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Review on Multi-Port DC–DC Converters

Mudadla Dhananjaya & Swapnajit Pattnaik

To cite this article: Mudadla Dhananjaya & Swapnajit Pattnaik (2021): Review on Multi-Port
DC–DC Converters, IETE Technical Review, DOI: 10.1080/02564602.2021.1882343

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Published online: 11 Feb 2021.

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Review on Multi-Port DC–DC Converters

Mudadla Dhananjaya∗ and Swapnajit Pattnaik
Department of Electrical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Raipur, India

Multiport converters (MPCs) play an important role in increasing the demand for multi-input and Multi-input multi-output
multi-output applications. Further, it gives the economic operation and improves the system per- (MIMO) converters;
formance over the multiple single converters in multi-input multi-output (MIMO). Multi-input con- multi-input single-output
verters (MICs) have high regard for the integration of independent voltage sources utilized in Electric (MISO) converters;
single-input multi-output
vehicles (EVs) and grid applications. Similarly, multi-output DC–DC converters also have aroused sig- (SIMO) converters
nificant attention in portable electronic applications because of their reduced part count, cost, and
compact size. To, obtain the low cost, complexity, and compact, a lot of development and research
has been carried out for developing the MPCs topologies which enhance their efficiency, reliability,
and modularity. In this study, recapitulating the crucial information from the literature of MISO, SIMO,
and MIMO converters, an overview is presented on various aspects.

This leads to; reduce the complexity and cost of the con-
The power electronic converters applications have increased verter and also higher power density. Therefore, MICs
penetration of industrial, non-conventional energy sources, are a good choice for grid-connected systems, renew-
portable electronic, energy storage, and EVs. To achieve able energy sources (RESs), and EV applications [11–14].
high output voltages and integration of energy sources, MISO, SIMO structure is adopted as shown in Figures 1
classical DC–DC (boost, buck, buck-boost, CUK, SEPIC, and 2 respectively.
and ZETA) converters require more part count and duty
ratios. Which results in, high cost and complexity of The MPCs converters are classified into two types: non-
the system. In practice, the output voltage is limited isolated MPCs and isolated MPCs. In isolated MPCs,
by the parasitic elements of the active switches, capaci- the multi-winding transformer is used, like integrated
tors and, inductors. Also, the extreme duty cycle opera- transformer-based boost-type converters and secondary-
tion has large current ripples and conduction losses and series boost converters. It improves the voltage gain by
also, reverse-recovery, high EMI problems. To evaluate increasing the number of turns and also, provides the
the above issues, high gain DC–DC converters are pro- isolation between the output and input port. However, it
posed in [1–6]. A new negative output (N/O) high gain induces high-voltage stress and conduction losses which
buck–boost converter is suggested in [7]. It is applica- leads to, reduce converter efficiency respectively. Due to
ble for applications that need a wide range of inverse leakage energy and also, increases electromagnetic inter-
voltage. Similarly, a new family of multiport convert- ference (EMI) problems [15–20].
ers is developed for the integration of different energy
sources utilized in the grid, portable electronics, and EVs In this paper, recapitulating the crucial information based
applications. on the literature of MISO, SIMO, and MIMO convert-
ers, an overview is presented on various aspects. In this
Multiport converters attracted in interfacing the inde- manuscript, Section 2 deals with the MISO convert-
pendent energy sources utilized in grid-connected and ers, Section 3 describes SIMO DC–DC converters, and
electrical vehicle applications. Furthermore, compared MIMO DC–DC converters are discussed in Section 4.
to several separate DC–DC converters, MPCs require The challenges and future scope of work are given in
fewer components count and compact structure [8–10]. Section 5 and the conclusion is presented in Section 6.

