The Reunion of Wizards British English Student
The Reunion of Wizards British English Student
The Reunion of Wizards British English Student
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1 Warm up
Look at the book/film types below and answer the questions.
2 Vocabulary focus
1. adapt a. bring people together again after they have been separated for a
long time
2. feature b. the cinema (when contrasted with the television)
7. the big screen g. a group of people who very much enjoy something
10. reunite j. start an organisation that will continue for a long time
Part B: Complete the sentences with the missing words from Part A. You may need to change the
form of the word.
3. The latest Star Wars film wasn’t very popular with its .
7. The bus driver to stop the bus quickly, but lost control of the vehicle.
9. Next month I’ll be with my family after two years away from home.
10. She’s a new book soon, because the first one did very well.
3 Listening
You are going to listen to the report on the Harry Potter cast reunion. Fill in the gaps with the missing
Audio information mentioned in the recording.
1. years ago was the release of the first Harry Potter film
4 Listening comprehension
Listen to the report again. Answer the questions true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Explain your
1. The cast of the first film are being reunited for a documentary.
2. Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone was the first film Chris Columbus ever directed.
4. The characters Harry, Ron and Hermione were played by Maggie Smith and John Hurt.
6. The series follows a young wizard and his companions in their battle against Voldemort.
8. Fans are expected to return to the locations mentioned in the report for the documentary special.
5 Vocabulary
Part A: In both groups match the words in bold with the correct definitions.
Group 1
1. The founders of the band have now left, and I feel like the music isn’t the same as it used to be.
2. Although the film was over two and a half hours long, it was entertaining, so the time passed
3. I like many different book genres. I think it’s important to read widely.
4. The sun rose gradually, and we had time to take lots of beautiful photos.
5. He’s writing a book about his misfortunes, including his time in prison and his life on the streets.
b. a person or group of people who bring something (often a business or organisation) into existence
Group 2
1. I met a remarkable woman the other day. She had cycled from Mongolia to France - what an
2. Some fans can be a little too passionate about the things they love. This can lead to online
3. Some people have said that Harry Potter has acted as a doorway into reading for young people.
4. For once, the weather forecast was spot on. I was glad I took my umbrella with me!
5. When writing a fantasy novel, it is best to reveal the world slowly, rather than giving the reader
too much information in the first chapter.
c. a point of entry
e. exactly right
Part B: Complete the sentences with some words from Part A. You may need to change the form of
the words.
2. Some people only watch one of films. I think they’re missing out!
4. The of the newspaper wanted it to print the truth and nothing else.
5. For many, The Lord of the Rings was a into fantasy novels.
7. The mountain behind my village has existed throughout human history and .
8. She suffered many as a teenager, but managed to turn her life around.
1. Have you ever met a remarkable person? What was special about them?
2. Which things are you most passionate about?
1. When the first Harry Potter novel was released in 4. If the concept itself isn’t exactly original, Rowling’s
1997, few could have predicted the cultural impact presentation was spot on. Harry Potter as a character
it would have, not only in the United Kingdom but isn’t very remarkable, at least at the beginning, but
throughout the English-speaking world and beyond. he acts as a doorway into a magical world that is
The book, which has been translated into at least 73 gradually revealed to the reader. When we first meet
languages, is the second best-selling novel of all time, Harry, we feel sorry for him. He lives in a cupboard
behind only Tolkien’s The Hobbit. An early review in under the stairs instead of a bedroom and, at first,
the newspaper The Scotsman described the novel as he seems rather powerless. However, in contrast to
"a hugely entertaining thriller", stating that it had "all his cruel aunt and uncle, Harry is a likeable figure and
the makings of a classic". Four years later, a film based easy to connect to. This is important, because as the
on the book had come out and Rowling’s world began novel progresses, we are introduced to the fantastical
to take over ours. parts of his world at the same time as he is, such as
2. Although the first film brought greater attention paintings that contain ghosts, or a sport known as
to the series, the books already had a passionate quidditch, in which players fly around on broomsticks.
fanbase. Pottermania, as it was informally known, This allows the reader to feel like they are part of
took hold following the publication of the first two Harry’s world.
books. Fans would hold parties on the night before
5. Quidditch is one of the best examples of
book and film releases, and some even held Potter-
Pottermania’s influence on real life. In 2005, a
themed weddings. In the early days, websites
real-world version of the sport was created. In
appeared offering fans the chance to be placed into
muggle quidditch, as it is sometimes known in order
houses - a reference to the Sorting Hat in the books,
to avoid confusion with the magical game, players
a magical wizard hat that decided which house each
hold the broomsticks between their legs and run
student would become a member of. The house
around, instead of flying, although the founders have
system is one of many references to British boarding
tried to follow the original game’s rules as closely as
schools in the series.
possible. In 2017 the word ‘quidditch’ was defined
3. One of the biggest strengths of the novels is by Oxford Dictionaries, following the word "muggle"
the way in which Rowling combines classic stories in 2003. As the world of Harry Potter - sometimes
of adventures in a boarding school with fantasy referred to as the Wizarding World - continues to
elements. The "boarding school novel" was a grow, fans have much to look forward to. Although
common sight in the 20th century. From Enid Blyton’s J.K.Rowling has said in the past that she is very
Malory Towers to Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha unlikely to continue the series, there are suggestions
Christie, stories set in these kinds of schools often that something big is going to happen in 2022. It
contained a mixture of different genres within them, seems as though the magic won’t be coming to an
such as mystery or comedy. Some even added end just yet, and for fans around the world, there
magical themes - and Rowling wasn’t the first. Jill may be more excitement to come.
Murphy wrote a series called The Worst Witch about
Sources: BBC, The Guardian, Reuters, CNBC
a young witch’s misfortunes in a magical boarding
school. The books were adapted into a television
series in 1998.
7 Reading comprehension
Read the text closely. Using only the information in the article, decide whether each question should
be marked True, False or Not Given.
1. People around the world can enjoy the first Harry Potter book.
5. Rowling was the first writer to combine boarding schools with magic.
8. The Wizarding World refers to the universe Rowling created for her Harry Potter novels.
8 Talking point
1. Why do you think that Harry Potter has had such a huge cultural impact?
2. Do you think there will be another Harry Potter novel in the same series? Why/why not?
3. Do you believe that Harry Potter has helped to encourage children to read?
4. Do you think that the Harry Potter novels are better than the films, or are the films better than
the books?
5. Would you be interested in trying the real-life version of quidditch? Why/why not?
6. Do you think the Harry Potter films will ever be remade?
7. If you were a student at Hogwarts, which house do you think the Sorting Hat would put you into:
Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw?
Write an opinion essay agreeing or disagreeing with the statement below. The essay should be
between 240 - 280 words.
Harry Potter has helped children to discover their love of reading. As such, it is the most
important contribution to children’s literature of the 20th century.
Your child has received an owl letter and has been chosen to attend Hogwarts. Write a letter
to the school explaining that you don’t want your child to attend, giving potential reasons.
The letter should be around 240 words.