Structured Silicon Anodes For Lithium Battery Applications
Structured Silicon Anodes For Lithium Battery Applications
Structured Silicon Anodes For Lithium Battery Applications
Pillar arrays fabricated on silicon substrates have been tested as potential anodes for lithium batteries. Electrodes of array
characteristics, diameter 580 ⫾ 150 nm; fractional surface coverage 0.34; height 810 nm are reported here. Cyclic voltammetry
共CV兲 and cyclic galvanostatic tests of alloying/dealloying of electrochemically produced lithium with silicon were carried out, and
results correlated with SEM studies. Aerial current densities in the low and fractional mA cm⫺2, and voltage 25 mV to 2 V 共vs.
L/Li⫹) were used. CV features correspond to various Zintl phase compounds 共ZPCs兲. Structured electrodes of Si pillars main-
tained their structural integrity throughout cycling; planar Si electrodes showed cracks 共2 m features兲 after 50 cycles. A model
is advanced in which lithium diffuses through a layer of ZPC to react with Si: growing ZPCs plastically deforms where necessary.
Upon lithium dealloying vacancies coalesce to form voids at the ZPC/Si interface, Si rejoins the substrate, or precipitates out as
a nanocrystalline material, and the voids appear as a fine pattern of cracks, looking like dried mud. The extra surface area that a
pillar structure can confer on Si electrodes is essential and makes it practical to consider the possible eventual use of such anodes
in integrated battery structures.
© 2003 The Electrochemical Society. 关DOI: 10.1149/1.1563094兴 All rights reserved.
Manuscript submitted October 18, 2002; revised manuscript received January 22, 2003. Available electronically March 5, 2003.
Figure 1. CVs for structured Si electrodes over the range 25 mV to 2 V; scan times: 共a兲 1, 共b兲 0.1, and 共c兲 0.01 mV s⫺1. 共d兲 Capacity 共Ah cm⫺2兲 and coulombic
efficiency vs. cycle number. The sequence of cycles was run without a break, starting at scan rate 1 mV s⫺1.
Electrochemical characterization.—The electrochemical tests of the electrode during the first Li discharge. After the first and
were performed in a three-electrode glass cell where the Si sample second cycles, the scans assumed a repeatable general shape. Be-
was the working electrode and metallic Li was used for both the cause these were scans in which the potential was changed slowly
counter and reference electrodes. A 1 M solution of LiClO4 共Merck and the current densities were therefore small, there was no IR drop
Selectipur兲 in ethylene carbonate:diethyl carbonate 共Merck Selec- or diffusion overpotential terms, and, assuming no activation over-
tipur兲, 共1:1兲 w/w solvent was used as the electrolyte. The cell was potential, the electrode potential was a measure of the surface
assembled under a dry argon atmosphere in a glove box. Ohmic lithium activity. The first cathodic feature was the rapid increase in
contact was made to the rear side of the silicon sample electrodes current at ⬃330 mV that, according to room-temperature data,7 cor-
using a 1:1 InGa eutectic alloy.12 The electrode area was delineated responded to the presence of Li12Si7 . The lowest potential reached
using an O-ring configuration in a polytetrafluoroethylene 共PTFE兲 was 25 mV and this was taken to be associated with the presence of
holder, the complete assembly being immersed in the electrolyte. No higher Li compounds, e.g., Li21Si5 . The capacity 共Ah cm⫺2兲 of the
adhesive was used and a good electrolyte/atmosphere seal was ob- pillars alone converted to Li12Si7 is given by
tained. In an earlier study we found that epoxy adhesive, used to 关 (FH/M ) ⌽ (12/7) 278兴 , where F and H are given above, M is the
mount a Si electrode, contaminated the active electrode surface molar volume of silicon, and ⌽ is the Faraday constant. For Li21Si5
causing spurious currents at high voltages 共⬎2 V兲. the above fraction 共12/7兲 is replaced by 共21/5兲. The cycling sequence
The electrochemical behavior of the cell was investigated by shows a progressive ‘‘activation’’ of the sample, associated with
cyclic voltammetry 共CV兲 and by galvanostatic measurement 共volt- increasing breakdown of the crystalline silicon structure 共see Dis-
age vs. time at constant current兲, using an electrochemical worksta- cussion兲. The anodic part of the CV curve is associated with pro-