∗ Present address: Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, India

© 2021 IETE

Figure 3: Dual input PWM dc/dc converter [21]

Figure 1: Multi-input power supply system

Figure 4: Dual input dc/dc converter [24]

two separate inductors. However, the size of the coupled

inductor is large. K. varesiet. al, proposed an improved
MISO topology in [24]. It has bidirectional and bat-
Figure 2: SIMO power supply system tery charging capability and is also, operated in boost,
buck and, buck-boost modes as shown in Figure 4. How-
2. MULTI-INPUT SINGLE-OUTPUT DC–DC ever, it increases the active switches which lead to, high
CONVERTERS switching losses and cost.

2.1 Multi-Input Single-Output Buck Converters MISO converter with bidirectional capability is suggested
Bridge type multi-input DC–DC converter is presented in [25] and is depicted in Figure 5. It can control the
for high/low voltage sources in [21] as depicted in Figure power of energy storage systems (ESSs) by allowing
3. It draws energy from the two voltage sources individ- active power-sharing between the sources. The converter
ually or simultaneously and also, two voltage sources can dynamic behavior is tested against a variation in load by
be operated either in parallel or series-parallel combina- utilizing the ECE15 drive cycle. However, it has more
tion with a proper selection of switching scheme. How- device count as compared to bidirectional multi-input
ever, it is suffering from hard switching and bidirectional DC–DC converters.
power flow may not be possible.
2.2 Multi-Input Single-Output Boost Converters
In [22], a bridge-type MISO buck converter is proposed
for solar applications. It is the ability to charge the battery A high voltage gain multi-input boost converter is intro-
under a converter in light or no-load condition. How- duced for the power generation from the PV cells in [26]
ever, in this structure additional switches are used for and the converter is illustrated in Figure 6. It has the fol-
achieving a flexible control scheme which is proposed for lowing potential virtues such as (1) Low semiconductor
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) application in stresses, (2) High output voltage with a low operating
[23]. In this approach coupled inductor is used instead of duty cycle. However, it has more device count resulting

Figure 5: MIC with two inputs [25]

Figure 7: New dual input boost converter [27]

Figure 6: High step-up boost converter with two input [26]

in undesirable cost and also, increases the size of the


Design and analysis of MISO topologies are developed in

the area of hybridizing the energy sources with the fea- Figure 8: Two input high step-up converter based SDCVA [33]
tures of high gain, battery storage, and bidirectional for
RESs, grid, and EVs applications in [27–31] respectively.
Also, these are extended to an n-input single output and voltage gain in this converter is based on charging in
also, the control scheme is developed for regulating the parallel and discharging in series by using the proper
output voltage. Figure 7 shows the proposed MISO tech- transition of the main switch.
nology in [27]. However, it has more passive elements
and power devices are used in [28–30] respectively. It may The bidirectional MISO boost converter is developed
influence the size and cost of the system. in [34]. It has low voltage stress on switches and also
improves the voltage gain. However, it needs n+1-
In [32], three switches leg based multi-input single- inductor, n+1-capacitor, n+1-switch, and n+1-diode for
output converter is introduced with some interesting the n-input system which results, big size, high cost,
features: (1) avoid terminals floating and DC bus shoot and complexity. Boost type MISO is proposed in [35]
through, even two switches are turned on in the same for PV water pumping applications. In this approach,
leg. (2) These legs have two terminals that are suitable the effects of partial shading and mismatch phenomena
for multiterminal converter applications. Due to the buck are minimized even when PV modules are connected in
and boost operation of the dc/dc parts of the converters, series. However, it needs n-inductor, n+3 switches, and
it has a limited modulation index value. Also, it increases n-capacitor for the n-input system which may result in
the device count and complexity in the design of the the system being complicated. Most of the MICs are suf-
controller. fering from duty cycle constraints in PV applications,
which limits the energy source utilization, and also, a
A MISO boost converter is presented in [33] and the wide range of duty cycle operation is not possible [36].
corresponding configuration is depicted in Figure 8. It This limitation is overcome by substituting the coupled
is designed based on the switched-diode-capacitor for inductor in place of the inductor at the common output
voltage accumulator applications. Achievement of high point.

