Configuring DHCP in AOS

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July 2007

AOS Configuration and Troubleshooting Guide

Configuring Dynamic Host Control Protocol


This configuration and troubleshooting guide will aid in the setup of many aspects of
Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) within ADTRAN Operating System (AOS)
products. An overview of DHCP has been provided along with step-by-step instructions on
how to set up DHCP in both the Command Line Interface (CLI) as well as the Graphical
User Interface (GUI). The troubleshooting section outlines several useful commands to help
isolate problems with a setup and verify that the AOS device has been configured correctly.

This guide consists of the following sections:

• DHCP Overview

• Hardware/Software Requirements/Limitations

• Configuring DHCP in AOS

o Configuring DHCP in CLI
 Step 1: Exclude Static Addresses
 Step 2: Create a DHCP Pool
 Optional: Change the Lease Time
 Optional: Assign a fixed DHCP address to a single client
 Optional: Configure DHCP Ping Settings
 Optional: Configure Parent and Child Pools
 Optional: DHCP Scopes
 Optional: Configuring a Router as a DHCP Client
o Configuring DHCP in GUI
 Step 1: Exclude Static Addresses
 Step 2: Create a DHCP Pool
 Optional: Change the Lease Time
 Optional: Assign a fixed DHCP address to a single client
 Optional: Configuring a Router as a DHCP Client
• Configuring DHCP Relay in AOS
o Configuring DHCP Relay in CLI
o Configuring DHCP Relay in GUI
• Command Summary Table
• Troubleshooting
DHCP Overview

Dynamic Host Control Protocol (DHCP) is used to simplify network administration. Every computer that
connects to the internet or an IP network needs an IP address. In a small network, it is not nearly as difficult
to manually assign IP addressing information to every PC. As systems become larger and more complex, and
mobile users are added to the mix, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage and keep track of IP
assignments. This is where DHCP comes in. DHCP allows you to assign a range or subnet of addresses to a
DHCP server which it will dynamically distribute and maintain. In addition to IP addresses, DHCP servers
give out information for default routers, DNS servers, and can also give out proprietary information for
devices such as IP phones.

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) enables hosts on an IP network, called DHCP clients, to lease
a temporary IP address from a DHCP server. The server can also issue other configurations to the client that
help it function on the network (such as the addresses of Domain Name System [DNS] and Windows Internet
Naming Service [WINS] servers). This protocol helps reduce administrative overhead on an IP-based

DHCP Request Process

Understanding the basics of DHCP will help you understand and remember how to configure a DHCP pool.
If you can track the DHCP process, you will also find it much easier to troubleshoot the router’s DHCP

The DHCP request process breaks down into four steps (see Figure 1):

1. The client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER packet, requesting an IP address and other configurations.
2. The server responds with a DHCPOFFER, which includes an available network address.
3. The client sends a DHCPREQUEST, accepting the offer and requesting the complete configuration from
the server.
4. The server responds with a DHCPACK, which includes the following:
• The agreed-upon network address
• A default gateway
• A lease time
• The address of one or more DNS servers (optional)
• The address of one or more WINS servers (optional)

Figure 1. DHCP Request Process

The AOS Product as a DHCP Server
A router that also functions as a DHCP server is particularly useful for a small to medium site at which all
subnets connect to the WAN router.

Figure 2. AOS Product DHCP Server

You should configure one DHCP pool for each subnet. For the default gateway, you would specify the IP
address of the Ethernet interface through which the router connects to the subnet. (See Figure 2.) You would
then create a DHCP pool for each VLAN. A WAN interface can also act as a server for DHCP clients.
However, usually the router at the remote site or a DHCP server would act as the remote network’s server.
On the other hand, when you bridge two remote sites, one router should act as a DHCP server for all clients
in the network.

DHCP Relay
Rather than acting as the server for connected DHCP clients, the router can run DHCP relay. The router
receives DHCP packets from clients and forwards them to a remote server on behalf of the clients.
Similarly, it receives the committed IP addresses from the server and forwards them to the clients.

Hardware/Software Requirements/Limitations

DHCP can be configured on any AOS device running any version of firmware.

