Age of Empíres Build Order HERA

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Hera Build Orders 2023

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Cargado por Fernando Duarte el Nov 30, 2023

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AOE 2 DE Heras build orders for november 2023

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Nov 30, 2023

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Optimized Build Orders

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November, 2023

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17 Pop Georgians Healing Scout Rush 2

18 Pop Japanese Man-at-Arms Rush 4

19 Pop Ethiopian 2-Range Archers for Team Games 5

19 Pop Feudal Drush 7

19 Pop Korean Spear Skirm Rush 8

19 Pop 1-Stable Scouts 9

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20 Pop 1-Range Archers

20 Pop + 3 Fishing Ship Build 11

24+2 Pop Fast Castle Boom 12

26+2 Pop Fast Castle into Unique Unit 13

29+2+2 Turk Fast Imperial 14

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17 Pop Georgians Healing Scout Rush

Age Vils Task Note
7 Send 7 villagers to sheep 7 7

1 Send 1 villager to lure boar 8 8

3 Send 3 more vils to boar under TC 11 11

- [Highly Recommended] Lure deer with scout and use mule cart to explore

1 Send 1 vil to make house then mill on berries 12 12

1 Send 1 vil to get second boar 13 13

3 Send 3 more vils to hunt under TC 16 16

- Either get loom or make one more villager and send to hunt under TC

- Research Feudal Age (perfect landing time: 8:00)

Right away send 8 vils from hunt to woodline where you position your mule
- 8 8 0 0
- Send 3 more vils from hunt to berries for 4 total on berries

- Send 2 villagers to make a barracks once you are 50-60 percent up to Feudal

- Queue up loom if you opted for an extra vil in Dark Age

- Make a stable

- Research Double-Bit Axe

Start walling both sides of your base using the stable builders (one to each
side of the base, wall with a mix of houses and palisade walls)
- Make 3 scouts and harass your opponent

- Research Horse Collar

Seed farms with all new vils. If you lack the wood, keep the vils on straggler
trees and make a farm as soon as you have 60 wood
- Once you have 13-14 farms, send the next 7 vils to gold and make a mule cart

- Make a blacksmith

Click up to Castle as soon as you can (if you make extra vils send them to
Decide what you want to do, usual plan is either 2 stable knights or castle
and Monaspa spam
- When your berries run out, make farms with the berry vils around the mill

- Research Bloodlines, Forging, and Scale Barding Armor

- Research Gold Mining upgrade

- Spam either knights or Monaspas

- Research Bow Saw

- Make a fortified church in the best location for your vils

- Make monks for relics

- Make a second TC on another woodline


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17 Pop Georgians Healing Scout Rush continued...

 Georgians have an insane early game, where they get access to a free mule cart at the cost of -50 food
 We will abuse this bonus by scouting with the mule cart and using our scout to lure deer (optional but highly recommended)
 We don’t need to gather a single wood in the early game and so the build is super simple and easy to follow
 Cavalry healing bonus is the main thing we will use to survive Feudal Age. We will make exactly 3 scouts (+1 initial) to rush our
opponent, then wall up as shown in the video tutorial
 The idea is to spend as little time as possible in Feudal Age, and get max value with those few scouts as we hit then run around and
heal then hit again. If needed we can tower or make some more scouts or even a range for skirms to defend, but we will never do
anything just for the sake of attacking
 We either get loom or make an extra villager and up with no loom. I choose to take a risk and go no loom. Since we’re going up
fast I’d rather get the extra 50 res that villager would gather on the way up, and simply pick up loom first thing in Feudal before any
threat comes our way
What’s next?
 From here we try to control the game with our cavalry, our knights heal 10hp/min so if they are weak just run them around and wait
before fighting, can use monk healing to speed it up
 Add siege if needed for either defense or offense
 You can go for more TCs and more churches to expand economy, and you can go heavy on stone for big Castle Age plays
 The usual Imperial composition is going to be cavalry + skirm/hand cannoneer

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18 Pop Japanese Man-at-Arms Rush

 Many civs can do a good man-at-arms rush, but few can do one as quickly as the Japanese.
 The objective of this build is to put immense pressure on our opponent as early as possible
 We want our first punch to be the quick man-at-arms, and we want to follow up as fast as possible with archers + fletching
 This build is tight and leaves very little room for walling or adaptation, so we have to make sure we always have the initiative
 After our initial push with men-at-arms + archers, we can wall and go to castle age if we are ahead or try to stabalize if we are behind
 Immediately after luring deer, we’ll try to find the opponent fast. Check this video for tips: How To Find Your Opponent FAST
Age Vils Task Note
6 Send 6 villagers to sheep 6 6

