α = .74), N8: Competency (α = .72), N9: Achievement/results (α = .56), LC: Locus of
Control (α = .81), E1: Vigor (α = .82), E2: Dedication (α = .88), E3: Absorption (α = .74).
Teacher Psychological Needs and Engagement  7

Table 2. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis (N = 282). Dependent variable: Vigor (E1)

Independent variables Beta t R2 Change R2

Step 1 (Biographical variables) 0 .021 0.021

Gender 0.02 0.39
Experience –0.10 –1.72
Step 2 (Psychological needs) 0 .280 9.94 ***
N1. Relatedness/Belonging 0.04 0.80
N2. Utility 0.14 2.45*
N3. Work Security 0.08 1.42
N4. Social Recognition 0.04 0.06
N5. Autonomy 0.14 2.48*
N6. Professional Development 0.10 1,58
N7. Self-realization 0.19 3.02**
N8. Competency 0.05 0.94
N9. Achievement/Results 0.12 2.06*
Step 3 (Locus of control) 0.300 0.020**
Locus of Control 0.16 2.65**
Step 4 (Psychological needs × locus of control ) 0.351 0.051*
N1. Relatedness-Belong. × locus of control 2,26 2.03*
N2. Utility × locus of control 0.21 1.95*
N3. Work Security × locus of control 0.33 2.92**
N4. Social Recognition × locus of control 0.06 0.50
N5. Autonomy × locus of control 0.01 0.10
N6. Professional Development × locus of control 0.38 2.78**
N7. Self-realization × locus of control 0.06 0.58
N8. Competency × locus of control 0.08 0.72
N9. Achievement/Results × locus of control 0.19 1.65

Note: *p < .05; ** p < .01; ***p < .001.

N7: self-realization, t = 3.02, p < .01 and N9: achievement/ dedication (t = 3.32, p < .01) and explains 2.6% of
results, t = 2.06, p < .05), accounting for around 28% of variance.
the explained variance. Locus of need control also pre- Regarding interaction effects, the results show that
dicts vigor significantly, and accounts for around 2% of other than having a significant main effect, locus of
explained variance (t = 2.65, p < .05). control also moderates some of the relationships between
Regarding interaction effects, the results show that psychological need and dedication, as hypothesized
other than having a significant main effect, Locus of
need control also moderate some of the relationships
between psychological needs and vigor, as hypothesized
(Change R2 = 0.051, p < .05). For example, relatedness-
belonging x locus of control (t = 2.03, p < .05), security x
locus of control (t = 2.92; p < .01) and development x
locus of control (t = 2.78; p < .01).
Table 3 displays the results of the regression analysis
in which dedication is considered a dependent variable.
These results indicate that as teachers gain more experi-
ence, they perceive themselves as having less dedication
at work (t = –3.61; p < .001). Furthermore, the results
also show the main effects of teacher psychological
needs and locus of control. The primary psychological
need that predicts dedication is self-realization (t =
3.97, p < .001), followed by utility (t = 2.94; p < .01)
and professional development (t = 2.55; p < .05),
which accounts for around 32% of variance. Locus of Figure 1. Interaction between need of relatedness-belonging ×
need control has a positive and significant effect on locus of control.
8  F. D. Betoret

Figure 2. Interaction between need of utility × locus of Figure 4. Interaction between need of professional
control. development × locus of control.

