Physical Development Notes
Physical Development Notes
Physical Development Notes
1. Running/Jogging
PHYSICAL FITNESS 2. Walking: Brisk walking
3. Cycling
Physical Fit- a combination of health 4. Swimming
fitness and body fitness, involves a 5. Jump Rope
person's ability to engage in physical 6. Dancing
activities and sports activities, while also 7. Aerobic Classes: Various group
having extra energy for additional exercise classes like aerobics, Zumba, step
activities. aerobics, and cardio kickboxing provide
guided aerobic workouts with music and
Sedentary- sedentary lifestyle is a lifestyle routines.
type, in which one is physically inactive 8. Rowing
and does little or no physical movement 9. Hiking
and or exercise.
Skills Related Fitness Components: -muscle-strengthening exercises,
1.Agility –The ability of the individual to targets specific muscle groups or multiple
change direction or position in space with muscles simultaneously, utilizing external
quickness and lightness of movement resistance like weights, resistance bands,
while maintaining dynamic balance. or body weight to increase muscle
(Obstacle courses, crawling exercise) strength and endurance over time.
2.Balance – The ability to control organic
equipment neuron-muscularly; a state of Importance of Muscle Strengthening:
3.Coordination - The ability to integrate 1. Muscle strengthening exercises
the body parts to produce smooth motion. - enhance muscle strength, making
4.Endurance – The ability to sustain long everyday tasks easier and improving
continued contractions where a number of physical performance in various activities
muscle groups are used; the capacity to like grocery shopping and sports
bear or last long in a certain task without participation.
undue fatigue. (Plank, push ups)
5.Flexibility – The quality of plasticity, 2. Enhances Metabolism- maintaining
which gives the ability to do a wide range muscle requires more energy than fat
of movement. tissue, enhancing resting metabolic rate
6.Organic Vigor – It refers to the and aiding in weight management by
soundness of the heart and lungs which burning more calories even at rest.
contributes to the ability to resist disease.
7. Power – The ability of the muscles to 3. Improves Body Composition
release maximum force in the shortest - muscle strengthening is a crucial
period of time. process that enhances body composition
8. Speed – The ability to make successive by reducing body fat and increasing lean
movements of the same kind in the muscle mass, leading to a more
shortest period of time. aesthetically pleasing physique and
9.Strength – The capacity to sustain the improved overall health.
application of force without yielding or
breaking; the ability of the muscles to 4. Improves Bone Health- Resistance
exert efforts against resistance. (Squat, training is known to increase bone
plank) density, which can reduce the risk of
osteoporosis and fractures, especially in
older adults.
- Bones, like muscles, respond to
physical activity by growing stronger.
Strength-building and weight-bearing
activities are optimal for building healthy
Bones support your body and