Per Dev Notes I C1 Introducing Personal Development
Per Dev Notes I C1 Introducing Personal Development
Per Dev Notes I C1 Introducing Personal Development
At the end of this chapter, the student should be able to:
1. understand and explain in his or her own words what personal development is;
2. understand and explain the psychological basis of personal development;
3. relate the concept of personal development in his or her own experiences as an
adolescent; and
4. express his or her spiritual and religious beliefs and how these influence his or
her personal development.
1. Physical Development
- covers the growth of the body and the brain, motor and sensory
skills, and even physical health.
2. Cognitive Development
- covers our capacity to learn, to speak, to understand, to reason,
and to create.
- It talks about the function of our brain.
3. Psychosocial Development
- includes our social interactions with other people, our
emotions, attitudes, self-identity, personality, beliefs, and
1. Heredity
- inborn traits passed on by the generations of offsprings from
both sides of the biological parents’ families.
- It portraits kun nano an mga namana. ex. skin
2. Environment
- the world outside of ourselves and the experiences that result
from our contact and interaction with this external world.
3. Maturation
- natural progression of the brain and the body that affects the
cognitive, psychological, and social dimensions of a person.
Is it Personality Development
or Personal Development?
Personality Development
table etiquette
to sit properly and walk with grace
to dress up appropriately
to communicate better
- how you act as a person. an skills mo pano mo sya madedevelop furtherly
- more on physical aspects na ginaimprove
If personality development is all about those things mentioned, then what
is personal development?
Carl Rogers
– American Psychologist
– one of the founders of
Humanistic Psychology
Personal Development
Positive Development
P – Positive Emotion
Positive emotion is much more than mere ‘happiness.’
Positive emotions include hope, interest, joy, love, compassion, pride, amusement,
and gratitude.
E – Engagement
According to Seligman (2012), engagement is “being one with the music.” It is in line
with Csikszentmihalyi’s (1989) concept of “flow.” Flow includes the loss of self-
consciousness and complete absorption in an activity. In other words, it is living in the
present moment and focusing entirely on the task at hand.
R – Positive Relationships
Relationships encompass all the various interactions individuals have with partners,
friends, family members, colleagues, bosses/mentors/supervisors, and their
community at large.
M – Meaning
Another intrinsic human quality is the search for meaning and the need to have a
sense of value and worth. Seligman (2012) discussed meaning as belonging and/or
serving something greater than ourselves. Having a purpose in life helps individuals
focus on what is really important in the face of significant challenge or adversity.
A – Accomplishments/Achievements
Accomplishment in PERMA is also known as achievement, mastery, or competence.
A sense of accomplishment is a result of working toward and reaching goals,
mastering an endeavor, and having self-motivation to finish what you set out to do.
This contributes to wellbeing because individuals can look at their lives with a sense
of pride (Seligman, 2012).