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Lingua Cultura, 17(2), December 2023, 181-188 P-ISSN: 1978-8118

DOI: 10.21512/lc.v17i2.9834 E-ISSN: 2460-710X



Tifany Diahnisa1*; Suyitno2; Ani Rakhmawati3

Masters Program Indonesian Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University
Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36A, Kentingan, Surakarta 57126, Indonesia
diahnisatifany@student.uns.ac.id; 2suyitno52@staff.uns.ac.id; 3anirakhmawati@staff.uns.ac.id

Received: 05th April 2023/Revised: 11th July 2023/Accepted: 24th August 2023

How to Cite: Diahnisa, T., Suyitno., & Rakhmawati, A. (2023). Alluring Indonesian culinary to enhance acquisition and
speaking compentence of BIPA leaners at UNS Solo. Lingua Cultura, 17(2), 181-188.


The aim the research was to describe the acquisition of words and the use of various conversational languages
used by international students either in a classroom or in extra-curricular activities outside the classroom.
Conversations and introductions to Indonesian culinary food were the hallmarks of teaching Indonesian to
foreigners at Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, Solo. The rich traditions of Indonesian society were very attractive
to foreign people. The Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) learners arrived from different countries,
such as Nigeria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Uzbekistan, and several other students from Arab nations. The research
applied a qualitative descriptive research using case study method. Data were obtained from the observation of
participants and nonparticipants, both activities inside and outside the classroom. The research reveals that the
use of basic words, formed words, abbreviated words, and words or phrases of various slang is found. In various
conversations, many words and phrases with a foreign language structure and the use of non-standard languages
that do not correspond to the correct rules of Indonesian grammar are used. They have a tendency to use their
mother tongue's pronunciation when expressing difficult words. Language acquisition at this stage can be an
initial strategy for BIPA learners to be able to fight and survive in a native-speaking society.

Keywords: language acquisition, colloquial variety, speaking competence, BIPA learners, Indonesian culinary

INTRODUCTION Research related to the acquisition of Indonesian

as a foreign language has yet to be carried out much,
Indonesian has now become an international even though the number of BIPA students has
language and has been studied by many international increased every year; apart from the ASEAN, Asia,
students from various countries to achieve various South Korea, China, Japan, Germany, Netherlands,
needs (Leksono & Tiawati, 2020; Permadi, Nasrullah, France, and Australia (Aguskin & Maryani, 2018).
& Koswara, 2022). The motives intended needs can be BIPA has also been studied and used as a subject at
in the form of acquiring knowledge, political science, several Australian high schools (Morgan, 2023).
cultural exchange, and economics (Muzakki, 2022). The data are expected to continue to increase every
The Indonesian language studied by international year, according to the development of foreigners’
students is known as Indonesian for Foreign Speakers/ interest in learning Indonesian (Rohimah, 2018). In
Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA). In general, this increased interest is accompanied by an
addition, BIPA is a program used by the government as interest in studying the culture of the country being
a means to accommodate foreigners who want to know studied (Pujiono & Widodo, 2021) and an increase in
more about Indonesian culture and language (Mahmud economic activity actors who have to be able to use the
& Jaufillaili, 2020). Indonesian language in carrying out their activities in

