Dhananjaya 2021
Dhananjaya 2021
Dhananjaya 2021
To cite this article: Mudadla Dhananjaya & Swapnajit Pattnaik (2021): Review on Multi-Port
DC–DC Converters, IETE Technical Review, DOI: 10.1080/02564602.2021.1882343
Article views: 86
Multiport converters (MPCs) play an important role in increasing the demand for multi-input and Multi-input multi-output
multi-output applications. Further, it gives the economic operation and improves the system per- (MIMO) converters;
formance over the multiple single converters in multi-input multi-output (MIMO). Multi-input con- multi-input single-output
verters (MICs) have high regard for the integration of independent voltage sources utilized in Electric (MISO) converters;
single-input multi-output
vehicles (EVs) and grid applications. Similarly, multi-output DC–DC converters also have aroused sig- (SIMO) converters
nificant attention in portable electronic applications because of their reduced part count, cost, and
compact size. To, obtain the low cost, complexity, and compact, a lot of development and research
has been carried out for developing the MPCs topologies which enhance their efficiency, reliability,
and modularity. In this study, recapitulating the crucial information from the literature of MISO, SIMO,
and MIMO converters, an overview is presented on various aspects.
This leads to; reduce the complexity and cost of the con-
The power electronic converters applications have increased verter and also higher power density. Therefore, MICs
penetration of industrial, non-conventional energy sources, are a good choice for grid-connected systems, renew-
portable electronic, energy storage, and EVs. To achieve able energy sources (RESs), and EV applications [11–14].
high output voltages and integration of energy sources, MISO, SIMO structure is adopted as shown in Figures 1
classical DC–DC (boost, buck, buck-boost, CUK, SEPIC, and 2 respectively.
and ZETA) converters require more part count and duty
ratios. Which results in, high cost and complexity of The MPCs converters are classified into two types: non-
the system. In practice, the output voltage is limited isolated MPCs and isolated MPCs. In isolated MPCs,
by the parasitic elements of the active switches, capaci- the multi-winding transformer is used, like integrated
tors and, inductors. Also, the extreme duty cycle opera- transformer-based boost-type converters and secondary-
tion has large current ripples and conduction losses and series boost converters. It improves the voltage gain by
also, reverse-recovery, high EMI problems. To evaluate increasing the number of turns and also, provides the
the above issues, high gain DC–DC converters are pro- isolation between the output and input port. However, it
posed in [1–6]. A new negative output (N/O) high gain induces high-voltage stress and conduction losses which
buck–boost converter is suggested in [7]. It is applica- leads to, reduce converter efficiency respectively. Due to
ble for applications that need a wide range of inverse leakage energy and also, increases electromagnetic inter-
voltage. Similarly, a new family of multiport convert- ference (EMI) problems [15–20].
ers is developed for the integration of different energy
sources utilized in the grid, portable electronics, and EVs In this paper, recapitulating the crucial information based
applications. on the literature of MISO, SIMO, and MIMO convert-
ers, an overview is presented on various aspects. In this
Multiport converters attracted in interfacing the inde- manuscript, Section 2 deals with the MISO convert-
pendent energy sources utilized in grid-connected and ers, Section 3 describes SIMO DC–DC converters, and
electrical vehicle applications. Furthermore, compared MIMO DC–DC converters are discussed in Section 4.
to several separate DC–DC converters, MPCs require The challenges and future scope of work are given in
fewer components count and compact structure [8–10]. Section 5 and the conclusion is presented in Section 6.
∗ Present address: Department of Electrical Electronics Engineering, Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences, Visakhapatnam, India
© 2021 IETE
2.1 Multi-Input Single-Output Buck Converters MISO converter with bidirectional capability is suggested
Bridge type multi-input DC–DC converter is presented in [25] and is depicted in Figure 5. It can control the
for high/low voltage sources in [21] as depicted in Figure power of energy storage systems (ESSs) by allowing
3. It draws energy from the two voltage sources individ- active power-sharing between the sources. The converter
ually or simultaneously and also, two voltage sources can dynamic behavior is tested against a variation in load by
be operated either in parallel or series-parallel combina- utilizing the ECE15 drive cycle. However, it has more
tion with a proper selection of switching scheme. How- device count as compared to bidirectional multi-input
ever, it is suffering from hard switching and bidirectional DC–DC converters.
power flow may not be possible.
2.2 Multi-Input Single-Output Boost Converters
In [22], a bridge-type MISO buck converter is proposed
for solar applications. It is the ability to charge the battery A high voltage gain multi-input boost converter is intro-
under a converter in light or no-load condition. How- duced for the power generation from the PV cells in [26]
ever, in this structure additional switches are used for and the converter is illustrated in Figure 6. It has the fol-
achieving a flexible control scheme which is proposed for lowing potential virtues such as (1) Low semiconductor
plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) application in stresses, (2) High output voltage with a low operating
[23]. In this approach coupled inductor is used instead of duty cycle. However, it has more device count resulting
handles the entire goals such as cost, reliability, part V 01 > V 02 . Most of the SIMO converters have a com-
count, flexibility, and modularity. This means that each mon ground between the outputs, which may lead to
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