MH - Classroom Management Key Components
MH - Classroom Management Key Components
MH - Classroom Management Key Components
When it comes to getting the whole class to participate and be engaged during classtime,
the strategy of using whiteboards especially during a math lesson and then all of the
students will have to answer the question. I will be asking students to explain their thinking
to me and then asking other students if they agree or disagree. I want the feeling of more
having a conversation with the students rather than me stand in front of the room and them
just listening to the lesson.
There is always going to be learning in this part for teachers because there are no two
students alike and every year you get new students with new personalities and behaviors.
One thing I will use when teaching is delaying the conflict this will help both the teacher
and student in thinking about the situation then going back to the student and talking
through the conflict. Not every situation, I will be able to delay but I hope to be able to do
this with the majority of conflicts.