9834-Article Text-56992-2-10-20240327
9834-Article Text-56992-2-10-20240327
9834-Article Text-56992-2-10-20240327
Received: 05th April 2023/Revised: 11th July 2023/Accepted: 24th August 2023
How to Cite: Diahnisa, T., Suyitno., & Rakhmawati, A. (2023). Alluring Indonesian culinary to enhance acquisition and
speaking compentence of BIPA leaners at UNS Solo. Lingua Cultura, 17(2), 181-188.
The aim the research was to describe the acquisition of words and the use of various conversational languages
used by international students either in a classroom or in extra-curricular activities outside the classroom.
Conversations and introductions to Indonesian culinary food were the hallmarks of teaching Indonesian to
foreigners at Universitas Negeri Sebelas Maret, Solo. The rich traditions of Indonesian society were very attractive
to foreign people. The Bahasa Indonesia bagi Penutur Asing (BIPA) learners arrived from different countries,
such as Nigeria, Afghanistan, Palestine, Uzbekistan, and several other students from Arab nations. The research
applied a qualitative descriptive research using case study method. Data were obtained from the observation of
participants and nonparticipants, both activities inside and outside the classroom. The research reveals that the
use of basic words, formed words, abbreviated words, and words or phrases of various slang is found. In various
conversations, many words and phrases with a foreign language structure and the use of non-standard languages
that do not correspond to the correct rules of Indonesian grammar are used. They have a tendency to use their
mother tongue's pronunciation when expressing difficult words. Language acquisition at this stage can be an
initial strategy for BIPA learners to be able to fight and survive in a native-speaking society.
Keywords: language acquisition, colloquial variety, speaking competence, BIPA learners, Indonesian culinary
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS P : Coba A maju kedepan dan pilih salah satu
makanan yang kamu suka
The following forms of conversation are carried (A, please come forward and choose one
out in learning, which include student to teacher, food that you like.)
between students, and vice versa. In this conversation,
the class consists of five BIPA students from PA : Baik Pak (sambil maju)
Afghanistan, Nigeria, Palestine, and Uzbekistan who (Alright, sir (moves forward))
are studying at UNS. BIPA students from Afghanistan PA : Saya pilih makanan wrapped in leaves
are doing their Ph.D. in Linguistics, two students from (sambil menunjuk nagasari)
Nigeria are doing their Bachelor of Agriculture and (I choose the one wrapped in leaves
Master of Economic Education, students from Palestine (points at nagasari))
are doing their Masters in Public Administration, and P : Itu namanya dibungkus daun
students from Uzbekistan are doing their Masters in (That one is dibungkus daun (wrapped in
Management. leaves))
This analysis is carried out by sorting out the P : Apa alasan kamu memilih itu?
forms of language acquisition used by learners. To (What is your reason in choosing that one?)
facilitate the analysis, the researchers provide a code
for each student conversation: PA : Ngga apa Pak. Di negara saya tidak ada
and i’m curious dengan apa dalamnya.
P = teacher, Apa nama kue ini?
PU = Uzbek student (No reason, sir. I don’t have this in my
PN1 = Nigerian students 1 country and I’m curious about what’s in it.
PN2 = Nigerian students 2, What is the name of this cake?)
PA = Afghan student
PP = Palestinian student Conversation 2:
PN = seller
PT = researcher P : Coba kamu makan ini
(You, try this one)
There are 69 dialogues that are successfully PU : Pak boleh teman-teman aja yang makan?
recorded, due to space limitations. The researchers Agar mereka dapat rasa this delicious
give each conversation, which includes examples of food?
acquiring the use of abbreviations, foreign languages, (Sir, can our friends here eat them so they
and slang. can taste this delicious food?)
The researchers demonstrate conversations P : Oh boleh, silakan
based on Indonesian cuisine in the classroom. This (Oh, please do)
conversation is conducted to facilitate BIPA students (setelah mereka mencicipi gado-gado)
achieve their goals in language learning (Ramadlonia (after they tasted the gado-gado)
& Anwar, 2019). In this case, conversations based on
archipelago cuisine are intended to provide insight PN1 : Ni gado-gado seperti vegetable salad, tapi
into culinary culture and add to the vocabulary of ga sama
BIPA students at UNS. The teacher brings Nagasari (This gado-gado tasted like vegetable
and gado-gado food to be introduced to BIPA students. salad, but they’re not the same)
Next, students are asked to choose the food they find PA : Betul, usually hanya ada telur di salad dan
interesting to enjoy and describe the taste, ingredients, ada mayonaise.