2 Send 2 villagers to wood 2 8

1 Send 1 villager to lure boar 7 9

1 Send 1 more vil to boar under TC 8 10

- [Mandatory] Lure at least 2 deer

1 Send 1 vil to make house then go back to the hunt under TC 9 11

2 Next 2 vils to hunt under TC (get the second boar during this time) 11 13

1 Send 1 vil to make a barracks in the front of our base 14

2 Send 2 more vils to food under TC 13 16

1 Send 1 villager to wood 3 17

- Research loom

- Research Feudal Age (perfect landing time: 8:25)

- Immediately send 2 vils from hunt to gold and make a mining camp 3 11 2 0

- Make 3 militia then send them across the map to the enemy asap

- Send 4 vils from under TC to the initial lumber camp 7 7 2 0

- Make an archery range right away and start producing archers

- Research Man-at-arms. Target enemy vils with the men-at-arms + scout

- Make a blacksmith as soon as you can afford it

- Research Double-Bit Axe (may need to idle TC for 10 seconds to afford)

2 Send 2 villagers to gold 4 19

1 Send 1 vil to berries and make a mill 8 20

- Slowly add vils to farms/berries before sheep run out completely

Research fletching as soon as you can afford it

(Idling TC for 15-20 seconds is okay to prioritize fletching)
Send your archers across the map and group with remaining MAA.
This army can kill vils behind palisade walls + break buildings
- Keep making archers at home for defense + follow up

What’s next?
 After all this aggression, it’s a good time to slowly set up some defenses:
– Against scouts, add a few spears when you can afford them and wall up
– Against archers, just wall up asap and if they attack you, defend with archers + a tower if needed
 If your early aggression did a lot of damage, feel free to just wall up and defend until Castle Age once your forward army is gone
 If your early aggression didn’t do much then you’ll need to try to adapt and find another win condition, since we invested a lot into it
 Once you get to Castle Age, play it like any archer build and follow the same principles

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19 Pop Ethiopian 2-Range Archers for Team Games

Age Vils Task Note
6 Send 6 villagers to sheep 6 6

2 Send 2 vils to wood and make a house with one of them 2 8

1 Send 1 villager to lure boar 7 9

- [Recommended] Lure 1-3 deer with your scout once you found all your sheep

6 Next 6 vils to hunt under TC (get the second boar during this time) 13 15

1 Send 1 vil to make a mining camp on gold 1 16

2 Next 2 vils to hunt under TC 15 18

- Research loom

- Research Feudal Age (perfect landing time: 8:50)

- Move 7 vils from under TC to your lumber camp 9 8 1 0

- Move 2 vils from under TC and send them to make a barracks and a house 9 6 1 0

- Move 2 vils from under TC to collect stragglers 11 4 1 0

- Make 2 archery ranges and start producing archers

- Use one of the range vils to make a blacksmith and send the other to food 11 5 1 0

- Use the blacksmith villager to make houses and small walls

7 Send 7 villagers to gold 8 25

- Send 2 villagers from straggler trees to food under tc 9 7 8 0

- Get fletching and start attacking with archers

6 Send 6 villagers to berries 13 31

- When sheep run out, slowly add farms until you have 7-8 farms

2 Send 2 villagers to wood 11 33

3 Send 3 villagers to gold 11 36

- Make a market and sell stone to go up to castle

- If you are short food, continue adding villagers to whatever resource you need

- Try to be fully walled around this point or at least well defended

- Research Castle Age (perfect landing time: 19:00)

- Research double bit axe

- Research gold mining

- [OPTIONAL] Get horse collar

- Make a second lumber camp and send 6 vils to another woodline

- Continue attacking with your archers, but DON’T lose them

- Get crossbow and bodkin arrow

- Research bow saw

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19 Pop Ethiopian 2-Range Archers for Team Games continued...