*Corresponding Author 181

Indonesia. 2017). Letter reduction in conversation aims to save
An effort to attract BIPA students’ interest is space, time, and speed up the conversation (Thurairaj
to provide material that contains elements of culture, et al., 2015). The use of various languages (regional
ethnicity, tradition, and various diversity in Indonesia and foreign languages), which pronunciation adjusts
(Muzaki, 2021; Ningsih, Rafli, & Boeriswati, 2021). from one place to another, from one social group to
One element of culture is archipelago cuisine. Culinary another, and from one situation to another (Budiana &
is able to act as a means of cultural tourism that Setiyoko, 2021; Nuraeni & Pahamzah, 2021).
can show the cultural diversity of society. Culinary These explanations show the emergence of
concerns interest in achieving the goal of knowing the colloquialisms commonly used in daily conversation.
culture of a place through its food. Food is a key part The results of previous studies show the usage of
of all cultures, a major element of global intangible colloquialisms by people of a community in a certain
heritage, and an increasingly important tourist area to interact with students and others in casual
attraction (Alroaia, Zolfaghari, & Sotoudeh, 2020). situations. Colloquialism is not only spoken by local
This is because culinary has a very complex cultural people but also by foreigners who come to Indonesia
form which contains a variety of cooking recipes, to learn Indonesian and also use it. Unfortunately, there
processing processes, and the results of products that is no research that discusses the use of colloquialisms
have been made based on the recipes followed, which used by BIPA learners. Based on the conditions in the
are related to the diversity of aesthetic expressions from field, the research intends to show that conversations
the people who make them (Suteja & Wahyuningsih, about Indonesian cuisine inside and outside the
2019). Providing Indonesian culinary material can classroom contain colloquialisms, which can function
foster a sense of interest for BIPA students to learn as a means of language acquisition for BIPA students
about various kinds of food in Indonesia and maybe in Universitas Negeri SSebelas Maret (UNS). From
compare it with food from their region. that elaboration, the research aims to describe and
Introduction to Indonesian cuisine can be done answer (1) the form of conversation of BIPA students
by providing text descriptions and/or text combined and (2) the form of acquisition occurring in BIPA’s
with practice. Both activities can be carried out in conversation.
class because they have been standardized by Pusat
Pengembangan Strategi dan Diplomasi Kebahasaan
(PPSDK) as an effort to attract international students METHODS
interested in doing culinary tourism in Indonesia
(Hartono, Purwaningtyas, & Budiana, 2019). This UNS BIPA program aims to prepare international
is in line with the results of the research conducted students to be able to use Indonesian in the academic
by Defina (2020), which finds that to overcome realm, namely using four language skills. The BIPA
boredom in learning Indonesian, BIPA students are program at UNS has three classes with different levels
asked to practice making bubur kacang ijo (mung for each. The sample used for the first conversation
bean porridge) and egg tea, as well as tasting other data is class B, where there are five BIPA students
delicacies. This activity aims to improve the language from Afghanistan, Nigeria (two students), Palestine,
skills of foreign learners, especially in speaking. and Uzbekistan. In the second conversation, data
Conversations about Indonesian cuisine can be are carried out by Palestinian students and several
done anywhere, in the classroom or in casual, out-of- students from Arab around pancong cake sellers. The
classroom settings. In addition to classroom learning, researcher in the second conversational data acts as a
BIPA learners can obtain information on Indonesian non-active participant but occasionally helps the seller
cuisine by interacting with the surrounding community. translate the meaning of the Palestinian students’
This shows that language acquisition by BIPA learners utterances that sometimes use their original mother
can be obtained through conversation. The purpose of tongue pronunciation.
the conversation is to convey the speaker’s ideas to The research applies a qualitative descriptive
the interlocutor; in this case, it functions as a medium method. Qualitative descriptive research produces
to introduce Indonesian cuisine to the place where the descriptive data in the form of written or spoken
learners are from. That way, conversation can be used words from people and observable behavior (Tailor
as a means of second language acquisition (Defina, & Bogdan, 1984). The research describes the forms
2022). of conversation, forms of words, and new phrases
The language used in daily conversations has acquired by BIPA UNS students. Therefore, this
usually undergone a process of letter reduction, and research uses a case study strategy because it is carried
the forms found are abbreviations, contractions, out in natural conditions (Sugiyono, 2021). The
acronyms, and slang (Defina, 2022). However, there research data are collected in the UNS BIPA learning
are also other forms, depending on the content of the room and street vendors in the area behind the UNS
conversation. According to Haspelmath and Sims campus. The data source are the events or activities
(2013), word formation occurring in a conversation of five class C students who take part in the UNS
ignores the rules. This is possible because of BIPA class program who are having culinary-based
considerations to whom the speakers speak, as well conversations and conversations with BIPA students
as when or where to speak (Winiharti & Salihah, outside the classroom. Data from the research are taken

182 LINGUA CULTURA, Vol. 17 No. 2, December 2023, 181-188

through participant and non-participant observation. conversation 1, but the food discussed is different
The qualitative data obtained are transcribed into from the previous food. In this conversation, they are
Indonesian to be further sorted, synthesized, searched talking about Indonesian food, Gado-Gado.
for important aspects, and then analyzed.
Conversation 1:

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS P : Coba A maju kedepan dan pilih salah satu
makanan yang kamu suka
The following forms of conversation are carried (A, please come forward and choose one
out in learning, which include student to teacher, food that you like.)
between students, and vice versa. In this conversation,
the class consists of five BIPA students from PA : Baik Pak (sambil maju)
Afghanistan, Nigeria, Palestine, and Uzbekistan who (Alright, sir (moves forward))
are studying at UNS. BIPA students from Afghanistan PA : Saya pilih makanan wrapped in leaves
are doing their Ph.D. in Linguistics, two students from (sambil menunjuk nagasari)
Nigeria are doing their Bachelor of Agriculture and (I choose the one wrapped in leaves
Master of Economic Education, students from Palestine (points at nagasari))
are doing their Masters in Public Administration, and P : Itu namanya dibungkus daun
students from Uzbekistan are doing their Masters in (That one is dibungkus daun (wrapped in
Management. leaves))
This analysis is carried out by sorting out the P : Apa alasan kamu memilih itu?
forms of language acquisition used by learners. To (What is your reason in choosing that one?)
facilitate the analysis, the researchers provide a code
for each student conversation: PA : Ngga apa Pak. Di negara saya tidak ada
and i’m curious dengan apa dalamnya.
P = teacher, Apa nama kue ini?
PU = Uzbek student (No reason, sir. I don’t have this in my
PN1 = Nigerian students 1 country and I’m curious about what’s in it.
PN2 = Nigerian students 2, What is the name of this cake?)
PA = Afghan student
PP = Palestinian student Conversation 2:
PN = seller
PT = researcher P : Coba kamu makan ini
(You, try this one)
There are 69 dialogues that are successfully PU : Pak boleh teman-teman aja yang makan?
recorded, due to space limitations. The researchers Agar mereka dapat rasa this delicious
give each conversation, which includes examples of food?
acquiring the use of abbreviations, foreign languages, (Sir, can our friends here eat them so they
and slang. can taste this delicious food?)
The researchers demonstrate conversations P : Oh boleh, silakan
based on Indonesian cuisine in the classroom. This (Oh, please do)
conversation is conducted to facilitate BIPA students (setelah mereka mencicipi gado-gado)
achieve their goals in language learning (Ramadlonia (after they tasted the gado-gado)
& Anwar, 2019). In this case, conversations based on
archipelago cuisine are intended to provide insight PN1 : Ni gado-gado seperti vegetable salad, tapi
into culinary culture and add to the vocabulary of ga sama
BIPA students at UNS. The teacher brings Nagasari (This gado-gado tasted like vegetable
and gado-gado food to be introduced to BIPA students. salad, but they’re not the same)
Next, students are asked to choose the food they find PA : Betul, usually hanya ada telur di salad dan
interesting to enjoy and describe the taste, ingredients, ada mayonaise.
and how to make it in front of the class. Based on the (Right, usually there is only egg in salad
findings, the researchers have three conversations. The with mayonnaise)
first and second conversation occurs in the classroom. PN2 : Kalau gado-gado ini ada tempe, tahu,
Conversation 1 discusses nagasari. The data wortel, buncis, cabbage, dan timun.
show the use of acquisition in the form of abbreviations (Gado-gado has tempeh, tofu, carrot, green
and the use of foreign languages. In this situation, beans, cabbage, and cucumber)
BIPA students explain their interest in nagasari. PU : Tapi, waktu itu saya pernah makan ada
However, because they do not know the word, students kentangnya dan timun.
use foreign terms to express words they have not yet (But, I once ate one with potatoes and
acquired. cucumber)
Conversation 2 is a continuation of the

