Cat6 InstallationBrochure
Cat6 InstallationBrochure
Cat6 InstallationBrochure
Ethernet specifications
• Includes punch tool with integrated modular cable stripper
What is Gigabit?
Cat 6
“Gigabit” relates to the speed of your network. Gigabit is
6551B National Broadband Network 1000Mbps; that is sending 1000 bits of information per second.
Cat 6 Ethernet
Installation Guide
Outlet Wallplate Modems and routers
A modem is the interface between your network and the internet,
it shows you where the internet is and allows you to communicate
6552B with it. These days most modems have a router built in.
Twin Cat 6
Ethernet Wallplate
A router or ‘switch’ allows devices within your home network or • Faster Internet Connection
LAN (Local Area Network) to communicate with each other, this
is where gigabit or Wi-Fi is used. A router does not communicate • Uninterrupted Video Streaming
with the outside world.
6557B Most provided or internet packaged modems/routers and wireless
• Online Gaming
Cat 6 Ethernet modems/routers contain built in 100Mbps Ethernet routers. This
Grid Plate Insert is 10 times slower than gigabit.
Wireless is slower still. Most common home wireless speeds are
around 54Mbps although they usually perform much slower than
RJ45 RJ11 Cat6 Punch Down Network this. Newer systems can perform up to 600Mbps, although this is
Phone LAN UTP Cable Cutter Wire Stripper What is NBN? very uncommon, and not readily available.
The National Broadband Network currently being rolled out in Australia is designed to increase the capability of
Cat 6 Ethernet Fly Lead our internet connections; increasing the amount of information that can be sent, and allowing it to be sent faster. NBN installation
As a comparison, current, non NBN home internet users might experience speeds around 8Mbs (Mega bits per The NBN connection will be installed with it’s own connection
at 6 Ethernet Fly Lead
ertified CATEGORY 6
second), some even exceptional speeds of 20Mbps. The NBN plans to deliver speeds of 50Mbps to 90% of fixed
telephone lines, and up to 100Mbps to fibre connected homes by 2019.
box provided by NBN Co., there is only one portion of the setup
which will concern the end user, and that is the NTD (Network
National Broadband Network
4 AWG UTP twisted pair The best way to ensure you are making full use of your NBN connection is to connect your home network using Termination Device). To find out if you are able to obtain NBN
nagless strain relief
Can I get NBN?
CAT 6 cable and a “gigabit” Ethernet Switch (router). broadband go to this address or scan the QR code shown here
Scan Here
Type in your address to see if the NBN is available in your area,
Why choose a Wired Home Network •A
s the NBN rolls out, more high definition, high data
see if the NBN will be available in the near future. Note in the next
entertainment will become accessible online. As the
AP6001-Bun AP6002-Bun AP6003-Bun
over wireless (Wi-Fi) shift to everything-on-demand becomes more apparent, so will
5 years, the NBN should be available, in some form, to 90% of
• Wi-Fi requires more computer savvy minds to setup the need for a wired network, and the flaws of a wireless system. homes across Australia.
1 metre 2 metre 3 metre
• Wi-Fi possesses a risk of outsiders accessing your network
AP6005-Bun AP6010-Bun AP6020-Bun unless correct security protocols are put into place; ie. WPA, Benefits of a Wired Network
5 metre 10 metre 20 metre WPA2 encryption; ie. Can be accessed from outside of the • More bandwidth, means more information, faster ANTSIG is proudly produced
property boundaries. • Minimal interference, no obstacles (once installed). by Arlec Australia
• Wi-Fi suffers from interference by both radio waves and objects • Completely plug and play – no passwords, no logins required
in signal path, both by which will dramatically reduce speed of • High level security and restricted access; must be inside house
transmission. and plugged in to access network. Arlec Australia
• The range of wireless networks is very limited, around 20-30m, • Speed is only limited by the computer itself, or by the Address: B
uilding 3, 31-41 Joseph Street
in free space, dramatically reduced as the signal passes through connection of the internet, the network will be the fastest Blackburn North, Victoria, Australia 3130
walls and objects. communication factor in your home or office. Mail: PO BOX 1065, Blackburn North, Victoria 3130, Australia
• Wi-Fi Transmission speed is significantly less than what can be • Large range – around 100m, included fly lead. Phone: +613 9982 5000 Fax: +613 9982 5199 Sales Fax:1300 360 650
AP6047-Bun AP6045-Bun achieved over CAT6 wired networks Wireless is still useful as a supplementary system to a wired
Modular crimp tool RJ45 Connectors • Typical hardware supplied with wireless or Wi-Fi broadband network, and so should be installed alongside. We all use Sales/Spare Parts
• Used for crimping • RJ45 connectors for terminating packages and installations are generally insufficient to provide wireless devices in our everyday lives like mobile phones, tablets Fax: 1300 360 650 (toll free)
8P (RJ45), 6P (RJ11), CAT6 cables and laptops/notebooks. Wi-Fi is very convenient and useful for Phone: +613 9982 5111
the speeds and capabilities for that of the NBN.