tion 共VMP PerkinElmer Instruments兲. The capacity referred to here gressive delithiation of the electrode according to the various ZPC
is the total charge inserted into the projected electrode surface area equilibrium potentials. For a scan rate of 1 mV s⫺1 the capacity 共260
exposed to the electrolyte 共this ignores any surface area due to struc- Ah cm⫺2兲 of the electrodes is roughly comparable to the pillar
turing兲, given as Ah cm⫺2 共microampere-hours per centimeter
volume being converted to Li21Si5 , while for the slower scan rates
the capacity exceeds that of the pillar volume. The latter results
point to the participation of the substrate in the alloying/dealloying
The response of the Li兩 Li -electrolyte 兩Si cell was measured: for Figure 2 shows the results for a series of galvanostratic measure-
this cell the cathodic process was discharge of lithium onto silicon to ments on structured Si at two different charge depths 共amounts of
form an alloy 共charging兲, and the anodic process was lithium extrac- charge兲 that was obtained by using different cutoff potentials and
tion or dealloying 共discharging兲. Figure 1 shows one series of CV current densities: see captions for detail. Figure 3 shows the SEM
scan sets 共details in caption兲. The first cycle, and to a large extent the structure of the K series of silicon electrodes that were used in this
second, differs from those that follow. It is conjectured that this study and the effects of extensive galvanostatic cycling upon that
difference is due to a ‘‘formation’’ effect, associated with the filming structure. The structures are clearly intact, but at the higher charge
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Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 6 共5兲 A75-A79 共2003兲 A77
Figure 2. Galvanostatic cycling tests on separate electrodes in the K series. The electrodes were first activated by 3 CV cycles at 1 mV s⫺1. 共a, b兲 Electrode
12K was charged at 415 A cm⫺2 down to 150 mV and discharged at 41.5 A cm⫺2 up to 2 V. 共c, d兲 Electrode 11K was charged at 1016 A cm⫺2 down to
25 mV and discharged at 101.6 A cm⫺2 up to 2 V. The charge currents of 415 A cm⫺2 and 1016 A cm⫺2 are those calculated currents that allow the
conversion of all of the Si contained in the pillars into Li12Si7 and Li21Si5 , respectively, within 15 min. The charge/discharge capacities and coulombic
efficiencies are shown in the corresponding graphs.
depths slight cracking of the bulk Si surface, below the pillars, is 共iii兲 The amorphous13 ZPC film is deformable and so does not give
observed. rise to stress-induced cracking on volume change. The diffusion
Figure 4 shows the SEM pictures of the structures obtained on coefficient, D, for Li in crystalline Si14 is ⬃10⫺14 cm2 s⫺1 , Li in
planar 共unpillared兲 Si electrodes before cycling and, separately, after ZPC is expected to be faster; a value of D ⭓ 10⫺12 cm2 s⫺1 is
galvanostatic cycling. When cycled at the lower charge depths, the enough to account for all the processes carried out in this study. This
surface is deformed, although crack formation does not occur. Cy- model for ZPC film formation is in many ways analogous to the
cling at higher charge depths produces wide cracks. model of SiO2 layer formation on silicon due to Deal and Grove:15
Discussion but the details are different and will be treated elsewhere.
The model for ZPC decomposition is, in broad terms, the reverse
The electrochemical discharge of lithium on silicon and its sub- of the above steps. Discharge of Lio at the electrolyte interface pro-
sequent chemical reaction destroys the silicon lattice, giving rise to duces a surface vacancy in the ZPC. Locally Lio moves into the
the swelling of the solid, producing amorphous Si/Li phases.13 The vacancy so the vacancy diffuses back to the ZPC/Si interface: at the
first new phase to appear in the system is Li12Si7 . This compound, interface Sin rejoins the Si phase 共where it is said to be
and all the rest up to Li, is a so-called Zintl-phase compound, and polycrystalline13兲 and vacancies coalesce to produce larger void
consists of simple, electropositive cations and complex covalently spaces. These spaces, as they coalesce further and grow, give rise to
bound, multiply charged, electronegative anions. The charge as- the crack-like features seen in the SEM pictures in Fig. 3b, c and 4.
