N20-Nitric 2.1 0
N20-Nitric 2.1 0
N20-Nitric 2.1 0
This guideline is intended to facilitate corporate-level and plant-level measurement and reporting of
greenhouse gas direct emissions resulting from the production of nitric acid (HNO 3). A step-by-step
approach is used to cover every phase of the calculation process from data gathering to reporting.
This sectoral guideline covers process related N2O (nitrous oxide) emissions from the production of
nitric acid. However, this guideline does not cover a) direct emissions from the combustion of fossil
fuel occurring during the production of nitric acid and b) indirect emissions from the purchase of
energy (electricity or steam) used for nitric acid production. These GHG emissions are covered by
the cross-sectoral guideline on stationary combustion. This sector calculation worksheets are to be
used in conjunction with two additional documents:
1) ‘Guide to calculation worksheets – Calculating N2O emissions from the production of Nitric Acid,
2) ‘GHG Protocol Reporting Standard and Guidance’
N2O emissions from the production of nitric acid depend on the quantity of nitric acid produced, plant
design, burner conditions and on the amount of N2O destroyed in any subsequent abatement
Many nitric acid producers already treat the emissions with the intention of reducing nitrogen oxides
(NOX) emissions. In Europe, the most common NOX abatement technology is selective catalytic
reduction, which does not reduce N2O emissions and can sometimes lead to an increase of NOX
emissions. In The United States and Canada, many plants use no-selective catalytic reduction to
reduce NOX emissions, and this technology also results in reduced N2O emissions.
With the exception of GWP values, the data and methods presented in this tool come from the 2006
IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Volume 3, Chapter 3.3). These
Guidelines can be accessed at:
The GWPs come from the IPCC FiFth Assessment Report (Chapter 8 of WGI Contribution):
Use of the latest GWP values from the IPCC is recommended.
If you have any questions regarding this tool please contact ghgquestions@wri.org
Worksheet 1: Nitric Acid production
N2O emissions vary significantly from one nitric acid plant to another. The N2O emissions depend very much on site-specific factors such as plant design,
process conditions and abatement technologies employed. Consequently, applying site-specific emission factors generates more accurate data than using
default emission factors. Default emission factors can only deliver rough emission estimates and do not reflect the actual emission performance of
individual plants.
Site-specific emission factors can be derived from direct measurement of emissions. It is necessary to conduct sampling and analysis whenever a plant
makes any significant process changes that would affect the generation rate of N 2O and sufficiently often otherwise to ensure that operating conditions are
Clearly state in the final report if different values than the default factors are used, including their source.
Quantity of nitric
Default N2O Custom N2O N2O emission N2O detruction Abatement system Equivalent CO2 emissions
acid produced in N2O emissions
emission factor emission factor factor factor utilization factor (metric tonnes CO2-e.)
metric tonnes
E = A x D / 1000 F = Ex 265
Technology (t = metric tonne) (kg N2O/ t HNO) (kg N2O/ t HNO3) (kg N2O/ t HNO3) (t N2O) (t CO2)
Plants with process-integrated or tailgas N2O destruction 2.50 2.50 0.00 0.00
Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Volume 3, Chapter 3.3)
N2O Default emission factors
Source: 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Volume 3, Chapter 3.3)
Conversion Factors