4P (RJ10) • 10x Gold plated RJ45 connections 8P8C low volume data applications, and still a cheaper way access the Spare Parts:
• Wi-Fi or wireless networks do not have the resources to provide Customer Service:
modular connector internet through mobile devices (in comparison to 3G/4G costs).
HD video, or high quality streaming over a home network, to a Tech Support:
smart TV or PC, this is best left to a plugged in system.
• Once you have bought the equipment you need for your
installation, you can begin be marking out the position
of your wall plates, make sure they are nowhere near
whatsoever, call a professional trades person, like an
Connector electrician to help you cut the holes in your plasterboard.
• Once you are satisfied with the positions cut the holes for
each of your wall plates.
National Broadband Network CAT6
patch lead
Cat 6 Ethernet • Next, begin by installing your cable. It should be installed
Grid Plate Insert point to point. With one room being the hub containing
USE “B” COLOUR DIAGRAM the starting port for data points in the house, this is also
Before You Begin.. FOR Wiring a
Mounting Bracket where your router equipment and (most likely) where your
NBN connection would live.
Plan your Installation A
B • Terminate the cable at the rear of each wall plate as
• Before you buy anything, begin by planning out your A shown on fig 1.
installation; think about the room in which you would like
the main networking equipment to live, and also where Study- central Hub • Before you fix your wall plates test they are functional by;
1. Use cable tester, connecting one end at hub, and the
the future NBN equipment will be situated when installed. 8 PORT other end at designated data point, make sure each light
2 1
• Note: The standard installation provided by NBN does 12 12 34
GIGABIT SWITCH flashes in order as expected.
not facilitate for more complex installations; that is, try to (NTD) OR
choose a position, on the ground floor (if in a multi-storey 2. After making sure the internet is connected to your
dwelling), in a room closest to the street frontage, that
way in the future when you do get the NBN connected you LIVING ROOM router, and the router is connected to each of your wall
plates at the hub. Use a laptop/notebook to test your
are already prepared. internet connection at each data point.
3. Re-terminate any poor connections
• w Once each data point is fine, install all your wall plates.
Your installation is complete.
Networking and Data Points (Wi-Fi) • Connect your equipment to the wall plates using the CAT6
fly leads you have purchased.
•P lan what type of network you would like to have. Solid core Note: You can make your own CAT6 fly leads using Antsig
We would recommend a combination of wireless and cable Products AP6045 and AP6047, and AP6100 cable. It should
gigabit Ethernet. This can be achieved using a wireless CAT6 be known that stranded core CAT 6 cable is used for fly
router with an integrated gigabit router (typically 4 port Outlet leads, as opposed to solid core, as used for the hardwiring.
Ethernet router) or if more ports required, a combination
of Ethernet switch (4 ports, 8 ports or more) plus
in addition to a wireless router; See Study.
This can be used as your main hub, and expanded (if 3. Which rooms would you like to service with Ethernet data points? Amount of Cable Required online instruction videos
required) by connecting further ethernet routers to I. Study (8 x data points) – central hub
II. Living room (4 x data points) or small • Select you position for the hardware to be located, the • You
will also need to work out the number of patch leads required,
achieve the number of ports required for your setup.
4 port Ethernet switch? ‘network hub’ and length at which they will be require to connect your equipment
See Living Room.
III. Bedrooms (1x data point each) • Measure out the amount of cable you will require for the to the data point.
•F urther plan your installation method; ie. Think about
IV. Other – Al Fresco, Dining, Kitchen, etc. installation; buy the cable as one long length, don’t buy • You will find a list of Antsig products you can purchase in this
the following:
• Calculate the number of data points required, and it in pieces. pamphlet that will help you in your installation.
1. W
ill you be running cable though the ceiling or under
thus the number wall plates, and size of router switch required to • You will require 1 length of cable per data point; you cannot join Hint: a cable tester can be handy at times to test that your wiring
the house? Wiring a
service those points. cables together. Cables run from wallplate to wallplate, in a ‘Star is correctly and securely terminated at each end.
2. W here exactly will the cable run in these areas, it should Mounting Bracket
• You can purchase 1, 2 and 4 port wall plates. Topology’. Note: CAT 6 solid core cable should be used for all • Don’t forget to purchase the router equipment from your local
not run adjacent to any power outlets or power cables.
backbone/hardwiring of gigabit networks. computer hardware outlet. Scan Here