Calibration Laser

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Optimizing Laser Sensor Performance:

Calibration and Implementation in Arduino

1st John Carlos Arivado 2nd Lorenz Gerard Batusin 3rd Kent Joseph Cloma
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Cebu Technological University Cebu Technological University Cebu Technological University

4th Mathew Donor 5th Niña Leizyl Mendez 6th Ranilo Zata
Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department Electrical Engineering Department
Cebu Technological University Cebu Technological University Cebu Technological University niñ

I. I NTRODUCTION lacking the necessary understanding of laser safety

Calibrating the laser diode module in the Arduino precautions. By prioritizing safety and responsible
Uno results in a well-functioning system that provides handling practices, users can harness the full potential
accurate and reliable laser output for various applica- of the 100mW laser module while minimizing the
tions. Calibration allows the laser diode module to be associated risks.
fine-tuned to meet specific requirements, optimizing its
performance according to desired parameters (Haitjema,
A. Significance of the Study
2020). Furthermore, calibration enhances the credibility
of data collected using the laser diode module, making Calibrating a laser sensor within an Arduino Uno
it suitable for scientific research, industrial processes, project represents a pivotal step toward ensuring
and other precision applications (Agrawaal et al., 2020). dependable and accurate measurements. Consider the
Successful calibration leads to improved performance, scenario of a line-following robot equipped with an
increased accuracy, and enhanced usability of the Ar- uncalibrated laser sensor. In this instance, the sensor
duino Uno system across various fields of technology may yield inaccurate readings, leading the robot off
and science. course instead of precisely detecting the line’s position.
The 100mW laser module is designed to emit a Calibration serves to fine-tune the sensor, guaranteeing
small, yet intense beam of visible red light, making it pinpoint accuracy in detecting the line.
suitable for a variety of applications. When paired with
an Arduino and a photoresistor module, this versatile In the context of this study, the focus lies specifically
module enables basic remote signaling functionalities, on activating the laser sensor module with the assistance
providing an efficient solution for projects requiring of the Arduino Uno. The objective is to evaluate the
precise light-based communication. precision of the laser sensor module in conjunction with
the Arduino setup while scrutinizing the effectiveness
It’s essential to exercise caution when handling this of the provided code in achieving optimal performance.
laser module, despite its low power rating. Direct Through meticulous calibration and assessment, the aim
exposure to the emitted beam can pose a significant is to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the project,
risk of eye injury or permanent damage. Therefore, it paving the way for successful implementation and oper-
is imperative to avoid looking directly into the beam ation.
or pointing the laser at anyone, as even momentary
exposure can have severe consequences. II. M ETHODOLOGY
This section will discuss the process of calibrating the
To ensure safe usage, it’s recommended to adhere to sound sensor and deliberate the materials used during the
strict safety protocols and guidelines when operating experiment. The set-up of of the experiment will take
the laser module. Additionally, it’s crucial to store the place at Cebu Technological University-Main Campus,
module in a secure location inaccessible to children, as College of Engineering room 405 under the supervision
it is not suitable for unsupervised use by individuals of Engr. Jayson C. Jueco. Moreover, the students will
understand this activity comprehensively through collab- professionals, thereby promoting experimentation and
orative learning of the members. innovation in a broad range of sensor-based applications.

A. Software Utilization C. Experimental Setup

This activity cannot be accomplished without using The experiment was conducted in room 609 on the
software applications to calibrate the sensor. Therefore, 6th floor, utilizing the following materials:
the students established useful software to operate and • Laser Sensor Module

run the experiment cost-effectively. The significance of • Arduino

utilizing software for this activity lies in programming • Jumper wires

activities like Arduino IDE software. In the next section • Laptop running the Arduino Integrated Develop-

we will discuss the useful impact of Arduino software ment Environment (IDE)
in calibrating the ultrasonic sensor.

B. Arduino IDE
Arduino software refers to the integrated development
environment (IDE) used for programming Arduino mi-
crocontroller boards. It is a platform that allows users to
write code, compile it, and upload it to Arduino boards.
The Arduino IDE provides a simple interface for writing
code in the Arduino programming language, which is a
simplified version of C/C++. It includes features such
as syntax highlighting, code completion, and a serial
monitor for debugging purposes. Additionally, the IDE Fig. 2.2: Laser Sensor Module
comes with a vast library of pre-written code examples
and libraries that users can leverage to quickly get started
with their projects.