Figure 9: Three-input version of the MIC [37]

Figure 11: Switching pulses

Figure 10: Dual input buck-boost converter [38]

Figure 12: Circuit representation of the BDC converter [40]

A new class of MISO is proposed in [37]. It is developed
based on a switched capacitor technique which is illus-
trated in 9. In this approach, unequal voltage sources are (Figure 12) is suggested in [40], it improves the energy
successfully integrated and switched capacitors are used sources utilization as compared to the proposed topol-
in place of magnetic components to obtain the regulated ogy in [38,39]. However, in the case of energy source
output voltage. Further, it reduces the cost and size of the V1 < V2 , it may require the additional switches in series
converter. with each input source for the appropriate operation.

A non-inverting MISO converter is developed in [41]

2.3 Multi-Input Single-Output Buck-Boost
and it is represented in Figure 12. It can perform the
buck, boost, and buck-boost modes of operation. How-
The time-sharing concept is used in [38], for integrating ever, only one energy source is allowed to supply energy
the two different energy sources. at a time. Further, this topology is extended with battery
usage and improved the performance of the converter for
The proposed structure and switching pulses in this con- EV applications with the integration of renewable energy
figuration are depicted in Figures 10 and 11 respectively. sources in [42]. Similarly, a non-inverting bridge-type
It has three power devices, which results in a reduction in MISO buck-boost configuration is introduced in [43].
cost, power losses, and complexity. Nevertheless, the out- It improves the output voltage gain as compared with
put voltage is still negative, and bidirectional power flow the presented topology in [41] and also, it can operate
may not be possible. in boost, buck, and buck-boost mode. However, bidi-
rectional switches are in series with the input sources
In [39], a simple structure of the MISO topology is which leads to an increase in the cost of the converter
proposed to achieve the bidirectional power flow capa- (Figure 13).
bility and high efficiency. However, the output voltage
becomes negative and it requires additional switches in In [44,45], the combination of bridge type multi-input
series with the main switches to avoid the circulating cur- buck converter and non-inverting buck-boost converter
rents between the sources. MISO buck-boost converter based multi-input single-output converter is proposed

Figure 13: Multi-input buck-boost converter [41]

Figure 15: Dual input buck-boost converter [46]

Figure 16: Schematic diagram of the dual input converter [47]

Figure 14: Switching pulses: (a). Intermediate synchronization,
(b). Rising edge synchronization and (c). Falling edge synchroniza-
tion A bidirectional port is designed for energy storage and
two unidirectional input power ports are designed to
interface the asymmetrical energy sources [48,49]. It can
achieve better power management between the sources,
for integrating the hybrid energy sources. In this config- battery, and load. Nevertheless, it increases the intricacy
uration, an intermediate synchronization switching pat- of the controller design which leads to, the system becom-
tern scheme is introduced which is shown in Figure 14. It ing complex. A systematic approach is introduced for
can improve the utilization of energy sources and better developing the different MISO and SIMO topologies in
output voltage regulation is achieved. [50]. It has single-stage power conversion between input
sources and load, which results in high efficiency. How-
In [46], a multi-input buck-boost topology (Figure 15) ever, it has more device count compared with recent, past
is proposed with the reduced part count which leads to, proposed MISO, SIMO topologies which results, high
reduction in cost, size, and complexity of the converter. cost, and increase the size of the converter. Boost con-
However, the bidirectional operation may not be possible. verter based three-inputs/one output power electronic
converter (MIPEC) is presented in [51], which is tested
MISO converter is proposed in [47], for the hybridiza- in high power rating (60 kW) for hybrid electric vehi-
tion of the fuel cell (FC) and ultra-capacitor (UC), as cle applications. It has achieved good dynamic behavior
shown in Figure 16. It has lower reverse-recovery losses under several driving cycles.
and lower switching losses in discontinuous conduction
mode (DCM). Moreover, it gives lower conduction Alternative source-fault-tolerant dual input single out-
losses, lower input ripples in continuous conduction put (DISO) topologies are suggested in [52] and [53].
mode (CCM), and a coupled inductor is used to reduce The proposed dual-input converter in [52] is shown in
the core losses in CCM. However, the size of the coupled Figure 17. If one of the sources is out of work or being
inductor is larger than a normal inductor and it requires short-circuited, then it can form a bootstrap circuit with
more switches. the help of the charging capacitor to meet the expected