Alluring Indonesian Culinary to Enhance .... (Tifany Diahnisa, et al.) 183

In that situation, the Uzbek student asks colloquial language.
permission from the teacher so that other friends can
taste the gado-gado. The form of the conversation is Conversation 3:
the same as the previous data, using abbreviations of
fragments and using foreign terms. In this situation, PP : Iya sangat jauh Bu. Apa arti kue pancong
Nigerian and Afghan students try to express the Bu?
difference between the salad they usually eat and the (Yes, it is far, Ma’am. What does kue
gado-gado. pancong mean?)
PJ : Kue yang pantatnya dicongkel
Conversation 2:
(A cake which ‘butt’ is dicongkel (poked))
PP : (sambil melihat cara memasaknya) apa
PP : Apa itu santan? Berapa cabe biasanya
itu dicongkel? Oh ya, mungkin itu ya
(What is santan? And how many chilies
(watches the cooking process)
usually, Sir?)
(What is dicongkel? Oh, maybe that’s
P : Santan is usually called coconut milk dan dicongkel)
cabai itu sesuai selera saja. PJ : Betul, itu namanya dicongkel
(Santan is usually called coconut milk, (That’s right, that is called dicongkel)
and chilies are up to one’s own tastes)
PP : Bu, apa aja ingredients untuk buat
PN2 : Emang gado-gado ini ga pedas ya Pak? pancong?
Sebetulnya saya suka tapi tidak pedas (Ma’am, what are the ingredients to make
(Is gado-gado not spicy, Sir? I actually like pancong?)
it, but not spicy)
P : Ini sambalnya, kamu belum campur ya
tadi? In that situation, Palestinian students acquire
(This is the sambal, you haven’t mixed it new vocabulary by asking what the meaning of
earlier?) pancong cake is, which students enjoy. Students who
are interested in the cake try to ask about the raw
PN1 : Belum, saya lupa Pak materials for making pancong cakes.
(Not yet, Sir, I forgot) Based on the conversations, the researchers find
PA : It seems saya ikut PU jadi cinta sama the use of colloquial variety in the form of abbreviations
gado-gado. and slang. The use of language in conversations that
(It seems that because of PU, I fall in love contain abbreviations and acronyms is caused by the
with gado-gado) wide range of associations of BIPA students with the
PU : Met datang di club broo!!! speakers’ local communities, even though international
(Welcome to the club, bro!) students are taught excellent and correct Indonesian in
learning to facilitate academic abilities. The following
PN1 : Btw, ni gado-gado ada di warung belakang
forms of language acquisition and use of abbreviations
UNS Pak?
are shown in Table 1.
(By the way, is this gado-gado available at
In the first conversation, BIPA students get
the stall behind UNS, Sir?)
the word nangka from PA students when they taste
P : Ya, ada. Saya beli di warung hijau. traditional nagasari cakes. In the first conversation,
(Yes, it’s there. I bought it at the green one) the teacher explains what nangka and nagasari are
PN1 : Makasih Pak. based on the introduced nagasari cake. Furthermore,
(Thanks, Sir) in conversation 2, the BIPA students learn the words
gado-gado and kubis, which are introduced by the
teacher. In conversation 3, BIPA students learn the
Similar to the previous conversation, an words pancong and dicongkel from the process of
abbreviated form of fragments is found, and a foreign buying pancong cakes.
language experiences fragments so that it turns into Based on the conversations found by the
slang. In this situation, it is explained that Nigerian researcher, there are only a few words that contain
students like anything spicy, and Uzbekistan students, colloquial forms of fragments and slang. The use of
after tasting the gado-gado, also follow in the footsteps language in conversations containing abbreviations
of Afghan students who start to fall in love with gado- and acronyms is caused by the wide association of
gado. BIPA students with the speakers’ local communities.
In a different case from the two previous In addition, in conversations 1, 2, and 3, BIPA
conversations, this third conversation is carried out students also use abbreviations. These fragments are
outside of BIPA class learning. The food is discussed used for efficiency in conversation, both in terms
in the third conversation about pancong cakes. The of writing and pronunciation or mention (Verlin,
following excerpt conversation contains a variety of Darwis, & Hasjim, 2018). There are various forms of