cribed to the ‘‘ions’’ is purely notional: the actual charge 共depending Such a process has been described by Beaulieu et al.16 for lithium
upon definition兲 is less than the formal value and may be consider- removal from silicon/tin alloys.
ably less, and we simply refer to bulk lithium as Lio and bulk silicon It has been shown that repeated Li alloying/dealloying of planar
as Sion . Si can be carried out without pulverization of the substrate, cf. Fig.
It is important to form some idea of the mechanism of lithiation 4. However, as noted, the alloy/dealloy process is limited by diffu-
and delithiation of silicon. We propose that 共i兲 Discharged lithium sion through the ZPC layer. To obtain charging rates suitable for
reacts with silicon forming a ZPC film with atomically continuous various applications it is necessary to increase the surface area of the
contact to the silicon. 共ii兲 Lithium excess diffuses 共via a vacancy Si/electrolyte interface; and this has been done using pillar fabrica-
mechanism兲 through the compact ZPC film to react with silicon at tion. Previous attempts using silicon particles have failed because
the Si/ZPC interface, thickening the ZPC film, without void forma- the particle-to-particle contacts change and part with cycling.2 The
tion. These processes may be represented by Li⫹(el) ⫹ e⫺(solid) pillar structures are largely maintained as evidenced by the flatness
→ Li(ads); Li(ads) ⫹ V(ZPC) → Lio (ZPC) s ; Lio (ZPC) s of the pillar tops after 50 cycles, cf. Fig. 3.
→ diffusion → Lio (ZPC) ZPC/Si ; xLio ⫹ ySio → ZPC (Lix/y Si) Efficiencies of ⬍100% reported here are attributed mainly to
共where Li共ads兲 is Li adsorbed on ZPC; V is a Lio vacancy in ZPC兲. reaction, on alloying, with the electrolyte, and to a lesser extent
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A78 Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 6 共5兲 A75-A79 共2003兲
Figure 4. SEM pictures of flat, unstructured Si. 共a兲 Before and 共b, c兲 after 50
Figure 3. SEM pictures of structured Si. 共a兲 Before and 共b, c兲 after galvano- galvanostatic cycles. The cycling procedures used for the samples shown in
static cycling. 共b兲 A sample after three CV activation cycles and 50 cycles 共b兲 and 共c兲 are the same as those used for the structured Si samples shown in
using a charge current of 415 A cm⫺2, a discharge current of 41.5 A Fig. 3b and c, respectively.
cm⫺2, and a potential range of 150 mV to 2 V 共cf. Fig. 2a and b兲. 共c兲 A
sample after three CV activation cycles and 50 cycles using a charge current
of 1016 A cm⫺2, a discharge current of 101.6 A cm⫺2, and a potential
range of 25 mV to 2 V 共cf. Fig. 2c and d兲.
⫻ 10⫺4 cm3 /cm2 , which is equivalent, when converted to Li12Si7 ,
to a capacity of 3.81 ⫻ 103 v ⫽ 914 Ah cm⫺2 . The surface area
isolation of regions of ZPC. The data presented here show that re- enhancement of such a pillar structure is ⬃4FH/d, which is the
duced current density on both alloying and dealloying results in basis of the much improved characteristics.
improving efficiency. We suppose that this improvement comes
mainly from a reduced surface concentration of adsorbed Li on al- Acknowledgment
loying and accessing all the lithium in the ZPC on dealloying.
There is large scope for further increasing the surface-to-volume We thank the CEC for funding this work under the Assess
ratio of the pillar construction, and we may look forward to, for Scheme in the Information Technology Program 共contract no. IST-
example, pillars of diameter 共d兲 ⬃0.3 m and 6 m height 共H兲. The 2000-29694兲.
pillar volume ( v ) would be, FH, and for F ⫽ 0.4, v ⫽ 2.4 Imperial College assisted in meeting the publication costs of this article.
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