 Easiest with the Ethiopians but it works for other strong archer civs too. Slower civs usually have to go up 20 pop instead
 The objective of this build is to get as many archers as possible right away
 We sacrifice economy in favor of army to be able to gain an early game advantage
 We use the market to get up to castle age faster by selling stone
 Our goal is to win either in feudal or early castle, or get such a lead that we can fall back and add economy until we can eventually
 This build is a lot stronger for a team game flank player because your pocket’s scouts can cover your weakness to skirms
What’s next?
 Get university right away to go for ballistics and all-in to end the game
 Add some siege to help push or defend against their archers and skirms
 Add a monastery and collect relics or convert knights
 Alternatively simply just buy back 100 stone when you wanna add another TC and play it out normally!

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19 Pop Feudal Drush

Recommended Civs Malians, Lithuanians, Japanese, Britons, Vikings
 The objective of this build is to go up quickly, but ensure we get the first punch by making 2 militia while we are on the way to feudal
 2 militia + a feudal scout has the potential to do a lot of damage, we are mainly looking to harass villagers
 You can use your scout to block villagers as they run back to the tc, or to prevent quick walls, while your militia do the main damage
 Another advantage is that we can see exactly what our opponent is doing before having to commit to our feudal age followup. This
way we can properly react to what they are doing
 It is difficult to afford more than 2 militia initially, but we can optionally add more militia or even man at arms upgrade once we are
in feudal
 Compared to a pre-mill drush, this build exerts more pressure with the stronger scout and allows a faster followup
 This build is best executed with civs that have early game economy/infantry bonuses, since it can be hard to afford it without those
Age Vils Task Note
6 Send 6 villagers to sheep 6 6

3 Send 3 villagers to wood 3 9

1 Send 1 villager to lure boar 7 10

1 Send 1 vil to make house then go back to the hunt 8 11

- [Recommended] Lure deer with your scout once you found all your sheep

4 Next 4 vils to hunt under TC (get the second boar during this time) 12 15

1 1 vil to make a barracks in the front of our base and a house next to it 16

1 Add 1 more vil to hunt under TC 13 17

1 Send 1 villager to wood 4 18

- Research loom

- Research Feudal Age (perfect landing time: 8:50)

- Make sure you find where your opponent is asap with your scout

- Make 2 militia right away then send them to your opponent’s base

- Send 4 vils from under TC to the initial lumber camp 8 9 0 0

- Move 1 vil from under TC to berries and make a mill 8 9 0 0

- Use your feudal scout and militia to harass opponent and pick off villagers

- If they fight back with vils, simply run away if they have more than 2

- Research double bit axe

- [Optional] Get horse collar

- Make your follow up based on what your opponent is going for

- Start to slowly wall up your base with 1-2 villagers using houses and walls

What’s next?
 Based on your scouting, you can do thet following:
1. If you see a stable, make 1-3 spears at home, look to go archers for yourself, and make fully walling a priority
2. If you see a range, either follow up with scouts to maintain map control or go for a range yourself and make defensive skirmishers
while walling and going up to Castle Age
3. If you see them adding a lot of militia/man at arms themselves, you can either add more militia to match or add a range and
play into archers
 Make sure to adjust your economy to whichever follow up you go for. If you follow up with scouts/skirms, add a few more vils to
berries and start seeding farms, whereas if you go archers you should send 3-4 vils to gold
 If your drush finds a lot of damage you should plan an aggressive followup, if not you should play more defensively until you can wall
 From here you can either commit to more military, add monks/siege, or simply drop 1-2 more TCs and continue developing. Try to
be flexible and really consider your options to find the best approach

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19 Pop Korean Spear Skirm Rush

Recommended Civs Koreans, Byzantines, Lithuanians
 The objective of this strategy is to harass your opponent with cheap yet effective units as soon as possible
 Allows you to be flexible by either adding a lot of spears vs scout rush, or a lot of skirms vs maa or archer play
 You can transition into alot of things since you dont commit to gold early, you aren’t spread as thin compared to an archer build
 Amazing for lower elos because trash units are very effective there
Age Vils Task Note
6 Send 6 villagers to sheep 6 6

2 Send 2 villagers to wood 2 8

1 Send 1 villager to lure boar 7 9

2 Send 2 more vils to boar under TC 9 11

1 Send 1 vil to make house then mill on berries 10 12

1 Send 1 vil to get second boar 11 13

- [Optional] Lure deer

2 Send 2 more vils to hunt under TC 13 15

3 Send 3 more vils to berries 16 18

- Research loom

- Research Feudal Age (perfect landing time: 8:50)

Send 3 vils to initial lumber camp and make a second lumber camp with 5
- 10 8 0 0
more vils
- Make a barracks when you can afford it