184 LINGUA CULTURA, Vol. 17 No. 2, December 2023, 181-188

Table 1 Data Form Acquisition in Conversation

Language Acquisition Word Abreviation Foreign Language Local Language Slang Language
Conversation 1 Nangka Pak (fragment) wrapped in leaves Ngga apa
Nagasari Karna (fragment) and i’m curious
Tapi Inside
(fragment) rice flour
Conversation 2 Gado-gado Aja (fragment) usually Ndak Ga
Kubis Pak (fragment) this delicious food Gimana
Tapi (fragment) vegetable salad Bro
Coklat (fragment) it’s very cheap
Emang (fragment) from Kalo
UNS (acronym) cabbage Cabe
Btw (acronym) It seems Met datang
Ni (fragment)
Conversation 3 Pancong Bu (fragment) best seller Pake
Dicongkel Aja (fragment) it’s very cheap Kalo
Tapi (fragment) from Ngga

abbreviations used, such as fragments, contractions, and (Rumpiana, Dhanawaty, & Arnati, 2019). This is also
acronyms. This abbreviation is found in the five BIPA often called syncope because of the omission of the
students. Abbreviation itself is a process of removing lexeme located in the middle of the word (Musaa’adah
one or more parts of a word or a combination of words & Saputri, 2019). The forms of the acronyms found
so that it becomes a new form (Kridalaksana, 2007). in the second conversation are UNS and btw, the
In conversations 1, 2, and 3, the same fragment forms two acronyms form one initial letter of each word.
as Pak and tapi are found. The use of the word Bapak According to Kridalaksana (2007), an acronym is a
is being cut off into fragments. Pak has meaning as a shortening process combining letters, syllables, or
word of greeting to adult men, which is in accordance other written parts.
with the findings of Diahnisa and Effendri (2021). The The form of the UNS acronym is the result of
word tetapi undergoes the process of being cut off into Sebelas Maret University; the use of the acronym in
fragment tapi, which functions as an intra-sentence conversation 2 makes it easier for BIPA students to
conjunction. There is the use of the word karena, convey their intentions in interactions, namely by
which experiences a fragment to become karna. Even showing place names. The btw form of the word is the
though the findings of Hapsari (2018) have shown that result of an acronym for the word, by the way, which
the word karena changes to (krn) that way, the result of means omong-omong; usually, the acronym is used as a
the abbreviation process means that all abbreviations link in starting a conversation (Destianingsih & Satria,
can be arbitrary; that is, it depends on the writer or 2020). In conversation 3, another form of abbreviation
speaker in abbreviating them. found is the greeting Bu, which comes from the word
In conversation 2, six fragments, two acronyms, Ibu, which means a word of address for an adult
and one contraction are found. Fragments of the form woman. This is the same as the findings by Febriasari
Pak and tapi are also found in conversations 1, 2, and 3. and Rahmawati (2020) that the abbreviation Bu occurs
Furthermore, the part that has not been discussed is the due to the omission of the first syllable. Furthermore,
word aja. The word aja has a part of the first syllable this research has found a form of contraction with
being cut off from the word saja. Another form of the the word makasih as a result of the phrase terima
fragment of the first syllable of a word being cut off is kasih. The word makasih is not only found in direct
found in conversation 2, the word emang comes from conversation but also on Instagram and other social
the word memang, and this is also found in the findings media in written form (Putri, 2018).
of Mahbubah (2022) and Nalenan (2019) with the Furthermore, the form found is a mixed use of
same explanation. The word coklat also experiences a foreign and local languages. In conversations 1, 2, and
one-letter fragment omitted from the original, cokelat 3, the use of foreign phrases is found. This happens