Configuring DHCP in AOS

You configure the AOS product to act as a DHCP server by configuring a DHCP pool for each connecting
subnet. The pool specifies the subnet’s address and default gateway. It can also include other
configurations such as a DNS server address.
To configure the router as a DHCP server, you must:
1. Exclude static addresses from DHCP.
• Often you will have servers or other devices that you would like to assign static addresses to.
Those addresses must be excluded from the DHCP pool so that they are not assigned to
other devices.
2. Create a DHCP pool:
• Specify the network address and subnet mask.
• Define the default gateway.
• Specify DNS and WINS (NetBIOS) server addresses – You should specify at least one DNS
• For a DHCP pool, you can:
– Change the lease time
– Assign a fixed DHCP address to a single client
Configuring DHCP in CLI

Step 1: Exclude Static Addresses

To specify that a range of addresses cannot be assigned to DHCP clients, move to the Global Configuration
mode and enter the following command:

Syntax: ip dhcp-server excluded-address <first A.B.C.D> [<last A.B.C.D>]

For example, your organization uses the first ten addresses on a subnet for routers and switches and the
second ten for servers. You enter:

(config)#ip dhcp-server excluded-address

You can also exclude a single address:

(config)#ip dhcp-server excluded-address

Use the no form of this command to remove an IP address from the restricted list.

Step 2: Create a DHCP Pool

You should create a DHCP pool for each subnet that connects directly to the AOS product and for which
you want the router to act as a DHCP server.

Use the following command to create the pool:

Syntax: ip dhcp-server pool <poolname>

The command-line interface (CLI) displays Configuring New Pool <poolname> and moves you into the
DHCP server pool configuration mode context.

You can also edit a pool with the same command. The CLI displays Configuring Existing Pool

Address Pool

You assign the DHCP server address pool a subnet by specifying the network address and subnet mask:

Syntax: network <network A.B.C.D> <subnet mask | /prefix length>

For example, specify a private Class C subnet:


Default Gateway

A DHCP pool’s default gateway, or default router, is the interface through which the clients for the pool
connect. This interface is almost always an Ethernet or VLAN interface

You specify a pool’s default gateway by entering the connected interface’s IP address in the DHCP pool
configuration mode context:

Syntax: default-router <A.B.C.D> [<secondary A.B.C.D>]

DNS Server

A DNS server tracks the IP addresses associated with specific hostnames. It translates a hostname into its IP
address in response to requests from DNS clients. Clients need a DNS server so that users can enter
hostnames to reach other hosts and browse the Internet. You should designate at least one DNS server for the
DHCP client by entering the following command:

Syntax: dns-server <A.B.C.D> [<secondary A.B.C.D>]

You may specify an optional secondary DNS server by adding a second IP address. For example:

(config-dhcp)# dns-server

WINS (NetBIOS) Server.

A WINS server maps computers’ NetBIOS names to IP addresses. It ensures that hosts on the same network
do not have the same hostname, and it performs DNS-type services for hosts with dynamic addresses. When
a computer changes location in the network, the WINS server automatically updates the entry for its
hostname with its new DHCP address. If your private network uses NetBIOS, you should give the DHCP
client the address of the WINS server.

Syntax: netbios-name-server <A.B.C.D> [<secondary A.B.C.D>]

Other Servers

You can also assign clients a Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server and a Network Time Protocol
(NTP) server. Clients download config files from TFTP servers. NTP servers ensure that all clients’ clocks
are synchronized, which can be very important for some organizations. If the NTP server is in a different
timezone than the DHCP clients, you must set a timezone offset. The range for the offset is -12 to 12. For
example, to set an offset for a server 2 hours ahead of the local router, enter timezone-offset -2.
Enter these commands:

Syntax: tftp-server <A.B.C.D>

ntp-server <A.B.C.D>
timezone-offset <-12 to 12>

Domain Name

If your network wishes users to have the organization’s domain name, you should configure the DHCP
server to issue this name with the IP address. Specify the domain name for the subnet from the configuration
mode context of the corresponding DHCP server pool:
Syntax: domain-name <domain name>

Do not include the period before the name. For example:


Optional: Change the Lease Time

The default lease time for DHCP pools on the AOS product is 1 day. This setting suits many environments,
allowing clients to keep configurations throughout the workday, but also making it easy for a client to
receive a new address when it changes location in the network.

