Ancient China Geography LP 2

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Kelly Duddy

6​th​ Grade Social Studies

February 13, 2020

Lesson Title​: Exploring 5 Geographic Regions of Ancient China

Rationale​: Analyzing geography is an important historical skill. Additionally, in a time of global

warming and vegetation crises, it is crucial that students learn the importance of how geography
affects viability for life. The enduring understanding for the lesson is “​Climate, physical features,
and vegetation affect the success of life in a region.”​ The essential question for this lesson will
be ​“How does geography affect daily life?”

Standard Assessment

NJSLS SS 6.2.8.B.2.a​ Determine the extent to which Summative:​Students will evaluate each major
geography influenced settlement, the development geographical region of China. They will use a
of trade networks, technological innovations, and the graphic organizer to organize their thoughts, and
sustainability of early river then they will discuss.
valley civilizations.

CRP4. Communicate clearly and effectively and with Formative​: Students use visual, written, and verbal
reason.​Career-ready individuals communicate thoughts, ideas, and communication to explain the pros and cons of the
action plans with clarity, whether using written, verbal, and/or visual climate, vegetation, and physical feature of their
methods. They communicate in the workplace with clarity and assigned region of China through the creation of a
purpose to make maximum use of their own and others’ time. They brochure poster, which they will present to their
are excellent writers; they master conventions, word choice, and
organization, and use effective tone and presentation skills to
articulate ideas. They are skilled at interacting with others; they are
active listeners and speak clearly and with purpose. Career-ready
individuals think about the audience for their communication and
prepare accordingly to ensure the desired outcome.

CRP12. Work productively in teams while using cultural Formative:​Students will work as a team to divide
global competence.​ ​Career-ready individuals positively roles, to create a product, to gather, share, and
contribute to every team, whether formal or informal. They apply an compile new information, and to make a decision.
awareness of cultural difference to avoid barriers to productive and Students will practice working professionally in
positive interaction. They find ways to increase the engagement and teams, while learning about cultural differences in
contribution of all team members. They plan and facilitate effective
team meetings.

Instructional Objectives​: At the end of the lessons, students will be able to:

1. SWBAT work as a team to design an informational brochure about a geographic region

of Ancient China
2. SWBAT evaluate the effect of geography (climate, physical features, and vegetation) on
daily life in Ancient China

Essential Question: ​How does geography affect daily life?

Enduring Understanding: ​Climate, physical features, and vegetation affect the success of life
in a region.

Academic Language:

Demands Supports

Function: Evaluate Students will discuss in groups the pros and cons of a
geographic region. A model of the brochure will be
displayed. Students will also use a graphic organizer
to assist their comparison evaluation of the other

Vocabulary: Tier 1 words (​climate, topography, and vegetation) ​ will

Tier 1: climate, topography, and be reviewed as a class at the start of class, although
vegetation students have been using these words in each unit all
Tier 2: basin, silt, plains, oasis year.
Tier 3: tributaries, loess, plateau Tier 2 words​(​basin, silt, plains, oasis) ​and Tier 3
words (​tributaries, loess, plateau) ​are defined in the
readings and/or supported by visuals, but the teacher
will check in with each group to make sure they
understand their key terms and can communicate
them (visually, in writing, and/or orally) with their

Discourse: Synthesis Students will be grouped heterogeneously based on

skills (strong speakers, artists, writers, etc.). Students
will also be given a model of how to format their poster
synthesis, including ​guided questions​. Teacher and
co-teacher will circulate the room to support and
challenge students.

Materials/Resources​: Poster paper, geography articles, color pencils/markers, evaluation

graphic organizers


Initial Phase (2 minutes):

- Teacher will facilitate a student review of key geographic vocabulary (climate, topography,
Middle Phase (35 minutes):
1. Geographic Brochure (18 minutes)
a. S​tudents will be ​divided heterogeneously into 5 groups based on their skill sets
(writer, speaker, artists, etc.). Students will be given a set of roles, and as a
group will have to determine who will fill each role.
a. Each group will read their assigned article and annotate it (highlight climate,
circle physical features, underline vegetation).
i. Tibet Qinghai Plateau​, ​The Northwestern Deserts​, ​The Northeastern
Plain​, ​The North China Plain​, ​The Chang Jiang Basins​.
b. Groups will then create a physical brochure. The front cover will have a drawing
and a one sentence pitch/slogan. Then, each inside panel will explain the 1)
climate, 2) physical features, and 3) vegetation for that region. Each section will
list pros and cons.
i. The teacher will show the students a model of what the brochure should
include and how it should be formatted.
2. Jigsaw (17 minutes)
a. One group member will stay at their table to present/sell their region. They will
explain the brochure and answer questions.
b. The other group members will take their ​graphic organizers​and each visit a
different region to review it. All members will report back, share what they
learned, complete their graphic organizer, and decide as a group where they
would have wanted to live in Ancient China.

Concluding Phase (7 minutes):

- Students will discuss with their group where they think the best region to live is based on
their ratings and evaluations of the geographic areas.
- Then, each group will share their choice and explain why. If time allows, it can be done as
a five corner debate.

Technology Integration​: Articles from online textbook series, ​History Alive!


Whole Class​: Students will be grouped heterogeneously based on skills

Content​: Students will discuss the content in their groups to aid comprehension
Process​: All students will complete a graphic organizer to aid evaluation of regions.
Product​: Students will produce new content knowledge visually, in writing, and orally
Struggling Readers: ​Important vocabulary words central to the lesson are reviewed all
together. Students will also discuss the content with their peers.
Gifted: ​Students can choose their group role based on their advanced skills.

IEPs/504 Plans/Language Supports, Accommodations, Modifications, Pertinent

Needs: IEP Goals
ADHD - Students will be able to get up and walk around the
room during the jigsaw activity.
- Students can also move as they work in groups to
create their brochures

Audio Processing Disorder - Instructions will be repeated, reiterated, and written on

the board. A model will be displayed as well.
- Teacher will be circling groups, checking in individually
with students with processing delays

Dysgraphia - Students can choose to be the orator for their group,

rather than the writer or artist.
- Students can produce their understanding orally rather
than through writing.

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