Fig. 2.3: Arduino UNO

Fig. 2.1: Arduino IDE Software

The compatibility of Arduino with sensors arises from

its adaptable hardware and user-friendly software. Ar-
duino boards are equipped with a vast array of digital and
analog input/output pins, facilitating seamless interfacing
with various sensors that support diverse signal types
and communication protocols. The Arduino IDE pro-
vides a simple environment for writing, compiling, and Fig. 2.4: Jumper Wires
uploading code, which is complemented by a vast library
ecosystem that simplifies the integration of sensors. By
being an open-source platform, Additionally, Arduino’s D. Preparation of Materials
affordability and accessibility make it an appealing Before setting up the experiment, all materials were
choice for individuals interested in hobbies, students, and gathered and inspected for any damage or defects. The
ultrasonic sensor, Arduino Uno, jumper wires, and bread- K. Documentation and Cleanup
board were arranged on a clean, stable surface in room The experimental setup, calibration process, and re-
609. sults obtained were documented for future reference.
Any observations or issues encountered during the ex-
E. Connection of Ultrasonic Sensor to Arduino Uno periment were noted. Finally, the workspace was cleaned
up by safely disconnecting the Arduino Uno from the
The ultrasonic sensor was connected to the Arduino
laptop and power source, and organizing the materials
Uno according to the following wiring configuration:
and equipment used in the experiment.
• VCC pin of the ultrasonic sensor to the 5V pin on
• GND pin of the ultrasonic sensor to any GND pin
on the Arduino Uno. The experimental findings validate the functionality
• Trig pin of the ultrasonic sensor to digital pin 2 on and consistency of the laser sensor module within the Ar-
the Arduino Uno. duino Uno project. Through a systematic calibration and
• Echo pin of the ultrasonic sensor to digital pin 3 on assessment process, the sensor’s operation in accordance
the Arduino Uno. with programmed specifications has been successfully
demonstrated, consistently illuminating and fading out
the laser diode with precision.
F. Powering Up the Arduino Uno The provided source code offers clear directives for
The Arduino Uno was powered up by connecting it controlling the laser diode module, stipulating durations
to the laptop via USB cable. The laptop was turned on, for both illumination and fading out of the laser diode.
and the Arduino IDE was launched to facilitate code Our observations closely correspond to the anticipated
uploading and data monitoring. outcomes outlined in the code, with the laser diode
consistently lighting up for 1 second before gradually
fading out over an equivalent duration. This cyclic pat-
G. Upload of Calibration Code to Arduino Uno
tern persists until the voltage supply to the laser diode
A pre-written calibration code for the ultrasonic sensor module ceases.
was opened in the Arduino IDE. The code was verified Moreover, the successful execution of the calibration
for correctness and uploaded to the Arduino Uno micro- procedure underscores the necessity of fine-tuning the
controller. The code facilitated the calibration process sensor to ensure precise measurements and consistent
and data collection. performance. Absence of calibration may lead to fluc-
tuations in sensor readings, resulting in erratic project
H. Positioning of Ultrasonic Sensor behavior. By calibrating the sensor, potential risks have
been mitigated, ensuring uniform and foreseeable oper-
The ultrasonic sensor was positioned in room 609, ation of the Arduino Uno project.
facing the area of interest for distance measurement.
Care was taken to ensure that no obstructions were IV. P RACTICAL I MPLICATION
obstructing the sensor’s field of view.
Laser sensors have profound practical implications
across diverse industries and applications. In industrial
I. Initiation of Calibration Process automation, they are indispensable for tasks such as
The calibration process was initiated according to the object detection, precise positioning, and quality control
instructions provided in the code. Parameters such as cal- on production lines, boosting productivity and cost-
ibration points and measurement intervals were adjusted effectiveness. Robotics heavily rely on laser sensors for
as necessary based on experimental requirements. navigation, obstacle avoidance, and object manipulation,
enabling robots to interact with their environment ac-
curately, from assembly lines to logistics operations.
J. Data Collection and Analysis
Construction and civil engineering benefit from laser
Distance measurements were obtained through the Ar- sensors for surveying, leveling, and alignment tasks,
duino Uno’s serial monitor interface, displaying sensor ensuring accuracy and safety on construction sites. In the
readings for various calibration points. Data collected transportation and automotive sectors, laser sensors con-
included both sensor readings and corresponding actual tribute to speed measurement, collision avoidance, and
distances. Analysis of collected data allowed for the autonomous driving technologies, enhancing safety and
establishment of a calibration curve, relating sensor efficiency in vehicles and traffic management systems.
readings to actual distances. Overall, the practical implications of laser sensors extend
across a wide spectrum of industries, driving innovation,
efficiency, and safety in diverse applications.
In conclusion, the activity centered on calibrating the
laser sensor module within the Arduino Uno project
has provided invaluable insights into its functionality
and performance. As emphasized in the introduction, the
calibration of the sensor was deemed crucial for achiev-
ing precise and reliable measurements. This calibration
process aimed to ensure accurate detection and consistent
performance, addressing the challenges outlined in the
significance of the study.
The practical implementation involved utilizing the
Arduino Uno platform to interface with the laser sensor
module. Through meticulous calibration and assessment,
the sensor’s capability to respond accurately to pro-
grammed commands was demonstrated, illuminating and
fading out the laser diode with precision. These results
underline the significance of clear and concise program-
ming instructions in controlling the sensor’s behavior, as
highlighted in the introduction.
Furthermore, the successful execution of the calibra-
tion process underscores its importance in guaranteeing
dependable and predictable operation of the Arduino
Uno project. By fine-tuning the sensor, potential fluc-
tuations in readings were mitigated, thereby enhancing
the reliability of measurements. This emphasizes the
critical role of calibration in real-world applications,
where precise data is imperative for informed decision-
In summary, the activity has illustrated the practical
implementation and importance of calibrating the laser
sensor module within the Arduino Uno project. By
integrating insights from the introduction, significance
of the study, practical implementation, and experimental
results, the value of calibration in achieving reliable and
accurate measurements has been demonstrated. Moving
forward, future endeavors may concentrate on further op-
timization and exploration of additional functionalities to
enhance the sensor’s performance in diverse application

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