Figure 19: SIMO buck DC–DC converter [57]

Figure 17: The topology of the double-input converter with a

bootstrap circuit [52] In the topologies proposed in [58] and [59], an inductor
current ripple-based modeling scheme has been devel-
oped to accurately analyze the dynamic behavior and
steady-state response of the system. This structure,
simultaneously generates boost, buck, and inverted buck
outputs which are controlled independently. However,
for producing n voltage levels it requires n+2 switches,
which causes big size and extra cost. Ref. [60], addressed
some unexpected mistakes in the calculation of output
voltages and state-space equations in [58]. Those mis-
takes have been rectified in some tables and equations
have been modified that were presented in [60]. A new
Figure 18: Schematic diagram of the SIMO converter [54] control structure of a 48 V SIMO converter is introduced
in [61]. In this structure, 48 V is split into 14/24/36/48 V
for EVs application, which improves the power density of
output voltage. However, fault tolerance is developed in motors/actuator drives.
one input failure condition and increases the part count.
From the literature single inductor, SIMO converters
have reduced the passive elements. Nevertheless, the
inductor is switched between the loads due to that, it
has cross-regulation problems and also high ripples. Dif-
ferent control circuits are developed for avoiding the
Single input multiple output converters are proposed problems in single inductor SIMO converter, an adaptive
using diode clamped configurations in the literature common-mode control [62], adaptive adjustment of the
[54–56]. In this configuration, the total output voltage is output load current method [63], and multivariable dig-
divide into a different set of voltages for the low and high ital controller technique [64] based SIMO converters are
power applications. However, an inductor is switched proposed for minimizing the voltage ripples, suppress the
between the outputs which leads, produces more ripples cross-regulation problems in CCM mode and regulate
in output and also, effected cross-regulation problems. the output voltages.
Figure 18 shows the SIMO converter proposed in [54].
A new class of SIMO converter is developed in [65] as
In [57], SIMO buck, boost, and buck-boost topologies are shown in Figure 20. In this configuration, both the out-
described and the circuit is shown in Figure 19. Double puts are obtained based on the tunable capacitor princi-
feedback control is designed which results, good voltage ple. Hence no need for an inductor in the converter which
regulation and also, reduces the output voltage ripples. in turn reduces the cost and size of the converter.
However, it is generating the same level outputs and also
the number of power electronic components is almost A dual-output buck converter is proposed in [66] for low
equal to the conventional SIMO buck converter. output voltage applications, which is illustrated in Figure

Figure 23: SIMO synchronous buck converter [72]

Figure 20: Schematic diagram of the MEMS converter [65]