- If needed, move a few from sheep to straggler tree temporarily for extra wood

- Make an archery range

- Make spears ASAP and send them forward

- Research Double-Bit Axe and Horse Collar

- Make skrims ASAP and send them forward

- Make farms until you have 14-16

- Harass opponent and mix spears/skirms as you see fit

- After that send 7 vils to gold and make mining camp

- Make a blacksmith during that time and get fletching

- Finish walling your map with houses and palisades

- After 7 to gold, send vils to wood until you can click up

- When berries run out, send them to either gold/wood/farms as you see fit

What’s next?
 That’s the end of the build. Here’s a few options to continue the game:
– Send 2 more to gold and play 2-range crossbows if opponent is going longswords or heavy knights
– Stay on skirm/spear and get the elite skirm and the pikemen upgrade. Also recommend getting armor for infantry in this case
– Switch to knights (or camels if you are Byzantines) if opponent is super open or if he’s going mainly siege
– Simply add 2 more TCs and get a monastery to pick up relics if nothing crazy is happening
– Send 8 vils to stone on the way up to castle age and go for a guard tower rush or a castle drop

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19 Pop 1-Stable Scouts

Recommended Civs Franks, Huns, Lithuanians, Magyars, Malians
 The objective of this build is to go up quickly and start putting pressure with scouts
 Our goal is to use our mobility and be the first to attack our opponent
 After the initial few scouts, if the opponent is mainly on archers/spearmen, we will make a tech switch into skirms to have scouts
and skirms on the field
 Once we secure map control, we should look to fully wall our base to stay safe from counter attacks
 If the opponent goes for militia/maa aggression, make it a priority to clean their army before attacking them. Do this by using your
vils and scouts and 1 spear to take their infantry out
 This build is best executed with a civilization that has bloodlines, because ideally we want to go into knights in castle age, and we
want to have the option to go heavy scouts in feudal
Age Vils Task Note
6 Send 6 villagers to sheep 6 6

2 Send 2 villagers to wood 2 8

1 Send 1 villager to lure boar 7 9

1 Send 1 vil to make house then mill on berries 8 10

- [Recommended] Lure deer with your scout once you found all your sheep

6 Next 6 vils to hunt under TC (get the second boar during this time) 14 16

2 Send 2 villagers to wood 4 18

- Research loom

- Research Feudal Age (perfect landing time: 8:50)

Either send 4 vils to the initial lumber camp (8 total, more aggressive) or 5
- 8 10 0 0
vils to make a new lumber camp (9 total, more defensive)
- Move 4 vils from under TC to berries 8 10 0 0

- Move 1 vil from under TC to make a barracks 60% of the way to feudal 8 9 0 0

- Make a stable with 2 vils 8 7 0 0

- Research double bit axe

- Research horse collar

- Use the 2 vils that build the stable to wall opposite sides of your base

- Start seeding farms as soon as you have extra wood in the bank

- Keep adding scouts and use them to attack your opponent or defend

- [Optional] Make 1-4 spears if you are scared of enemy scouts

What’s next?
 If opponent is on mainly arch/spear, we can add a range and make skirms
 If opponent is on scouts, then we can continue adding scouts and a couple more spears until we are fully walled, once fully walled
take all your military units and attack them
 We will naturally want a blacksmith, so pick that up when you can
 If game is hectic in feudal age, pick up bloodlines once you have 7-8 scouts, then pick up armor/attack on them
 Pick up horse collar (if you skipped it) and gold mining upgrade after you click up to castle age
 Once in castle age we have a ton of options, I recommend going 2 stable knights as a default, but also going elite skirm from 1 range
if they has a huge mass of xbow
 Light cav is a great option if you have a bunch of left over scouts or if you want to counter their monks
 Prioritize blacksmith upgrades depending on the situation
 Get bow saw
 From here you can either commit to more military, add monks/siege, or simply drop 1-2 more TCs and continue developing. Try to
be flexible and really consider your options to find the best approach

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20 Pop 1-Range Archers

Recommended Civs Britons, Mayans, Ethiopians, Tatars, Vikings
 The objective of this build is to go up rather quickly and start massing archers right away
 We commit to just 1 range because we value the faster Fletching more than the second range and more army
 This allows for a faster Castle time, or transition into scouts as a response to our opponent having a lot of skirms
 This build is best executed with a civilization that has both Arbalest and Bracer because that is what we are scaling into
 It can also be done with a cavalry based civ, however, we will have to transition in mid Castle/Imp into a completely different unit
class, which could make things awkward
Age Vils Task Note
6 Send 6 villagers to sheep 6 6