(Change R2 = 0.055, p < .01). However, the only interac-

tion to have a significant effect on dedication is profes- Discussion
sional development × locus of control (t = 2.05; p < .05). The relationships among psychological needs, locus of
Table 4 displays the results of the regression analysis control and engagement in a sample of Spanish sec-
in which absorption is considered a dependent vari- ondary school teachers are discussed.
able. These results present the main effects of both The teacher psychological needs scale (TPNS), the
teacher psychological needs and locus of control. As main instrument employed in this study to assess the
seen for psychological needs, only self-realization fulfillment of teacher psychological needs, shows good
has a significant effect on absorption (t = 2.14; p < .05), psychometric properties. The subscales present good
which accounts for around 14% of explained variance. internal consistencies, and they all (except achievement/
Locus of control has a positive and significant effect on results) meet the standard of .70 recommended by
absorption (t = 2.76; p < .01), which accounts for 2.5% Nunnaly and Berstein (1994). Only the achievement/
of explained variance. results scale shows low reliability, suggesting that
Regarding interaction effects, the results indicate it should be reviewed and reformulated in future
that, conversely to what has been hypothesized, locus research.
of control does not moderate the relationship between The first objective consisted in examining the predic-
teacher psychological needs and absorption. tive capacity of teacher psychological needs in teacher
engagement. The results obtained from the hierar-
chical multiple regression analyses performed present
positive and significant main effects of certain psycho-
logical needs on engagement dimensions, indicating
that when satisfaction or fulfillment of certain teacher
psychological needs increases, the level of teacher
engagement also increases. Teacher self-realization
(N7) is the factor with a better predictive capacity on
the three teacher engagement dimensions: vigor, dedi-
cation and absorption. Utility (N2) is seen as a good
predictor of vigor and dedication. Achievement/results
(N9) and autonomy (N5) also emerge as significant
predictors of vigor, while professional development
(N6) is a significant predictor of dedication. Overall,
these results follow the expected hypothesized pattern
and reveal that the degree of fulfillment of certain
teacher psychological needs is a good predictor of
Figure 3. Interaction between need of security × locus of teaching engagement and explains a substantial
control. percentage of variance for the three dimensions of
Teacher Psychological Needs and Engagement  9

Table 3. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis (N= 724). Dependent variable: Dedication (E2)

Independent variables Beta t R2 Change R2

Step 1 (Biographical variables) 0 .065 0.065**

Gender –0.07 –0.19
Experience –0.21 –3.61***
Step 2 (Psychological needs) 0 .381 0.316 ***
N1. Relatedness/Belonging 0.10 1.90
N2. Utility 0.16 2.94**
N3. Work Security 0.08 1.66
N4. Social Recognition 0.06 1.18
N5. Autonomy 0.90 1.66
N6. Professional Development 0.58 2.55*
N7. Self-realization 0.24 3.97***
N8. Competency 0.03 0.53
N9. Achievement/Results 0.58 1.03
Step 3 (Locus of control) 0.407 0.026**
Locus of Control 0.19 3.32**
Step 4 (Psychological needs × locus of control ) 0.463 0.055**
N1. Relatedness-Belong. × locus of control 0.11 0.99
N2. Utility × locus of control 0.17 1.73
N3. Work Security × locus of control 0.13 1.28
N4. Social Recognition × locus of control 0.08 0.64
N5. Autonomy × locus of control –0.11 –1.25
N6. Professional Development × locus of control 0.25 2.05*
N7. Self-realization × locus of control 0.08 0.75
N8. Competency × locus of control 0.25 0.24
N9. Achievement/Results × locus of control –0.02 –0.24

Note: *p < .05; ** p < .01; ***p < .001.

engagement (around 26% for vigor, around 32% for (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000; van den Broeck et al., 2008),
dedication, and about 14% for absorption). These the data obtained suggest that met or satisfied teachers
results reveal that teacher psychological needs are good psychological needs may affect their engagement with
predictors of engagement, especially of the so-called all the positive implications it may have at work. In
core of engagement, formed by vigor and dedication this sense, the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) (Deci &
(Schaufeli et al., 2002). In line with previous studies Ryan, 1985, 2000, 2002) suggests that satisfaction of the
three basic psychological needs (autonomy, competence
and relatedness) enhances employees’ intrinsic motiva-
tion and that this, in turn, yields important outcomes,
such as “effective performance, particularly in tasks
requiring creativity, cognitive flexibility, and conceptual
understanding” (Gagné & Deci, 2005, p. 337). In sum,
from our results we can assert that the data obtained
support the hypothesized relationship between teacher
psychological needs and engagement.
The second objective consisted in analyzing whether
locus of control moderates the relationship between
teacher psychological needs and engagement. Regarding
the moderator role played between teacher needs and
vigor (E1), the results obtained, and described in the
Results section, reveal that the control perceived by
teachers of all the psychological needs considered
moderates the relationship between several psycholog-
Figure 5. Interaction between need of professional ical needs and vigor (R2 = .35). For instance, interactions
development × locus of control. such as work security × locus of control, professional
10  F. D. Betoret

