1 Ensure that there are no other tracking labels attached to your shipment.
2 Customs Invoice - 3 copies of a completed customs invoice are required for shipments with a commercial
value being shipped to/from non-EU countries. Please insure the customs invoice contains address
information, product detail - including value, shipment date and your signature.
4 Fold the printed label at the dotted line. Place the label in a UPS Shipping Pouch. If you do not have a
pouch, affix the folded label using clear plastic shipping tape over the entire label. Take care not to cover
any seams or closures.
5 To acknowledge your acceptance of the original language of the agreement with UPS as stated on the
confirm payment page, and to authorize UPS to act as forwarding agent for export control and custom
purposes, sign and date here:
Signature Date
Invoice Page 1
Tax ID/EIN/VAT No.: Waybill Number: 1ZY4395F8674607473
Shipment ID: 1ZY4395F8674607473
Phone: 56994743310
United States
Phone: 5709705108 Phone:
Units U/M Description of Goods/Part No. Harm. Code C/T/O Unit Value Total Value
Phone: 56994743310
United States
Phone: 5709705108 Phone:
Units U/M Description of Goods/Part No. Harm. Code C/T/O Unit Value Total Value
Phone: 56994743310
United States
Phone: 5709705108 Phone:
Units U/M Description of Goods/Part No. Harm. Code C/T/O Unit Value Total Value
• Government regulations require documents that provide specific •Las regulaciones gubernamentales requieren documentos que
information about your international shipment.
proporcionen información específica sobre su envío internacional.
• Documentation regulations and requirements for individual commodities •Las regulaciones y los requisitos de la documentación para
vary from country to country. It is essential to review the commodity-
mercancías individuales varían según el país. Es esencial revisar la
specific documentation necessary for both the country of origin and the
country of destination. Depending on the commodity and its use, documentación específica de la mercancía necesaria tanto para el
accompanying documents may require special notations and licenses. país de origen como para el país de destino. Dependiendo de la
mercancía y su uso, la documentación adjunta puede requerir
licencias y notaciones especiales.
• The shipper also referred to as exporter of record, is responsible for •El remitente, también denominado exportador en registro, es
providing complete and accurate information for export manifesting and
responsable de proporcionar información completa y precisa en el
customs clearance in the destination country. It may be necessary to
contact the company or person who arranged for the shipment of goods manifiesto de exportación, y para efectos del despacho de aduanas
in order to verify the information and forms that must be submitted with en el país de destino. Pudiera ser necesario contactar a la empresa o
the shipment. persona que organizó el envío de mercancía con el fin de verificar la
información y los formularios que se deben presentar con el envío.
• High declared value shipments must be accompanied by UPS •Los envíos con valor declarado alto deben estar acompañados por
documentation that lists the package and instructions for preparation.
documentación de UPS que indique el paquete e instrucciones de
Please follow these instructions and present the completed
documentation to a UPS driver or UPS customer service representative. preparación. Por favor, siga estas instrucciones y presente la
documentación completa a un conductor de UPS o representante del
servicio al cliente de UPS.
Providing a Complete Invoice Proporcionar una factura completa
• The invoice information is used for customs clearance and the •La información de factura se utiliza para efectos del despacho de
assessment of any applicable duties or taxes charged by the destination
aduanas, y para la evaluación de cualquier derecho de aduana o
impuestos aplicables que pueda cobrar el país de destino.
• Be sure to include the original invoice and two copies of the invoice with •Asegúrese de incluir la factura original y dos copias de la misma en
the shipment for proper processing.
el envío para procesamiento correcto.
• Review your documents and verify the accuracy of all fields. •Revise sus documentos y verifique la exactitud de la información de
todos los campos.
To ensure your shipment is processed properly, you must sign the Para asegurarse de que su envío se procese correctamente,
debefirmar la factura.
International Shipping Assistance Asistencia para envíos internacionales
o to download a commercial invoice or other international forms o para descargar una factura comercial u otros formularios
o to find a drop-off location near you o para encontrar una ubicación de centros de envío cerca de usted
o for additional information on how to contact UPS o para obtener información adicional sobre cómo contactar a UPS
• For assistance from the company you are shipping to, contact them •Para obtener asistencia de la compañía a la cual está enviando los
artículos, contacte a dicha compañía directamente.
Note: Not all services may be available in your area. Nota: No todos los servicios pudieran estar a su disposición en su