However, subnets for various kinds of users require different lease times. For example, a subnet that provides
public access computers, which are randomly used by many different people, may need a shorter lease time.
Try not to set the lease shorter than necessary because DHCP exchanges consume bandwidth and router

You can configure an individual lease time for each DHCP pool established on the router, according to your
organization’s policies. For example, you can set a lease time of 1 hour. From the configuration mode
context of the pool, enter:

Syntax: lease <days> <hours> <minutes>

AOS always sets the first number entered as the number of days for the lease, the second as hours, and the
third as minutes. You must enter a zero to indicate that you are skipping a number. For example, to set a
lease time of 15 minutes, enter:

(config-dhcp)#lease 0 0 15

You do not have to input zeroes after the last significant number. For example, a lease time of 30 days is
specified as:

(config-dhcp)#lease 30

Optional: Assign a fixed DHCP address to a single client

Certain devices should almost always be given static addresses so that routes remain accurate, the network
design logical and consistent, and traffic flow uninterrupted. However, sometimes such a device is also
required to take a dynamic address from a DHCP server. You can configure the router to assign a fixed
DHCP address to this device. Also, when you want to assign a particular host a permanent address,
sometimes it is better to configure this address through a server, rather than through whatever application is
on the host. DHCP automatically tracks addresses so that two devices are not inadvertently given the same
To assign a fixed address to a single host:

1. Create a new DHCP server pool with a name indicative of the host.
2. Identify the host allowed to take the address in the pool by its MAC address:
• Syntax: hardware-address <MAC address>
• For example:
o (config-dhcp)#hardware-address d2:17:04:91:11:50
3. Specify the IP address for the host. The router automatically assigns the address with its natural
mask. If your organization uses variable-length subnetting, make sure to include the subnet mask or
prefix length for the host’s subnet:
• Syntax: host <A.B.C.D> <subnet mask | /prefix length>
4. Specify the default gateway:
• Syntax: default-router <A.B.C.D>
5. Configure other settings such as DNS and WINS servers and a domain name.
6. You can also assign the client a name:
• Syntax: client-name <name>
• For example: (config-dhcp)#client-name LAN2Switch

Optional: Configuring DHCP Ping Settings

The DHCP server sends ping packets to verify that an address is available before assigning it to a DHCP
client. You can configure two settings for DHCP server pings:
• Timeout – This determines how long the DHCP server waits for a reply to a ping.
• Ping packet count – The DHCP server pings an address without result this many times before assigning the
address to a requesting client.

By default, the router times out a ping after 500 ms and pings an address twice before assuming it is

Ping settings apply to the router as a whole, not to individual DHCP pools. You configure them from the
Global Configuration mode.

To change the timeout setting, enter:

Syntax: ip dhcp-server ping timeout <milliseconds>

The valid range is from 10 to 1000 ms.

To change the ping packet count, enter:

Syntax: ip dhcp-server ping packets <count>

The count can be from 0 to 100.

For example, enter:

(config-dhcp)#ip dhcp-server ping timeout 700
(config-dhcp)#ip dhcp-server ping packets 5

If you do not want the router to use ping packets to check that an address is available, enter 0 for the ping
packet count.

Optional: Configuring Parent and Child Pools

If your AOS product supports contiguous subnets, you can configure a single parent pool for the range of
subnets. In this pool, you would specify settings that apply to all of the subnets, such as domain name, DNS
servers, WINS servers, and lease time.

You would then configure child pools, each of which would have its own subnet address and default
gateway. The other settings would be automatically imported from the parent pool, saving you time and
minimizing opportunities for miskeying a server address.

When you configure a parent pool, you specify the range of subnets by entering the network address bits the
subnets have in common followed by the (now shorter) prefix length.

