Montero Ocampo2002
Montero Ocampo2002
Montero Ocampo2002
I. INTRODUCTION laboratory have shown that the metastable fcc phase pro-
A MAJOR concern after total hip joint arthroplasty is duced by water quenching from 1150 ⬚C can fully transform
the formation of polyethylene wear debris at the metal- to hcp during isothermal aging at 800 ⬚C.[7] Vander Sande
polyethylene interface of the prosthesis.[1] Co-27Cr-5Mo- et al.[8] showed that aging a wrought Co-26.7Cr-5.5Mo-
0.05C wrought alloy with a low percentage of hard carbide 0.15C alloy at 750 ⬚C promotes a martensitic transformation
particles seems to be an attractive alternative to the cast from fcc to a heavily faulted hcp phase. They found that
ASTM F75 alloy to reduce the formation of such wear the formation of densely packed fcc stacking faults was
debris.[2] Additional abrasive wear reductions may be followed by a very fine carbide precipitation at intrinsic
obtained if the crystal structure of the contact surface of stacking faults. Taylor and Waterhouse[9] found that aging
the metallic implant device is modified to hcp. This Co between 650 ⬚C and 1000 ⬚C a previously solutionized Co
phase exhibits lower coefficients of friction than the fcc alloy resulted in preferential precipitation of M23C6 carbides
phase normally found in conventional cast and wrought at intragranular striations identified as hcp platelets.
alloys.[3] Unfortunately, this structural change is difficult Rajan[10,11] found that the isothermal aging at 750 ⬚C of
to achieve. the solution-treated wrought Co-26.7Cr-5.5Mo-0.15C alloy
Pure Co undergoes a fcc → hcp allotropic transformation induced the fcc metastable phase transformation to the hcp
upon cooling below 417 ⬚C by a martensitic mechanism. phase by a two-stage process. The first was a martensitic
Alloying additions of Cr and Mo (hcp stabilizers) increase nucleation mechanism and the second (hcp2) a recrystalliza-
this temperature.[4] Cong et al.[5] have detected hcp phase tion-type phenomenon, which was associated with the for-
after isothermal aging of a Co-27Cr-5.5Mo-0.25C alloy mation of carbides and hence diffusion. Cong et al.[5]
during 48 hours at 1100 ⬚C, while Weeton and Signorelli attributed the marteniste nucleation kinetics in Co-27Cr-
suggested that the transition temperature is in the range 5.5Mo-0.25C alloy powders to the thermally activated
965 to 1230 ⬚C.[6] This transformation is often incomplete motion of Shockely partial dislocations and their interaction
because of the very low stacking fault energy of Co and with short-range obstacles, e.g., stacking fault intersections
its alloys. This causes the formation of stacking faults and and solute clusters. On the other hand, aging at elevated
twins in the cubic high-temperature phase, which remains temperatures where the stability of the fcc matrix is signifi-
in metastable form at room temperature. These features of cantly improved reduces the formation of hcp intragranular
the microstructure are considered precursors to hcp forma- striations. At these temperatures, the developed striations
tion. The lower the fault energy, the higher are the fault are relatively coarse and discontinuous. This, in turn, affects
and twin densities. Experimental results obtained in our the active carbide precipitation reactions.
In general, Co-Cr-Mo-C alloys exhibit excellent resist-
ance to uniform corrosion under environmental conditions
C. MONTERO-OCAMPO, Research Professor, R. JUAREZ, Student, and simulating those found in the human body. However, their
A. SALINAS RODRIGUEZ, Research Professor, are with CINVESTAV-
IPN, Unidad Saltillo, 25000 Saltillo, Coahuila, México. Contact e-mail:
preferential dissolution is initiated at microstructural heter- ogeneities.[12] In particular, the differences in volume frac-
Manuscript submitted April 6, 2001. tion and chemical composition of alloy carbides are of
Disks of approximately 4-mm thickness were cut from Fig. 1—Effect of isothermal aging time at 800 ⬚C on the X-ray diffraction
a 15.8-mm-diameter wrought Co-27Cr-5Mo-0.05C alloy patterns of Co-27Cr-5Mo-0.05C alloys homogenized at 1150 ⬚C for 1 h
cylindrical rod. They were homogenized at 1150 ⬚C for 1 and quenched into water.
