Revised Reset 6th Grade Unit Layout and Materials 4 1 24
Revised Reset 6th Grade Unit Layout and Materials 4 1 24
Revised Reset 6th Grade Unit Layout and Materials 4 1 24
TEKS: List the relevant TEKS for this lesson (including content and process skills)
● 6.10B model and describe the layers of Earth, including the inner core, outer core, mantle.
● 6.2A identify advantages and limitations of models such as their size, properties, and
materials (SEP)
● 6.5D examine and model the parts of a system and their interdependence in the function of
the system (RTC)
Resource: McGraw Hill - Username: 4MHTXScience! Password: Vote4mhtxscience!
Based on the image, write down what you observe (see, hear, feel, smell,
taste) and any questions/wonderings on a t-chart.
Use the following card to guide you on how to ask good questions.
Draw a Model: Students work collaboratively with their table group and
will draw a model of the Earth and attempt to explain why the waves travel
differently or get blocked when it gets to the center of the Earth on a large
construction paper. A good model will have 3 parts: Drawings showing
whole/part relationship, labels, and sentences answering the question
(with a provided sentence stem). Teacher will encourage students to try
their best and that they are most likely going to be wrong and create a
culture of mistake-is-how-we-learn.
Why do the waves travel differently or get blocked when they get to the
center of Earth?
Sentence Stem: The waves travel differently when it hits the center of
Earth because _____.
Explain Model Gallery Walk:
Days 3 Students will participate in a gallery walk to view other students' models.
After, students will return with their group and make adjustments based
on the gallery walk
You will walk around the room to review your peers' model. Each student
in the group will share at least one thing they like about their peer’s model
using the following sentence stems:
● I like ______ on this model.
● I think we should add ______ on our model.
● I agree with ______ because ______.
Teacher will select one or more (if any groups have it correct) student
models to use to explain that the waves travel differently in the center of
Earth because the outer core is composed of liquid and the inner core is
composed of solid. This is when the teacher will introduce vocabulary
words such as crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. Teacher will
reference students' labels on their model and say “Instead of saying _____,
scientists says ______.” Teacher will use the following diagrams to support
learning of the concept: Seismic waves created by earthquakes, help
scientist that Earth is made of layers in which the crust, mantle, and inner
core are solids and the outer core is liquid.
Exit Ticket:
What is one way that scientists discovered the different layers of Earth?
Explore Do Now:
Days 4
In the many versions of the Princes and the Pea, a true test to determine if
someone was a princess was placing a pea under several mattresses to see
if they were able to feel the lump of pea even through all those mattresses.
Determine what part of the structure has more pressure and heat and
Based on the video, write down what you observe (see, hear, feel, smell,
taste) and any questions/wonderings on a t-chart.
Use the following card to guide you on how to ask good questions.
Draw a Model: Students work collaboratively with their table group and
will draw a model of the Earth and attempt to explain why the waves travel
differently or get blocked when it gets to the center of the Earth on a large
construction paper. A good model will have 3 parts: Drawings showing
whole/part relationship, labels, and sentences answering the question
(with a provided sentence stem). Teacher will encourage students to try
their best and that they are most likely going to be wrong and create a
culture of mistake-is-how-we-learn.
What causes the bottle to squeeze inwards as the person swims deeper?
Sentence Stem: The bottle squeezes inwards as the person swims deeper
beecause _____.
Explain Model Gallery Walk:
Day 5 Students will participate in a gallery walk to view other students' models.
After, students will return with their group and make adjustments based
on the gallery walk
You will walk around the room to review your peers' model. Each student
in the group will share at least one thing they like about their peer’s model
using the following sentence stems:
● I like ______ on this model.
● I think we should add ______ on our model.
● I agree with ______ because ______.
Teacher will select one or more (if any groups have it correct) student
models to use to explain that the waves travel differently in the center of
Earth because the outer core is composed of liquid and the inner core is
composed of solid. This is when the teacher will introduce vocabulary
words such as crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. Teacher will
reference students' labels on their model and say “Instead of saying _____,
scientists says ______.” Teacher will use the following diagrams to support
learning of the concept: Pressure and temperature increases from the
crust to the inner core.
Exit Ticket:
As you go deeper into Earth’s Layers, what happens to the pressure and
Explain Do Now: Spanish Cognates:
Day 6 What is the difference between the inner and outer core? Crust and Corteza
Students will be provided with a Graphic Organizer of Earth that will match
with the interactive word wall in the classroom. Students will fill out the
graphic organizer while reading, focusing on adding components such as
the Name of the layers, the composition, the state of matter, and any
important facts. After reading, teacher will gather input from students to
add to the classroom’s interactive word wall. In this section students
should only add information about the crust.
Exit Ticket:
McGraw Hill’s Word Lab for the word Crust.
Students will be provided with a Graphic Organizer of Earth that will match
with the interactive word wall in the classroom. Students will fill out the
graphic organizer while reading, focusing on adding components such as
the Name of the layers, the composition, the state of matter, and any
important facts. After reading, teacher will gather input from students to
add to the classroom’s interactive word wall. In this section students
should review information about the crust and add information about the
Exit Ticket:
McGraw Hill’s Word Lab for the word Mantle.
Explain Do Now: Spanish Cognates:
Day 8 Using your notes, create a Venn Diagram comparing the upper mantle to Core and Nucleo
the lower mantle. Outer and Externo
Inner and Interno
Foldable Note Taking:
Continue using the foldable to take notes describing Earth’s core. Teacher
will have an exemplar foldable created ahead of time. Teacher will
aggressively monitor students while taking notes and provide feedback on
what more they can add or correct any misconception.
Students will be provided with a Graphic Organizer of Earth that will match
with the interactive word wall in the classroom. Students will fill out the
graphic organizer while reading, focusing on adding components such as
the Name of the layers, the composition, the state of matter, and any
important facts. After reading, teacher will gather input from students to
add to the classroom’s interactive word wall. In this section students
should review information about the crust and add information about the
Exit Ticket:
McGraw Hill’s Word Lab for the word Inner Core and Outer Core. (Early
finishers should also complete the Word Lab for Core)
Elaborate McGraw Hill’s:
(Optional) ● Learnsmart
● Word Lab Practice
● What is under Earth’s surface?
Evaluate McGraw Hill’s Science CH6 Lesson Review: Lesson 2
Reflection Return to Phenomenon Question: What is under Earth’s
How has your thinking changed since the beginning of the lesson? Can
science and your own personal belief both be true? Why or why not?