Figuring out the exact number of bits that two subnets have in common involves converting from decimal to
binary and can be complicated. The simplest method is to use the address and bit length for the last common
For example, you want to configure a parent pool for subnets /24 and /24. The
parent pool network address could be /16.
However, you should be careful using this method, especially when your network uses variable-length

Example DHCP Pool Configuration

You do not specify a default router for a parent pool.
You configure the child pools just as you do any DHCP pool, but you only have to configure the subnet
address and default router. If you alter a setting, such as the lease time, the configuration in the child pool
overrides that in the parent pool.

In the above example, a router connects to two subnets. The figure also shows the network’s DNS and WINS
servers. This LAN reserves addresses 1 to 29 on each subnet for various network devices, such as routers,
switches, and servers. To configure this router to act as a DHCP server for its local subnets, you would
complete these steps:

1. Exclude static addresses:

(config)#ip dhcp-server excluded-address
(config)#ip dhcp-server excluded-address

2. Create the parent pool with global settings:

(config)#ip dhcp-server pool Parent
(config-dhcp)#network /16
(config-dhcp)#lease 0 12

3. Create the child pools, each with its own subnet and default gateway:
(config-dhcp)#ip dhcp-server pool LAN1
(config-dhcp)#network /24
(config-dhcp)#ip dhcp-server pool LAN2
(config-dhcp)#network /24

Configuring DHCP Scopes

The AOS product supports VLAN tagging so that it can receive traffic from more than one VLAN on the
same Ethernet interface. Therefore, the AOS product might receive DHCP requests from clients on different
subnets on the same physical interface.

You can configure a separate DHCP scope to accommodate each VLAN. Simply configure the DHCP pool
with the VLAN’s network address just as you would configure a typical DHCP pool.
After you enable 802.1Q encapsulation (for VLAN tagging) on the Ethernet interface, you can configure
Ethernet sub-interfaces. You assign the sub-interfaces a VLAN ID and an IP address. To configure the
DHCP scope, you simply specify that IP address as the default router of the DHCP pool configured for the

These are the only configurations that you must make on the AOS product. You can add options for the
server addresses and lease time in the same way that you would for any pool. (You would also configure the
connecting switch to pass DHCP packets from hosts on a specific VLAN to the address of the corresponding
Ethernet sub-interface on the router. This configuration ensures that clients receive an address on the correct

DHCP Scopes with VLANs

In this example, Router A connects to Switch B on its Ethernet 0/1 interface. Switch B connects to hosts in
VLANs 101 and 102. You enable VLAN tagging on the router so that traffic to both VLANs can be carried
over the same cable. You configure IP address /24 on Ethernet sub-interface 0/1.1 and IP address /24 on Ethernet sub-interface 0/1.2.

You would configure the DHCP scopes as follows:

1. Enable VLAN tagging:

(config)#interface eth 0/1
(config-eth 0/1)#encapsulation 802.1q
(config-eth 0/1)#no shutdown

2. Configure the VLAN interfaces:

(config-eth 0/1)#interface eth 0/1.1
(config-eth 0/1.1)#description Scope 1 interface
(config-eth 0/1.1)#vlan-id 101
(config-eth 0/1.1)#ip address
(config-eth 0/1.1)#no shutdown
(config-eth 0/1.1)#interface eth 0/1.2
(config-eth 0/1.2)#description Scope 2 interface
(config-eth 0/1.2)#vlan-id 102
(config-eth 0/1.2)#ip address
(config-eth 0/1.2)#no shutdown

3. Reserve addresses for the VLAN interfaces and other servers by excluding them from DHCP:
(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address
(config)#ip dhcp excluded-address

4. Configure a DCHP pool for each VLAN, setting the IP address of the default router to that of the
corresponding VLAN interface:
(config)#ip dhcp-server pool Scope1
(config-dhcp-pool)#ip dhcp-server pool Scope2

Optional: Configuring a Router Interface as a DHCP Client

Your service provider may require the router to receive an address from one of its DHCP servers. In this
case, you must configure the WAN interface that connects to the provider as a DHCP client.

