Ma203 Numerical Methods (Mid - Mo22)
Ma203 Numerical Methods (Mid - Mo22)
Ma203 Numerical Methods (Mid - Mo22)
1. The total marks of the questions are 25.
2. Candidates attempt for all 25 marks.
3. Before attempting the question paper, be sure that you have got the correct question paper.
4. The missing data, if any, may be assumed suitably.
5. Tables/Data hand book/Graph paper etc. to be supplied to the candidates in the examination hall.
Using iteration method find the real root of the equation on the
Q2 (b) interval with an accuracy of [3] CO1 BLCO4
Find the range of values of such that Gauss-Jacobi’s iteration method for [2]
Q3 (a) the set of equations converges with any CO2 BLO3
choice of initial approximation of the solution.
Find an approximate value of using given data.
Q3 (b) [3] CO3 BL03
x 1 2 3 4
f(x) 1.6 2.2 3.1 4.3
Decompose the given coefficient matrix of the system of linear equations into
Q4 (a) [2] CO2 BLO3
Lower triangular matrix L and upper triangular matrix U.
Obtain the solution of the above system with the help of L-U triangular matrix
Q4 (b) obtained above. [3] CO2 BL03