hour and quenched into water. Following this, the alloy
was given isothermal aging treatments at 800 ⬚C for various
times and then water quenched. A tubular furnace provided III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
with inert argon gas atmosphere was used in both treat-
ments. The microstructure evolution produced by the fcc → A. Evolution of the Microstructure during Isothermal
hcp transformation was studied by scanning electron
microscopy, reflected light microscopy, and X-ray diffrac- Figure 1 shows the X-ray patterns obtained after aging
tion. Samples for microscopy were etched by immersion the solution-treated and quenched material. The aging times
in a solution of 90 pct HCl ⫹ 10 pct H2O2 solution. X-ray and corresponding amounts of hcp phase, calculated from
diffraction patterns were measured from 40 to 55 deg of 2 the integrated intensities of the (200)fcc and (101̄1)hcp peaks
value using Cu K␣ radiation ( ⫽ 1.54 Å). The percentage of using the relationship proposed by Stage and Guillaud,[13]
fcc-to-hcp phase transformation was calculated from the are indicated in the patterns. As can be seen in Figure
integrated areas of the (200)fcc and (101̄1)hcp X-ray diffrac- 1, as aging proceeds, the relative intensities of the X-ray
tion peaks.[13] The sample disks were used for electrode diffraction peaks corresponding to the hcp phase increase,
preparation. The electrodes were mechanically polished while those associated with the fcc phase decrease indicat-
using silicon carbide grinding paper and alumina slurry and ing that a phase transformation has taken place. The effect
then cleaned in alcohol and dried. The corrosion tests were of aging time on the amount of transformed hcp phase is
performed in deaerated Ringer solution at 37 ⬚C. The elec- illustrated in Figure 2. As can be seen, there is good agree-
ment between the amount of hcp estimated from the diffrac-
trolyte was prepared by dissolving 8.6 g NaCl, 0.30 g KCl,
tion patterns and that obtained from quantitative
and 0.33 g CaCl2 in 1000 mL of distilled water. All the
measurements using image analysis on metallographic sam-
electrode potentials were referred to the standard saturated ples. This graph shows that the transformation follows a
calomel electrode. A platinum mesh was used as the auxil- sigmoidal kinetics where the reaction rates for aging times
iary electrode. shorter than 4 hours and larger than 10 hours are very
The rest potential was measured as a function of time slow. In contrast, the transformation rate is very rapid for
from the initial value exhibited after immersion of the elec- intermediate aging times. This type of kinetic behavior
trode into the cell until a steady state was achieved; this depends strongly on the aging temperature[15] and also on
last value was reported as the open-circuit potential (OCP). the solution temperature and time.[16]
Potentiostatic curves were plotted based on stabilization Figure 3 illustrates a series of optical micrographs of the
of the current density measured as a function of time at typical microstructures of the solution-treated alloy (Figure
preselected values of applied potential in the range from 3(a)) and of samples isothermally aged during less than 4
the OCP up to 0.78 V. The corrosion test results of the hours (Figure 3(b)), between 4 and 8 hours (Figure 3(c))
investigated alloys were compared to those obtained in a and more than 10 hours (Figure 3(d)). As can be seen,
typical ASTM F75 as-cast surgical alloy, 0.30 pct C. as the aging time increases, the heavily faulted, equiaxed
Fig. 3—Typical microstructures (a) of Co-27Cr-5Mo-0.05C alloy heat treated at 1150 ⬚C for 1 h and water quenched and of samples isothermally aged
during (b) less than 4 h, (c) 7 h, and more than (d ) 10 h at 800 ⬚C.
(d )
Fig. 6—Effect of applied potentials (0.650, 0.670, and 0.700 V) on the dissolution in Ringer’s solution of the Co-27Cr-5Mo-0.05C alloy isothermally aged
to produce microstructures with (a) 10 pct, (b) 55 pct, and (c) 100 pct hcp phase after a homogenization treatment at 1150 ⬚C for 1 h followed by water
quenching. (d ) These curves are compared with those of the as-cast ASTM F75 alloy.
as-cast Co-27Cr-5Mo-0.30C ASTM-F75 alloy. In general, class 1 behavior for applied potentials of up to 0.700 V
the current density-time behavior was characterized by two (Figure 5(a)). At more noble potentials, e.g., 0.740 V, this
regions, the extent of which depended on the applied poten- alloy continued to exhibit a class 1 behavior (Figure 5(b)),
tial and alloy microstructure. All samples showed an initial until at 0.780 V repassivation no longer occurred and a
decrease in current density up to about 50 seconds. After gradual current density increase was observed after an incu-
this, the material exhibited a typical passive behavior (class bation period of 70 seconds. Solution-treated and aged Co-
1) or a corrosion behavior (class 2), which showed a depen- 27Cr-5Mo-0.05C alloys exhibited a class 1 behavior for all
dence on alloy microstructure and applied potential. Class applied potentials investigated up to 0.7 V (Figures 6(a)
1 behavior was associated with a continuous decrease in through (c)). In contrast, the as-cast alloy exhibited a class 2
current density due to a dynamic breakdown-repassivation behavior for applied potentials higher than 0.630 V (Figure
process. In contrast, the continuously increasing current 6(d)) indicating that the breakdown of the passive film is
density observed in samples exhibiting class 2 behavior experienced at relatively more active potentials.
was attributed to continued dissolution. Figure 7 shows the potentiostatic polarization curves for
Solution-treated Co-27Cr-5Mo-0.05C alloy exhibited a Co-27Cr-5Mo-0.05C alloy with different distributions of