Table 4. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis (N= 282). Dependent variable: Absorption (E3)

Independent variables Beta t R2 Change R2

Step 1 (Biographical variables) 0.019 0.019

Gender 0.06 1.03
Experience –0.08 –1.43
Step 2 (Psychological needs) 0.155 0.136 ***
N1. Relatedness/Belonging 0.06 1.00
N2. Utility 0.10 1.64
N3. Work Security 0.06 0.98
N4. Social Recognition –0.06 –1.06
N5. Autonomy 0.03 0.55
N6. Professional Development 0.11 1.59
N7. Self-realization 1.15 2.14*
N8. Competency 0.04 0.68
N9. Achievement/Results 0.08 1.21
Step 3 (Locus of control) 0.180 0.025**
Locus of Control 0.18 2.76**
Step 4 (Psychological needs × locus of control ) 0.219 0.039
N1. Relatedness-Belong. × locus of control 0.15 1.08
N2. Utility × locus of control 0.17 1.44
N3. Work Security × locus of control 0.20 1.59
N4. Social Recognition × locus of control 0.18 1.25
N5. Autonomy × locus of control –0.02 –0.24
N6. Professional Development × locus of control 0.25 1.73
N7. Self-realization × locus of control 0.11 0.84
N8. Competency × locus of control 0.23 1.92
N9. Achievement/Results × locus of control 0.11 0.87

Note: *p < .05; ** p < .01; ***p < .001.

development × locus of control, relatedness- belonging × dedication (R2 = .46). Yet only the professional devel-
locus of control, and finally utility × locus of control opment x locus of control interaction has a significant
have a significant and positive effect on vigor. The data and positive effect on dedication. These results reveal
suggest that good control on work security, sound con- that when teachers perceive they have more control
trol on professional development, good control on over needs, professional development increases teacher
relatedness- belonging and high control on utility dedication. These data suggest that the teachers who
increase teachers’ vigor in the workplace; that is, their believe that their professional development depends
level of energy and mental resilience. Conversely, mainly on their own behavior and actions are strongly
teachers who believe that “There’s nothing they can involved at work, and experience a sense of signifi-
do” toward security at work, professional develop- cance, enthusiasm and pride. Conversely, those teachers
ment, relatedness, or for more utility, display lower who believe that “There’s nothing they can do” toward
levels of energy and mental resilience. Overall, these their professional development are little involved at
results suggest that when teachers perceive they have work. According to these results, we can assert that
more control over their psychological needs, they work locus of control moderates the relationship between
more energetically and display a positive capacity to teacher needs and dedication. Therefore, the data
cope with stress and adversity. According to these obtained support the hypothesized moderation role
results, we can assert that locus of control moderates played by locus of control in the relationship between
the relationship between teacher needs and vigor. psychological needs and dedication (one of the compo-
Therefore, the data obtained support the hypothesized nents of engagement).
moderation role played by locus of control in the rela- As regards the moderator role played between teacher
tionship between psychological needs and vigor (one needs and absorption (E3), this study has not verified
of the components of engagement). whether locus of control moderates the relationship
Regarding the moderator role played between teacher between teacher psychological needs and absorption
needs and dedication (E2), locus of control also moder- since the change of the coefficient of determination
ates the relationship between psychological needs and (Change R2) was not significant for this dimension.
Teacher Psychological Needs and Engagement  11

