Lifecycle of The Butterfly
Lifecycle of The Butterfly
Lifecycle of The Butterfly
In general, there are four main stages in the process, commencing with the laying of the eggs and
culminating with the appearance of the adult butterfly, and then the cycle repeats
In the initial stage, the adult butterly mates with another butterfly and then the female butterfly chooses
the suitable plant to lay eggs as a preparation for the development of the embryo. Each of eggs contain
an embryo, which then develops for two to three weeks into a caterpillar. After that, the caterpillar
takes two months to grow and form the skin-shedding.
Regarding the remaining stages, the caterpillar creates a pupa in two hours. In the last stage, after two
weeks, the pupa undergoes the pupal stage, where the metamorphosis occurs. And then the caterpillar
crawls out the pupal and turns into an adult butterfly. The adult butterfly perpetuates the life cycle by
mating and laying eggs