Ethernet interfaces can also be DHCP clients. For example, the interface could take an address from a server
on the local network. When possible, it is a good idea to assign network devices static addresses. However,
DHCP does automatically track IP addresses assigned to devices as well as which addresses are still
available, relieving IT staff of this task. You can configure the DHCP server to assign the Ethernet interface
a fixed DHCP address. Interfaces that receive a DHCP address can receive other configurations, too. This is
particularly useful for interfaces that connect to the Internet. For example, an ATM sub-interface can receive
the address for a DNS server.

To configure an interface as a DHCP client, you must:

• Configure the interface with a dynamic address

You can also:

• Set the interface’s client ID
• Set the interface’s hostname
• Enable the interface to take configurations other than the IP address

You enable the DHCP client on an individual interface. Interfaces that can act as DHCP clients are:
• Frame Relay sub-interfaces
• ATM sub-interfaces
• Ethernet interfaces
• PPP interfaces (only when bridging traffic)
• VLAN interfaces
• Ethernet interfaces
• BVI interfaces

Move to the appropriate interface configuration mode context and enter one of these commands:
Syntax: ip address dhcp [hostname <name> | no-default-route | no-domain-name | no-nameservers]
Syntax: ip address dhcp [client-id {<ethernet <slot>/<port> | HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH} |
hostname <name>]
You can enter this command without any options to initiate the client with the default client ID and host
(config-fr 1.101)#ip address dhcp

Configuring DHCP in GUI

For this example, we will be creating a DHCP pool for the subnet. The addresses from through will be set aside for static reservations. The router at will be
acting as both the default gateway and the DNS server.

Step 1: Exclude Static Addresses

First, navigate to the DHCP Server tab to access DHCP server options. Then, click the “Excluded Ranges”
tab and enter the starting and ending addresses of your range. Click “Add” to add the exclusion to the router.

Step 2: Create a DHCP Pool

Next, click the “DHCP Pools” tab and enter a descriptive name for your pool. Click “Add” and you will be
taken to the DHCP configuration window.

Next, click the “DHCP Pools” tab and enter a descriptive name for your pool. Click “Add” and you will be
taken to the DHCP configuration window.

From this menu, you will enter the network address and subnet mask of the network you are trying to set up
DHCP for. You will also enter the default gateway and DNS servers.
The “Optional Configuration” tab allows you to enter additional information for your DHCP pool. Once you
have completed configuration, click the “Apply” button.

The “Optional Configuration” tab allows you to enter additional information for your DHCP pool. Once you
have completed configuration, click the “Apply” button.

After clicking “Apply”, you will be returned to the DHCP Server screen. You will see the DHCP pool you
have created listed.
Scrolling down on the DHCP Server page will allow you to see the leases that the router has currently
granted to DHCP clients.

Optional: Change the Lease Time

This configuration change can be made either from the initial setup or at a later time. Navigate to the DHCP
Setup page by either creating a pool or clicking on an existing pool. Modify the numbers next to “Lease
Time” In order to modify the lease.

Optional: Assign a fixed DHCP address to a single client

First, navigate to the DHCP Server configuration page. Create a pool for the PC whose address you wish to
be statically assigned and click “Add”.

Next, click the radio button for reserving a fixed IP address and fill in the desired IP, subnet, and MAC
address of the host PC. Fill in the remaining fields and click apply.
Optional: Configuring a Router Interface as a DHCP Client

Navigate to the interface configuration menu for your desired menu and set the “Address Type” to DHCP.

Configuring DHCP Relay in AOS

DHCP relies on clients being able to reach a server by broadcasting a request. The DHCP request is limited
by being broadcast to the application port for DHCP (the BOOTPS port, 67). Limited broadcasts propagate
only throughout the local subnet. If the client is not on the same subnet as the server, the broadcast will not
reach the server.
If you want clients to receive dynamic addresses from a server on a remote network, you must configure
DHCP relay on the AOS product. To enable DHCP relay, you configure the router to forward packets
received on the DHCP application port to a helper address.