Ref [68], investigates the design of a high-efficiency bidi-

rectional SIMO converter and also introduced the bidi-
rectional SIMO converter. It has three power switches
and also voltage clamping and soft switching techniques
which leads to reduce the conduction losses and improves
efficiency. However, more capacitors and the coupled
inductor has been used, it may be affected by the cost
Figure 21: Bidirectional SIMO DC–DC converter [66] and size. The combination of voltage multiplier, boost
and Sepic converter based SIMO converter is developed
for PV applications in [69]. In this configuration, one
output is the high gain boost, and another is the Sepic
output which is controlled by the one power switch and
depends on the duty ratio. In addition, boost output also
depends on the number of levels that are presented in the
voltage multiplier. Nevertheless, it has more capacitors
and diodes which leads to an increase in the complex-
ity and reduces the efficiency of the converter due to the
conduction losses. An improved version of SIDO is sug-
gested in [70]. It is derived from a conventional SIDO
buck-boost converter, as a result, it can generate posi-
Figure 22: Schematic diagram of the SIDO converter [67] tive and negative output voltages and is also controlled
by a single power switch. For the positive and negative
output voltage, a novel SIMO converter is presented in
21. It has bidirectional and unidirectional power flow [71]. Compared to other existing topologies it requires a
capability and also, reduction in part count. However, it less switch count in terms of a similar objective. In [72]
has a limitation on charging of inductor current, which and [73], an integrated SIMO buck converter is proposed
means L2 is not charged without charging of L1 , which which is shown in Figure 23. It has reduced the active
leads to restrict the output voltages i.e. Vo1 always greater switches and added the zero voltage switching technique
than the Vo2 . (ZVS) which leads to, reduce the complexity and cost and
also, conduction losses. Nevertheless, it has constraints
An integrated single input dual-output (SIDO) converter on inductor currents (i.e. iL1 > iL2 ) and operating duty
(Figure 22) is proposed in [67]. It has reduced the power cycle.
switches and also, inherent shoot-through protection
which results in improved efficiency and more reliabil- A novel SIDO three-level DC–DC converter is pro-
ity respectively. However, it has duty cycle constraints to posed in [74]. It is developed from the three-level step-
achieve the appropriate operation. down and step-up converter for low and medium power

Figure 25: Schematic diagram of the MIMO converter [76]

Figure 24: SIDO TLC-converter [74]

applications. The merits are low semiconductor stress

and reduced size of the filter elements. In this config-
uration, the step-down output voltage depends on duty
cycle d1 and d2, and the design of the control circuit Figure 26: Schematic diagram of the MIMO converter [80]
may be complicated. Figure 24 shows the single-input
dual-output three-level DC–DC converter (SIDO TLC) cross-regulation problems in CCM operation. Model
in [74]. predictive control based MIMO converter is proposed in
[78] to overcome the problems in [76] and, [77]. It can
The aforementioned SIMO converters [66–74] minimize suppress the cross-regulation problems, minimize the
the voltage ripples and suppress the cross-regulation voltage ripples, and regulate the converter output volt-
problems in CCM mode and also, it doesn’t require any ages. In [79], a single-stage MIMO converter is proposed.
additional control circuits. However, it has constraints It uses a single inductor further, reducing size and cost.
on duty cycle (D1 > D2 ) and inductor charging cur- However, for n-inputs, m-outputs require an n + m+1
rents (iL1 > iL2 ) which leads to effect the output voltage switch, which effect the efficiency of the converter due to
i.e. V 01 > V 02 and converters may be affected by the high switching losses and also, increases the complexity
grounding problems because most of the SIMO topolo- of the converter.
gies have common ground between the outputs. An
improved structure of the SIDO converter is introduced The new structure of the MIMO topology is proposed in
in [75]. Without duty cycle constraints, it can indepen- [80–83] for electric vehicle applications. In this structure,
dently regulate the outputs, and also, loads are isolated to both the output voltages are greater than the input voltage
each other which leads to avoiding the cross-regulation and are limited by the output switches. However, only one
and grounding problems. input source is allowed to deliver energy at a time and a
wide range of duty cycle operations may not be possible.
Figure 26 shows the presented MIMO converter in [80].
MIMO buck–boost converter is proposed in [84] for
A simple structure of the MIMO converter (Figure 25) microgrid applications and which is developed based
is presented with a single inductor in [76] and, [77]. In on matrix converters. It is extended to n-input and n-
this configuration different voltage and current charac- output. However, with more switches and the inductor,
teristics of the two energy sources are integrated success- this result makes the complicated structure, increasing
fully by using a time multiplexing concept. However, it the size, cost, and losses. Moreover, it is operated based on
requires n + m+1 switch for n-inputs m-outputs, out- the time-sharing concept, which may be restricted to the
puts are connected in series and it is suffering from utilization of energy sources. Diode clamped converter