Alluring Indonesian Culinary to Enhance .... (Tifany Diahnisa, et al.) 185

because of the influence of advances in information to the findings of Herisanti (2021), who explains that
technology, which has an impact on the use of foreign the use of the word bro is included in the category of
languages (Rahayu, 2019). However, in this case, the non-kinship greeting words in the Makassar region,
use of a foreign language by BIPA students is motivated which originate from foreign languages.
by mastery of the speaker’s first language. According In conversation 2, the word gimana is found in
to the findings of Rofiah (2019), in the conversations which BIPA students should have expressed the word
of BIPA UNESA students, the form of code-switching bagaimana (how) (Fatimah et al., 2018). The use of the
can be seen based on the use of two languages in a word gimana is not only done by BIPA UNS students.
speech, namely Indonesian and English. However, there are many uses of the word gimana
In conversation 1, there is the use of three by foreign speakers circulating in YouTube content
phrases, ‘wrapped in leaves’, and ‘I’m curious’, ‘rice (Santoso, 2018). The use of the word gimana is indeed
flour’, and one vocabulary in the form of the inside, not in accordance with the correct language rules, but
which has meaning. Conversation 2 uses foreign this is not a problem if each speaker and speech partner
languages, ‘usually’, ‘this delicious food’, ‘vegetable can understand the meaning to be conveyed.
salad’, ‘it’s very cheap’, ‘from’, ‘cabbage’, and ‘it Furthermore, the form of slang found in
seems’ (apparently). The foreign language forms found conversation 2 is the word pake, which comes from
in conversation 3 are phrases, such as ‘best seller’, ‘it’s the word pakai (use), and cabe, which comes from the
very cheap’, ‘from’, ‘ingredients’ (composition or raw word cabai (chili). The two words pake and cabe are
materials), and soft. The use of these phrases expresses the result of replacing the vowel ai with the vowel e.
the words that are not yet known by each BIPA student. The use and acquisition of the words pake and cabe by
After knowing the meaning of using a foreign language BIPA students is due to the influence of the teaching
in conversation as a means of language acquisition, materials. Teaching materials are obtained by utilizing
this has become an important topic in second language the Ria SW YouTube channel, which has culinary
acquisition and language teaching (Nsengiyumva, content as teaching materials for speaking (Dadela,
Oriikiriza, & Nakijoba, 2021). The use of foreign Bulan, & Hermawan, 2021).
languages by BIPA students is an attempt to respond In conversation 3, the form of the word kalo,
to the continuity between stimulus and response. which comes from kalau (if), is found. It has a meaning
In the research, only one form of the use of as a connecting word to mark conditions. However, the
the Javanese language is found, namely ndak, which form kalo in KBBI has various meanings, such as the
means no. Even though the language use of BIPA term for gourami fish (kalui), a tool used for filtering,
students is influenced by Javanese, this is because, and circular objects used for various ceremonial
in their daily interactions, they interact with college purposes. The use of the word kalo in conversation 3
friends or between fellow students and the people of leads to the use of conjunctions. Met datang is the last
Solo who use Javanese. However, only one use of the form of slang found in conversation 3. The word met
Javanese language is found because BIPA students is a form of the word selamat and aims to greet and
had only arrived in Solo in early October, so not welcome the speech partner in conversation. However,
enough students had acquired the local language. That there is another meaning to the phrase met datang,
way, foreign and regional languages are used in this which contains meaning as an expression to express
conversation because each speaker does not find the congratulations for the arrival of relatives who have
right term or word in another language to express the not met for a long time.
meaning they want to convey.
Another form found is the use of slang. In
conversations 1, 2, and 3, forms of slang use such as CONCLUSIONS
ngga or ga are found. In accordance with the findings
of Johan (2018), the use of the words ngga or ga is Conversations based on Indonesian archipelago
often found in spoken and written conversations and is cuisine are used as a means of language acquisition.
used to speed up speakers in refusing any offers they do These colloquial conversations are carried out in
not want (Maharani, 2020). However, other forms of formal situations, obtained through learning in the
slang use can also be found in greetings. This opinion classroom, and in non-formal environments, obtained
is in accordance with the findings of the research. In through several activities via extra-curricular events.
conversation 2, the use of bro slang is found, which is The findings of the research reveal that the forms of
a fragment of the word brother and means a greeting acquisition for BIPA students vary; that is, the use
for a male friend (Suryatin, 2020). of basic words, simple-formed words, abbreviated
These greeting words can be used in direct or words, and words or phrases of various slang is found.
written conversations in WhatsApp groups or other In various conversations, many words and phrases are
social media (Sari & Prabawa, 2018). In accordance used and mixed with a foreign language structure. The
with the findings of Wati, Rijal, and Hanum (2020), learners also use non-standard languages that do not
the use of the word is spoken by speakers of the same correspond to the correct rules of Indonesian grammar.
sex and has a very close relationship. In this case, PU They tend to use their mother tongue or local language
and PN students establish close relationships when pronunciation when expressing difficult words.
studying BIPA. However, this is inversely proportional The research concludes that learners acquire

186 LINGUA CULTURA, Vol. 17 No. 2, December 2023, 181-188

language with different strategies from non-formal Serigala'. Humanitatis: Journal of Language and
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about various food names and their taste. Additionally, food vlogger daerah Jabodetabek dan Wonosobo.
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