Calibration Laser
Calibration Laser
Calibration Laser
4th Mathew Donor 5th Niña Leizyl Mendez 6th Ranilo Zata
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Cebu Technological University Cebu Technological University Cebu Technological University niñ
activities like Arduino IDE software. In the next section • Laptop running the Arduino Integrated Develop-
we will discuss the useful impact of Arduino software ment Environment (IDE)
in calibrating the ultrasonic sensor.
B. Arduino IDE
Arduino software refers to the integrated development
environment (IDE) used for programming Arduino mi-
crocontroller boards. It is a platform that allows users to
write code, compile it, and upload it to Arduino boards.
The Arduino IDE provides a simple interface for writing
code in the Arduino programming language, which is a
simplified version of C/C++. It includes features such
as syntax highlighting, code completion, and a serial
monitor for debugging purposes. Additionally, the IDE Fig. 2.2: Laser Sensor Module
comes with a vast library of pre-written code examples
and libraries that users can leverage to quickly get started
with their projects.