MH - Classroom Management Key Components

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Classroom Management Key Components

Area #1: Procedures/Structures/Routines

● Beginning Routine/Start of Class
○ When student first enter the room, I will have them hang all of their things up
in their lockers, put their cold lunch in the basket if they have one and then
they will put their lunch cards in a basket if they have hot lunch then I will
have an independent activity for them to do while I take attendance.
● Quiet/Attention Signals
○ In order to get the class attention, I will use the “If you can hear me clap
once” and the class will clap once. I will do that until they are all quiet. I also
might use the “show me 5” and they will all raise their hands.
● Physical Transitions (groups, pairs, labs, activities, carpet)
○ In order to have smooth transitions, I will call quiet groups, rows, numbers,
individual students to come down and join me in front of the room or
wherever we are going.
● Dismissal or Lining Up
○ I will have a line order for my students. They maybe can earn to stand next to
who they want but I will start the year off with a line order. I will also call quiet
groups or ask “if you are wearing blue to come and line up.” as an example
● Non-Verbal Cues (visuals, hand gestures, music)
○ There are many ways to reinforce non verbally like a raised hand, classical
music, or shutting the lights off to get back on task.
● Giving Directions
○ Directions can be given verbally by me but in the morning when students
come in I will have directions written on the board for the students to read
individually when they are finished with their morning routine.
● Checking for Understanding
○ The teacher can ask the student to repeat what the expectation/directions
are. The teacher will also walk around the room and look over students work
to see if they are understanding what is being asked of them.
● Holding Ground/No Arguing
○ I like the idea of using a “teacher student conversation pass” when students
need to talk to the teacher in private about an issue they may have with
friends, teachers, or something else they can put it in and then the teacher
will call them back when the teacher is ready.
● Raising Hands to Speak
○ I will remind students that in order to get the teachers attention that they need
to raise their hand. I will also praise the students who are constantly raising
their hands without reminders.

When it comes to establishing procedures in the classroom, teachers need to establish

them in the classroom on the first day of school or during the first week of school. The
teacher is going to have to teach them in different ways by telling them about the
procedures and then some of the procedures will need to have visuals also to use as a
reminder for students. When teaching students the different procedures, it is important for
teachers to first model the procedure, then doing it together as a class, and then letting
them do it independently.

Area #2: Engagement & Participation

● Variety (three or more activities per hour)
○ I will make sure that during each lesson or activity that we will not be in once
place for very long. We will change things up by having discussions, an
activity or game, and the independent work time.
● Collaboration (Students Talking/Peer Discussions)
○ It is important for students to be able to discuss things with one another and I
have realized students will bounce ideas off of each other. I will have floor
partners and they will change every week. During our discussions, I will have
questions that students will be able to turn to their partners and answer the
question with each other.
● Movement (two or more times per hour)
○ I plan to have flex seating in my classroom. It won’t happen right away but
students will be moving all the time between different lessons or coming from
the floor to their desks.
● Total Participation (all students think, write, share, or answer simultaneously)
○ I will have students answer as a whole for when the answers are short. This
will also not put students on the spotlight especially if they are unsure of the
answer in the first place
● Rigor (higher order thinking and tasks required)
○ When establishing rigor in the classroom, it is getting the students to think
more about how the answer and being able to explain how they got that
● Instruction (explain, model, guided practice, independent practice)
○ In class we have learned the model I do, we do, you do model and I think this
is a great way for leaning especially in elementary school because the
teacher is showing them first, then the teacher and students are doing
examples together, and finally the students will be able to work independently
● Questioning/Probing
○ I think during this time rigor comes into place because you are asking your
students to explain more about how they got an answer or can you tell me
● Group Work (roles and productivity)
○ I like the idea of students working in groups because it keeps students
motivated. I will assign students different roles in a group so they are all
productive with the group assignment.

When it comes to getting the whole class to participate and be engaged during classtime,
the strategy of using whiteboards especially during a math lesson and then all of the
students will have to answer the question. I will be asking students to explain their thinking
to me and then asking other students if they agree or disagree. I want the feeling of more
having a conversation with the students rather than me stand in front of the room and them
just listening to the lesson.

Area #3: Rapport/Connection

● Teacher Warmth/Friendliness/Approachability
○ Having that connection with your students is important. The teachers wants
their students to be comfortable.
● Teacher Enthusiasm/Energy/Excitement/Joy
○ The amount of energy you put into teaching is the amount you are going to
get from your students. Teachers can have bad days but I will show up and
act like everything is fine.
● Teacher Humor/Laughter
○ Learning does not have to be boring. Having and making jokes will help your
students get comfortable.
● Teacher Knowledge of individual students’ interests
○ Knowing what your students like will help make connections with your
● Teacher Respect and Appreciation for students
○ I am a full believer in the respect you give your students is the respect you
are going to get back.
● Teacher Encouragement of students
○ If I see a student struggling and not understanding what is going on, I am
going to pull them aside and give them a pep talk about how they can do this
and if they need help, not to be afraid to ask.
● Teacher sensitivity to student cultures and backgrounds
○ It is really important to know your incoming students backgrounds and
cultures. I think making who do have different backgrounds then most
feel comfortable and letting everyone know that each and every single
of them are important no matter their differences is also important.

In my opinion, this is one of the most important parts of teaching because as

teachers we are spending nine months with our students so getting a positive
connection with each of your students not only will get the teacher to find out the
likes of the students but also will get the trust of students. Some students in your
class, the teacher is their constant person in their life and getting to know each
student individually will make for students to feel comfortable and then also enjoy

Area #4: Behavior Intervention/Consequences

● Regular use of gentle redirects (proximity, warnings, the look)
○ When I first see students are starting to misbehave, I will just give them the
“teacher look” or shake my head to let them know that they need to stop what
they are doing.
● Consequences are reasonable and equitable
○ When it comes to expectations, I want to develop them on the first day of
school. I want to come up with them as a class so the whole class agrees on
them. Giving them expectations of other places in the school like the
bathroom, cafeteria, hallway, etc. on the first day also will tell them this is
how it needs to be all year. Giving them a refresher every so often will help
keep these rules or expectations in place.
● Consequences are given as choices (you have a choice right now...)
○ When it comes to choices during a consequence, gives students the freedom
that they are wanting and it a win for you and a win for the student. For
example, telling them you can finish your assignment now or you can finish it
inside during recess
● Teacher uses soft eyes, soft voice during conflicts
○ If students see in your eyes that you are calm, they will also calm down and
then you will be able to have a calm conversation about the conflict.
● Teacher is firm, but also calm and compassionate (doesn’t yell or intimidate)
○ When teachers raise their voice with their students, it will work the student up
more and cause behaviors to happen. So when using a calm but firm voice
with them will help the student calm down.
● Consistent follow through with consequences once they are earned (doesn’t make
the same request over and over)
● Arguments/debates are delayed, done in private
○ When an argument arises, I will tell the student that when they are calm, I will
speak to them in private and talk about what happened and give them an
● Progression up hierarchy is swift but fair

There is always going to be learning in this part for teachers because there are no two
students alike and every year you get new students with new personalities and behaviors.
One thing I will use when teaching is delaying the conflict this will help both the teacher
and student in thinking about the situation then going back to the student and talking
through the conflict. Not every situation, I will be able to delay but I hope to be able to do
this with the majority of conflicts.

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