Table 1: Gain and number of elements evaluation in the different converter

Converter No. of Semiconductors No. of inductors (L) No. of capacitors (C) Voltage conversion ratio
dH1 dL0
[22] 2-switches, 2-diodes 1 1 V0 = 1−dL0 VH1 + 1−dL0 VL0
[24] 5-switches, 2-diodes 1 1
dH1 dL0
[25] 5-switches, 2-diodes 1 1 V0 = 1−dL0 VH1 + 1−dL0 VL0
dS1 dS2
[26] 4-switches, 2-diodes 2 1 V0 = 1−dT0 V1 = 1−dT0 V2
uin1 uin2
[27] 2-switches, 2-diodes 2 2 V0 = 1−D1 + 1−D2
E1 D1 +E2 D2
[28] 3-switches 2 V0 = (1−D3 )
E1 E2
[29] 2-switches, 3-diodes 2 4 V0 = (1−D1 ) + (1−D2 )
(d1 +d2 )Vin(1) −d2 VESS
[30] 3-switches, 4-diodes 2 2 V0 = (1−d1 −d2 )
V1 V2
[31] 3-switches 3 1 V0 = (1−D1 ) + (1−D2 )
Vin2 D1 D2 Vin1
[32] 2-switches, 2-diodes 2 2 V0 = (1−D2 ) + (1−D1 )(1−D2 )
V1 V2 V2
[35] (3-inputs) 4-switches, 4-diodes 4 4 V0 = + (1−d 2)
+ (1−d 3)
(1−d1 )2
[38] (3-inputs) 3-switches, 5-diodes 0 3 V0 = V0 + VC1 + VC2
V1 d1 +V2 d2
[39] 2-switches, 1-diodes 1 1 V0 = (1−d1 −d2 )
V1 d1 V2 d2
[40] 2-switches, 3-diodes 1 1 V0 = (1−d1 ) + (1−d2 )
V1 d1 +V2 d2 +(V1 +V2 )d2
[41] 3-switches, 1–diode 1 1 V0 = (1−d1 −d2 −d3 )
[42] 5-switches 1 1 V0 = D1 V1 + (D2 − D1 )V2
V1 d1 V2 d2
[47] 2-switches, 2-diodes 1 1 V0 = (1−d1 −d2 ) + (1−d1 −d2 )
V1 d1 V2 d2
[48] 3-switches, 4-diodes 1 (coupled) 1 V0 = (1−d1 ) + (1−d2 )
[65] 4-diodes 0 3 V0 = (Ci −Ci ) Vin (i = 1, 2)
[66] 3-switches 2 2 V01 = D1 Vs , V02 = (1 − D2 )Vs
Vin D2
[67] 2-switches, 1-diode 2 2 V01 = (1−D1 ) , V02 = (1−D1 ) Vin
[70] 2-switches, 3-diodes 2 3
[72] 3-switches 2 2 V01 = (1 − D1 )Vi , V02 = (1 − D2 )Vi
V01 = D1 V1 + D1 V2 ,
[86] 3-switches 2 2
V02 = D1 V1 + (1 - D1 − D)V2

It has the capability of a single controlling switch, which

gives less cost and complexity of the converter. How-
ever, it has generated symmetrical outputs and is having
more passive elements. In [88], the MIMO boost con-
verter is proposed for renewable energy source applica-
tions. However, for n-input, m-output requires n+m+2
Figure 27: Bidirectional MIMO converter [86] switches and is having more energy storage elements.
configuration based MIMO converter is presented in Further, it increases the size and complexity of the
[85]. In this structure, outputs are arbitrary and indepen- converter. In [89], converter based on the integration of
dent from each other. However, it requires more switches classical converter synthesis of DISO and SIMO DC–DC
which leads to, increase the losses, complicated structure converters are proposed. These are very attractive mod-
and it may be affected by the cross-regulation problem in els for the design of the multiport converter in EVs and
CCM operation. portable electronic applications. However, it has assump-
tions on (i) output current (io1 > io2 ) and (ii) due to the
In [86], the MIMO converter (Figure 27) is proposed limitation of output current restricted the output volt-
for integrating the different types of energy sources to age (i.e. V i1 > V o2 ), other the inductor is continuously
obtain the regulated output and also has bidirectional charged.
flow capability. However, both energy sources are oper-
ated with some duty cycle constraints otherwise it leads In Table 1, the summary is shown. In this table, voltage
to inappropriate operation. gain, number of semiconductors, number of inductors,
and number of capacitors of the converters are described.
Integration of Cuk and buck-boost converter based dual The study of different multiport DC–DC converter con-
input dual output DC–DC converter is proposed in [87]. figurations suggests that there is no single structure that