These results suggest that absorption, characterized by Apart from contributing to the understanding of this
being fully concentrated and happy at work, does not phenomenon, this work also presents practical impli-
depend on the control perceived by teachers of their cations to reduce teacher burnout. Regarding teacher
psychological needs considered in this study. According psychological needs, developing a positive work climate
to these results, we rejected the hypothesized modera- at school to satisfy teacher needs would firstly be
tion role played by locus of control in the relationship recommendable. According to the Self-Determination
between psychological needs and absorption (one of Theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985, 2000, 2002), any social con-
the components of engagement). text that satisfies basic psychological human needs
In sum, the results obtained for the second objective (such as autonomy, competence and relatedness) en-
largely verify the moderator role played by locus of hances well-being and increases commitment (see also
control in the relationship between teacher needs and Hackman & Oldham, 1980). Accordingly, support and
vigor (E1), and in the relationship between teacher opportunities to meet teacher needs must be provided
needs and dedication, but to a lesser extent (E2). Both to improve teacher engagement and well-being (Gold
components are named the core of engagement (Schaufeli & Roth, 2005).
et al., 2002). Therefore, we can conclude that locus of Concerning locus of control, attempts to change
control plays a moderator role in the relationship teacher beliefs and their ways of thinking about the
between teacher needs and the core of engagement, controllability of their needs would also be necessary.
especially locus of professional development need of Changing teacher beliefs by showing them that they
control. It is important to emphasize that the moder- may contribute, to a certain extent, to their own attitudes
ator role played by locus of psychological need control and behavior to fulfill most of their psychological needs
is more or less stronger depending on the type of need. is recommendable. Changing teachers’ way of thinking
This is perhaps because teachers consider that having by encouraging them to replace thoughts like “I have
control on some specific needs (such as professional no choice” or “There’s nothing I can do” with others
development) is more important than others to be that are more positive and optimistic. van Vegchel et al.
engaged. More research is needed to know why certain (2004) suggested that task enrichment and decentral-
needs were related to interactions while others were not. ization of authority might be useful ways of providing
Finally we note that, although the studies conducted employees that control. Developing teacher decision-
in this field are very limited, these results are in the making and problem-solving skills can make them feel
same direction as those obtained in similar studies with more confident in their capacity of controlling events.
other professions. Former reported evidence suggests We herein propose several suggestions to continue
that locus of control in the workplace is linked to studying this line of research in the future. Firstly, fur-
employee wellbeing (Spector, 1988; Spector & O’Connell, ther research is needed to investigate the major needs
1994). of teachers in the workplace at other level of education
Among the main limitations of this work we find the and for teachers from other countries. Secondly, and
exclusive use of self-reporting techniques to collect based on The Job Demands and Resources Model of
information. Experts recommend combining this type work engagement (JD-R) (Bakker & Demerouti, 2007,
of measuring instruments with other more qualitative 2008), it would be interesting to examine the role
ones as they argue that the responses to the question- played by teaching needs in the motivational process
naire may be influenced by personal or social values. suggested in this proposal. In this sense, we encourage
research into the relationship among job resources,
The second main limitation is the representativeness of
teacher needs and work engagement. Thirdly, it seems
the study sample. Note that the teachers participated
that unmet or unsatisfied psychological needs provoke
voluntarily in this study, so there was no random selec-
negative consequences in human beings, which may
tion involved to ensure that the sample was represen-
affect their health and efficacy at work (Gold & Roth
tative of the population. Therefore, caution is needed
2005). Thus, it would also be recommendable to exam-
when generalizing these results. The third major limita-
ine the influence that teacher needs may have on stress
tion is the low reliability obtained in the achievement/
and burnout.
results need subscale. Finally, the forth major limitation
refers to this study’s cross-sectional design, which pre-
vents acquiring information over time as well as inter-
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