and how to make it in front of the class. Based on the (Right, usually there is only egg in salad
findings, the researchers have three conversations. The with mayonnaise)
first and second conversation occurs in the classroom. PN2 : Kalau gado-gado ini ada tempe, tahu,
Conversation 1 discusses nagasari. The data wortel, buncis, cabbage, dan timun.
show the use of acquisition in the form of abbreviations (Gado-gado has tempeh, tofu, carrot, green
and the use of foreign languages. In this situation, beans, cabbage, and cucumber)
BIPA students explain their interest in nagasari. PU : Tapi, waktu itu saya pernah makan ada
However, because they do not know the word, students kentangnya dan timun.
use foreign terms to express words they have not yet (But, I once ate one with potatoes and
acquired. cucumber)
Conversation 2 is a continuation of the
Language Acquisition Word Abreviation Foreign Language Local Language Slang Language
Conversation 1 Nangka Pak (fragment) wrapped in leaves Ngga apa
Nagasari Karna (fragment) and i’m curious
Tapi Inside
(fragment) rice flour
Conversation 2 Gado-gado Aja (fragment) usually Ndak Ga
Kubis Pak (fragment) this delicious food Gimana
Tapi (fragment) vegetable salad Bro
Coklat (fragment) it’s very cheap
Emang (fragment) from Kalo
UNS (acronym) cabbage Cabe
Btw (acronym) It seems Met datang
Ni (fragment)
Conversation 3 Pancong Bu (fragment) best seller Pake
Dicongkel Aja (fragment) it’s very cheap Kalo
Tapi (fragment) from Ngga
abbreviations used, such as fragments, contractions, and (Rumpiana, Dhanawaty, & Arnati, 2019). This is also
acronyms. This abbreviation is found in the five BIPA often called syncope because of the omission of the
students. Abbreviation itself is a process of removing lexeme located in the middle of the word (Musaa’adah
one or more parts of a word or a combination of words & Saputri, 2019). The forms of the acronyms found
so that it becomes a new form (Kridalaksana, 2007). in the second conversation are UNS and btw, the
In conversations 1, 2, and 3, the same fragment forms two acronyms form one initial letter of each word.
as Pak and tapi are found. The use of the word Bapak According to Kridalaksana (2007), an acronym is a
is being cut off into fragments. Pak has meaning as a shortening process combining letters, syllables, or
word of greeting to adult men, which is in accordance other written parts.
with the findings of Diahnisa and Effendri (2021). The The form of the UNS acronym is the result of
word tetapi undergoes the process of being cut off into Sebelas Maret University; the use of the acronym in
fragment tapi, which functions as an intra-sentence conversation 2 makes it easier for BIPA students to
conjunction. There is the use of the word karena, convey their intentions in interactions, namely by
which experiences a fragment to become karna. Even showing place names. The btw form of the word is the
though the findings of Hapsari (2018) have shown that result of an acronym for the word, by the way, which
the word karena changes to (krn) that way, the result of means omong-omong; usually, the acronym is used as a
the abbreviation process means that all abbreviations link in starting a conversation (Destianingsih & Satria,
can be arbitrary; that is, it depends on the writer or 2020). In conversation 3, another form of abbreviation
speaker in abbreviating them. found is the greeting Bu, which comes from the word
In conversation 2, six fragments, two acronyms, Ibu, which means a word of address for an adult
and one contraction are found. Fragments of the form woman. This is the same as the findings by Febriasari
Pak and tapi are also found in conversations 1, 2, and 3. and Rahmawati (2020) that the abbreviation Bu occurs
Furthermore, the part that has not been discussed is the due to the omission of the first syllable. Furthermore,
word aja. The word aja has a part of the first syllable this research has found a form of contraction with
being cut off from the word saja. Another form of the the word makasih as a result of the phrase terima
fragment of the first syllable of a word being cut off is kasih. The word makasih is not only found in direct
found in conversation 2, the word emang comes from conversation but also on Instagram and other social
the word memang, and this is also found in the findings media in written form (Putri, 2018).
of Mahbubah (2022) and Nalenan (2019) with the Furthermore, the form found is a mixed use of
same explanation. The word coklat also experiences a foreign and local languages. In conversations 1, 2, and
one-letter fragment omitted from the original, cokelat 3, the use of foreign phrases is found. This happens