handles the entire goals such as cost, reliability, part V 01 > V 02 . Most of the SIMO converters have a com-
count, flexibility, and modularity. This means that each mon ground between the outputs, which may lead to
topology is having its own merits and demerits. grounding problems, and outputs are arbitrary.


In the recent past, a lot of research work is carried out in
modeling, designing, and utilization of MPCs in various In this paper, MISO, SIMO, and MIMO DC–DC
applications such as integrated hybrid generation sys- converter topologies have been presented in differ-
tems, electric vehicles, fuel cells, uninterruptible power ent applications. Literature suggests that MPCs had
supplies, and micro-grid based telecom power systems. drawn tremendous performance over several indepen-
dent power supplies in EVs and grid-connected applica-
MIC topologies are suitable for the integration of several tions. MPCs are avoiding complexity and reduction in
energy sources whose power or voltage levels are different part count in the integration of hybrid energy sources
to obtain regulated output voltage. These topologies hav- and multi-output applications. Moreover, low complexity
ing the working conditions: (1) One energy source deliv- in the design of the control circuit results, easy to regu-
ers energy into the load at a time. (2) To prevent power late the loads, and also improves the energy management
coupling effects, the converter is operated based on the between the input and load. Therefore, MPCs are playing
time-sharing concept which results, utilization of energy a vital role in multi-input and multi-output applications.
sources and output voltage become limited because of the The literature, suggests that there is no single converter
duty ratio constraints. The operating time delay can be that achieves all the advantages such as, reduction in
avoided between the energy power devices, passive elements and control complex-
ity, high reliability. This means that each topology has its
sources and further improve the output voltage with a low advantages and disadvantages. Efforts are continuing to
operating duty ratio and also, reduce the size of the con- make the new multiport converter in different applica-
verter through less utilization of the passive elements in tions. Challenges and future work also that is discussed
the applications of high voltage gain. in this article will help to develop the new MPCs with
improved performance.
In case any one of the input sources is off, then the other
port stands the operation. In this case, the output voltage
is less than the output voltage in a healthy case, which may
affect the operating loads. Therefore, alternate source- REFERENCES
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AUTHORS Swapnajit Pattnaik was born in Odisha,

India. He received his B.E. degree in
Mudadla Dhananjaya was born in Electrical Engineering from Utkal Uni-
Andhra Pradesh, India. He received his versity, in 1998, and his M. Tech and
B.Tech in in Electrical and Electronics Ph.D. degrees in Electrical Engineering
Engineering and the M. Tech. degrees in from the National Institute of Technology,
power electronics and electric drives from Rourkela, India, in 2003 and 2011, respec-
JNTUK, Kakinada, India, in 2011, and tively. He was with CSIT, Durg as Faculty
2013 respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in from 2003 to 2006 and as a Research Scholar from 2006 to
power electronics from National Institute 2008. From 2008 to 2009, he was with ITER, Bhubaneswar
of Technology, Raipur in 2020. In 2019, he joined as an Assis- as Faculty. In 2009, he became an Assistant Professor in the
tant Professor in Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology & Electrical Engineering Department of the National Institute of
Sciences in Visakhapatnam, A.P, India His current research Technology, Raipur. His current research interests include Elec-
interests include high gain dc–dc converters, multiport dc–dc tric vehicles, DC–DC converters, and PWM converter/inverter
converters and multilevel inverters. systems.
Corresponding author. E-mail: krishnadhanu9390@gmail.com E-mail: swapnajit.pattnaik@gmail.com

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