Configuring DHCP Relay in CLI

To configure the router to forward DHCP packets, move to the Global Configuration mode and enter this

Syntax: ip forward-protocol udp bootps

Next, set the address of the helper address. The helper address is the address of the DHCP server or a device
on the same subnet as the server. You can set different helper addresses for different interfaces. Set this
address from the configuration mode context of the interface that connects to the clients:

Syntax: ip helper-address <A.B.C.D>

For example:

(config-eth 0/1)#ip helper-address

The router does not simply forward the DHCP packets. It also examines them, checks their validity, and adds
any appropriate changes, such as its own IP address (which enables the server to return the DHCP offer to
the router). The remote server uses this IP address to determine from which pool it should select the IP
address that it offers to the client. The router will then forward this offer to the client.

An AOS router is only capable of running a DHCP server or DHCP relay at any one time.
Attempting to run both at one time can cause DHCP relay to become non-functional.

Configuring DHCP Relay in GUI

First, navigate to the UDP Relay configuration menu.

Next, enter the IP address of the DHCP server that you wish to forward packets to under the “IP Helper
Address” section. Then select the interface on the router that will be receiving the DHCP requests. Click

Finally, select “bootps” as the UDP protocol and click “add”.

Example configuration

Standard DHCP Configuration

This configuration assumes a network with a local subnet of The

router, with an address of is serving as both the default gateway and
the DNS server for the network. Finally, an excluded range of to will be set aside for static assignments to servers and other devices.
Router(config)# ip dhcp-server pool DHCP
Router(config-dhcp)# network
Router(config-dhcp)# dns-server
Router(config-dhcp)# default-router
Router(config-dhcp)# lease 1 0 0
Router(config-dhcp)# exit
Router(config)# ip dhcp-server excluded-address

DHCP Relay Configuration

In this configuration, local users in the

subnet are attempting to retrieve a DHCP address from
a server located on the internet at

Router(config)# ip forward-protocol udp bootps

Router(config-eth 0/1)# ip helper-address

Command Summary Table

Standard DHCP
Command Description
Step 1 (config)#ip dhcp-server pool <pool name> Create a DHCP pool
Step 2 (config-dhcp)#network <network address> Define the subnet in which DHCP will hand out
<subnet mask> addresses
Step 3 (config-dhcp)#dns-server <router address> Define the DNS server to be distributed

Step 4 (config-dhcp)#default-router <router Define the default router to be distributed

Step 5 (config-dhcp)#lease <days> <hours> Define the amount of time before the lease expires
(Optional) <minutes>
Step 6 (config)#ip dhcp-server excluded-address Define the addresses to be excluded from distribution
<low> <high
DHCP Relay

Command Description
Step 1 (config)#ip forward-protocol bootps Define type of traffic to be relayed by the router
Step 2 (config-eth 0/1)#ip helper-address <remote Define the address of the remote DHCP server within
dhcp server> the local interface that receives the traffic


Viewing active leases for the Netvanta DHCP server:

Router# show ip dhcp-server bindings

Router#show ip dhcp-server binding

IP Address Client Id Lease Expiration Client Name 01:00:0c:47:61:85:71 Jun 21 2007 4:39 PM jxp 01:00:a0:51:31:24:82 Jun 21 2007 4:42 PM lxp

Viewing detailed exchange between hosts and Netvanta DHCP server:

Router# debug ip dhcp-server

Router#debug ip dhcp-server
2007.06.20 23:25:21 DHCP.SERVER Processing Discover Message (Xid =
6de5fbb9) on from 01:00:0c:47:61:85:71
2007.06.20 23:25:21 DHCP.SERVER Offering IP Address to
2007.06.20 23:25:21 DHCP.SERVER Server sent an Offer to the client
2007.06.20 23:25:21 DHCP.SERVER Processing Request Message (Xid =
6de5fbb9) on from 01:00:0c:47:61:85:71
2007.06.20 23:25:21 DHCP.SERVER Server sent an Ack to the client
2007.06.20 23:25:24 DHCP.SERVER Processing Request Message (Xid =
cec80cae) on from 01:00:0c:47:61:85:71
2007.06.20 23:25:24 DHCP.SERVER Server sent an Ack to the client

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