3 Send 3 villagers to wood 3 9

1 Send 1 villager to lure boar 7 10

1 Send 1 vil to make house then mill on berries 8 11

- [Recommended] Lure deer with your scout once you found all your sheep

6 Next 6 vils to hunt under TC (get the second boar during this time) 14 17

2 Send 2 villagers to wood 5 19

- Research loom

- Research Feudal Age (perfect landing time: 9:15)

- Move 5 vils from under TC and make a lumber camp on a second woodline 10 9 0 0

- Move 2 vils from under TC and send them to straggler trees 12 7 0 0

- Move 1 vil from under TC and make a house >barracks >back to food 12 7 0 0

- Move 2 vils from under TC and make a mining camp on the gold 12 5 2 0

- Get Double-Bit Axe (we will skip Horse Collar for now)

- Make a range and start producing archers asap

2 Send 2 villagers to gold 4 21

- Make a blacksmith and get Fletching when you can afford it

- [Optional] Make 1-4 spears if you are scared of enemy scouts

- Move 4 more vils from TC to berries (5 total on berries) 12 5 4 0

- Start making farms as soon as you have the wood for it

- Start walling with 2-3 vils using a mix of houses and palisades

What’s next?
 The goal from here is to get up to Castle Age with a healthy mass of 10-15 archers and simply get Crossbowman/Bodkin
 However, if your opponent is attacking you with many skirms and your walls aren’t up yet, you can add a stable and use a few scouts
to defend alongside your archers
 When you click up to Castle Age, you can add another production building (either a 2nd range or a stable)
 When you get to Castle Age you have a ton of options, you start by getting bow Bow Saw/Bodkin/Crossbowman then you can either
add TCs for your economy, or invest more into military by adding a monastery/university/siege workshop
 The choices are many and depend a lot on your personal style, on the civ matchup, and on the position in the game. Try to be
flexible and really consider your options to find the best approach

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20 Pop + 3 Fishing Ship Build

Recommended Civs Italians, Japanese, Vikings, Lithuanians, Malians
 The objective of this build is to setup a strong early game economy with prescence on water
 By adding 3 fishing ships in Dark Age, we are gathering more resources per second, and the longer they stay alive the more advantage
we get
 This build also sets us up nicely with a dock, which lets us fight for water more easily
 Very adaptable build, can be used for any hybrid or water map with deep sea fish
 Leads to a variety of strategies in Feudal Age
Age Vils Task Note
6 Send 6 villagers to sheep 6 6

5 Send 5 villagers to wood 5 11

1 Send 1 villager to lure boar 7 12

1 Send 1 vil to make a house then a dock (then take shorefish usually) 8 13

1 Add 1 vil to boar under TC 9 14

1 Send 1 vil to get the second boar 10 15

Make fishing ships (up to 3) as soon as your dock is up, usually you also have
to make a house right after your first fishing ship
4 Add 4 more vils to food under TC 14 19

- Research loom

- Research Feudal Age (perfect landing time: 9:15)

Right away take 7 vils from sheep under TC and make a 2nd lumber camp on
- 12 7 0 0
another woodline
What’s next?
 That’s actually the end of the build, not because I can’t go further, but rather because there are way too many variations of this build
 I will give you some tips for the most common variations
 For galley/fire galley rushes, take the rest of your sheep villagers and send them to stragglers initially, then send 3 to gold for galleys,
or 5 to gold for fire galleys. Make 1-2 extra docks and get ready to fight for the water as soon as feudal kicks in
 For maps like Four Lakes where you want to fight on land while having a dock, I recommend adding a barracks on the way up, and
then if you go archers, send 3 of the remaining sheep vils to gold. If you want skirms or scouts just keep them on sheep
 General tip for water maps is to always add in fishing ships if you have control of the water and there are plenty of deep sea fish
 Avoid fish trapping unless your water is super super safe
 In big water go galleys and micro, in smaller ponds go for fires/demos
 Using the market to sell stone and buy food is a good way to get to Castle Age fast without needing a ton of farms on water maps
 In Castle Age onwards demo ships are crazy OP so take advantage of them as much as possible

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